Kiln Alignment Analysis
Kiln Alignment Analysis
Kiln Alignment Analysis
The kiln must be aligned so that flexing and distortion of the kiln shell are minimized and so that
loads to the support bearings are properly shared. Flexing and distortion of the kiln shell vastly
increases mechanical wear and can severely reduce refractory brick life. Poor load sharing
amongst the support rollers leads to roller and bearing problems.
Alignment means positioning the support rollers so that the flexing of the kiln shell is minimized.
The starting point is to know how the rollers are holding the kiln with respect to a straight line.
To do this, that is to measure alignment with the kiln in full operation, accurately and reliably,
requires an innovative approach.
Only Phillips’ Direct Method produces accurate and repeatable results without involving
measurements to the tires and support rollers (their diameters and relative positions). Why should
such measurements be avoided? Tires and rollers wear unevenly so the accuracy of measurement
is always compromised. Doing this with the kiln in motion also compromises reliability and safety.
This method determines the state of alignment by measurements directly to the shell. Hence the
name “The Direct Method”. It is not encumbered by a rotating shell, it actually needs this
movement to determine the shell’s centers of rotation. Alignment, based on measurements made
directly to the moving shell to find the centers of rotation, is the heart of Phillips’ innovative
approach and is the basis on which the patents were awarded.
Now it is possible to align an operating kiln precisely.
Not using alignment as a preventive maintenance tool invites unpredicted kiln stoppages.
It means the operator cannot fully rely on the mechanical operation of the kiln and that the
costs of production will be higher than need be.
All alignment measurement methods can be sorted into two groups; the internal alignment
method and the external alignment method.
The internal alignment method is an accurate way of measuring the shell position. This is
the way a new kiln is installed. Most times a new kiln shell is too long to be transported to
site in one piece. It is shipped in sections and these have to be assembled and welded
into a straight tube. The method involves establishing physical centers at each of the
supports using measurements made from the inside surface of the shell. Once having
established these centers it is only a matter of viewing them, either by naked eye, or with a
theodolite, or most recently using a laser, to see if they line up. With this very simple
technique it is easy to established if all these points are in a straight line or not. This
method is often referred to as the “bore sight alignment”.
(a to h ) = ( Ri + rj ) 2 − H 2
shell eccentricity - the shell is not on the same center as the kiln tire.
shell ovality - the shell undergoes continuous deflection during rotation.
pitching - the shell may be moving from side to side because of a bent shell
permanent shell deformations - from refractory failure and heat damage.
worn rollers’ and tires’ surfaces.
no reliable surfaces on the kiln components to measure to.
A variety of laser scanning arrangements can be used to scan for the three positions at
each cross section of the shell. Shown here is one configuration of the side shot set up.
Shown is a single laser arrangement at an angle with a locating prism. This arrangement is
most convenient for the largest kilns. It allows the exact location of the laser to be
determined accurately.
The prism mounted on the apparatus is used to optically locate the position of the entire
apparatus within the reference frame or reference grid. Each laser scans the entire surface
of the shell and reports its mean position. These three “means” combined with the ITS
locations of the prism positions allows the computation of the center of rotation of the shell
to the nearest millimeter in the axial, transverse and azimuth directions.
The astute reader will recognize that even though the position of alignment was obtained
without measurement of tire or roller diameters or roller spacing, those measurements are
in fact required to translate misalignments into roller moves. The immediate reaction would
then be to conclude that the advantage of getting alignment position directly (without those
measurements) is lost. Not so. There is a big difference between using those
measurements to establish alignment and using those measurements only for roller moves
calculations. A simple example will illustrate this point.
Consider fig 1. An error in tire diameter of 20mm and an error in one roller diameter of
10mm will affect the location of the center in elevation by 14mm and in plan by 5mm. The
vector sum shows that the center identified for alignment would be mislocated by 15mm.
Alternatively, already knowing the alignment via The Direct Method, the erroneous
diameters are then only used to calculate the roller adjustment(s). First of all the plan view
adjustment is completely independent of any diameters. If a plan view correction of 10mm
was indicated, moving both rollers 10mm, irrespective of their diameters corrects the
alignment. The error in diameter measurements therefore do not affect the recommended
adjustment(s) at all. In elevation view lets also assume a 10mm vertical correction is
required. Calculating the adjustments first using the erroneous diameters indicates an
inward adjustment of both rollers of 17.41mm. If we had made the calculations using the
correct diameters the adjustment would have worked out to be 17.31mm. A difference of
only 0.16mm. Too small to worry about.
By example we can see therefore that the inherent accuracy of The Direct Method is 10
times or at least one order of magnitude better than conventional procedures.