Samson's Details
Samson's Details
Samson's Details
Samson’s Birth
Samson’s story skips from his birth to his adulthood, where his first
distinguishing act is to ask his father to bring him a certain Philistine
woman to be his wife. Samson’s parents object, asking him to find a
woman among the Israelites. But the text justifies Samson’s choice,
explaining that by marrying a Philistine woman Samson would have
opportunities to infiltrate and fight the Philistines, who were the current
oppressors of the Israelites.
In fact, it is on his way to claim this non-Israelite bride that Samson first
barehanded” . Shortly thereafter he uses this strength to kill 30
Philistine men in a fit of rage, fulfilling the angel’s prophecy from the
previous chapter. This first act against the Philistines exemplifies
Samson’s revenge-based vigilantism.
The most famous of all of Samson’s attacks against the Philistines comes
in chapter 15. The Philistines raid a town in Judah in order to lure and
capture Samson. To save themselves, the Judeans tie up Samson to
deliver him to the enemy. But this episode does not end well for the
The Philistines came shouting to meet [Samson]; and the spirit of the
Lord rushed on him, and the ropes that were on his arms became like
flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands. Then he
found a fresh jaw-bone of a donkey, reached down and took it, and with it
he killed a thousand men. (Judges 15:14-15)=Marvin
Samson’s Details
Again, Samson leads no army, but acts entirely on his own, fueled by his
super-human ability.
Three times she begs to know the secret of his strength, and three times
he lies to her. Finally, after Delilah nags persistently, he confesses: “A
razor has never come to my head; for I have been a nazirite to God from
my mother’s womb. If my head were shaved, then my strength would
leave me” (Judges 16:17).=Isaac
Samson’s Death
Samson’s death ends up being his greatest victory against the Philistines.
The Philistines bring Samson down to Gaza and bind him to two pillars in
their temple as a display for the amusement of the Philistine worshipers.
Here Samson prays to God, asking for his strength to return to him one
more time (Judges 16:28).
Samson’s Details
God responds by sending Samson a final burst of strength, and Samson
pushes against the pillars and brings the entire temple down, killing
himself and all those in the temple with him. The text concludes: “Those
he killed at his death were more than those he had killed during his
life” (Judges 16:30).=AVAN
According to the Bible, Manoah was of the tribe of Dan and lived in the
city of Zorah. He married one woman, who was barren. Her name is not
mentioned in the Bible, but according to tradition she was called
Hazelelponi or Zʻllpunith. ... Manoah and his wife were the parents of
famous judge Samson.=AVAN
Manoah, he married one woman, who was barren. Her name is not
mentioned in theBible, but according to tradition she was called
Hazelelponi or Zʻllpunith. She was a daughter of Etam and sister of
Ishma. Manoah and his wife were the parents of famous
judge Samson=ETHAN
Samson’s Details