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About the Bloomberg Professional Service

About the Bloomberg Professional Service

Bloomberg was founded in 1981 with one core
mission : to bring transparency to capital markets
through access to information. Today’s Bloomberg -
totaling more than 13,000 employees with 202
locations in 72 countries around the globe – builds on
that foundation.
Everything that we do connects decision markers in
business, finance and government to a broad and
dynamic network of global and local information,
news, people and ideas that enables faster, more
effective decisions.

The Bloomberg professional service draws on our

core capabilities and sits at the center of our offerings,
giving information on every asset class - from fixed
income to equities, foreign exchange to commodities,
derivatives to mortgages - integrated in one place and
delivered in real time to your desktop or mobile device.
Along with this robust information set, you have
access to all the news, analytics, communications,
charts, execution platforms, and customer support
you need to put knowledge into action.


Bloomberg Launchpad Manual

【The Basics】
04 The Bloomberg Launchpad
05 Structure of the BLP
06 Activating the BLP
07 Managing Views
08 Page Setup
09 Components
10 Sample View

11 The Monitor Setup
12 Adding Securities 1
(Activate the Monitor )
13 Adding Securities 2 (Pushpin)
14 Adding Securities 3 (Excel)
15 Adding Securities 4 (Import)
16 Adding Data Fields
17 Column Visualization Setup
18 Shortcut to Functions
19 Color Options
20 Advanced Colors Setting
21 Spreadsheet Mode

22 Creating a Chart
23 Chart Editing

24 News Panel
25 Color Options of News
26 News Tab Setting

【Component Grouping】
27 Grouping
28 Group Manager
29 Group Settings

【Launchpad Usage】
HELP 30 Launchpad Usage Example
31 Efficient Launchpad Usage
32 Need Any HELP?
The Bloomberg Launchpad (BLP)
The Bloomberg Launchpad (BLP) is a customizable desktop function. You can select and
add the BLP function (components) onto your desktop in addition to our four Bloomberg
panels. BLP components have various components such as charts, monitors, news, and TV.

BLP Toolbar


International Clock

My Security
Monitor Intra Day Market
Component Map

Economic Calendars Bloomberg TV

Component Component

News Panel Standard Chart

Component Component

Structure of the BLP
・Toolbar…The core of the BLP. You can manage the entire BLP using this toolbar. From
here you can edit, share, and save.
・View…We call the entire BLP the View.
・Pages…You can save multiple Pages in one View. It allows you to manage your BLP
effectively by putting various functions into multiple pages.
・Component… We call the actual functions that we use on the BLP as the Component.

<The BLP Toolbar>

The main toolbar to edit, share and save the BLP.

<Monitors> <Charts>
A monitor component to see the real-time A customizable chart function. You can edit
data of selected securities. the security, time period, and study.

<Economic Calendar> <News>

A component to display the Bloomberg A news component to show news/researches
function ECO<GO>. on selected securities and keywords.

The Basics
Activating the BLP

To launch the BLP, please enter the following function codes into the command line.
BLP NEW<GO>… Create a new Launchpad
BLP<GO>… Activate the Launchpad that you already have
BLP RELOAD<GO>…Reload/Reactivate the current open Launchpad

Activate the BLP by entering the commands

To activate a new BLP:


To activate a BLP you have already created:


To restart/refresh the current BLP:

The BLP toolbar will be activated To Launch a specific BLP, enter the name of View that
you would like to activate in the brackets “”:

How to activate the BLP at login automatically

“Settings” on the BLP

→ Select “Default View to Load”

You can select which BLP to launch when you log

in Bloomberg from the pull down ”Always Open”.

Tick “Open Launchpad at Startup” and click “Save”

The Basics
Managing Views
Views are the highest level of workspace organization in Launchpad. You first create a view
and then add individual pages to the view. This allows you to save your workspace
configuration in views so you can quickly switch between major tasks.

Show/Hide Toolbar “Options” >>

Show Controls
The Launchpad toolbar contains menu buttons
that you can display or hide.

Items in <Views>
 Save View : Save any changes/updates made on the BLP
 Save View as : Save the BLP as a new “View”
 Set Current View As Default : Set current view as default upon login
 New : Create new ”View”
 Open : Open the list of “Views” saved
 Open Recent : Opens a list of five recent used “Views”
 Send : Send your “View” to other users
 View Manager : Central location to access your views, sample
views, and shared pages.

