Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials: Standard Test Method For

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American Association State Highway

Designation: E 10 – 08 and Transportation Officials Standard

AASHTO No.: T70–86

Standard Test Method for

Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 10; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope Determine Conformance with Specifications

1.1 This test method covers the determination of the Brinell E 74 Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instru-
hardness of metallic materials by the Brinell indentation ments for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Ma-
hardness principle. This standard provides the requirements for chines
a Brinell testing machine and the procedures for performing E 140 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship
Brinell hardness tests. Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell
1.2 This standard includes additional requirements in four Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, and
annexes: Scleroscope Hardness
Verification of Brinell Hardness Testing Machines Annex A1
E 384 Test Method for Microindentation Hardness of Ma-
Brinell Hardness Standardizing Machines Annex A2 terials
Standardization of Brinell Hardness Indenters Annex A3 2.2 American Bearings Manufacturer Association Stan-
Standardization of Brinell Hardness Test Blocks Annex A4
1.3 This standard includes nonmandatory information in an ABMA 10-1989 Metal Balls3
appendix which relates to the Brinell hardness test: 2.3 ISO Standards:
Table of Brinell Hardness Numbers Appendix X1 ISO/IEC 17011 Conformity Assessment—General Require-
Examples of Procedures for Determining Appendix X2 ments for Accreditation Bodies Accrediting Conformity
Brinell Hardness Uncertainty
Assessment Bodies4
1.4 At the time the Brinell hardness test was developed, the ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence
force levels were specified in units of kilograms-force (kgf). of Calibration and Testing4
Although this standard specifies the unit of force in the
International System of Units (SI) as the Newton (N), because 3. Terminology and Equations
of the historical precedent and continued common usage of kgf 3.1 Definitions:
units, force values in kgf units are provided for information and 3.1.1 calibration—determination of the values of the sig-
much of the discussion in this standard refers to forces in kgf nificant parameters by comparison with values indicated by a
units. reference instrument or by a set of reference standards.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 3.1.2 verification—checking or testing to assure conform-
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the ance with the specification.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 3.1.3 standardization—to bring in conformance with a
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- known standard through verification or calibration.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. 3.1.4 Brinell hardness test—an indentation hardness test
using a verified machine to force an indenter (tungsten carbide
2. Referenced Documents ball with diameter D), under specified conditions, into the
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 surface of the material under test. The diameter of the resulting
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to indentation d is measured after removal of the force.
3.1.5 Brinell hardness number—a number, which is propor-
tional to the quotient obtained by dividing the test force by the
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E28 on
curved surface area of the indentation which is assumed to be
Mechanical Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E28.06 on spherical and of the diameter of the ball.
Indentation Hardness Testing.
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originally
approved in 1924. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E 10 – 07a.
2 3
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Available from American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA), 2025
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM M Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
the ASTM website. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 10 – 08
3.1.6 Brinell hardness scale—a designation that identifies where:
the specific combination of ball diameter and applied force dmax = mean diameter of the largest measured indentation,
used to perform the Brinell hardness test. and
3.1.7 Brinell hardness testing machine—a Brinell hardness dmin = mean diameter of the smallest measured indenta-
machine used for general testing purposes. tion.
3.1.8 Brinell hardness standardizing machine—a Brinell 3.2.3 The average H of a set of n Brinell hardness measure-
hardness machine used for the standardization of Brinell ment values H1, H2, ..., Hn is calculated as:
hardness test blocks. The standardizing machine differs from a H1 1 H2 1 ... 1 Hn
regular Brinell hardness testing machine by having tighter H5 n (3)
tolerances on certain parameters. 3.2.4 The error E in the performance of a Brinell hardness
3.1.9 force-diameter ratio—a number calculated as the ratio machine at each hardness level is determined as:
of the test force in kgf to the square of the indenter ball
diameter in mm (see Table 1). E 5 H – HSTD (4)
3.2 Equations: where:
3.2.1 The Brinell hardness number is calculated as: H (Eq 3) = average of n hardness tests H1, H2, ..., Hn made
2Fkgf on a standardized test block as part of a
HBW 5 (1) performance verification, and
pD~D – =D2 – d2!
HSTD = certified average hardness value of the stan-
where: dardized test block.
Fkgf = test force in kgf, 3.2.5 The mean diameter of an indentation d is calculated
D = diameter of the indenter ball in mm, and as:
d = measured mean diameter of the indentation in mm d1 1 d2 1 ... 1 dn
(see Table 1). d5 n (5)
3.2.2 The repeatability R in the performance of a Brinell
hardness machine at each hardness level, under the particular Where:
verification conditions, is estimated by the range of diameter d1, d2, ..., dn = measured indentation diameters in mm,
measurements of n indentations made on a standardized test and
block as part of a performance verification, defined as: n = the number of diameter measurements.
3.2.6 The average mean diameter d of a set of indentations
R 5 dmax – dmin (2)
is calculated as:
d1 1 d2 1 ... 1 dN
d5 N (6)
TABLE 1 Symbols and Designations
Symbol Designation where:
D Diameter of the ball, mm d1, d2, ... dN = mean indentation diameters in mm, and
N = number of indentations (see Annex A4).
F Test force, N
4. Significance and Use
Fkgf Test force, kgf
Fkgf 5 3 F
4.1 The Brinell hardness test is an indentation hardness test
gn that can provide useful information about metallic materials.
where gn is the acceleration due to gravity.
gn = 9.80665 kgf/N This information may correlate to tensile strength, wear resis-
tance, ductility, or other physical characteristics of metallic
d Mean diameter of the indentation, mm materials, and may be useful in quality control and selection of
d1 1 d2 1 ... 1 dn
n materials.
where d1 + d2 + ... + dn are the measured indentation 4.2 Brinell hardness tests are considered satisfactory for
diameters in mm, and n is the number of diameter acceptance testing of commercial shipments, and have been
used extensively in industry for this purpose.
h Depth of the indentation, mm 4.3 Brinell hardness testing at a specific location on a part
D – =D2 – d2 may not represent the physical characteristics of the whole part
2 or end product.
Force- Fkgf
Diameter 5
5. Principles of Test and Apparatus
ratio 5.1 Brinell Hardness Test Principle—The general principle
HBW Brinell hardness of the Brinell indentation hardness test consists of two steps
Test Force (see Fig. 1).
Surface area of indentation 5.1.1 Step 1—The indenter is brought into contact with the
5 test specimen in a direction perpendicular to the surface, and
p D ~D – =D2 – d2!
the test force F is applied. The test force is held for a specified
dwell time and then removed.

E 10 – 08
TABLE 2 Resolution and Graduation Spacing of Indentation
Measuring Devices
Type A Type B
Minimum Maximum
Ball Diameter
Indicator Resolution Graduation Spacing
mm mm
10 0.0100 0.100
5 0.0050 0.050
2.5 0.0025 –
1 0.0010 –

FIG. 1 Principle of Test

in Table 2. Type B devices shall not be used for measuring
5.1.2 Step 2—The diameter of the indentation is measured indentations made with 2.5 mm and 1 mm ball indenters.
in at least two directions perpendicular to each other. The 5.3 Verification—Brinell testing machines and indentation
Brinell hardness value is derived from the mean of the diameter measurement devices shall be verified periodically in accor-
measurements. dance with Annex A1.
5.2 Brinell Testing Machine—Equipment for Brinell hard- 5.4 Test Blocks—Test blocks meeting the requirements of
ness testing usually consists of a testing machine, which Annex A4 shall be used to verify the testing machine in
supports the test specimen and applies an indenting force to a accordance with Annex A1.
ball in contact with the specimen, and a system for measuring 5.5 Brinell Hardness Scales—The combinations of indent-
the mean diameter of the indentation in accordance with the ers and test forces define the Brinell hardness scales. The
Brinell hardness test principle. The design of the testing standard Brinell hardness scales and test forces are given in
machine shall be such that no rocking or lateral movement of Table 3, corresponding to force-diameter ratios (see Table 1) of
the indenter or specimen occurs while the force is being 1, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 and 30. Brinell hardness values should be
applied. The design of the testing machine shall ensure that the determined and reported in accordance with one of these
force to the indenter is applied smoothly and without impact standard scales. Other scales using non-standard test forces
forces. Precautions shall be taken to prevent a momentary high may be used by special agreement. Examples of other scales
test force caused by the inertia of the system, hydraulic system and the corresponding force-diameter ratio (in parentheses) are
overshoot, etc. HBW 10/750 (7.5), HBW 10/2000 (20), HBW 10/2500 (25),
5.2.1 See the Equipment Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual HBW 5/187.5 (7.5), and HBW 5/500 (20).
for a description of the machine’s characteristics, limitations, 5.6 Calculation of the Brinell Hardness Number—The
and respective operating procedures. Brinell hardness number shall be calculated from the mean
5.2.2 Anvils—An anvil, or specimen support, should be
used that is suitable for the specimen to be tested. The seating
TABLE 3 Test Conditions and Recommended Hardness Range
and supporting surfaces of all anvils should be clean and free
Ball Nominal Value of
of foreign material. Typically, anvils need only be replaced if Brinell
Force- Recommended
Hardness Diameter Test Force, F Hardness Range
they fail to support the test surface perpendicular to the D
Scale RatioA N kgf HBW
indenter, or they are deemed unsafe. mm
5.2.3 Indenters—Indenters for the Brinell hardness test HBW 10/3000 10 30 29420 3000 95.5 to 650
shall be tungsten carbide balls of four allowed diameters (1, HBW 10/1500 10 15 14710 1500 47.7 to 327
HBW 10/1000 10 10 9807 1000 31.8 to 218
2.5, 5 and 10 mm). Indenters shall meet the requirements HBW 10/500 10 5 4903 500 15.9 to 109
defined in Annex A3. HBW 10/250 10 2.5 2452 250 7.96 to 54.5
5.2.4 Oil, dirt, or other foreign materials shall not be HBW 10/125 10 1.25 1226 125 3.98 to 27.2
HBW 10/100 10 1 980.7 100 3.18 to 21.8
allowed to accumulate on the indenter, as this will affect the HBW 5/750 5 30 7355 750 95.5 to 650
test results. HBW 5/250 5 10 2452 250 31.8 to 218
5.2.5 Measurement Device—The measurement device used HBW 5/125 5 5 1226 125 15.9 to 109
HBW 5/62.5 5 2.5 612.9 62.5 7.96 to 54.5
for the measurement of the diameter of Brinell indentations HBW 5/31.25 5 1.25 306.5 31.25 3.98 to 27.2
may be an integral part of the hardness machine or a separate HBW 5/25 5 1 245.2 25 3.18 to 21.8
HBW 2.5/187.5 2.5 30 1839 187.5 95.5 to 650
stand-alone instrument. The allowable measurement devices HBW 2.5/62.5 2.5 10 612.9 62.5 31.8 to 218
are classified into two types. The Type A device includes HBW 2.5/31.25 2.5 5 306.5 31.25 15.9 to 109
microscopes having movable measuring lines with some type HBW 2.5/15.625 2.5 2.5 153.2 15.625 7.96 to 54.5
HBW 2.5/7.8125 2.5 1.25 76.61 7.8125 3.98 to 27.2
of indicator or computerized measuring system, or an image HBW 2.5/6.25 2.5 1 61.29 6.25 3.18 to 21.8
analysis system. The Type B device is a hand-held microscope HBW 1/30 1 30 294.2 30 95.5 to 650
(usually 203 or 403) with fixed measuring lines. HBW 1/10 1 10 98.07 10 31.8 to 218
HBW 1/5 1 5 49.03 5 15.9 to 109 Type A Device—The acceptable minimum resolution HBW 1/2.5 1 2.5 24.52 2.5 7.96 to 54.5
for a Type A device shall be as given in Table 2. HBW 1/1.25 1 1.25 12.26 1.25 3.98 to 27.2 Type B Device—The acceptable maximum spacing HBW 1/1 1 1 9.807 1 3.18 to 21.8
between the graduated lines of Type B devices shall be as given A
See Table 1.

E 10 – 08
diameter d of the indentation using Eq 1 or from the values TABLE 4 Minimum Specimen Thickness Based on Ten-Times the
given in Appendix X1. Indentation Depth
5.6.1 Brinell hardness values shall not be designated by a Diameter of Minimum Specimen Thickness
number alone because it is necessary to indicate which indenter Indentation, 10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm
d Ball Ball Ball Ball
and which force has been employed in making the test (see
Table 3). Brinell hardness numbers shall be followed by the mm mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in.
symbol HBW, and be supplemented by an index indicating the 0.2 0.1 0.004
test conditions in the following order: 0.3 0.2 0.009
0.4 0.4 0.016 Diameter of the ball, mm, 0.5 0.7 0.026 A value representing the test force, kgf, (see Table 3) 0.6 0.4 0.014 1.0 0.039
and, 0.7 0.5 0.020
0.8 0.7 0.026 The applied force dwell time, s, if other than 10 s to 0.9 0.8 0.033
15 s. 1.0 1.0 0.041
1.1 1.3 0.050
5.6.2 The only exception to the above requirement is for the
1.2 0.7 0.029 1.5 0.060
HBW 10/3000 scale when a 10 s to 15 s dwell time is used. 1.3 0.9 0.034 1.8 0.072
Only in the case of this one Brinell hardness scale may the 1.4 1.0 0.039 2.1 0.084
1.5 1.2 0.045 2.5 0.098
designation be reported simply as HBW. 1.6 1.3 0.052
5.6.3 Examples: 1.7 1.5 0.059
220 HBW = Brinell hardness of 220 determined with a ball of 10 mm diameter 1.8 1.7 0.066
and with a test force of 29.42 kN (3000 kgf) applied for 10 s to 15 s 1.9 1.9 0.074
2.0 2.1 0.082
350 HBW 5/750 = Brinell hardness of 350 determined with a ball of 5 mm 2.2 2.6 0.100
diameter and with a test force of 7.355 kN (750 kgf) applied for 10 s to 15 s 2.4 1.5 0.058 3.1 0.121
2.6 1.7 0.068 3.6 0.144
600 HBW 1/30/20 = Brinell hardness of 600 determined with a ball of 1 mm 2.8 2.0 0.079 4.3 0.169
diameter and with a test force of 294.2 N (30 kgf) applied for 20 s 3.0 2.3 0.091 5.0 0.197
3.2 2.6 0.104
6. Test Piece 3.4 3.0 0.117
3.6 3.4 0.132
6.1 There is no standard shape or size for a Brinell test 3.8 3.8 0.148
specimen. The test piece on which the indentation is made 4.0 4.2 0.164
4.2 4.6 0.182
should conform to the following: 4.4 5.1 0.201
6.1.1 Thickness—The thickness of the specimen tested shall 4.6 5.6 0.221
be such that no bulge or other marking showing the effect of 4.8 6.1 0.242
5.0 6.7 0.264
the test force appears on the side of the piece opposite the 5.2 7.3 0.287
indentation. The thickness of the material under test should be 5.4 7.9 0.312
at least ten times the depth of the indentation h (see Table 4). 5.6 8.6 0.338
5.8 9.3 0.365
Table 4 can also be used as a guideline for the minimum depth
of a layer of a material, such as a coating.
NOTE 1—Brinell hardness testing can use high test forces. Under
certain conditions of testing a relatively thin material or coating on a NOTE 2—A lower limit in indentation diameter is necessary because of
material with high hardness, there is a potential for the test material to the risk in damaging the ball and the difficulty in measuring the
break or shatter under load resulting in serious personal injury or damage indentation. The upper limit is necessary because of a reduction in
to equipment. Users are strongly cautioned to exercise extreme care when sensitivity as the diameter of the indentation approaches the ball diameter.
testing a material that could potentially fail under load. If there is a The thickness and spacing requirements may determine the maximum
concern or doubt, do not test the material. permissible diameter of indentation for a specific test.
NOTE 3—It is not mandatory that Brinell tests conform to the hardness
6.1.2 Width—The minimum width shall conform to the scales of Table 3. It should be realized that different Brinell hardness
requirements for indentation spacing. numbers may be obtained for a given material by using different forces on
6.1.3 Finish—When necessary, the surface on which the the same size of ball. For the purpose of obtaining a continuous scale of
indentation is to be made should be filed, ground, machined or values, it may be desirable to use a single force to cover the complete
range of hardness for a given class of materials.
polished flat with abrasive material so that the edge of the
indentation can be clearly defined to permit the measurement 7.2 The Brinell hardness test is not recommended for
of the diameter to the specified accuracy. Preparation shall be materials above 650 HBW 10/3000.
carried out in such a way that any alteration of the surface 7.3 Direct comparisons of Brinell hardness numbers for
hardness of the test surface (for example, due to overheating or tests using different scales can be made only if the force-
cold-working) is minimized. diameter ratio is maintained (see Table 3). Brinell hardness
tests made on the same test material, but using different force-
7. Test Procedure diameter ratios, will produce different Brinell hardness num-
7.1 The diameter of the indentation shall be between 24 and bers.
60 % of the ball diameter. Approximate Brinell hardness 7.3.1 Example—An HBW 10/500 test will usually approxi-
numbers are given in Table 3 for the above range of indentation mate an HBW 5/125 test since the force-diameter ratio is 5 for
diameters. both scales. However, a value of 160 HBW 10/500 will be

E 10 – 08
approximately equal to 180 HBW 10/3000 on the same test 7.7.1 The distance from the center of any indentation to an
material because of different force-diameter ratios (5 and 30, edge of the test piece shall be at least two and a half times the
respectively). diameter of the mean indentation.
7.4 Daily Verification—A daily verification of the testing 7.8 Brinell hardness tests should be carried out at an
machine shall be performed in accordance with Annex A1 prior ambient temperature within the limits of 10 to 35°C (50 to
to making hardness tests. Hardness measurements shall be 95°F). Users of the Brinell test are cautioned that the tempera-
made only on the calibrated surface of the test block. It is also ture of the test material and the temperature of the hardness
recommended that the operation of the machine be checked in tester may affect the test results. Consequently, users should
accordance with the daily verification method specified in ensure that the test temperature does not adversely affect the
Annex A1 after each change of the test force, anvil or the hardness measurement.
8. Conversion to Other Hardness Scales or Tensile
7.5 Indentation Procedure—The Brinell hardness test shall
Strength Values
be carried out as follows:
8.1 There is no general method of accurately converting the
7.5.1 Bring the indenter into contact with the test surface in
Brinell hardness numbers on one scale to Brinell hardness
a direction perpendicular to the surface without shock, vibra-
numbers on another scale, or to other types of hardness
tion or overshoot. The angle between the indenter force-line
numbers, or to tensile strength values. Such conversions are, at
and the surface of the specimen should be perpendicular.
best, approximations and, therefore should be avoided except
7.5.2 Apply the test force F within 1 to 8 s. Faster force for special cases where a reliable basis for the approximate
application times are permitted if it is demonstrated that test conversion has been obtained by comparison tests.
results are not affected.
NOTE 4—The Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals, E 140,
7.5.3 Maintain the fully applied test force for 10 s to 15 s, give approximate conversion values for specific materials such as steel,
with the following exception. austenitic stainless steel, nickel and high-nickel alloys, cartridge brass, In the case of materials exhibiting excessive plastic copper alloys, and alloyed white cast irons.
flow after application of the test force, special considerations
may be necessary since the indenter will continue to penetrate 9. Report
into the material. Testing of these materials may require the use 9.1 At a minimum, the test report shall include the following
of a longer applied force dwell time than stated above, which information:
should be specified in the product specification. When an 9.1.1 The Brinell hardness value H of the test results
extended applied force dwell time is used, the dwell time shall rounded to three significant digits in accordance with Practice
be recorded and reported with the test results (see 5.6.1). E 29, for example, 125 HBW or 99.2 HBW.
7.5.4 At the end of the dwell time, immediately remove the 9.1.2 The test conditions, when other than a 3000 kgf (29.42
test force without shock or vibration. kN) applied force, a 10 mm ball diameter, and a 10 s to 15 s
application of test force are used (see 5.6.1).
7.6 Measurement of Indentation:
9.1.3 A statement that the indentation measuring device was
7.6.1 Measure the diameter of each indentation in two Type A, when such a device is used. When a Type B
directions, perpendicular (90°) to each other. Additional mea- indentation measuring device is used, no statement is required.
surements of the indentation diameter may also be made. The 9.1.4 The ambient temperature of the test, if outside the
arithmetic mean of the measurements shall be used for the limits of 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F), unless it has been shown to
calculation of the Brinell hardness number. not affect the measurement result.
7.6.2 For routine testing, the diameter of the indentation
shall be measured to the resolution of the measuring device 10. Precision and Bias
when using a Type A device, or one-half the graduation spacing 10.1 The precision of this test method is based on an
when using a Type B device. interlaboratory study of Test Method E 10 conducted in 2006.
7.6.3 For tests on flat surfaces, the difference between the This replaces a previous study which used steel ball indenters.
largest and smallest measured diameters for the same indenta- Each of eight laboratories tested the Brinell hardness of
tion shall not exceed 0.1 mm unless it is specified in the metallic materials. Three analyses were performed on a total of
product specification, such as for an anisotropic grain structure seven different materials of varying levels of hardness. Three
where the difference can be 0.2 mm. replicates of each analysis were performed. The results from
7.6.4 When indentations are made on a curved surface, the this study are filed in an ASTM Research Report.5
minimum radius of curvature of the surface shall be two and a 10.2 Repeatability—Two test results obtained within one
half times the diameter of the ball. Indentations made on laboratory shall be judged not equivalent if they differ by more
curved surfaces may be slightly elliptical rather than circular in than the r is the interval value for that material; r is the interval
shape. The measurements of the indentation shall be taken as representing the critical difference between two test results for
the mean of the major and minor axes.
7.7 Indentation Spacing—The distance between the centers
of two adjacent indentations shall be at least three times the 5
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
diameter of the mean indentation. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR: E28-1023.

