Chapter 2 Disaster

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 DRRM Plan, Purchase of Equipment, Designation of DRRMO,
Creation of Special Committees/Units

 Support to other LGUs under State of Calamity

DRRM Plan, Purchase of Equipment, Designation of DRRMO, Creation of
Special Committees/Units

ORDINANCE NO.244 Series of 2015


WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to uphold the people’s constitutional rights to
life and property by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters,
strengthening the country's institutional capacity for disaster risk reduction and
management and building the resilience of , local communities to disasters including
climate change impacts;
WHEREAS, the enactment of Republic Act No. 10121 otherwise known as the
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010 and its implementing
rules and regulations calls for the strengthening of the disaster risk reduction and
management system at the national and local levels;
WHEREAS, the worsening condition brought about by Climate Change brings
necessary immediate actions and responses to address fortuitous and inevitable situations
such as flood, heavy weather condition, earthquakes, tsunami, mudslides, landslides and
other calamities;
WHEREAS, Section 12 of the said Act mandates the establishment of a Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management office (DRRMO) in every province, city and municipality;
WHEREAS, Rule G Section 6 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic
Act No. 10121 otherwise known as the Philippines Risk Reduction and Management Act
of 2010 provides that the local Sanggunian concerned shall enact the appropriate
ordinance to create the VCDRRMo including the allocation of necessary
staffing/personnel and budget;
WHEREAS, a Disaster Preparedness Office was created as a division under the City
External Services Office through Ordinance No. 68, Series of 2012 whose function is
akin to that of the mandated Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO)
WHEREAS, Section 453, (a)(1)(iv), of the Republic Act No.7160 otherwise known as
the Local Government Code of 1991 states that Sangguniang Panlungsod shall approve
ordinances and pass resolutions adopting measures to protect the inhabitants of the city
from the harmful effects of man-made or natural disasters and calamities, and to provide
relief services and assistance for victims during and in the aftermath of said disasters or
calamities and their return to productive livelihood following events;
Be it ordained by the Sangguniang Panlungsod, that:
There shall be established the Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office (VCDRRMo) which shall operate under the ffice of the City Mayor
responsible for setting the direction, development, implementation and coordination of
disaster risk management programs within its territorial jurisdiction and organizing,
training and directly supervising the local emergency response teams.
2.1 The Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
(VCDRRMO) shall have one (1) head of office that will be called the Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Officer (DRRMO)." There shall be four (4) divisions under
the VCDRRMO, to wit
a. Administrative Division;
b. Training Division;
c. Research and planning Division; and
d. Operations and Warning Division.
2.2 Attached as Annex'A" is the Organizational Structure and shall form part of this
Ordinance and shall be composed of personnel performance of its mandated functions.
2.3 It shall be understood that the Valenzuela City Command, Control and
Communication (VCC3) shall be integrated in the organizational structure of the
VCDRRMO as deemed fit based on qualification standards and in accordance with R.A.
10121 and other existing rules and regulations.
2.4 The compensation and hiring procedure for VCDRRMO shall conform to the
rules and policies of the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Budget and
Management, among others.
3.1 The Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Officer (DRRMO) provided under
Section 12 of the Act shall have the following minimum qualifications:
a.) Must be Civil Service Eligible;
b.) Must have Civil Defense or Disaster Risk Management Experience
3.2 The plantilla positions under the VCDRRMO shall be:
26 Asst. City Department Head Disaster Risk Reduction and 1
Management Officer
Administrative & Personne Unit
18 Administrative Officer III Office Chief 1
11 Administrative Officer I Supervising Administrative Officer 1
10 Administrative Assistant IV Records and Data Manager 1
(Records Officer)
10 Administrative Assistant IV Acquisition and Inventory 1
Manager (Supply Officer0
8 Administrative Assistant Secretary to the Disaster Risk 1
Reduction and Management
3 Administrative Aide III Driver 1

Training Office
18 Administrative Officer III Office Chief 1
11 Administrative Officer I Lead Instructor 1
8 Administrative Assistant Trainor/Instructor Staff 0

Research and Planning Office

18 Public Service Officer III Research and Planning Officer 1
11 Information Officer I Research Officer 1
6 Administrative Aide VI Planning Staff 3

