In the current study, we determined whether increased digestion of starch by high salivary amylase concentrations predicted
postprandial blood glucose following starch ingestion. Healthy, nonobese individuals were prescreened for salivary amylase activity and
classified as high (HA) or low amylase (LA) if their activity levels per minute fell 1 SD higher or lower than the group mean, respectively.
Fasting HA (n = 7) and LA (n = 7) individuals participated in 2 sessions during which they ingested either a starch (experimental) or
glucose solution (control) on separate days. Blood samples were collected before, during, and after the participants drank each solution.
The samples were analyzed for plasma glucose and insulin concentrations as well as diploid AMY1 gene copy number. HA individuals
had significantly more AMY1 gene copies within their genomes than did the LA individuals. We found that following starch ingestion,
HA individuals had significantly lower postprandial blood glucose concentrations at 45, 60, and 75 min, as well as significantly lower
AUC and peak blood glucose concentrations than the LA individuals. Plasma insulin concentrations in the HA group were significantly
higher than baseline early in the testing session, whereas insulin concentrations in the LA group did not increase at this time. Following
ingestion of the glucose solution, however, blood glucose and insulin concentrations did not differ between the groups. These
observations are interpreted to suggest that HA individuals may be better adapted to ingest starches, whereas LA individuals may be at
greater risk for insulin resistance and diabetes if chronically ingesting starch-rich diets. J. Nutr. 142: 853–858, 2012.
AMY1, the gene that codes for salivary amylase. Copy number is
Saliva plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the oral cavity positively correlated with salivary amylase concentrations (8,9).
and gastrointestinal tract by aiding in lubrication, inhibiting Individuals can carry anywhere from 1 to 15 diploid copies of the
potentially harmful microbes, and promoting oral tissue healing AMY1 gene in their genome.
(1). Whether saliva also plays an important role in the digestion and Salivary amylase has been extensively studied since its
metabolism of food is currently unknown. The presence of high discovery almost 200 y ago (10). Nevertheless, the fundamental
concentrations of the enzyme a-amylase, however, has led to the question of whether the enzyme contributes to overall starch
hypothesis that saliva could be important for the digestion of digestion and metabolism remains unanswered. Because food is
complex carbohydrates (2–4). only in the mouth for a few seconds, oral amylolytic “prediges-
Amylase is a digestive enzyme produced by the salivary glands tion” is often assumed to be of minimal importance, particularly
and pancreas that cleaves the glycosidic linkages in starch molecules given the presence of pancreatic amylase within the gastrointes-
to produce smaller saccharides, such as maltotriose, maltose, and tinal tract. However, there are hints that salivary amylase could
small amounts of glucose (5). Salivary amylase can account for up to be of practical and clinical importance. For example, we know
50% of total salivary protein in some individuals (6), whereas others that considerable starch hydrolysis occurs within seconds in the
produce barely detectable concentrations. Such substantial variation oral cavity (11) and can also continue after swallowing, because
in amylase production is due to both environmental [e.g., stress (7)] partially digested starch protects salivary amylase from acid
and genetic factors, such as copy number variation (CNV)6 in inactivation (12). In vivo digestion studies demonstrate that
delivery of starch directly into the small intestine, thereby
Supported by a Ruth Kirschstein Individual Postdoctoral National Research
skipping the oral digestion stage, results in substantially less
Service Award (DK084727) to A.L.M. and an RO1 (DC02995) to P.A.S.B.
Author disclosures: A. L. Mandel and P. A. S. Breslin, no conflicts of interest. starch digestion and glucose absorption (13). In addition,
Supplemental Figures 1–3 are available from the “Online Supporting Material” postprandial blood glucose concentrations following ingestion
link in the online posting of the article and from the same link in the online table of of starchy foods, such as rice and potatoes, are lower when the
contents at food is swallowed whole, rather than chewed first, mixed with
Abbreviations used: CNV, copy number variation; HA, high amylase group; LA,
saliva, and then swallowed (14).
low amylase group; PIR, preabsorptive insulin release.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: breslin@aesop. Recent evidence suggests that populations who historically relied on starch for dietary energy have higher copy numbers of the
ã 2012 American Society for Nutrition.