E 10 – 08
the same material, obtained by the same operator using the TABLE 6 Summary of Statistical Information (500 kg Test Force)
same equipment on the same day in the same laboratory. Test Material X SX Sr SR rPB RPB

10.3 Reproducibility—Two test results should be judged not 170 HBW Test Block 175.42 2.08 0.89 2.21 2.49 6.18
225 HBW Test Block 221.83 4.00 2.20 4.38 6.16 12.28
equivalent if they differ by more than the R value for that 300 HBW Test Block 284.63 5.48 2.64 5.89 7.39 16.48
material; R is the interval representing the difference between
two test results for the same material, obtained by different
operators using different equipment in different laboratories. TABLE 7 Summary of Statistical Information (500 kg Test Force)
10.4 Any judgment in accordance with statements 10.2 or Test Material X SX Sr SR rPB RPB
10.3 would have an approximate 95 % probability of being 500 HBW Test Block 502.21 11.78 4.74 12.40 13.28 34.71
correct. 300 HBW Test Block 291.25 6.72 2.08 6.93 5.83 19.42
200 HBW Test Block 197.71 5.64 4.47 6.72 12.51 18.80
10.5 Results from the interlaboratory study are summarized
in Tables 5-7.
10.6 Bias—At the time of the study, there was no accepted
reference material suitable for determining the bias for this test
TABLE 5 Summary of Statistical Information (500 kg Test Force) method, therefore no statement on bias can be made.
Test Material X SX Sr SR rPB RPB
11. Keywords
100 HBW Test Block 101.71 2.31 0.91 2.42 2.56 6.78
11.1 Brinell; hardness; mechanical test; metals

E 10 – 08


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Scope A1.2.3 All instruments used to make measurements re-

A1.1.1 Annex A1 specifies three types of procedures for quired by this Annex shall be calibrated traceable to national
verifying Brinell hardness testing machines: direct verification, standards when a system of traceability exists, except as noted
indirect verification, and daily verification. otherwise.
A1.1.2 Direct verification is a process for verifying that A1.2.4 Indirect verification of the testing machine shall be
critical components of the hardness testing machine are within performed at the location where it will be used.
allowable tolerances by directly measuring the test forces, A1.2.5 Direct verification of newly manufactured or rebuilt
indentation measuring system, and testing cycle. testing machines may be performed at the place of manufac-
A1.1.3 Indirect verification is a process for periodically ture, rebuild, repair or the location of use.
verifying the performance of the testing machine by means of NOTE A1.1—It is recommended that the calibration agency that is used
standardized test blocks and indenters. to conduct the verifications of Brinell hardness testing machines be
A1.1.4 The daily verification is a process for monitoring the accredited to the requirements of ISO 17025 (or an equivalent) by an
performance of the testing machine between indirect verifica- accrediting body recognized by the International Laboratory Accreditation
tions by means of standardized test blocks. Cooperation (ILAC) as operating to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011.

A1.2 General Requirements A1.3 Direct Verification

A1.2.1 The testing machine shall be verified at specific A1.3.1 A direct verification of the testing machine shall be
instances and at periodic intervals as specified in Table A1.1, performed at specific instances in accordance with Table A1.1.
and when circumstances occur that may affect the performance The test forces, indentation measuring system and testing cycle
of the testing machine. shall be verified as follows.
A1.2.2 The temperature at the verification site shall be NOTE A1.2—Direct verification is a useful tool for determining the
measured with an instrument having an accuracy of at least sources of error in a Brinell hardness testing machine. It is recommended
62.0°C or 63.6°F. It is recommended that the temperature be that testing machines undergo direct verification periodically to make
monitored throughout the verification period, and significant certain that errors in one component of the machine are not being offset by
temperature variations be recorded and reported. The tempera- errors in another component.
ture at the verification site does not need to be measured for a A1.3.2 Verification of the Test Forces—For each Brinell
daily verification. scale that will be used, the corresponding test force shall be
measured. The test forces shall be measured by means of a
Class A elastic force measuring instrument having an accuracy
TABLE A1.1 Verification Schedule for a Brinell Testing Machine of at least 0.25 %, as described in Practice E 74.
Schedule A1.3.2.1 Make three measurements of each force. The
forces shall be measured as they are applied during testing;
Direct When a testing machine is new, or when adjustments, however, longer dwell times are allowed when necessary to
verification modifications or repairs are made that could affect the
application of the test forces or the measuring system. enable the measuring device to obtain accurate measurements.
When a testing machine fails an indirect verification. A1.3.2.2 Each test force F shall be accurate to within 61 %
Indirect Recommended every 12 months, or more often if
of the nominal test force as defined in Table 3.
verification needed. A1.3.3 Verification of the Indentation Measuring System—
Shall be no longer than every 18 months. The measuring device used to determine the diameter of the
When a test machine is installed, [only the procedure for
verifying the as-found condition is required, (see A1.4.4). indentation shall be verified at five intervals over the working
When a test machine is moved, [only the procedure for range by comparison with an accurate scale such as a stage
verifying the as-found condition is required, (see A1.4.4).
This does not apply to machines that are designed to be
micrometer. The accuracy of the stage micrometer used to
moved or that move prior to each test, when it has been verify both Type A and Type B devices shall be at least 0.005
previously demonstrated that such a move will not affect mm for 5 mm and 10 mm ball tests and at least 0.001 mm for
the hardness result.
Following a direct verification.
2.5 mm and 1 mm ball tests.
A1.3.3.1 For Type A devices, the error between the stage
Daily Required each day that hardness tests are made. micrometer and the measuring device over each interval shall
verification Recommended whenever the indenter or test force is
changed. not exceed the Type A minimum indicator resolution shown in
Table 2 for the size of ball to be used.

E 10 – 08
A1.3.3.2 For Type B devices, it is not possible to determine A1.4.4.4 The repeatability R and the error E should be
a quantitative error value. Position the measuring device such within the tolerances of Table A1.2. If the calculated values of
that the lines of the measuring device line-up with the lines of the repeatability R or the error E fall outside the specified
the stage micrometer as closely as possible. If any lines of the tolerances, this is an indication that the hardness tests made
measuring device do not, at least partially, overlap the corre- since the last indirect verification may be suspect.
sponding lines of the stage micrometer, then the measuring A1.4.5 Cleaning and Maintenance—Perform cleaning and
device shall be adjusted. routine maintenance of the testing machine (when required) in
A1.3.4 Verification of the Testing Cycle—The testing ma- accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and instruc-
chine shall be verified to be capable of meeting the testing tions.
cycle tolerances specified in 7.5. Direct verification of the A1.4.6 Indirect Verification Procedure—The indirect veri-
testing cycle is to be verified by the testing machine manufac- fication procedure is designed to verify that for all of the
turer at the time of manufacture, or when the testing machine Brinell hardness scales to be used, each test force is being
is returned to the manufacturer for repair, or when a problem accurately applied, each indenter-ball size is correct, and the
with the testing cycle is suspected. Verification of the testing measuring device is calibrated correctly for the range of
cycle is recommended but not required as part of the direct indentation sizes that these scales produce. This is accom-
verification at other times. plished by making Brinell hardness tests on test blocks that
A1.3.5 Direct Verification Failure—If any of the direct have been calibrated for appropriate Brinell hardness scales
verifications fail the specified requirements, the testing ma- that employ each of the corresponding test forces and indenter
chine shall not be used until it is adjusted or repaired. If the test ball sizes.
forces, indentation measuring system or testing cycle may have A1.4.6.1 The calibrated values and Brinell hardness scales
been affected by an adjustment or repair, the affected compo- of the test blocks shall be chosen such that the following
nents shall be verified again by a direct verification. criteria are met:
(1) For each test force that will be used, at least one block
A1.4 Indirect Verification shall be tested.
(2) For each indenter-ball size that will be used, at least two
A1.4.1 An indirect verification of the testing machine shall
blocks shall be tested, one from a low hardness level and one
be performed in accordance with the schedule given in Table
from a high hardness level. As best as practical, choose the low
A1.1 Indirect verifications may be required more frequently
and high hardness levels from the range of commercially
than stated in Table A1.1 and should be based on the usage of
available test blocks. In cases where more than one of the
the testing machine.
Brinell hardness scales to be verified employs the same ball
A1.4.2 The testing machine shall be verified for each test size, then the Brinell scale using the highest test force shall be
force and for each ball diameter that will be used prior to the verified on a low hardness level block to produce the largest
next indirect verification. Hardness tests made using Brinell indentation size, and the Brinell scale using the lowest test
scales that have not been verified within the schedule given in force shall be verified on a high hardness level block to
Table A1.1 do not meet this standard. produce the smallest indentation size. The two extremes of
A1.4.3 Standardized test blocks used for the indirect veri- indentation size will verify the capability of the measuring
fication shall meet the requirements of Annex A4. Hardness device. The blocks need not be from scales of the same
measurements shall be made only on the calibrated surface of force/diameter ratio.
the test block. (3) Each test block’s calibrated Brinell scale is one of the
NOTE A1.3—It is recognized that appropriate standardized test blocks scales to be verified.
are not available for all geometric shapes, materials, or hardness ranges. (4) In cases where a Brinell scale should be verified using
a low level and high level test block, but test blocks are
A1.4.4 As-found Condition—It is recommended that the commercially available for only one hardness level, perform
as-found condition of the testing machine be assessed as part of the indirect verification using the one block, and directly verify
an indirect verification. This is important for documenting the the measuring device according to A1.3.3.
historical performance of the machine. This procedure should (5) In cases where no test blocks are commercially avail-
be conducted by the verification agency prior to any cleaning, able for a specific Brinell scale that requires verification,
maintenance, adjustments, or repairs. directly verify the force level employed by the scale according
A1.4.4.1 When the as-found condition of the testing ma- to A1.3.2 and the measuring device according to A1.3.3.
chine is assessed, the assessment shall be made using the user’s Example 1—A testing machine is to be verified for the
indenter ball that is normally used with the testing machine. HBW 10/3000 and HBW 5/750 scales. At a minimum, two
A1.4.4.2 One or more standardized test blocks in the range
of normal testing should be tested for each Brinell scale that TABLE A1.2 Repeatability and Error of the Testing Machine
will undergo indirect verification. Reference Block Maximum Permissible Maximum Permissible
A1.4.4.3 On each standardized test block, make at least two Hardness Repeatability, R Error, E
HBW % of d (see Eq 6) % of H
Brinell hardness tests distributed uniformly over the test
surface. Determine the repeatability R and the error E (Eq 2 HBW # 125 3 3
125 < HBW # 225 2.5 3
and Eq 4) in the performance of the testing machine for each HBW > 225 2 3
standardized test block that is measured.

E 10 – 08
blocks for each of the two ball sizes are required for the A1.4.6.5 If the measurements of error E or repeatability R
verification, for a total of four test blocks: one block from a low using the user’s indenter fall outside of the specified tolerances,
hardness level of the HBW 10/3000 scale, one block from a the indirect verification tests may be repeated using a different
high hardness level of the HBW 10/3000 scale, one block from ball.
a low hardness level of the HBW 5/750 scale, and one block A1.4.6.6 The indirect verification shall be approved only
from a high hardness level of the HBW 5/750 scale. Note that when the testing machine measurements of repeatability and
both test forces are also tested. error meet the specified tolerances with the user’s indenter ball.
Example 2—A testing machine is to be verified for the A1.4.7 In cases where it is necessary to replace the indenter
HBW 10/3000, HBW 10/1500 and HBW 10/1000 scales. At a ball during the period between indirect verifications, the new
indenter ball shall be verified for use with the specific testing
minimum, one block for each of the force levels are required
machine. The user may perform the verification by following
for the verification, for a total of three test blocks: one block
the verification procedures for the as-found condition given
from a low hardness level of the HBW 10/3000 scale, one
above in A1.4.4.
block from a high hardness level of the HBW 10/1000 scale,
and one block from any hardness level of the HBW 10/1500 A1.5 Daily Verification
scale. In this case, although there is only one ball size, there are
three test forces that must be verified. The highest test force A1.5.1 The daily verification is intended as a tool for the
(29420 N, 3000 kgf) scale is tested on a low hardness level user to monitor the performance of the testing machine
hardness block, and the lowest test force (9807 N, 1000 kgf) between indirect verifications. At a minimum, the daily veri-
fication shall be performed in accordance with the schedule
scale is tested on a high hardness level test block. The middle
given in Table A1.1 for each Brinell scale that will be used.
test force (14710 N, 1500 kgf) scale may be tested on either a
A1.5.2 Daily Verification Procedure—The procedure to use
low or high hardness level test block.
when performing a daily verification are as follows.
Example 3—A testing machine is to be verified for only the A1.5.2.1 At least one standardized test block that meets the
HBW 10/3000 scale. At a minimum, two test blocks are requirements of Annex A4 shall be tested for each Brinell scale
required for the verification: one block from a low hardness to be used prior to its use. When test blocks are commercially
level of the HBW 10/3000 scale, and one block from a high available, the hardness level of the test blocks should be chosen
hardness level of the HBW 10/3000 scale. In this case, at approximately the same hardness value as the material to be
although there is only one Brinell scale to be verified, two test measured.
blocks of different hardness levels are required for the verifi- A1.5.2.2 The indenter ball to be used for the daily verifica-
cation. tion shall be the indenter ball that is normally used for testing.
A1.4.6.2 Prior to making the indirect verification hardness A1.5.2.3 Make at least two hardness tests on each of the
tests, the measuring device shall be indirectly verified by daily verification test blocks. The tests shall be distributed
measuring the diameters of two reference indentations (see uniformly over the surface of the test blocks.
A4.5.6) chosen from the reference blocks to be used for the A1.5.2.4 Determine the error E in the performance of the
indirect verification. Locate the reference indentation on each testing machine (Eq 4) for each standardized test block that is
reference block. The two reference indentations to be measured measured. If the difference between any of the hardness test
shall be the indentation having the smallest diameter and the values and the certified value of the test block is outside the
indentation having the largest diameter. For Type A devices, the maximum permissible error tolerances given in Table A1.2,
measured dimensions shall agree with the certified diameter then also determine the repeatability R (Eq 2).
values within 0.5 %. For Type B devices, the measured A1.5.2.5 If the error E and the repeatability R (if calculated)
dimensions shall be estimated to agree with the certified for each test block are within the tolerances given in Table
diameter values within 60.02 mm for 10 mm ball indentations A1.2, then the testing machine with the indenter may be
and 60.01 mm for 5 mm ball indentations. If any of the regarded as performing satisfactorily.
differences is larger, the measuring device shall be directly A1.5.2.6 If the error E or the repeatability R (if calculated)
verified in accordance with A1.3.3. As an alternative to for any of the test blocks is outside the tolerances, the daily
measuring reference indentations, the measuring device may verification may be repeated with a different ball or indenter. If
be directly verified in accordance with A1.3.3. the error E or the repeatability R again falls outside of
tolerances for any of the test blocks, an indirect verification
A1.4.6.3 The testing machine shall be verified with the
shall be performed. Whenever a testing machine fails a daily
user’s indenter ball(s) that will normally be used for testing. verification, the hardness tests made since the last valid daily
A1.4.6.4 On each standardized test block, make three tests verification may be suspect.
when using a 5 mm or 10 mm ball, or make five tests when A1.5.2.7 If the Brinell testing machine fails daily verifica-
using a 2.5 mm or 1 mm ball distributed uniformly over the test tion using test blocks, the measuring device should be verified
surface. Determine the repeatability R and the error E (Eq 2 by measuring a reference indentation (see A4.5.6) on the
and Eq 4) in the performance of the testing machine for each standardized test block. The measured dimension should agree
hardness level of each Brinell scale to be verified. The with the certified diameter value within the tolerances given in
repeatability R and the error E shall be within the tolerances of A1.4.6.2. If the difference is larger, the measuring device
Table A1.2. should be directly verified in accordance with A1.3.3.

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NOTE A1.4—It is highly recommended that the results obtained from A1.6.3.8 Date of verification and reference to the verifying
the daily verification testing be recorded using accepted Statistical Process agency or department.
Control techniques, such as, but not limited to, X-bar (measurement
A1.6.3.9 Signature of the person performing the verifica-
averages) and R-charts (measurement ranges), and histograms.
A1.6 Verification Report A1.6.4 Indirect Verification:
A1.6.4.1 Reference to this ASTM test method.
A1.6.1 A verification report is required for direct and
A1.6.4.2 Identification of the hardness testing machine,
indirect verifications. A verification report is not required for a
including the serial number and model number.
daily verification.
A1.6.4.3 Identification of all devices (test blocks, indenters,
A1.6.2 The verification report shall be produced by the etc.) used for the verification, including serial numbers, and
person performing the verification and include the following identification of standards to which traceability is made.
information when available as a result of the verification A1.6.4.4 Test temperature at the time of verification re-
performed. ported to a resolution of 1°C.
A1.6.3 Direct Verification: A1.6.4.5 The Brinell hardness scale(s) verified.
A1.6.3.1 Reference to this ASTM test method. A1.6.4.6 The individual test values and calculated results
A1.6.3.2 Identification of the hardness testing machine, used to determine whether the testing machine meets the
including the serial number, and model number. requirements of the verification performed. Measurements
A1.6.3.3 Identification of the indentation measuring de- made to determine the as-found condition of the testing
vice(s), including the serial number, model number, and machine shall be included whenever they are made. It is
whether it is a Type A or B device. recommended that the uncertainty in the calculated results used
A1.6.3.4 Identification of all devices (elastic proving de- to determine whether the testing machine meets the require-
vices, etc.) used for the verification, including serial numbers, ments of the verification performed also be reported.
and identification of standards to which traceability is made. A1.6.4.7 Description of maintenance done to the testing
A1.6.3.5 Test temperature at the time of verification re- machine, when applicable.
ported to a resolution of at least 1°C. The temperature at the A1.6.4.8 Date of verification and reference to the verifying
verification site does not need to be recorded for a daily agency or department.
verification unless the temperature is outside recommended A1.6.4.9 Signature of the person performing the verifica-
limits or can be shown to affect the test results. tion.
A1.6.3.6 The individual measurement values and calculated A1.6.5 Daily Verification:
results used to determine whether the testing machine meets A1.6.5.1 No verification report is required; however, it is
the requirements of the verification performed. It is recom- recommended that records be kept of the daily verification
mended that the uncertainty in the calculated results used to results, including the verification date, measurement results,
determine whether the testing machine meets the requirements certified value of the test block, test block identification, and
of the verification performed also be reported. the name of the person that performed the verification, etc. (see
A1.6.3.7 Description of adjustments or maintenance done to also Note A1.4). These records can be used to evaluate the
the testing machine, when applicable. performance of the hardness machine over time.


