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Apex Interview

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1. What are governor limits?

Ans: Since salesforce runs on multi-tenant environment and in order to have the same performance to the
database, it has imposed some run time limits called as governor limits.
Some governor limits are:
a. Pre Transaction Apex Limits:
These limits count for each apex transaction. For Batch Apex, these limits are
reset for each execution of a batch of records in the execute method.

a. Total number of SOQl queries -----Synchronous (100) and Asynchronous (200).

So, read the follow to keep in mind.

In a SOQL query with parent-child relationship subqueries, each parent child relationship counts as an extra query.

These types of queries have limits of three times the limits of top-level queries. The limits for sub-queries corresponds to
the value that Limits.getLimitAggregrateQueries() return. The row counts for these relationship queries contribute to
the row counts of the overall code execution.

Let’s take the following example for reference:

In the above query there are a total of 3 subqueries + 1 parent query. So, in total there are 4 queries. But, Salesforce
doesn’t count subqueries against governor limits of 100 SOQLs. It only counts root query which means only 1 SOQL
query would be consumed.
Subqueries are counted separately as AggregateQueries. You can check those with Limits.getAggregateQueries() and
Limits.getLimitAggregateQueries(). You cannot have more than 300 aggregations in a single transaction.

This limit does not apply to custom metadata types. In a single Apex transaction custom metadata records can have
unlimited SOQL queries. (Although there is one exception that:
a. When you query a long text area field from metadata it does count against the limits.)

In addition to static SOQL statements, calls to the following methods count against the number of SOQL statements
issued in a request:
a. Database.countQuery ----
i. Returns the number of records that a dynamic SOQL query would return when
executed. Its return value is Integer.
ii. Database.countQuery cannot be used for non-count queries.
b. Database.getQueryLocator
c. Database.query
b. Total number of records retrieved by a single SOQL query---50,000
c. Total number of records retrieved by Database.QueryLocator----10,000 Commented [PG1]: Learn more on this
d. Total number of SOSl queries---20 Database.QueryLocator
e. Total number of records retrieved by a single SOSL query---2,000
Commented [PG2]: More about SOSL and its use cases.
b. Static Apex Limits:
a. Default timeout for callouts (HTTP requests or Web Service calls) in a single transaction---10 seconds.
b. Maximum size of the callout request or response (HTTP requests or Web Service calls) ---6 mb for
Synchronous and 12 mb for asynchronous.
c. Maximum number of class and trigger code units in a deployment of Apex---5000
c. Lightning Platform Apex Limits:
These limits are not specific to apex transaction and are solely enforced by Lightning Platform.

Other limits include Pre-Transaction certified managed package limits, push notification limits, API request limits and
allocations, Bulk API limits, Chatter REST API limits, SOAP API limits, visual force limits,
Metadata Limits:
These limits apply to Force.com IDE, the Ant Migration Tool, and the Metadata API. As for example you can deploy or
retrieve up to 10,000 files of meta data at once and the maximum size is 39mb. Inbound or outbound change sets can
have 10,000 files of metadata.

2. What is multi-tenant architecture in salesforce?

ANS: Multi-Tenant architecture is something where a single instance of a software runs on a server,
serving multiple client organizations(tenants). It’s like placing the data from multiple companies (org in
Salesforce) on the same server, generally separating them from each other via a simple partition that prevents
the data from migrating from one company to another or put forward in a simple way it’s like an apartment
building where all residents/tenants share the space or portions with each other. Just like a tenant does not own
the house he is living in, a cloud tenant also does not own the data. He is simply paying for the data storage of
his data elsewhere.

Cost savings.
No upgrades headache for the client (and faster and smoother upgrade for vendor).
High performance
Low operational costs etc.

3. What is synchronous and asynchronous transaction in Apex?

Synchronous means calling the Apex class using Visualforce page, Triggers, Execute anonymous of developer
console. These type of calls hold the process until they are complete and they run in the main transaction
Asynchronous on the other hand are calling apex using Batch, Future methods. These processes run in the
background and they do not affect the main transaction thread. They run in a separate independent thread with
their independent governor limits from main transaction. Asynchronous processing includes @future Apex,
batch Apex, scheduled apex and queueable apex.

Asynchronous Apex Feature When to Use

 When you have a long running method and need to prevent delaying
of the Apex transaction.
Future Methods  When you make callouts to external Web Services.
 To segregate the DML operations and bypass the mixed save DML
 To start a long running operation and get an ID for it.
Queue able Apex  To pass complex types to a job.
 To chain jobs.
 For long running jobs with large data volumes that need to be
Batch Apex performed in batches, such as database maintenance jobs.
 For jobs that need larger query results than regular transactions allow.
Scheduled Apex  To schedule an Apex class to run on a specified time.

