Kiln Alignment Analysis

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The kiln must be aligned so that flexing and distortion of the kiln shell are minimized and so that
loads to the support bearings are properly shared. Flexing and distortion of the kiln shell vastly
increases mechanical wear and can severely reduce refractory brick life. Poor load sharing
amongst the support rollers leads to roller and bearing problems.
Alignment means positioning the support rollers so that the flexing of the kiln shell is minimized.
The starting point is to know how the rollers are holding the kiln with respect to a straight line.
To do this, that is to measure alignment with the kiln in full operation, accurately and reliably,
requires an innovative approach.
Only Phillips’ Direct Method produces accurate and repeatable results without involving
measurements to the tires and support rollers (their diameters and relative positions). Why should
such measurements be avoided? Tires and rollers wear unevenly so the accuracy of measurement
is always compromised. Doing this with the kiln in motion also compromises reliability and safety.
This method determines the state of alignment by measurements directly to the shell. Hence the
name “The Direct Method”. It is not encumbered by a rotating shell, it actually needs this
movement to determine the shell’s centers of rotation. Alignment, based on measurements made
directly to the moving shell to find the centers of rotation, is the heart of Phillips’ innovative
approach and is the basis on which the patents were awarded.
Now it is possible to align an operating kiln precisely.

Kiln Alignment Analysis – The Direct Method Page 1

Why is alignment important? It is the starting point for any mechanical maintenance
program for a rotary kiln. Without understanding alignment and the associated
mechanical conditions of the kiln it is impossible to plan maintenance work effectively.
The life of refractory is directly related to alignment of the kiln.
Alignment measurement, which includes all the mechanical operating characteristics of
the kiln, should be a preventive maintenance tool. Unfortunately it has mostly been used
as a rectification procedure. Once the damage has been done to a kiln, alignment has
lost most of its value as a preventative measure. Not using it as a preventive
maintenance tool means the kiln will be running with less than optimum conditions. It
often means that abnormal or high wear rates of kiln parts and premature refractory failure
are accepted as normal. This means high operating costs and low kiln availability.

Not using alignment as a preventive maintenance tool invites unpredicted kiln stoppages.
It means the operator cannot fully rely on the mechanical operation of the kiln and that the
costs of production will be higher than need be.

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This presentation is meant to highlight the single basic concept which makes this
procedure completely different from the others. This key point is the basis on which all
the patents have been awarded. We will not attempt to detail the procedure for alignment
Many methods commonly in use are either not reliable or require the kiln to be shut
down to get reliable measurements. The discussion here focuses on how alignment
measurements can both be reliable and done with the kiln in full operation. This is The
Direct Method.
In order to understand the difference between The Direct Method and all other
techniques let us look at the basic concept of alignment. No matter what alignment
measurement techniques are used, the final step when all the calculations have been
done, is to compare the position of the kiln to a straight line. We call this the reference
line. Such a line is defined by the simplest of definitions in trigonometry as the shortest
distance between two points.

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When we introduce a third point, its position can then be measured as a deviation from
this line in two directions; Horizontal deviation and Vertical deviation.

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We can then extend that idea to consider a multiple of points. Once the reference line is
defined by two points, then the position of the remaining points can be determined in
horizontal and vertical deviation, from that line. This is a very simple idea. What must be
considered and what is not straight forward is what are these points and how are their
positions measured? The most important thing to realize is, that it is the accuracy with
which these points are established that determines the accuracy of the alignment. The
alignment therefore is only as good as the measurements used to establish the position of
these points. Put even more emphatically, the accuracy of an alignment is only as
accurate as its worst measurement.

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3 ways to do alignment:
#1: Internal Alignment
Setting targets inside the kiln – NEW KILNS

(Bore Sight Alignment)

All alignment measurement methods can be sorted into two groups; the internal alignment
method and the external alignment method.
The internal alignment method is an accurate way of measuring the shell position. This is
the way a new kiln is installed. Most times a new kiln shell is too long to be transported to
site in one piece. It is shipped in sections and these have to be assembled and welded
into a straight tube. The method involves establishing physical centers at each of the
supports using measurements made from the inside surface of the shell. Once having
established these centers it is only a matter of viewing them, either by naked eye, or with a
theodolite, or most recently using a laser, to see if they line up. With this very simple
technique it is easy to established if all these points are in a straight line or not. This
method is often referred to as the “bore sight alignment”.