Operations and Warning Division

18 Public Service Officer III Operations and Warning Officer 1
3.2 For the purpose of the creation of the VCDRRMO, officers and employees holding
the current positions/designations shall be given preference for appointment to the new
positions created. All other personnel currently employed in this office shall be prioritized
by the Promotion Board, provided that they are eligible and qualified for such position.
3.3 No new employees shall be taken in until all current officers and employees have
been appointed, including temporary and casual employees who possess the necessary
qualification requirements, among which is the appropriate civil service eligibility, for
permanent positions.
4.1 The amount of ____________(P_____) is hereby appropriated to finance the
personal services, maintenance and operating expenditures and capital outlay of the
VCDRRMO. The corresponding appropriations shall be charged against any available funds
and savings in the
Annual Budget of 2015. The corresponding appropriations therefore shall be incorporated in
all succeeding annual executive budgets in the years thereafter.
4.2 The salaries, wages and benefits of all employees of the existing Disaster
Preparedness Office under the City External Services Office for the year 2015 shall be
retained on its appropriation for this year.
following functions with impartiality given the emerging challenges brought about by
disasters at all times:
1. Design program and coordinate disaster risk reduction and management activities
consistent with the National Council’s standards and guidelines;
2. Facilitate and support risk assessments and contingency planning activities at the
local level;
3. Consolidate local disaster risk information which includes natural hazards,
vulnerabilities, and climate change risks, and maintain a local risk map;
4. Organize and conduct training, orientation and knowledge management activities
on disaster risk reduction and management at the local level;
5. Operate a multi-hazard early warning system, linked to disaster risk reduction to
provide accurate and timely advice to national or local emergency response organizations
and to the general public, through diverse mass media, particularly radio, landline
communications and other available technologies for communication within rural
6. Formulate and implement a comprehensive and integrated Local Disasrer Risk
Reduction and Management Plan (LDRRMP), in accordance with the national, regional,
provincial framework, and policies on disaster risk reduction in close coordination with the
Local Development Council (LDC);
7. Prepare and submit. to the Sangguniang Panlungsod through the VCDRRMC and
the .Local Development Council (LDC) the annual VCDRRMO plan and budget, the
proposed programming of Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
(VCDRRMC), other dedicated disaster risk reduction and management resources; and other
regular funding source/s and budgetary support of the Valenzuela City Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office (VCDRRMO).
8. Conduct continuous disaster monitoring and mobilize instrumentalities and entities
of the LGUs, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private groups and organized volunteers, to
utilize their facilities and resources for the protection and preservation of life and properties
during emergencies in accordance with existing policies and procedures;
9. Identify, assess and manage the hazards, vulnerabilities and risks that may occur in
the locality
10. Disseminate information and raise public awareness about those hazards,
vulnerabilities and risks, their nature, effects, early warning signs and counter measures;
11. Identify and implement cost-effective risk reduction measures and strategies;
12. Maintain a database of human resource, equipment, directories, and location of
critical infrastructures and their capacities such as hospitals and evacuation centers;
13. Develop, strengthen and operationalize mechanisms for partnership or
networking with the private sector, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and volunteer
14. Take all necessary steps on a continuing basis to maintain, provide, or arrange the
provision of, or to otherwise make available, suitably-trained and competent personnel for
effective civil defense and disaster risk reduction and management in its area;
15. Organize, train, equip and supervise the local emergency response teams and the
Accredited Community Disaster Volunteers (ACDVs), ensuring that humanitarian aid
workers are equipped with basic knowledge and skills to assist nursing mothers to breastfeed;
16. Respond to and manage the adverse effects of emergencies and carry out recovery
activities in the affected area, ensuring that there is efficient and gender-sensitive
mechanism f or immediate delivery of food, shelter and medical supplies for immediate
women and children endeavour to create a special place where internally-displaced mothers
can find help with breastfeeding, feed and care for their babies and give support to each
17. Within its area, promote and raise public awareness of and compliance with this
Ordinance and legislative provisions relevant to the purpose of this Ordinance;
18. Serve as the Secretariat and executive arm of the Valenzuera City Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council (VCDRRMC);
19. Coordinate other disaster risk reduction and management activities;
20. Establish linkage/network with other LGUs for disaster risk and emergency
response purposes;
21. Recommend through the VCDRRMC the enactment of local ordinances
consistent with the requirements of R.A. 10121 and this ordinance;
22. Implement policies, approved plans and programs of the Valenzuela City Disaster
Risk Reduction Management (VCDRRMC) consistent with the policies and guidelines laid
down in this Ordinance
23. Establish its City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Operations Center
24. Prepare and submit, through the VCDRRMC and the Local Development Council
(LDC), the report on the utilization of the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Fund (LDRRMF) and other dedicated risk reduction and management resources to the local
Commission on Audit (COA), copy furnished the regional director of the Office of the Civil
Defense and the Local Government Operations Officer of the DILG, and
25. Act on other matters that may be authorized by the Valenzuela City Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council (VCDRRMC).
6.1 The Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sector and LGUs may mobilize
individuals or organized volunteers to augment their respective personnel complement and
logistical requirements in the delivery of disaster risk reduction programs and activities. The
agencies, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sector, and LGUs concerned shall take
full responsibility for the enhancement, welfare and protection of volunteers, and shall
submit the list of volunteers to the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), through the GSCRRMO,
for accreditation and inclusion in the database of community disaster volunteers.
6.2 A national roster of Accredited Community Disaster Volunteers (ACDVs),
National Service Reserve Corps, Civil Society Organizations (CSO), and the private sector
shall be maintained by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) through the General Santos City
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (GSCDRRMO). Accreditation shall be done
at the city level.
6.3 Mobilization of volunteers shall be in accordance with the guidelines to be
formulated by the National Disaster and Risk Reduction Management Council INDRRMC)
consistent with the provision of Republic Act No. 10121 or the "Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010". Any volunteer who incurs death or injury while
engaged in any of the activities defined under Republic Act 10121 shall be entitled to
compensatory benefits and individual personnel accident insurance as may be defined under
the guidelines.
6.4 The public sector employees shall be trained in emergency response and
preparedness. The training is mandatory for such employees to comply with the provisions of
this Ordinance
SECTION 7. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION - A copy of this Ordinance shall
be furnished to the Honorable City Mayor and the offices the City External Services Office,
City Treasurer, the City Budget Officer, City Accountant, the City Human Resources and
Management Officer and resident COA Auditor-Valenzuela city, for their information and
appropriate actions.
SECTION 8. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. - If for any reason or reasons, any part or
provision of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, other parts or
provisions thereof which are not affected shall continue to be in full force and effect
SECTION 9. REPEALING CLAUSE. - This ordinance repeals Section 23-I, II and II of
Ordinance No. 68, Series of 2012 and any other ordinance' order, memorandum, rule and
regulation which is inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance is also hereby
modified or repealed accordingly'
SECTION 10.EFFECTIVITY.-This ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the City.


