Sheet l 1 of 11
Electrical Works
Other cables including special cables if any which are necessary as per proven
engineering practice for satisfactory & trouble free operation of the entire
cable system of the power plant shall also be within the scope of supply. These
shall include all such cables for electrical integral with mechanical equipment
systems and subsystems.
3.01.00 The cables will be used for connection of power circuits of the system. Actual
cable sizes will be selected by the Contractor. Number of different sizes
selected will be kept to a minimum for optimization.
3.02.00 Cables shall be generally laid on ladder type cable trays or drawn, through
rigid Steel pipe conduits. For interplant connection cables shall be routed along
overhead cable bridge.
3.04.00 The insulation and sheath materials shall be resistant to oil, acid and alkali and
shall be tough enough to withstand mechanical stresses during handling.
3.05.00 Armouring shall be single round wire / strip of galvanized steel for multicore
cables and aluminium for single core cable as per the relevant standards.
3.06.00 The inner and outer sheath shall have fire resistant low smoke (FRLSH)
characteristics and shall meet the requirements of additional tests specified for
the purpose.
3.07.00 Core identification for multicore cable shall be provided by colour coding.
3.08.00 Cables shall be so designed and manufactured that no damage occurs during
handling, transit, storage, installation under any operative conditions which
they may be subjected to.
3.09.00 HT XLPE FRLS power cables shall be manufactured by triple extrusion dry cure
(CCV) process using nitrogen.
3.10.00 Minimum value of volume resistivity for XLPE insulation shall be 1.0x1014
ohms-cm at 27 deg C and 1.0x1012 ohms-cm at 90 deg C.
4.01.00 HV CABLES
The cables shall be 3.3kV grade, heavy duty, stranded copper conductor,
insulated with heat resistant PVC of type-C, hard drawn aluminium wire
armoured, flame retardant low smoke (FRLS) extruded PVC Type–ST2 outer
5.01.01 Conductor
5.01.03 Insulation
All cables shall be provided with insulation screening. The insulation screening
shall consist of extruded cross linked semi-conducting compound in
combination with a layer of lapped copper tape of thickness not less than 0.1
Three (3) core cables, core identification shall not be done with different
colouring of XLPE insulation, but with natural colour with coloured strips
applied on the cores or by numerals printing on the cores.
Laying up of cores:
Cores shall be laid up together as per IS 7098 Part – 2 (1985).
Three (3) core cables, after laying up of cores, shall be provided with extruded
HRPVC, FR-LSH inner sheath conforming to type ST2 of IS:5831/1984. Such
inner sheath shall be provided by pressure extrusion process without filler.
However, if in the process, the centre filler is required, the same shall be
provided and material of centre filler shall be the same as inner sheath
Extruded FR-LSH inner sheath shall also be provided for single core cables.
5.01.07 Armour
For three (3) core cables: - The arouring shall be of galvanised steel strip
as follows:-
The aluminium used for armouring shall be of H4 grade as per IS; 8130 with
maximum resistivity of 0.028264 ohm-sq.mm/mtr at 20 deg. C. The types and
sizes of aluminium armouring shall be same as mentioned for galvanized steel
at 5.01.07 above
The gap between armour wires / formed wires shall not exceed one armour
wire/ formed wire space and there shall be no cross over / over-riding of
armour wires / formed wires. The minimum area of coverage of armouring
shall be 90%. The breaking load of armour joint shall not be less than 95% of
that of armour wire / formed wire. Zinc rich paint shall be applied on armour
joint surface of GS wires / formed wires.
6.00.00 The standard cable sizes, amp capacities, derating factors. as given in IS/IEC
will be generally followed:
7.00.00 For motor circuits the selection of size will be made ensuring that the cable
shall withstand a short circuit fault directly following a second hot start.
Bidder will be required to obtain Owner’s approval before packing the non
standard length of cables on drums. Non-standard lengths shall not be less
than 100 metres in any case.
b) Manufacturer’s name or trademark
c) Voltage grade
d) Year of manufacture
e) Type of insulation and sheath, e.g. XLPE /HRPVC FRLS & IE2 as
f) Type of improved fire performance, e.g. FR/FR-LSH/FS
g) No. of core and size of cables.
h) Reference Standard
i) ISI Mark
j) Sequential length marking at an interval of 1m through out the length
of the cable.
