Serological Testing Prior To Dengue Vaccine Administration

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

Serological Testing Prior to Dengue Vaccine Administration

Committee on Immunization
Pediatric Infectious Disease Society of the Philippines
13 March 2017

In May 2016, the PIDSP Committee on Immunization reviewed available evidence on the safety
and efficacy of the licensed dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia® (Sanofi). Based on this review, the
committee concluded that the live attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine appears to be effective
and safe and can be given to children aged 9 years and older. Aside from providing protection for
individuals ≥ 9 years, the data also showed that the vaccine was more effective in those who
were already exposed and are positive for dengue antibodies.

Concerns raised over the long-term safety of CYD-TDV, particularly among individuals who are
seronegative when first vaccinated, have prompted consideration of serologic testing prior to
immunization. In this document, the PIDSP Committee on Immunization reviews current literature
to provide information for the clinician.

Efficacy of the Dengue Vaccine

Vaccine efficacy varied by serologic status at the time of receiving the first dose, by serotype,
severity of disease, and by age. Evidence suggests that the vaccine provides better protection
against severe dengue for older children ≥ 9 years, and for those who were already exposed and
are positive for dengue antibodies at the time of first vaccination. Vaccine efficacy was also
shown to be lower against serotypes 1 and 2 than against serotypes 3 and 4.

Focusing on the study by Capeding et al (the CYD14 trial), the overall efficacy of the vaccine
within the first 25 months after the first dose in children aged 2-14 years old was 80% (95% CI
52.7 - 92.4%) against severe dengue and 67.2% (95% CI 50.3 - 78.6%) against hospitalized

During the third year of follow-up in the same study, vaccine efficacy against hospitalization for
dengue was 81.6 % (95% CI 60.7 - 92.0%) among participants who were ≥ 9 years, but was
lower among those under 9 years old, at 56.1% (95% CI 26.2 - 74.1%). During this same period,
vaccine efficacy against development of dengue hemorrhagic fever was 80.8% (95% CI 70.1 -
87.7%) among participants who were ≥ 9 years of age and 66.7% (95% CI -4.7 - 90.2) among
those under 9 years old.

Safety of the Dengue Vaccine

During the first 2 years of the CYD14 Asian Study, there was no difference in the incidence of
non-serious systemic adverse events. However, there was one case of acute disseminated
encephalomyelitis post-varicella infection occurring 7 days after the first injection as well as 4
deaths, all unrelated to vaccination: three traffic accidents and one tracheal injury. No immediate
hypersensitivity or allergic reactions, and no cases of viscerotropic or neurotropic disease were
The results of an extended hospital-based observation study by Hadinegoro et al, however,
showed that by the third year following vaccination, receipt of the vaccine was associated with a
7.45 times increased risk of hospitalization for dengue of any severity in the 2-5 years age group.
There was no evidence of increased risk in the 6-11 year old and 12-14 year old groups.

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

In addition, the supplementary appendix of the Hadinegoro study provided data on hospitalization
for severe dengue over the same period. Only for subjects in the CYD14 study, a 5.5 times
overall risk for hospitalization was seen among those who were vaccinated with the dengue
vaccine (RR 5.50, 95% CI 0.71- 42.6). Further analysis showed that the increased risk was seen
in those less than 9 years old. During the year 4 follow-up phase of the same study, this risk was
shown to have decreased compared to the year 3 data (RR 1.19, 95% CI 0.65 to 2.28).

Because of the safety signal of increased risk of hospitalized and severe dengue identified in the
2 to 5 year age group, the current dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia® is not licensed for children under
9 years of age.

Effect of Baseline Dengue Serologic Status on Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

In the CYD14 study, approximately 70% of all participants 2 to 14 years old were seropositive for
dengue at baseline, based on the plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Among those ≥ 9
years of age, approximately 80% were seropositive at the time of the first dose of vaccine. In this
age group, vaccine efficacy was higher among seropositive (79.2%, 95% CI 47.2 - 92.7%) than
among seronegative participants (61.6%, 95% CI –21.1 - 88.1%).

The clinical data on seronegative vaccine recipients in the older age group are insufficient for
drawing definite conclusions. As in other vaccines, longer follow-up periods and continued
surveillance will be required before any definite conclusions can be made regarding the safety of
the vaccine when used on dengue-naïve individuals of any age.

A number of interconnected mechanisms involving interactions between the infecting virus, host
age, pre-existing immunity and vaccine-induced immunity have been proposed to explain the
results, although none have been proven conclusively to explain differences in efficacy and
safety. Data from continued surveillance and safety monitoring of dengue vaccine is important to
determine the long term relative risks of all of the relevant outcomes based on serologic status
and age at the time of vaccination.