Series of 2017



WHEREAS, according to The Local Government Code of 1991 specifically in Section

458, (1), (iv), one of the primary functions of the Sangguniang Panglungsod is to adopt
measures to protect the inhabitants of the city from the harmful effects of man-made or
natural disasters and calamities;

WHEREAS, the City if Valenzuela had been, many times in the past, subjected to and
affected by the adverse impacts of recurrent natural disasters brought about by climate
change, as well as man-made disasters and emergencies;

WHEREAS, in the interest of safeguarding the lives and properties of its citizens, it is
only prudent for the city government to adopt a systematic response mechanism for all
identified disasters that may pose imminent danger to the city;

THEREFORE, in consideration of all the aforested arguments, the Sangguniang

Panlungsod of Valenzuela in formal session assembled hereby ordains that:


In the interest of brevity whenever referred to this ordinance shall be also known as
the “Emergency Evacuation Ordinance of Valenzuela.”

This ordinance establishes the guidelines as to when, where, how and who will be
evacuated, as well as, who will carry out the evacuation operations. The general policy of this
ordinance being that whenever there is an existence of imminent danger to the lives and
properties of its citizens; the primary objective will be to secure the lives of its citizens.
However, when the safety of its citizens have been guaranteed the city will exercise due
diligence in the protection of their properties as much as possible.


