Atlas Centaur AC-2 Press Kit
Atlas Centaur AC-2 Press Kit
Atlas Centaur AC-2 Press Kit
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test flights.
in propulsion research.
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launched from 36A which was used for the first time on May 8,
1962: when tIe first Centaur test flight was attempted.
Construction on 36B was begun last March under direction of
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and it is due for completion
in late 1964.
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First Stao
The Centaur first stage is a modified Series D Atlas
space booster similar to that used for Mercury and Agena
projects, except that the tapered nose has been eliminated
to accommodate the second stage. A 10-foot diameter inter-
stage adapter and separation system have been added.
The standard Atlas radio guidance is eliminated since a
new inertial guidance system is carried in the second stage.
Second Stage
The inertial guidance system is comprised of five boxes
mounted on the forward end of the Centaur stage. The 30-
pound inertial platform has four gimbals, three gyros for
stabilization and three accelerometers for measurements. The
18.3-pound platform electronics unit contains amplifiers,
resolvers, and relays. The 60-pound pulse rebalance unit
contains the accelerometer rebalance circuits and the system
power supply. The 65-pound computer consists of memory and
arithmetic sections. The 9-pound signal conditioner processes
information about the guidance system operation and feeds it
to the telemetry system for post flight evaluation on the
RL-10 Engine
Two RL-10 engines are used to power the second stage of
the Centaur launch vehicle. Using liquid hydrogen and liquid
oxygen as propellants, each engine generates 15,000 pounds of
thrust for a total of 30,000 pounds. The RL-10 is the first
such high-energy engine developed by the United States for
space applicatf on.
As long as ignition is avoided, liquid hydrogen is chemically
provide about 35 per cent more thrust for every pound than the
pounds of thrust.
and solved.
One such problem centered around the rapid boiloff and violent
materials that will not freeze, become brittle and fail under
late in tle Centaur R&D program will provide more vital information
crude oil and natural gas, breaks it down into hydrogen gas,
carbon dioxide, and other products and then refrigerates and
purifies the hydrogen. The end product -- liquid hydrogen --
Lightweight hydrogen has been called the ultimate fuel.
The Sun itself "burns" hydrogen in its internal thermonuclear
reactions that provide light and heat to our solar system.
Fusion rockets duplicating the energetic reactions of the Sun
are in the infancy stages of research but hydrogen will find
more immediate use in nuclear rockets.
Because of the many problems to be overcome in developing
areas: Pt. Loma, Sycamore Canyon and Edwards Rocket Test Site,
countdown procedures.
NASA at GD/A, San Diego, where both the Atlas and Centaur
as if on an actual mission.
testing. -more-
Boost pumps for the RL-10 engines were designed and built
by Pesco Products Division, Borg-Warner Corp., Cleveland, Ohio.
Turbines for the boost pumps are built by General Electric Co.,
Lynn, Mass.