Drapalova Aj
Drapalova Aj
Drapalova Aj
Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague,
Czech Republic
Citation: Drápalová, E., Bìláèková, V. (2016). Monitoring of Discussion Forums on New Psychoactive Substances in the
Czech Republic – Content and Trends. Adiktologie, 16(2), 130–142.
BACKGROUND: Given the lack of information about all the posts), while the share of posts discussing so-called
new psychoactive substances (NPS), their effects and “research chemicals” increased (from 36% to 45%). Quali-
risks, analysis of online discussion forums is a useful met- tative analysis suggests that this may be due to a reduced
hod to obtain this data. AIMS: Monitoring of Czech online supply of commercial products on the market and the dis-
discussions about NPS aimed to describe and categorise couraging properties of such products, such as their un-
their content and identify trends in the use and purchase of known and changing content and unpredictable effects. As
NPS. DESIGN AND MEASUREMENTS: The content of indicated by the posts, the most popular Czech web-based
two Czech discussion forums for users of NPS with shops wound up their activities in 2013. Consequently, the
1916 posts was analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. members of the forums started to purchase more frequ-
The forums were monitored on a monthly basis from Janu- ently from foreign online shops that they had previously
ary 2013 to December 2014. RESULTS: The forums conta- avoided. To some extent, the outcomes of the analysis cor-
in a wide range of knowledge about NPS and their purcha- respond with the relevant information on NPS use availab-
se which is based on users’ own experience, supplemen- le from other sources. CONCLUSIONS: Discussion fo-
ted by information from other sources. A substantial rums play a crucial role as a source of information about
decrease in the number of discussants (-20%) and posts NPS and are a self-help tool for reducing the potential risks
(-49%) was observed in 2014. In that year, the share of for their users. When made part of a comprehensive moni-
the posts dedicated to so-called “commercial pro- toring approach, analysis of forum‘s content can yield in-
ducts/collectors’ items” decreased (from 20% to 0.3% of formation for a wide array of experts.
l 1 INTRODUCTION were recorded. There was also a year-on-year increase in
New psychoactive substances (NPS) are defined as sub- the number of the substances on offer: from 42 in 2013 to 64
stances of abuse in pure form or in a chemical mixture that in 2014 (Mravèík et al., 2014).
have not been scheduled under the 1961 United Nations
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and the 1971 United l 1 / 3 Information about NPS Use
Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances and may According to the Eurobarometer survey, the lifetime preva-
pose a threat to public health” (EMCDDA, 2009). These lence of NPS use among the European population of young
substances are often referred to as “legal highs”, “research adults (aged 15-24) was 8% in 2014, while in 2011 it was 5%.
chemicals”, or “party pills” (Corazza et al., 2013). The highest lifetime prevalence of NPS use was recorded in
Ireland (22%), Slovenia (13%), and Spain (13%). As in 2011,
l 1 / 1 Typology of NPS in terms of marketing NPS use in the Czech Republic reached the 4% level in 2014
strategies (Eurobarometer, 2011, 2014). A Czech general population
NPS are marketed as “commercial products” or “research survey carried out in 2013 recorded a 0.6% lifetime preva-
chemicals”. Commercial products are named in such a way lence of the use of other synthetic drugs among the 15-64
as to suggest either the type of the effect they produce or age group (Mravèík et al., 2014). However, it is complicated
their illegal counterparts. In the Czech Republic they to identify the prevalence of NPS in population surveys, as
are known as “collectors’ items”, which were offered by there is no single generally accepted name for these sub-
so-called Amsterdam Shops in 2010. The names do not pro- stances and the number of NPS which respondents could be
vide any clue as to their compounds and they often involve asked about is high. In addition, users often do not know the
mixtures of multiple substances (Corazza et al., 2014b; names of the substances they have used (Grolmusová &
Schifano et al., 2009). Mravèík, 2012).