In the interest of clarity and to avoid possible misinterpretation, the following terms
used in this ordinance will be construed as follows:

1) DISASTER – shall mean a sudden event that seriously disrupts the functioning of a
community or society; that may be due to a natural event such as but not limited
to flood, typhoon, severe wind, tornado, landslide, tsunami, storm surge,
earthquake, epidemics and other weather-related events ; or man-made events
such as but not limited to fire, hazardous material-related incidents, public
protests, acts of terrorism and other peace and order concerns that causes human,
material, economic or environmental losses that exceed the community’s or
society’s ability to cope using its own resources;

2) IMMINENT DANGER – shall mean the existence of an immediate threat which

could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm;

3) EXTREME URGENCY – shall refer to a condition wherein the imminent danger

to the lives of citizens in a specific area in the city is both dire and immediate with
no sufficient time for convening the proper councils for decisions;

4) EVACAUTION – shall be understood as the temporary but rapid removal of all

part of a particular population from buildings or certain areas wherein a disaster
or emergency have been declared and is considered dangerous for health or safety
of the public whether individually or in an organized manner, as a rescue or
precautionary measure;

5) INTRANSIGENT CITIZENS – shall refer to citizens who for whatever reason to

take up the position of stubbornly refusing to be evacuated from their properties
even with the threat of imminent danger;

6) FORCED EVACUATION – shall be understood an evacuation procedure ordered

when the lives of intransigent citizens are in imminent danger and a condition of
extreme urgency exists, the response team involved are authorized to use any
means necessary, including physical force, to remove citizens from specific areas
in imminent danger;

7) EVACUATION CENTERS/SITES – shall refer to all pre-identified public

elementary and high school buildings, sports facilities such as covered courts and
auditoriums, barangay halls and other public or private facilities;

8) RESPONSE TEAM – shall refer to any group of people whether government

employees or civilian volunteers tasked by the City Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Council (CDRRMC) to carry out specific operations in response to
natural and man-made disasters.


1) Guidelines on Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation

a. Valenzuela City Risk Reduction Management Council shall ensure that

community-based disaster risk reduction and management trainings to orient
every resident on the possible natural hazards, vulnerabilities and climate
change risk as well as knowledge management activities on disaster risk
reduction and information dissemination regarding calamities and disasters,
either natural or man-made, are conducted down to the barangay and
community levels.
b. Trainings, orientations and activities shall be discussed in a language
understood by the local residents.

c. The Valenzuela City Reduction Management Council and its counterpart in

the barangay levels shall also cause the posting of posters of trainings,
orientations, activities and information at the conspicuous places of the City of
Valenzuela and barangays, the issuance of newsletters, brochures and
pamphlets and if possible, dissemination through other platforms of
advertisements and social media.

d. The time during the dry season as declared by the Philippine Astronomical
Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), shall be
maximized for the conduct of these trainings, orientations, activities and
information dissemination and shall be made on a regular basis , especially in
the areas that are vulnerable to flooding, landslides and other natural disasters
or calamities.

2) Guidelines on Pre-Emptive Evacuation

a. The City Mayor shall be the one to declare/approve the implementation of

pre-emptive evacuation. However, it shall be done only upon the
recommendation of the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office
and subsequent concurrence and approval of the Valenzuela City Disaster Risk
Reduction Management Council after due consultation/coordination/reference
with the different government agencies, such as but not limited to dam
DILG when a disaster or emergency has been declared or forecasted and the
danger of loss lives is imminent within the area of jurisdiction of the City of

b. If possible, order for pre-emptive evacuation must be thoroughly evaluated

after consultation with different government agencies, especially during rainy
seasons. The order of pre-emptive evacuation shall be announced to the order
of pre-emptive evacuation hall be announced to the vulnerable or
marginalized groups in the area who will be affected at least (2) hours before
the commencement of the pre-emptive evacuation operation to give the
affected individuals or groups to prepare their necessary needs or belongings;

c. Vulnerable or marginalized groups in the identified danger zones or areas that

are to be affected by the incoming typhoon or any other identified situation or
event that may cause a disaster shall be temporarily relocated to evacuation
sites or centers;

d. Assistance from the private sectors such as private schools shall be secured if
the situation warrants. Particularly, temporary use of their sports facilities or
auditorium may be requested if the need arises and if the shortage of
evaluation site exists;

e. Barangay halls, 3S Centers and outpost shall be designated as the pick-up point
area in areas far from a designated evacuation center. VCDRRMO shall take
the lead in preparing for responding to, and recovering from the effects of any
disaster based on the criteria provided under rule 11, Section 1 of the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act 10121.