Manuscript received December 21, 2011. Initial review completed January 15, 2012. Revision accepted March 5, 2012. 853
First published online April 4, 2012; doi:10.3945/jn.111.156984.
AMY1 gene, with correspondingly higher concentrations of Baseline blood samples were collected at 25 and 0 min. Following
salivary amylase, than populations who consumed a high-protein collection of the second baseline, the participant started to drink the
diet (8). CNV of AMY1 may have evolved independently in diverse carbohydrate solution. Blood samples were obtained every 3 min for the
populations across the globe (8). This suggests that evolutionary first 15 min and then every 15 min up to 2 h. The line was flushed with
saline between samples to prevent clogging. Samples were immediately
nutritional pressures increased the number of AMY1 copies in select
centrifuged and the plasma was aliquoted and frozen at 2808C.
human populations, thereby facilitating the digestion and metab- For genotyping, ~5 mL of blood was collected from each individual into
olism of starch. In contrast, pancreatic amylase, produced by the a tube coated with EDTA to prevent coagulation. The tubes were inverted
gene AMY2, has not undergone similar genetic repetition (15) even gently 10 times and then frozen at 2808C for future use.
though the vast majority of starch digestion occurs in the small
intestine via pancreatic amylase (16). These observations collec- FFQ. To assess dietary intake, participants completed a computerized
tively suggest that salivary amylase plays a critical role in the Block 2005 FFQ (NutritionQuest). This validated questionnaire estimates
metabolism of complex carbohydrates. the usual intake for a wide variety of foods and provides an analysis of
Salivary amylase enables rapid cleavage of starch glycosidic overall carbohydrate, protein, and fat intakes. The data were also
linkages to produce smaller saccharides (5). We therefore specifically analyzed for intake of starch-rich foods, including pasta, rice,
bread, potatoes, etc. An intake frequency 3 quantity score was calculated
surmised that individuals who produce more salivary amylase
for each food and the scores summed (FxQ Starchy Food Intake Score) to
(group HA) would have faster and more substantial postpran- determine overall intake of starch-rich foods for each individual.
dial blood glucose responses following starch ingestion, due to
more rapid starch breakdown, than individuals who produce Biochemical measures. Plasma glucose was analyzed in duplicate by a
less salivary amylase (group LA). We utilized a glucose solution, glucose oxidase method using a 2300 STAT Plus laboratory glucometer (YSI).
equivalent in energy to the starch solution, as a negative control. Plasma insulin was analyzed in duplicate using a commercially available
Because salivary amylase plays no role in glucose digestion, the 2 human insulin-specific RIA (HI-14K; Millipore). The assay was performed by
amylase groups should not differ in postprandial response. the Diabetes Research Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Technicians
were unaware of the conditions of the experiment.
Participants and Methods Enzymatic activity assay for salivary amylase. Upon thawing, saliva
Participant selection. Adult volunteers were recruited from the samples were centrifuged once more to ensure that solids were removed
surrounding area of Philadelphia and were of mixed ethnicity. Individuals from suspension. Salivary amylase activity was determined using a
initially underwent a screening by phone or email to assess eligibility; they chromogenic kinetic reaction assay kit (1–1902; Salimetrics), according
were asked about height and weight, medical history, and cigarette use. to a previously described method (9).
Individuals with a BMI ,25 kg/m2 who reported no illness nor use of
cigarettes or medications known to affect salivary flow were invited to qPCR for the AMY1 gene. DNA was extracted from whole blood using
participate further. Height and weight were verified in the laboratory and the Gentra PureGene DNA extraction kit (Qiagen) and quantitated using a
participants (n = 48) were asked to provide a timed, stimulated saliva NanoDrop 2000C (Thermo Scientific). The diploid AMY1 gene copy
sample, which was analyzed for salivary amylase activity and flow rate. number was determined using a Taqman Copy Number Assay for AMY1
Participants were classified as either high or low amylase producers if their (Assay ID Hs07226362_cn; Applied Biosystems),with a standard curve
enzyme concentrations per minute (as calculated by salivary flow rate) fell constructed from a reference DNA sample (NA18972; Coriell), as
1 SD higher or lower than the group mean, respectively. Ten high amylase previously described (9).
(HA) and 9 low amylase (LA) individuals (14 female, 5 male) participated
in this study. Procedures were approved in accordance with the ethical Data analysis. Participants were excluded from analysis if they
standards of the Office of Regulatory Affairs at the University of exhibited resting blood glucose .6.1 mmol/L, resting insulin concen-
Pennsylvania and all participants gave informed consent for participation trations .140 pmol/L, or a peak blood glucose or insulin concentration
on an approved form. more than twice the group mean on either study day.