“Research chemicals” (RCs) are generally referred to The use of NPS seems to be preferred by specific popu-
by their chemical or pharmacological names (González lations, such as dance partygoers (Benshop et al., 2011;
et al., 2013). RCs are particularly preferred by Measham et al., 2011) or problem drug users (Abagiu et al.,
“e-psychonauts”, who tend to be highly knowledgeable 2014; Malczewski et al., 2013). Online discussion forums
about NPS and try to use such knowledge in order to mini- (“forums”) are used as sources of information about the ef-
mise the risk the use of them entails. This group of users fects of the substances, particularly when no long-term
does not favour “commercial products” because of their un- pharmacological and toxicological studies or other peer-re-
known and variable content (Davey et al., 2012). Accord- viewed evidence is available (Corazza et al; 2014b; Deluca
ing to Corazza et al. (2014b), “commercial products” are et al., 2012; Jebadurai et al., 2013; Schifano et al., 2009;
more intended to captivate younger and less experienced Schifano et al., 2011; Schifano et al., 2005; Soussan &
NPS users. Kjellgren, 2014).
stances which are capable of inducing strong effects even in also undertaken in other European countries (France, the
small doses. United Kingdom, Poland, and the Netherlands). Both fo-
As the NPS market is undergoing constant develop- rums generated a total of 1,916 posts (an average of 80 posts
ment and changes, it is vital that it is monitored on a regu- per month), which were subjected to content analysis
lar and long-term basis in order to identify the latest trends (Holsti, 1969). The amount of data made it possible to ana-
and patterns of NPS use (Corazza et al., 2014b; Deluca et lyse all the posts in both forums.
al., 2012; Schifano et al., 2009). According to Soussan and Content analysis is a research method which makes it
Kjellgren (2014), information on specific NPS appears on possible to provide an objective and systematic account of
the forums before the substances are identified by the Early the explicit content of communication (Berelson, 1952).
Warning System. It is also important to monitor the forums Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were applied.
as a method of keeping a record of local trends, as the use of The qualitative approach was used to examine the content
NPS may differ dramatically at the national and of the forums in order to create representative semantic cat-
subnational levels (Deluca et al., 2012). egories, to which larger segments of text could be assigned
The objective of the monitoring of the content of Czech on the basis of their meaning. Using the open coding
online discussions about NPS which this article reports on method, the authors identified semantic units represented
was to describe the developments concerning (i) NPS use by codes. Then they broke down all the semantic units
(the NPS being discussed, what experience users have with found in the text into a multi-level code structure, described
NPS is reflected in the subjects raised in the discussions, in more detail in Table 2. The categories were created partly
the quality of the substances used, and whether forum by using the template provided under the I-TREND project
members advise each other and what such advice pertains (Martinez, 2013), partly on the basis of previous research
to, and any other NPS-related information they may share studies (Drápalová & Bìláèková, 2014; Soussan &
among themselves) and (ii) NPS-related purchasing prac- Kjellgren, 2014), and partly inductively, reflecting the con-
tices (the shops/transactions being discussed and their tent of the text under analysis (Kondracki & Wellman,
characteristics, the purchasing process, the quality of the 2002). Such an approach is typical of a conventional content
shops, and whether the people involved in the discussions analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).
offer to sell or buy NPS among themselves). The quantitative content analysis focused on the num-
ber of posts dedicated to specific NPS and web-based mar-
l 2 METHODS ketplaces, i.e. their “topicality”. Because of the structure
Internet discussion forums for NPS users were looked for and volume of the data in the Czech forums, other indica-
using Google’s full-text search engine. The first ten results tors proposed by the I-TREND project (Martinez, 2013)
of each search operation involving the key phrases “Amster- could not be monitored. Qualitative content analysis was
dam Shop”, “legal highs”, “research chemicals”, and the helpful in interpreting the changes in the study indicators
Czech equivalents of “new drugs”, “discussion”, “forum”, from 2013 to 2014. The conceptualisation and categorisa-
and “experience” were subjected to thorough scrutiny. The tion of the meanings was useful in sorting the results and in
search process yielded two forums that were dedicated to formulating several theoretical outcomes, using the
NPS and in operation from January 2013 to December grounded theory method (Glaser & Strauss, 1967).
