The Visual Dictionary of House & Do-It-Yourself

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D O - I T-Y O U R S E L F
Part of the heating
system that protrudes
from the roof.
House covering that protects it from
the elements; it rests on the frame.

garage steps sidewalk

Structure used for parking vehicles. Outdoor staircase ending in a landing Pedestrian walkway bordering a street.
that leads to the house entrance.

Jean-Claude Corbeil
Ariane Archambault

Our deepest gratitude to the individuals, institutions, companies, and businesses that have provided us with the latest technical
documentation for use in preparing this dictionary.

Arcand, Denys (motion picture director); International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authority; Canadian Payments
Association (Charlie Clarke); Canadian Bankers Association (Lise Provost); Automobiles Citroën; Automobiles Peugeot; Bank of Canada (Lyse
Brousseau); Royal Bank of Canada (Raymond Chouinard, Francine Morel, Carole Trottier); Barrett Xplore inc.; Bazarin, Christine; Library of
Canadian Parliament (Information Services); Bibliothèque nationale du Québec (Jean-François Palomino); Bluechip Kennels (Olga Gagne);
Bombardier Aerospace; Bridgestone-Firestone; Brother (Canada); Canadian National; Casavant Frères ltée; C.O.J.O. ATHENS 2004 (International
Media Service); Centre Eaton de Montréal; Centre national du costume (Recherche et diffusion); Cetacean Society International (William R.
Rossiter); Chagnon, Daniel (architect D.E.S. - M.E.Q.); Cohen et Rubin Architectes (Maggy Cohen); Commission scolaire de Montréal (École St-
Henri); Hudson Bay Company (Nunzia Iavarone, Ron Oyama); Corporation d'hébergement du Québec (Céline Drolet); National Theatre School of
Canada (Library); Élevage Le Grand Saphir (Stéphane Ayotte); Atomic Energy of Canada; Eurocopter; Famous Players; Fédération bancaire
française (Védi Hékiman); Fontaine, PierreHenry (biologist); Future Shop; Garaga; Groupe Jean Coutu; Hôpital du Sacré-Cœur de Montréal;
Hôtel Inter-Continental; Hydro-Québec; I.P.I.Q. (Serge Bouchard); IGA Barcelo; International Entomological Society (Dr. Michael Geisthardt);
Irisbus; Jérôme, Danielle (O.D.); La Poste (Colette Gouts); Le Groupe Canam Manac inc.; Lévesque, Georges (urgentologist); Lévesque, Robert
(chief machinist); Manutan; Marriott SpringHill Suites; MATRA S.A.; Métro inc.; National Defence of Canada (Public Affairs); ministère de la
Défense, République Française; ministère de la Justice du Québec (Service de la gestion immobilière - Carol Sirois); ministère de l'Éducation du
Québec (Direction de l'équipement scolaire - Daniel Chagnon); Muse Productions (Annick Barbery); National Aeronautics and Space
Administration; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; Nikon Canada inc.; Normand, Denis (telecommunications consultant); Office
de la langue française du Québec (Chantal Robinson); Paul Demers & Fils inc.; Phillips (France); Pratt & Whitney Canada inc.; Prévost Car inc.;
Radio Shack Canada ltée; Réno-Dépôt inc.; Robitaille, Jean-François (Department of Biology, Laurentian University); Rocking T Ranch and
Poultry Farm (Pete and Justine Theer); RONA inc.; Sears Canada inc.; Public Works and Government Services Canada: Translation Bureau;
Correctional Service Canada; Société d'Entomologie Africaine (Alain Drumont); Société des musées québécois (Michel Perron); Société Radio-
Canada; Sony du Canada ltée; Sûreté du Québec; Théâtre du Nouveau Monde; Transport Canada (Julie Poirier); Urgences-Santé (Éric Berry); Ville
de Longueuil (Direction de la Police); Ville de Montréal (Service de la prévention des incendies); Vimont Lexus Toyota; Volvo Bus Corporation;
Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd.

House & Do-it-yourself was created and produced by ISBN 978-2-7644-0882-7

QA International
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10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 09
Version 3.5.1
Editor: Jacques Fortin Pascal Goyette
Authors: Jean-Claude Corbeil and Danielle Quinty
Ariane Archambault Émilie Corriveau
Editorial Director: François Fortin Preliminary layout: Émilie Bellemare
Editor-in-Chief: Anne Rouleau Sonia Charette
Graphic Designer: Anne Tremblay
PRODUCTION Gilles Vézina
Nathalie Fréchette Kathleen Wynd
Josée Gagnon Stéphane Batigne
Sylvain Robichaud
Jean Beaumont
Catherine Briand D ATA MANAGEMENT
Nathalie Guillo Programmer: Éric Gagnon
Josée Gagnon
Nancy Butchart REVISION
Rita Cloghesy Veronica Schami
Tom Donovan Jo Howard
Diana Halfpenny Marie-Nicole Cimon
John Woolfrey Liliane Michaud
Kathe Roth
I L L U S T R AT I O N S Karine Lévesque
Artistic Direction: Jocelyn Gardner François Hénault
Jean-Yves Ahern Julien Brisebois
Rielle Lévesque Patrick Mercure
Alain Lemire
Mélanie Boivin
Yan Bohler
Claude Thivierge
Pascal Bilodeau
Michel Rouleau
Anouk Noël
Carl Pelletier
Raymond Martin

QA International wishes to extend a special thank you to the following people for their contribution to this book:
Jean-Louis Martin, Marc Lalumière, Jacques Perrault, Stéphane Roy, Alice Comtois, Michel Blais, Christiane Beauregard, Mamadou Togola,
Annie Maurice, Charles Campeau, Mivil Deschênes, Jonathan Jacques, Martin Lortie, Frédérick Simard, Yan Tremblay, Mathieu Blouin,
Sébastien Dallaire, Hoang Khanh Le, Martin Desrosiers, Nicolas Oroc, François Escalmel, Danièle Lemay, Pierre Savoie, Benoît Bourdeau,
Marie-Andrée Lemieux, Caroline Soucy, Yves Chabot, Anne-Marie Ouellette, Anne-Marie Villeneuve, Anne-Marie Brault, Nancy Lepage,
Daniel Provost, François Vézina, Guylaine Houle, Daniel Beaulieu, Sophie Pellerin, Tony O'Riley, Mac Thien Nguyen Hoang, Serge D'Amico.


The Visual Dictionary takes an inventory of the physical Within the hierarchical format of The Visual Dictionary's
environment of a person who is part of today's technological age presentation, the definitions fit together like a Russian doll. For
and who knows and uses a large number of specialized terms in a example, the information within the definition for the term insect
wide variety of fields. at the top of the page does not have to be repeated for each of the
Designed for the general public, it responds to the needs of insects illustrated. Instead, the text concentrates on defining the
anyone seeking the precise, correct terms for a wide range of distinguishing characteristics of each insect (the louse is a
personal or professional reasons: finding an unknown term, parasite, the female yellow jacket stings, and so forth).
checking the meaning of a word, translation, advertising, teaching Since the definition leaves out what is obvious from the
material, etc. illustration, the illustrations and definitions complement one
The target user has guided the choice of contents for The Visual another.
Dictionary, which aims to bring together in 12 thematic books the The vast majority of the terms in the Visual Dictionary are defined.
technical terms required to express the contemporary world, in the Terms are not defined when the illustration makes the meaning
specialized fields that shape our daily experience. absolutely clear, or when the illustration suggests the usual
meaning of the word (for example, the numerous handles).
Each tome has three sections: the preliminary pages, including the METHODS OF CONSULTATION
table of contents; the body of the text (i.e. the detailed treatment Users may gain access to the contents of The Visual Dictionary in
of the theme); the index. a variety of ways:
Information is presented moving from the most abstract to the • From the TABLE OF CONTENTS at the end of the preliminary
most concrete: sub-theme, title, subtitle, illustration, terminology. pages, the user can locate by title the section that is of interest.
• With the INDEX, the user can consult The Visual Dictionary from
TERMINOLOGY a word, so as to see what it corresponds to, or to verify accuracy
by examining the illustration that depicts it.
Each word in The Visual Dictionary has been carefully selected
following examination of high-quality documentation, at the • The most original aspect of The Visual Dictionary is the fact that
required level of specialization. the illustrations enable the user to find a word even if he or she
only has a vague idea of what it is. The dictionary is unique in this
There may be cases where different terms are used to name the feature, as consultation of any other dictionary requires the user
same item. In such instances, the word most frequently used by first to know the word.
the most highly regarded authors has been chosen.
Words are usually referred to in the singular, even if the illustration
shows a number of individual examples. The word designates the
concept, not the actual illustration.

Its definition is found below. If the title refers to These are shown at the end of the
information that continues over several pages, preliminary pages along with their
after the first page it is shown in a shaded tone definitions. They are then repeated on
with no definition. each page of a section, but without the

TERM It is an integral part of the
Each term appears in the index visual definition for each of the
with a reference to the pages on terms that refer to it.
which it appears.


armchair armchair
Chair consisting of arms, a back and legs.

examples of armchairs

Decorative pattern shaped like a
stylized palm leaf. patera
Decorative pattern shaped like a rose
or a star.
Decorative pattern, painted or carved,
usually composed of curved plant

Side of the armchair supporting the
Decorative pattern carved at the ends
arm on both sides of the seat.
of the arms.

Wassily chair director’s chair rocking chair

Armchair with a tubular metal frame Wooden armchair with a canvas back and seat Armchair with curved runners to rock
splat and whose back and seat are made of that folds up in the middle. on.
Armchair member supporting the back. leather.

arm stump
Vertical member supporting the arm
and fastening it to the apron of the seat.
base of splat
Part of the splat joining it to the apron of the
Level part of the armchair for sitting

cabriole leg
cockleshell Small stile supporting the seat, curved
Decorative pattern shaped like a shell. outward toward the top and inward
toward the bottom.

acanthus leaf apron scroll foot club chair bergère cabriolet

Decorative pattern characterized by a Wooden part surrounding and Carved ornamental foot of the Large deep upholstered armchair, Upholstered armchair with a cushioned Wooden 18th-century armchair with a
series of carved leaves whose rounded supporting the seat and into which the armchair. usually made of leather. seat. curved back and armrests that curve
top is in relief. legs are fitted. outward.

90 91

It explains the inherent
qualities, function, or
characteristics of the element
depicted in the illustration.

These link the word to the item indicated. Where too many
lines would make reading difficult, they have been replaced
by color codes with captions or, in rare cases, by numbers.


