3 Fault Classification PDF
3 Fault Classification PDF
3 Fault Classification PDF
Fault classification:
Insulation and resistance measurement
1. Introduction
2. Insulation test
3. Measuring the capacitance of the test object
4. Measuring the resistance of a fault
5. Time-dependent resistance test
6. Overview measurement with TDR
1. Introduction
The first step in locating a cable fault – fault classification – should be very thorough. Exact
cable plans, knowledge of the cable network as well as any civil engineering work can
provide the first clues regarding the location of the fault and prevent any misinterpretation.
The following insulation testing and resistance measurement can supply information about
the characteristics of the fault.
After these measurements are performed a reflection measurement device (TDR) is
connected in order to detect the cable length, sleeves or other changes in impedance. One
should always compare conductors which are faulty with conductors which are not faulty.
The more information gathered this way, the easier and more reliable the overall fault
location process will be.
2. Insulation test
The insulation test shows the type of fault. To do this, the ohmic insulation resistance
between the conductors and shield (phase – phase or phase – shield) is measured.
The results of the insulation test are important in deciding how to proceed further with the
fault location process and can be classified as follows:
No fault (no deviation between the resistance values)
High resistive cable fault (kOhm, MOhm)
Low resistive cable fault (contact between two conductors/screen)
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
Normally, the insulation test can be performed directly from the cable test van. The
maximum voltage is 1000 V. If higher voltages are required, individual apparatus must be
used on site. Equipment with an analogue display has proven reliable in practice. For
example, anomalies during the charging process can show up faults due to the presence
of moisture. These tendencies can only be detected using pointer instruments.
With faults of very high resistance, direct current must be used to establish the level of
breakdown voltage in the cable fault.
For the measurement of the insulation resistance and test object capacitance, the
following settings can be adjusted in the system Centrix:
In automatic mode, both, resistance and capacitance are measured. A selection must
only be made between the upper test voltages of 500 V and 1000 V. The system
automatically switches to low voltage when determining a low-ohm resistance, since the
resistance values in this measuring range can only be measured with low voltage.
In manual mode, you may only determine either the resistance or the capacitance during
a test. The three test voltages of 500 V, 1000 V and low voltage (<6 V) are available for
selection. No automatic switching between the voltages occurs during the measurement.
The measured parameter, date and time of measurement as well as the test voltage used
can be read from the table header for each measurement (column).
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
4. Measuring the resistance of a fault
When choosing the pre-location method to be used, it is very important to have precise
knowledge about the resistance of the fault and the position of the fault. The results of both
measurements should be saved or noted. With multiple faults, the faults are often parallel.
A drawing can help during evaluation.
2 Ω
10 k Ω
10 kΩ 10 kΩ ∞ 2Ω RRis ∞
Through a resistance measurement over time, the chronological change of the absorption
characteristics and thus the degree of moisture and dirt in an insulation can be tested.
A continual rise of the recorded resistance indicates an intact insulation. A flat or
downward sloping curve on the other hand can indicate a dirty, moist or damaged
To obtain comparable measurement results, the chronological progress can be used to
calculate the coefficients PI (Polarization Index) and DAR (Dielectric Absorption Ratio).
For the DAR coefficient, the value measured after one minute is divided by the measured
value after 30 seconds. This coefficient should therefore be used primarily for evaluation of
newer insulating materials, which exhibit a faster decline of dielectric absorption currents.
For other insulation materials, with absorption characteristics that normalise more slowly,
the PI coefficients should be determined. For these, the value measured after 10 minutes
is divided by the measured value after one minute.
The determined resistance values are shown on the screen during the course of the
measurement as a curve over time.
With the completion of the measurement, the coefficients that have been determined (DAR
and / or PI) are shown in a dialog box.
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
The course of the curve itself as well as the determined coefficients can provide
information on the state of the insulation.
The following table provides generally accepted guideline values which may be used for
evaluating the measurement results:
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
Technical dates Centrix System
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
6. Overview measurement with TDR
The following overview measurements should be carried out with a reflectometer (TDR):
- Comparative measurement – length measured according to length on cable plan,
if necessary, correction of diffusion speed V/2
- Sleeve calibration
- Comparison of faulty and non-faulty wires
- Saving reflectograms for later comparison
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06
Which faults can be seen with the reflectometer (TDR)?
Depending on the type of fault, the visible reflections can be so small that they are
inconspicuous and are therefore undetectable.
Seba Dynatronic Mess- und Ortungstechnik GmbH Registergericht, D-96045 Bamberg, HRB-Nr. 195
sales@sebakmt.com – www.sebakmt.com All rights reserved 2010/06