2014. The forums are described in more detail in Table 1. The validity of the research was assured by the trian-
Both forums were monitored on a monthly basis and gulation of the data collection methods (qualitative and
their content was saved in text files. As part of the quantitative content analysis and the data being analysed
I-TREND project, the monitoring of discussion forums was by both authors independently of each other) and data
Table 1 / Tabulka 1
Internet discussion forums for NPS users under analysis
Analyzovaná internetová diskuzní fóra pro uživatele NPS
2013 2014 2013 vs. 2014 2013 2014 2013 vs. 2014
change change
Research chemicals
Route of administration
Duration of effect
Other substances
Duration of effect
Changes in quality
Maximisation of effect
Risk minimisation
Mechanism of action
Risk potential
Discussion about the purchase and sale of NPS Specific shops discussed Names
Purchases abroad
Comparison of quality
sources (comparison of the data with that generated by sim- 3 / 1 / 2 Experience with the Substances Used
ilar research projects in the Discussion section). The discussants exchanged information about their experi-
All the discussants’ statements were quoted anony- ence with the use of specific substances. They described
mously. In order to strengthen the measures taken to their appearance, the dose used, the route of administra-
prevent any identification, it is not indicated which tion, specific physical and psychological effects and the du-
forum the statements were taken from and it was ration of such effects, the total quantity used, and the cir-
checked that they cannot be retrieved using internet cumstances and frequency of use. The comparison of the ef-
search engines. fect of an NPS in contrast to an illicit substance or to an
already-known NPS, and the indication of the substances
l 3 RESULTS used in combination with a specific NPS, whether to maxi-
The number of posts that were analysed suggests that from mise their effects or mitigate the adverse ones, were com-
2013 to 2014 there was a decline in the number of posts per- mon topics. Instances of shared experience including all the
taining to NPS (see Table 1). The year 2014 saw an overall above information in a single post and thus coming close to
drop in the number of discussants (-20%) and posts (-49%). the fulfilment of the criteria for a “trip report”1 were rather
While the activity on www.lide.cz subsided (the numbers of rare during the period under study; they were more fre-
discussants and posts declined by 43% and 87% respec- quent in relation to NPS with hallucinogenic effects. Other
tively), an increase in the number of posts was observed on reports tended to limit themselves to a short description of
the www.nyx.cz forum (the number of discussants rose by several aspects of experience with NPS, sometimes involv-
2% and the number of posts by 76%). ing only a basic summary account indicating whether a spe-
The results of the work were divided according to se- cific NPS works or not: “Cherry Cocolino – very weak, kind of
mantic categories (see Table 2) into two semantic units – wishy-washy, just for a while and unpleasant comedown.
discussions concerning the individual NPS and the topics MPA at least works in comparison with other products.”
related to the purchase of NPS. The effects of some of the substances, e.g. hallucino-
gens, synthetic cannabinoids, and some euphorising sub-
l 3 / 1 Discussions about NPS stances and stimulants such as 3-MMC or 4-FA, were found
Specific NPS and experience of their use and quality were to be strong. Soon after they had been tried, low-effect sub-
discussed on the forums. A great number of the posts also stances received negative reviews: “4-FMA is a weak sub-
involved recommendations concerning the choice of the stance with a negligible effect, something like a coffee made
right NPS and the circumstances for using it which might of grounds that have already been used.” The quality of
maximise the desired effects while minimising the adverse a specific NPS could change over time, as observed in dis-
ones. Forum participants often shared information ob- cussions about commercial products, in particular: “I’d say
tained from other online sources, too. that in the case of White Champagne they really went down
with the quality. The first batch (about half a year ago)
3 / 1 / 1 Substances under Discussion worked better, I think – in terms of both stimulation and eu-
The substances addressed in the discussions were infor- phoria. About a month ago I ordered another batch, but it is
mally categorised by the discussants into “commercial prod- far weaker and the comedown is harder, too.”
ucts” and “RCs”. Herbal products and illegal drugs included The users also mentioned differences in the quality of
in the discussions were not classified as NPS for the pur- the individual RC products (across different producers, in
poses of this study. The number of posts mentioning a spe- particular), despite the fact that the products were sold un-
cific commercial product or RC was followed for a period of der the same chemical formula: “You may find it strange,
two years; Table 3 provides an overview of the “commercial but there are five different makers of EP (ethylphenidate),
products” and RCs were discussed most. but the products have completely different effects, although
In 2013 a total of 27 commercial products were dis- you get the basic thing, i.e. stimulation, from all of them. Of
cussed in 258 posts (approximately 20% of all the 1,267 this assortment, LegalWeed has the highest quality, at least
posts in that year), while in 2014 it was only two commer- it did until recently.” Low or unexpected effects were ex-
cial products in two posts (approximately 0.3% of the total plained by the discussants by the presence of admixtures
of 649). In 2013 altogether 45 different RCs were discussed intended to either increase the volume of the product being
in 453 posts (36% of the total), while in 2014 it was 66 RCs sold or provide a new dimension of the effect of the product.
in 291 posts (45% of the total); see Table 3. To summarise,
there was a major decrease in the proportion of posts ad-
dressing so-called “commercial products/collectors’ items” 1/ Trip report, or a detailed description using a conventional formal struc-
and a growth in the percentage of posts on “research chemi- ture produced by a user in response to their personal experience with a psycho-
cals” was observed, together with a greater range of RCs. active substance (Lahaie et al., 2013).