A2.1 Scope chines may perform the verifications of its own standardizing
A2.1.1 Annex A2 specifies the requirements for the capa- machines. The standardizing laboratory shall have a certificate/
bilities, usage, periodic verification, and monitoring of a scope of accreditation stating the types of verifications (direct
Brinell hardness standardizing machine. The Brinell hardness and/or indirect) and the Brinell hardness scales that are covered
standardizing machine differs from a Brinell hardness testing by the accreditation.
machine by having tighter tolerances on certain performance NOTE A2.1—Accreditation is a new requirement starting with this
attributes such as force application and the indentation mea- edition of the standard.
suring device. A Brinell standardizing machine is used for the
standardization of Brinell test blocks as described in Annex A4. A2.3 Apparatus
A2.3.1 The standardizing machine shall satisfy the require-
A2.2 Accreditation ments of Section 5 for a Brinell hardness testing machine with
A2.2.1 The agency conducting direct and/or indirect verifi- the following additional requirements.
cations of Brinell hardness standardizing machines shall be A2.3.2 The standardizing machine shall be designed such
accredited to the requirements of ISO 17025 (or an equivalent) that each test force can be selected by an operator without their
by an accrediting body recognized by the International Labo- ability to adjust away from the value set at the time of
ratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) as operating to the verification.
requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. An agency accredited to A2.3.3 Measurement Device—The measuring device shall
perform verifications of Brinell hardness standardizing ma- be a Type A device as described in 5.2.5. The divisions of the

E 10 – 08
micrometer scale of the microscope or other measuring devices TABLE A2.2 Testing Cycle Requirements
used for the measurement of the diameter of the indentations Testing Cycle Parameter Tolerance
shall be such as to permit the estimation of the diameter to Indenter contact velocity #1 mm/s
within the tolerances given in Table A2.1. Time for application of test force 2.0 to 8.0 s
Dwell time for test force 10 to 15 s
A2.3.4 Indenters—Indenters as specified in Annex A3 shall
be used.
A2.3.5 Testing Cycle—The standardizing machine shall be TABLE A2.3 Standardization Laboratory Environmental
capable of meeting a desired test cycle parameter value within Requirements
the tolerances specified in Table A2.2 for each part of the test Environmental Accuracy of
cycle. Tolerance
Parameter Measuring Instrument
Temperature 23 6 2°C 61°C
A2.4 Laboratory Environment (73 6 5°F) (2°F)
Relative humidity #70 % 610 %
A2.4.1 The standardizing machine shall be located in a
temperature and relative-humidity controlled room with toler-
ances for these conditions given in Table A2.3. The accuracy of
TABLE A2.4 Verification Schedule for a Brinell Hardness
the temperature and relative-humidity measuring instruments Standardizing Machine
shall be as given in Table A2.3. Verification Schedule
A2.4.2 The temperature and relative-humidity of the stan-
Direct At a maximum, shall be within 12 months prior to
dardizing laboratory shall be monitored prior to standardization Verification standardization testing.
and throughout the standardizing procedure. When a standardizing machine is new, moved, or when
A2.4.3 The standardizing machine, indenter(s), and test adjustments, modifications or repairs are made that could
affect the application of the test forces, the indentation
blocks to be standardized must be in an environment meeting measuring system, or the testing cycle.
the tolerances of Table A2.3 for at least one hour prior to Monitoring Each day that test blocks are to be calibrated. Either a
standardization. direct verification or performance.

A2.4.4 During the standardization process, the standardiz-

ing machine shall be isolated from any vibration that may
affect the measurements. The test forces, indentation measuring system and the testing
cycle shall be verified.
A2.5 Standardizing Machine Verifications A2.6.2 Perform Cleaning and Maintenance—If required,
A2.5.1 The standardizing machine shall undergo direct cleaning and routine maintenance of the standardizing machine
verification at periodic intervals and when circumstances occur shall be made before conducting direct or indirect verifications
that may affect the performance of the standardizing machine, in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and
according to the schedule given in Table A2.4. instructions.
A2.6.3 Verification of the Test Forces—For each Brinell
NOTE A2.2—Periodic direct verification (every 12 months) is a new scale that will be used, the associated test force shall be
requirement starting with this edition of the standard. In previous editions measured. The test forces shall be measured by means of a
of this standard, direct verification was used only as an alternative to
indirect verification (which is no longer required) for machine verification.
Class AA elastic force measuring instrument having an accu-
racy of at least 0.05 %, as described in Practice E 74.
A2.5.2 The standardizing machine shall undergo monitoring A2.6.3.1 Make three measurements of each force. The
verifications each day that standardizations are made, accord- forces shall be measured as they are applied during testing. The
ing to the schedule given in Table A2.4. extension of dwell times to obtain force measurements is not
A2.5.3 All instruments used to make measurements re- permitted. No adjustments are allowed between measurements.
quired by this Annex shall be calibrated traceable to national A2.6.3.2 Each test force F shall be accurate to within
standards where a system of traceability exists, except as noted 0.25 % of the nominal test force as defined in Table 3.
otherwise. A2.6.4 Verification of the Indentation Measuring System—
A2.5.4 The standardizing machine shall be verified at the The measuring device used to determine the diameter of the
location where it will be used. indentation shall be verified at five intervals over the working
range by the use of an accurate scale such as a stage
A2.6 Direct Verification Procedures
micrometer or by other suitable means to ensure that the
A2.6.1 Perform a direct verification of the standardizing accuracy of the measurements is within the tolerances given in
machine in accordance with the schedule given in Table A2.4. Table A2.5 for the size of indentation to be measured. The

TABLE A2.1 Resolution of Indentation Measuring Device TABLE A2.5 Maximum Error of Indentation Measuring Device
Ball Indenter Diameter Minimum Resolution Ball Indenter Diameter Maximum Error
mm mm mm mm
10 60.002 10 60.004
5 60.002 5 60.004
2.5 60.001 2.5 60.002
1 60.001 1 60.002

E 10 – 08
accuracy of the stage micrometer shall be 0.00025 mm. machine shall not be considered to have passed the monitoring
A2.6.5 Verification of the Testing Cycle—The standardizing verification, and shall not be used for standardizations. When-
machine shall be verified to be capable of meeting the testing ever a standardizing machine fails a monitoring verification,
cycle tolerances specified in Table A2.2. the standardizations made since the last valid monitoring
A2.6.6 Indenter Balls—At the time of the direct verifica- verification may be suspect.
tion, all indenter balls that have been used shall be replaced by A2.7.5 Monitoring Methods—Control charts or other com-
new unused indenter balls meeting the requirements of Annex parable methods should be used to monitor the performance of
A3. the standardizing machine between direct verifications. Control
A2.6.7 Direct Verification Failure—If any of the direct charts provide a method for detecting lack of statistical control.
verifications fail the specified requirements, the standardizing There are many publications available that discuss the design
machine shall not be used until it is adjusted or repaired. Any and use of control charts, such as the ASTM “Manual on
parameter that may have been affected by an adjustment or Presentation of Data and Control Chart Analysis: 6th Edition,”
repair shall be verified again by direct verification. prepared by Committee E11 on Quality and Statistics. The
standardizing laboratory should develop and use control charts
A2.7 Monitoring Verification Procedures that best apply to their specific needs.
A2.7.1 This section describes the monitoring procedures for
NOTE A2.3—Control chart data should be interpreted by the laboratory
the standardizing hardness machine. based on past experience. The need for corrective action does not depend
A2.7.2 The standardizing laboratory shall monitor the stan- solely on data falling outside the control limits, but also on the prior data
dardizing machine by performing monitoring verifications each leading to this occurrence. As a general rule, however, once the standard-
day that test block calibrations are made, according to the izing machine is determined to be in control, a single occurrence of data
schedule given in Table A2.4. Monitoring verifications shall be falling outside the control limits should alert the laboratory to a possible
performed prior to the test block calibrations, and may be made problem. The level of action that is required depends on the history of the
machine performance. It may be precautionary such as increasing the
either by direct verification or by performance verification
monitoring frequency, or corrective such as performing new direct and
using test blocks. indirect verifications.
A2.7.3 Monitoring Direct Verification—When the monitor-
ing verification is to be made by direct verification, it shall be A2.8 Verification Report
in accordance with the requirements of A2.6 for the force level
A2.8.1 Direct Verification:
and ball size of the Brinell scale to be used that day.
A2.8.1.1 Reference to this ASTM test method.
A2.7.4 Monitoring Performance Verifications—When the
A2.8.1.2 Identification of the hardness standardizing ma-
monitoring verification is to be made by performance verifi-
chine, including the serial number, manufacturer and model
cation, the following monitoring procedures shall be per-
A2.8.1.3 Identification of all devices (elastic proving de-
A2.7.4.1 Depending on the Brinell scales for which test
vices, etc.) used for the verification, including serial numbers
blocks will be calibrated on that day, monitoring tests shall be
and identification of standards to which traceability is made.
performed on at least one monitoring test block for each force
A2.8.1.4 Test temperature at the time of verification re-
level that will be used and on at least one monitoring test block
ported to a resolution of at least 1°C.
for each ball size that will be used. The monitoring test blocks
shall meet the requirements of Annex A4. The hardness level of A2.8.1.5 The individual measurement values and calculated
each monitoring block should be chosen that is in the mid results used to determine whether the standardizing machine
range of the hardness scale. meets the requirements of the verification performed. It is
A2.7.4.2 Make at least two hardness tests distributed uni- recommended that the uncertainty in the calculated results used
formly over the surface of the test block. Determine the error to determine whether the standardizing machine meets the
E (Eq 4) and the repeatability R (Eq 2) in the performance of requirements of the verification performed also are reported.
the standardizing machine for each monitoring test block that A2.8.1.6 Description of adjustments or maintenance done to
is measured. If the error E and the repeatability R for each test the standardizing machine, when applicable.
block are within the tolerances given in Table A2.6, then the A2.8.1.7 Date of verification and reference to the verifying
standardizing machine with the indenter may be regarded as agency or department.
performing satisfactorily. A2.8.1.8 Signature of the person performing the verifica-
A2.7.4.3 If any of the error E or repeatability R measure- tion.
ments fall outside of the specified tolerances, the standardizing A2.8.1.9 Accreditation certification number.
A2.8.2 Indirect Verification:
TABLE A2.6 Maximum Allowable Repeatability and Error of A2.8.2.1 Reference to this ASTM test method.
Standardizing Machines A2.8.2.2 Identification of the standardizing machine, in-
Reference Block Maximum Permissible Maximum Permissible cluding the serial number, manufacturer and model number.
Hardness Repeatability, R Error, E A2.8.2.3 Identification of all devices (test blocks, indenters,
HBW % of d (see Eq 3) % of H
etc.) used for the verification, including serial numbers and
HBW # 125 2 2 identification of standards to which traceability is made.
125 < HBW # 225 2 2
HBW > 225 1.5 1.5 A2.8.2.4 Test temperature at the time of verification re-
ported to a resolution of at least 1°C.

E 10 – 08
A2.8.2.5 The Brinell hardness scale(s) verified. A2.8.2.8 Date of verification and reference to the verifying
A2.8.2.6 The individual measurement values and calculated agency or department.
results used to determine whether the standardizing machine A2.8.2.9 Signature of the person performing the verifica-
meets the requirements of the verification performed. Measure- tion.
ments made to determine the as-found condition of the
A2.8.2.10 Accreditation certification number.
standardizing machine shall be included whenever they are
made. It is recommended that the uncertainty in the calculated A2.8.3 Monitoring Verification:
results used to determine whether the standardizing machine A2.8.3.1 No verification report is required; however, it is
meets the requirements of the verification performed also are required that records be kept of the monitoring verification
reported. results, see A2.7.5.
A2.8.2.7 Description of maintenance done to the standard-
izing machine, when applicable.


A3.1 Scope accordance with ASTM E 92, or not less than 1500 HV 1 when
A3.1.1 Annex A3 specifies the requirements for Brinell measured on the flat surface of a sectioned ball in accordance
hardness indenter balls. The Annex covers the Brinell tungsten- with ASTM E 92 or Test Method E 384. When testing on the
carbide ball indenters for use with all Brinell scales. spherical surface of the ball, the hardness result must be
corrected due to the curved surface as specified in ASTM E 92.
A3.2 Accreditation A3.4.3 The material of the balls shall have a density of 14.8
A3.2.1 The agency conducting the standardizations of in- g/cm3 6 0.2 g/cm3 and the following chemical composition:
denters shall be accredited to the requirements of ISO 17025 Total other carbides 2.0 % maximum
Cobalt (Co) 5.0 to 7.0 %
(or an equivalent) by an accrediting body recognized by the Tungsten carbide (WC) balance
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) as
operating to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. The standard- A3.4.4 The diameter, when measured at not less than three
izing laboratory shall have a certificate of accreditation stating positions, shall not differ from the nominal diameter by more
the class and types of indenters that are covered by the than the tolerances given in Table A3.2.
accreditation. A3.4.5 The mean surface roughness of the ball shall not
exceed 0.00005 mm (2 µin.).
NOTE A3.1—Accreditation is a new requirement starting with this
edition of the standard. NOTE A3.2—Balls that conform to ABMA Grade 24 satisfy the
requirements for size and finish as specified in ABMA Standard 10-1989.
A3.3 General Requirements A3.4.6 For the purpose of verifying the density, size, finish
A3.3.1 The standard indenters are tungsten carbide balls of and hardness of the ball, it is considered sufficient to test a
four specified diameters (10 mm, 5 mm, 2.5 mm, and 1 mm) to sample selected at random from a batch. The balls verified for
be used for the Brinell hardness scales as given in Table 3. hardness shall be discarded.
A3.3.2 All instruments used to make measurements re- A3.4.7 To meet the above requirements for indenter balls,
quired by this Annex shall be calibrated traceable to national the ball-standardizing laboratory may either verify that the
standards where a system of traceability exists, except as noted balls meet the requirements, or obtain a certificate of verifica-
otherwise. tion from the ball manufacturer.
A3.3.3 Ball indenters frequently consist of a holder, a cap
and a ball. The ball may be changed without affecting the A3.5 Certificate
assembly’s verification provided the ball conforms to all the A3.5.1 At a minimum, each indenter ball shall have a test
requirements in this section. certificate with the following information:
A3.5.1.1 Reference to this ASTM test method.
A3.4 Indenter Balls A3.5.1.2 Identification of the lot or batch.
A3.4.1 Indenter balls are verified for correct geometry, A3.5.1.3 Date.
hardness, density, and chemical composition in accordance A3.5.1.4 A statement declaring that the indenter meets all of
with the schedule specified in Table A3.1. the geometrical, density and hardness requirements for a
A3.4.2 The hardness of the ball shall be not less than 1500 Brinell hardness indenter.
HV10 when measured on the spherical surface of the ball in
TABLE A3.2 Diameter Tolerances for Indenter Balls
Ball Diameter, mm mm
TABLE A3.1 Indenter Ball Verification Schedule
10 60.005
Verification Schedule
5 60.004
Geometrical features, density, When an indenter is new 2.5 60.003
chemical composition, and hardness 1 60.003

E 10 – 08
A3.5.1.5 Accreditation certification number.


A4.1 Scope A4.4 General Requirements

A4.1.1 Annex A4 specifies the requirements and procedures A4.4.1 The standardizing laboratory environment, the stan-
for the standardization of Brinell hardness test blocks. These dardizing machine, and the standardizing test cycle shall
standardized test blocks are to be used for the verification of satisfy the requirements of Annex A2.
the performance of Brinell hardness testing machines by way A4.4.2 All instruments used to make measurements re-
of daily verifications and indirect verifications as described in quired by this Annex shall have been calibrated traceable to
Annex A1. The standardized test blocks are also to be used for national standards where a system of traceability exists, except
the monitoring verifications of Brinell standardizing machines as noted otherwise.
as described in Annex A2.
A4.5 Standardization Procedure
A4.2 Accreditation A4.5.1 A test block is standardized by calibrating the
A4.2.1 The agency conducting the standardizations of test average hardness of the test surface. Only one surface of the
blocks shall be accredited to the requirements of ISO 17025 (or test block shall be calibrated. The Brinell standard to which the
an equivalent) by an accrediting body recognized by the test blocks are traceable shall be stated in the certification.
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) as A4.5.2 The standardization procedure involves making
operating to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17011. The standard- hardness tests on the test block surface using the forces and
izing agency shall have a certificate/scope of accreditation type of indenter that are appropriate for the hardness scale.
stating the Brinell hardness scales that are covered by the Make at least five hardness tests distributed uniformly over the
accreditation, and the standards to which the test block test surface.
standardizations are traceable. A4.5.3 Calculate the mean diameters for each indentation
using Eq 5 and the average of the mean diameters d using Eq
NOTE A4.1—Accreditation is a new requirement starting with this 6.
edition of the standard. A4.5.4 Determine the range dR for the measurements as:
A4.3 Manufacture dR 5 dmax – dmin (A4.1)

A4.3.1 The attention of the manufacturer of test blocks is where:

drawn to the need to use material and a manufacturing process, dmax = mean diameter of the largest measured indentation,
which will give the necessary homogeneity, stability of struc- and
ture, and uniformity of surface hardness. dmin = mean diameter of the smallest measured indenta-
A4.3.2 The test blocks, if of steel, shall be demagnetized at tion.
the end of the manufacturing process. A4.5.4.1 The range dR provides an indication of the non-
A4.3.3 To assure that material is not removed from the test uniformity of the test block hardness. For acceptability, the
surface after standardization, an identifying mark shall be range dR shall be within the tolerances of Table A4.2.
made on the test surface. The mark shall be such that it cannot A4.5.5 The standardized value of the test block is defined as
be removed by any method other than removal of test block the average of the standardization measurements H (Eq 3).
material. A4.5.6 Reference Indentation—In addition to calibrating
A4.3.4 The standardized test block shall meet the physical the average hardness of the test surface, one or more of the
requirements of Table A4.1. calibration indentations shall be certified for the measurement
of the diameter and will be known as a reference indentation.
The reference indentation will be measured as part of the
TABLE A4.1 Physical Requirements of Standardized Test Blocks indirect and daily verifications.
Test Block Parameter Tolerance
A4.6 Marking
Thickness $16.0 mm for 10 mm ball tests
$12.0 mm for 5 mm ball tests A4.6.1 Markings placed on the side of the block shall be
$6.0 mm for smaller ball tests upright when the calibrated test surface is the upper surface.
Test surface area #150 cm2 for $ 5 mm ball tests
#40 cm2 for < 5 mm ball tests
Deviation from surface flatness #0.02 mm for $ 5 mm ball tests
(test & bottom) #0.005 mm for < 5 mm ball tests TABLE A4.2 Maximum Nonuniformity for Standardized
Deviation from surface parallelism #0.0008 mm per mm for $ 5 mm ball Test Blocks
(test & bottom) tests
Reference Block Hardness Maximum Range, dR
#0.0002 mm per mm for < 5 mm ball
HBW % of d (see Eq A4.1)
Mean test surface roughness #0.0003 mm Ra for 10 mm ball tests HBW # 225 2
#0.00015 mm Ra for smaller ball tests HBW > 225 1

E 10 – 08
A4.6.2 Each standardized block shall be marked with the A4.7.1.3 The results of the individual standardizing tests,
following: including:
A4.6.2.1 The standardized hardness value H of the test (1) The mean diameters d1, d2, ..., dn of the N indentations
block rounded to no better than three significant digits in (see Eq A4.1).
accordance with Practice E 29, for example, 125 HBW, 99 (2) The average of the mean diameters d (see Eq A4.1).
HBW, or 99.2 HBW. (3) The calculated hardness values H1, H2, ..., Hn.
A4.6.2.2 Identification of the reference indentation(s). (4) The average hardness value H rounded to three signifi-
A4.6.2.3 A mark identifying the test surface, which will be cant digits in accordance with Practice E 29, for example, 125
obliterated if the surface is reground. HBW, 99.2 HBW.
A4.6.2.4 Unique serial number.
A4.7.1.4 Information about the location of the reference
A4.6.2.5 Year of standardization. It is sufficient that the year
indentation(s), the orientation of the measured diameter(s), and
of standardization be incorporated into the serial number of the
the certified value of the reference indentation(s) diameter (see
A4.7 Certificate A4.7.1.5 The body that maintains the Brinell hardness scale
A4.7.1 At a minimum, each standardized test block shall be to which the test block is traceable.
supplied with a certificate from the standardizing laboratory A4.7.1.6 Date of standardization.
stating the following standardization information: A4.7.1.7 Expiration date for the standardization (not to
A4.7.1.1 Reference to this ASTM test method. exceed five years from the date of standardization).
A4.7.1.2 Serial number of the test block. A4.7.1.8 Accreditation agency certification number.