Mixed Save DML Error:

DML operations on certain sObjects, sometimes referred to as setup objects cannot be mixed with DML on other
sObjects on the same transaction. This restriction exists because some sObjects affect the user’s access to
records in the org.
You must insert or update these types of sObjects in a different transaction to prevent operations from
happening with incorrect access-level permissions.

Example: You cannot update account and a user role in a single transaction. However, deleting a DML operation
has no restrictions.

You cannot use the following sObjects with other sObjects when performing DML operations in the same

a. FieldPermissions
b. Group
c. GroupMember
d. ObjectPermissions
e. PermissionSet
f. PermissionSetAssignment
g. QueuesObject
h. ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRule
i. ObjectTerritory2AssignmentRuleItem
j. RuleTerritory2Association
k. SetupEntityAccess
l. Territory2
m. Territory2Model
n. UserTerritory2Association
o. User
p. UserRole
q. UserTerritory
r. Territory

Although you can perform DML operations on more than one type of sObject in a single class using the following
1. Create a method that performs DML operation on one type of sObject.
2. Create a second method that uses the future annotation to manipulate a second sObject type. (Example
Mixed DML Operations in Test Methods:
Test methods allow for performing mixed Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations that include both setup
sObjects and other sObjects if the code that does the DML operation is enclosed within System.runAs method blocks.


As we know that Mixed DML operations within a single transaction is not allowed. You can’t perform DML on a setup
sObject and another sObject on the same transaction.
However, you can perform one type of DML as part of an asynchronous job and the other in the original transaction.

The following class contains a @future method to be called by the class in the subsequent example:

This class calls the method from the previous class:

sObjects that do not support DML operations:
There are some standard sObjects that do not support DML operations although you can still obtain them in queries.
 AccountTerritoryAssignmentRule
 AccountTerritoryAssignmentRuleItem
 ApexComponent
 ApexPage
 BusinessHours
 BusinessProcess
 ProcessInstance
 Profile
 Recordtype
 StaticResource
 Territory2
 UserTerritory
Etc. etc.

NOTE: All standard and custom objects can also be accessed through the SOAP API. ProcessInstance is an exception. You
can’t create, update or delete ProcessInstance in the SOAP API.

3. a. Future Methods:

 A future method runs in background, asynchronously.

 You can call a future method to execute long running operations such as callouts to external webservices or any
operation that you’d like to run in its own thread, on its own time.
 You can also use future methods to isolate DML operations on different sObject types to prevent the mixed DML
 Each future method is queued and executes when system resources become available.
 A benefit of using Future methods is that some governor limits are higher, such as SOQL query limits and heap
size limits.

@future annotation is used to define a future method (a method that runs asynchronously). The method must
be static and return type of the method should be void and take primitive data types or arrays of primitive data
types or collections of primitive data types as arguments. Notably, future methods can’t take standard or
custom objects as arguments. A common pattern is to pass the method with a List of record IDs that you want to
process asynchronously.

global class SomeClass {

public static void someFutureMethod(List<Id> recordIds) {
List<Account> accounts = [Select Id, Name from Account Where Id IN :recordIds];
// process account records to do awesome stuff

NOTE: The reason why objects can’t be passed as arguments to future methods is because the object can
change between the time you call the method and the time that it actually executes. Remember, future
methods are executed when system resources become available. In this case, the future method may have an
old object value when it actually executes, which can cause all sorts of bad things to happen.
It’s important to note that future methods are not guaranteed to execute in the same order as they are called. If
you need this type of functionality, then Queue able Apex might be a better solution. When using future
methods, it’s also possible that two future methods could run concurrently, which could result in record locking
and a nasty runtime error if the two methods were updating the same record.

For both cases SOQL Limit is 50,000 records per transaction. Generally Asynchronous processes have
higher governor limits compared to synchronous apex.


***************** Practical Use case **********************

Inserting a User with a non-null role must be done in a separate thread from DML operations on other sObjects. The
following example uses a future method to achieve this:

This is the class containing the main method that calls the future method declared above:
Limitations to be kept in mind:

3. You can invoke future methods the same way as you invoke normal methods. However a future method
cannot invoke another future method.
4. No more than 50 method calls per Apex transaction.
5. The max number of future method invocations per a 24 hr period is 250000 or the number of licenses
(Standard Salesforce and App subscription licences) in your org multiplied by 200, whichever is greater.
6. The limit in your entire org is shared with all asynchronous apex: Batch Apex, Queueable Apex,
Scheduled Apex and Future methods.

Testing Future Methods:

To test future methods, call the class containing the method in a startTest(), stopTest() code block.
All the asynchronous calls made after the startTest method are collected by the system. When stopTest is executed,
all asynchronous processes are run synchronously.