NAME OF PRODUCT (number of Funky (88;24) n.a. 3-MMC (92;14) 3-MMC (22;4)
posts; number of users
Cherry Cocolino (47;22) pentedrone (52; 12) 25I-NBOME (19;5)
describing direct experience);
products and chemicals that EX (13;6) MPA (50;12) AMT (16;8)
were discussed in both years are Wlodziu (11;6) ethylphenidate (29;9) ethylphenidate (15;10)
in bold print
No Name (10;4) dextromethorphan (26;5) 5-meo-DMT (14;3)
The composition of the NPS used was a major topic. from different sellers, the forums provided the discussants
RCs were viewed by the forum members as products that with a platform on which to share and exchange experi-
contain the components as declared, while the composition ences. Before using a new NPS, the discussants asked oth-
of commercial products was viewed as unknown. The dis- ers about their own experience. Some let their more experi-
cussants tried to guess the composition on the basis of the enced peers recommend a specific NPS which would meet
effects and appearance of the substances and the informa- their expectations. Posts referring to various attempts to
tion from international forums, often calling for a drug maximise the “high” achieved by NPS use, e.g. through suit-
checking service. Some discussants considered that the use able combinations of several NPS, were also recorded: “As
of commercial products posed a higher risk. Neither was the I already had some MPA at home, I tried it both alone and
use of RCs considered safe: “I don’t understand how any- together with 3-MMC. When taken alone, it really has no ef-
body can gamble with his health by taking something he re- fect on the mood, although perhaps it does just a little. With
ally knows nothing about (with reference to a commercial 3-MMC, it seems to me that the states link up nicely.” The
product of unknown composition). RCs pose a great deal of discussants tended to minimise adverse effects and the
risk anyway.” NPS-related risk of damage to health by means of alterna-
In their efforts to orient themselves in a tangle of sev- tive routes of administration, for example: “For some sub-
eral hundred products of varying quality and originating stances, rectal administration is the best (…) In AMT use,
for example, this greatly reduces the nausea which is com- l 3 / 2 Discussion about the Purchase of NPS
mon when it is digested.” The discussants warned each The second main thematic category involved discussions
other against the harm which other NPS users could be ex- concerning the purchase of NPS. Forum members discussed
posed to: “Just to warn you. I used something between 0.5g different web-based marketplaces, their attributes, the pro-
and 0.75g of 3-MMC. As with mephedrone, very realistic cess of shopping for NPS, and the quality of online shops.
hallucinations occurred.” The selling, demanding the purchase, and sharing of NPS
Knowledge attained through direct experience was among the members occurred. A total of 38 shops were dis-
added to by information from other sources, such as other cussed in 2013, while in 2014 it was no more than 21. The
internet discussion forums and scientific publications and shops are summarised in Table 4.
the media, to create a comprehensive body of knowledge
about the individual substances, including their chemical 3 / 2 / 1 Online Shops under Discussion
properties and the mechanism of their action on the human The discussants tended to divide the online shops into Czech
body, including their toxicity, as applicable. Some of the and foreign ones, according to the domain and the language
participants in the discussion possessed detailed knowl- interface. It should be noted at this point that the .cz domain
edge of chemistry, biology, and even medicine. Despite suffix in the URL address does not necessarily guarantee
a great amount of information from international forums, that the shop is Czech. The shop Rc-lab.cz, for example, is in
some of the forum participants found the experience of the Polish language. For some of the discussants it was the
Czech NPS users more reliable and authentic: “Have any of use of the Czech language in the interface of an e-shop that
you got any negative feedback on 25i-nbome directly from mattered; for example, the Rc-chem.eu marketplace was con-
the Czech Republic or your surroundings? Most of the mes- sidered Czech despite its eu. domain suffix. Even this feature
sages from abroad do not sound very compelling to me.” was complicated by the presence of several versions of the
A body of information in its own right was provided by e-shop in different languages, with the translation often be-
discussions about the legality of the substances. The discus- ing generated by online machine translators: “I would not
sants wanted to avoid the potential risk of ordering a sub- take that Czech too seriously. It’s just an online automated
stance which had already been banned. The safe delivery of translation. When you go for Czech, price values are the same
a shipment requires the NPS to be legal both in the Czech like in Euros, only currency suffix is changed to CZK.”