E 10 – 08


(Nonmandatory Information)


TABLE X1.1 Brinell Hardness Numbers

NOTE—The values given in the table for Brinell numbers are merely solutions of the equation for Brinell hardness, and include values for indentation
diameters outside the recommended ranges. These values are indicated by italics.

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number

HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
2.00 1.000 0.5000 0.200 945 473 315 158 78.8 39.4 31.5
2.01 1.005 0.5025 0.201 936 468 312 156 78.0 39.0 31.2
2.02 1.010 0.5050 0.202 926 463 309 154 77.2 38.6 30.9
2.03 1.015 0.5075 0.203 917 459 306 153 76.4 38.2 30.6
2.04 1.020 0.5100 0.204 908 454 303 151 75.7 37.8 30.3
2.05 1.025 0.5125 0.205 899 450 300 150 74.9 37.5 30.0
2.06 1.030 0.5150 0.206 890 445 297 148 74.2 37.1 29.7
2.07 1.035 0.5175 0.207 882 441 294 147 73.5 36.7 29.4
2.08 1.040 0.5200 0.208 873 437 291 146 72.8 36.4 29.1
2.09 1.045 0.5225 0.209 865 432 288 144 72.1 36.0 28.8
2.10 1.050 0.5250 0.210 856 428 285 143 71.4 35.7 28.5
2.11 1.055 0.5275 0.211 848 424 283 141 70.7 35.3 28.3
2.12 1.060 0.5300 0.212 840 420 280 140 70.0 35.0 28.0
2.13 1.065 0.5325 0.213 832 416 277 139 69.4 34.7 27.7
2.14 1.070 0.5350 0.214 824 412 275 137 68.7 34.4 27.5
2.15 1.075 0.5375 0.215 817 408 272 136 68.1 34.0 27.2
2.16 1.080 0.5400 0.216 809 405 270 135 67.4 33.7 27.0
2.17 1.085 0.5425 0.217 802 401 267 134 66.8 33.4 26.7
2.18 1.090 0.5450 0.218 794 397 265 132 66.2 33.1 26.5
2.19 1.095 0.5475 0.219 787 393 262 131 65.6 32.8 26.2
2.20 1.100 0.5500 0.220 780 390 260 130 65.0 32.5 26.0
2.21 1.105 0.5525 0.221 772 386 257 129 64.4 32.2 25.7
2.22 1.110 0.5550 0.222 765 383 255 128 63.8 31.9 25.5
2.23 1.115 0.5575 0.223 758 379 253 126 63.2 31.6 25.3
2.24 1.120 0.5600 0.224 752 376 251 125 62.6 31.3 25.1
2.25 1.125 0.5625 0.225 745 372 248 124 62.1 31.0 24.8
2.26 1.130 0.5650 0.226 738 369 246 123 61.5 30.8 24.6
2.27 1.135 0.5675 0.227 732 366 244 122 61.0 30.5 24.4
2.28 1.140 0.5700 0.228 725 363 242 121 60.4 30.2 24.2
2.29 1.145 0.5725 0.229 719 359 240 120 59.9 29.9 24.0
2.30 1.150 0.5750 0.230 712 356 237 119 59.4 29.7 23.7
2.31 1.155 0.5775 0.231 706 353 235 118 58.8 29.4 23.5
2.32 1.160 0.5800 0.232 700 350 233 117 58.3 29.2 23.3
2.33 1.165 0.5825 0.233 694 347 231 116 57.8 28.9 23.1
2.34 1.170 0.5850 0.234 688 344 229 115 57.3 28.7 22.9
2.35 1.175 0.5875 0.235 682 341 227 114 56.8 28.4 22.7
2.36 1.180 0.5900 0.236 676 338 225 113 56.3 28.2 22.5
2.37 1.185 0.5925 0.237 670 335 223 112 55.9 27.9 22.3
2.38 1.190 0.5950 0.238 665 332 222 111 55.4 27.7 22.2
2.39 1.195 0.5975 0.239 659 330 220 110 54.9 27.5 22.0
2.40 1.200 0.6000 0.240 653 327 218 109 54.5 27.2 21.8
2.41 1.205 0.6025 0.241 648 324 216 108 54.0 27.0 21.6
2.42 1.210 0.6050 0.242 643 321 214 107 53.5 26.8 21.4
2.43 1.215 0.6075 0.243 637 319 212 106 53.1 26.5 21.2
2.44 1.220 0.6100 0.244 632 316 211 105 52.7 26.3 21.1
2.45 1.225 0.6125 0.245 627 313 209 104 52.2 26.1 20.9
2.46 1.230 0.6150 0.246 621 311 207 104 51.8 25.9 20.7
2.47 1.235 0.6175 0.247 616 308 205 103 51.4 25.7 20.5
2.48 1.240 0.6200 0.248 611 306 204 102 50.9 25.5 20.4
2.49 1.245 0.6225 0.249 606 303 202 101 50.5 25.3 20.2
2.50 1.250 0.6250 0.250 601 301 200 100 50.1 25.1 20.0

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
2.51 1.255 0.6275 0.251 597 298 199 99.4 49.7 24.9 19.9
2.52 1.260 0.6300 0.252 592 296 197 98.6 49.3 24.7 19.7
2.53 1.265 0.6325 0.253 587 294 196 97.8 48.9 24.5 19.6
2.54 1.270 0.6350 0.254 582 291 194 97.1 48.5 24.3 19.4
2.55 1.275 0.6375 0.255 578 289 193 96.3 48.1 24.1 19.3
2.56 1.280 0.6400 0.256 573 287 191 95.5 47.8 23.9 19.1
2.57 1.285 0.6425 0.257 569 284 190 94.8 47.4 23.7 19.0
2.58 1.290 0.6450 0.258 564 282 188 94.0 47.0 23.5 18.8
2.59 1.295 0.6475 0.259 560 280 187 93.3 46.6 23.3 18.7
2.60 1.300 0.6500 0.260 555 278 185 92.6 46.3 23.1 18.5
2.61 1.305 0.6525 0.261 551 276 184 91.8 45.9 23.0 18.4
2.62 1.310 0.6550 0.262 547 273 182 91.1 45.6 22.8 18.2
2.63 1.315 0.6575 0.263 543 271 181 90.4 45.2 22.6 18.1
2.64 1.320 0.6600 0.264 538 269 179 89.7 44.9 22.4 17.9
2.65 1.325 0.6625 0.265 534 267 178 89.0 44.5 22.3 17.8
2.66 1.330 0.6650 0.266 530 265 177 88.4 44.2 22.1 17.7
2.67 1.335 0.6675 0.267 526 263 175 87.7 43.8 21.9 17.5
2.68 1.340 0.6700 0.268 522 261 174 87.0 43.5 21.8 17.4
2.69 1.345 0.6725 0.269 518 259 173 86.4 43.2 21.6 17.3
2.70 1.350 0.6750 0.270 514 257 171 85.7 42.9 21.4 17.1
2.71 1.355 0.6775 0.271 510 255 170 85.1 42.5 21.3 17.0
2.72 1.360 0.6800 0.272 507 253 169 84.4 42.2 21.1 16.9
2.73 1.365 0.6825 0.273 503 251 168 83.8 41.9 20.9 16.8
2.74 1.370 0.6850 0.274 499 250 166 83.2 41.6 20.8 16.6
2.75 1.375 0.6875 0.275 495 248 165 82.6 41.3 20.6 16.5
2.76 1.380 0.6900 0.276 492 246 164 81.9 41.0 20.5 16.4
2.77 1.385 0.6925 0.277 488 244 163 81.3 40.7 20.3 16.3
2.78 1.390 0.6950 0.278 485 242 162 80.8 40.4 20.2 16.2
2.79 1.395 0.6975 0.279 481 240 160 80.2 40.1 20.0 16.0
2.80 1.400 0.7000 0.280 477 239 159 79.6 39.8 19.9 15.9
2.81 1.405 0.7025 0.281 474 237 158 79.0 39.5 19.8 15.8
2.82 1.410 0.7050 0.282 471 235 157 78.4 39.2 19.6 15.7
2.83 1.415 0.7075 0.283 467 234 156 77.9 38.9 19.5 15.6
2.84 1.420 0.7100 0.284 464 232 155 77.3 38.7 19.3 15.5
2.85 1.425 0.7125 0.285 461 230 154 76.8 38.4 19.2 15.4
2.86 1.430 0.7150 0.286 457 229 152 76.2 38.1 19.1 15.2
2.87 1.435 0.7175 0.287 454 227 151 75.7 37.8 18.9 15.1
2.88 1.440 0.7200 0.288 451 225 150 75.1 37.6 18.8 15.0
2.89 1.445 0.7225 0.289 448 224 149 74.6 37.3 18.6 14.9
2.90 1.450 0.7250 0.290 444 222 148 74.1 37.0 18.5 14.8
2.91 1.455 0.7275 0.291 441 221 147 73.6 36.8 18.4 14.7
2.92 1.460 0.7300 0.292 438 219 146 73.0 36.5 18.3 14.6
2.93 1.465 0.7325 0.293 435 218 145 72.5 36.3 18.1 14.5
2.94 1.470 0.7350 0.294 432 216 144 72.0 36.0 18.0 14.4
2.95 1.475 0.7375 0.295 429 215 143 71.5 35.8 17.9 14.3
2.96 1.480 0.7400 0.296 426 213 142 71.0 35.5 17.8 14.2
2.97 1.485 0.7425 0.297 423 212 141 70.5 35.3 17.6 14.1
2.98 1.490 0.7450 0.298 420 210 140 70.1 35.0 17.5 14.0
2.99 1.495 0.7475 0.299 417 209 139 69.6 34.8 17.4 13.9
3.00 1.500 0.7500 0.300 415 207 138 69.1 34.6 17.3 13.8
3.01 1.505 0.7525 0.301 412 206 137 68.6 34.3 17.2 13.7
3.02 1.510 0.7550 0.302 409 205 136 68.2 34.1 17.0 13.6
3.03 1.515 0.7575 0.303 406 203 135 67.7 33.9 16.9 13.5
3.04 1.520 0.7600 0.304 404 202 135 67.3 33.6 16.8 13.5
3.05 1.525 0.7625 0.305 401 200 134 66.8 33.4 16.7 13.4
3.06 1.530 0.7650 0.306 398 199 133 66.4 33.2 16.6 13.3
3.07 1.535 0.7675 0.307 395 198 132 65.9 33.0 16.5 13.2
3.08 1.540 0.7700 0.308 393 196 131 65.5 32.7 16.4 13.1
3.09 1.545 0.7725 0.309 390 195 130 65.0 32.5 16.3 13.0
3.10 1.550 0.7750 0.310 388 194 129 64.6 32.3 16.2 12.9
3.11 1.555 0.7775 0.311 385 193 128 64.2 32.1 16.0 12.8
3.12 1.560 0.7800 0.312 383 191 128 63.8 31.9 15.9 12.8
3.13 1.565 0.7825 0.313 380 190 127 63.3 31.7 15.8 12.7
3.14 1.570 0.7850 0.314 378 189 126 62.9 31.5 15.7 12.6
3.15 1.575 0.7875 0.315 375 188 125 62.5 31.3 15.6 12.5
3.16 1.580 0.7900 0.316 373 186 124 62.1 31.1 15.5 12.4
3.17 1.585 0.7925 0.317 370 185 123 61.7 30.9 15.4 12.3
3.18 1.590 0.7950 0.318 368 184 123 61.3 30.7 15.3 12.3
3.19 1.595 0.7975 0.319 366 183 122 60.9 30.5 15.2 12.2
3.20 1.600 0.8000 0.320 363 182 121 60.5 30.3 15.1 12.1

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
3.21 1.605 0.8025 0.321 361 180 120 60.1 30.1 15.0 12.0
3.22 1.610 0.8050 0.322 359 179 120 59.8 29.9 14.9 12.0
3.23 1.615 0.8075 0.323 356 178 119 59.4 29.7 14.8 11.9
3.24 1.620 0.8100 0.324 354 177 118 59.0 29.5 14.8 11.8
3.25 1.625 0.8125 0.325 352 176 117 58.6 29.3 14.7 11.7
3.26 1.630 0.8150 0.326 350 175 117 58.3 29.1 14.6 11.7
3.27 1.635 0.8175 0.327 347 174 116 57.9 29.0 14.5 11.6
3.28 1.640 0.8200 0.328 345 173 115 57.5 28.8 14.4 11.5
3.29 1.645 0.8225 0.329 343 172 114 57.2 28.6 14.3 11.4
3.30 1.650 0.8250 0.330 341 170 114 56.8 28.4 14.2 11.4
3.31 1.655 0.8275 0.331 339 169 113 56.5 28.2 14.1 11.3
3.32 1.660 0.8300 0.332 337 168 112 56.1 28.1 14.0 11.2
3.33 1.665 0.8325 0.333 335 167 112 55.8 27.9 13.9 11.2
3.34 1.670 0.8350 0.334 333 166 111 55.4 27.7 13.9 11.1
3.35 1.675 0.8375 0.335 331 165 110 55.1 27.5 13.8 11.0
3.36 1.680 0.8400 0.336 329 164 110 54.8 27.4 13.7 11.0
3.37 1.685 0.8425 0.337 326 163 109 54.4 27.2 13.6 10.9
3.38 1.690 0.8450 0.338 325 162 108 54.1 27.0 13.5 10.8
3.39 1.695 0.8475 0.339 323 161 108 53.8 26.9 13.4 10.8
3.40 1.700 0.8500 0.340 321 160 107 53.4 26.7 13.4 10.7
3.41 1.705 0.8525 0.341 319 159 106 53.1 26.6 13.3 10.6
3.42 1.710 0.8550 0.342 317 158 106 52.8 26.4 13.2 10.6
3.43 1.715 0.8575 0.343 315 157 105 52.5 26.2 13.1 10.5
3.44 1.720 0.8600 0.344 313 156 104 52.2 26.1 13.0 10.4
3.45 1.725 0.8625 0.345 311 156 104 51.8 25.9 13.0 10.4
3.46 1.730 0.8650 0.346 309 155 103 51.5 25.8 12.9 10.3
3.47 1.735 0.8675 0.347 307 154 102 51.2 25.6 12.8 10.2
3.48 1.740 0.8700 0.348 306 153 102 50.9 25.5 12.7 10.2
3.49 1.745 0.8725 0.349 304 152 101 50.6 25.3 12.7 10.1
3.50 1.750 0.8750 0.350 302 151 101 50.3 25.2 12.6 10.1
3.51 1.755 0.8775 0.351 300 150 100 50.0 25.0 12.5 10.0
3.52 1.760 0.8800 0.352 298 149 99.5 49.7 24.9 12.4 9.95
3.53 1.765 0.8825 0.353 297 148 98.9 49.4 24.7 12.4 9.89
3.54 1.770 0.8850 0.354 295 147 98.3 49.2 24.6 12.3 9.83
3.55 1.775 0.8875 0.355 293 147 97.7 48.9 24.4 12.2 9.77
3.56 1.780 0.8900 0.356 292 146 97.2 48.6 24.3 12.1 9.72
3.57 1.785 0.8925 0.357 290 145 96.6 48.3 24.2 12.1 9.66
3.58 1.790 0.8950 0.358 288 144 96.1 48.0 24.0 12.0 9.61
3.59 1.795 0.8975 0.359 286 143 95.5 47.7 23.9 11.9 9.55
3.60 1.800 0.9000 0.360 285 142 95.0 47.5 23.7 11.9 9.50
3.61 1.805 0.9025 0.361 283 142 94.4 47.2 23.6 11.8 9.44
3.62 1.810 0.9050 0.362 282 141 93.9 46.9 23.5 11.7 9.39
3.63 1.815 0.9075 0.363 280 140 93.3 46.7 23.3 11.7 9.33
3.64 1.820 0.9100 0.364 278 139 92.8 46.4 23.2 11.6 9.28
3.65 1.825 0.9125 0.365 277 138 92.3 46.1 23.1 11.5 9.23
3.66 1.830 0.9150 0.366 275 138 91.8 45.9 22.9 11.5 9.18
3.67 1.835 0.9175 0.367 274 137 91.2 45.6 22.8 11.4 9.12
3.68 1.840 0.9200 0.368 272 136 90.7 45.4 22.7 11.3 9.07
3.69 1.845 0.9225 0.369 271 135 90.2 45.1 22.6 11.3 9.02
3.70 1.850 0.9250 0.370 269 135 89.7 44.9 22.4 11.2 8.97
3.71 1.855 0.9275 0.371 268 134 89.2 44.6 22.3 11.2 8.92
3.72 1.860 0.9300 0.372 266 133 88.7 44.4 22.2 11.1 8.87
3.73 1.865 0.9325 0.373 265 132 88.2 44.1 22.1 11.0 8.82
3.74 1.870 0.9350 0.374 263 132 87.7 43.9 21.9 11.0 8.77
3.75 1.875 0.9375 0.375 262 131 87.2 43.6 21.8 10.9 8.72
3.76 1.880 0.9400 0.376 260 130 86.8 43.4 21.7 10.8 8.68
3.77 1.885 0.9425 0.377 259 129 86.3 43.1 21.6 10.8 8.63
3.78 1.890 0.9450 0.378 257 129 85.8 42.9 21.5 10.7 8.58
3.79 1.895 0.9475 0.379 256 128 85.3 42.7 21.3 10.7 8.53
3.80 1.900 0.9500 0.380 255 127 84.9 42.4 21.2 10.6 8.49
3.81 1.905 0.9525 0.381 253 127 84.4 42.2 21.1 10.6 8.44
3.82 1.910 0.9550 0.382 252 126 83.9 42.0 21.0 10.5 8.39
3.83 1.915 0.9575 0.383 250 125 83.5 41.7 20.9 10.4 8.35
3.84 1.920 0.9600 0.384 249 125 83.0 41.5 20.8 10.4 8.30
3.85 1.925 0.9625 0.385 248 124 82.6 41.3 20.6 10.3 8.26
3.86 1.930 0.9650 0.386 246 123 82.1 41.1 20.5 10.3 8.21
3.87 1.935 0.9675 0.387 245 123 81.7 40.9 20.4 10.2 8.17
3.88 1.940 0.9700 0.388 244 122 81.3 40.6 20.3 10.2 8.13
3.89 1.945 0.9725 0.389 242 121 80.8 40.4 20.2 10.1 8.08
3.90 1.950 0.9750 0.390 241 121 80.4 40.2 20.1 10.0 8.04