8 Exterior of a house 76 Distribution panel
11 Pool 79 Electricity meter
82 Contact devices
12 Main rooms
20 Foundation 90 Armchair
22 Stairs 93 Seats
24 Wood flooring 94 Side chair
26 Textile floor coverings 96 Table
98 Storage furniture
27 Window 106 Children’s furniture
30 Exterior door 109 Window accessories
31 Lock 113 Lights
118 Domestic appliances
134 Household equipment
34 Wood firing 136 DO-IT-YOURSELF
38 Forced warm-air system
40 Forced hot-water system 136 Carpentry: nailing tools
44 Heat pump 138 Carpentry: screwing tools
46 Auxiliary heating 141 Carpentry: sawing tools
146 Carpentry: drilling tools
149 Carpentry: shaping tools
48 AIR CONDITIONING 154 Carpentry: gripping and tightening tools
48 Air-conditioning appliances 160 Carpentry: measuring and marking tools
161 Carpentry: miscellaneous material
52 PLUMBING 162 Plumbing tools
52 Plumbing system 163 Masonry tools
54 Pedestal-type sump pump 164 Electricity tools
55 Septic tank 166 Ladders and stepladders
56 Bathroom 168 Painting upkeep
58 Toilet
60 Water-heater tank 169 INDEX
62 Faucets
66 Fittings
72 Examples of branching

exterior of a house
View of a house on its site with the components of its exterior structure.

shed dormer window

Structure used for storing garden vegetable garden Small window built into the roof of a
equipment. Plot of land for growing edible plants. structure to let in light.

fence patio
Barrier made of aligned wooden planks Large outdoor surface adjacent to the
to demarcate a lot. house; used by people.

garden path
Walkway bordered by plants.

Garden trimming the side of a structure
or pathway.

Open pipe at the bottom of the roof
collecting rainwater and channeling it
to the downspout.

downspout garage
Vertical pipe through which rainwater Structure used for parking vehicles.

exterior of a house

lightning rod
Window protruding through the roof to
Metal spike attached to the roof; it
ventilate and illuminate the room
protects the house by conducting chimney
lightning to the ground. Part of the heating system that
protrudes from the roof.

House covering that protects it from
the elements; it rests on the frame.

Extended section of a roof protecting
the wall from rain.

Outdoor staircase ending in a landing
that leads to the house entrance.

basement window
Opening in the wall of the bottom floor
to let in light and air.

Bushes planted in a row to demarcate a

Land covered by short thick grass
requiring regular mowing.

flower bed
Grouping of flowers and decorative

driveway porch Pedestrian walkway bordering a street.
Covered part of a house entrance
protecting the door and people from
the elements.

exterior of a house

Structure used for storing garden

vegetable garden
Plot of land for growing edible plants.

Large outdoor surface adjacent to the
house; used by people.

garden path
Walkway bordered by plants.

Structure used for parking vehicles.


site plan
Graphical representation of the
horizontal projection of a lot.

Man-made basin designed for swimming.

A hot tub equipped with water and air
jets; the water is kept at a high

above ground swimming pool

Device filtering out debris from the surface of the

Device removing and absorbing
impurities from the water.

Device circulating the water through
the skimmer to the filter before
returning it to the pool.

in-ground swimming pool

diving board
skimmer Spring-held board providing
Device filtering out debris from the surface of the water. momentum for jumping or diving.

Lead into the shallow end of the pool.

Used by swimmers to get into or out of
the diving well.

main rooms

Vertical representation of the
projection of the house.

roof chimney
House covering that protects it from Part of the heating system that
the elements; it rests on the frame. protrudes from the roof.

mezzanine floor
Intermediate level created in an area
having a high ceiling; it is accessible
by interior stairs.

Structure used for storing garden
second floor
Part of the house defined by a floor and
a ceiling; it is located above the first

first floor
Part of the house closest to ground

Part of the house that is underground
or partially so; it lies under the ground

garage steps sidewalk

Structure used for parking vehicles. Outdoor staircase ending in a landing Pedestrian walkway bordering a street.
that leads to the house entrance.

main rooms

mezzanine floor
Intermediate level created in an area
having a high ceiling; it is accessible
railing by interior stairs.
Handrail at support level bordering the
open side of a room.

Room intended for intellectual work; it
usually contains a worktable.

stairwell skylight
Window protruding though a roof to ventilate
and illuminate the stairwell.

bathroom skylight master bedroom, cathedral roof

Window protruding though a roof to ventilate and The largest room for sleeping. This one is enclosed by
illuminate the bathroom. a high ceiling having two slopes.

main rooms
second floor
Part of the house defined by a floor and a ceiling; it is
located above the first floor.

Room for sleeping.

Sanitary fixture for taking baths; it is
shaped like a deep, elongated basin.

Room for sleeping.

Platform at the top of a set of stairs
providing access to rooms on that

Handrail at support level bordering the
open side of a room.

Space designed to accommodate

Set of bars and a handrail bordering
the stairs or the open side of a landing.

Room designed for personal hygiene;
it is equipped with running water and
sanitary fixtures.

Sanitary fixture for washing the body
under a spray of water.

main rooms

Closet for storing clothes.

Room designed for personal hygiene;
it is equipped with running water and
sanitary fixtures.

walk-in wardrobe
Large closet for storing clothes; it is
big enough to enter.

Sanitary fixture for disposing of bodily
waste; it comprises a toilet bowl and a

mezzanine stairs

master bedroom, cathedral ceiling

The largest room for sleeping. This one is enclosed by a
high ceiling having two slopes.

balcony window
Window at ground level whose sliding
panel serves as a door.

Platform protruding from a house and
opening onto a room by a door or a
balcony window; it is bordered by a
Opening in a wall fitted with glass to let
in light and air.

main rooms
first floor
Part of the house closest to ground level.

glassed roof
Large glassed surface forming the
walls and roof.

patio door
Window at ground level whose sliding
panel serves as a door.

Part of a kitchen reserved for eating

sitting room
Room in which various activities take
place, such as reading and watching

laundry room
Room where laundry is washed.
Small room consisting of a toilet and a

Set of bars and a handrail bordering
the stairs or the open side of a landing.

entrance hall
Large room providing access to the
other rooms in the house.
Structural component enabling
movement between floors of a house or
other structure.

main rooms

Room where meals are prepared. pantry
Storage place for food not needing

dining room
Room designed and furnished for
eating meals and receiving dinner

Decorative brick installation for
burning fires.

living room
Room designed and furnished for
receiving visitors.

Entry room for the house.

main entrance

Space designated for storing clothes,
hats, umbrellas and so forth.

Outdoor staircase ending in a landing
that leads to the house entrance.

Assembly of members that consists of the load-bearing structure of a building and that provides stability to it.

tie beam
Beam forming the hip of a sloped roof
and against which the rafters rest.
Diagonal frame member of a sloped
roof resting against the tie beam and
the double plate; it supports the roof.

gable stud
Vertical member of a frame transferring
the roof’s load to the double plate.

double plate
Level double member attached to the
top ends of the studs; it also supports
ceiling joists and rafters.

Level member at the top of a window
opening; it also transfers the vertical
loads it supports to the contiguous
gable studs.

window sill
Level member at the bottom of a
window opening.

Vertical member used in walls to
support the double plate and to which
the wall covering is attached.

Vertical or diagonal member used to
strengthen the studs and to keep them
from deforming.

Especially strong level member ledger bridging
transferring the load above it to its Level member located along a girder Structure composed of two members
supporting wall. and supporting the ends of the floor forming an X and placed between the
joists. joists to reinforce them and keep them
from deforming.


ceiling joist
Level member to which the ceiling
sheathing is attached; for a sloped
ceiling, it is usually attached to the
rafters. sheathing
Wall covering attached directly to the
frame serving as a base or support
upon which to nail other facings.

corner stud
Strong stud located at the corner of the

Member placed between two studs to
keep them evenly spaced and to
increase stability and strength.

Planks or plywood laid on floor joists; the floor covering is
in turn laid on it.

sill plate
Member anchored to the top of the
foundation wall; the floor joists and the
end joists rest on it.

Part of the wall located below ground
level and wider than the wall itself,
which it supports; it is usually made of

floor joist
Level member resting on a ledger and
a sill plate and intended to support the

end joist Spread-footing section supporting the
Member perpendicular and attached to foundation wall; it is usually made of
the floor joists at their ends to form the cement.
exterior framework.

Work done on-site in cement or masonry; it supports a structure’s load and transfers it to the ground, thus
providing stability.

wall stud
Vertical member used in walls to
support the double plate; the facing is
attached to it.

insulating material
Material impeding heat loss to the
outdoors or the cold from entering.

brick wall
Exterior facing of a frame usually
composed of blocks made from baked

Level member to which the bottom
ends of the studs are attached.

end joist
Member perpendicular and attached to
the floor joists at their ends to form the
exterior framework.

sill plate
Member anchored to the top of the
foundation wall; the floor joists and the
end joists rest on it.

Bed of small stones absorbing smaller
particles found in water to prevent them
from blocking the drain; it also keeps the
drain in place.

drain tile
Perforated pipe draining water from the
soil; it also protects the foundation
from frost and pressure caused by wet


Wall covering attached directly to the
frame serving as a base or support
upon which to nail other facings.

Plank of wood protruding from the
base of a wall; it covers the joint
between the floor and the wall.

Finishing molding attached to the
baseboard where it meets the floor; its
cross-section is a quarter circle.
wood flooring
A room’s decorative floor covering
made of wooden squares or strips of

floor joist
Level member resting on a ledger and
a sill plate and intended to support the

Planks or plywood laid on floor joists;
the floor covering is in turn laid on it.

Part of the wall located below ground
level and wider than the wall itself,
which it supports; it is usually made of

Spread-footing section supporting the
foundation wall; it is usually made of

Structural component enabling movement between floors of a house or other structure.

Adornment for the top of a newel post.

Set of bars and a handrail bordering
the stairs or the open side of a landing.

Platform between two flights of stairs
or at the top of a staircase.

Decorative detail at the end of a

Vertical surface beneath a tread and run
forming its front. Width of a step as measured between
two successive risers, excluding the

Level part where the foot is placed in
climbing or descending.

Plank of wood protruding from the
base of a wall; it hides the joint
between the floor and the wall.

open stringer
Diagonal piece of wood cut to fit the steps and risers
and supporting the ends of the steps at the banister.


closed stringer
Diagonal piece of notched wood
supporting steps and risers and
enclosing their ends.

Top part of a guard for gripping when
climbing or descending a staircase.

flight of stairs
Set of steps lying between two floors,
two landings or a floor and a landing.

starting step
Bottom step in a flight of stairs.

step groove
Width of the staircase.

banister newel post

Small piece of wood supporting the Strong post at the top or bottom of a
handrail and providing safety. staircase supporting the handrail.

wood flooring
A room’s decorative floor covering made of wooden squares or strips of wood.

wood flooring on cement screed

Wood flooring that is supported by a layer of cement.

Small piece of wood that forms
decorative panels when assembled
with others of the same type.

insulating material
Layer under the cement screed that
dampens impact noises; it is usually glue
made of felt or cork. Adhesive used to fix the wood flooring
to the cement screed.

cement screed
Cement layer ensuring the evenness of
the room’s floor.

wood flooring on wooden structure

Wood flooring that is supported by a subfloor made of wood.
Strip of wood that forms a pattern when
assembled with others.

Planks or plywood laid on floor joists;
the floor covering is in turn laid on it.