Statistical analyses were performed using Statistica 9.0 software
Experimental protocol. Participants visited the laboratory for 2 separate (Statsoft). Relationships between data sets were analyzed using the
morning sessions and had no food or beverages other than water since Pearson correlation coefficient. To determine between-group and between-
midnight of the previous night. The 2 sessions were at the same time on treatment effects, incremental AUC was calculated for blood glucose and
each day. Each individual participated in the experimental condition in insulin as net change from baseline concentration (mean of 2 baseline
which they consumed 50 g (10% solution) of a corn starch hydrolysate samples) using the trapezoidal method. Glycemic index values were
solution (M40; Grain Processing Corporation) and the control condition, calculated as (starch AUC/glucose AUC) 3 100. AUC values were
in which they ingested 50 g (10% solution) of a glucose solution (Sigma compared using t tests. Peak blood glucose and insulin concentrations and
Aldrich). The 2 solutions were equal in terms of energy provided. The other biological variables (age, BMI, salivary flow, amylase concentra-
starch hydrolysate was used in order to have a solution that did not tions, and dietary intake) were also compared using t tests. CNV medians
noticeably differ in viscosity from the glucose solution. The glucose solution were compared using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. Addi-
was prepared 24 h in advance to allow for complete mutarotation of the tionally, repeated-measures ANOVA was used to determine whether there
glucose tautomers. Participants were instructed to drink each solution at a were significant differences between the 2 groups or treatments during the
constant rate over the course of 20 min and their rate of intake was blood sampling period. Repeated-measures ANOVA was also used to
monitored and timed. They were also instructed to swish every sip of determine if there were significant differences within participants between
solution around their mouth “like they would for mouthwash” for ~5 s baseline plasma glucose or insulin concentrations and subsequent
before swallowing in order to fully mix the solution with saliva. measurements. For both tests, Tukey’s HSD post hoc pairwise analysis
Before consuming the solutions, each individual gave a stimulated, was used when significant interactions were found to determine which
whole saliva sample by chewing on a 4-cm square of parafilm for 90 s and individual time points were significantly different from each other.
expectorating into a 15-mL polypropylene tube. The tube was weighed A 2-tailed P , 0.05 was considered significant. All results are presented
before and after sample collection to calculate salivary flow rate (mL/min). as mean 6 SE.
The tube was vortexed, centrifuged at 2000 3 g at 48C for 10 min, and the
saliva aliquoted and frozen at 2808C for future analysis. Results
For blood sampling, a butterfly needle was inserted into an antecubital
vein and secured to the arm for the full duration of the study by a certified HA and LA groups. Five individuals were removed from the
phlebotomist. All blood samples were collected into EDTA-coated tubes. analysis based on the exclusion criteria described in the
854 Mandel and Breslin
“Methods.” This exclusion left 7 participants in the HA group
and 7 in the LA group (Table 1). The groups did not significantly
differ in age or BMI. The salivary flow rate for the entire group
(mean of 2 study days) was 1.58 6 0.25 mL/min. The amylase
concentration was 120 6 24 kU/L and the amylase activity level
was 202 6 50 U/min. The HA group had greater salivary flow
rate (P , 0.05) and amylase levels in terms of both concentra-
tion (P , 0.05) and rate (P , 0.01). This result confirms that the
groups were properly sorted by amylase concentrations. Enzyme
concentrations were analyzed by amount and activity to ensure
that the difference between the groups was not simply due to
differences in salivary flow rate. There was a positive relation-
ship between an individual’s amylase concentration (mean of the
2 study days) and their number of AMY1 gene copies (r = 0.90; FIGURE 1 Postprandial plasma glucose concentrations in healthy,
P , 0.0001) (Supplemental Fig. 1). The HA group had more normal-weight adults by salivary amylase activity after ingestion of a
AMY1 gene copies than the LA group (P , 0.05) (Table 1). 50-g starch solution. *Values are mean 6 SE, n = 7. Asterisks indicate
different from HA: *P , 0.01; ** P , 0.001. HA, high amylase group;
Plasma glucose and insulin responses following carbohy- LA, low amylase group.