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
3.91 1.955 0.9775 0.391 240 120 80.0 40.0 20.0 10.0 8.00
3.92 1.960 0.9800 0.392 239 119 79.5 39.8 19.9 9.94 7.95
3.93 1.965 0.9825 0.393 237 119 79.1 39.6 19.8 9.89 7.91
3.94 1.970 0.9850 0.394 236 118 78.7 39.4 19.7 9.84 7.87
3.95 1.975 0.9875 0.395 235 117 78.3 39.1 19.6 9.79 7.83
3.96 1.980 0.9900 0.396 234 117 77.9 38.9 19.5 9.73 7.79
3.97 1.985 0.9925 0.397 232 116 77.5 38.7 19.4 9.68 7.75
3.98 1.990 0.9950 0.398 231 116 77.1 38.5 19.3 9.63 7.71
3.99 1.995 0.9975 0.399 230 115 76.7 38.3 19.2 9.58 7.67
4.00 2.000 1.0000 0.400 229 114 76.3 38.1 19.1 9.53 7.63
4.01 2.005 1.0025 0.401 228 114 75.9 37.9 19.0 9.48 7.59
4.02 2.010 1.0050 0.402 226 113 75.5 37.7 18.9 9.43 7.55
4.03 2.015 1.0075 0.403 225 113 75.1 37.5 18.8 9.38 7.51
4.04 2.020 1.0100 0.404 224 112 74.7 37.3 18.7 9.34 7.47
4.05 2.025 1.0125 0.405 223 111 74.3 37.1 18.6 9.29 7.43
4.06 2.030 1.0150 0.406 222 111 73.9 37.0 18.5 9.24 7.39
4.07 2.035 1.0175 0.407 221 110 73.5 36.8 18.4 9.19 7.35
4.08 2.040 1.0200 0.408 219 110 73.2 36.6 18.3 9.14 7.32
4.09 2.045 1.0225 0.409 218 109 72.8 36.4 18.2 9.10 7.28
4.10 2.050 1.0250 0.410 217 109 72.4 36.2 18.1 9.05 7.24
4.11 2.055 1.0275 0.411 216 108 72.0 36.0 18.0 9.01 7.20
4.12 2.060 1.0300 0.412 215 108 71.7 35.8 17.9 8.96 7.17
4.13 2.065 1.0325 0.413 214 107 71.3 35.7 17.8 8.91 7.13
4.14 2.070 1.0350 0.414 213 106 71.0 35.5 17.7 8.87 7.10
4.15 2.075 1.0375 0.415 212 106 70.6 35.3 17.6 8.82 7.06
4.16 2.080 1.0400 0.416 211 105 70.2 35.1 17.6 8.78 7.02
4.17 2.085 1.0425 0.417 210 105 69.9 34.9 17.5 8.74 6.99
4.18 2.090 1.0450 0.418 209 104 69.5 34.8 17.4 8.69 6.95
4.19 2.095 1.0475 0.419 208 104 69.2 34.6 17.3 8.65 6.92
4.20 2.100 1.0500 0.420 207 103 68.8 34.4 17.2 8.61 6.88
4.21 2.105 1.0525 0.421 205 103 68.5 34.2 17.1 8.56 6.85
4.22 2.110 1.0550 0.422 204 102 68.2 34.1 17.0 8.52 6.82
4.23 2.115 1.0575 0.423 203 102 67.8 33.9 17.0 8.48 6.78
4.24 2.120 1.0600 0.424 202 101 67.5 33.7 16.9 8.44 6.75
4.25 2.125 1.0625 0.425 201 101 67.1 33.6 16.8 8.39 6.71
4.26 2.130 1.0650 0.426 200 100 66.8 33.4 16.7 8.35 6.68
4.27 2.135 1.0675 0.427 199 100 66.5 33.2 16.6 8.31 6.65
4.28 2.140 1.0700 0.428 198 99.2 66.2 33.1 16.5 8.27 6.62
4.29 2.145 1.0725 0.429 198 98.8 65.8 32.9 16.5 8.23 6.58
4.30 2.150 1.0750 0.430 197 98.3 65.5 32.8 16.4 8.19 6.55
4.31 2.155 1.0775 0.431 196 97.8 65.2 32.6 16.3 8.15 6.52
4.32 2.160 1.0800 0.432 195 97.3 64.9 32.4 16.2 8.11 6.49
4.33 2.165 1.0825 0.433 194 96.8 64.6 32.3 16.1 8.07 6.46
4.34 2.170 1.0850 0.434 193 96.4 64.2 32.1 16.1 8.03 6.42
4.35 2.175 1.0875 0.435 192 95.9 63.9 32.0 16.0 7.99 6.39
4.36 2.180 1.0900 0.436 191 95.4 63.6 31.8 15.9 7.95 6.36
4.37 2.185 1.0925 0.437 190 95.0 63.3 31.7 15.8 7.92 6.33
4.38 2.190 1.0950 0.438 189 94.5 63.0 31.5 15.8 7.88 6.30
4.39 2.195 1.0975 0.439 188 94.1 62.7 31.4 15.7 7.84 6.27
4.40 2.200 1.1000 0.440 187 93.6 62.4 31.2 15.6 7.80 6.24
4.41 2.205 1.1025 0.441 186 93.2 62.1 31.1 15.5 7.76 6.21
4.42 2.210 1.1050 0.442 185 92.7 61.8 30.9 15.5 7.73 6.18
4.43 2.215 1.1075 0.443 185 92.3 61.5 30.8 15.4 7.69 6.15
4.44 2.220 1.1100 0.444 184 91.8 61.2 30.6 15.3 7.65 6.12
4.45 2.225 1.1125 0.445 183 91.4 60.9 30.5 15.2 7.62 6.09
4.46 2.230 1.1150 0.446 182 91.0 60.6 30.3 15.2 7.58 6.06
4.47 2.235 1.1175 0.447 181 90.5 60.4 30.2 15.1 7.55 6.04
4.48 2.240 1.1200 0.448 180 90.1 60.1 30.0 15.0 7.51 6.01
4.49 2.245 1.1225 0.449 179 89.7 59.8 29.9 14.9 7.47 5.98
4.50 2.250 1.1250 0.450 179 89.3 59.5 29.8 14.9 7.44 5.95
4.51 2.255 1.1275 0.451 178 88.9 59.2 29.6 14.8 7.40 5.92
4.52 2.260 1.1300 0.452 177 88.4 59.0 29.5 14.7 7.37 5.90
4.53 2.265 1.1325 0.453 176 88.0 58.7 29.3 14.7 7.34 5.87
4.54 2.270 1.1350 0.454 175 87.6 58.4 29.2 14.6 7.30 5.84
4.55 2.275 1.1375 0.455 174 87.2 58.1 29.1 14.5 7.27 5.81
4.56 2.280 1.1400 0.456 174 86.8 57.9 28.9 14.5 7.23 5.79
4.57 2.285 1.1425 0.457 173 86.4 57.6 28.8 14.4 7.20 5.76
4.58 2.290 1.1450 0.458 172 86.0 57.3 28.7 14.3 7.17 5.73
4.59 2.295 1.1475 0.459 171 85.6 57.1 28.5 14.3 7.13 5.71
4.60 2.300 1.1500 0.460 170 85.2 56.8 28.4 14.2 7.10 5.68

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
4.61 2.305 1.1525 0.461 170 84.8 56.5 28.3 14.1 7.07 5.65
4.62 2.310 1.1550 0.462 169 84.4 56.3 28.1 14.1 7.03 5.63
4.63 2.315 1.1575 0.463 168 84.0 56.0 28.0 14.0 7.00 5.60
4.64 2.320 1.1600 0.464 167 83.6 55.8 27.9 13.9 6.97 5.58
4.65 2.325 1.1625 0.465 167 83.3 55.5 27.8 13.9 6.94 5.55
4.66 2.330 1.1650 0.466 166 82.9 55.3 27.6 13.8 6.91 5.53
4.67 2.335 1.1675 0.467 165 82.5 55.0 27.5 13.8 6.88 5.50
4.68 2.340 1.1700 0.468 164 82.1 54.8 27.4 13.7 6.84 5.48
4.69 2.345 1.1725 0.469 164 81.8 54.5 27.3 13.6 6.81 5.45
4.70 2.350 1.1750 0.470 163 81.4 54.3 27.1 13.6 6.78 5.43
4.71 2.355 1.1775 0.471 162 81.0 54.0 27.0 13.5 6.75 5.40
4.72 2.360 1.1800 0.472 161 80.7 53.8 26.9 13.4 6.72 5.38
4.73 2.365 1.1825 0.473 161 80.3 53.5 26.8 13.4 6.69 5.35
4.74 2.370 1.1850 0.474 160 79.9 53.3 26.6 13.3 6.66 5.33
4.75 2.375 1.1875 0.475 159 79.6 53.0 26.5 13.3 6.63 5.30
4.76 2.380 1.1900 0.476 158 79.2 52.8 26.4 13.2 6.60 5.28
4.77 2.385 1.1925 0.477 158 78.9 52.6 26.3 13.1 6.57 5.26
4.78 2.390 1.1950 0.478 157 78.5 52.3 26.2 13.1 6.54 5.23
4.79 2.395 1.1975 0.479 156 78.2 52.1 26.1 13.0 6.51 5.21
4.80 2.400 1.2000 0.480 156 77.8 51.9 25.9 13.0 6.48 5.19
4.81 2.405 1.2025 0.481 155 77.5 51.6 25.8 12.9 6.46 5.16
4.82 2.410 1.2050 0.482 154 77.1 51.4 25.7 12.9 6.43 5.14
4.83 2.415 1.2075 0.483 154 76.8 51.2 25.6 12.8 6.40 5.12
4.84 2.420 1.2100 0.484 153 76.4 51.0 25.5 12.7 6.37 5.10
4.85 2.425 1.2125 0.485 152 76.1 50.7 25.4 12.7 6.34 5.07
4.86 2.430 1.2150 0.486 152 75.8 50.5 25.3 12.6 6.31 5.05
4.87 2.435 1.2175 0.487 151 75.4 50.3 25.1 12.6 6.29 5.03
4.88 2.440 1.2200 0.488 150 75.1 50.1 25.0 12.5 6.26 5.01
4.89 2.445 1.2225 0.489 150 74.8 49.8 24.9 12.5 6.23 4.98
4.90 2.450 1.2250 0.490 149 74.4 49.6 24.8 12.4 6.20 4.96
4.91 2.455 1.2275 0.491 148 74.1 49.4 24.7 12.4 6.18 4.94
4.92 2.460 1.2300 0.492 148 73.8 49.2 24.6 12.3 6.15 4.92
4.93 2.465 1.2325 0.493 147 73.5 49.0 24.5 12.2 6.12 4.90
4.94 2.470 1.2350 0.494 146 73.2 48.8 24.4 12.2 6.10 4.88
4.95 2.475 1.2375 0.495 146 72.8 48.6 24.3 12.1 6.07 4.86
4.96 2.480 1.2400 0.496 145 72.5 48.3 24.2 12.1 6.04 4.83
4.97 2.485 1.2425 0.497 144 72.2 48.1 24.1 12.0 6.02 4.81
4.98 2.490 .2450 0.498 144 71.9 47.9 24.0 12.0 5.99 4.79
4.99 2.495 1.2475 0.499 143 71.6 47.7 23.9 11.9 5.97 4.77
5.00 2.500 1.2500 0.500 143 71.3 47.5 23.8 11.9 5.94 4.75
5.01 2.505 1.2525 0.501 142 71.0 47.3 23.7 11.8 5.91 4.73
5.02 2.510 1.2550 0.502 141 70.7 47.1 23.6 11.8 5.89 4.71
5.03 2.515 1.2575 0.503 141 70.4 46.9 23.5 11.7 5.86 4.69
5.04 2.520 1.2600 0.504 140 70.1 46.7 23.4 11.7 5.84 4.67
5.05 2.525 1.2625 0.505 140 69.8 46.5 23.3 11.6 5.81 4.65
5.06 2.530 1.2650 0.506 139 69.5 46.3 23.2 11.6 5.79 4.63
5.07 2.535 1.2675 0.507 138 69.2 46.1 23.1 11.5 5.76 4.61
5.08 2.540 1.2700 0.508 138 68.9 45.9 23.0 11.5 5.74 4.59
5.09 2.545 1.2725 0.509 137 68.6 45.7 22.9 11.4 5.72 4.57
5.10 2.550 1.2750 0.510 137 68.3 45.5 22.8 11.4 5.69 4.55
5.11 2.555 1.2775 0.511 136 68.0 45.3 22.7 11.3 5.67 4.53
5.12 2.560 1.2800 0.512 135 67.7 45.1 22.6 11.3 5.64 4.51
5.13 2.565 1.2825 0.513 135 67.4 45.0 22.5 11.2 5.62 4.50
5.14 2.570 1.2850 0.514 134 67.1 44.8 22.4 11.2 5.60 4.48
5.15 2.575 1.2875 0.515 134 66.9 44.6 22.3 11.1 5.57 4.46
5.16 2.580 1.2900 0.516 133 66.6 44.4 22.2 11.1 5.55 4.44
5.17 2.585 1.2925 0.517 133 66.3 44.2 22.1 11.1 5.53 4.42
5.18 2.590 1.2950 0.518 132 66.0 44.0 22.0 11.0 5.50 4.40
5.19 2.595 1.2975 0.519 132 65.8 43.8 21.9 11.0 5.48 4.38
5.20 2.600 1.3000 0.520 131 65.5 43.7 21.8 10.9 5.46 4.37
5.21 2.605 1.3025 0.521 130 65.2 43.5 21.7 10.9 5.43 4.35
5.22 2.610 1.3050 0.522 130 64.9 43.3 21.6 10.8 5.41 4.33
5.23 2.615 1.3075 0.523 129 64.7 43.1 21.6 10.8 5.39 4.31
5.24 2.620 1.3100 0.524 129 64.4 42.9 21.5 10.7 5.37 4.29
5.25 2.625 1.3125 0.525 128 64.1 42.8 21.4 10.7 5.34 4.28
5.26 2.630 1.3150 0.526 128 63.9 42.6 21.3 10.6 5.32 4.26
5.27 2.635 1.3175 0.527 127 63.6 42.4 21.2 10.6 5.30 4.24
5.28 2.640 1.3200 0.528 127 63.3 42.2 21.1 10.6 5.28 4.22
5.29 2.645 1.3225 0.529 126 63.1 42.1 21.0 10.5 5.26 4.21
5.30 2.650 1.3250 0.530 126 62.8 41.9 20.9 10.5 5.24 4.19

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
5.31 2.655 1.3275 0.531 125 62.6 41.7 20.9 10.4 5.21 4.17
5.32 2.660 1.3300 0.532 125 62.3 41.5 20.8 10.4 5.19 4.15
5.33 2.665 1.3325 0.533 124 62.1 41.4 20.7 10.3 5.17 4.14
5.34 2.670 1.3350 0.534 124 61.8 41.2 20.6 10.3 5.15 4.12
5.35 2.675 1.3375 0.535 123 61.5 41.0 20.5 10.3 5.13 4.10
5.36 2.680 1.3400 0.536 123 61.3 40.9 20.4 10.2 5.11 4.09
5.37 2.685 1.3425 0.537 122 61.0 40.7 20.3 10.2 5.09 4.07
5.38 2.690 1.3450 0.538 122 60.8 40.5 20.3 10.1 5.07 4.05
5.39 2.695 1.3475 0.539 121 60.6 40.4 20.2 10.1 5.05 4.04
5.40 2.700 1.3500 0.540 121 60.3 40.2 20.1 10.1 5.03 4.02
5.41 2.705 1.3525 0.541 120 60.1 40.0 20.0 10.0 5.01 4.00
5.42 2.710 1.3550 0.542 120 59.8 39.9 19.9 10.0 4.99 3.99
5.43 2.715 1.3575 0.543 119 59.6 39.7 19.9 9.93 4.97 3.97
5.44 2.720 1.3600 0.544 119 59.3 39.6 19.8 9.89 4.95 3.96
5.45 2.725 1.3625 0.545 118 59.1 39.4 19.7 9.85 4.93 3.94
5.46 2.730 1.3650 0.546 118 58.9 39.2 19.6 9.81 4.91 3.92
5.47 2.735 1.3675 0.547 117 58.6 39.1 19.5 9.77 4.89 3.91
5.48 2.740 1.3700 0.548 117 58.4 38.9 19.5 9.73 4.87 3.89
5.49 2.745 1.3725 0.549 116 58.2 38.8 19.4 9.69 4.85 3.88
5.50 2.750 1.3750 0.550 116 57.9 38.6 19.3 9.66 4.83 3.86
5.51 2.755 1.3775 0.551 115 57.7 38.5 19.2 9.62 4.81 3.85
5.52 2.760 1.3800 0.552 115 57.5 38.3 19.2 9.58 4.79 3.83
5.53 2.765 1.3825 0.553 114 57.2 38.2 19.1 9.54 4.77 3.82
5.54 2.770 1.3850 0.554 114 57.0 38.0 19.0 9.50 4.75 3.80
5.55 2.775 1.3875 0.555 114 56.8 37.9 18.9 9.47 4.73 3.79
5.56 2.780 1.3900 0.556 113 56.6 37.7 18.9 9.43 4.71 3.77
5.57 2.785 1.3925 0.557 113 56.3 37.6 18.8 9.39 4.70 3.76
5.58 2.790 1.3950 0.558 112 56.1 37.4 18.7 9.35 4.68 3.74
5.59 2.795 1.3975 0.559 112 55.9 37.3 18.6 9.32 4.66 3.73
5.60 2.800 1.4000 0.560 111 55.7 37.1 18.6 9.28 4.64 3.71
5.61 2.805 1.4025 0.561 111 55.5 37.0 18.5 9.24 4.62 3.70
5.62 2.810 1.4050 0.562 110 55.2 36.8 18.4 9.21 4.60 3.68
5.63 2.815 1.4075 0.563 110 55.0 36.7 18.3 9.17 4.59 3.67
5.64 2.820 1.4100 0.564 110 54.8 36.5 18.3 9.14 4.57 3.65
5.65 2.825 1.4125 0.565 109 54.6 36.4 18.2 9.10 4.55 3.64
5.66 2.830 1.4150 0.566 109 54.4 36.3 18.1 9.06 4.53 3.63
5.67 2.835 1.4175 0.567 108 54.2 36.1 18.1 9.03 4.51 3.61
5.68 2.840 1.4200 0.568 108 54.0 36.0 18.0 8.99 4.50 3.60
5.69 2.845 1.4225 0.569 107 53.7 35.8 17.9 8.96 4.48 3.58
5.70 2.850 1.4250 0.570 107 53.5 35.7 17.8 8.92 4.46 3.57
5.71 2.855 1.4275 0.571 107 53.3 35.6 17.8 8.89 4.44 3.56
5.72 2.860 1.4300 0.572 106 53.1 35.4 17.7 8.85 4.43 3.54
5.73 2.865 1.4325 0.573 106 52.9 35.3 17.6 8.82 4.41 3.53
5.74 2.870 1.4350 0.574 105 52.7 35.1 17.6 8.79 4.39 3.51
5.75 2.875 1.4375 0.575 105 52.5 35.0 17.5 8.75 4.38 3.50
5.76 2.880 1.4400 0.576 105 52.3 34.9 17.4 8.72 4.36 3.49
5.77 2.885 1.4425 0.577 104 52.1 34.7 17.4 8.68 4.34 3.47
5.78 2.890 1.4450 0.578 104 51.9 34.6 17.3 8.65 4.33 3.46
5.79 2.895 1.4475 0.579 103 51.7 34.5 17.2 8.62 4.31 3.45
5.80 2.900 1.4500 0.580 103 51.5 34.3 17.2 8.59 4.29 3.43
5.81 2.905 1.4525 0.581 103 51.3 34.2 17.1 8.55 4.28 3.42
5.82 2.910 1.4550 0.582 102 51.1 34.1 17.0 8.52 4.26 3.41
5.83 2.915 1.4575 0.583 102 50.9 33.9 17.0 8.49 4.24 3.39
5.84 2.920 1.4600 0.584 101 50.7 33.8 16.9 8.45 4.23 3.38
5.85 2.925 1.4625 0.585 101 50.5 33.7 16.8 8.42 4.21 3.37
5.86 2.930 1.4650 0.586 101 50.3 33.6 16.8 8.39 4.20 3.36
5.87 2.935 1.4675 0.587 100 50.2 33.4 16.7 8.36 4.18 3.34
5.88 2.940 1.4700 0.588 100 50.0 33.3 16.7 8.33 4.16 3.33
5.89 2.945 1.4725 0.589 100 49.8 33.2 16.6 8.30 4.15 3.32
5.90 2.950 1.4750 0.590 99.2 49.6 33.1 16.5 8.26 4.13 3.31
5.91 2.955 1.4775 0.591 98.8 49.4 32.9 16.5 8.23 4.12 3.29
5.92 2.960 1.4800 0.592 98.4 49.2 32.8 16.4 8.20 4.10 3.28
5.93 2.965 1.4825 0.593 98.0 49.0 32.7 16.3 8.17 4.09 3.27
5.94 2.970 1.4850 0.594 97.7 48.8 32.6 16.3 8.14 4.07 3.26
5.95 2.975 1.4875 0.595 97.3 48.7 32.4 16.2 8.11 4.05 3.24
5.96 2.980 1.4900 0.596 96.9 48.5 32.3 16.2 8.08 4.04 3.23
5.97 2.985 1.4925 0.597 96.6 48.3 32.2 16.1 8.05 4.02 3.22
5.98 2.990 1.4950 0.598 96.2 48.1 32.1 16.0 8.02 4.01 3.21
5.99 2.995 1.4975 0.599 95.9 47.9 32.0 16.0 7.99 3.99 3.20
6.00 3.000 1.5000 0.600 95.5 47.7 31.8 15.9 7.96 3.98 3.18