Level member resting on a ledger and
a sill plate and intended to support the

wood flooring
wood flooring arrangements
Strip flooring and parquetry are vehicles for
creating various artistic patterns.

overlay flooring strip flooring with alternate joints herringbone parquet

Wood flooring with floorboards of different lengths Wood flooring with floorboards of identical Wood flooring of rectangular wood
laid parallel; its joints are distributed randomly. lengths laid parallel; its joints are offset by strips of equal lengths laid one against
half a length from one row to the next. the other to form an angle of 45°.

herringbone pattern Chantilly parquet Versailles parquet

Wood flooring of equal lengths whose joints meet Wood flooring composed of a border and Wood flooring composed of a border and of
at 45° to 60° cuts. of compartments positioned at right angles compartments positioned diagonally in
to it. Inspired by the Château de Chantilly relation to it. Inspired by the Château de
in France. Versailles in France.

inlaid parquet basket weave pattern Arenberg parquet

Wood flooring of parquetry assembled Wood flooring of parquetry creating a Wood flooring composed of a border
in a checkerboard pattern. weavelike effect. and of different geometric figures.
Inspired by the Château d’Arenberg in

textile floor coverings
Textile floor coverings, such as rugs and pile carpets, are comfortable and attractive, and dampen impact noise.

Piece of thick heavy fabric usually
having a nap and covering a section of
the floor; it is removable.

pile carpet
Piece of thick heavy fabric attached to and
covering the entire floor of a room.
Visible surface of a carpet made of
raised fibers that are cut or looped.

underlay tackless strip

Covering placed beneath the pile Small strip of wood covered with tacks
carpet to make walking more and nailed or glued to the perimeter of
comfortable and to dampen noise. the room; the pile carpet is fastened to

Opening in a wall fitted with glass to let in light and air.

examples of windows
Windows: bays built into a wall and
containing glass to let in light and air.

French window casement window

Window with two sashes that open in, pivoting vertically Window with one or two sashes that open out,
along a hanging stile. pivoting vertically along a hanging stile.

louvered window sliding window sash window

Window whose glass louvers rotate along a Window with one or more sashes that Window with one or more overlapping
horizontal axis. move horizontally along a groove. sashes that slide open vertically.

sliding folding window horizontal pivoting window vertical pivoting window

Sliding window whose sash is composed Window whose sash rotates along a Window whose sash rotates along a
of a series of articulated panels that fold horizontal axis located at its midpoint. vertical axis located at its midpoint.
together when opened.


head of frame Protruding border surrounding the
Upper level part of the window frame. sash frame of the window.

top rail of sash

Level piece of wood at the top of the movable
part of the window.

Exterior panel made of solid wood
protecting the glass portion of the
window. stile tongue of sash stile groove of sash
Vertical part of the frame with a rounded side Vertical part of the frame with a concave groove; the
that fits into the stile groove of the sash. stile tongue of the sash fits into it.


Exterior panel composed of horizontal
muntin strips protecting the window from the
Small jamb or crosspiece holding a sun or rain while allowing air to pass
window pane in place. through.

Movable window panel, with or without
glass, that swings on hinges.

hanging stile
Vertical part of the frame to which the
hinges are attached; it allows the window
to open.

sash frame
Fixed frame encasing the movable part
of the window.

Curved part holding the jalousie or
shutter in place.

Small glass plate in a window or door.

weatherboard Small metal part pivoting on a
sill of frame Sloped strip of wood allowing water to gudgeon to let the casement swing.
Lower level part of the window sash flow away from the window.

exterior door
The exterior door comprises a moving part, the leaf, plus a frame. It provides access to and egress from the
Protruding molding that rests
horizontally across the entablature,
protecting the parts beneath it from the

Level set of woodwork covering the

Level frame part enclosing the upper
part of a door’s opening.

Protruding part of a door’s framework
on each side of the opening.

Flat surface bordered by molding; it is
often recessed.

Device mounted on the door allowing it
to open.

middle panel
Long narrow panel placed horizontally.

hinge threshold weatherboard

Cylindrical metal part bent at an angle; Surface forming the bottom part of the Sloped strip of wood allowing water to
it supports the door and allows it to door opening. flow away from the door.

Device mounted on the door allowing it to lock by using a key.

general view

Device mounted on the door allowing it
to lock by using a key.

dead bolt
Part whose end is inserted into a strike
plate to lock the door when activated
by a key.

Thin plate fastened to the door with
openings for the lock’s rose and ring.

Thin plate fastened to the edge of the
door with an opening through which
the bolt passes.

latch bolt
Part whose beveled end is activated by
a doorknob; it catches automatically in
a strike plate when the door is closed.

rose doorknob
Decorative plaque with an opening in Knob in the form of a lever used only for
the center allowing the doorknob to latch bolt locks.

mortise lock
Lock fitted into a door whose dead bolt provides greater
security; it is used especially on exterior doors.

Fixed part of the lock mechanism
interacting with the grooves in the key
spring to make the rotor turn.
Elastic piece of metal that, by pressing
against the cotter pin, prevents the
rotor from turning if the key’s grooves cylinder cotter pin
do not match. Part that contains the lock mechanism. Piece of metal that, by aligning itself to
the key’s grooves under pressure from
the spring, enables the rotor to turn.

Metal part whose unique grooves
activate the lock. cylinder case
rotor Hollow part of a lock into which the
Rotating part of a lock mechanism that locking mechanism is fitted.
a unique key can turn in order to draw
the bolt.

ring keyway
Protruding cylindrical part on the door Orifice complementing the shape of the
into which the key is inserted. key and through which the rotor is

dead bolt faceplate

Part whose end is inserted into a strike Thin plate fastened to the edge of the
plate to lock the door when activated door with an opening through which
by a key. the bolt passes.

strike plate
Metal part fixed to the door frame and
fitted with an opening to a cavity into
which the bolt is inserted.

tubular lock
Lock whose knobs activate a latch bolt and is locked by pushing a
button; it is used for interior doors.

outside knob
Knob located on the outer side of the
Extended part that manipulates the bolt
when turned.

Hollow cylinder of metal whose lining is threaded
to screw onto a corresponding bolt.

Decorative plaque with an opening in
the center allowing the doorknob to

Metal threaded peg ending in a head; it
screws into a nut.

Button that activates the locking
mechanism when pushed. faceplate latch bolt
Thin plate fastened to the edge of the Part whose beveled end is activated by
door with an opening through which a doorknob; it catches automatically in
the bolt passes. a strike plate when the door is closed.

inside knob
Knob located on the interior side of the
door; it contains a push-button.

wood firing
Creates heat by burning wood; nowadays, heating with wood is usually reserved as a backup.

Masonry structure topped with a chimney hood
and open in front; burning wood emits Part of a fireplace located above the
heat that is reflected from the inner mantel; it hides the chimney and
hearth. allows the smoke to escape to the lintel
outdoors. Horizontal crosspiece above the hearth
and supporting the mantel.

mantel shelf
Level top part of a fireplace’s mantel.

Part of the fireplace protruding over the

corbel piece
Piece protruding from a jamb or wall; it
supports the mantel of a fireplace.

Vertical facing making up the side of
the hearth and supporting the upper
parts of the fireplace.

firebrick back
Vertical facing making up the back of
the hearth.

Pedestal protecting a room’s floor from
the heat produced by the fireplace.

inner hearth woodbox frame

Part of a fireplace where combustion Part of the fireplace where wood is Metal piece around the edge of the
takes place. stored. fireplace opening.

wood firing

slow-burning stove
Closed heating device; the amount of
air entering the fire box is controlled to
hot-air outlet
slow down combustion.
Vents in the side of the box through chimney connection
which heated air is returned to the Pipe connecting the stove to the chimney or to
room. another stovepipe to evacuate the smoke.

warm-air baffle
Device forcing heated air to the front of
the stove.

smoke baffle
Device directing the smoke toward the
chimney connection.

loading door
Airtight glass door sealing the fire box.


Brick that can withstand very high
temperatures without deforming.

fire box
Area of the stove in which the wood is

box air inlet control

Rigid metal casing of the stove. Handle controlling the mechanism for regulating the
amount of air entering the fire box.

wood firing
Channel through which smoke and
combustion gases from a heating
device are evacuated while ensuring
the free flow of air.

rain cap
Part covering the top of a chimney to roof
protect it from wind and rain.
storm collar
Part protecting the watertightness of
the flashing by diverting water runoff.

Part located where the exterior of the
chimney joins the roof; it protects
against water seepage.

ceiling collar
Part fitted around a section of the ceiling
chimney to protect combustible
materials in the floor, ceiling and roof
from the heat.

pipe section
Sections of stovepipe forming the chimney are joined
in various ways: they are screwed, welded or fitted
into collars.

ceiling collar floor

Part fitted around a chimney at certain
points to protect combustible materials
in the floor, ceiling and roof from the

capped tee
T-shaped pipe joining a heating device
to the chimney stovepipe.

wood firing
fire irons
Tools used to grasp and move burning wood, revive the fire
and collect the ashes.

poker log tongs

Tool for poking the embers and logs in Tool for grasping and moving logs and
order to stir up the fire. embers.

shovel broom
Tool for collecting the ashes. Tool for cleaning the hearth and
sweeping the ashes into the shovel.

log carrier
Basket for carrying firewood and
storing it near the fireplace.

andirons fireplace screen

Metal supports placed in the hearth for Device placed in front of the fireplace
cradling the logs; they allow air to opening to protect the floor from
circulate during combustion. sparks.

forced warm-air system
In this type of system, air is heated in a furnace and blown by a fan through a network of ducts to the rooms of a

hot-air register branch duct

Adjustable grill located at the end of a duct Duct, usually made of sheet metal, air return
through which hot air is distributed carrying the hot air toward the Duct directing air from a room back to the
throughout a room. registers. furnace to be reheated.

damper furnace
Mechanism for regulating the volume Device creating heat and blowing the
of air passing through a duct. air through the duct system.

wall stack section plenum

Vertical duct carrying hot air upward toward the Joining duct between the furnace and
registers on the upper floors. the hot-air distribution system.

elbow main duct

Connection or part of a duct for Duct that leaves the furnace and carries hot air
altering the direction of the hot air. toward the branch ducts.

forced warm-air system
electric furnace
Device using electricity for creating heat and blowing it
through the duct system.

hot-air outflow air return

Duct through which hot air leaves the Duct directing air from a room back to the
main duct. furnace to be reheated.

Joining duct between the furnace and
the hot-air distribution system.

heating element
Electric device heating the air before
distributing it through the ducts.

electric connection
Device connecting the electric furnace
to the dwelling’s electric system.

blower motor
Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

Device blowing the hot air out of the

access panel filter

Removable panel for accessing the Device for retaining dust suspended in
furnace’s components. the air extracted from the dwelling.

forced hot-water system
Water heated in a boiler flows up to the radiators, where it releases its heat to the ambient air; the water then
returns to the boiler to be reheated.

branch supply pipe Device transferring heat obtained from
main supply pipe Pipe carrying the hot water to the the passage of hot water to the ambient
Pipe carrying the hot water to the radiators. radiators one floor above. air.

branch return pipe

Pipe carrying the cooled water to the
expansion tank main return pipe one floor below.
Reservoir for absorbing water
expansion; it keeps the water pressure
in the system steady.
main return pipe
Pipe carrying cooled water to the boiler.
circulating pump
Device moving water throughout the
network of pipes and radiators.

