9 Quantum Field Theory For Children
9 Quantum Field Theory For Children
9 Quantum Field Theory For Children
The theories (known and hypothetical) needed to describe the (very) early universe
are quantum field theories (QFT). The fundamental entities of these theories are
fields, i.e., functions of space and time. For each particle species, there is a cor-
responding field, having at least as many (real) components ϕi as the particle has
internal degrees of freedom. For example, for the photon, the corresponding field
is the vector field Aµ = (A0 , A1 , A2 , A3 ) = (φ, A),⃗ the 4-vector potential, already
familiar from electrodynamics. The photon has two internal degrees of freedom.
The larger number of components in Aµ is related to the gauge freedom of electro-
In classical field theory the evolution of the field is governed by the field equation.
Quantizing a field theory gives a quantum field theory. Particles are quanta of the
oscillations of the field around the minimum of its potential. The field value at the
potential minimum is called the vacuum. Up to now, we have described the events in
the early universe in terms of the particle picture. However, the particle picture is not
fundamental, and can be used only when the fields are doing small oscillations. For
many possible events and objects in the early universe (inflation, topological defects,
spontaneous symmetry breaking phase transitions) the field behavior is different, and
we need to describe them in terms of field theory. In some of these topics classical
field theory is already sufficient for a reasonable and useful description.
∂µ ∂ µ ϕ − V ′ (ϕ) = 0 . (6)
For a massless noninteracting field, V (ϕ) = 0, and the field equation is just the wave
∂µ ∂ µ ϕ = −ϕ̈ + ∇2 ϕ = 0 . (7)
The Lagrangian also gives us the energy tensor
T µν = − ∂ ν ϕ + gµν L . (8)
∂(∂µ ϕ)
For the scalar field
T µν = ∂ µ ϕ∂ ν ϕ − gµν ∂ρ ϕ∂ ρ ϕ + V (ϕ) .
In particular, the energy density and pressure of a scalar field are
1 2 1
ρ = T 00 = ϕ̇ + ∇ϕ2 + V (ϕ) (10)
2 2
1 $ 11 1 1
T + T + T 33 = ϕ̇2 − ∇ϕ2 − V (ϕ) .
p = (11)
3 2 6
(We are in Minkowski space, so that gµν = diag(−1, 1, 1, 1)).
Interactions between particles of two different species are due to terms in the
Lagrangian which involve both fields. For example, in the Lagrangian of quantum
electrodynamics (QED) the term
−ieψ † γ 0 γ µ Aµ ψ (12)
is responsible for the interaction between photons (Aµ ) and electrons (ψ). (The γ µ
are Dirac matrices). A graphical representation of this interaction is the Feynman
F = E − TS (16)
relating the free energy F , the energy E, the temperature T , and the entropy
& '
S≡− . (17)
In thermal QFT the thermodynamic variables are the field values ϕ = ⟨ϕ⟩ (their
expectation values at local thermal equilibrium) and the temperature T . The free
energy density is called the effective potential V (ϕ, T ). It is related to the energy
density ρ by
V (ϕ, T ) = ρ(ϕ, T ) − T s(ϕ, T ), (18)
∂V (ϕ, T )
s(ϕ, T ) ≡ − (19)
is the entropy density.
We shall not discuss how the effective potential is calculated. For example, for
the symmetry breaking scalar field whose classical potential is
1 1
V (ϕ) = V0 − µ2 ϕ2 + λϕ4 , (20)
2 4
the effective potential is
1 2 π2
V (ϕ, T ) = V (ϕ) + m (ϕ)T 2 − T 4 + quantum corrections , (21)
24 90
when T ≫ m. Here
m2 (ϕ) = V ′′ (ϕ) = −µ2 + 3λϕ2 . (22)
For the energy density of this scalar field we thus get
∂V (ϕ, T )
ρ(ϕ, T ) = V (ϕ, T ) − T
∂T (23)
1 2 π2
= V (ϕ) − m (ϕ)T 2 + T 4 + q.c.
24 30
We recognize the term (π 2 /30)T 4 , the energy density of spin-0 bosons at T ≫ m.
Comparing to the T = 0 energy density of a classical scalar field,
1 1
ρ = V (ϕ) + ϕ̇2 + ∇ϕ2 , (24)
2 2
we notice that the gradient terms 12 ϕ̇2 + 12 ∇ϕ2 are missing. This is because now ϕ
represents the expectation value of the field, which is assumed homogeneous because
we are describing a system in thermal equilibrium. The contribution to the energy
from the fluctuations of the field around this equilibrium value is now represented
in a statistical manner by the temperature-dependent terms instead of the gradient
terms which assume a particular field configuration.
Often it makes sense to separate from each other the slow, large-scale, “classical”
behavior of the field ϕ, and the microscopic fluctuations of the field, over which “we
have integrated” and whose average effect is represented by the effective potential
V (ϕ, T ). See Fig. 2. Then, in this large-scale view, T and ϕ may be inhomogeneous
and time-dependent, but locally we assume thermal equilibrium, represented by the
local values of T and ϕ. Then the large-scale behavior of the field is described by
the field equation
∂V (ϕ, T )
∂µ ∂ µ ϕ − = 0, (25)
where the potential V (ϕ) has now been replaced by the effective potential. This
equation includes the small-scale quantum and thermal effects only in an average
sense, and does not therefore describe random events possibly caused by these fluc-
region, we say that a bubble of the broken phase has nucleated. A bubble is a field
configuration where the field is at ϕ = ϕb (T ) at center and at ϕ = 0 further out.
See Fig. 4. After the nucleation the field evolution can again be described by the
field equation. At the phase boundary (the bubble wall) the field moves from the
symmetric phase to the broken phase and the bubble grows. As old bubbles grow
and new bubbles are nucleated, the broken phase gradually takes over.
In a first-order phase transition it takes a significant amount of time to convert
the whole universe from the old phase to the new phase, because the expansion of
the universe has to make space for the latent heat
ρs (T ) = ρ(0, T )
ρb (T ) = ρ(ϕb (T ), T )
1 1 1 1 π2
V (ϕ, T ) = V0 − µ2 ϕ2 + λϕ4 − µ2 T 2 + λϕ2 T 2 − T 4 (30)
2 4 24 8 90
(ignoring quantum corrections). We find the local minima from the condition
∂V ⎨ϕ = 0 (symmetric phase)
=0 ⇒ (31)
∂ϕ ⎩ϕ = ϕb = µ − 1 T 2 (broken phase) .
λ 4
m2b (T ) = (ϕb , T ) (32)
in the broken phase and by
∂2V 1
m2s (T ) = 2
(0, T ) = −µ2 + λT 2 (33)
∂ϕ 4
in the symmetric phase. (If we are at a minimum, these expressions are positive.)
Exercise: Show that this leads to a second-order phase transition.