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
6.01 3.005 1.5025 0.601 95.1 47.6 31.7 15.9 7.93 3.96 3.17
6.02 3.010 1.5050 0.602 94.8 47.4 31.6 15.8 7.90 3.95 3.16
6.03 3.015 1.5075 0.603 94.4 47.2 31.5 15.7 7.87 3.93 3.15
6.04 3.020 1.5100 0.604 94.1 47.0 31.4 15.7 7.84 3.92 3.14
6.05 3.025 1.5125 0.605 93.7 46.9 31.2 15.6 7.81 3.91 3.12
6.06 3.030 1.5150 0.606 93.4 46.7 31.1 15.6 7.78 3.89 3.11
6.07 3.035 1.5175 0.607 93.0 46.5 31.0 15.5 7.75 3.88 3.10
6.08 3.040 1.5200 0.608 92.7 46.3 30.9 15.4 7.72 3.86 3.09
6.09 3.045 1.5225 0.609 92.3 46.2 30.8 15.4 7.69 3.85 3.08
6.10 3.050 1.5250 0.610 92.0 46.0 30.7 15.3 7.67 3.83 3.07
6.11 3.055 1.5275 0.611 91.7 45.8 30.6 15.3 7.64 3.82 3.06
6.12 3.060 1.5300 0.612 91.3 45.7 30.4 15.2 7.61 3.80 3.04
6.13 3.065 1.5325 0.613 91.0 45.5 30.3 15.2 7.58 3.79 3.03
6.14 3.070 1.5350 0.614 90.6 45.3 30.2 15.1 7.55 3.78 3.02
6.15 3.075 1.5375 0.615 90.3 45.2 30.1 15.1 7.53 3.76 3.01
6.16 3.080 1.5400 0.616 90.0 45.0 30.0 15.0 7.50 3.75 3.00
6.17 3.085 1.5425 0.617 89.6 44.8 29.9 14.9 7.47 3.74 2.99
6.18 3.090 1.5450 0.618 89.3 44.7 29.8 14.9 7.44 3.72 2.98
6.19 3.095 1.5475 0.619 89.0 44.5 29.7 14.8 7.42 3.71 2.97
6.20 3.100 1.5500 0.620 88.7 44.3 29.6 14.8 7.39 3.69 2.96
6.21 3.105 1.5525 0.621 88.3 44.2 29.4 14.7 7.36 3.68 2.94
6.22 3.110 1.5550 0.622 88.0 44.0 29.3 14.7 7.33 3.67 2.93
6.23 3.115 1.5575 0.623 87.7 43.8 29.2 14.6 7.31 3.65 2.92
6.24 3.120 1.5600 0.624 87.4 43.7 29.1 14.6 7.28 3.64 2.91
6.25 3.125 1.5625 0.625 87.1 43.5 29.0 14.5 7.25 3.63 2.90
6.26 3.130 1.5650 0.626 86.7 43.4 28.9 14.5 7.23 3.61 2.89
6.27 3.135 1.5675 0.627 86.4 43.2 28.8 14.4 7.20 3.60 2.88
6.28 3.140 1.5700 0.628 86.1 43.1 28.7 14.4 7.18 3.59 2.87
6.29 3.145 1.5725 0.629 85.8 42.9 28.6 14.3 7.15 3.57 2.86
6.30 3.150 1.5750 0.630 85.5 42.7 28.5 14.2 7.12 3.56 2.85
6.31 3.155 1.5775 0.631 85.2 42.6 28.4 14.2 7.10 3.55 2.84
6.32 3.160 1.5800 0.632 84.9 42.4 28.3 14.1 7.07 3.54 2.83
6.33 3.165 1.5825 0.633 84.6 42.3 28.2 14.1 7.05 3.52 2.82
6.34 3.170 1.5850 0.634 84.3 42.1 28.1 14.0 7.02 3.51 2.81
6.35 3.175 1.5875 0.635 84.0 42.0 28.0 14.0 7.00 3.50 2.80
6.36 3.180 1.5900 0.636 83.7 41.8 27.9 13.9 6.97 3.49 2.79
6.37 3.185 1.5925 0.637 83.4 41.7 27.8 13.9 6.95 3.47 2.78
6.38 3.190 1.5950 0.638 83.1 41.5 27.7 13.8 6.92 3.46 2.77
6.39 3.195 1.5975 0.639 82.8 41.4 27.6 13.8 6.90 3.45 2.76
6.40 3.200 1.6000 0.640 82.5 41.2 27.5 13.7 6.87 3.44 2.75
6.41 3.205 1.6025 0.641 82.2 41.1 27.4 13.7 6.85 3.42 2.74
6.42 3.210 1.6050 0.642 81.9 40.9 27.3 13.6 6.82 3.41 2.73
6.43 3.215 1.6075 0.643 81.6 40.8 27.2 13.6 6.80 3.40 2.72
6.44 3.220 1.6100 0.644 81.3 40.6 27.1 13.5 6.77 3.39 2.71
6.45 3.225 1.6125 0.645 81.0 40.5 27.0 13.5 6.75 3.37 2.70
6.46 3.230 1.6150 0.646 80.7 40.3 26.9 13.4 6.72 3.36 2.69
6.47 3.235 1.6175 0.647 80.4 40.2 26.8 13.4 6.70 3.35 2.68
6.48 3.240 1.6200 0.648 80.1 40.1 26.7 13.4 6.68 3.34 2.67
6.49 3.245 1.6225 0.649 79.8 39.9 26.6 13.3 6.65 3.33 2.66
6.50 3.250 1.6250 0.650 79.6 39.8 26.5 13.3 6.63 3.31 2.65
6.51 3.255 1.6275 0.651 79.3 39.6 26.4 13.2 6.61 3.30 2.64
6.52 3.260 1.6300 0.652 79.0 39.5 26.3 13.2 6.58 3.29 2.63
6.53 3.265 1.6325 0.653 78.7 39.4 26.2 13.1 6.56 3.28 2.62
6.54 3.270 1.6350 0.654 78.4 39.2 26.1 13.1 6.54 3.27 2.61
6.55 3.275 1.6375 0.655 78.2 39.1 26.1 13.0 6.51 3.26 2.61
6.56 3.280 1.6400 0.656 77.9 38.9 26.0 13.0 6.49 3.24 2.60
6.57 3.285 1.6425 0.657 77.6 38.8 25.9 12.9 6.47 3.23 2.59
6.58 3.290 1.6450 0.658 77.3 38.7 25.8 12.9 6.44 3.22 2.58
6.59 3.295 1.6475 0.659 77.1 38.5 25.7 12.8 6.42 3.21 2.57
6.60 3.300 1.6500 0.660 76.8 38.4 25.6 12.8 6.40 3.20 2.56
6.61 3.305 1.6525 0.661 76.5 38.3 25.5 12.8 6.38 3.19 2.55
6.62 3.310 1.6550 0.662 76.2 38.1 25.4 12.7 6.35 3.18 2.54
6.63 3.315 1.6575 0.663 76.0 38.0 25.3 12.7 6.33 3.17 2.53
6.64 3.320 1.6600 0.664 75.7 37.9 25.2 12.6 6.31 3.15 2.52
6.65 3.325 1.6625 0.665 75.4 37.7 25.1 12.6 6.29 3.14 2.51
6.66 3.330 1.6650 0.666 75.2 37.6 25.1 12.5 6.26 3.13 2.51
6.67 3.335 1.6675 0.667 74.9 37.5 25.0 12.5 6.24 3.12 2.50
6.68 3.340 1.6700 0.668 74.7 37.3 24.9 12.4 6.22 3.11 2.49
6.69 3.345 1.6725 0.669 74.4 37.2 24.8 12.4 6.20 3.10 2.48
6.70 3.350 1.6750 0.670 74.1 37.1 24.7 12.4 6.18 3.09 2.47

E 10 – 08

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Diameter of Indentation, d (mm) Brinell Hardness Number
HBW 10/3000 HBW 10/1500 HBW 10/1000 HBW 10/500 HBW 10/250 HBW 10/125 HBW 10/100
10 mm 5 mm 2.5 mm 1 mm HBW 5/750 HBW 5/250 HBW 5/125 HBW 5/62.5 HBW 5/31.25 HBW 5/25
ball ball ball ball HBW 2.5/187.5 HBW 2.5/62.5 HBW 2.5/31.25 HBW 2.5/15.625 HBW 2.5/7.8125 HBW 2.5/6.25
HBW 1/30 HBW 1/10 HBW 1/5 HBW 1/2 HBW 1/1.25 HBW 1/1
6.71 3.355 1.6775 0.671 73.9 36.9 24.6 12.3 6.16 3.08 2.46
6.72 3.360 1.6800 0.672 73.6 36.8 24.5 12.3 6.13 3.07 2.45
6.73 3.365 1.6825 0.673 73.4 36.7 24.5 12.2 6.11 3.06 2.45
6.74 3.370 1.6850 0.674 73.1 36.5 24.4 12.2 6.09 3.05 2.44
6.75 3.375 1.6875 0.675 72.8 36.4 24.3 12.1 6.07 3.04 2.43
6.76 3.380 1.6900 0.676 72.6 36.3 24.2 12.1 6.05 3.02 2.42
6.77 3.385 1.6925 0.677 72.3 36.2 24.1 12.1 6.03 3.01 2.41
6.78 3.390 1.6950 0.678 72.1 36.0 24.0 12.0 6.01 3.00 2.40
6.79 3.395 1.6975 0.679 71.8 35.9 23.9 12.0 5.99 2.99 2.39
6.80 3.400 1.7000 0.680 71.6 35.8 23.9 11.9 5.97 2.98 2.39
6.81 3.405 1.7025 0.681 71.3 35.7 23.8 11.9 5.94 2.97 2.38
6.82 3.410 1.7050 0.682 71.1 35.5 23.7 11.8 5.92 2.96 2.37
6.83 3.415 1.7075 0.683 70.8 35.4 23.6 11.8 5.90 2.95 2.36
6.84 3.420 1.7100 0.684 70.6 35.3 23.5 11.8 5.88 2.94 2.35
6.85 3.425 1.7125 0.685 70.4 35.2 23.5 11.7 5.86 2.93 2.35
6.86 3.430 1.7150 0.686 70.1 35.1 23.4 11.7 5.84 2.92 2.34
6.87 3.435 1.7175 0.687 69.9 34.9 23.3 11.6 5.82 2.91 2.33
6.88 3.440 1.7200 0.688 69.6 34.8 23.2 11.6 5.80 2.90 2.32
6.89 3.445 1.7225 0.689 69.4 34.7 23.1 11.6 5.78 2.89 2.31
6.90 3.450 1.7250 0.690 69.2 34.6 23.1 11.5 5.76 2.88 2.31
6.91 3.455 1.7275 0.691 68.9 34.5 23.0 11.5 5.74 2.87 2.30
6.92 3.460 1.7300 0.692 68.7 34.3 22.9 11.4 5.72 2.86 2.29
6.93 3.465 1.7325 0.693 68.4 34.2 22.8 11.4 5.70 2.85 2.28
6.94 3.470 1.7350 0.694 68.2 34.1 22.7 11.4 5.68 2.84 2.27
6.95 3.475 1.7375 0.695 68.0 34.0 22.7 11.3 5.66 2.83 2.27
6.96 3.480 1.7400 0.696 67.7 33.9 22.6 11.3 5.64 2.82 2.26
6.97 3.485 1.7425 0.697 67.5 33.8 22.5 11.3 5.63 2.81 2.25
6.98 3.490 1.7450 0.698 67.3 33.6 22.4 11.2 5.61 2.80 2.24
6.99 3.495 1.7475 0.699 67.0 33.5 22.3 11.2 5.59 2.79 2.23


X2.1 Scope measurement “error” of the hardness machine estimated in this

X2.1.1 The intent of this appendix is to provide a basic way is not reported on the verification certificate and report,
approach to evaluating the uncertainty of Brinell hardness this value and its uncertainty are needed to calculate measure-
measurement values in order to simplify and unify the inter- ment uncertainties when verification of the hardness machine is
pretation of uncertainty by users of Brinell hardness. only made by the direct verification method. The procedure
X2.1.2 This appendix provides basic procedures for deter- described in section X2.7 provides a method for determining
mining the uncertainty of the following values of hardness: the uncertainty in this measurement “error” of the hardness
X2.1.2.1 The Hardness Machine “Error” Determined as
Part of an Indirect Verification (see X2.6)—As part of an X2.1.2.3 Brinell Hardness Value Measured by a User (see
indirect verification, a number of Brinell hardness measure- X2.8)—The procedure provides a method for determining the
ments are made on a reference test block. The average of the uncertainty in the hardness values measured by a user during
measurement values is compared to the certified value of the the normal use of a Brinell hardness machine. The user may
reference block to determine the “error” (see 3.2.4) of the report the uncertainty value with the measurement value.
hardness machine. The procedure described in section X2.6 X2.1.2.4 Certified Value of a Brinell Hardness Test Block
provides a method for determining the uncertainty in this (see X2.9)—The procedure provides a method for determining
measurement “error” of the hardness machine. The uncertainty the uncertainty in the certified value of standardized test
value may be reported on the verification certificate and report. blocks. The standardizing agency may report the uncertainty
value on the test block certificate.
X2.1.2.2 The Hardness Machine “Error” Determined from
Measurements Made as Part of a Direct Verification (see NOTE X2.1—When calculated, uncertainty values reported by a field
X2.7)—As part of a direct verification, errors in separate calibration agency (see X2.5.7 and X2.7) are not the measurement
components of the hardness machine are determined. These are uncertainties of the hardness machine in operation, but only that of the
measurements made at the time of verification to determine machine
the force application system, the indentation measuring system,
and the indenter. In addition to these, there are other potential
NOTE X2.2—The procedures outlined in this appendix for the determi-
sources of error that should be considered. The measurement nation of uncertainties are based primarily on measurements made as part
“error” of the hardness machine can be estimated by determin- of the verification and standardization procedures of this test method. This
ing how each of the errors in these components contributes to is done to provide a method that is based on familiar procedures and
the overall error of the hardness measurement. Although the practices of Brinell hardness users and standardizing agencies. The reader

E 10 – 08
should be aware that there are other methods that may be employed to
~ !
determine the same uncertainties.
NOTE X2.3—This standard states tolerances or limits on the acceptable
repeatability and error of a Brinell hardness machine and the nonunifor-
DH 5 –Dd 3
1 H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2
d 3 =D2 – d2 2 (X2.3)

mity of standardized blocks. These limit values were originally established

based on the testing experience of many users of the Brinell hardness test,
and therefore reflect the normal performance of a properly functioning
H = Brinell hardness value prior to the incremental change
Brinell hardness machine, including the normal errors associated with the in hardness DH,
measurement procedure and the machine’s performance. Because the d = mean diameter of the indentation in mm prior to the
limits are based on testing experience, it is believed that the stated limit incremental change in diameter Dd, and
values take into account a level of uncertainty that is typical for valid D = diameter of the indenter ball in mm.
Brinell hardness measurements. Consequently, when determining compli- X2.2.5 An incremental change in indentation diameter Dd
ance with the stated tolerances, the user’s measurement uncertainty should resulting from an incremental change in hardness DH may be
not be subtracted from the tolerance limit values given in the tables, as is
commonly done for other types of metrological measurements. The
calculated as:
calculated values for repeatability, error or block nonuniformity should be
d 3 =D2 – d2
directly compared to the tolerance limits given in the tables.
NOTE X2.4—Most product specification tolerances for Brinell hardness
were established based on testing and performance experience. The
Dd 5 –DH 3
1 ~
H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2 ! 2 (X2.4)

tolerance values reflect the normal performance of a properly functioning

Brinell hardness machine, including the normal acceptable errors associ-
ated with the hardness measurement process. For these products, the stated
H = Brinell hardness value prior to the incremental change
tolerance limits take into account a level of uncertainty that is typical for in hardness DH,
valid Brinell hardness measurements. Consequently, when acceptance d = mean diameter of the indentation in mm prior to the
testing most products for Brinell hardness, the user’s measurement incremental change in diameter Dd, and
uncertainty should not be subtracted from the tolerance limit values given D = diameter of the indenter ball in mm.
in the specification. The measured hardness values should be directly X2.2.6 An incremental change in hardness DH resulting
compared to the tolerances. There may be exceptional circumstances from an incremental change in the applied force DF may be
where the hardness of a product must fall within determined ranges to a
high level of confidence. In these rare occasions, special agreement
calculated as:
between the parties involved should be obtained before the hardness
measurement uncertainty is subtracted from the tolerance limits. Before
DH 5 DF 3 F SD (X2.5)
such an agreement is made, it is recommended that the product design take
into consideration the anticipated influence of material and metallurgical where:
factors on the product variation as well as typical industry hardness H = Brinell hardness value prior to the incremental change
uncertainty values. in hardness DH, and
X2.1.3 This appendix does not address uncertainties at the F = applied force prior to the incremental change in applied
primary reference standardizing level. force DF (F and DF having the same units).
X2.2.7 Combining equations Eq X2.3 and Eq X2.5, an
X2.2 Equations incremental change in indentation diameter Dd resulting from
an incremental change in applied force DF may be calculated
X2.2.1 The average (AVG), H, of a set of n hardness as:
measurements H1, H2, …, Hn is calculated as:

AVG~H1, H2, ..., Hn! 5 H 5

H1 1 H2 1 ... 1 Hn
n (X2.1)
Dd 5 – F 3 S d 3 =D2 – d2
D 1 =D2 – d2 D (X2.6)

X2.2.2 The standard deviation (STDEV) of a set of n

hardness measurements H1, H2, …, Hn is calculated as: where:
F = applied force prior to the incremental change in applied
STDEV~H1, H2, ..., Hn! 5 Œ ~H1 – H!2 1...1 ~Hn – H!2
force DF (F and DF having the same units),
d = mean diameter of the indentation in mm prior to the
(X2.2) incremental change in diameter Dd, and
D = diameter of the indenter ball in mm.
H = average of the set of n hardness measurements H1, H2, NOTE X2.5—Equations Eq X2.3, Eq X2.4, and Eq X2.6 should only be
…, Hn as defined in Eq X2.1. used for small values of DH and Dd. These equations are suitable for use
with the typical values of DH and Dd used by the procedures in this
X2.2.3 The absolute value (ABS) of a number is the
appendix; however, the equations produce significant errors as the values
magnitude of the value irrespective of the sign, for example: of DH and Dd become large.
ABS (0.12) = 0.12
and X2.3 General Requirements
ABS (–0.12) = 0.12 X2.3.1 The main approach for determining uncertainty
X2.2.4 An incremental change in hardness DH resulting presented in this appendix considers only those uncertainties
from an incremental change in indentation diameter Dd may be associated with the overall measurement performance of the
calculated as: Brinell hardness machine with respect to reference standards.