f. Transport Team vehicles to be used in transporting affected residents to

evacuation sites or centers shall have the necessary banners or signs/logos for
immediate identification.

g. Enlist the assistance of the City Chief of Police, City Fire Marshall, City
DRRMO-Rescue Team, AFP/Coastguard Reserve Groups or any Accredited
Community Disaster Volunteers (ACDVs) in preparation and enforcement of
pre-emptive evacuation before and during the disaster or calamity situations.

h. The City Government of Valenzuela may mobilize individuals or organized

volunteers to augment their respective personnel and logistical requirements
in the delivery of disaster risk reduction programs and activities.

i. Strict enforcement of the pre-emptive measure shall be done in the area/s

affected or to be affected by the man-made or natural disaster. The barangay
chief executive or any of the barangay officials, who are more oriented to the
affected or target area, as much as possible, shall be responsible in guiding the
response team shall make sure that no person has been left unaccounted in the
area or allowed to return in the affected area without an order issued to this

j. Once the pre-emptive evacuation has commenced, priorities shall be given to

the following:

a. The sick and elderly people;

b. Physically challenged people;
c. Pregnant women and children, especially the orphan and
unaccompanied children;
d. Others; who are in need of assistance more than others.

k. Camp Management teams shall be on standby in the designated evacuation

centers/sites to monitor and provide services and necessary materials such as
but not limited to beddings, blankets, clothing, food and medicines to the
evacuees in times of disasters or calamity. Medical personnel shall also be on
standby at the evacuation sites to provide medical assistance to the vulnerable
or marginalized groups, as well as the response team and other persons that
needs immediate medical attention. In the aftermath of the calamity and/or
man-made or natural disaster, the City Government of Valenzuela shall extend
any assistance that it can provide to victims for their rapid recovery.

l. Search and rescue team must be equipped with proper trainings and the
necessary equipment suitable for a particular situation. The City Government
of Valenzuela may provide additional equipment and paraphernalia to the
response team as may be needed to properly and effectively respond to the
needs of those affected by the calamity and/or man-made or natural disaster.
The City Government of Valenzuela shall take full responsibilities for the
enhancement of volunteers and shall submit the list to the Office of Civil
Defense through VCDRRMO for accreditation and inclusion in the database of
community disaster volunteers.
m. The City Government of Valenzuela shall be responsible for providing
insurance and necessary benefits to any other volunteer who dies or sustains
injury while engaged in any activities defined in Republic Act 10121
otherwise known as the Philippine Risk Reduction Management Act No. 2010.

n. Residents shall only be allowed to return or go back to their homes upon the
order of the City Mayor through recommendation by the VCDRRMC in
consultation with different government agencies concerned and field
personnel, after it has been determined that the danger no longer exist therein.

3) Guidelines on Forced Evacuation

a. In cases wherein there are intransigent citizens in imminent danger

and extreme urgency arises from the fact that there is not enough time
to convene the Valenzuela City Risk Reduction & Management
Council (VCRRMC), the City Mayor is authorized to invoke this
specific provision of this ordinance to immediately order a “forced
evacuation” of citizens, provided that, he will convene the VCRRMC at
the soonest possible time and submit a written explanation for his
actions which they must formally resolve to concur with;

b. In a “forced evacuation” operation, response teams are authorized to

use an means necessary including the use of physical force if needed of
intransigent citizens for their own safety;

c. Personnel and volunteers carrying out the forced evacuation shall make
sure that all measures are taken to inform the evacuees, in a manner
and language that they can understand, of the need for the evacuation,
the lack of other alternative for their evacuation;

d. Personnel and volunteers carrying out the force evacuation shall

comply with other rules being promulgated by the Commission on
Human Rights (CHR) for the protection of human rights of all persons
is hereby adopted;
e. All “forced evacuation” operations must be recorded on video for
proper documentation.