Future Method Performance Best Practices

Salesforce uses a queue-based framework to handle asynchronous processes from such sources as future methods and
batch Apex. This queue is used to balance request workload across organizations. Use the following best practices to
ensure your organization is efficiently using the queue for your asynchronous processes.

 Avoid adding large numbers of future methods to the asynchronous queue, if possible. If more than 2,000
unprocessed requests from a single organization are in the queue, any additional requests from the same
organization will be delayed while the queue handles requests from other organizations.
 Ensure that future methods execute as fast as possible. To ensure fast execution of batch jobs, minimize Web
service callout times and tune queries used in your future methods.
 Test your future methods at scale. This will help determine if delays will occur.
 Consider using batch Apex instead of future methods to process large numbers of records.

4. What is Queueable Apex?

Queueable apex takes control of your asynchronous apex processes by using the queueable interface. This
interface enables you to add jobs and monitor them in an enhanced way as compared to future methods.

For Apex processes that run for a long time like data base operations or external web service callouts, one can
run them asynchronously by implementing the Queueable interface and adding a job to the Apex job queue.
In this way the asynchronous job runs in the background in its own thread and does not delay the execution of
your main apex logic.
Each queued jobs run only when the system resources become available.

a. Queueable apex jobs are similar to future methods with some added extra functionalities as:

1. Getting an ID for your job: When you submit your job by invoking the System.enqueueJob method, the
method returns the ID of the new job. This ID corresponds to the ID of the AsyncApexJob record. You can
use this id to identify your job and monitor your progress either through Salesforce UI in the Apex jobs page
or programmatically querying your record from AsyncApexJob.

Example of the implementation of a Queueable interface:

public class AsyncExecutionExample implements Queueable

public void execute (QueueableContext context)
Account a = new Account (Name='Acme',Phone='(415) 555-1212');
insert a;

2. Using non-primitive types: Your Queueable class contains member variables of non-primitive data types, such
as sObjects or custom Apex types. Those objects can be accessed when the job executes.

 One important point of difference is the methods inside the Queueable Apex class should not be static unlike
future methods but the return type should be void.

To call this class now from Anonymous Block call the following method like:
ID jobID = System.enqueueJob(new AsyncExecutionExample()); // to fetch the id of the apex job
AsyncApexJob jobInfo = [SELECT Status,NumberOfErrors FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE Id=:jobID];

3. Chaining Jobs: You can chain one job to another by starting a second job from a running job. Chaining Jobs is
useful when you wish to do some processing that depends on another process to have run first.


public class AsyncQueueableExample implements Queueable {

public void execute(QueueableContext context){
Account a = new Account(Name='Queueable Apex Text2', Phone= '12345');
insert a;
System.enqueueJob(new ChainingJobExample());
public class ChainingJobExample implements Queueable{
public void execute(QueueableContext context)
List<Account> ab=[Select id,name from account where name='Queueable Apex Text2' limit 1];
List<Contact> conlist= new List<Contact>();
for (account acc:ab )
Contact c = new Contact();
insert conList;

Testing Queueable Jobs:

The system executes all the asynchronous processes started in a test method synchronously after the Test.stopTest()
1. The Id of a queueable Apex job is not returned in test context ---- System.enqueueJob returns null in a
running test.
2. Apex allows HTTP and webservice callouts from queueable jobs, if they implement the
Database.AllowCallouts marker interface. In queueable jobs that implement this interface, callouts are
also allowed in chained queueable jobs.

Queueable Apex Limits:

a. You can add up to 50 jobs to the queue with System.enqueueJob in a single transaction. To check how many
queueable jobs have been added in one transaction call Limits.getQueueableJobs().
b. No limit is enforced on the depth of chained jobs, which means that you can chain one job to another job and
repeat this process with each new child job to link to a new child job.
c. When chaining jobs, you can add only one job from an executing job with System.enqueueJob, which means
that only one child job can exist for each parent Queueable job.

5. Apex Scheduler:

To invoke apex classes to run at specific times, first implement the Schedulable interface class, then specify the
Schedule using either the Schedule Apex Page in Salesforce UI or the System.Schedule method.
 You can have 100 scheduled Apex Jobs at one time.
 You can programmatically query the CronTrigger and CronJobDetail objects to get the count of the Apex
Scheduled Jobs.
 Extreme care should be taken if planning to schedule a class from a Trigger. One must ensure that the
trigger won’t add more scheduled classes than the limit. In particular consider the API Bulk updates,
import wizards, mass record changes through User Interface, and all cases where more than one record
can be updated at a time.
 If there are one or more active Scheduled Jobs for an Apex Class, you cannot update the class or any
classes referenced by this class through Salesforce UI. However you can enable deployments to update
the class with active Scheduled Jobs by using Metadata API.