Device in which water is heated before
being distributed to the radiators.

forced hot-water system
oil burner
Device for mixing a flammable substance (heating
oil) with air, then blowing and igniting this mixture
in a boiler’s fire pot.

Tube through which the heating oil air tube ignition transformer
passes to be pulverized into tiny Cylindrical part covering the nozzle Device that changes the voltage of an
droplets; upon exiting, it mixes with and the ignition electrodes; it joins the electric circuit in order to produce a
air. burner to the fire pot. spark between two electrodes.

heat control
Mechanism controlled by fluctuations
in temperature; it can be set to
automatically switch the burner on or

electrode assembly
The mixture of heating oil and air is lit
by an electric spark arcing between two

electric motor
Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

oil supply line fan

Tube injecting heating oil into the burner and toward Device blowing air out of the burner to
the nozzle. mix with the heating oil mist.

oil pump oil supply inlet

Device compressing heating oil and Tube carrying heating oil to the pump.
directing it to the nozzle.

forced hot-water system
Device in which water is heated before being
distributed to the radiators.
Channel through which combustion pressure relief valve
gases are evacuated. Mechanism for releasing pressure by
letting off excess water or steam.

Rigid metal casing for the boiler.

Material covering the sides of the
boiler to reduce heat loss.

Device regulating the water temperature.

heating element
Conduit in which the water is heated.

heat exchanger
Set of pipes transferring the heat
produced by combustion to the water.

draft hole
Peephole for viewing the inside of the
fire pot.

air tube
Cylindrical part covering the nozzle
fire pot and the ignition electrodes; it joins the
Part of the boiler where the combustion burner to the fire pot.
of air and heating oil takes place after Device for mixing a flammable
they pass through the burner. substance with air, and fanning and
igniting this mixture in a boiler’s fire pot.

forced hot-water system
column radiator
Device consisting of vertical columns
through which hot water circulates; the
inherent heat is transferred to the
ambient air.

regulating valve
Device for regulating the volume of
water circulating through a radiator.
bleeder valve
Mechanism for releasing air that
occasionally accumulates at the top of
the radiator.

covering grille
A radiator’s decorative cover.

Vertical tube through which the water

hot-water outlet
Valve for draining the water from the

heat pump
Device exchanging heat between two environments of different temperatures; it can either heat or cool a house,
depending on how the circuit is set.

Propeller-shaped blades drawing in
outdoor air (heating mode) or
expelling indoor air (cooling mode).

outdoor unit
Part of the pump in which, depending on
the setting, the outside air is tapped
(heating mode) or the indoor air is cooled
(cooling mode).

Device compressing the refrigerant to
the desired pressure.

heat pump

supply duct
Duct carrying forced hot air (heating
mode) or cool air (cooling mode) into
the house.

indoor unit
Part of the pump that, depending on the
setting, either transfers outdoor heat into the
house (heating mode) or transfers heat from
the indoors to the outdoors (cooling mode).

circuit breaker
Mechanism automatically cutting off
the power supply in the event of

refrigerant tubing
Conduit circulating a refrigerant, thus
enabling the heat transfer.

electric connection
Conduit connecting the heat pump to
the dwelling’s electric system.

refrigerant tubing

auxiliary heating

electric baseboard radiator

Device using electricity to heat air by drawing it in at its base and
releasing it at the top by convection. deflector
Part directing the heated air toward the

Projecting metal rib attached to the
heating element; it increases the heat-
thermostat emitting surface area.
Mechanism that, by sensing changes
in temperature, will automatically
switch the radiator on or off.

convector outlet grille

Device that, by convection, draws air through its Grille through which the heated air is
base, heats it inside, then diffuses it through a diffused in the room.
grille on the top.

Rigid metal box protecting the heater.

auxiliary heating

fan heater
Device in which the air is heated by electric
elements and diffused by a fan.

oil-filled heater
Device made of tubes that circulate oil
heated by electric elements.

radiant heater
Device producing heat from a heating
element and diffusing it in the form of light

air-conditioning appliances
These appliances help make a house comfortable by cooling, filtering and humidifying or dehumidifying the
ambient air.
air purifier
Device drawing air in from a room to
filter it by removing its pollutants
before returning it.

Device that increases the humidity
level in the air of a room.
control panel
Panel containing the controls for
operating the humidifier.
water tank vaporizer
Reservoir containing the water to be Device blending air with a fine mist of
vaporized in the room. water before blowing it into the room.

air filter
Device that absorbs dust suspended in
the air.

vaporizing grille
Perforated panel dispersing the
humidified air.

water level tray

air-conditioning appliances
ceiling fan
Device whose rotating blades draw the
rod warm air in a room upward in summer
Cylinder linking the fan to the ceiling or push it downward in winter.
and housing the electric wires.

Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

Part whose long flat surface moves the
ambient air when it rotates.

Device that lowers the humidity level in a
room’s air by cooling it.

Mechanism that, by sensing changes
in humidity, can be set to automatically
switch the humidifier on or off.

front grille
Perforated panel through which the air
enters a room.

water level
Tank collecting the water droplets
formed from the cooled air.

air-conditioning appliances
programmable thermostat
Electronic device for keeping a house or
a room at a certain temperature; it can be
programmed to follow a schedule.

display housing
Screen showing digital data (time and

arrow key
Button for changing the programmed
time and house temperature.
choosing key
Button for confirming the selected time
and temperatures programmed.
programming control
Button for regulating the thermostat
according to the schedule chosen.

Device measuring the amount of
humidity in a room’s air.


room thermostat
Mechanism that, by sensing changes in
temperature, can be set to automatically
switch the heating on or off in a room or
desired temperature
Desired temperature of the ambient air.
temperature control
Knob for selecting the desired

Metal needle attached to the
actual temperature thermometer showing the ambient
A built-in thermometer shows the temperature.
current temperature of the room in
which it is located.

air-conditioning appliances
room air conditioner
Device installed in a window for cooling and
fan motor circulating the air in a room.
Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive a
device; in this case, the fan.

evaporator blower condenser fan

Device drawing in warm air from the Propeller-shaped fan drawing outdoor air
louver room, directing it over the cold evaporator through the vents and over the hot condenser
Device directing cool air into the room. coils and then returning it to the room. coils to cool them.

condenser coil
Tube in which the hot refrigerant
dissipates the room’s heat to the
casing outdoors.

control panel vent

Panel containing the controls that Grate through which outdoor air is
operate the air conditioner. drawn inward.

grille evaporator coil blower motor

Grille through which the heated air is Tube carrying refrigerant that absorbs Device transforming electric energy
diffused in the room. the room’s heat. into mechanical energy to drive a
device; in this case, the fan.

plumbing system
In a house, there are four plumbing systems enabling water to circulate: hot and cold water distribution, pipe
ventilation and wastewater evacuation.
main circuit vent
Vertical pipe vented directly outdoors that
allows air to circulate throughout the
draining circuit; it also vents sewer gas.

fixture drain
Pipe carrying waste from a toilet to the
drain branch.
Pipe that uses gravity to carry
wastewater from a fixture to a branch.

waste stack
Pipe through which wastewater is
discharged and carried to the building

main cleanout
Metal part screwed to the drain that can
be removed if the drain needs to be

supply line
Pipe delivering cold drinking water to a
house’s plumbing system; it is an
extension of the water service pipe.

water meter
Device for gauging the amount of water
consumed by a household.

shutoff valve
Valve for shutting off the water supply
to the entire house.

floor drain
Hole at the end of a pipe carrying
overflow water to the main drain. water service pipe building sewer
Pipe connecting a public water supply to Drainpipe carrying wastewater from the
the house. waste stack to the sewage system or
septic tank.

plumbing system

circuit vent
Allows air to circulate and maintains
constant pressure throughout the entire
draining circuit.

shower and tub fixture

Device for mixing hot and cold water for the bath or

draining circuit
Set of interconnected pipes allowing wastewater to
drain into the building sewer.
Drainpipe for draining off a fixture’s
overflow when the water level reaches a
certain level.
hot-water circuit
Set of interconnected pipes distributing hot water
trap from a hot-water heater.
U-shaped pipe beneath a fixture
containing a quantity of water to
prevent sewage gases from escaping.

ventilating circuit
Set of interconnected pipes allowing air to circulate
branch in the circuit.
Pipe draining wastewater from the
fixtures to the waste stack.

cold-water circuit
hot-water riser Set of interconnected pipes distributing cold
Vertical pipe carrying hot water to a house’s drinking water throughout a house.
upper floors.

cold-water riser
Vertical pipe carrying cold water to a house’s
upper floors.

pedestal-type sump pump
Device removing water from a pit dug in the ground in order to evacuate it to a sewer or septic tank.

grounded receptacle pump motor

Device for supplying electricity and ensuring the transfer of Device transforming electric energy shutoff switch
the current to the ground in the event of device malfunction; into mechanical energy to drive Mechanism allowing the pump motor to be
it prevents electrocution. another device. activated when the float reaches a preset level.

float clamp
Metal part keeping the float line in

check valve
Valve with a toggle preventing water
from backing up into the sump.

discharge line
Pipe through which the pump
evacuates the sump water to a sewer or
septic tank.

sump float
Pit in which water runoff is collected in Moving part connected to the shutoff
the event the basement floods. switch; it rises with the water level and
activates the pump.

septic tank
Underground system in which sewage is treated and dispersed.

distribution box Wastewater settles and sewage decomposes
Device spreading water evenly through naturally in the first compartment. Water then
the network of drains. flows into the second compartment.

Bed of small stones absorbing smaller particles
found in water to prevent them from blocking
the perforated pipes; it also keeps the perforated
pipes in place.

building sewer
Drainpipe carrying wastewater from the
waste stack to the sewage system or
septic tank.

perforated pipe leach field

Perforated pipe through which water Land containing perforated pipes
drains in order to filter through the through which the water infiltrates the
gravel and then into the soil. ground.

Room designed for personal hygiene; it is equipped with running water and sanitary fixtures.

shower head
Perforated device through which water
flows under pressure.

spray hose
Flexible pipe allowing the shower head
to be moved.

shower stall
Enclosed space in which a sanitary
facility allows one to wash one’s body
under a spray of water.

sliding door
Panel or panels of a door sliding
horizontally along a set of tracks.

Low sanitary fixture shaped like a toilet
bowl and used for bathing private

tissue holder

toilet tank
Reservoir storing water used to flush
the contents of a toilet bowl.

toilet seat tub platform

Sanitary fixture for disposing of bodily Seat pierced with a hole; it can be Raised floor section leading to the
waste; it comprises a toilet bowl and a raised or lowered. bathtub.