4) PNP & BFP Participation

a. The Philippine National Police – Valenzuela City Police Station (PNP-

VCPS) and Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) Valenzuela, as member of
the Evacuation Response Team, shall maximize their resources in
assisting the members of Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction
Management group barangay officials, rescue teams and community
disaster volunteers during the implementation of pre-emptive and
forced evacuation with the end view of maintaining order and safety of
the local residents throughout the process of evacuation operation;

b. They shall also take appropriate measures in safeguarding the

belongings left behind and brought along by the evacuated residentsof
the City of Valenzuela.



The VCDRRMC shall take the lead in preparing for, responding to and recovering
from the effects of any disaster, based on the criteria provided in Rule 11, Section 1 of R.A.
10121 Implementing Rules and Regulations.

All disaster related efforts of any private organization; group or citizen must be
coordinated with the VCDRRMC, or in any cases of extreme urgency with the City Mayor at
least as its head. Uncoordinated disaster related actions before, during and immediately after
the occurrence of disasters by the aforementioned entities may result in the obstruction of
previously prepared for operations and can be deemed as such if necessary to preserve the
effective implementation of disaster operations.


If any part of this ordinance shall be found to be inconsistent with the Constitution,
previously established national laws or declared “ultra vires” by any court, the unaffected
provisions will remain in effect.


All previously mandated Ordinances, Executive Order, Barangay Ordinances that are
inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.

This ordinance shall take effect immediately after its approval.

APRIL 03, 2017


Series of 2017



WHEREAS, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council

(NDRRMC) through its Memorandum Circular No. 04, Series of 2012 have defined both the
need and the means for all Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils
(LDRRMCs) to adopt a common system of operation known as the Incident Command
System (ICS) as a more effective and better coordinated response to all disasters occurring
anywhere in the country;

WHEREAS, the Incident Command System (ICS) is a comprehensive and strategic

management system response expressly defined in Rule 7 of the Implementing Rules &
Regulations of Republic Act 10121 and pointing out fourteen (14) characteristics which must
be commonly implemented by all LDRRMCS;

1) Common Terminology;
2) Modular Organization;
3) Management Objectives;
4) Incident Action Plan;
5) Span of Control;
6) Incident Facilities & Location;
7) Resource Management;
8) Integrated Communications;
9) Establishment & Transfer of Command;
10) Chain of Command & Unity of Command;
11) Unified Command;
12) Accountability;
13) Dispatch/Deployment; and
14) Information/Intelligence Management.

WHEREAS, in support of the establishment for a more effective and better

coordinated risk response system in all localities of the country our city Mayor issued
Executive order Number 341, Series of 2015 espousing the use of the ICS in the city of
Valenzuela along with its implementing guidelines as provided for by Implementing Rules of
Republic Act 10121.

WHEREFORE, in consideration of a better coordinated and more effective disaster

risk reduction and management system for the city and the country itself, the Sangguniang
Panglungsod of Valenzuela in formal session assembled hereby ORDAINS that:

This ordinance shall be implemented within the whore scope and breadth of the
territorial jurisdiction of the city of Valenzuela whenever a natural or manmade disaster
occurs within it.


1) In accordance with the provisions of Republic Act 10121 and its Implementing Rules
& Regulations, the Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Council
(VCDRRMC) shall be the primary policy making body of every disaster risk reduction
and management operation within the city of Valenzuela.

2) In accordance with the provisions of City Ordinance 244, Series of 2015, the
Valenzuela City Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Office (VCDRRMO) shall be
the primary implementor of the city’s disaster risk reduction and management
operations and shall be tasked to coordinate with the National Disaster Risk
Reduction & Management Council (NDRRMC) as well as all the Barangay Disaster
Risk Reduction & Management Councils (BDRRMCs) within the city of Valenzuela.
3) The VCDRRMC shall be tasked to formulate and issue the complete and official
guidelines for the Incident Command System (ICS) to be implemented by the City
Government of Valenzuela whenever a natural or manmade disaster occurs in the
city. These official guidelines for the ICS shall include the following:

a. the most recent Executive Order of the City Mayor naming the composition of the

b. the most recent Executive Orders or Resolutions of all Punong Barangays naming
the composition of their respective BDRRMC;

c. the complete list of common terminology that will be recognized by the

VCDRRMC, the VCDRRMO and every BDRRMS in the city;

