Midterm Reviewer

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CHAPTER IV - Dental chair should be the FOCAL

Pre-operative Requirement point of the entire architectural and
engineering design.
1. Dental and Clear Oral Areas
 Insertion of guta-percha in Position of Operatory Equipment
carious cavities - Dental Chair should be
 Insertion of gold fillings in cc CENTRALLY located, close to side
 Insertion of methyl methacrylate of the right arm of the assistant. Face
self-curing restorations the window
 Insertion of Silicate cement, zinc - Dental Unit and Cuspidor are placed
oxide and other cement to left of the dental chair.
 Treatment of Root Canal - Spotlight and Swinging Bracket table
 Use of Abrasive Technic for the instruments are installed
 Surgical Operation where the beside the unit.
field should be maintained - The Sterilizer and Cabinet should be
devoid of fluids which interfere at the Right Side.
with a clear view Two Requisites for a healthy pleasing
 Application of topical fluoride atmosphere in a dental office:
2. Good Illumination GOOD LIGHT & VENTILATION
- There should be STRONG,
ARTIFICIAL LIGHT – from an Position of the Dental Furnishings
electric spotlight as a source of light. - In the absence of a dentist’s nurse or
- Natural light is only useful in the day assistant, the companion of the
- Mirrors help too as mouth reflectors patient serves as witness to the
- Light should be IN FRONT of the operation for both the protection of
patients mouth the dentist and the patient.
- Fluorescent lamps – stimulate - An adult companion receives home
daylight care instructions for minor or aged
When the CATHODE causes patients. Minor age should be
electrons to pass through the vapor, accompanied by a guardian or a
ultra violet lamp is emitted and this representative of the guardian.
in turn causes PHOSPOR to emit
visible light. The Dentist’s Chairside Positions
Systematic Office Arrangement (design) Convenience of the Dentist and Patient
 efficiency and ease of operation The position of the dentist is important
 comfort of the people concerned because:
 hygiene 1. Dentist’s hands has a bearing on the
forces he exerts and therefore also on the
 sanitation
efficiency of his work.
 pleasing interior decoration
2. The position of the instrument which
depends on the position of his hands is
Architectural and Engineering Design related to correct technics.
- Most successful dental establishment 3. The position of the patient relative to the
are constructed in such a way that position of the dentist will affect the
from the waiting room, the patient patient’s comfort
may enter the business office, and
from there the clinic.( RIGHT SIDE)

4. The posture of the dentist over the chair

might affect his health. The operator should look down, not up, at
- Hunched Shoulders: weakness of the field of work.
- Leaning: flabby of abdominal muscle
- If the chair is not adjusted well for CHAPTER V
the comfort of the patient and the Records of Cases
convenience of the operator,
incorrect angles of force would result Dental Recording System
during instrumentation. - Dental practice is NOT confined to
5. His body should not block the the teeth alone. The gums, tongue,
illumination coming from the spotlight throat, and the surrounding
or window. structures, particularly the alveolar
bone are just as RELEVANT to
Dignified Posture Dental Practice as teeth are.
General Rules - Recording must be done beginning
These recommended points are based on the from original situation on complaint
standing position: as in case or fractured crown.
1. He should not stoop from the shoulders Through remedies like the crown
while working His shoulders should be form attached.
erect, his feet both on the floor. To the final stage restoration
2. He should avoid leaning on the sidearm
of the chair. The Patients Rule
3. His forearms should be more or less The Patient’s Complaint
parallel with the horizontal - A patient will tell his present
4. He should not need to bend too low to complain and the reason for his visit
see what he is doing or to crane his neck. to the dentist without being asked.
Basic Positions  Preventive
McGehee (16) described 3 Fundamental  Curative
Operating Positions:  Cosmetic Consultation
Silicate Cement as permanent fillings
Right side in front - 7:00 The Dentist’s Rule
a. Right side in front for upper teeth Pre-treatment Consideration
b. Right side in front for lower teeth - Dentist is responsible for evaluation,
it is up to the dentist to make the
POSITION NUMBER 2: diagnosis and prognosis and plan of
Right side behind -11:00 treatment.
a. Right side behind for the upper teeth - EXIGENCY: one plan of treatment
b. Right side behind for the lower teeth is possible, and the dental delay
thereof would surely destroy the
POSITION NUMBER 3: patient’s health.
Left side behind – 1:00 - ORAL PROPHYLAXIS: need
a. Left side behind for upper teeth consent
b. Left side behind for lower teeth

