Mechanisms of Autoimmunity: - Recent Concept
Mechanisms of Autoimmunity: - Recent Concept
Mechanisms of Autoimmunity: - Recent Concept
Mechanisms of Autoimmunity
—Recent concept—
JMAJ 47(9): 403–406, 2004
entering other organs to maintain the state of triggered by the development or activation of
ignorant. CD4Ⳮ helper T cells that react with a specific
It has also been reported that tolerance may autoantigen. Based on various evidence, it is
be actively suppressed by regulatory T cells. now proposed that a specific antigenic stimulus
Recent studies have reported T cells with vari- is the first trigger of autoimmunity. This is
ous regulatory functions, including those that called the “single initiating antigen hypoth-
produce cytokines with suppressive effects, esis”.2) For example, molecular mimicry in
such as interleukin (IL)-10 and transforming which immune response occurs to both an
growth factor (TGF)-, and those that have external microbial antigen and an autoantigen
CD4Ⳮ and CD25Ⳮ surface markers and pro- because of their homology is considered one of
vide suppressive effect through cell-cell contact. the mechanisms of initiating autoimmunity.
These various suppressive T cells may play Microbial infection may initiate autoimmune
different roles, depending on the activation of response not only through molecular mimicry,
autoreactive T cells. but also with polyclonal activation and release
Thus, autoreactive T cells are under sub- of isolated autoantigen. Lipopolysaccharide
stantially different conditions of tolerance, (LPS), a product of infectious microbes, bac-
depending on the quality and quantity of auto- terial DNA, and viruses serve as an adjuvant
antigens. For example, many autoantigens are to immune response. They bind to Toll-like
too isolated from the immune system to activate receptors (TLRs) on the surface of macro-
potential autoreactive T cells. Autoantigens phages or dendritic cells to stimulate natural
expressed on non-hematopoietic cells may not immunity and inflammatory cytokine pro-
stimulate T cells because they do not have co- duction, enhancing immune response by in-
stimulatory molecules. Another mechanism creasing the expression of MHC antigen or
has also been revealed in which the lymph co-stimulatory molecules, such as B7-2 and
nodes around organs have dendritic cells that OX40L. These responses are usually helpful for
take antigens to induce tolerance of auto- inducing acquired immunity, but may stimulate
reactive T cells in the steady state condition. potential autoreactive T cells. Through these
B cells have been reported to undergo anergy processes, it is also possible that cryptic epitopes
in response to soluble autoantigens and clonal not expressed under usual conditions are
deletion in response to stronger autoantigens, expressed to trigger an autoimmune response.
such as those on cell surfaces in the bone Non-infectious factors are also considered
marrow where they differentiate. B cells that as a trigger of autoimmunity. For example,
strongly react with soluble antigens such as estrogen exacerbates systemic lupus erythema-
self-molecules at the germinal center of periph- tosus (SLE) in a mouse model, while drugs,
eral tissues are also deleted through apoptosis. such as procaine amide and hydralazine, induce
B cells have been reported to cause a phenom- the production of antinuclear antibodies, caus-
enon called receptor editing in which B cells ing an SLE-like pathologic state. The amount
that react with an autoantigen rearrange the of iodine intake is an important environmental
gene of the antigen receptor (immunoglobulin) factor in autoimmune thyroid disease.
once again to make another non-autoreactive
receptor. Mechanisms of Development of
Autoimmune Diseases
Mechanism of Initiation of
Triggering autoimmunity alone probably
results in a transient event and is insufficient to
It is generally believed that autoimmunity is induce autoimmune disease. Studies in mouse
models have shown that CD4Ⳮ T cells may be have also shown from the analyses of T cell
required to complete the pathological state of clonality infiltrating into organs that reactive
most autoimmune diseases. Animal experiments epitope is not always spread during the prog-
have demonstrated that the onset of auto- ress of a disease. Probably, such positive and
immune diseases can be suppressed by removing negative balance of immune responses with
or inhibiting the function of CD4 cells with regard to reactive epitopes may be involved
anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies. Furthermore, in the persistence and progression of auto-
the importance of antigen-specific CD4 cells in immune diseases.
pathological autoimmune condition has been
suggested from the association with MHC class
II antigens (such as DR antigen of HLA in
humans), infiltration of CD4Ⳮ cells in many Autoimmune disease is generated through
organ-specific autoimmune diseases, and pro- the disturbance of immunological tolerance.
duction of autoantibodies of IgG type. Activation of autoreactive lymphocytes, and
Although various factors are associated with various positive and negative immune responses
the progression of autoimmune diseases, one of are involved in each of these processes. Geneti-
the important phenomena is epitope spreading. cally, individuals with lower threshold to these
Epitope spreading refers to a phenomenon responses are more susceptible to autoimmune
in which autoantigens (antigen determinants) disease, although various environmental factors
detected by T and B cells increase during the that induce such immune responses are also
process from the initial activation of auto- significant. It is thus necessary to understand in
reactive lymphocytes to the chronic phase. This detail autoimmune phenomena in each patient
concept is important for explaining, for example, to establish a proper therapy that suppress
the mechanism by which autoimmune response pathological immune responses without affect-
induced by one cryptic epitope leads to com- ing normal immune functions.
plete autoimmune response. Both B and T cells
are involved in this phenomenon. Particularly,
B cells play an important role as antigen- REFERENCES
presenting cells for T cells.
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