Please make sure to save your view from the Launchpad Toolbar after making any changes on your
“View” “Page” “Components.” Such as after adding any new components, changing the position of
components, or adding a page to your view.

The Basics
Page Setup

You can create several Pages in one View. This allows you to organize various components
into different pages depending on the theme.
(Below are some examples of the pages “Page 1”, “ASIA”, “AMERICAS”, and “EUROPE”.)

What’s in <Pages>
 New Page : Create a new page
 Delete Page : Delete a current existing page
 Rename Page : Change the current page name
 Send Page : Send a page to the other users
 Share Page : Share a page with the other users
 Un-Share Page : Stop sharing a page with the other users
 Open a Page Shared with Me : Open a page that is shared to you by the other users
 Manage Shared Pages: Open a view manager for shared pages

What’s in <Settings>
 Move Entire Launchpad with Toolbar
To enable the entire components to move with the toolbar
 Show LP Components on Task Bar
Ticked: Show each component in a task bar
Un-Ticked: The whole BLP components will show in one icon in a task bar
 Default View to Load
To set up the default view to be loaded and to edit the resolution settings
 View Bloomberg Panels as LP Components
To show 4 Bloomberg panels as part of the components

The Basics
There are a lot of components for a variety of analysis for every asset class.
Adding those components in each page will allow you to analyze the data efficiently.
Here we show you how to search for and display those components.

Adding the Components

①Keyword Search
Find components with the Keyword
Enter keywords such as “Chart” in
“Add Component”.

②Using the Browser

Click “Browse…” to open a Component Browser.
Components are organized based on asset class
and category which makes it easier for you to find.
The “Top 25” shows you the popular components
frequently used by our users.

③Launch a function on the Bloomberg Panel as a BLP component

Third Party Data Page: Bloomberg Function Page:

Show Third Party Info/Broker Page on one Run LLP<GO> on a Bloomberg Function
of the 4 Bloomberg Panels. window and the window will be opened as a
Click 200) Show in Launchpad at the component.
upper left and the screen will launch as a ※Note LLP<GO> is not applicable to all
component. functions.
The Basics
Sample View
Bloomberg has prepared several Sample Views that can be easily downloaded. You may browse and
load Sample Views to create your own “Views” and customize them to your liking.
We have Sample Views by asset class and player types.

Finding a View:
1) From the Toolbar click into “Tools” then ”Sample Views”.
2) In the “Enter Keywords” field, enter a keyword (for example, “currency”), then click the “Search”
OR You can use the browser section to filter sample views by a specific category or region, then
select a view to display further information.
3) The Preview of a Selected View/Page will appear.

Send : You can send a
sample view to another
user as an attachment to a
message (MSG)
Add to Current: Add
Component of the Sample
View to the Current Page
Open View: Open a new
“View” with the component
of the sample view

The Monitor Setup
The monitor is one of the most popular component of the Launchpad.
Bloomberg monitor function allows you to not only monitor the price of a security, but also
monitor various data sets in real-time.

Finding and Launching the Monitor Please enter “monitor” in the amber
box that says Find Components.
Components related to the keyword will
appear in the drop down. Then, please
select My Security Monitor.

When the “Sample Security Monitor”

window pops up, please click “Launch
Monitor” on the right hand and launch
My Security Monitor.

What’s in <View>
 Show Column Headings:
You can show the data field at all
times when checked
 Panes:
You can set to show multiple panes in
one monitor
 Zoom:
You can edit the font size of a monitor
 Row Heights:
You can set the height of a row
What’s in <Monitor>
 Color Themes:
 Manage Monitor:
You can select the monitor color
You can manage your existing monitors and
theme from 5 options
add to your current BLP view
 Column Visualization:
 Duplicate:
You can edit the column visualization
You can duplicate your current monitor
of data fields such as the percent
Share: change on day and the volume from 3
You can share your monitor to the other users options of numbers, bar graphs, and
*If you share your main monitor, all the changes OHLC bars.
will affect on the shared side as well
(depending on the access permission).
Import Securities:
You can import securities from different sources TIPS
such as your portfolio and Equity Index “Monitor” Tab >> You can edit various
 Export to Excel: settings regarding a monitor from
You can export the data to Excel “Advanced Settings”.
 Send Via MSG:
You can send/share your monitor via MSG
Adding Securities 1 (Activate the Monitor)

Adding Securities

Double click on the "Ticker" column to

prompt an orange box that enables you to
enter tickers. Enter the ticker codes.