- Minor or Major the plan treatment to 2. Mouth is an integral part of

obtain the patient’s voluntary the human body and any
consent. condition which affects the
- Voluntary Consent: very request he system will also affect the
makes, impliedly or in so many mouth.
words when he goes to a clinic and 3. A patient who visits a dentist
sits down in the dental chair of his for oral treatment do not
own accord. suspect the existence of
pathology in his body of
Priority Data mouth.
Taking Data BEFORE treatment is done or
the case is not an emergency. Routine Examinations
1. Full Name of the patient Routine examination in a dental office
2. Address should therefore include the following.
3. Whom Referred A. The General Physical Build – quick
4. Date of Admittance arbitrary and cursory appraisal or
5. Age of Patient impression a dentist gets upon his
6. Sex first acquaintance with a patient.
7. Roentgenograms: pictures of B. The mouth
laboratory findings dealing with C. The Systemic Conditions
systemic conditions which may have
bearing upon dental treatment Body Temperature
8. The payment or installment fees, the - Temperature of the individual
balance, together with dates when represents the balance between heat
these were made noted production and heat loss in the body.
9. Conditions of the mouth given - Normal Temperature: 98.6’F or 37’C
attention during routine oral - Rectal Temperature: degree lower
examination - Axillary Temperature: one degree
Dental Charts - Internal organs have temperature
- Must be charted or indicated in the about 2 or 3 degrees higher than that
patient’s record. Obtain his family of the skin.
health history. - Temp. Of the skin varies with the
Local and Systemic Considerations type of clothing, physical exertion,
- An evaluation of the general and and environmental temp.
systemic condition of the patient
should be done whenever possible. Fever or “Pyrexia”
- Important for the following reasons: High abnormal Temp. is called fever
1. Findings pertaining to the or pyrexia.
teeth and their surrounding Present in:
structures are not conclusive 1. Severe infection
of that oral conditions and 2. Reaction to post surgical
diagnosis cannot very well be operations
establish systemic findings 3. Neurogenic Fever from
might aid in the evaluation of injury of the cns
the local data.

4. Fever may be present in - Minor of Age or Mentally

dehydration due to reduction incompetent need parents or
of blood water. guardian to be present or send
5. Fever may be produced by writing consent which be important
drugs and other chemical when doing surgery on a child.
substances. - Financial accounting records are also
- Fever is a manifestation of general important.
body reaction and mobilization of
forces of rehabilitation and therefore CHAPTER VI
greater heat production in an effort to Home Care of the Patient
heal the injury. Tooth brushing – A Must
The Toothbrush
The Use of the Thermometer - It is not considered a dental
Conventional Sites: MOUTH, AXILLA, & instrument; it is one of the
the RECTUM indispensable hand instruments for
- The MERCURY COLUMN of the the patient in home care.
thermometer should be made sure to - With proper tooth brushing the rate
be in the bulb. of incidence of caries and
- The body heat causes the mercury in periodontal disease in a person can
the bulb to expand and rise be checked by controlling the
- To clean Body thermometer by cold presence of virulent micro-organism
sterilization never by means of heat. - By preventing HALTOSIS: in giving
Alcohol, 70% by volume will be a the patient a pleasant smile and the
good cleansing agent. feeling of cleanliness in the mouth
- Idea of home care with the tooth
Special Considerations brush is not from dentist, but from
Records ought also to show vital ADVERTISERS.
information such as: - The toothbrush cleans mechanically;
1. Adverse drug reactions it cannot be expected to affect the
2. Prescription issued biochemical status of germs.
3. Treatment in the past or present
whether systemic or dental Several Methods of brushing teeth:
emergency or not 1. Mesio-Distal Stroke or Straight right
4. Health conditions when the patient & left motions
was still a child 2. Up & Down Motions
5. Behavior problems laboratory 3. Rotary Stroke
finding and other pertinent matters. 4. Motion carrying the brush from
gums toward and over the teeth.
- Dental records also include
PLASTER CASES and impressions - McGehee,suggested the brush to be
of the teeth, old dentures, and placed at a 45 degree angle to the
photographs, pertinent reports from surface of the tooth and extending
family members and close relations about 3 millimeters on the marginal
and prognosis from colleague and cemental gingival.