Device stopping or starting the flow of
hot or cold water, as well as regulating
its flow rate.

Polished glass surface reflecting light
and returning images.

Sanitary fixture in the form of a basin;
it is used for washing.

Drainpipe for draining off a fixture’s
overflow when the water level reaches a
certain level.

soap dish

towel bar

portable shower head bathtub vanity cabinet

Movable handle equipped with a Sanitary fixture for taking baths; it is Furniture where one grooms oneself; it
perforated shower head; it is used shaped like a deep, elongated basin. is equipped with a mirror and usually
especially for rinsing hair. contains drawers.

Sanitary fixture for disposing of bodily waste; it comprises a toilet bowl and a tank.

flush handle
Mechanism that one lowers in order to
flush out the contents of the toilet; it
activates the trip lever.
trip lever
Mechanism that, when activated by the
flush handle, pulls up the lift chain,
letting the water flow from the tank into
the toilet bowl.

ball-cock supply valve

Mechanism allowing or stopping the flow of
water into the tank; it is activated by the float

overflow tube
Drainpipe for draining off a fixture’s
overflow when the water level reaches a
certain level.

filler tube
Pipe carrying water from the cold-water supply line to tank ball
the toilet tank. Plug that, when raised by the lift chain, lets
the water in the tank flow into the toilet
bowl; it then sinks, allowing the tank to

lift chain
Connector composed of a series of
metal links that, when pulled up by the
trip lever, opens the tank ball.

cold-water supply line

Pipe carrying water to the toilet.
shutoff valve
Device for shutting off the supply of
water to the toilet.


tank lid

float ball
Movable device that, when dropping
with the water level, opens the valve;
when the water level rises again, it
shuts the valve.
seat cover
Part covering the toilet-bowl opening.

Seat pierced with a hole; it can be
raised or lowered.

toilet bowl
Hollowed-out part of the fixture in
which water flushes waste out through
the trap.

Part of the toilet holding a certain
amount of water so that sewage gases
cannot escape from the draining

wax seal
Gasket inserted between the toilet trap and the
waste pipe to prevent water from leaking into
the room.

waste pipe
Pipe through which wastewater is
discharged and carried to the building

water-heater tank
Device producing sanitary hot water for washing and bathing; it consumes gas or electricity.

electric water-heater tank

hot-water line
cold-water line Outlet pipe for hot water flowing into
Inlet pipe for cold water to the tank. the hot-water circuit.

anode rod
Magnesium-coated electrode
protecting the tank from the corrosive pressure relief valve
effects of the water. Device for lowering the pressure inside
the tank by releasing excess hot water.

high-temperature cutoff
Mechanism cutting off the flow of electric current when upper heating element
the temperature of the water exceeds a set value. Coated electric resistor immersed in the
upper part of the tank to heat the water.
upper thermostat
Device that senses changes in
temperature and automatically
switches the upper heating element on
Insulated reservoir in which hot water
or off.
is stored; it is usually cylindrical and
enameled or glazed.

access panel
Material placed between the tank and
the outer walls of the hot-water tank in
order to reduce heat loss.

electric supply
Point where the hot-water tank overflow pipe
connects with the household circuit. Pipe through which water escapes
when maximum pressure is exceeded.

lower heating element

Coated electric resistor immersed in
the lower part of the tank to heat the
lower thermostat
Device that senses changes in temperature
and automatically switches the lower drain valve
heating element on or off. Device for emptying the liquid from the

water-heater tank

gas water-heater tank

hot-water outlet flue hat

Outlet pipe for hot water flowing into the hot- Device reducing the amount of air withdrawn by
water circuit. convection.

pressure-relief valve
Device for lowering the pressure inside
outer jacket the tank by releasing excess hot water.
Metal casing protecting the tank.

overflow pipe
insulation Pipe through which water escapes
Material placed between the tank and when maximum pressure is exceeded.
the outer walls of the hot-water tank in
order to reduce heat loss.

cold-water supply line

Inlet pipe for cold water to the tank.

Channel through which combustion
gases are evacuated.

glass-lined tank
Insulated reservoir protected against
corrosion by an enamel or glaze coating.

control box
Box containing the set of controls that
measure temperature and operate the
drain valve
Mechanism controlled by fluctuations
Device for emptying the water from the
in temperature; it can be set to
automatically switch the burner on or
gas burner
Combustion device for an air-gas

The double-handle faucet controls the flow of hot and cold water; the single-lever faucet mixes the hot and cold
water and controls their flow.
stem faucet
Device stopping or starting the flow of handle
hot or cold water, as well as regulating When turned, raises or lowers the
its flow rate. spindle, allowing the water to be turned
off or on.

packing nut
Metal part allowing the packing to be
tightened against the washer.

Gasket preventing the spindle from
Part inserted over the spindle that fits
into the body of the faucet.

Metal unit that provides the link
between the handle and the stem
stem holder
Bracket for the stem washer.

Curved end out of which water flows.

stem washer
Stopper attached to the bottom of the
spindle. When inserted into the valve seat, it
blocks the inflow of water; when raised, it
thread valve seat allows the water to flow.
Helical grooves at the end of the spout Part against which the stem washer
to which an accessory, such as an presses to prevent leakage.
aerator, can be attached.


disc faucet
Type of faucet fitted with two perforated discs that regulate
the water’s flow and its temperature.

Lever for controlling water flow and the
mixture of hot and cold water.

Decorative part covering the body of
the faucet; the handle turns on it.

Part fitted with two discs: one activated
by the handle, the other stationary.

Curved end out of which water flows.
Washer protecting a water inlet from

water inlet
Tubular section through which water
enters the faucet.

aerator escutcheon
Device fitted with a screen and attached Plate for covering and protecting
to the spout; it aerates the water and water-intake pipes.
prevents splashing.



ball-type faucet
Type of faucet fitted with a perforated ball that regulates
both the flow of water and its temperature.
Lever for controlling water flow and the
mixture of hot and cold water.

Curved end out of which water flows.

Decorative part covering the body of
the faucet; the handle turns on it.

Device fitted with a screen and attached
to the spout; it aerates the water and
prevents splashing. body
Part covering the faucet’s mechanism.

packing retainer ring

Plastic part inserted into the body to keep the
washer on the ball and to prevent leakage in the washer
faucet. Part wedged between the packing
retainer ring and the ball assembly to
prevent leaking.

ball assembly
Perforated part letting water enter; it
valve seat also mixes the hot and cold water.
Gasket preventing the water inlet from

Elastic metal part that is kept under
pressure to hold the valve seat in O-ring
place. Circular gasket, usually made of
rubber, preventing water from leaking
from the base of the faucet.


cartridge faucet
Type of faucet fitted with a perforated cartridge that
regulates both the flow of water and its temperature.

lever cover
Decorative part capping the top of the

Lever for controlling water flow and the
mixture of hot and cold water.

When its stem is raised by the handle,
its lower end is lifted out of the seat to
let water flow. cartridge stem
Unit activated by the handle that drives
the rotating movement of the cartridge.

Curved end out of which water flows.
retaining ring
Plastic part inside the faucet body
keeping the washer in place.

Part attached to the faucet’s ring and
serving to hide the cartridge.
Device fitted with a screen and attached
to the spout; it aerates the water and
prevents splashing. O-ring
Circular gasket, usually made of
rubber, preventing water from leaking
from the base of the faucet.

Transition fittings are used for joining components made of different materials, whereas fittings are used to join
components of the same material.
examples of fittings
Fittings are used to join two or more pipes, a pipe to a
device, or a pipe to a cap or plug.

square head plug cap

Cap screwed into the end of a threaded Plug inserted into the end of a pipe to
female pipe to close it off. close it off.

pipe coupling threaded cap reducing coupling

Threaded fitting with two female ends; Plug screwed onto the end of a male threaded Fitting joining two pipes of different diameters
it is used to join two pipes of the same pipe to close it off. in order to reduce the diameter of a pipe run.

flush bushing nipple hexagon bushing

Fitting joining two pipes of different diameters. Threaded fitting having two male ends; Fitting with a hexagonal head. It joins two pipes of
The larger pipe screws onto the male end and it is used to join two pipes of the same different diameters: one pipe is screwed onto the male
the smaller pipe screws into the female end. diameter. end, and the other into the female end.


U-shaped pipe beneath a fixture
containing a quantity of water to
prevent sewage gases from escaping.

offset tee Y-branch

Fitting joining two pipes so that the Fitting joining three pipes, one of Fitting joining three pipes, one of
pipe can bypass an obstacle. which is perpendicular to the other which is oblique to the other two.

U-bend 90° elbow 45° elbow

Fitting joining two pipes in order to Fitting for joining two pipes in order to Fitting for joining two pipes in order to change
change their direction by 180°. change their direction. their direction by 45°.

mechanical connectors
Pipes joined using nuts and threaded metal parts; a gasket is
inserted to tighten them, thus preventing leakage.

union gasket
Formed by using a nut to tighten a male Flexible washer placed where two
union nut in a female union nut; leakage tubes meet to prevent leakage.
is prevented by placing a gasket where ring nut
the two tubes meet. Part that enables a male union nut to
be screwed into a female union nut.

pipe B

pipe A union nut union nut

Threaded on the outside so it can be Threaded on the inside so that a male
inserted into the female union nut. union nut can be screwed into it.

compression fitting
Threaded part into which two tubes can be inserted; they
are made watertight by a gasket tightened with a nut.

pipe A pipe B

nut connector gasket

Metal part that screws onto the fitting Threaded part joining two pipes. Washer made of metal or rubber
so that the gasket can be tightened on compressed against the pipe to prevent
the tube. leakage in the fitting.

flare joint
Threaded part over which two tubes having
bell-shaped ends can be tightened by a nut.

tube end
pipe A Flared end of a pipe.

nut connector pipe B

Metal part used to tighten the end of a Threaded part joining two pipes.
tube onto the fitting.

examples of transition fittings

Transition fittings allow tubes of different materials
to be joined.

steel to plastic
The tubes are joined by a threaded tube
for the steel end, and by compression
coupling or, for a plastic end, by

copper to steel
The tubes are joined by a threaded tube
on the steel end, and by union or
compression coupling on the copper

copper to plastic
The tubes are joined by union or
compression coupling.

Room where meals are prepared.

range hood
cooktop Ventilation appliance expelling or
oven Top surface of the oven on which recycling air that contains cooking
Closed part of the range, equipped with heating elements are located. fumes and odors.
an upper heating element (broiler) and a
lower heating element, in which food is
cooked or heated.

Flat work surface designed primarily to
prepare food.

Basin with a water source and a drain,
essential for cooking tasks.

base cabinet
Storage cupboard, usually with
shelves, located below the countertop.

patio door
Window at ground level whose sliding
panel serves as a door.

Appliance designed to automatically
wash and dry dishes.


wall cabinet freezer

Storage cupboard, usually with Appliance used to freeze and preserve refrigerator
shelves, located above the countertop. food. Appliance for storing food at low

ice cube dispenser

Appliance with a water source that makes
and distributes ice cubes.

