Undself: Philosophers

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The inquiry on the self has preoccupied the earliest thinks in

UNDSELF the history of philosophy. The Greeks were the ones seriously
Dimension of MAN questioned myths and moved away from them in attempting
1. Man is a SPIRITUAL being. to understand reality.
2. Man is a Social being.
3. Man is an Economical being. A name is not a person itself no matter how intimately bound
4. Man is Intellectual being it is with the bearer. It is only a signifier. The self is something
5. Man is an Emotional being. that a person perennially molds, shapes, develops. The self is
6. Man is a Societal being. not a static thing that one is simply born. Everyone is tasked to
7. Man is a Cultural being. discover one’s self.


- The condition of identity that make one subject of
experience distinct from all others. Socrates (470-399 B.C.)
- It is sometimes understood as a unified being essentially - father of Western philosophy
connected to consciousness, awareness and agency or - He never wrote down any of his teachings, his student,
with in the faculty of rational choice. Plato, did this for him
- A human being or a soul. - Socrates’ philosophy arose out of his negative feeling in
relation to the teaching of the Sophists…
- to be aware of one self is to have concept of one self. The life of Socrates
(Baumester) - Born around 470 B.C.
- Lived in Athens at the height of its civilization
Self Concept – individual belief about herself/himself including - Described as a very ugly man, who often walked barefoot
the person’s attribute and who or what the self is. and wore the same kind of clothes whatever the weather
Self awareness – conscious knowledge of one’s own character, - Excellent solider – he had great physical power and could
feeling, motives and desires. endure a lot
Self image – idea one has of one’s ability, appearance and - He was a very disciplined person
personality. Mental picture, generally of a kind that is quite - He was interested in the development of a person’s moral
resistance to change, that depicts not only details that are character
potentially available to objective investigation by others, but - He lived a virtuous life
also items that have been learned by that person above
themselves, either from personal. The philosophy of Socrates
Self esteem – individual overall subjective emotional Socrates was also concerned with justice
evaluation of his/her own worth. It is the decision made by an  He wanted life to be fair for all
individual as an attitude towards the self.  It was a person’s duty to explore the truth
Self disclosure – process of communication by which one regarding right & wrong, justice & injustice,
person reveals information about himself/herself to another. courage & cowardice
Self actualization – realization or fulfillment of one’s talent  He worked to find principles and laws that all could
and potentials. It is a desire for self fulfillment. live by and be happy
 Universal: these truths would be applicable for all people,
at any time, everywhere and in all cases
Other important issues for Socrates SUMMARY
The soul  Virtue (knowledge) is the most valuable of all things
The soul is hugely important in his philosophy  Life should be spent in search of goodness
- Had to be nurtured and protected  Truth is possible to achieve
- Gaining wisdom would save the soul  People should focus on self-development rather than
- This would lead the person to living a virtuous life material wealth
“Knowing what is good is same as doing what is good.”  It is the job of philosopher to show people how little they
~Socrates really know
- Believed people would not willingly do wrong  An action is right when it promoted true happiness
- No one wants to be a bad person
- Later philosophers would disagreed with him Note: Everyone is composed of body and soul. Every human
- They said that a person might know what is right but may person is dualistic, (composed of two important aspects of his
not be strong enough or disciplined enough to do personhood.
