Electrical Thumb Rule

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5/22/2014 Electrical Thumb Rules You MUST Follow (Part 8) | EEP

Electrical Thumb Rules You MUST Follow (Part 8)

P o sted M A R 10 2014 b y JI G U P A RM A R in E N E RG Y A N D P O W E R, M E T E RI N G w ith 5 C O M M E N T S

Electrical Thumb Rules You MUST Follow (Part 8)

Continued from part 7: Electrical Thumb Rules You M UST Follow (Part 7)

Three EE thumb rules to follow:

1. Accuracy Class of M etering CT
2. Accuracy Class Letter of CT
3. Accuracy Class of Protection CT

Accuracy Class of Metering CT

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5/22/2014 Electrical Thumb Rules You MUST Follow (Part 8) | EEP

Metering Class CT
Class Applications
0.1 To 0.2 Precision measurements
0.5 High grade kilowatt hour meters for commercial
grade kilowatt hour meters
3 General industrial measurements
3 OR 5 Approximate measurements

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Accuracy Class Letter of CT

Metering Class CT
Accuracy Applications
B Metering Purpose
Protection Class CT
C CT has low leakage flux.
T CT can have significant leakage flux.
H CT accuracy is applicable within the entire range of
secondary currents from 5 to 20 times the nominal
CT rating. (Typically wound CTs.)
L CT accuracy applies at the maximum rated
secondary burden at 20 time rated only. The ratio
accuracy can be up to four times greater than the
listed value, depending on connected burden and
fault current. (Typically window, busing, or bar-type

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Accuracy Class of Protection CT

Class Applications
10P5 Instantaneous over current relays & trip coils: 2.5VA
10P10 Thermal inverse time relays: 7.5VA
10P10 Low consumption Relay: 2.5VA
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5/22/2014 Electrical Thumb Rules You MUST Follow (Part 8) | EEP

10P10/5 Inverse definite min. time relays (IDMT)

10P10 IDMT Earth fault relays with approximate time
5P10 IDMT Earth fault relays with phase fault stability or
accurate time grading: 15VA

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