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Once a kiln has gone into operation some preparation is necessary before an internal
alignment can be made. Naturally this internal method requires the kiln to be shut down.
Not only does the kiln need to be shut down but because this method requires free internal
line of sight and the ability to make several turns of the kiln, no other work can be done on
or in the kiln at this time. Recreating the centers also means drilling the coating and the
bricks at several locations for each target so that measurements can be made from the kiln
shell plate directly. If the kiln has a chain section, usually a target must also be located in it
as well. This means tying back the chains so that the work can be done. In order to get
reasonable results the centers need to be established using at least three kiln positions.
The changes that take place when the kiln is heated to its operating condition must be
estimated and factored into the results. Usually these considerations are ignored. If the
shell is distorted from heat damage more measurements are needed for good results.
To work with accuracy under these conditions with the limited time available is difficult. But
the most difficult problem is to make the time available for the kiln alignment in the first
place. All of these restrictions usually means that alignment measurement is not done on a
routine basis but only when damage is already visible. The value of alignment
measurement as a preventive maintenance tool is therefore lost and is then only used as a
rectification procedure.

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Bore Sight Alignment:
Fig A. Two targets are established each using a single post (4’’ [100mm] diameter pipe)
welded to the shell. A small area of refractory must be removed to do this. Their position
along the length of the kiln will be at the center of a support tire. A sighting scope or laser
is set outside the kiln on the burner floor, the fire-hood having been pulled back to facilitate
this. The scope is positioned such that the line of sight strikes both targets. This is the
rough setting. The position of the target post is significant and should start at either 3 or 9
o’clock position. The position of the line of sight is marked on both targets.
Fig B: The kiln is rotated approximately 90 degrees such that the target post is at or near
bottom dead center. The targets are re-sighted and positions on both targets are again
Fig C: Rotate another 90 degrees so that the post position is approximately opposite to its
original position (either 9 or 3 o’clock) and mark the positions a third time.
Find the center of rotation per the next illustration.
Fig D. Reposition the scope so that its line of sight is coincident with the centers of rotation
on both targets.

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The Center of Rotation is established on each target based on the three positions of the
1) Join points one to two and two to three.
2) Bisect lines 1-2 and 2-3
3) The intersect of the bisects is the center of rotation based on the three positions. For
increased accuracy the procedure can be repeated.
It should be noted that due to ovality effects in the upper half of the shell, the selected
target positions must avoid have the post located in the upper half of the kiln.

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Bore Sight Alignment:
Fig A. Two targets are established each using a single post (4’’ [100mm] diameter pipe)
welded to the shell. A small area of refractory must be removed to do this. Their position
along the length of the kiln will be at the center of a support tire. A sighting scope or laser
is set outside the kiln on the burner floor, the fire-hood having been pulled back to facilitate
this. The scope is positioned such that the line of sight strikes both targets. This is the
rough setting. The position of the target post is significant and should start at either 3 or 9
o’clock position. The position of the line of sight is marked on both targets.
Fig B: The kiln is rotated approximately 90 degrees such that the target post is at or near
bottom dead center. The targets are re-sighted and positions on both targets are again
Fig C: Rotate another 90 degrees so that the post position is approximately opposite to its
original position (either 9 or 3 o’clock) and mark the positions a third time.
Find the center of rotation per the next illustration.
Fig D. Reposition the scope so that its line of sight is coincident with the centers of rotation
on both targets.