“All individuals have an imperfect, impermanent aspect, the
。 Man must live and stand according to his nature. He BODY, while maintaining that there is also a soul that is perfect
must look at himself to find WHAT. and permanent.”
。 KNOWLEDGE is inherent in man. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
。 WISDOM is learning to collect. PLATO
。 Knowledge can be obtain between the soul and itself. - Soul
。 SELF is not to be identified with WHAT we own, social - 3 components:
status reputation, even with the body. Our + We self is 1. Rational soul (reason/intellect) (to govern the
the soul. affairs of human)
2. Spirited soul (emotions)
The execution of Socrates 3. Appetitive soul (desires: eating, sleeping, sex)
- Socrates was executed in 399 B.C. - Mind is immaterial mind (soul)
- Saw Athens was in danger of destruction - Material body
- Became critical of the government - The soul that knows the forms. Soul exist before birth and
- He was a social and moral critic after birth.
- He attempted to improve the Athenian’s sense of justice - Soul or mind attains knowledge of the forms as opposed
- His pursuit of virtue and his strict adherence to truth to the senses. We should care about our soul rather our
clashed with Athenian society body.
- He claimed he was the wiser one since he was the only - Soul is divided into three parts.
person aware of his own ignorance  Reason
- Put on trial and found guilty  Appetite (physical urges)
 Heresy  Will (emotion, passion, spirit) live anger etc.
 Corrupting the minds of the youth
- Socrates was forced to drink a lethal poison
- He was given the opportunity to escape
- However, he chose not to escape, drank the poison and Social aspect of human nature:
died… We are not self sufficient, we need others, we benefit
from others social interacts from other person’s talent,
aptitude and friendship.
Diagnosis: Form (morphe) essence of a substance or thing. It is
Person is different as to which part of their nature is what makes it is. Soul is what animates the human body. It is
predominant; what makes us human.
1. Dominated by reason – seek philosophical, knowledge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Dominated by spirit – will, emotion Aristotle
3. Dominated by appetite – profit seek material gain. - Soul as the form of natural body that has the potential to
possess life.
Theory of FORM - The body must be furnished with lungs, stomach etc.
- Knowledge is an active process through which we organize - Life is the process of growth and nutrition.
and classify our perception.
- Form – ideas/ concepts which we at least. Sensation require an external stimulus to move the
4 aspects potentiality to an actuality.
1. Logical name things (general words) As perceptive organ the eye: is potentially what the object is
2. Metaphysical – ultimately real actually.
3. Epistemological – knowledge, perception lead to
belief and opinion.  Man is a rational animal. Man is able to speak. Ability to
4. Moral – ideas of human conduct justice and equality. speak allows man to be able to determine the difference
between what is right and wrong, what is beneficial and
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- harmful.
Augustine Application:
Augustine’s view of human nature A fulfilled person was an educated person. Education was
Man is of a bifurcated nature. An aspect of man dwells essential for self realization.
in the world and is imperfect and continuously yearns to be The supreme good to which all men aspire is happiness.
with the Divine and the other is capable of reaching
immortality.  He believed:
The body is bound to die on earth, the soul is to anticipate People make mistake when their judgement is not found
living eternally in a realm of spiritual bliss in communion with on reason. A person cannot make a mistake if they have
God. knowledge of something.
Man should know his own weaknesses so that he could
Body – imperfect (physical reality in the world move cognizant of what he does, how he creates
Soul stay after death eternal realm mistakes.