d. the modular structures of the VCDRRMO operational structures and the modular
operational structures for every BDRRMC; these shall include the span of control
for every modular structure and their specific areas of responsibilities;

e. the specific management objectives of the VCDRRMO and the BDRRMCs,

clarifying the areas of "establishing the unity of command," the "chain of
command," and if necessary the "transfer of command;"

f. the specific Incident Action Plans (IAP) of the VCDRRMO for the occurrence of
disasters which include the specific operational protocols for each kind of
foreseeable disaster such as floods earthquake and the like; these protocols would
include the roles of the BDRRMCs in every eventuality;

g. the specific resources and logistics of the VCDRRMO, and the specific protocols
on who can use them and when they will be used;

h. the specific system of communication between the VCDRRMC, the VCDRRMO

and the different BDRRMCs before, during and after the occurrence of natural or
manmade disasters. This system of communication shall provide for the
immediate sharing of pertinent information as well as the issuance of command

i. the specific guidelines for establishing accountability for the responsibilities of

each modular structures, the resources used for every operation as well as the
submission of reports after , every operation;
4) The City Mayor as the head of the VCDRRMC shall endorse the official guidelines of
the city's ICS as formulated by the VCDRRMC to the Sangguniang Panglungsod for
its concurrence, after which it will be considered as an annex which forms part and
parcel of this ordinance. If for whatever reasons it sees fit to do so, the VCDRRMC
may seek to revise or amend the guidelines of the ICS; the revised ICS guidelines will
be again endorsed to the Sangguniang Panglungsod for its inclusion as the next annex
of this ordinance.


1) The responsibility of preparing, orienting and training every component and member
of the ICS primarily resides with the VCDRRMC and the VCDRRMO. In this regard,
they shall be responsible for the issuance of an annual progress report on the status of
their operations which shall include the following:

a. the schedule of ongoing and future training sessions to be conducted, their

recipients and the specific goals for such trainings;

b. the status of trainings conducted for the organization of each BDRRMO and their
preparedness for eventualities, including their level of cooperation with the

c. their recommendations regarding logistical and budgetary necessities in the


2) The annual progress report shall be endorsed by the city mayor to the Sangguniang
Panglungsod for its records and for future consideration of logistical and budgetary
3) In accordance with the provisions of Republic Act 10121 and its Implementing Rules
& Regulations, all barangay government administrations are mandated to cooperate
with the VCDRRMC and the VCDRRMO in the conduct of these trainings and shall
be, primarily responsible for the disaster preparedness of their respective barangays
which includes the following:

a. the establishment and composition of their respective BDRRMC and their

respective disaster response teams;

b. the formulation of their own Incident Command System guidelines in consonance

with city's ICS guidelines;

c. their training and development plans for disaster risk reduction management.

The intent of the ICS is to prevent the occurrence of confusion and aggravation of
circumstances during the incidence of disasters and to effectively implement the best disaster
risk reduction management possible, therefore the following acts are prohibited:

1. Impeding, obstructing or preventing the implementation of orientation and training

programs to be conducted or being conducted by the VCDRRMC and the VCDRRMO
by any public official, private individual, organization or business entity;

2. Conducting orientation and training programs regarding disaster risk reduction

management procedures within the city of Valenzuela without the knowledge or
approval of the VCDRRMC or the VCDRRMO;

3. Impersonating the members of the VCDRRMC, the VCDRRMO and any other
component member of the ICS modular structures;

4. Providing false information as to the specific protocols of the city's ICS guidelines;

5. All other prohibitions as listed in Rule 16 of the Implementing Rules & Regulations of
Republic Act 10121. For the sake of clarity, the prohibited acts listed in the
aforementioned Rule are as follows:

a. dereliction of duties which lead to destruction, loss of lives, critical damage of

facilities and misuse of funds;

b. preventing the entry and distribution of relief goods in disaster stricken areas,
including appropriate technology such as Geographic Information System,
Information and Communication Technology, Database/System Management for
Relief Inventory, System for Management of the Dead/Casualty and the like, tools,
equipment, accessories, disaster teams/experts;