Republic and the country where the shops dispatched their The year 2013 saw a gradual increase in problems with
goods from. the operation of “Czech” online shops, such as Amsterdam
Shop (selling mainly “commercial products”) and Rc-chem.eu
Table 4 / Tabulka 4
Online shops with NPS discussed in Czech online discussion boards in 2013 and 2014 – shops with five and more posts
Online obchody s NPS diskutované v èeských diskusních fórech v letech 2013 a 2014 – obchody s pìti a více pøíspìvky
2013 2014
Name of shop (the figure in parentheses Amsterdam Shop (136) Genuine RC shop (23)
indicates the number of posts). Shops that
Rcchem.eu (72) Research-blotz.com (20)
were discussed in both years are in bold print.
Legalweed shop (34) Rcchem.eu (10)
Buckledbonzi.co.uk (7)
Mefedronshop.cz (7)
Upalacze.eu (7)
Astro-lab.com (6)
Botanic.cz (6)
Isomerism.org (5)
Table 5 / Tabulka 5
Results and proposal triangulation with other data sources
Výsledky a triangulace s dalšími zdroji
i. Decline in activity on the a. Decline in the level of NPS use in General population sur- 2013: LTP 1.3%, LYP 0.3% The characteristics of the participants in online fo-
forums under analysis (a the Czech Republic in 2013-2014 veys conducted by the 2014: LTP 0.3%, LYP 0% rums are unknown – they are unlikely to constitute
drop in the total numbers of National Focal Point a representative sample of the NPS user population.
posts and discussants) (NFP) The number of posts does not necessarily reflect
The Eurobarometer sur- 2011: LYP 4% the level of use among the population of online fo-
vey 2014: LYP 4% rum members.
Study on PDUs 2013 2013: LYP 52% The results of the general population surveys hover
and 2014 near the statistical error threshold.
2014: LYP 53%
ii. General decline in the b. Decline in the level of the use of General population sur- N/A The number of posts does not reflect the level of
number of commercial pro- “commercial products” veys, the Eurobarome- No data on the use of specific use among the population of participants in discus-
ducts/collectors’ items being c. Rise in the level of RC use ter survey substances is available. sion forums.
discussed and a relative in- The number of posts, or “topicality”, does not ref-
d. Users of commercial products Study on PDUs 2013 N/A
crease in the number of RCs lect the level of NPS use (e.g. controversies associa-
switched to RCs because of the and 2014 Specific names of NPS to be in-
discussed ted with the NPS).
latter’s better availability and quality cluded in the analysis.
I-TREND SASS monito- 2014: 22% of shops selling CPs, The monitoring of discussion forums is primarily
ring 35% selling RCs concerned with buyers’ behaviour; the
2015: 13% CPs, 43% RCs shop-specific monitoring looks into the supply and
number of shops.
NFP/EMCDDA snapshot N/A
survey The population of forum members does not reflect
Product typology not specified. the behaviour of all the buyers.
iii. Decline in the number of e. Decline in the number of shops in I-TREND SASS monito- 2014: 30 unique shops in Czech
Problematic definition and perception of a shop as
“Czech” shops and an incre- the Czech language accessible via ring 2015: 32 unique shops in Czech “Czech” (Czech domain, Czech IP address, Czech in
ase in the utilisation of onli- Czech search engines
the language interface, etc.).
ne shops abroad NMS/EMCDDA snap- 2013: 26 shops in Czech
f. Increase in the utilisation of online shot survey
shops abroad 2014: 33 shops in Czech
iv. Varying quality of com- g. The composition of commercial The www.party-trend.cz Out of 11 substances which were Neither data collection nor online purchases are ran-
mercial products and RCs products tends to vary over time project database declared to contain a specific domised and are representative.
h. Research chemicals do not always (user-supplied samples) NPS, four contained more than Several online shops might not be “functioning”
contain what they are declared to one substance and three a subs- from the experience of users.
tance other than that declared.