The goal of life: human person is to attain communion and bliss  Soul
with the Divine by living his life on earth in virtue. A perfect realization of the natural body. Bod and the
soul are unified. Product of truth of the body the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- substance in which only the bodily conditions gain this
Thomas Aquinas real meaning.
- Man is composed of two parts: Soul manifests activity in certain faculties: stages of the biological

 Matter development.

 Form 1. Faculty of nutrition

Matter (hyle) common stuff that makes up everything on 2. Movement

earth. Man’s body is matter. 3. Reason

Man possesses a natural want for knowledge.

John Locke  Empiricism – theory that says all knowledge comes from
- Even if a man has the ability to think, it does not mean that the senses. The mind is not separated from perception.
he is suing it. Others have chosen to live in ignorance, Self is a bundle of impression that can categorized into two:
others think very weak, others are slave to their emotions impression & idea
which they use their brains to understand the laws of
nature. Others chose to simply be bad because they are - Impression
accustomed to it. These are basic object of our own experiences or
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sensation. The core of thoughts. Products of the direct
Rene Descartes experience with the world.
Self – the autonomy of the first person. - Idea
I can realize that I am existing regardless of what the world I These are copies of impressions
live in is like. Self
Man simply want to believe that there is a unified,
Cognitive foundation of my own thinking is independent of its coherent self. What one thinks is a unified self is simply a
ecological relationship. Such as: gender, race, social status, combination of all experiences with a particular person.
upbringing are all irrelevant to capture the idea of the self. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gilbert Ryle
 Self is a thinking thing distinct from the body “cogito What truly matters is the behavior that a person
ergo sem” I think therefore I am”. manifests in his day to day life.
 Mind and body physically together as a “whole” but they SELF is not an entity one locate and analyze but simply the
are independent and serve their own functions. convenient name that people use to refer to all the behavior
We must use our mind and thinking abilities to investigate, that people make.
analyze, experiment, develop our own will reason. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is important to doubt as far as possible all things in order to Merleau – Ponty
become a real seeker for the truth. Dualism: the mind and “Mind and Body they are intertwined they cannot be
body where co dependent to each other. separated from one another. Body is the opening towards the
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- existence in the world. Because of these bodies men are in the
Immanuel Kant world. The living body, his thoughts, emotions, and
 A mind that organizes the impression that men get from experiences are all one”.
the external world. >> The Self Society & Culture <<
 Without self one cannot organize the different Society – place where people interact while sharing the same
impressions that one gets in relation to his own culture.
existence. Culture – way of life
 Intelligence that synthesize all knowledge and Components:
experience. 1. Language
 Self is not just what personality but a seat of knowledge 2. Religion – teach us morals
acquisition for all human persons. 3. Values – ideas of moral
Beliefs – idea that is shared in community
David Hume Characteristics
 A wise man therefore proportions his/her belief to the 1. Separate
evidence. - Self is distinct from others, unique, it has its own identity.
2. Contained & independent  Self always in participation with social life its identity
- Its distinctiveness allows to be self contained with its own subject and to influence here and there. (you need to be
thoughts, characteristics & volition does not require any flexible enough to adjust.
other self to exist.
- In itself it com (we don’t need other person to be self, The self & culture
don’t need body etc.) FRENCH anthropologist: Marcel Mauss
3. Consistent Every self has two faces
- It has a personality that is enduring expected to persist self 1. Moi is a person’s basic identity. A person’s sense of who
continuous, it doesn’t stop. she/he is. His biological givenness.
Environment is good = good result that enhance your nature 2. Personne means composed of social concepts of what it
4. Unitary means to be who he/she is.
- Center of all experiences and thoughts. The emotion and - What means to live in a particular institution, particular
thoughts processes and converge. family, particular nationality and how to behave given
- Like mind map, you are in the center and the branches are expectations and influences from others.
your experiences (external world)  Social constructivism “language is important”
An element of culture and has tremendous effect
in crating of the self. This is how it divides and
regards differences about self.
>> The “Self” in Western and Eastern Thoughts <<
The self by eastern philosophy
5. Private Brahman is believed to be the absolute and the ground
- Each human person sorts out imformation, feelings and for all things. Hex is the power to animate, the principle of life
thoughts. Atman, the mere reflection of Brahman.
- Isolated from external world - Goal of a ATMAN – know the live reality by destroying the
- It lives within its world ignorance through acquisition of proper knowledge.
Nature vs. Nurture - Man’s individuality and identity cease with the discovery
The self of what might be, can be, it will be. of the Absolute. Man completely dependent to Brahman.
- Principle of reincarnation, transmigration of soul and
- All life is interconnected have clear implications for a thing
 Social constructivist theory of human nature.
The view of the person & social context merged. Where “The self within all this self of yours”.
the boundaries of one cannot be fully separated from
the boundaries of others. (Stevens, 1996) Atman – ultimate self, autonomous unit operating
*environment affects self. independent of other being but part of this larger interrelated