Storage place for food not needing

microwave oven
Appliance that generates high-
frequency waves to quickly heat or
cook food.

Sliding compartment encased in a
piece of furniture.

Extra work surface used to prepare

Part of a kitchen reserved for eating

Seat with legs, having neither arms nor
back, of various heights.

examples of branching
Branching: the way in which an appliance is hooked up to a house’s plumbing system.

garbage disposal sink

Appliance used in a kitchen, sometimes with two basins, that
is fed by water and equipped with a drain and a garbage spray head
disposal unit. Flexible faucet with a perforated spout,
used especially for rinsing.

Handle controlling the flow and
mixture of hot and cold water.

strainer body
Part equipped with an orifice and
located at the bottom of the sink,
allowing water to flow out.

rubber gasket
Gasket preventing leakage between the
strainer body and the sink.

Part for tightening the joint between the
draining circuit and the end piece.

cold-water supply line

U-shaped pipe beneath a fixture
containing a quantity of water to
prevent sewage gases from escaping.

Part screwed into the trap that can be
removed in case it needs to be
examples of branching

spout assembly
Curved end out of which water flows.
single-handle kitchen faucet
Device acting as both faucet and hot and cold water

Plate for covering and protecting
water-intake pipes.

Water-fed basin equipped with a drain;
it is indispensable for cooking and
cleaning tasks.

compression coupling
Tightening of a gasket on a tube by
using a nut.

spray hose
Supple tube allowing the spray head to
be moved.

supply tube
Pipe carrying water from the supply line to the

shutoff valve
Device allowing the flow of water to the
sink to be shut off.

garbage disposal unit

Electric device for grinding table scraps into fine
particles so that running water can flush them
down the drain.

hot-water supply line

examples of branching
Household appliance that washes
clothes automatically.
air chamber
Prevents banging in the pipes (water
hammer) caused by pressure when a
faucet is shut off.
flexible rubber hose
Supple tube carrying water to the

shutoff valve
Device for shutting off the supply of hot-water supply line
water to the washer.
Shaped like a T, it joins three pipes,
one of which is perpendicular to the
other two.
cold-water supply line

Pipe through which wastewater is
washer discharged and carried to the building
Household appliance that washes sewer.
clothes automatically.

house drain
Pipe using gravity to move the
wastewater from the washer to the
drain hose
Flexible tube through which the washer
pump expels wastewater to the

examples of branching
Appliance designed to automatically
wash and dry dishes.

air chamber
Prevents banging in the pipes (water drain hose
hammer) caused by pressure when a Pipe collecting wastewater from the
faucet is shut off. dishwasher and carrying it to the drain.

Appliance designed to automatically
wash and dry dishes.

waste tee shutoff valve

Shaped like a T, it joins three pipes, one of Device for shutting off the supply of
which is perpendicular to the other two. water to the dishwasher.

hot-water supply line cold-water supply line

distribution panel
Set of devices forming the junction of the public electricity grid and the electric circuits of a dwelling.

main breaker
double pole breaker Mechanism controlling the supply of
Protection device for a 240-volt circuit electricity to the hot bus bars; it allows the
that, in the event of overload, is released current to all the dwelling’s circuits to be
and thus cuts off electricity to the cut.

single pole breaker

Protection device for a 120-volt circuit
that, in the event of overload, is released
and thus cuts off electricity to the circuits.

neutral wire
Wire having no electric charge that
allows the current to return to the
distribution panel and the grid.

plastic insulator
Plate made of nonconductive material
preventing the hot bus bars from
coming in contact with the back of the

hot bus bar

Conductive part of the panel into which the
breakers for each circuit are plugged.

ground/neutral bus bar

Receives the current from the neutral grounded wires of
the various circuits and conducts them to the neutral
service wire and the ground connection.

Part of the ground/neutral bus bar to
which a neutral wire and the ground
wire of a circuit are attached.

ground wire
Wire conducting the current from the
ground/neutral bus bar to the ground
connection in the event of a short
circuit. ground connection
Metal conductor attached to the ground
wire in order to ground the entire circuit.

distribution panel

240-volt feeder cable

Cable consisting of three wires, one neutral and
two live, conducting an electric current from the
grid to the distribution panel.
Device for screwing the electric-
connection conduit to the panel box.
bonding jumper
Screw inserted into the metal box of the panel
allowing it to be connected to the neutral hot bus

main power cable

Live wire conducting the electric

ground bond
Links the bonding jumper to the
neutral hot bus bar.

240-volt circuit
Composed of two lives wires, one
neutral wire and one grounded wire;
this allows electricity to reach devices
requiring a lot of power.

120-volt circuit
Composed of one live wire, one neutral
wire and one grounded wire; it allows
electricity to reach a small appliance or
a light.

neutral service wire

Wire having no electric charge that, via the
neutral hot bus bar, returns the current from
domestic circuits to the grid.

Part connecting the neutral hot bus bar that
allows the current from the circuits’ neutral
wires to be transferred to the neutral service

distribution panel
examples of fuses
Fuses: electric connection devices devised for
interrupting the current in the event of electric overload
by melting one of its components.

plug fuse
Having a maximum capacity of 30
amperes, it screws in like a lightbulb
and protects a circuit of 120 volts.

cartridge fuse
Having a maximum capacity of 60 amperes, it
protects a circuit of 240 volts.

knife-blade cartridge fuse

Having a capacity of 60 to 600 amperes, it protects the main
electric circuit.

electricity meter
Device measuring the consumption of electricity by a dwelling.

full-load adjustment screw

Screw adjusting the rotation speed of the disk so that it
corresponds to high consumption, such as in large
register cover appliances requiring a great deal of electricity.
Metering system measuring a
dwelling’s electricity consumption
expressed in kilowatt hours (kWh).


nameplate disk
Plate bearing the various features of an Aluminum plate that turns as the current flows
electric meter. through the meter; the number of times it
rotates is proportional to the amount of
electricity consumed.

light-load adjustment screw consumer number base

Screw allowing the rotation speed of the disk to be adjusted
so that it corresponds to light consumption, such as from a
lamp, toaster or ceiling fan.

network connection
Set of equipment and conductors allowing a customer’s electric installation to be connected to the public grid.

medium-tension distribution line

Overhead electricity-distribution lines with tension
between 750 and 50,000 volts; its conductors are
located at the top of the poles.

supply point
Place where the customer’s service
entrance is connected to the low-
neutral conductor tension distribution line.
Conductor of a distribution line that,
connected to a neutral point of the grid,
returns the current.

low-tension distribution line

Overhead electricity-distribution line with a maximum
tension of 750 volts; its conductors are located under
the transformer.

connection point
Place where the customer’s electric distributor service loop
hookup is connected to the electric Set of conductors extending the distribution
grid. line to the customer’s connection point.

ground wire
Metal conductor inserted into the ground
ensuring that accidental electric customer’s service entrance
leakages are conducted to the earth. The customer’s portion of the electric hookup:
from the service box to the connection point.

network connection

phase conductor
Live wire conducting the electric

Electric connection device devised for
interrupting the current in the event of
electric overload by melting one of its

distribution panel
Set of devices forming the junction of
the public electricity grid and the
electric circuits of a dwelling.

main switch
electricity meter service box
Mechanism allowing a dwelling’s
Device measuring the consumption of Metal box containing the main switch.
current to be cut off.
electricity by a dwelling.

contact devices
Examples of components that connect a device to an electric circuit.

European plug
End part of an electric wire equipped
with pins that are inserted into the
socket contacts of an outlet to establish blade
contact. Cylindrical metal part that establishes
electric contact when inserted into the
corresponding outlet.

Metal part used for fastening a device’s
wire to the plug.

grounding prong
Device connecting a circuit’s ground
cover wire, which allows the current to be
Part covering the internal components conducted to the ground connection in
of a plug. the event of a short circuit.

Part to which an electric wire’s
conductors are attached.

European outlet
Device fitted with sockets connecting an electric circuit to an
electric device when the plug is inserted into it.

grounding prong
Device connecting a circuit’s ground
wire, which allows the current to be
conducted to the ground connection in
the event of a short circuit.

Hole intended to receive a plug’s pin
and establish electric contact.

contact devices

plug adapter
Electric accessory adapting a plug to an
outlet of a different configuration.

Device connecting an electric circuit
that conducts the current to an electric
device when a plug is inserted.

American plug
End part of an electric wire equipped with
blades that are inserted into an outlet to
establish contact.

Flat metal part inserted into the slot of
an outlet to establish electric contact.

grounding prong
Device connecting a circuit’s ground wire,
which allows the current to be conducted
to the ground connection in the event of a
short circuit.

contact devices

switch dimmer switch

Mechanism allowing the current in an Switch for varying the brightness of a
electric circuit to be established or lighting installation.

switch plate electrical box

Protective plate covering an outlet or, Box housing the electric connections
in this case, a switch. in order to protect the part of the
dwelling’s frame upon which it is

Set of devices allowing light to be diffused in a dwelling.

tungsten-halogen lamp
Lamp that is brighter and lasts longer than a
traditional incandescent lamp, but that lets off more
parts of a lamp socket heat.

Component fitting onto the outer shell
and covering the upper end of a lamp’s

Device into which a lamp’s base is
inserted in order to connect it to the
electric-supply circuit and to keep it in

Gas sealed in a glass envelope into
which the luminous body of a lamp is

Cylindrical metal part that establishes
insulating sleeve
electric contact when inserted into the
Component protecting the outer shell
corresponding outlet.
from the heat.

bayonet base screw base

Base fitted with two short metal pins so Base fitted with a screw pitch so it can
that it can be placed in the be inserted into the corresponding
corresponding socket. socket.

outer shell
Decorative component covering the
socket and the insulating sleeve.

incandescent lamp
Lamp in which a filament heated by an electric
current produces light rays.
inert gas
Gas inserted in the bulb to slow down
evaporation of the filament.

Metal wire holding the filament.
Very thin metal wire, usually made of
tungsten, emitting light rays when an
electric current passes through it.

stem End of the stem; the filament supports
Button support. are attached to it.

lead-in wire
heat deflecting disc Electric conductor carrying the current
Metal disc placed at the entrance of a to the filament.
lamp’s neck to protect the pinch and
the base from the heat.

Part in which the lead-in wires are
exhaust tube attached.
Glass tube used to empty the air from
the bulb and then to fill it with inert gas
before it is sealed.

Metal end of a lightbulb inserted into a
socket to connect it to the electric

tungsten-halogen lamp
Lamp that is brighter and lasts longer than a
traditional incandescent lamp, but that lets off
more heat.

Gas sealed in a glass envelope into
which the luminous body of a lamp is

filament support tungsten filament

Metal wire holding the filament. Very thin metal wire emitting light rays
when an electric current passes though

inert gas electric circuit

Gas inserted in the bulb to slow down Lamp component allowing the electric
evaporation of the filament; iodine or current to circulate through the
bromine are added as they combine with tungsten filament.
the tungsten at high temperatures.