With the above summary to serve as a background, the following practical questions may be
helpful for the clinician to consider:

What are the current recommendations on serologic testing prior to vaccination?

Rapid diagnostic tests could be used to screen potential vaccine recipients, with only seropositive
individuals being vaccinated. This targeted vaccination strategy, as recommended by some
experts on dengue, would reduce the potential risks and maximize the benefits of dengue
vaccination. This may be optimal in situations where the resources and infrastructure are in place
to conduct the screening prior to vaccination

On the other hand, the WHO SAGE working group advised against screening for serostatus prior
to vaccination, pointing out the unavailability of rapid, point-of-care tests to establish serostatus at
the time of vaccination, logistical challenges in implementing a screening test prior to vaccination,
as well as a lack of demonstrated harm in the older age group. Rather, based on considerations
of superior efficacy and, possibly, the safety and duration of protection in seropositive individuals,
SAGE recommended a seroprevalence threshold of 70% or higher in the age group targeted for
vaccination as the best population-level strategy .

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

What is the seropositivity rate of dengue in those ≥ 9 years old in the Philippines?

There is currently no national data documenting dengue seroprevalence in the Philippines.

However, in one study involving 1,066 Filipino children aged 2-16 years, dengue seropositivity
rates as determined by plaque-reduction sero-neutralization assay were found to increase with
increasing age: 58% in those age 2-4 years, 74.9% in those 5-8 years, 88.5% in those 9-12
years, and 93% in those 13-16 years.

Subsequently, a prospective longitudinal cohort study conducted in Cebu City among 1,008
children and adults starting from age 6 months and older showed that >98.3% of all those > 15
years developed evidence of multi-typic dengue HAI antibodies during the 12-month study period.
However, only 17.5% of dengue infections that occurred were symptomatic; 82.5% developed
subclinical infection.

In the absence of population-based serologic data, the WHO suggests the use of epidemiologic
information (incidence, morbidity and mortality rate among infectious diseases) as an indicator.

What do dengue serological tests measure?

Dengue serological tests measure IgM and IgG antibodies against dengue. Serologic testing
facilitates diagnosis and helps distinguish primary from secondary dengue infection.

In most infected individuals having primary infection, IgM is detected 5 or more days after the
onset of illness while IgG is detected from 10–15 days. During secondary infections, IgM appears
earlier or in the same time frame but occurs at lower titers. IgG that has been present since
primary infection on the other hand shows rapid increase in titers. Figure 1 below shows the
timing of detection of IgM and IgG during primary and secondary dengue infection.

DENV-reactive IgG
DENV-reactive IgM
Dengue viral protein, NS1

Primary infection Secondary infection

Figure 1: Timing and level of IgM and IgG antibody rise in relation to onset of symptoms during primary and
secondary dengue infection (CDC.

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

What are the locally available dengue serologic tests?

The basic principles of the commonly used dengue serological tests that are locally
available are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Basic Principles of Dengue Serological Tests
Test Principle/Description of the test Remarks
Based on the ability of dengue antigens to agglutinate No longer used except
Hemagglutinat red blood cells, this test.measures the amount of anti- for research
ion dengue antibodies in sera that can inhibit agglutination

(HAI), test
IgM antibody capture ELISA (MAC-ELISA) format is Cross reactivity
Enzyme- based on capturing human IgM antibodies on a between other
linked microtiter plate using anti-human-IgM antibody, circulating flaviviruses
immunosorbe followed by the addition of dengue virus specific is the major
nt assay antigen (DENV1-4) derived from the virus envelope limitation.
IgG ELISA is used for the detection of a past dengue
infection and utilizes the same viral antigens as the
MAC ELISA. In general IgG ELISA lacks specificity
within the flavivirus serocomplex groups. A negative
IgG in the acute phase and a positive IgG in the
convalescent phase suggests primary dengue
infections. A positive IgG in the acute phase and a 4
fold rise in IgG titer in the convalescent phase (with at
least a 7 day interval between the two samples) is a
secondary dengue infection
Plaque Currently considered to be the “gold standard” to This test is labor
reduction characterize and quantify circulating levels of intensive, time-
neutralization neutralizing antibody against dengue. It is the most consumingm and is
test serologically virus-specific and serotype-specific test currently available
(PRNT) among dengue viruses with good correlation between only at the RITM
serum levels and protection from virus infection. Newer Processing time: 4
tests measuring virus neutralization are being weeks
developed, but PRNT remains the laboratory standard
against which these tests will need to be validated
Immunocrhom ICTs for the detection of dengue antibodies are in the This is a commonly
atographic form of either a lateral flow cassette that allows the used rapid test in local
Test (ICT) flow of sample in a horizontal plane or a wick-style test laboratories.
that is performed in a tube and draws the sample It is easy to use, gives
vertically by capillary action. rapid results and
requires no
These rapid diagnostic tests use a combination of specialized equipment
dried antigens and colloidal gold-labeled monoclonal or training making this
antibodies on a pad at the head of a nitrocellulose strip test ideal for low-
that is impregnated with antibody lines. Test sample technology
and running buffer are added to the pad releasing the environments.
colloidal gold that facilitates mixing of the sample with Limitations include
the gold complex, and the migration of reagents and subjective reading by
sample by capillary action along the nitrocellulose strip the operator as well
towards the antibody lines. Appearance of maroon as some cross
bands in the location of antibody lines signifies reactivity with other
presence of antibody members of the
Flaviviridae family