If you do not know the ticker codes,

search for the security by keywords. A drop
down list with security options will appear.

Display the Index Constituents

Display related securities such as the

index constituents and all future contracts
at one go.

If there is a +icon next to the security,

 Right click on the index name and
select “Add Members” to enumerate
the constituents.
Index : the list of constituents
Futures: the list of contracts

 Right click on the index name and

select “Hide Members” to hide them.

After displaying the constituents, you can
group them by sectors etc.
Click "View" >> "Group by" at the top of the

Adding Securities 2 (Pushpin)
Using Pushpins to add securities

You may use the Pushpin Icon

to easily drag and drop loaded
securities in your terminal.

1. Click on and hold the pushpin

that appears at the top right of the
2. Drag the pushpin into a security
monitor open on the Launchpad.
3. Release the mouse to drop the
data in a specific cell.

After dragging and dropping the

securities into the monitor, you will
receive a pop up box on the
options of “inserting securities.”
Click into a option and Apply.

• Insert Securities:
Insert security into selected row
• Append Securities:
Add security to the end of row
• Replace All:
Replace all securities
• Replace from Selected Row:
Replace securities from a
specific row

Adding Securities 3 (Excel)
How to add securities from Excel by drag & drop

If you would like to add a list of

securities in your Excel, you can easily
drag & drop them to your monitor!

Drag & Drop: A move of left clicking on

your mouse until you move/copy a set
of selected securities to different cells
and releasing the click.

Please select the cells with the

securities inside, and drag & drop the
frame of the selected area into a
monitor to copy.

Adding Securities (Import)
Using the Import Function

Easily copy the securities already listed on the

terminal such as indices and portfolios by using
the import function.

1) Click ”Monitor” >> ”Import Securities”

at the upper left of the monitor.
2) Choose the “Source” and “How to Import”
a.Copy from a Source:
Only copies the securities from the source.
b.Link to a Source:
Always linked to the securities from the
source and if there are changes in the
constituents, they will be updated.
3) Click “Import”

a: Copy from a Source b: Link to a Source

Adding Data Fields
Adding Data Fields Data Fields allows you to group the
securities in the monitor based on a data
field you specify.

To add a data field, first add a blank column,

in a monitor, right-click a column heading,
then select “Insert Column” from the menu
that appears.
In the column heading, enter the data you
want to add. You can also select data from
the Top Matches drop-down menu that
appears as you type in the blank column

To change a data field, double click into the

field. Once the cell is highlighted in amber,
enter the data you want to add.

If you are unable to locate a field of your

liking from Top Matches, click into “Show
more matches” and chose a field from
“Manage Columns.”

Search for Data Fields from FLDS<GO>

You can search for more Data Fields from

FLDS <GO>, our Data Field Finder function.

*Use the Source “Calcrt” to retrieve Data

Fields applicable for Bloomberg API

In the control area, enter the security ticker

and keyword search term that you want to
use as search criteria.

To add these Data Fields to your Monitor,

insert the ID or Mnemonic in the column
heading of your monitor.

Column Visualization Setup
You can choose to select the column visualization of data fields such as the “percent
change on day” and the “volume” from 3 options of numbers, bar graphs, and OHLC
bars. It will give you a more intuitive data display.

How to Edit the Column Visualization:

1) Please select “Column Visualization”
from the “View” tab from on your
2) Please choose one option from
“bar graphs”
“OHLC bars”
and select “Update”


・Numbers, bar graphs, and OHLC bars options from the left to right in the box.

If you sort the list by the percent change, you will see the list in a ranking.
You can do this by right clicking on “percent change on day” column, then choosing sort.
Shortcut to Functions
If you add shortcuts to the securities in the monitor, it will prompt the analysis function in
the designated panel.
You can set up links to frequently used functions that you prefer.