drate ingestion. Following starch ingestion, plasma glucose
concentrations differed over time between the 2 groups (P ,
9-min period (144 6 71.8 vs. 276.9 6 20.9 pmol/L × 9 min; P ,
0.01). Specifically, the HA group had lower postprandial
0.01). There was a positive correlation between insulin produc-
glycemic responses at 45 (P , 0.01), 60 (P , 0.001), and 75
tion for the 0 to 9-min period (AUC) and the amount of oral
(P , 0.01) min (Fig. 1). The HA group also had lower
amylase produced per minute (r = 0.70; P , 0.01) (Supplemental
incremental AUC (89 6 21 vs. 244 6 55 mmol/L × 120 min;
Fig. 2).
P , 0.05) and peak blood glucose concentrations (9.56 6 0.43 vs.
Glycemic responses following ingestion of the control glucose
7.57 6 0.35 mmol/L; P , 0.01) than the LA group. The 2 groups
load did not differ between the amylase groups at any time point
did not differ in their resting blood glucose concentrations (LA =
(Fig. 3A), nor were there differences in AUC or peak blood
5.02 6 0.13 mmol/L; HA = 4.99 6 0.18 mmol/L). In both groups,
glucose concentrations (data not shown). Furthermore, plasma
blood glucose concentrations had risen above each group baseline
insulin response did not differ between the 2 groups either
within 15 min (P , 0.05).
overall or in the first 9 min (Fig. 3B). Notably, both groups had
Plasma insulin concentrations following starch ingestion did
insulin concentrations higher than baseline within 9 min,
not significantly differ at any time point between the HA and LA
indicating that both groups were capable of preabsorptive
groups when the curves were analyzed over the entire testing
insulin responses to the glucose solution (HA, P , 0.01; LA, P ,
session (Fig. 2A). Because differences between low insulin
0.05) (Fig. 3C).
concentrations during the preabsorptive period (before glucose
absorption begins) may be masked by high concentrations later
Within-participant comparisons. Blood glucose concentrations
in the session, insulin concentrations for the first 9 min of the
following starch and glucose ingestion did not differ within each
testing session were analyzed separately. The 2 groups differed
group (Supplemental Fig. 3). However, the LA group had a larger
during this period (P , 0.05). The HA group had higher insulin
AUC following starch ingestion (244 6 55 mmol/L × 120 min)
concentrations at 9 min compared to their group baseline (P ,
compared to the glucose load condition (152 6 48 mmol/L × 120 min)
0.01), whereas insulin concentrations for the LA group did not
(not shown; P , 0.005). Accordingly, the LA group (111 6 7) had a
increase above their baseline at this time (Fig. 2B). The HA group
significantly higher glycemic index for the starch solution than the HA
also had higher insulin AUC values than the LA group for the 0 to
group (94 6 3) (P , 0.05).
group observed early in the testing session. Nevertheless, both receptor, hypothesized to enable identification of starch-rich
groups had similar plasma glucose and insulin responses follow- foods (29). Finally, it is also possible that hormones or incretins
ing glucose ingestion. Thus, it is unlikely that group differences (e.g., glucagon-like peptide-1) are peripherally released by
were due to innate differences either in their ability to produce lingual taste cells into the blood stream in response to carbohy-
insulin or in their capacity for insulin-mediated glucose disposal. drates, stimulating insulin release from the pancreas during the
Plasma glucose concentrations following starch ingestion did PIR period.