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Because of this approach, it is important that the individual X2.5 Sources of Uncertainty
machine components are operating within tolerances. It is X2.5.1 This section describes the most significant sources
strongly recommended that this procedure be applied only after of uncertainty in a Brinell hardness measurement and provides
successfully passing a direct verification. procedures and formulas for calculating the total uncertainty in
X2.3.2 To estimate the overall uncertainty of Brinell hard- the hardness value. In later sections, it will be shown how these
ness measurement values, contributing components of uncer- sources of uncertainty contribute to the total measurement
tainty must be determined. Because many of the uncertainties uncertainty for the three measurement circumstances described
may vary depending on the specific hardness scale and in X2.1.2.
hardness level, an individual measurement uncertainty should X2.5.2 The sources of uncertainty to be discussed are (1) the
be determined for each hardness scale and hardness level of lack of repeatability of the hardness machine and measuring
interest. In many cases, a single uncertainty value may be system, (2) the non-uniformity in hardness of the material
applied to a range of hardness levels based on the laboratory’s under test, (3) the long-term lack of reproducibility of the
experience and knowledge of the operation of the hardness hardness machine and measuring system, (4) the resolution of
machine. the hardness machine’s measurement system, and (5) the
X2.3.3 Uncertainty should be determined with respect to a uncertainty in the certified value of reference test block
country’s national reference standards. standards. An estimation of the measurement bias and its
inclusion into the expanded uncertainty will also be discussed.
X2.4 General Procedure X2.5.3 Uncertainty Due to Lack of Repeatability (uRepeat)
X2.4.1 All uncertainty calculations are initially based on and When Combined With Non-Uniformity (uRep&NU)—The
indentation diameter values in mm units. These uncertainties, lack of repeatability is an indication of how well the Brinell
in terms of indentation diameter, may also be converted to hardness machine and indentation measuring system can con-
uncertainties in terms of Brinell hardness numbers. tinually produce the same hardness value each time a measure-
X2.4.2 This procedure calculates a combined standard un- ment is made. Imagine there is a material, which is perfectly
certainty uc by combining the contributing components of uniform in hardness over its entire surface. Also imagine that
uncertainty u1, u2, …, un, such that: hardness measurements are made repeatedly on this uniform
material over a short period of time without varying the testing
uc 5 =u21 1 u22 1 ... 1 u2n (X2.7)
conditions (including the operator). Even though the actual
X2.4.3 Measurement uncertainty is usually expressed as an hardness of every test location is exactly the same, it would be
expanded uncertainty U which is calculated by multiplying the found that, due to random errors, each measurement value
combined standard uncertainty uc by a numerical coverage would differ from all other measurement values (assuming
factor k, such that: sufficient measurement resolution). Therefore, lack of repeat-
U 5 k 3 uc (X2.8) ability prevents the hardness machine from being able to
always measure the true hardness of the material, and hence
X2.4.4 A coverage factor is chosen that depends on how
contributes to the uncertainty in the measurement.
well the standard uncertainty was estimated (number of mea-
surements), and the level of uncertainty that is desired. For this X2.5.3.1 The contribution that the lack of repeatability of a
analysis, a coverage factor of k = 2 should be used. This hardness machine and indentation measurement system makes
coverage factor provides a confidence level of approximately to the overall measurement uncertainty is determined differ-
95 %. ently depending on whether a single measurement value or an
X2.4.5 The measurement bias B of the hardness machine is average of multiple measurements is to be reported. Addition-
the difference between the expected hardness measurement ally, in cases where the reported average measurement value is
values as displayed by the hardness machine and the “true” intended to be an estimate of the average hardness of the
hardness of a material. Ideally, measurement biases should be material tested, the uncertainty contributions due to the ma-
corrected. When test systems are not corrected for measure- chine’s lack of repeatability and the non-uniformity in the
ment bias, as often occurs in Brinell hardness testing, the bias hardness of the test material are difficult to separate and must
then contributes to the overall uncertainty in a measurement. be determined together. The uncertainty contributions for each
There are a number of possible methods for incorporating of these circumstances may be estimated as follows.
biases into an uncertainty calculation, each of which has both X2.5.3.2 Single Hardness Measurement—For a future
advantages and disadvantages. A simple and conservative single hardness measurement, the standard uncertainty contri-
method is to combine the bias with the calculation of the bution uRepeat, due to the lack of repeatability, may be estimated
expanded uncertainty as: by the standard deviation of the values from a number of
hardness measurements made on a uniform test sample as:
U 5 kuc 1 ABS~B! (X2.9)
uRepeat 5 STDEV~d1, d2, ..., dn! (X2.10)
ABS(B) = absolute value of the bias. where:
X2.4.6 Because several approaches may be used to evaluate d1, d2, ..., dn = measured average indentation diameters in
and express measurement uncertainty, a brief description of mm of the n indentations.
what the reported uncertainty values represent should be NOTE X2.6—In general, the estimate of repeatability is improved as the
included with the reported uncertainty value. number of hardness measurements is increased. Usually, the hardness

E 10 – 08
measurements made during an indirect verification (as indentation diam- dard deviation of the hardness values, divided by the square-
eters) will provide an adequate estimate of uRepeat; however, the caution root of the number of measurements as:
given in Note X2.8 should be considered. It may be more appropriate for
the user to determine a value of uRepeat by making hardness measurements STDEV~dT1, dT2, ..., dTn!
uRep&NU 5 (X2.12)
close together (within spacing limitations) on a uniform material, such as =nT
a test block.
NOTE X2.7—The uncertainty uRepeat, due to the lack of repeatability of where:
a hardness machine as discussed above, should not be confused with the dT1, dT2, ..., dTn = the nT average diameter measurement
historically defined “repeatability” that is a requirement to be met as part values.
of an indirect verification (see 3.2.2). The calculations of the uncertainty X2.5.4 Uncertainty Due to Lack of Reproducibility
uRepeat and of the historically defined repeatability do not produce the same (uReprod)—Lack of reproducibility is the day-to-day variation
value. The uncertainty uRepeat is the contribution to the overall uncertainty in the performance of the hardness measurement system.
of a hardness measurement value due to a machine’s lack of repeatability,
while the historically defined repeatability is the range of hardness values
Variations such as different machine operators and changes in
measured during an indirect verification. the test environment often influence the performance of the
NOTE X2.8—All materials exhibit some degree of hardness non- hardness machine. The level of reproducibility is best deter-
uniformity across the test surface. Therefore, the above evaluation of the mined by monitoring the performance of the hardness machine
uncertainty contribution due to the lack of repeatability will also include over an extended period of time during which the hardness
a contribution due to the hardness non-uniformity of the measured machine is subjected to the extremes of variations in the testing
material. When evaluating repeatability as discussed above, any uncer- variables. It is very important that the test machine be in
tainty contribution due to the hardness non-uniformity should be mini- control during the assessment of reproducibility. If the machine
mized as much as possible. The laboratory should be cautioned that if the
is in need of maintenance or is operated incorrectly, the lack of
measurements of repeatability are based on tests made across the surface
of the material, then the repeatability value will likely include a significant reproducibility will be overestimated.
uncertainty contribution due to the material’s non-uniformity. A machine’s X2.5.4.1 An assessment of a hardness machine’s lack of
repeatability is better evaluated by making hardness measurements close reproducibility should be based on periodic monitoring mea-
together (within spacing limitations). surements of the hardness machine, such as daily verification
X2.5.3.3 Average of Multiple Measurements—When the measurements made on the same test block over time. The
average of multiple hardness measurements is to be reported, uncertainty contribution may be estimated by the standard
the standard uncertainty contribution uRepeat, due to the lack of deviation of the average of each set of monitoring values, as:
repeatability of the hardness machine, may be estimated by uReprod 5 STDEV~dM1, dM2, ..., dMn! (X2.13)
dividing the standard uncertainty contribution uRepeat (previ-
ously calculated from a number of indentations made on a where:
uniform test sample, see X2.5.3.2) by the square-root of the dM1, dM2, ..., dMn = the n sets of the average of each
number of hardness test values being averaged, as: day’s set of multiple monitoring
measurement values.
uRepeat 5 (X2.11) NOTE X2.9—The uncertainty contribution due to the lack of reproduc-
ibility, as calculated in Eq X2.13, also includes a contribution due to the
where: machine’s lack of repeatability and the non-uniformity of the monitoring
uRepeat = calculation by Eq X2.10, and test block; however, these contributions are based on the average of
nT = number of individual test values being averaged. multiple measurements and should not significantly overestimate the
reproducibility uncertainty.
X2.5.3.4 Estimate of the Material Hardness—Hardness
measurements are often made at several locations and the X2.5.4.2 Uncertainty Due to the Resolution of the Indenta-
values averaged to estimate the average hardness of the tion Measurement System (uResol)—The finite resolution of the
material as a whole. For example, this may be done when indentation diameter measurement system prevents the deter-
making quality control measurements during the manufacture mination of an absolutely accurate hardness value. This uncer-
of many types of products; when determining the machine tainty may be significant when some types of hand-held
“error” as part of an indirect verification; and when calibrating measuring scopes are used.
a test block. Because all materials exhibit some degree of X2.5.4.3 The uncertainty contribution uResol, due to the
hardness non-uniformity across the test surface, the extent of a influence of the resolution of the indentation measurement
material’s non-uniformity also contributes to the uncertainty in system, may be described by a rectangular distribution and
this estimate of the average hardness of the material. When the estimated as:
average of multiple hardness measurement values is calculated r/2 r
as an estimate of the average material or product hardness, it uResol 5 5 (X2.14)
=3 =12
may be desired to state the uncertainty in this value with
respect to the true hardness of the material. In this case, the where:
combined uncertainty contributions due to the lack of repeat- r = resolution limit that a indentation diameter can be
ability in the hardness machine and indentation measurement estimated from the indentation measurement system in
system and due to the non-uniformity in the test material may mm.
be estimated from the “standard deviation of the mean” of the X2.5.5 Standard Uncertainty in the Certified Value of the
hardness measurement values. This is calculated as the stan- Reference Test Block (uRefBlk)—The certificate accompanying

E 10 – 08
reference test blocks should provide an uncertainty in the stated dRefBlk = certified average indentation diameter of the
certified value. This uncertainty contributes to the measure- reference test block standard used for the indi-
ment uncertainty of hardness machines calibrated or verified rect verification.
with the blocks.
NOTE X2.10—The measurement bias B~mm! is in length units (mm).
X2.5.5.1 Note that the uncertainty reported on reference test
block certificates is typically stated as an expanded uncer- X2.5.6.3 The measurement bias B~HBW!, in terms of Brinell
tainty. As indicated by Eq X2.9, the expanded uncertainty is hardness numbers, may be calculated as:
calculated by multiplying the standard uncertainty by a cov- B~HBW! 5 H – HRefBlk (X2.18)
erage factor (often 2). This analysis uses the standard uncer-
tainty and not the expanded uncertainty value. Thus, the where:
uncertainty in the certified average indentation diameter value H = mean hardness value as measured by the hard-
of the reference test block usually may be calculated as: ness machine during the indirect verification,
URefBlk~mm! and
uRefBlk~mm! 5 k (X2.15) HRefBlk = certified average hardness value of the refer-
ence test block standard used for the indirect
where: verification.
URefBlk(mm) = reported expanded uncertainty of the cer- The measurement bias B~HBW! may also be
tified value of the reference test block in calculated from B~mm! using Eq X2.3, where
terms of indentation diameter (mm), and B~mm! is substituted for Dd. The calculated
kRefBlk(mm) = coverage factor used to calculate the un- value of DH then becomes the new value of
certainty in the certified value of the B~HBW! as:
reference standard (usually 2).
~ !
X2.5.5.2 For this analysis, the uncertainty in the stated
certified value of the reference block must be in terms of
indentation diameter (mm). In the case that the reference test
B~HBW! 5 B~mm! 3
1 H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2
d 3 =D – d 2 2 2 (X2.19)

block certificate only provides uncertainty in terms of the NOTE X2.11—The measurement bias B~HBW! is in Brinell hardness units
Brinell hardness value, then this uncertainty must be converted (HBW).
using Eq X2.4, where uRefBlk~HBW! is substituted for DH. The X2.5.6.4 Direct Verification—In the case that the hardness
calculated value of Dd then becomes the new value of machine is verified only by direct verification, the measure-
uRefBlk~mm!, in mm, as: ment error of the hardness machine is estimated by combining
the individual errors of the components of the machine.
d 3 =D2 – d2
uRefBlk~mm! 5 uRefBlk~HBW! 3
1 ~
H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2 ! 2 (X2.16)
Although there are potentially many contributing sources of
error for a Brinell hardness machine, typically the most
significant sources of error are in the force application system
EForce and the indentation measuring system EIndentation. Other
X2.5.6 Measurement Bias (B)—The verification section of sources may include error in the indenter ball diameter, error in
this test method provides two acceptable procedures for the timing of the stated hold time, error in the rate of
determining measurement bias of a Brinell hardness machine: indentation, etc. It is recommended that an analysis of all error
(1) by indirect verification through the use of reference blocks, sources be done to determine the significance of these errors.
and (2) by direct verification of components of the machine, For simplicity, only the two errors EForce and EIndentation will be
including the applied forces and the indentation measuring considered.
system. The measurement bias is the difference between the X2.5.6.5 These contributing sources of error are calculated
“true” hardness of a material and the hardness measurement in terms of their units of measurement, for example, EIndentation
values as measured by the hardness machine. and EForce are determined in units of length (mm) and force
X2.5.6.1 Indirect Verification—In the case that the hardness (kgf or N), respectively. Procedures for calculating EIndentation
machine is verified by indirect verification, the measurement and EForce are not presented here. To calculate the measurement
error of the hardness machine is estimated by performing bias B, these errors must be determined in terms of indentation
Brinell hardness measurements on reference standards. The diameter. The error in the indentation measuring system
measurement bias B may be estimated by the “error” deter- EIndentation is already in the correct units; however, the error
mined as part of the indirect verification, either in terms of EForce~kgf or N! must be converted to an error in indentation
indentation diameter or in terms of Brinell hardness numbers. diameter using Eq X2.6, where EForce~kgf or N! is substituted for
X2.5.6.2 The measurement bias B~mm!, in terms of indenta- DF. The calculated value of Dd then becomes a new value of
tion diameter, may be calculated as: EForce~mm!, in mm as:

B~mm! 5 d – dRefBlk

= average indentation diameter as measured dur-

EForce~mm! 5 –
EForce~kgf or N!
F 3 S d 3 =D2 – d2
D 1 =D2 – d2 D (X2.20)

X2.5.6.6 The measurement bias B may be estimated by

ing the indirect verification, and combining the individual errors determined as part of the direct

E 10 – 08
verification while maintaining the correct sign (positive or is made while the hardness machine is operating at its optimal perfor-
negative) for each of the individual errors: mance level with the best possible environmental conditions.
B~mm! 5 EIndentation 1 EForce~mm! (X2.21) X2.6.5 To determine the uncertainty in the measurement
“error” of the hardness machine in terms of Brinell hardness
X2.5.7 To determine the measurement “error” or bias in
units UMach~HBW!, then the uncertainty, as calculated in Eq
terms of Brinell hardness units B~HBW! the bias, as calculated in
X2.23 in terms of indentation diameter, must be converted
Eq X2.21 in terms of indentation diameter, must be converted
using Eq X2.3, where UMach~mm! is substituted for Dd. The
using Eq X2.19.
calculated value of DH then becomes the new value of
UMach~HBW!, in Brinell hardness units, as:
X2.6 Procedure for Calculating Uncertainty:
Measurement Error Determined by Indirect
~ !
X2.6.1 As part of an indirect verification, the “error” of the
UMach~HBW! 5 UMach~mm! 3
1 H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2
d 3 =D2 – d2 2 (X2.24)
hardness machine is determined from the average value of
measurements made on a reference test block (see 3.2.4). This NOTE X2.13—The first minus sign in Eq X2.3 has been deleted when
value provides an indication of how well the hardness machine using Eq X2.24 since uncertainty values are always positive.
can measure the “true” hardness of a material. Since there is NOTE X2.14—The expanded uncertainty UMach, will commonly be
always uncertainty in a hardness measurement, it follows that larger than the value of the hardness machine “error” (bias).
there must be uncertainty in the determination of the average
X2.6.6 Reporting the Measurement Uncertainty—This ex-
value of the measurements, and thus the determination of the
panded uncertainty UMach may be reported by a verification
machine “error.” This section provides a procedure that can be
agency to its customer as an indication of the uncertainty in the
used, for example by a field calibration agency, to estimate the
hardness machine “error” reported as part of the indirect
uncertainty UMach in the measurement “error” of the hardness
verification of the Brinell hardness machine. The value of
machine determined as the difference between the average of
UMach should be supplemented with a statement defining to
the measurement values and the certified value of the reference
what Brinell scale and hardness level the uncertainty is
block used for the verification.
applicable, with an explanatory statement such as: “The
X2.6.2 All uncertainty calculations are initially based on expanded uncertainty of the hardness machine “error” reported
indentation diameter values in mm. The contributions to the as part of the indirect verification for the stated Brinell scale(s)
standard uncertainty of the measurement “error,” uMach~mm!, are and hardness level(s) was calculated in accordance with
(1) uRep&NU ~Ref. Block!, the uncertainty due to the lack of Appendix X1 of ASTM E 10 with a coverage factor of 2
repeatability of the hardness machine combined with the representing a confidence level of approximately 95 %.”
uncertainty due to the non-uniformity in the reference test
block [Eq X2.12], which is determined from the hardness X2.6.7 The standard uncertainty value uMach~mm! can be used
measurements made on a reference test block to determine the as an uncertainty contribution when determining the measure-
“error” of the hardness machine, (2) uResol, the uncertainty due ment uncertainty of future measurements made with the
to the resolution of the indentation measurement system [Eq hardness machine (see X2.8 and X2.9).
X2.14], and (3) uRefBlk, the standard uncertainty in the certified X2.6.8 Example—As part of an indirect verification of a
value of the reference test block in terms of indentation Brinell hardness machine, a verification agency may need to
diameter [Eq X2.15 and X2.16]. The notation (Ref. Block) is report an estimate of the uncertainty of the hardness machine
added to the term uRep&Nu to signify that the uncertainty is “error.” For this example, an evaluation will only be made for
determined from measurements made on the reference block measurements made on the mid hardness range of the HBW
used for the indirect verification. 10/3000 scale. The indentation measuring device is a portable
X2.6.3 The combined standard uncertainty uMach~mm! and the hand-held scope with a resolution of 0.05 mm. The agency
expanded uncertainty UMach~mm! are calculated by combining performs three verification measurements on a HBW 10/3000
the appropriate uncertainty components described above for hardness block with a reported certified average indentation
each hardness level of each Brinell scale in terms of indenta- diameter value of 4.24 mm with an expanded uncertainty of
tion diameter in mm: URefBlk~mm! = 60.04 mm. The hardness block certificate also
stated a certified average Brinell hardness value of 202 HBW
uMach~mm! 5 =uRep&Nu
2 2
~Ref. Block! 1 uResol 2
1 uRefBlk (X2.22) 10/3000 with an expanded uncertainty of URefBlk~HBW! = 64
HBW 10/3000. The results of the three verification measure-
ments are:
UMach~mm! 5 kuMach~mm! (X2.23) Diameter length (average) of indentations: 4.25, 4.25 and 4.30 mm
Average indentation diameter: 4.267 mm
X2.6.4 For this analysis, a coverage factor of k = 2 should Indentation diameter error (bias) value: 0.027 mm
be used. This coverage factor provides a confidence level of Calculated average hardness value: 199.8 HBW 10/3000
approximately 95 %. Hardness error (bias) value: –2.3 HBW 10/3000
NOTE X2.12—The uncertainty contribution uMach~mm!, as calculated in STDEV~4.25, 4.25, 4.30!
uRep&NU~Ref. Block! 5 @Eq X2.12#, or
Eq X2.22, does not include a contribution due to the machine’s lack of =3
~Ref. Block!
reproducibility. This is because it is assumed that the indirect verification uRep&NU 5 0.0167 mm