c. buying for consumption or resale, from disaster relief agencies such as the DSWD,
NFA, PRC, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), World Food
Program (WFP) and other such private organizations, any relief goods, equipment
or other aid commodities which are intended for distribution to disaster affected

d. buying for consumption or resale, from the recipient disaster affected persons any
relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities received by them;
e. selling of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities which are intended for
distribution to disaster victims;

f. forcibly seizing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities intended for or
consigned to a specific group of victims or relief agency;

g. diverting or mis-delivery of relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities to

persons other than the rightful recipient or consignee;

h. accepting, possessing, using or disposing relief goods, equipment or other aid

commodities not intended for non consigned with him/her;

i. misrepresenting the source of relief goods by:

i. either covering, replacing or defacing the labels of the containers to make it

appear that the goods, equipment or other aid commodities came from another
agency or person;

ii. repacking the goods, equipment or other aid commodities into containers with
different markings to make it appear that the goods came from another agency
or persons or was released upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;

iii. making false verbal claim that the goods, equipment or other aid commodity
in its un-tampered original containers actually came from another agency or
persons or was released upon the instance of a particular agency or persons;

iv. substituting or replacing relief goods, equipment or other aid commodities

with the same items of inferior/cheaper quality.

j. Illegal solicitations by persons or organizations representing others as defined in

the standards and guidelines set by the NDRRMC;
(6) years and one (1) day or not more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the
discretion of the court, including perpetual disqualification from public
office if the offender is a public officer, and confiscation or forfeiture in
favor of the government of the objects and the instrumentalities used in
committing any of herein prohibited acts.

b. Section 2. Who are liable - If the offender is a corporation or partnership,

association, or other juridical entity, the penalty shall be imposed upon the
officer or officers of the corporation, partnership, association or entity
responsible for the violation without prejudice to the cancellation or
revocation of these entities license or accreditation issued to them by any
licensing or accredited body of the government. If such offender is an
alien, he or she shall, in addition to the penalties prescribed in the Act, be
deported without further proceedings after service of the sentence.

c. Section 3. Other liabilities - the prosecution for offenses set forth in Section
19 of the act shall be without prejudice to any liability for violations oi
Republic Act No.3185, as amended by Congress, and shall be without
prejudice to other civil liabilities.


1) This ordinance does not in any way impede upon any previous ordinance
empowering the City Mayor to order the preventive or forced evacuation of any
location wherein a natural or manmade disaster occurs within the city.
2) All other previous city ordinances, resolutions, barangay ordinances and executive
ordinance with provisions not in consonance with the provisions of this ordinance are
hereby repealed or duly amended.


If any provision or provisions of this ordinance will be found to be unconstitutional,

inconsistent with national laws or "ultra vires" by any court of appropriate jurisdiction, the
remaining unquestioned provisions shall remain in effect.


This ordinance shall take effect immediately after all requirements for official posting
and publication prescribed in Section 511 of R.A 7160 known as "The Local Government
Code of the Philippines" have been met.

MAY 15, 2017.
Support to other LGUs under State of Calamity




Sa mungkahi ni Kgg. na Pangalawang Punong Bayan Romeo C. Llenado na

pinangalawahan ng Kgg. na Konsehal Jose Emmanuel L. Carlos at buong pagkakaisang
sinang-ayunan ng mga kagawad ng Sangguniang Bayan ay ipinag-uutos ang mga sumusunod:

PANGKAT I- Ang halagang P60,000.00 ay ilalaan para sa mga lungsod ng Baguio,

Cabantuan at Dagupan na nasalanta ng malakas na lindol noong ika-16 ng Hulyo, 1990 bilang
tulong pinansyal at pagpapahayag ng pakikiramay sa mga ito.

PANGKAT II – Ang halagang nabanggit ay kukunin o manggagaling sa “Calamity


PANGKAT III- a) Ang halagang P20,000.00 ay ilalaan para sa lungsod ng Baguio;

b) Ang halagang P20,000.00 naman ay ilalaan para sa lungsod ng
c) Ang natitirang P20,000.00 ay ilalaan naman para sa lungsod ng

PANGKAT IV- Ang kautusang ito ay magkakabisa sa sandaling mapagtibay.

Hulyo 18, 1990, Valenzuela, Kalakhang Maynila.

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