Security Level Shortcuts:

Show the list of functions that launch on a new
window when you right click on a “security”.

1) Right click on a cell with a security and

select ”Edit Function Shortcuts”
2) Add Shortcuts
- Function/Component: Select the function
that launches when you right click on a security
- Tail: Specify the shortcut
(Eg: If you enter “3” for the tail of GIP it will
show the intraday chart for the past three days)
- No.Sec: The number of securities selected for
the function/component
3) Select a panel
4) Click “Update” to save

Field Level Shortcuts:

Launches the function on a new window when
you left click on a “data field”.

1) Right click on any cell and select “Edit Field

Level Shortcuts”
2) Adding shortcuts;
Data field:
Select the data field of which you want the
function to launch
Select the function and short cut that you want
to launch
3) Select a panel
4) Click “Update” to save

Color Options
Custom color options allow you to select an overall color scheme as well as the colors
used in a specific row, column, or cell. The following topics explain how to adjust the color
theme and text/background colors in a monitor.

You can select a default color theme for

the current monitor toolbar, select “View”
→ “ Color Themes.”

Select the color theme you want to apply

out of five themes.
A preview of the selected theme appears
in the Preview section.

Example of the
White Theme

Advanced Colors Setting
Column Formatting

As a default, for the “current price”

column, if the rate is positive to the
previous day’s rate it shows in green.
If the rate is negative to the previous
day’s rate it shows in red.

You can also edit this setting for all

1) Right click on a column that you
would like to edit the format for
2) Select Column Formatting
3) From Advanced Colors tab, you
can edit the text color and the
background color
4) In the each field, you can use IF
formula to set the conditions
5) For the detail, please refer to {HELP
MON<GO>} >> 19) Conditions (only
available in English)
6) After editing, please click Update
and close

For example, on the left sample image,

the conditions are set to show the
column background in green and the
text color in blue, if the current price is
the same or above to the 50 days
moving average price, and the
background in red and the text color in
white if negative.

Spreadsheet mode
A spreadsheet mode allows you to construct formulas on a monitor as you would in an
excel and show the calculated value. This is applicable to a variety of formulas such as
totals and average.

Spreadsheet mode:
 Click to enter the formulas.

Formulas that you can use include:

・IF etc…

Creating a Chart
You can create a variety of customizable charts on the Launchpad “View.”
Such as the Technical Analysis Charts, Single Security Charts, and Multi Security Chats.

Searching for Chart Component From “Add Components”

insert “Chart” and choose
“Standard Chart” from the Top

Adding Securities and Studies

To change the security in a chart, click

on the security hotspot at the
component's title bar.
Then enter the security you want to

Adding a Security:
1) Click “Add Security”
2) A blank amber field will appear
3) Insert a new security ticker code
in the amber box

Adding a Study:
1) Click “Add Study”
2) Click “Browse”
3) From the Study Browser select into
the study you want to add by
clicking 「>>」 so that the study is
loaded under “Selected Securities”
and click “Update”

Chart Editing
From the Edit tab, you can edit the chart colors and styles of your chart components and
customize them with very easy steps.

Changing the Chart Type:

Please select the Edit tab from the
upper side of your chart component.
Then, select Chart Colors / Style.

Chart Colors / Style:

From this tab, you can choose the chart
style from 8 options such as;
- OHLC Bar
- Candle
- Histogram
- Heikinashi

Changing the Chart Color:

You can edit the chart colors and grid
line settings from the same tab.

• Color: Chart lines color setting

• Chart background: Chart
background color setting
• X-axis / Y-axis Colors: Axis color
• Grid Lines: Grid line visibility and
style setting

Please edit the chart colors and styles to

suit your preference and create your own
custom chart.

News Panel

The news panel provides fast breaking news that also allows you to link with monitor and charts.

Launch News/Research Component

Type “News” into “Find
Components” field to find a “News
Panel” from the drop down list.