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With the external alignment method the kiln still needs to be shut down so scheduling
problems still exist. But, with this method the harsh environment inside the kiln is avoided.
Instead, the centers are established by a series of external measurements. These are
usually the roller and tire diameters, the roller spacing and the tire to shell gap since the
shell is not concentric with the tire. Although we do not have to work inside the kiln, these
measurements are an additional handicap since they are not easy measurements to make
accurately. The most difficult problem is the roller spacing since no easy reference surface
is available to measure from. On some kilns, where the rollers and tires are badly worn,
diameter measurements can also be a problem. It must be remembered that the accuracy
of the final alignment is only as good as the worst measurement made. With kilns in poor
mechanical condition, this type of alignment usually gives poor results. Since down-time is
still required and since results are often poor, this method is not a popular preventive
maintenance tool and is just a rectification tool.

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There are 8 triangles to calculate in order to establish the correct position of each
bearing. The three sides of the triangles are:
Side 1, the base line - these are our 8 off-set dimensions, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, & h
Side 2, the vertical line -H - which is common for all of the offset dimensions above
Side 3, the hypotenuse - which is sum of the roller radius and the tire radius
associated with each of the offset dimensions.
Since “H” must be the same for all, and the roller and tire diameters can be
measured, then each of the offset dimensions can be calculated:
Any base line where I and j are the correct combination of radii associated with each
of the offsets:

(a to h ) = ( Ri + rj ) 2 − H 2

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In the mid ‘80’s the “hot kiln alignment” method was introduced to the industry. These hot
kiln alignment methods are based on the conventional external principals but done while
the kiln is hot and running. It was already difficult to get accurate results based on external
geometric measurement and now it must be done with the kiln in full operation! It was only
because of the introduction of the portable computer and the development of the laser
equipped theodolite that this even became possible. It should be understood however, that
although such measurements (on moving machinery) became possible through the
development of new measurement tools nothing in principle had changed in the alignment
method and the quality of the results certainly did not improve.
At the same time a great deal of interest and enthusiasm in “hot kiln” measurement arose
since for the first time alignment could emerge from a corrective technique to a preventive
technique since it appeared that checking alignment would not compete with down-time
and the kiln could be aligned to its operating conditions.

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Here then is a summary of the conditions that have prevented the hot kiln alignment
method from becoming an accurate, convenient and powerful preventive maintenance
In order to accurately establish the position of the centers, both the internal and external
methods including the hot kiln alignment methods, have several physical problems to deal
with. These are:

shell eccentricity - the shell is not on the same center as the kiln tire.
shell ovality - the shell undergoes continuous deflection during rotation.
pitching - the shell may be moving from side to side because of a bent shell
permanent shell deformations - from refractory failure and heat damage.
worn rollers’ and tires’ surfaces.
no reliable surfaces on the kiln components to measure to.

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The key question must now be asked. How can The Direct Method overcome all these
It is simply this: To determine alignment, we do not measure the support components (tires
or rollers) at all. Alignment measurement only involves monitoring shell position.
The Direct Method does not consider the rotation of the kiln as an obstacle. It is the first
method to recognize that rotation is a key to new information. The heretofore hot alignment
methods simply considered rotation an obstacle to overcome.
A body in rotation (the shell) has a center of rotation which is usually not the physical
center of the body. It can be found without knowing the shape of the object. The object
does not have to be round, and we need not know how it is supported. To find its center of
rotation requires only that the rotary movement of the object, the kiln shell in our case, be
monitored in three places around its periphery.
If the points to be aligned are the centers of rotation rather than physical geometric centers
of the shell then we are actually aligning the kiln to its true operating condition.
To determine alignment, we do this without actually measuring any diameters or roller