- Brush is swept SLOWLY over the and to avoid vascular congestion in

teethtoward the incisal or occusal gums.
margin. - Healthy rosy and firm gums do not
- Sensitive gums; a very clean bleed easily with the normal use of
forefinger may be passed firmly but toothbrushes of ordinary hardness.
gently over the gums in an upward
stroke, several times. Fibrous, Coarse Food
- The first two methods are said to - Fibrous foods help in maintaining
cause gum injury. It will occur if the the integrity of the gum through the
bristles are too hard and the brushing mechanical stimulation which occur
motion brusque. during mastication.
- The third may be used with
accompanying strokes of the fourth Possible Injuries from Mouth Hygiene
type. - Methods to effect good hygienic
conditions of the mouth often lead to
Toothbrushing Aids – Optional either acute or chronic injuries.
 Bacteriostatic: to inhibit the growth
of bacteria Improper Use of the toothbrush
 Bacterioscidal: to Kill - Grevers of Amsterdam: did not find
The action of Dentifrices, Mouthwashes, a single case of cervical abrasion in
and the Toothbrush about 6000 human skulls dating from
- Dentrifice contains emulsifying agents; times when toothbrushes were not
reason foam is produced when the brush, part of civilization.
laden with the dentrifice is rubbed against
the teeth and gums. Not bacteristatic or Pathogenesis
bacteriocidal. - The untoward results from tooth
- Mouthwash gives the mouth a feeling of brushing occur from erroneous
freshness of the menthol and like ingredients manners in which it is used, or the
which they contain. type of dentrifice used as an
- Dentrifices aid in whitening of the tooth. It accessory and on the vulnerability of
should not be overused or else it will lead to the oral tissue.
sensitiveness of the teeth.
Abuse from Dental Floss and Toothpick
Care of the Gums - Recommend dental floss and the
Role of Systemic Conditions toothpick. Though toothpick is not
- No matter how much care is given to flexible this may hurt gums.
the gums by cleanliness, gum
massage and other factors of Etiology and Clinical Symptoms
localized nature, the over-all health if - Dental Floss when pressed hard
the gums will depend on the general against tissue may injure the
conditions of the body. interdentally gingival, particularly
when the crowns of teeth are tight in
Gum Massage contact the silk floss may break
- Practice of massaging the gums in suddenly on the gingival, and cause
order to stimulate good circulation bleeding and inflammation.

- Pinz pointed out that soap is a strong

ASTRINGENT and that in
concentrated solution it is caustic
and has the tendency to lower the
resistance of the oral mucosa.
- Charcoal when included in some
tooth powders may abrade and cause
deposits in the gingival margins
which cannot be removed.
- The use of toothpastes or tooth
powders of great abrasive power
may certainly whiten the teeth but
may give rise to the formation of the
several kinds of abrasions.

- One of the occupational hazard
experienced is stimulation of the
pulp of the tooth by changes in

Danger from Dentrifices and Oral

- Dentrifice in order to have effective
cleansing and stain-removing
properties should have abrasive

- The rough ingredients of dentrifices
are pumices and siliceous materials.
- Abundant soap in toothpastes more
than 3 t0 5 % may not be tolerable to
mucous tissue,
- The use of toothpastes or tooth
powders of great abrasive power
may certainly whiten the teeth but
may give rise to the formation of the
several kinds of abrasions mentions.

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