i. The content of RCs tends to vary
over time I-TREND project sample Four out of 26 samples (25%) or-
analysis (RCs purchased dered online from “Czech” mar-
from online shops) ketplaces did not contain the
substance that was declared, two
contained another additional
substance, and one sample con-
tained a mixture of three substan-
SOURCES: National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction & ppm factum research (2014, 2015), Bìláèková et al. (2015, 2016), Kmetonyová & Pažitný (2015),
Martinez et al. (2016), Grohmannová et al. 2016, Eurobarometer (2011, 2014), Brunt et al. (2015)
Note: LTP = lifetime prevalence, LYP = last-year prevalence
ZDROJE: National Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Addiction & ppm factum research (2014, 2015), Bìláèková et al. (2015, 2016), Kmetonyová & Pažitný (2015),
Martinez et al. (2016), Grohmannová et al. 2016, Eurobarometer (2011, 2014), Brunt et al. (2015)
Poznámka: LTP = celoživotní prevalence, LYP = prevalence v pøedchozím roce
Bìláèková, 2014; Soussan & Kjellgren, 2014). For some Analysis of the content of forums may generate useful infor-
NPS users, the existence of Czech forums has an essential mation about NPS users’ buying strategies, about the prac-
role in that it makes it possible to share NPS-specific expe- tices of the shops, and, potentially, about the extent to
rience which the discussants find more authentic than that which specific shops are utilised.
of users from abroad. It is therefore fair to assume that The quantitative part of this study suggests the possi-
Czech discussion forums for NPS users could also serve as bility of using quantitative analysis in order to look for
a source of information about new and unexplored sub- trends between different time periods. While the quantita-
stances and their effects and potential for harm for both tive monitoring of the content of the internet in order to
public health professionals and clinicians. map the offer of online shops has been applied for several
Discussions dealing with the purchase and sale of NPS years – e.g. snapshot methods (Hillebrand et al., 2010) or
provide an insight into the patterns of behaviour involved the Psychonaut Web Mapping Project methods (Bruno et
in shopping for NPS. Addressing the topic of the NPS mar- al., 2013; Deluca et al., 2012) – quantitative monitoring of
ket either in terms of the monitoring of online shops per se internet forums is a new method, which was, to the best of
(Bruno et al., 2013; Hillebrand et al., 2010), or in more com- our knowledge, applied for the first time as part of the
prehensive terms, looking into the monitoring of the con- I-TREND project (Martinez, 2013).
tent of the internet as a whole (Corazza et al., 2014a; Using the results of the analysis of the discussion fo-
Schifano et al., 2009), previous studies only reported about rums, we have identified four trends which should be sub-
the number and assortment of web-based marketplaces. jected to triangulation with the results of the previous mon-
items” (from 20% to 0.3% of all the posts) and an increase in In order to provide a comprehensive picture of the is-
the proportion of posts on so-called research chemicals sue of NPS use in the Czech Republic, analysis of internet
(from 36% to 45% of all the posts) were recorded. The quali- discussion forums should be used in parallel with other
tative content analysis of the posts indicates that this may both quantitative and qualitative methods for studying rec-
be due to the reduced supply of commercial products on the reational users and problem users and the school and gen-
market and the deterrent characteristics of these products, eral populations or monitoring online marketplaces.
such as unknown composition and unpredictable effects.
The most popular Czech web-based shops wound up their The role of the authors: Eva Drápalová and Vendula
activities in 2013 and the forum members began to use the Bìláèková adapted the study design to the Czech setting.
services of foreign online marketplaces. Eva Drápalová collected the data and created the main ana-
The results of this analysis are congruent with other lytical categories. Vendula Bìláèková participated in the
relevant evidence in that they suggest a decline in the oc- analysis of the data and in writting of the paper.
currence of “commercial products/collectors’ items” on the Conflict of interest: This study involved no conflicts of in-
NPS market, which are partly giving way to substances terest.
sold under their chemical names. In addition, they all indi-
cate the varying quality of the substances sold. A decrease Role autorù: Autorky Eva Drápalová a Vendula Bìláèková
in the level of NPS use in the Czech Republic, which might pøizpùsobily design studie èeskému prostøedí. Eva Drápalo-
be implied by the lower number of posts concerning NPS, vá provedla sbìr dat a vytváøela hlavní analytické kategorie.
was confirmed only to a certain extent (among the general Vendula Bìláèková se spolupodílela na analýze dat a na pøí-
population). The results of this study are at odds with those pravì publikace.
of the monitoring of online shops selling NPS: unlike the Konflikt zájmù: V uvedené studii nedošlo ke støetu zájmù.
discussants, the latter recorded an increase in the number
of e-shops in the Czech language.
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