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Schematically represented by the heavy outline is a kiln shell in cross section. It is not round and it has some
planetary motion because we assume it has a bent axis. Although the shell turns continuously only eight
positions representing one rotation are shown by the dotted outlines. Three position monitors, displacement
measurement lasers in this case, placed anywhere around the periphery of the shell continuously measure
the shell position during rotation. Each laser simply sees the shell move back and forth in front of it. A
computer frequently samples the readings. Since the relative position of the lasers with respect to each other
is either fixed or otherwise known, the average shell position determined by their respective measurements
yields three points P1, P2, and P3. Three points define a unique circle since only one circle can pass through
them. The center of this circle is the center of rotation of the body being scanned. Since the shell is generally
expected to be round it is tempting to think of this circle as being the shell. In principal it is not, because the
“body” being scanned can be rectangular, triangular or any shape for that matter, and a “working circle” will
still evolve with this method.
A fixed frame of reference has also been selected within which the shell rotates. The position or location of
this frame of reference only requires that the kiln shell be completely contained in it. Carefully placing an
instrument at known locations within the reference grid allows the center of rotation as determined in the
foregoing, to be located in real distances, x millimeters longitudinally, y millimeters laterally, and z millimeters
in elevation.
It is worth noting that there is a distinct difference between the center of rotation and the physical center of the
shell. This difference may not be great but what is significant is that the center of rotation has been
determined totally independently of the kiln supports. Additionally, the ease of getting these measurements
and their accuracy and reliability are far superior than trying to measure the support components’ geometry in
order to derive physical centers.

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The Apparatus

A variety of laser scanning arrangements can be used to scan for the three positions at
each cross section of the shell. Shown here is one configuration of the side shot set up.
Shown is a single laser arrangement at an angle with a locating prism. This arrangement is
most convenient for the largest kilns. It allows the exact location of the laser to be
determined accurately.
The prism mounted on the apparatus is used to optically locate the position of the entire
apparatus within the reference frame or reference grid. Each laser scans the entire surface
of the shell and reports its mean position. These three “means” combined with the ITS
locations of the prism positions allows the computation of the center of rotation of the shell
to the nearest millimeter in the axial, transverse and azimuth directions.

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Another arrangement is the bottom shot. The laser continuously scans the shell to track
movement which is made up of both run-out and shell shape variations. This method
requires that the shell be moving, preferably with the kiln in steady state, normal, operating
Prior “hot alignment” methods could actually be performed with the kiln shut down since
those measurements were not not sensitive to movement and only considered rotation as
an additional obstacle to overcome. The direct method uses rotation as a new source of
information to find the centers of rotation! Note too that the shell, not the kiln tires are
being targeted. Consequently the size of the gap between the shell and the tire does not
influence the determination of alignment.
There is a good deal of flexibility in avoiding or working around obstructions with this
method. Theoretically positions anywhere around the circumference can be selected.

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With the use of reference prisms located around the kiln the entire volume within which the
kiln is located is defined in three directions to a resolution of 1mm. This we simply call the
reference frame or reference grid. More easily said, we can locate any point near or
around the kiln by an X,Y,Z address to within 1 mm in each direction.

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A note on accuracy ...
The instruments used for these measurements are capable of an accuracy far greater than
what will be reported. There are always prevailing site conditions which challenge the full
capability of these instruments. Unless specifically noted otherwise in the alignment report,
we almost always get well within acceptable tolerances for kiln alignment. Our standard for
acceptability is to locate each of the centers of rotation within an envelope of 1/8” or about
3mm. This will meet, if not exceed, kiln manufacturer’s requirements for setting new kilns
but we can do it on any kiln. Because this method is not affected by worn components
there is no difference in the quality of the result from a new to a severely worn kiln.

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An Integrated Total Station (ITS) measures the prism positions and calculates their the
coordinates. These are recorded on a PCMCIA card in the ITS. This card is then removed
and placed in a computer PCMCIA reader. The information is then combined with the laser
data and the coordinate position of all the centers of rotation are computed. Their deviation
from the reference line is then calculated.
Also shown is a radio control unit which is sometimes used to manipulate prism orientation.
It should be emphasized that the condition of alignment has now been established without
knowing any diameters, roller positions, and in spite of any shell pitching or eccentricity.
The shell has simply been viewed as a tube rotating in space. In this way the physical
problems associated with the conventional methods have been avoided.