Implementing the Schedulable Interface:

 To schedule an Apex class to run at regular intervals, first write an Apex class that implements the Salesforce
provided interface Schedulable.
 The Scheduler runs as System—all classes are executed, whether or not the user has permission to execute the
 The Schedulable interface contains one method that must be implemented, execute.

6. What is Batch Apex?

ANS: Batch Apex operates over small batches of records, covering your entire record set and breaking the
processing down to manageable chunks.
Batch Apex is exposed as interface that must be implemented by the
developer. Batch jobs can be programmatically invoked at runtime using Apex.
You can have 5 queried or active batch jobs at one time. You can evaluate your current count by viewing the
Scheduled Jobs page in Salesforce or programmatically using SOAP API to query the AsyncApexJob object.

 Extreme care should be taken if planning to schedule a class from a Trigger. One must ensure that the
trigger won’t add more scheduled classes than the limit. In particular consider the API Bulk updates,
import wizards, mass record changes through User Interface, and all cases where more than one record
can be updated at a time.
 Batch Jobs can be programmatically scheduled to run at specific times using Apex Scheduler or using the
Schedule Apex Page in Salesforce User Interface.

5. When to use Before Triggers and when to use after Triggers?


The key thing to remember is that in before Triggers the record is not yet committed to the database, which
means you can’t query on those records in Trigger.New. Something like:

List<Account> acc=[Select id ,name from account where Id IN:Trigger.New];

Won’t work in before insert trigger because the records are still not there but will work for before update
Formula fields won’t be available in before insert Triggers as well.
The major advantage of before Trigger is you can modify the values of Trigger.New and by doing so you don’t
need an additional DML to modify the data. So if you need to modify the values in Trigger.New before Triggers
are better option.

a. Before Triggers should be used when you want to do some custom validation checks on the same
b. Update the same record/object.
c. Setting a default value.

In after Triggers the records are already changed in the database. So you can query the records. But since the
data manipulation is already done. You can’t modify the value in Trigger.New.
But still if you want to modify the values of the same record in an after Trigger you will have to generate a new List.
Something like:
List<Account> acclist= new List<account> ();
For (Account acc: Trigger.New)
Account newAcc= new Account();
newAcc.id= acc.Id;
newAcc.Name = acc.Name +’Test’;
Update acclist;

The above functionality could have been easily achieved in a before Trigger.

We use after triggers ideally for the following cases:

a. If we need to use the Record’s ID

b. Inserting or updating related records.
c. To send notification email post commit.

6. What is the maximum batch size in a single trigger execution?

We can employ batch apex to build complex, long running processes that run thousands of records on the
Force.com platform. Batch Apex operates over small batches of records, covering your entire record set and
breaking the processing down to manageable chunks. It contains three methods that must be implemented:
a. Start Method
b. Execute Method
c. Finish Method
The minimum size for a batch of Apex is 1.
The maximum size for a batch of Apex is 2000.
The default size for a batch of Apex is 200.

7. What are the assert methods under System class? Use cases for each of the methods.
ANS: There are three assert methods under System class. They are:
a. System.assert(condition,msg) : This method asserts that the specified condition is true. If it is not true, a
fatal error is returned that causes code execution to a halt.
The method has two parameters, one
is condition which is of Boolean type and msg which is optional and of object type.

Viz: 1. System.Assert(Today.Year()==2009, ‘Its not 2009 please return to present’);

2. Account acctTest = new Account (Name='Test Account');

insert acctTest;
System.Assert(acctTest.Id != null, 'The Test Account did not insert properly, please
check validation rules and other mechanisms');

3. public Boolean isYear2009()

return(Today.Year == 2009 ? true:false);
System.assert(isYear2009(),’ Its not 2009 please return to present’);

b. System.assertEquals(expected,actual,msg) : This method asserts that the first two conditions are same.
If it is not true, a fatal error is returned that causes code execution to a halt.
This method has three parameters,
one is expected which is of type object, 2nd is actual which is also of type object and the 3rd is msg which is
optional and of type object.

Viz: System.assertEquals(2009, Today.Year(), ‘It is not 2009 ,Please come to present’);

c. System.assertnotEquals(expected,actual,msg) : This method asserts that the first two conditions are
not same. . If they are same, a fatal error is returned that causes code execution to a halt.
This method has three
parameters, one is expected which is of type object, 2nd is actual which is also of type object and the
3rd is msg which is optional and of type object.
Viz: System.assertnotEquals(2008, Today.Year(), ‘It is not 2008, You are correct);

8. What are sObjects?

Because Apex is tightly integrated with database, you can access Salesforce records and their fields directly from
Apex. Every record in Salesforce is natively represented as an sObject in Apex. An sObject is an object that can be stored
in the Force.com platform database. These are not objects in the sense of instances of Apex classes, rather they are the
representations of data that has or will be persisted.
sObject is a generic abstract type that corresponds to any persisted object type. The generic sObject can be cast into a
specific sObject type.
For Example:
The Acme account record corresponds to an Account sObject in Apex. The fields of the Acme record that you can view
and modify in the user interface can be modified directly on the sObject as well.
In simpler words the Acme Account sObject is an abstraction of the account record and holds the account field
information in memory as an object.