9.00.00 PACKING
9.01.00 Cables shall be supplied in non-returnable drums. The drums shall be of heavy
construction as per relevant IS. All ferrous parts used shall be treated with
suitable rust preventive finish or coating to avoid rusting during transit or
9.02.00 Cable shall be wound and packed on drums in such a manner that it will be
properly sealed and firmly secured to the drum. The ends of each length shall
be sealed before shipment. Heat shrinkable cable seals shall be used for this
9.03.00 A label shall be securely attached to each end of the reel indicating the details
mentioned below. A tag containing the same information shall be attached to
the leading end of the cable inside. Drum numbers are to be indicated on cable
9.04.00 The cable drums should carry the following details in printed form (non
11.03.01 The type test as per applicable standards and as given below shall be
conducted on one drum selected on random basis out of every 10 drums or
less of each type and size of cable. Size shall mean area of cross section in
sq.mm read in conjunction with the number of cores. Type shall mean type of
insulation, sheath, volt grade FRLS/FS etc. In case, facilities of any of the type
tests are not available at the works of the supplier, then such type tests shall
be carried out by the supplier at independent recognized Govt. approved
laboratory at the cost of supplier.
1. Tensile test (for aluminium) as per IS:8130
2. Wrapping test (for aluminium) as per IS:8130
Note:- In the case of compacted circular & shaped conductors these tests shall
be carried out before compacting/shaping for ensuring use of H2 grade
This test shall be carried out as per IS:7098 Part-2 for XLPE cable.
The method of test shall be as per the relevant IS standard. The period
of test shall be 168 hours (7 days). At the end of the ageing period, the
tensile strength and elongation test shall be carried out as per
Sr.No.(6) above. The value obtained must not differ from the
corresponding values obtained before ageing by more than + or - 25%
in case of XLPE compound.
This test shall be carried out as per IS 583/1984 012 IEC 540 & IEC
502, on cables of all voltage grades. The maximum permissible loss of
mass is 2 mg/sq.cm for PVC.
This shall be carried out as per IS:5831 – 1984 for sheathed and as per
IS 7098 (Part 2) 1985 for XLPE insulation.
This test shall be carried out as per IS 5831 / 1984 and IEC 540 and
IEC 502 & sheath shall pass the requirements of this test.
This test shall be carried out on cables as per IS 5831 / 1984 and IEC
540 and cables shall pass the minimum requirements of 80 minutes for
This test shall be carried out as per IS:7098 Part-1 and Part-2 and
cable shall pass the requirements given therein.
15) Test for bleeding and blooming of Pigments for HRPVC,FR-LSH Sheath
This test is compulsory and shall comply with the relevant clause of
applicable IS.
The partial discharge test for XLPE insulation shall be carried out as per
IS:7098 (Part-II).
The test method and test requirement shall be as per IS:7098 (Part-
II). On completion of this test, the sample shall be subjected to partial
discharge measurement and comply with the requirements given in
above sub-clause 17.
This test shall be performed as per the relevant Indian Standard 7098
Part 2 / 1985.
11.03.02 The normal sequence of the electrical tests shall be as per Clause 16.1.1 of
IEC-502/1978 and / or as per IS 7098 Part – 2 / 1985 . All the tests listed
herein shall be applied successively to the same sample.
11.03.03 The inner and outer sheath of the XLPE insulated cable shall be subjected to all
the tests applicable for PVC sheath as per IS 5831 / 1984.
All the sizes of XLPE power cables of the ‘FRLS’ HRPVC sheathed type shall
pass following special test requirements. Inner sheath wherever applicable
shall also be of the ‘FR-LSH’ type ‘HRPVC’ to meet these special tests.
This test shall be carried out as per American National Std. A STM-D-
This test shall be carried out as per IEC Std. 754-1. The maximum acid
gas emission shall be less than 20 by weight.
This test shall be carried out as per American National Standard ASTM-
D-2843/1977 and also as per UITP method (3M cube test on finished
cable sample). The ASTM test method is compulsory. For passing this
test, the requirement of light transmission shall be minimum 40% after
the test.
IEEE std. 383-1974 – This test known as the vertical tray flame
propagation test shall be conducted if insisted by purchaser.
IEC Std: 332-1. – The cable should meet the requirement of all the above
The following tests shall be carried out as Routine tests on each and every
drum length of cable, as per IS 7098 (Part 2) / 1985.
The following test shall be carried out as Acceptance Test in the presence of
UPRVUNL Inspecting Engineer on samples taken from the delivery lot. One
drum out of every 10 number of drums or less shall be selected at random
sampling basis in each lot for the Acceptance Tests which shall be carried out
at manufacturer’s/supplier’s cost.
Certified reports of all the tests carried out at the works shall be furnished for
approval of the Owner/Purchaser.
Test reports shall be completed with all details and shall also contain IS/IEC
specified limit values, wherever applicable, to facilitate review.
The cables shall be dispatched from works only after receipt of Owner/
Purchaser's written approval of the test reports.
The contractor shall carry out the following commissioning tests and checks
after installation at site. In addition the contractor shall carry out all other
checks and tests as recommended by the manufacturers.
c) HV cables shall be pressure tested (test voltage as per IS: 7098) before
g) Check for proper earth connections for cable glands, cable boxes, cable
armour, screens, etc.
h) Check for provision of correct cable tags, core ferrules, and tightness of