The Outline of News/Research Component

News Component:
1) Click “News Panel” from the list
and two components will pop up
as shown on the left
2) You can search news by
entering ticker / keywords /
topics into the search box
3) The result of the search will be
shown in the other component

Advanced Editor:
1) Advanced Editor on the upper
component allows you to work
on more detailed news
Detailed News Search with Advanced Editor 2) You can specify your news
search with conditions under
“Type” such as keywords,
topics, and tickers

Color Options of News

Color Options on News Components:

Customize the color options for your News Panel.
News Panel >> ”Settings” >> “Headline Color Highlighting Rules”

1) “Settings” >> ”Headline Color

Highlighting Rule” >> Add Rule
From the amber pull down, choose a
condition (Keywords, Wire, Topic,
Company, Ticker List)
2) Click into “Edit Colors” to customize the
text and background color for the specific
3) Specify colors and click into “Select” >>

The colors you saved will be reflected

on the news headlines.

News Tab Setting

News Tabs:
By adding separate tabs to your news component, it allows you to have multiple news topics
in one component.

To Add a Tab to Your News

1) “Settings” >> Check in the
box next to “Show Search
2) You will see your news
search become a tab with a
cog wheel mark to the side
3) Click on the cog mark and
select “Add Tab”
4) You will see a pop-up
window show like the left
sample image
5) By selecting a keyword, you
can add an additional tab to
the news panel

You can show multiple news

topics in one news panel and
have a easy look on what each
tab is showing.

Component Grouping

You can link components to a customizable Launchpad monitor that contains the securities you
follow. When you change the security in one component or monitor, the other components update

If you create a group…

If you click on a security on your

monitor, the components such as
news, company description, chart etc
will be updated to that security’s
information automatically.

Component Grouping
Group Manager
You can link the components by adding them to a group from the Group Manager settings.

1) Settings >> Add to Monitor Group

2)) You will see a chain mark on the top of
the component
3) Please click on the chain mark

1) You can manage your component groups

from the “Group Manager”
2) Select a group
(If you have several components added to a
group, you will see a list on the right)
3) Click on Update to save

Each grouped components will show the group

name at the top of a component as shown in
the right

Component Grouping
Group Settings
Linking the monitor to the group you created.

Click on “Link To” >> “Component

Groups” at the top tool bar of your

1) “Link to Component Groups” will pop

2) Tick on the group you created >>
3) Click on the ticker on your monitor to
sync with the other components.

For example, you can group multiple charts such as “tick”, “hourly”, “daily” charts and make it show
three different periods at once for a security.

Launchpad Usage Example

Market Summary
Display pricing data for each asset
Group the charts and link them to the monitor.
If you click on a security on your monitor, the
You can check the risk-on/ risk-off of
two charts that are linked will update to that
the market at one glance by
security. You can separate the intraday and
categorizing the securities to FX,
daily charts to check on both short and long
equity index, equity futures,
term movements.

News Eco Calendar

“GLOBEWRP” shows the summary of Display the economic event calendar.
the Global market. You can easily Changing the country at the upper left
check the news on equity, commodity, enables you to easily search for eco
FX etc. events of other countries.

Efficient Launchpad Usage

In order for you to utilize the Launchpad more effectively, below are some instruction for customizing
the Launchpad based on the View or Page sent by other users or Sample Views.

How to customize Sample Views For each asset class and player, we
have a sample view/page with major
components already built in.

1) View Tab on Tool Bar >> Sample View

>> Select the one you like and click “Add to
2) Delete unnecessary Components and
click “Save As” on the Tool Bar

How to Send/Receive a View from other users In order to standardize the View and the
Page among the same department or
group, you can send the same
View/Page to your colleagues.

Send the entire Launchpad (View)

Tools Tab on Tool Bar >> View Manager
>> Select a View and hit “Send”

Open a received message on {MSG<GO>}
>> Run or click {97<GO>} in the message.
*Please note that once you click {97<GO>}
the current View open on your Launchpad
will automatically close and open the new
How to Send/Receive a Page from other users

Send a Page within a View

Pages Tab on Tool Bar >> Enter the
receiver's name and hit “Send.”

Open a received message on {MSG<GO>}
>> Run or Click {97<GO>} in the message.
The contents of a received page will be
added to the current page.


Sending inquiry to the Help Desk

Pressing the HELP key twice pops up

the window where you can write your
inquiry to the Help Desk.

Bloomberg Analytics representative will

assist you through the IB Chat. You may
request for a phone call if you wish.

HDSK<GO> allows you to see your past

inquiries within the last one year.

Bloomberg Launchpad Manual

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