not begin to rise in either group until 15 min into the session and, With the advent of agriculture and the domestication of
therefore, the early insulin release described above can be termed cereals such as barley, wheat, maize, and rice, the reliance on
preabsorptive (occurring during the preintestinal absorption starches for dietary energy dramatically increased in many
period). It has been known since the work of Ivan Pavlov more regions of the world. Evolutionarily, increased AMY1 copy
than 100 y ago that the flavor of food or food ingestion can number and salivary amylase concentrations would provide a
stimulate anticipatory digestive and metabolic responses, prior to considerable nutritional advantage following this dietary
nutrient absorption, that result in the increased secretion of saliva change. Efficient starch digestion would have been of immense
(17), gastric acid (17,18), and pancreatic secretions (17,19). Such benefit, providing rapid replenishment of blood glucose fol-
responses presumably prepare the digestive system to digest food, lowing periods of intense energy expenditure, such as during
as well as absorb and metabolize nutrients (20). This strategy farming, active hunting, or episodes of lower gastrointestinal
increases the efficiency of digestion and metabolism and also malaise or toxicosis.
enables better maintenance of homeostasis (20,21). In today’s society, starches contribute over one-half of the
Preabsorptive insulin release, also known as cephalic phase total carbohydrate energy consumed in the US (30). More than
insulin release (PIR) is one such anticipatory response to eating 85% of these starches are highly processed and refined (31),
(22). Though it is a relatively minor component of total insulin similar to the starch solution in the current study. “Dietary
secretion, PIR is an extremely important determinant of overall globalization” has led to widespread availability of these highly
glucose tolerance (23). Studies in both laboratory animals and refined, starch-rich foods and therefore it is perhaps not
humans have demonstrated that loss of this response leads to surprising that we did not find any differences in carbohydrate
impaired glucose tolerance (24,25). For example, i.g. adminis- intake between the HA and LA groups. However, although these
tration of glucose in rats, which bypasses the oral cavity, leads to 2 groups eat similar foods, our data suggest that they experience
delayed insulin release and much higher blood glucose concen- different glycemic responses to them. This has potential impli-
trations than when the same amount of glucose is orally ingested cations for the calculation of glycemic indices for starch-rich
(24). Similarly, the LA group in the current study did not exhibit foods because the current method does not take into account
PIR in response to starch and consequently had a higher individual differences in starch digestion. It may, therefore, be
glycemic response. After ingesting the glucose solution, however, necessary to calculate different glycemic indices for individuals
both groups exhibited PIR, which indicates that such a response with different amylase concentrations.
can be elicited in the LA group. The imbalance between genetic background and evolution-
Though the specific process by which salivary amylase ary optimized diet may also have potential implications for the
stimulates PIR and affects glucose homeostasis remains unclear, development of noninsulin dependent diabetes and obesity. The
we offer several possibilities. One possibility is that the produc- reasons why some individuals develop these conditions while
tion of glucose and/or maltose through amylolytic activity in the others do not are not currently understood. In light of our
oral cavity signals the body to prepare for incoming starch and current findings, we suggest that AMY1 gene copy number may
the ensuing glucose. The sugars would bind lingual T1R2-T1R3 play a role in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes.
sweet taste receptors (26) and/or glucose transporters in taste Both high and low amylase individuals in this study were young
receptor cells (27). Because the amount of glucose produced by and healthy, with a mean BMI ,22 kg/m2, yet the groups had
salivary amylase is too low to be consciously tasted and maltose different glycemic responses following starch ingestion. Al-
is only weakly sweet tasting, the stimulation of these taste though overall insulin concentrations did not differ between the
receptors would not be expected to activate perceptible sweet groups, it is possible that chronic high blood glucose concen-
taste (28). Second, the mechanism may also involve binding of trations induced by high starch intake may elicit a number
short-chain oligosaccharides by the putative polysaccharide of hormonal, receptor, and physiological changes that will
856 Mandel and Breslin
indicate that individual differences in salivary amylase may
considerably contribute to overall nutritional status.
The authors thank Karen Teff and Louise Slade for their
assistance with experimental design, Suzie Alarcon for analysis
of AMY1 gene copy number, Huong-Lan Nguyen for assistance
with blood glucose analyses, Anthony King for phlebotomy
assistance, Gary Beauchamp for comments on the manuscript,
and the Coriell Cell Repository for the reference DNA sample
used to quantify copy number variants. A.L.M. conducted the
study and analyzed the data; and both authors designed the
research, provided reagents/materials, wrote the paper, and had
responsibility for the final content. Both authors read and
approved the final manuscript.
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