Each Salesforce record is represented as an sObject before it is inserted into Salesforce. Similarly when persisted records
are retrieved from Salesforce they are stored in sObject variable.
Unlike specific sObject types generic sObjects can be created only through the newSObject() method. Also the fields in
generic sObject can be accessed only through the put() and get() methods.

9. What is dynamic Apex?

a. Dynamic Apex consists of the components that enables you to create more flexible applications by providing you
the ability to access sObject and field metadata descriptions.
b. Allows you to write dynamic SOQL as well as dynamic SOSL queries and dynamic DML.
c. Components are: Schema Describe, Dynamic SOQl, Dynamic SOSL and Dynamic DML.

10. What is Schema Class? And also mention some use cases for the same.
a. Schema Describe is a way to programmatically learn about the metadata of your data model in Apex.
b. Schema Describe calls provides the ability to programmatically describe the information about the current org
schema such as list of top level objects including custom objects and their fields.

Map<String, Schema.SobjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();

Returns map of all sObjects names or keys to sObject tokens or values for the standard and custom objects
defined in the organization.
c. We can also use SchemaDescribe() to create tree structure of all objects and fields in the schema browser, to do
this we need to use the codemap.
The following are the methods for Schema. All the methods are static.
a. getGlobalDescribe()
Returns a map of all sObject names(keys) to sObject tokens(values) for the standard and custom object defined
in your organization.
Return value: Map<String,Schema.SObjectType>

Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> gd = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();

b. describeDataCategoryGroups(List<String>)
Returns a list of category groups associated with the specified
objects. The describeDataCategoryGroups method returns a Schema.DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult object
containing the list of the category groups associated with the specified object.
Return value: List<Schema.DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult>

The following is an example of how to instantiate a data category group describe result object:
List <String> objType = new List<String>();

List<Schema.DescribeDataCategoryGroupResult> describeCategoryResult =

c. describeSObjects(List<String>)
Describes metadata only i.e object properties for the specified sObject or array of sObjects.
Return value: List<Schema.DescribeSObjectResult>

Schema.DescribeSObjectResult[] descResult =
Schema.describeSObjects(new String[]{'Account','Contact'});

d. describeTabs()
Returns the information about the standard and custom apps available to the running user.
Return value: List<Schema.DescribeTabSetResult>

Schema.DescribeTabSetResult[] tabSetDesc = Schema.describeTabs();

e. describeDataCategoryGroupStructures(List<Schema.DataCategoryGroupSobjectTypePair>)
Returns available category groups along with their data category structure for objects specified in the request.
Return value: List<Schema.DescribeDataCategoryGroupStructureResult>

11. What is Dynamic SOQL?

Dynamic SOQL refers to the creation of a SOQL string at run time with Apex code. Dynamic SOQL enables you to
create more flexible applications.
For Example: You can create a search based on input from the end user or update records with varying field names.

To create a dynamic SOQL query at runtime, use the database query method, in one of the following ways:
a. Return a single SObject when the query returns a single record:
sObject s = Database.query(string_limit_1);
b. Return a list of the sObjects when the query returns more than one record:

List<sObject> sObjList = Database.query(string);

The dynamic SOQL can be used anywhere where an inline SOQL query can be used.
Dynamic SOQL results can be specified as concrete sObjects or generic sObject data type. At run time, the system
validates that the type of the query matches the declared type of the variable. If the query doesnot return the
correct sObject type, a run time error is thrown.

Dynamic SOQL considerations:

i. You can use simple bind variables in dynamic SOQL query strings. The following is allowed:

String myTest = ‘TestName’;

List<sObject> sobjList = Database.Query(‘Select id from Expense__c where Name = : myTest’);

ii. However like inline SOQL, dynamic SOQL can’t use bind variables field in the query string. The
following example will throw an error i.e. Variable does not exist.