network of reality.
 Self should not be seen as static entity that stay constant Inner controller of life.
self is to be seen as something that is unceasing flux.
- Constant struggle with external reality. True self is the eternal dimension of reality, not different to the
- Malleable in dealings with society. highest reality Brahman.
Brahman – unborn self, unageing self, undying, immortal, free and will.
from fear. We have no control over our destiny.
Philosophy: - We have the ability to resist or conform to the decree of
Our present life is just one long, long series of death and heaven.
rebirth. - All human beings are fundamentally the same.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The most important virtue of human is benevolence (jen)
Buddhism to achieve human perfection.
Psycho – physical constitute a man. Namarupa. Nama(mind) 2 parts
rupa(matter body). The two are interdependent.  Component for human
Teaching: Man has to free himself from ignorance and  Component for two
sufferings to attain peace and happiness of the mind. 2 people standing together in harmony
Disregards the existence of the soul adheres to the concept of Benevolence – human heartedness, humanness.
impermanence. The core of perfected human being is a benevolent heart.
 Emphasis: commitment to ideal life (Dharma) - Privacy of family and strong sense of duty must be taught.
God is truth the best to seek truth is non violence. - Golden Rule: do not do unto others what you do not want
Teaching: nothing exist without a cause. All beings have other do unto you.
Buddha nature should be taught the equality and brotherhood ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of men. Taoism
The self is an illusion, born out of ignorance, of trying to hold Philosophy: All things originated from Tao (nature)
and control things, human centered needs. - Tao rejects the principle of strictness brought by
Self is also the source of sufferings. Confucianism.
The quest is to forget about the self, forget the cravings of the - Self is the part of the universe.
self break the attachment you have in the world. - “idea self” is selflessness but not forgetting the self, it is
Renounce the self as the cause of all suffering and in doing so living in balance life with society and nature.
attain the state of nirvana. - Being open, accepting to change.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Forgetting about prejudices, egocentric ideas.
Christianity - Thinking about equality, complimentary about human.
Jewish teaching (Jesus Christ of Nazareth) - No restrictions about legalistic standards because they
Man is precious being redeemed by the passion and death of believe that you are in harmony with everything.
Christ. - Things are ever changing that which governs the change is
not changing.
Confucianism - Anything that develops certain extreme equality reverts to
Goodness of man, sense of mercy, sense of shame, respect the opposite
right and wrong, man should make his own destiny. - Tao who attains clear vision of eternal, Tao acquires
 Self cultivation – the ultimate purpose of life. (subdued happiness and peace.
self) personal needs are repressed for the good of many.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Confucianism a code of ethical conduct (act according to the Self in Western perspective
relationship of people focused on having harmonious life. - Focus is looking towards the self.
 “Heaven is the author of the virtue that is in me”. - Does not discount the role of environment and society.
The human beings have the capacity to cultivate virtue - They look the world in “dualities” (the creator is separate
and bring themselves in harmony in heaven. from the object he created).
In certain areas of human life, human being exercise freedom Individualistic culture – they loose associations or even loyalty
to their groups. Competition is the name of the game. - Clothing is a form of self expression, we choose and wear
 Westerns emphasize more value of equality even if they clothes that reflect our self.
see that the individual can rise above everything else. - The fabric and style of the clothes we wear bring
Because everyone is on their own in the competition, sensations to the body to which directly affect attitudes
one can say that they create fair competition and project and behavior.
3. Immediate
Self in Eastern perspective - We place investment in our immediate family when we
- Self is the other person as part of yourself as well as the see them as the nearest replica of our self.
things you may create, a drama in which everyone is
interconnected with their specific roles 4. Home
- They look after the welfare of their groups and values - Our home is where our heart is. The home is an extension
cooperation. of self, we can directly connect our self.
Collectivistic culture – emphasis is on hierarchy as the culture
wants to keep things in harmony and order. Note: The more investment of self to things, made us attached
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to those things. The more we identify ourselves to it.
William James: The principle of Psychology (1890)
Self can be examined through its different components Russek Belk “We regard our possessions as part of ourselves.
1. Its constituents We area what we have and what we possess”.
2. Feeling and emotions they arouse – self feelings
3. The actions to which they prompt – self seeking and self The political self and being a Fiipino
preservation. 1. Culture – traits and values
2. History – influence the manner Filipinos learn, live and
Constituents of the Self behave.
1. Material self
2. Social self
3. Spiritual self and the pure ego
Material Self
- Bodies, clothes, immediate family, and home. Things that
we love to put our investment of our self. Self – the condition of identity that make one subject

1. Body – innermost part of our material self.

- We are so much attached to our body and we are investing
to our body, the goal is to maintain our body functions and

2. Clothes – microcosms (the philosophy of Dress) Herman

- Anytime we bring an object into the surface of our body,
we invest that object into the consciousness of our
personal existence taking in its contours to be our own
and making it part of the self.

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