Review of Related Literature

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Electricity is the most versatile and easily controlled form of energy. At the point of use it

is practically loss-free and essentially non-polluting. At the point of generation it can be produced

clean with entirely renewable methods, such as wind, water and sunlight.

Electricity is weightless, easier to transport and distribute, and it represents the most efficient way

of consuming energy.

Electrification – conversion from using another form of energy to using electricity – is a central

tool. The IEC believes that smart electrification – a core competence of the IEC – will be one of

the most significant factors in addressing the energy challenge.

Energy must be produced in the most efficient1 and least damaging way, without inhibiting

economic development. This can be achieved through renewable production, including hydro,

large increases in the efficiency of fossil-fuel-based generation (including carbon capture), and

advanced nuclear power.

Secondly, the delivered electrical energy must be used in the most efficient2 and effective

way. A realistic aim is a 30 % reduction in the short term in the energy needed to accomplish any

one task and, longer term, much greater improvements. The latter will be based on rethinking the

tasks themselves, coupled with advances due to research and development along lines that can

already be mapped out today.

Piezoelectricity, also called the piezoelectric effect, is the ability of certain materials to

generate an AC (alternating current) voltage when subjected to mechanical stress or vibration, or

to vibrate when subjected to an AC voltage, or both. The most common piezoelectric material is

quartz. Certain ceramics, Rochelle salts, and various other solids also exhibit this effect.

There are various methods by which sound energy can be converted to Electrical form.

One way of conversion is by using Piezoelectric materials. Piezoelectric materials show basic

(natural) polarization. Most of the piezoelectric materials are ceramic in nature. For example,

barium titanate, but there are some polymeric materials that are used for special applications.

Piezoelectric materials are usually polycrystalline materials that are categorized into sections of

similar polarization (fields). Once they are aligned, these domains produce a net polarization. If an

electric field is applied, the dipoles within the domains either contract or expand (producing a

change in the volume). If a strain is applied, the dipoles are again forced to contract or expand, this

time producing a potential difference. Piezoelectric materials have found applications as gas

igniters, displacement transducer, actuators, delay lines, wave filters, and as producers of

ultrasonic energy. Collections of piezoelectric elements have been used to yield ultrasonic imaging

equipment. This link between electricity and mechanism forms the basis of the method for

developing conversion technique. The Piezoelectric materials have established a platform for

mechanical energy to be utilized in new ways such as productions of high voltages, electronic

frequency generation and many other applications. -Joshi, Kumar, Chaudhary and Mishra Neha

Joshi1 , Dishant Kumar2 , Divam Chaudhary3 and Vinod Mishra4 2017

Piezoelectricity essentially transforms Kinetic Energy into Electrical Energy, and it is

implemented in wide areas ranging from energy-generating trains to electronic circuits that recycle

wasted heat energy. Piezoelectric materials are used for different sensing as well as for generating

electricity from vibrations in road surfaces. In the aerospace industry, piezoelectric components

serve in moving parts of satellites, optical positioning and for onboard corrections. Naturally

occurring Piezoelectric materials are - Berlinite, Sucrose, Quartz, Rochelle Salt, etc. Piezoelectric

materials play a vital role in generating power which range is microwatt to milliwatt. It is one of

the most interesting methods of obtaining the energy surrounding a system is to use piezoelectric

materials. This distortion created by various means are directly transformed to electrical charge by

piezoelectric effect.


Microphone diaphragm is a thin membrane that moves in reaction to sound pressure

variation (sound waves). The diaphragm is a critical ingredient in the microphone recipe. In fact,

without a movable diaphragm, a microphone would not be able to do its job as a transducer. The

coinciding motion of the diaphragm with sound pressure is the first step in changing acoustic

energy into electrical energy.


Another method of conversion is the use of a Diaphragm. In our daily life, we essentially

come across many devices that help in the purpose that is they convert the sound to electrical

energy. A microphone is an example of a transducer. It is a device that converts the energy from

one form to another. Sound energy occurs as shapes of air pressure; the microphone changes this

energy into the form of electric current. The basic property of sound is that sound is a mechanical

wave. When sound travels over any medium then it disturbs the particles of that specific medium

and these disturbances caused by the sound can be used to produce electricity. Suppose we create
a very thin curtain like diaphragm which will get fluctuated by the oscillation and pressure created

by sound wave. A conductor will be attached to it which will be placed between magnetic bars,

these fluctuations will create a movement in conductor which will affect the magnetic field of the

magnet. This will produce motional emf and will generate voltage across it.


The sound creates the pressure. An oscillation of pressure is a mechanical wave.

Mechanical energy could be converted into electrical energy using law of thermodynamics.

Mechanical strain converts into electric energy using piezo electric material. This property

of piezoelectric material could be used to make a device which would be able to sustainably

convert the sound energy to electric energy.

The piezoelectric effect is understood as the linear electromechanical interaction between

the mechanical and the electrical state in some crystalline materials with no inversion symmetry.

The piezoelectric effect is the process of internal generation of electrical charge resulting from an

applied mechanical force the capacity of piezoelectric materials to receive any vibration and to

convert that into electric signal attracted many researchers who tried to implement circuits and

systems for converting pressure and vibrations into electric power.

Microphone and piezoelectric devices are playing a good roll in our less requirements

power like these device generated less power in micro watts and milli watts at the few cost.

Microphone has an unique ability to catch the sound and convert it into electrical energy its


When sound vibrations is on it then it has strain and stressed so that converted into the

electrical energy and piezoelectric (PZT) is made of crystalline structure materials which direct

convert mechanical to electrical energy and vice versa. This research paper is on the two method

of converting electrical energy like piezoelectric and microphone by utilizing of wastes and
pollutions of noise and create reliable and useful energy sources. Our daily life useable device

charged by this.

Sound energy is converted into electrical energy by transducer. Here the transducer as a

microphone which is to many application as like audience gathering, social gathering and covey

message to others persons etc. here That microphone convert the sound energy into electrical

energy at low level by capacitor bank boost that energy and charge our gadgets.

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