My_Custom_Object__c myVariable = new My_Custom_Object__c(field1__c = ‘Test Field’);

List<sObject> sObjList = Database.query(‘Select id from My_Custom_Object__c where field1__c = :

myVariable. field1’);

iii. You can instead resolve the variable field into a string and use the string in your dynamic SOQL

My_Custom_Object__c myVariable = new My_Custom_Object__c(field1__c = ‘Test Field’);

List<sObject> sObjList = Database.query(‘Select id from My_Custom_Object__c where field1__c = :

myVariable. field1’);

String resolvedField1 = myVariable.field1__c ;

List <sObject> sobjList = Database.query(‘Select id From My_Custom_Object__c where field1__c =
‘ + resolvedField1);

12. What is SOQL injection?

ANS: SOQL injection is a technique by which a user causes your application to execute database methods you did not
intend by passing SOQL statements in your code.
This can occur in Apex code whenever your application relies on end user input to construct a dynamic SOQL statement
and you do not handle the input properly.

To prevent SOQL injection, use the escapeSingleQuotes method. This method adds the escape character (\) to all single
quotation marks in a string that is passed from the user. This method ensures that all single quotation marks are treated
as enclosing strings instead of database commands.

13. What is SOSL?

SOSL is used to construct text based search queries against the search index.
You can search text, email, and phone fields for multiple objects, including custom objects that you have access to in a
single query in the following environments:
a. SOAP or REST calls
b. Apex statements
c. Visualforce controllers and getter methods
d. Schema Explorer of the Eclipse Toolkit.
You can embed SOSL directly in your Apex code. When SOSL is embedded in Apex it is referred to as inline SOSL.

When to use SOSL:

a. Use SOSL when you don’t know which object or field the data reside in.
b. When you want to retrieve data for a specific term that you know exists within a field. SOSL searches are faster
and can return more relevant results.
c. Retrieve multiple objects and fields efficiently where the objects might or might not be related to each other.
d. Retrieve data for a particular division in an organization using the divisions feature.

Sample SOSL:
FIND (‘Wingo’) IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(FirstName,LastName,Department)
------To be used for Apex.

FIND {Wingo} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name), Contact(FirstName,LastName,Department)

------To be used in the Query Editor in the developer console.

Basic SOSL Syntax:

SOSL allows you to specify the following search criteria:
 Text expression (single word or phrase) to search for.
 Scope of fields to search for.
 List of objects and fields to retrieve.
 Conditions for selecting rows in source objects.

This is the syntax of a basic SOSl query:

FIND ‘SEARCHQUERY’ [IN SearchGroup] [RETURNING ObjectsAndFields]

1. SearchQuery is the text to search for (a single word or a phrase). Search terms can be grouped with
logical operators (AND, OR) and parenthesis.
2. Also search terms can include wildcard characters (*,?). The * wildcard matches zero or more characters
at the middle or the end of the search term. The ? card matches only one term at the middle or end of
the search term.
3. Text searches are case insensitive.
4. SearchGroup is optional. It is the scope of the fields to search. If not specified, the default search scope
is all fields. SearchGroup can take one of the following values:
5. ObjectsAndFields is optional. It is the information to return in the search results a list of one or more
sObjects and within each sObject list of one or more fields. If not specified the search results contains ID
of all objects found.

Only one standard or custom object at a time can be Multiple or even the entire organization or database can
queried be queried in a single SOSL query.
Cn query all type of fields Can query only email, text or phone type of fields.
It can be used in classes and triggers. It can be used in classes but not in triggers.
DML operations can be performed with the queried DML operations cannot be performed with the searched
records. records.
Use SOQL to retrieve records for a single object. Use SOSL to search fields across multiple objects.

14. Apex Testing:

a. What is Apex Hammer?
Before each major service upgrade, Salesforce runs all apex tests on your behalf
through a process called as Apex Hammer. The Hammer process runs in the current version and the next release and
compare the test results. This process ensures that the behavior in your custom code has not been altered as a result of
service upgrades.

The visibility of a test method doesn’t matter, so declaring a test method as public or private does not make any
difference as the testing framework is always able to access test methods. For this reason access modifiers are omitted
in the syntax.
Private class MyTestClass{
@isTest static void myTest(){
//code block

Test classes can be public or private. If you are using Test classes for unit testing only, declare it private. Public test
classes are generally used for test data factory classes.

a. Even though it is not a best practice but there are times when the test method needs access to preexisting
b. To access org data, annotate the test method with @isTest(SeeAllData = true)
c. You can save upto 6 mb of apex code in each org. Test classes annotated with @isTest don’t count towards
this limit.
d. Each though test data rolls back once execution is finished, but no separate database is used for testing. As a
result some of the sObjects that have fields with unique constraints, inserting duplicate sObject records
results in error.
e. Test methods can’t make callouts to external services. But you can use mock callouts in Tests.
f. SOSL searches performed in a test returns empty results. To ensure predictable results, use
Test.setFixedSearchResults() to define the records to be returned by the search.