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

How accurate are commercial serologic tests (point-of-care rapid tests)?

Locally available rapid diagnostic tests are indicated for the diagnosis of acute dengue
infection through high levels of IgM and IgG during acute and convalescent phase.
These rapid tests may give false negative or false positive results due to cross reactivity
to other flaviviruses (refer to Table 2 below), malaria, rheumatoid factor, or SLE, and are
not intended for the evaluation of serostatus prior to vaccination.

It is important to note these rapid tests have not been validated for the purpose of
evaluation of prior exposure to dengue before vaccination. These tests are not being
promoted or marketed for this purpose.

Table 2: Sensitivity and Specificity Values of Dengue ELISA and Rapid Diagnostic
Tests (RDTs)
Reference Dengue Test Sensitivity Specificity False positive
Target Type of test Specific Brand
antibody/ (format) (Company)
Hunsperger IgM ELISA Venture Acute Phase: Overall False positive
(2014) 98% specificity: reactions: 18-
Convalescent 84%. 50% observed
Phase: 97% against other
Rapid test Abon Acute Overall flaviviruses
Phase:63% specificity: (*SLEV, JEV ,
Convalescent 86-92% WNV,CKV,
Phase:56% Hanta virus);
CTK Acute Phase: Lepto 5-18%
46% Malaria 5-25%
Convalescent Lyme: 10%
Phase: 53% scrub typhus
Orgenic Acute Phase: RF 25-90%
95% SLE 100%
Convalescent Pregnancy
Phase: 82% 5%
SD Duo IgM Acute Phase:
Phase: 98%
WHO IgM and Rapid test Dengue Duo 77.8 90.6 Malaria 10-
(2009) IgG Casette 45%
(PanBio) RF 31.6-35%
SD Bioline 60.9 90 Lyme: 5%
IgG/IgM Other
(Standard flaviviruses:
Diagnostics) (JE, WNV,
Dengucheck- 20.5 86.7 YF, SLVE);
WB hanta virus: 5-
(Zephyr 20%
Hunsperger IgM ELISA Panbio 99 84.4 Malaria: 4-
(2009) Standard 97.6 86.6 35%
IgM Rapid test Panbio 77.8 90.6 RF: 40-65%
Standard 60.9 90 Lepto: 5%
Pentax 97.7 76.6 Other
Zephyr 20.5 86.7 flaviviruses:
YF, SLEV): 3-

PIDSP Dengue Serologic Testing – March 13, 2017 – Fin April4,2017 Page 5
hanta virus:

Blacksell IgM Rapid test Dengue fever 72.7 73.8 Malaria: 1.1-
(2011) IgG, IgM 5.9%
combo device Lepto: 9.4-
(Merlin) 18.1%
Immunoquick 79.8 46.3 Bacteremia:
Dengue fever 7.1-9.4%
IgG, IgM Scrub
(Biosynex) typhus:4.8-
Panbio 70.7 80 15.6%
Dengue Duo Q fever: 2.3-
Cassette 9.4%
(Inverness) TB: 3.1-11.8%
Standard 79.2 82.3 UTI: 2.3%
Diagnostics RMSF: 1.1-
CKV: 46.9-
*St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), West Nile virus (WNV), Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV),
Chikungunya virus (CKV), Rheumatoid factor (RF), Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), tuberculosis
(TB), urinary tract infection (UTI), Rocky mountain spotted fever (RMS)

What is the recommendation regarding currently available serologic testing prior

to dengue vaccination?

In light of the limitations of the currently available rapid serologic tests, and the
difficulty in interpretation of results, no recommendations can be given for
serologic testing prior to dengue vaccination at this time.

It is suggested that the clinician use the above data to discuss options for testing
and vaccination with individual patients.

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

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A Subspecialty Society Accredited by PMA and PPS

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