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The discussion so far has focused on the most important part of multiple supported kiln
alignment, that is pier to pier alignment when there are 3 or more piers. For good kiln
operation another important part of alignment is certainly also roller skew and slope. Slope
is the vertical position of each roller. Our alignment procedure also measures the actual
slope of the kiln which some methods cannot do. Since we also measure the roller or roller
base slope we can compare these to the kiln slope.
Roller skew, its parallelness to the axis of the shell in the horizontal plane, is not measured
but is determined by adjustment. Incorrect roller skewing can cause a great deal of
damage to the kiln. Correctly skewing the rollers is a skill which our technicians can easily
teach to your personnel.
Only with proper slope and skew can face contact be maximized.

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The heart of the alignment report is the two diagrams shown above and the illustration for
recommended roller adjustments on the following page.
As stated at the outset, any alignment method must boil down to reporting the kiln position
with respect to a reference line. We also stated that it takes two points to define a
reference line. There are many options for selecting these points. First and most usual is
to select the point representing the center of the gear. This ensures that gear position is
not altered unless required. Using this point as a pivot, in the plan view, any second point
that makes sense can be chosen; a seal, another pier etc. In elevation view the design
slope of the kiln is the guide instead of a second point. Most often, using some constraints,
the computer can give us a random second point determined by the “best fit” line. This
yields the minimum amount of roller adjustments to bring the kiln into line.
Again it is emphasized that the alignment measurement has been completed without
knowing any dimensional information about the tires, rollers, roller spacing or tire to shell

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In most instances the alignment report is not an end in itself. Actual roller adjustments to correct
any misalignment are usually wanted. This illustration is another page out of the report which
shows the actual roller moves that are required to correct the measured misalignment.
Note that the moves are shown per roller rather than per bearing. The reason for this is that roller
skew has not yet been measured. Skew will be determined during the adjustment process and left
with the minimum amount required. Each bearing of a roller will therefore be moved by slightly
different amounts. Their average move or adjustment however, must equal the recommended
value per this illustration.
Our crews can supervise these adjustments to assure that all goes well and that the work is
completed to everyone’s satisfaction.
Although the main alignment information can be presented with these last three illustrations, each
report will be 30 to 50 pages in length depending mainly on the number of supports the kiln has.
Although alignment is the main objective, it is always our intent to provide as much information
about the mechanical condition of the kiln, that can be assessed during its operation, as possible.
All these observations and associated recommendations are also contained in the final report
Usually the alignment crew will present the final report within two days after completing the
measurements. In this way an active discussion can take place on the findings - while the crew is
still at site.

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Since this method establishes the relative positions of the centers of rotation without
needing to acknowledge the existence of tires, rollers or bearing housings there is a very
practical need to tie the measurements to bearing positions. This can be done in a variety
of ways. Most often one sees scribe lines on the sides of the roller housings pointing to
similar lines on the base. Such lines can become obliterated over time or often more than
one set of lines exist. All of this can lead to confusion. An example of a more permanent
arrangement is shown. This allows the position of the bearing on the base to be measured
at the time of the alignment using a inside micrometer. Although this measurement is
initially arbitrary, subsequent measurements compared to the first will reveal how much and
in which direction the bearing was moved since the time alignment.

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Compared to conventional procedures ...

The astute reader will recognize that even though the position of alignment was obtained
without measurement of tire or roller diameters or roller spacing, those measurements are
in fact required to translate misalignments into roller moves. The immediate reaction would
then be to conclude that the advantage of getting alignment position directly (without those
measurements) is lost. Not so. There is a big difference between using those
measurements to establish alignment and using those measurements only for roller moves
calculations. A simple example will illustrate this point.

Consider fig 1. An error in tire diameter of 20mm and an error in one roller diameter of
10mm will affect the location of the center in elevation by 14mm and in plan by 5mm. The
vector sum shows that the center identified for alignment would be mislocated by 15mm.

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Consider fig2.