Metal end of a lightbulb inserted into a
socket to connect it to the electric

Metal part that establishes electric
contact between the base of a lightbulb
and the socket.

energy-saving bulb
Bulb whose electricity consumption is lower and
its life longer than an incandescent bulb.

Gas sealed in a glass envelope into
which the luminous body of a lamp is
fluorescent tube inserted.
Tube in which the electric current
produces ultraviolet radiation
converted into visible light by a layer of
a fluorescent substance.

tube retention clip

Part into which the fluorescent tube is inserted to
connect it.

mounting plate
Plate on which the lamp’s working
devices are attached.

electronic ballast
Device stabilizing the electric current,
ensuring that the light switches on
instantly, without blinking.


Metal end of a lightbulb inserted into a
socket to connect it to the electric

fluorescent tube
Tube in which the electric current
produces ultraviolet radiation converted
into visible light by a layer of a
fluorescent substance.

exhaust tube
lead-in wire Glass tube used to empty the air from
Electric conductor carrying the current the bulb and then to fill it with inert gas
to the filament. before it is sealed.

electrode bulb
A device placed at each end of the tube; Long glass cylinder enclosing the
an electric discharge arcs between the components of this type of tube and
two of them. diffusing light.

phosphorescent coating pin base

The tube’s internal coating; it is End of the tube equipped with two pins
composed of phosphate particles that that, when inserted into the socket,
convert ultraviolet rays into visible connect the tube with the electric
light. circuit.

gas pin
The tube is filled with an inert gas Cylindrical metal part that establishes
under low pressure, with mercury electric contact when inserted into the
added. corresponding outlet.

pinch mercury
Part in which the lead-in wires are A small amount of vaporized mercury,
attached. added to the gas, emits ultraviolet
radiation during the electric discharge.

Chair consisting of arms, a back and legs.

Decorative pattern shaped like a
stylized palm leaf. patera
Decorative pattern shaped like a rose
or a star.
Decorative pattern, painted or carved,
usually composed of curved plant

Side of the armchair supporting the
Decorative pattern carved at the ends
arm on both sides of the seat.
of the arms.

Armchair member supporting the back.

arm stump
Vertical member supporting the arm
and fastening it to the apron of the seat.
base of splat
Part of the splat joining it to the apron of the
Level part of the armchair for sitting

cabriole leg
cockleshell Small stile supporting the seat, curved
Decorative pattern shaped like a shell. outward toward the top and inward
toward the bottom.

acanthus leaf apron scroll foot

Decorative pattern characterized by a Wooden part surrounding and Carved ornamental foot of the
series of carved leaves whose rounded supporting the seat and into which the armchair.
top is in relief. legs are fitted.


examples of armchairs

Wassily chair director’s chair rocking chair

Armchair with a tubular metal frame Wooden armchair with a canvas back and seat Armchair with curved runners to rock
and whose back and seat are made of that folds up in the middle. on.

club chair bergère cabriolet

Large deep upholstered armchair, Upholstered armchair with a cushioned Wooden 18th-century armchair with a
usually made of leather. seat. curved back and armrests that curve



récamier méridienne
Long lounge chair on which one can recline, Sofa with an irregular back joining two
equipped with an upholstered headrest and arms of different heights.
back, the latter extending only a part of the
length of the chair.

chesterfield love seat

Upholstered quilted sofa whose arms Sofa that seats two people.
are the same height as its back.

Long upholstered armchair that seats
several people.

Furniture designed for sitting.

Low upholstered seat having neither
arms nor back.

bean bag chair

Seat composed of an upholstered bag;
it assumes the form of the human

step chair
Chair whose foldaway lower part can
be pulled out to form a step.

footstool bar stool

Seat with legs, having neither arms nor Seat with legs, having neither arms nor
back, of various heights. back, high enough so that a person can
sit at the level of a bar.

banquette bench
Bench with an upholstered seat. Long narrow unupholstered seat with
or without a back, seating several

side chair
Seat consisting of a back and legs but no arms.

parts ear
top rail Top end of a chair’s stile.
Horizontal member located at the top of
the back.

cross rail
Horizontal member located in the back
center of the back. Part of the chair supporting the back.

Level part of the chair for sitting upon.

Part of a chair supporting both the
back and the rear of the apron.

Wooden part surrounding and
supporting the seat and into which the
legs are fitted.

Horizontal member joining two of the
chair’s legs.

rear leg
Bottom end of the stile completing the
chair’s support.

front leg support

Bottom end of the front part the Grouping that supports the seat,
support. composed of the legs, spindle and

side chair

examples of chairs

chaise longue
Folding chair upon which one can

rocking chair stacking chairs folding chair

Chair equipped with curved runners to Chairs designed to be placed one atop Chair whose seat and legs fold up for
rock on. the other for storing. ease of storage and carrying.

Piece of furniture consisting of a level top supported by one or several legs and whose uses are numerous.

gate-leg table
Table equipped with a folding panel that can be raised to
enlarge the tabletop surface.

drawer knob
Sliding compartment encased in a Part attached to the drawer allowing it
piece of furniture. to open.
Level panel made from a wide range of
material and forming the top of a table.

Panel that is lifted to enlarge the
tabletop surface.

Level part of the gate-leg.

Pivoting leg supporting the drop-leaf.

Member forming the frame and
supporting the top, and in which the
legs are fitted.

crosspiece leg
Stretcher joining the legs of a table to Stile supporting the tabletop.
give it more stability.

examples of tables

serving cart nest of tables

Piece of furniture on which to place the Set of tables of various heights
dishes when the table is cleared. designed to stack one atop the other.

top extension table

Level panel made from a wide range of Table to which one or more extensions can
material and forming the top of a table. be added to enlarge the tabletop surface.

Panel inserted at the end of the
tabletop or between the two halves to
enlarge the surface.

storage furniture
Furniture serving to archive, support or protect various objects.

Tall piece of furniture enclosed by panels and frieze
equipped with shelves to store items such as Ornamental molding above the
linens, clothing and supplies. cornice.

top rail
Horizontal wooden member located at
the top of the frame.

Cylindrical metal part bent at an angle;
it supports the door and allows it to

Set of stiles and rails comprising an
armoire’s structure.

diamond point
Decorative pattern whose embossment
resembles the facets of a diamond.

Flat section of the panel between two
decorative relief patterns.

bottom rail
Horizontal wooden member located at
the bottom of the frame.
Each of an armoire’s moving parts,
acting as doors.
Wooden member, usually decorative,
supporting the armoire.
storage furniture

Set of protruding moldings across the
top of an armoire.

door panel
Carved or painted surface demarcated
by a molding.

center post
Fixed center stile of an armoire’s frame.

hanging stile
Vertical member of the frame to which
the hinges are fastened.

Device mounted on the door allowing it
to lock by using a key.

frame stile
Wooden member making up the sides
of the frame.

Dowel made of wood or metal used for
fastening various members.

bracket base
Lower part of the frame.

storage furniture

linen chest
Low piece of furniture shaped like a
chest and closed by a lid.

display cabinet
Glass cabinet for displaying
chiffonier collectibles and knickknacks.
Tall narrow piece of furniture equipped
with stacked drawers for storing
accessories and clothes.

Sliding compartment encased in a
piece of furniture.

Piece of furniture for storing office
supplies and stationery; it includes a
drop panel serving as a writing table.

Compartment for storing various
fall front
Panel closing the upper part of the
secretary; it is lowered to form a
writing table.

storage furniture
Piece of furniture in which one part is
equipped with shelves and drawers for
storing clothes and the other with a rod
for hanging them.
closet shelf
Part of an armoire equipped with a rod Level board on which clothes are
for hanging clothes. stored.

Dining room or kitchen furniture for
storing dishes, silverware and table

storage furniture

Piece of furniture for the bedroom
equipped with drawers, used for
storing clothes; it often has a mirror
mounted on top.

corner cupboard
Piece of furniture designed to be
placed in the angle formed by two

glass-fronted display cabinet cocktail cabinet

Piece of furniture consisting of a buffet Piece of furniture for storing liquor and
in the lower part and shelves for the accessories used for making
displaying dishes in the upper part. drinks.

Piece of furniture to stretch out on for resting or sleeping.

sofa bed
Sofa that can be converted into a bed.

Cotton mattress of Japanese origin.

Set of components forming the
structure of the piece of furniture.


mattress cover
Plastic or fabric case that covers the
mattress to protect it.

footboard pillow protector headboard

Panel forming the end of the bed where Fabric case that immediately covers Panel forming the end of the bed where
the feet lie. the pillow to protect it. the head lies.

Large upholstered cushion for sleeping
elastic on.

handle pillow
Cushion intended to support the head.

box spring bolster

leg Solid piece of furniture with springs on Cylindrical cushion on which the
Stile supporting the bed. the inside, covered in fabric and pillow rests; it usually extends the
supported by a frame; the mattress lies entire width of the bed.
on it.

Set of fabrics, blankets and pillows
covering a bed.

scatter cushion
Stuffed piece of fabric to lie against or
decorate a bed.

Cloth case stuffed with down, feathers or
synthetic material and often quilted; it is sham
used as a cover or for decorative neckroll Decorative cloth envelope covering a
purposes. Ornamental cylindrical cushion. pillow that matches the bedcover.

Covering for the sheet made of various
warm fabrics; it protects against the

flat sheet
Piece of fabric between the body and
the blanket.

Strip of fabric, usually pleated,
trimming the base of the bed.
fitted sheet pillowcase
Piece of fabric whose corners and Cloth envelope covering a pillow.
edges are designed to tuck snugly
under the mattress.

children’s furniture
Furniture designed and adapted for young children.

Deep bed for a baby surrounded by
bars, one side of which can be
lowered; it is equipped with a mattress headboard barrier
whose height can be changed. End of the bed where the head of the Assembly of bars enclosing the side of
baby is placed. the bed.

Vertical part of the barrier forming the
sides of the bed.

caster drawer mattress

Small wheels attached to the feet of the Sliding compartment encased in a bed. Large stuffed cushion upon which the
bed to facilitate moving it. baby sleeps.

children’s furniture
changing table
Piece of furniture equipped with
storage space and a changing area.

Bed that closes up, usually used when
changing table top rail
Detachable shelf for tending to the Elevated part of the sides of the bed
various needs of the baby. protecting the baby from falling.

mesh mattress
Perforated side that ventilates and Large stuffed cushion upon which the
protects, but the child can see through baby sleeps.

children’s furniture
booster seat
Seat that, when set upon a chair, raises
the child so that he or she can sit at
table level.
Part supporting the back.

Side part supporting the arm.

Level part on which the child sits.

high chair
Elevated seat, closed in front by a removable tray, in
which a baby sits for feeding.

Part supporting the back.

Removable tray on which the child’s
food is set down.

waist belt
Device keeping the child in the seat.

Support for the feet.

Part supporting and stabilizing the

window accessories
Set of elements decorating a window.