Test Utility classes for Test Data creation:

i. Public test utility classes are defined with the isTest annotation, and as such are excluded from the organization
code size limit and execute in test context.
ii. They can be called by test methods but not non-test code.
iii. The methods in the public test utility classes are defined in the same way as methods in the non-test classes.
They can take parameters and can return some value.
iv. The methods should be declared as public or global to be visible to other test classes.
v. These common methods can be called by any Apex classes to set up test data before running the test.
vi. While you can create public utility methods for test data creation in regular Apex classes, without the isTest
annotation you don’t get the benefit of excluding this code from organization code size limit.

15. What is an Apex Trigger?

ANS: A trigger is an Apex script that executes before or after specific data manipulation language (DML) events occur,
such as before object records are inserted into the database or after records have been deleted.
Triggers enables you to perform custom actions before or after changes to Salesforce records.

A trigger is an apex code that executes before or after the following types of operations:
g. Insert
h. Update
i. Delete
j. Merge
k. Upsert
l. Undelete
There are two types of Triggers:
a. Before Triggers: It is used to update or validate records before they are saved to the
b. After Triggers: It is used to access values of the record that are stored in the database
and use this values to make changes to other related records. After triggers are read

16. What are the Trigger context variables?

The following are the Trigger context variables:
a. isExecuting: Returns true if the current context for the Apex code is a trigger, not a visualforce page, a
WebService or an execute anonymous API call.

b. isInsert: Returns true if the Trigger was fired due to an Insert operation.

c. isUpdate : Returns true if the trigger was fired due to an Update operation.

d. isDelete: Returns true if the Trigger was fired due to a delete operation.

e. isBefore: Returns true if the trigger was fired before any record was saved.

f. isAfter : Returns true if the Trigger was fired after all records were saved.

g. isUndelete: If a record is recovered from the recycle bin it returns true.

h. new: Returns a list of the new versions of the sObject records. This sObject list is only available in insert, update
and undelete triggers and the records can only be modified in before Triggers.

i. newMap : A map of IDs to the new version of the sObject records. This map is only available in after insert,
before update, after update and after undelete triggers.

j. old: Returns a list of the old versions of the sObject records. This sObject list is only available in update and
delete triggers.
k. oldMap: Returns a map of IDs of the old versions of the sObject records. This map is only available in update and
delete records.

l. size : Returns the total number of records in a trigger invocation, both old and new.

The following are the list of considerations about actions of different Trigger Events.
Trigger Event Can change fields using Can update original object Can delete original object
Trigger.New using an update DML using a delete DML
operation. operation.
Beforeinsert Allowed. Not Applicable. Not Applicable.
Beforeupdate Allowed. Not allowed. A run time Not allowed. A runtime
error is thrown. error is thrown.
Beforedelete Not allowed. A run time Allowed. Update by DML Not allowed.
error is thrown. means you have to create a
Trigger.new is not available copy of the object from
in before delete Triggers. Trigger.old, then execute
the update call using that
afterinsert Not allowed. A runtime Allowed. Allowed but unnecessary.
error is thrown as The object is deleted
trigger.new is already immediately after being
saved. inserted.
Afterupdate Not allowed. A runtime Allowed. Allowed.
error is thrown as
trigger.new is already
Afterdelete Not allowed. A runtime Not applicable. Not applicable.
error is thrown as
Trigger.New is not available
in after delete triggers.
afterUndelete Allowed. But not allowed Allowed. Allowed, but unnecessary.
for Trigger.old because
Trigger.old is not available
in after undelete trigger.

17. Name on thing that cannot be built with Declarative Tools in Salesforce?
ANS: Buiding a connection or integration with third-party systems.

18. Name one standard object which also acts as junction object.
a. Opportunity Contact Role is a junction object between Opportunity and Contact.
b. Quote is a junction object between Contract and Opportunity.
c. Opportunity Product (API name: OpportunityLineItem) is a junction object between Opportunity and Product2.
d. PriceBookEntry is a junction object between Product2 and PriceBook2.

12. What is an app, fieldset?


13. What are custom settings?

Custom settings are similar to custom objects and enable application developers to create custom sets of data, as well as
create and associate custom data for an organization, profile or specific user.
All custom settings data is exposed in the application cache, which enables efficient access without the cost of
repeated queries o the database.
This data can be used by formula fields, validation rules, flows, apex and SOAP API.

There are two types of Custom Settings:

a. List Custom Setting:
A type of custom setting that provides reusable set of static data that can be accessed
across organization. If you use a particular set of data frequently in your application, putting the data in a list
custom setting streamlines access to it. Data in list setting does not vary with profile, user but is available
b. Hierarchy Custom Settings:
A type of custom setting that uses a built in hierarchical logic that lets you personalize
settings for specific profiles or users. The hierarchy logic checks the organization, profile and user settings for
the current user and returns the most specific or ‘lowest’ value. In the hierarchy, settings for an organization are
overridden by profile settings, which, in turn, are overridden by user settings.