Alternatively, already knowing the alignment via The Direct Method, the erroneous
diameters are then only used to calculate the roller adjustment(s). First of all the plan view
adjustment is completely independent of any diameters. If a plan view correction of 10mm
was indicated, moving both rollers 10mm, irrespective of their diameters corrects the
alignment. The error in diameter measurements therefore do not affect the recommended
adjustment(s) at all. In elevation view lets also assume a 10mm vertical correction is
required. Calculating the adjustments first using the erroneous diameters indicates an
inward adjustment of both rollers of 17.41mm. If we had made the calculations using the
correct diameters the adjustment would have worked out to be 17.31mm. A difference of
only 0.16mm. Too small to worry about.
By example we can see therefore that the inherent accuracy of The Direct Method is 10
times or at least one order of magnitude better than conventional procedures.

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The Direct Method has proven itself over the years to be accurate, reliable and repeatable.
It is a method by which many companies have gained confidence in using alignment as a
preventive maintenance tool. In this way the service life of all the kiln parts as well as the
refractory are extended to their maximum. This gives the operator maximum mechanical
reliability of the kiln by avoiding unexpected stoppages.

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Using the same laser scanning instrument a shell profile can be generated. Even though
the actual variations of the shell profile are small compared to the overall diameter of the
shell, by exaggerating their amplitude we can get a good visual impression of what the shell
looks like. Were the shell to be truly cylindrical then the displayed mesh would appear
perfectly flat. It is easy to see where the problem areas are.
A shell profile such as this becomes a valuable tool in assessing the condition of the shell.
An important consideration when it comes time to replace a section.

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As stated earlier in the alignment discussion, there is a difference between the geometric
center of the shell and the center of rotation. This is in fact always the case and
sometimes it is very significant. The heavy irregular line is the axis of the shell. The
straight line up the center is the axis of rotation established by the centers of rotation at
each support and drawing a straight line through them. The Method by Centers of Rotation
clearly and accurately shows us this difference.
When the shell movement is measured most often it is all taken to be run out. In fact when
the kiln shell is not round, oval for example, it can still rotate on its physical center. In such
a case the profile is non zero but the run out would be zero. Conversely a true circular
shell not turning on its physical center, that is when it has some planetary motion, it has a
zero profile (the mesh would look flat) but the run out would be non zero. Please also note
this graph is three dimensional. The angular occurrence or phase of the maximum run-
outs is shown on the column far right.
The procedures used here can differentiate between profile variations and true axial run
This information along with the profile are key analytical tools not only to select the section
of kiln to replace but also to position the kiln for the easiest fit up of the new section.

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We strongly suggest that a full alignment and shell profile be carried out on a new kiln.
Unfortunately no kiln manufacturer supplies a fully documented alignment and ovality
analysis as part of their commissioning program. Why do kiln manufacturers not provide a
document of completion that verifies ovalities and alignment as soon as the kiln is
commissioned? Isn’t the first alignment the most important one? It is the one that verifies
the installation and gives a benchmark for evaluating future problems should they develop.
New equipment warrantees are very short, usually only one year, but its expected service
life should be more than 25 years. New equipment installations often have subtle problems
that are not noticed or are even neglected during the hectic months of commissioning.
Formal certification of mechanical fitness should be insisted on by every new kiln owner.
This is especially true for the new kilns running 3 RPM or more. The half measures that
were acceptable on older slower kilns cannot be tolerated by these newer kilns.
A preventive maintenance program that actively involves kiln alignment and ovality
measurement allows the kiln conditions to be properly monitored which in turn allows
maintenance work to be properly planned. This puts the operator in full control by avoiding
Done properly, these analytical measures can be revenue generators.

Kiln Alignment Analysis – The Direct Method Page 34

For the record, using The Method by Centers of Rotation for alignment, Phillips is aligning
more than 50 kilns per year.
• Cement
• Lime Recovery - pulp and paper industry
• Chemical - calcining bauxite, aluminum oxide
• Mining - nickel, iron ore reduction
• Refinery - Titanium dioxide reduction
Phillips has a complete capability of mechanical services for all rotary trunnion supported
equipment including dryers, reactors, granulators, coolers and so on. We are experienced
in setting gears, changing shell sections, installing seals, tires, rollers etc. Our founding
business and still a major part of all activities is tire and roller resurfacing while the kiln or
dryer etc. is in normal operation. This service is also based on patented equipment and
highly skilled operators.

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