Undself: Philosophers
Undself: Philosophers
Undself: Philosophers
UNDSELF the history of philosophy. The Greeks were the ones seriously
Dimension of MAN questioned myths and moved away from them in attempting
1. Man is a SPIRITUAL being. to understand reality.
2. Man is a Social being.
3. Man is an Economical being. A name is not a person itself no matter how intimately bound
4. Man is Intellectual being it is with the bearer. It is only a signifier. The self is something
5. Man is an Emotional being. that a person perennially molds, shapes, develops. The self is
6. Man is a Societal being. not a static thing that one is simply born. Everyone is tasked to
7. Man is a Cultural being. discover one’s self.
The goal of life: human person is to attain communion and bliss Soul
with the Divine by living his life on earth in virtue. A perfect realization of the natural body. Bod and the
soul are unified. Product of truth of the body the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- substance in which only the bodily conditions gain this
Thomas Aquinas real meaning.
- Man is composed of two parts: Soul manifests activity in certain faculties: stages of the biological
Matter development.