The following examples illustrate how you can use custom settings:

 A shipping application requires users to fill in the country codes for international deliveries. By creating a
list setting of all country codes, users have quick access to this data without needing to query the
 An application displays a map of account locations, the best route to take, and traffic conditions. This
information is useful for sales reps, but account executives only want to see account locations. By
creating a hierarchy setting with custom checkbox fields for route and traffic, you can enable this data
for just the “Sales Rep” profile.

NOTE: If you want to migrate the records consider using custom metadata types instead of custom list settings.

However querying custom settings data using SOQL does not make use of the application cache and is similar to
querying a custom object. To benefit from caching use Apex custom settings method.

14. What is ‘one trigger per Object’ pattern?

Instead of coding your logic directly inside a trigger, you code it separately inside a class. Then inside your trigger
you create an object of your class, then run your records through its logic.

 Reusability: with your logic inside a class, you can reuse it outside of triggers, for example in a visualforce page,
test class, batch apex etc.
 Simplicity: every “trigger” gets reduced to just two lines of code in the master trigger. An object oriented code
base is more organized, predictable, and modular too.
 Control your order of execution: in Apex the order of execution isn’t guaranteed for multiple triggers on the
same object. This pattern gives you total control.

15. How to move the contents of a list to a set in apex?

List<Account> acc = Database.Query(‘Select ID from Account’);
Set<Id> accIds = (new Map<Id,Account>(acc)).keyset();

16. Write a SOQL query that counts the number of active Contacts for each Account in a set.
List<Account> acc = Database.query('Select Id from Account');
Set<Id> stAccIds = (new Map<Id,Account>(acc)).keyset();
Map<Id,Integer> accountIdsWithContact = new Map<Id,Integer>();
for(Account accs: [Select Id, Name, (Select Id from Contacts) from Account where Id In:stAccIds]){

17. Salesforce Spring 18 new features:

 Custom Themes
 Salesforce Surveys, although they are included in the Heath Cloud.
 Duplicate Jobs(Reactive Dupe Management): Duplicate jobs allows you to
report on, view and merge duplicates which already exist in your system.
 LinkedIn Integration for Leads: To further automate your Leads coming into
your org, Salesforce has brought out a “Web2Lead” style integration with
LinkedIn. Available in Lightning and Classic.
 Store certain Data Privacy Preferences.

18. Test Classes Best Practices:

 At least 75% of the Apex code must be covered by unit tests, and all those tests must complete
 Every trigger must have some test coverage.
 If code uses conditional logic including ternary operators execute each branch.
 Make calls to methods using both valid and invalid inputs.
 Always handle exceptions that are caught instead of merely catching the exceptions.
 Use runAs method to test the application in different user contexts.
 Exercise bulk trigger functionality---use at least 20 records in your tests.
 Use System.assert method to test that the code behaves properly.
 Create all Test data before calling the Test.startTest() method.

Salesforce Order of Execution:

Before Salesforce executes these events on the server,

The browser runs Javascript validation if the record contains any dependent picklist field. The validation limits each
dependent picklist field to its available values. No other validation occurs on the client side.

Integration Basics:

a. API stands for Application Programming Interface which means basically something that allows one
piece of software to talk to another software.

b. REST API : REST stands for Representational State Transfer

Toughest battles destined for strongest soldiers.

http://sfdcsrini.blogspot.com/2014/11/dynamic-apex-in-salesforce.html then

3. What are the differences between 15 and 18 digit record IDs?

4. What are record types/junction object
7. Describe a use case when you’d control permissions through each of the following:
– Profiles
– Roles
– Permission Sets
– Sharing Rules
10. A trigger is running multiple times during a single save event in an org. How can
this be prevented?
14. What is Trigger.old and when do you normally use it?
15. When should you use a lookup instead of a master-detail relationship?
16. What are the advantages of using Batch Apex instead of a trigger?
17. What are the pros and cons when using a Workflow Rule Field Update vs. a
Formula Field?
18. What are the differences between a Map and a List?
20. Describe a use case for Static Resources.
21. Provide an example of when a Matrix report would be used. How about a Joined
22. A group of users must be prevented from updating a custom field. What’s the
most secure method of preventing this?
23. When would you use the @future annotation?
24. List three different tools that can be used when deploying code.
25. When should an Extension be used instead of a Custom Controller?
26. What are the advantages of using External Id fields?
27. What are the uses of the <apex:actionFunction> tag?
28. What are the differences between static and non-static variables in Apex?
30. What does the View State represent in a Visualforce page?

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