E 10 – 08

uResol 5
5 0.0144 mm @Eq X2.14#, and
uMach~mm! 5 =uIndentation
2 2
1 uForce 2
~mm! 1 uResol (X2.26)
uRefBlk 5
5 0.02 mm @Eq X2.15#
Thus: UMach~mm! 5 kuMach~mm! (X2.27)
uMach~mm! 5 =0.01672 1 0.01442 1 0.022 5 0.0298 mm @Eq X2.22#, and
UMach~mm! 5 ~2 3 0.0298! 5 0.0596 mm @Eq X2.23#
X2.7.5 To determine the uncertainty in the measurement
Therefore, the uncertainty in the 0.027 mm “error” in the hardness ma- “error” of the hardness machine in terms of Brinell hardness
chine is 0.060 mm. units UMach~HBW!, then the uncertainty, as calculated in Eq
In terms of Brinell hardness units:
X2.27 in terms of indentation diameter, must be converted in
~ !
UMach~HBW! 5 0.0596 3
1 199.8 3 10 1 =102 – 4.2672
4.267 3 =102 – 4.2672 2 @Eq X2.24#, or
accordance with X2.6.5.
X2.7.6 Although the standard uncertainty value uMach, de-
termined in this way, is not usually reported by a verification
UMach~HBW! 5 5.9 HBW 10/3000
Therefore, the uncertainty in the –2.3 HBW 10/3000 “error” in the hard-
agency to its customer, it can be used as an uncertainty
ness machine is 5.9 HBW 10/3000. Although this evaluation was made on contribution when determining the measurement uncertainty of
material having a hardness of approximately 200 HBW 10/3000, the un- future measurements made with the hardness machine (see
certainty may be considered to apply to the entire mid range of the HBW
10/3000 scale. This calculation must be made for the low and high ranges X2.8 and X2.9).
of the HBW 10/3000 scale, as well as for the ranges of the other Brinell X2.7.7 Example—In cases where a Brinell hardness ma-
scales that are verified.
chine is verified by direct verification, a verification agency is
X2.7 Procedure for Calculating Uncertainty: not required to report an estimate of the uncertainty of the
Measurement Error Determined by Direct hardness machine “error;” however, an estimate of this uncer-
Verification tainty may be determined from the direct verification measure-
X2.7.1 As part of a direct verification, errors in separate ments. For this example, an evaluation will only be made for
components of the hardness machine are determined. The the mid hardness range of the HBW 10/3000 scale at 200 HBW
uncertainty of the hardness machine measurement “error” is 10/3000 (4.265 mm indentation diameter). The indentation
estimated by combining the uncertainties of the individual measuring device is a portable hand-held scope with a resolu-
verification measurements of each of the machine components. tion of 0.05 mm. The agency performs direct verification
X2.7.2 For each of the sources of error in a Brinell hardness measurements of the 3000 kgf force application and of the
machine and indentation measurement system, a value of error indentation measuring device. The results of the verification
and the uncertainty of the error must be determined. Some of measurements are:
these error values and uncertainties are not determined in terms Force error (bias) value, EForce~kgf or N!: –15 kgf
of indentation diameter. To estimate the uncertainty UMach in Uncertainty in the force error, uForce~kgf or N!: 2.5 kgf
Indentation measuring system error, EIndentation~mm!: 0 mm
the measurement “error” of the hardness machine, the effect Uncertainty in the measuring system error, uIndentation~mm!: 0.002 mm (stage
that each of these errors has on the hardness measurement in micrometer uncertainty)
terms of indentation diameter must be determined. Therefore, for a hardness level of 200 HBW 10/3000, to calculate the ma-
chine bias in terms of indentation diameter:
X2.7.3 As done previously in X2.5.6.4, for simplicity only EIndentation = 0 mm, and
the uncertainty in the error of the force application system
uForce and the uncertainty in the error of the indentation
measuring system uIndentation will be considered. Procedures for
EForce~mm! 5 –
3 S 4.265 3 =102 – 4.2652
10 1 =102 – 4.2652 D @Eq X2.20#, or

calculating the errors EIndentation and EForce are not presented EForce~mm! = 0.0101 mm
here. The uncertainty uForce is usually determined in units of Thus:
B~mm! 5 EIndentation 1 EForce~mm! = 0 + 0.0101 = 0.0101 mm [Eq X2.21]
force (kgf or N), rather than in terms of indentation diameter To calculate the uncertainty in the machine “error” or bias:
(mm). The uncertainty in the error of the indentation measuring uIndentation = 0.002 mm, and
system uIndentation is already in the correct units; however, the
uncertainty in the error of the force uForce~kgf or N! must be
converted to an uncertainty in terms of indentation diameter
uForce~mm! 5
3 S 4.265 3 =102 – 4.2652
10 1 =102 – 4.2652 D @Eq X2.25#, or

uForce~mm! using Eq X2.6 where uForce~kgf or N! is substituted for uForce~mm! = 0.0017 mm, and
DF. The calculated value of Dd then becomes a new value of 0.05
uResol 5 5 0.0144 mm @Eq X2.14#
uForce~mm!, in terms of indentation diameter as: =12

uForce~mm! 5
uForce~kgf or N!
F 3 S d 3 =D2 – d2
D 1 =D2 – d2 D (X2.25)
uMach~mm! 5 =0.0022 1 0.00172 1 0.01442
5 0.01464 mm [Eq X2.26#, and
UMach~mm! = (2 3 0.01464) = 0.0293 mm [Eq X2.27]
Therefore, the uncertainty in the 0.0101 mm “error” in the hardness ma-
X2.7.4 The combined standard uncertainty uMach and the chine at 200 HBW 10/3000 is 0.0293 mm.
In terms of Brinell hardness units:
expanded uncertainty UMach are calculated by combining the
~ !
appropriate uncertainty components described above for each
hardness level of each Brinell scale and uResol, the uncertainty
B~HBW! 5 – ~0.0101! 3
1 200 3 10 1 =102 – 4.2652
4.265 3 =102 – 4.2652 2 [Eq X2.19#, or

due to the resolution of the indentation measurement system

[Eq X2.14], as: B~HBW! = –0.997 HBW 10/3000, and

E 10 – 08
X2.8.5 Average Measurement Value as an Estimate of the
~ !
UMach~HBW! 5 0.0293 3
1 200 3 10 1 =102 – 4.2652
4.265 3 =102 – 4.2652 2 [Eq X2.24#, or Average Material Hardness—Measurement laboratories and
manufacturing facilities often measure the Brinell hardness of
a test sample or product for the purpose of estimating the
UMach~HBW! = 2.89 HBW 10/3000
Therefore, the uncertainty in the –0.997 HBW 10/3000 “error” in the hard- average hardness of the test material. Usually, multiple hard-
ness machine is 2.89 HBW 10/3000. Although this evaluation was made ness measurements are made across the surface of the test
for material having a hardness of 200 HBW 10/3000, the uncertainty may piece, and then the average of the hardness values is reported
be considered to apply to the entire mid range of the HBW 10/3000 scale.
This calculation must be made for the low and high ranges of the HBW as an estimation of the average hardness of the material. If it is
10/3000 scale, as well as for the ranges of the other Brinell scales that desired to report the uncertainty as an indication of how well
are verified. the average measurement value represents the true average
hardness of the material, then the contributions to the standard
X2.8 Procedure for Calculating Uncertainty:
uncertainty uMeas~mm! are (1) uRep&NU ~Material!, the uncertainty
Brinell Hardness Measurement Values
due to the machine’s lack of repeatability combined with the
X2.8.1 The uncertainty UMeas in a measurement value mea- uncertainty due to the material’s non-uniformity [Eq X2.12],
sured by a user may be thought of as an indication of how well which is determined from the hardness measurements made on
the measured value agrees with the “true” value for the the test material, (2) uReprod, the uncertainty contribution due to
material under test. For this procedure, all uncertainty calcu- the lack of reproducibility [Eq X2.13], (3) uResol, the uncer-
lations are initially based on indentation diameter values in mm tainty due to the resolution of the indentation measurement
units. The combined standard uncertainty uMeas~mm! and the system [Eq X2.14], and (4) uMach~mm!, the uncertainty in
expanded uncertainty UMeas~mm!, are both in terms of indenta- determining the “error” of the hardness machine [Eq X2.22 or
tion diameter. The uncertainty UMeas~mm! can then be converted Eq X2.26]. The notation (Material) is added to the term
to an expanded uncertainty UMeas~HBW! in terms of Brinell uRep&NU to signify that the uncertainty is determined from
hardness numbers. measurements made on the material under test. The combined
X2.8.2 Single Measurement Value—When measurement standard uncertainty uMeas~mm! is calculated by combining the
uncertainty for a single hardness measurement value is to be appropriate uncertainty components described above for the
determined, the contributions to the standard uncertainty applicable hardness level and Brinell scale as:
uMeas~mm! are (1) uRepeat, the uncertainty due to the machine’s
lack of repeatability [Eq X2.10], (2) uReprod, the uncertainty uMeas~mm! 5 =uRep&NU
2 2
~Material! 1 uReprod 2
1 uResol 2
1 uMach~mm!

contribution due to the lack of reproducibility [Eq X2.13], (3) (X2.30)

uResol, the uncertainty due to the resolution of the indentation X2.8.6 When reporting uncertainty as an indication of how
measurement system [Eq X2.14], and (4) uMach, the uncertainty well the average measurement value represents the true aver-
in determining the “error” of the hardness machine [Eq X2.22 age hardness of the material, it is important to assure that a
or Eq X2.26]. The combined standard uncertainty uMeas is sufficient number of measurements are made at the appropriate
calculated by combining the appropriate uncertainty compo- test locations to provide an appropriate sampling of any
nents described above for the applicable hardness level and variations in the hardness of the material.
Brinell scale as: X2.8.7 The expanded uncertainty UMeas~mm! is calculated for
the three cases discussed above as:
uMeas~mm! 5 =uRepeat
2 2
1 uReprod 2
1 uResol 2
1 uMach~mm! (X2.28)
UMeas~mm! 5 kuMeas~mm! 1 ABS~B~mm!! (X2.31)
X2.8.3 Average Measurement Value—In the case that mea-
surement uncertainty is to be determined for an average value X2.8.8 To determine the uncertainty of a Brinell hardness
of multiple hardness measurements, made either on the same measurement in terms of Brinell hardness units UMach~HBW!,
test piece or multiple test pieces, the contributions to the then the uncertainty, as calculated in Eq X2.31, in terms of
standard uncertainty uMeas~mm! are (1) uRepeat, the uncertainty indentation diameter, must be converted using Eq X2.3, where
due to the machine’s lack of repeatability based on the average UMeas~mm! is substituted for Dd. The calculated value of DH then
of multiple measurements [Eq X2.11], (2) uReprod, the uncer- becomes the new value of UMeas~HBW!, in Brinell hardness units,
tainty contribution due to the lack of reproducibility [Eq as:
X2.13], (3) uResol, the uncertainty due to the resolution of the
~ !
indentation measurement system [Eq X2.14], and (4) uMach, the
uncertainty in determining the “error” of the hardness machine
[Eq X2.22 or Eq X2.26]. The combined standard uncertainty
UMeas~HBW! 5 UMeas~mm! 3
1 H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2
d 3 =D2 – d2 2 (X2.32)
uMeas is calculated by combining the appropriate uncertainty
components described above for the applicable hardness level NOTE X2.15—The first minus sign in Eq X2.3 has been deleted when
using Eq X2.32 since uncertainty values are always positive.
and Brinell scale as:
X2.8.9 For this analysis, a coverage factor of k = 2 should
uMeas~mm! 5 =u 2
1 uReprod 2
1 uResol 2
1 uMach~mm! (X2.29)
be used. This coverage factor provides a confidence level of
X2.8.4 The measurement uncertainty discussed above for approximately 95 %.
the single and average measurement values only represents the X2.8.10 Reporting Measurement Uncertainty:
uncertainties of the measurement process and are independent X2.8.10.1 Single and Average Measurement Values—When
of any test material non-uniformity. the reported measurement value is for a single hardness test or

E 10 – 08
the average of multiple hardness tests, then the value of UMeas uncertainty UCert provides an indication of how well the
should be supplemented with an explanatory statement such as: certified value would agree with the “true” average hardness of
“The expanded measurement uncertainty of the reported hard- the test block.
ness value (or average hardness value) was calculated in X2.9.2 Test blocks are certified as having an average
accordance with Appendix X1 of ASTM E 10 with a coverage hardness value based on calibration measurements made across
factor of 2 representing a confidence level of approximately the surface of the test block. This analysis is essentially
95 %.” identical to the analysis given in X2.8.5 for measuring the
X2.8.10.2 Average Measurement Value as an Estimate of average hardness of a product. In this case, the product is a
the Average Material Hardness—When it is desired to report calibrated reference test block.
the uncertainty as an indication of how well the average X2.9.3 For this procedure, all uncertainty calculations are
measurement value represents the true average hardness of the initially based on indentation diameter values in mm units. The
combined standard uncertainty uCert~mm! and the expanded
material, then the value of UMeas should be supplemented with
uncertainty UCert~mm!, are both in terms of indentation diameter.
an explanatory statement such as: “The expanded uncertainty
The uncertainty UCert~mm! can then be converted to an expanded
of the reported average hardness of the material under test is
uncertainty UCert~HBW! in terms of Brinell hardness numbers.
based on uncertainty contributions from the measurement
X2.9.4 The contributions to the standard uncertainty
process and from the hardness non-uniformity of the material.
uCert~mm! of the certified average value of the test block are (1)
The uncertainty was calculated in accordance with Appendix uRep&NU ~Calib. Block!, the uncertainty due to the standardizing
X1 of ASTM E 10 with a coverage factor of 2 representing a machine’s lack of repeatability combined with the uncertainty
confidence level of approximately 95 %.” If the test report does due to the calibrated block’s non-uniformity [Eq X2.12], which
not state the number of measurements that were averaged and is determined from the calibration measurements made on the
the locations that the measurements were made, then this test block, (2) uReprod, the uncertainty contribution due to the
information should also be included as part of the brief lack of reproducibility [Eq X2.13], (3) uResol, the uncertainty
explanation of how the uncertainty was calculated. due to the resolution of the indentation measurement system
X2.8.10.3 Example—For this example, a company tests its [Eq X2.14], and (4) uMach~mm!, the uncertainty in determining
product by making one Brinell hardness measurement on its the “error” of the standardizing machine [Eq X2.22 or Eq
surface and measures the indentation with a portable hand-held X2.26]. The notation (Calib. Block) is added to the term
scope having a resolution of 0.05 mm. The measurement value uRep&NU to signify that the uncertainty is determined from
of the average indentation diameter is 4.20 mm or a Brinell calibration measurements made on the calibrated block.
hardness value of 103 HBW 10/1500. The testing facility X2.9.5 The combined standard uncertainty uCert~mm! and the
would like to determine the measurement uncertainty in the expanded uncertainty UCert~mm! are calculated by combining the
single hardness value. A hardness of 104 HBW 10/1500 is in appropriate uncertainty components described above for each
the mid range of the HBW 10/1500 scale. hardness level of each Brinell scale as:
For this example, assume the last verification of the mid range of the
HBW 10/1500 scale reported:
uCert~mm! 5 =uRep&NU
2 2
~Calib. Block! 1 uReprod 2
1 uResol 2
1 uMach~mm!
uRepeat: 0.032 mm (X2.33)
uMach~mm!: 0.054 mm
Bias, B~mm!: –0.029 mm
For this example, assume the hardness machine has been monitored for UCert 5 kuCert 1 ABS~B! (X2.34)
an extended period of time, and from Eq X2.13, it was determined that:
uReprod = 0.040 mm X2.9.6 To determine the uncertainty of the certified average
Other uncertainty contributions are calculated as:
hardness value of the block in terms of Brinell hardness units
uResol 5
5 0.0144 mm [Eq X2.14# UCert~HBW!, then the uncertainty, as calculated in Eq X2.34, in
Therefore: terms of indentation diameter, must be converted using Eq
uMeas~mm! 5 =0.0322 1 0.0402 1 0.01442 1 0.0542 [Eq X2.30#, or X2.3, where UCert~mm! is substituted for Dd. The calculated
uMeas~mm! = 0.0758 mm value of DH then becomes the new value of UCert~HBW!, in
and since B = –0.029 mm,
UMeas~mm! = (2 3 0.0758) + ABS(–0.029) [Eq X2.31], or
Brinell hardness units, as:
UMeas~mm! = 0.1806 mm
~ !
In terms of Brinell hardness units:

UMeas~HBW! 5 0.1806 3
1 ~
103 3 10 1 =10 – 4.20

4.20 3 =102 – 4.202

2 [Eq X2.32#, or
UCert~HBW! 5 UCert~mm! 3
1 H 3 D 1 =D2 – d2
d 3 =D – d
2 2 2 (X2.35)

UMeas~HBW! = 9.3 HBW 10/1500 for the single value of the hardness mea- NOTE X2.16—The first minus sign in Eq X2.3 has been deleted when
surement made on the single product item. using Eq X2.35 since uncertainty values are always positive.
X2.9.7 For this analysis, a coverage factor of k = 2 should
X2.9 Procedure for Calculating Uncertainty:
be used. This coverage factor provides a confidence level of
Certified Value of Standardized Test Blocks
approximately 95 %.
X2.9.1 Standardizing laboratories engaged in the calibration X2.9.8 Reporting the Measurement Uncertainty—The value
of reference test blocks must determine the uncertainty in the of UCert is an estimate of the uncertainty in the reported
reported certified average hardness value of the block. This certified average hardness value of a reference test block. The

E 10 – 08
reported value should be supplemented with a statement uRep&NU~Calib. Block! = 0.0055 mm
defining to what Brinell scale and hardness level the uncer- For this example, assume the last direct verification of the high range of
the HBW 10/500 scale reported:
tainty is applicable, with an explanatory statement such as: uMach~mm!: 0.015 mm
“The expanded uncertainty in the certified value of the test Bias, B~mm!: –0.004 mm
block was calculated in accordance with Appendix X1 of Also assume the hardness machine has been monitored for an extended
period of time, and from Eq X2.13, it was determined that:
ASTM E 10 with a coverage factor of 2 representing a uReprod = 0.004 mm for the high range of the HBW 10/500 scale
confidence level of approximately 95 %.” Other uncertainty contributions are calculated as:
X2.9.9 Example—A test-block standardizing laboratory has 0.01
uResol 5 5 0.0029 mm [Eq X2.14#
completed the calibration of a test block in the hardness range =12
of 100 HBW 10/500, and measures the indentation with a uCert~mm! 5 =0.00552 1 0.0042 1 0.00292 1 0.0152 [Eq X2.33#, or
measuring system having a resolution of 0.01 mm. The uCert~mm! = 0.167 HBW 10/500
laboratory must determine the uncertainty in the certified and since B = –0.004 mm,
average hardness value of the block. A hardness of 100 HBW UCert~mm! = (2 3 0.0167) + ABS(–0.004) [Eq X2.34], or
UCert~mm! = 0.0374 mm
10/500 is considered within the high range of the HBW 10/500 In terms of Brinell hardness units:
scale. The results of the five calibration measurements are:
~ !
Average diameter lengths: 2.53, 2.50, 2.50, 2.51, and 2.51 mm
Calculated average indentation diameter: 2.51 mm
Calculated hardness values 97.8, 100, 100, 99.4 and 99.4 HBW 10/500
UCert~HBW! 5 0.0374 3
1 99.4 3 10 1 =102 – 2.512
2.51 3 =102 – 2.512 2 [Eq X2.35#, or

Calculated average hardness value: 99.4 HBW 10/500 UCert~HBW! = 3.0 HBW 10/500 for the certified hardness value of the single
Therefore: calibrated test block.
STDEV~2.53, 2.50, 2.50, 2.51, 2.51!
uRep&NU~Calib. Block! 5 [Eq X2.12#, or

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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