Formal drapery placed in front of a
window, often composed of several
layers of curtains.

sheer curtain
overdrapery Curtain made of a light fabric that
Curtain covering another curtain. filters the light entering a room.
Strip of fabric affixed to rigid canvas or
cardboard; it covers and hides the
curtain rod.

draw drapery
Piece of decorative fabric sliding in
front of a window to filter or block the
light and provide privacy.

Part attached to the wall for hooking
the tieback.

cord tieback
Plaited rope serving as a tieback.

Decorative end of a cord tieback.

window accessories
examples of curtains
The various types of curtains can create a particular atmosphere
in a room.

loose curtain
Curtain hung from a single curtain rod
and falling in soft pleats.

attached curtain crisscross curtains

Curtain on two curtain rods; it has Curtains whose held-back sides form
pleated sleeves at the top and bottom an overlap.
of the fabric.

balloon curtain
Curtain that is raised like a blind and
whose pleats are gathered to make
them puffy.

window accessories
Venetian blind Devices that roll or fold up, serving to filter or
Shade made of adjustable horizontal laths block light and provide privacy.
containing a mechanism for controlling its
height and orientation.

Grooved metal rod containing the
shade’s mechanism and used to mount
the blinds in front of a window. drum lift cord lock
Cylindrical mechanism allowing the Mechanism keeping the shade at the desired
cord and laths to move. height.

System of strings controlled by the lath
tilt device and the lift cord; it supports
the laths, changes their tilt angle and
bottom rail lift cord
raises them.
Bar that is heavier than the laths and Double cord to control the shade’s
serves as ballast to ease lowering the height and keep it level.

lath tilt device lath

Rod used for pivoting the tilt tube. Thin flat strips made of aluminum,
wood or plastic, the constituent parts
of the shade.

window accessories
roller shade
Shade with a roller containing a spring that
causes the shade cloth to roll up.

shade cloth roller winding mechanism

Piece of vinyl or stiffened cloth Tube housing the spring; the shade Spring mechanism allowing the shade cloth to
dressing a window. cloth wraps around it. roll up and down.

flat end pin

End of the roller regulating the spring’s
tension and its stopping mechanism.

roll-up blind roman shade

Shade made of nonadjustable laths rolled Shade that forms layered pleats as it is
up by a system of cords and pulleys. raised by means of cords sliding through
rings on the back of the cloth.

Fixed or portable devices designed and used to diffuse electric light.

Articulated moving bar for adjusting
the position of the lamp shade.

Relatively heavy support for stabilizing
the lamp.

halogen desk lamp

Desk lamp of greater luminous intensity and
longer duration than a traditional lamp but
that emits more heat.

Translucent screen directing the lamp’s
light while decreasing its glare.

Ornamental base of a lamp of various
materials and shapes; it supports the
socket while concealing the electric

table lamp desk lamp

Movable light with a short stand; it is Portable light equipped with an opaque
placed on furniture. shield that directs and diffuses the light
onto the worktable.

floor lamp
Portable lamp having a high stand that
is placed on the floor.

clamp spotlight bed lamp

Small portable spotlight with a Small reading light that can be
concentrated beam; it can be mounted mounted on the back of a book or the
on furniture with a clamp. headboard of a bed.

adjustable lamp
Multidirectional light usually mounted on a
on-off switch worktable by an adjustable clamp.
Button for turning the device on or off.

Articulated moving bar for adjusting
the position of the lamp shade.

Opaque shield directing the lamp’s
light onto the work surface.

Elastic metal coil for changing and
maintaining the position for the two
base sections of the arm.
The lamp’s flat-bottomed circular
support that makes it stable.

adjustable clamp
Mechanism in the form of a vise for
mounting the lamp to the edge of the


wall fitting wall lantern

Interior light mounted on a wall. Exterior light mounted on a wall,
consisting of a translucent or
transparent cage containing a light

swivel wall lamp

Interior light equipped with a movable articulated arm
mounted on a wall.

post lantern
Exterior light having a high stand that is
fixed to the ground; it consists of a
translucent or transparent cage containing
a light source.


track lighting
Device mounted to the ceiling to
support spots and supply electricity to

bar frame
Part of the track fitted with two metal contact lever
strips; the electric current passes Device for attaching the transformer
through it. and plugging it into the bar frame.

Device adapting the electric current
from the track to the spot’s voltage.

Small adjustable spotlight with a
concentrated beam.

ceiling fitting hanging pendant

Light mounted directly on the ceiling. Light designed to be hung from the

Light suspended from the ceiling and
consisting of several lamps.

crystal drop bobeche

Crystal ornament hanging from the Small ornamental cup placed at the
bobeches. base of the socket.

crystal button column

Ornamental set of crystal drops Mounting that supports the
arranged in a garland. chandelier’s branches.

strip light
Device composed of a set of lights that
are mounted on the same base.

domestic appliances
Domestic appliances operating on electricity.

steam iron
Electric appliance producing steam
and used to iron fabric.

front tip fill opening

Where water enters to fill the chamber.

Rigid casing covering and protecting
the various working elements of the spray
appliance. Device for turning water into mist to
dampen the fabric.

spray button
water-level tube Button for switching between steam
and dry ironing.

spray control
Device regulating the flow of steam.

Flat metal part that presses the fabric,
with orifices through which the steam


temperature control
Device for regulating the iron’s
vertical cord lift
Part keeping a section of the cord in an
upright position in order to free up the
ironing surface.
heel rest
Part upon which the iron rests while
not in use.

signal lamp
Light showing that the appliance is on. fabric guide
Table showing the appropriate iron temperature for
each type of fabric.

Flexible electric wire housing the leads
connecting the appliance to the electric

domestic appliances

upright vacuum cleaner

Vertical one-piece vacuum cleaner that
is steered by means of a handle-grip.

on-off switch
Button for turning the device on or off.

tool storage area

Space for storing the cleaning tools.
Flexible pipe to which cleaning tools
are attached.

bag compartment
Space for housing the bag that collects
the dust and dirt.

cleaner height adjustment knob

Mechanism for controlling brush height
depending on the thickness of the rug or pile
carpet to be cleaned.

Rotating instrument equipped with
bristles for dislodging dirt encrusted in
the rug or pile carpet fibers.

Small accessories that one attaches to
the end of the hose to vacuum dust and

domestic appliances
cylinder vacuum cleaner
Electric appliance for vacuuming dust
and dirt; it is equipped with wheels and
a flexible hose.
locking device
Mechanism for locking the flexible
hose onto the pipe.

Cylindrical rigid tube that moves the flexible hose
rug and floor brushes and other Supple tube to which the pipe and
cleaning tools. cleaning tools are connected; it makes
the appliance more manageable.

Trim protecting the furniture if the
vacuum cleaner collides with it.

hood ventilating grille

Rigid casing covering and protecting Perforated panel through which
the various working elements of the aspirated air, cleansed of dust and dirt,
appliance. is expelled.

on-off switch
Button for turning the device on or off.

extension pipe
Cylindrical tube inserted into the end
of the pipe to lengthen it.


Flexible electric wire housing the leads
connecting the appliance to the electric
rug and floor brush circuit.
Accessory devised to vacuum dust and dirt from a rug, pile carpet
or floor.

domestic appliances

cleaning tools
Small accessories that one attaches to the end of the hose to
vacuum dust and dirt.
crevice tool
Accessory for vacuuming dust and dirt
from hard-to-reach places.

dusting brush floor brush upholstery nozzle

Accessory for vacuuming dust from Accessory equipped with bristles to Accessory for vacuuming dust and dirt from fabric.
various surfaces. avoid scratching the floor while

hand vacuum cleaner

Portable cordless appliance for vacuuming dust and

locking button
Mechanism keeping the dust receiver
on the motor unit.
dust receiver
Receptacle holding the dust and dirt. on-off switch
Button for turning the device on or off.

motor unit
Part containing the motor and the
various circuits making the appliance
recharging base
Electric base on which the vacuum
cleaner rests to recharge the motor
unit’s battery.

domestic appliances
gas range
Appliance for cooking food, equipped
with gas-fed burners and an oven.

grate burner control knobs

Metal grille supporting the cookware Instrument for starting and stopping the supply
over the burners. of gas and for controlling its flow.
Device producing a flame in order to
cook food.

Surface of the range on which the
burners are arranged.

control panel
Panel containing the programming
keys for the burners and the oven.

Closed part of the range, equipped with
an upper heating element (broiler) and a
lower heating element, in which food is
cooked or heated.

Thick window for looking inside the

Metal grille for supporting cookware;
its height is adjustable.

domestic appliances
chest freezer
Large horizontal appliance for
conserving food at a very low
temperature (0°F).

Moving part hermetically closing the

Large insulated compartment for
storing food.

Removable container for storing food.

temperature control
Device for selecting and maintaining
defrost drain the degree of coldness in the
Removable plug for draining defrost appliance.

domestic appliances
range hood
Ventilation appliance expelling or
recycling air that contains cooking
fumes and odors.

Device catching the cooking grease.

surface element
Heating element for cooking on some
models of kitchen stoves.
tubular element
Spiral-shaped electric resistor that
heats up as a current passes through it.

Metal part making electric contact.

drip bowl trim ring

Small container placed beneath the Decorative part supporting the drip
surface element to catch cooking bowl and surface element.

domestic appliances
electric range
Electric appliance for cooking food,
equipped with surface elements or
griddles and an oven.

clock timer
Multifunction timekeeping mechanism;
cooking unit it shows the time, times cooking control panel
Heating element on which cooking duration, starts the oven at a preset Panel containing the programming
takes place. time, etc. keys.

control knob
cooktop Instrument for making or cutting
Surface of the range on which the electric contact and for regulating the
cooking units are arranged. intensity of the cooking units’ heat.

cooktop edge
Protruding edge along the sides of the
cooking surface.

Part for opening and closing the oven

Closed part of the range, equipped with
an upper heating element (broiler) and
a lower heating element, in which food
is cooked or heated.

Thick window for looking inside the

Metal grille for supporting cookware;
its height is adjustable.

Sliding drawer at the bottom of the
range in which sundry cookware is

domestic appliances
Appliance with two compartments, one
for keeping food cold and the other for
freezing it. switch
Mechanism switching on the
refrigerator light when the door is

Removable support whose height is


water dispenser
Apparatus that automatically supplies
water or ice cubes.

refrigerator compartment
Compartment keeping food cold.

freezer compartment
Refrigerator compartment for freezing

Compartment maintaining optimal
temperature for conserving fruits and

domestic appliances
door stop
Part that stops the door from opening
too far.

magnetic gasket
Rubber gasket keeping the doors

butter compartment
Compartment with a pull-down door for
storing butter.

meat keeper
Compartment for storing meat.

shelf channel
Notched part to which the shelves

storage door
Door with rows of shelves and

guard rail
Part keeping food in place when the
door is opened or closed.

dairy compartment
Compartment for storing milk cartons.

domestic appliances
top-loading washer
Home appliance that automatically backguard
washes laundry; access to the tub is Vertical part across the back of the
via a lid on the top of the appliance. washer on which the appliance’s
various controls are found.

Moving part for closing the washer’s

tub rim
Protrusion that reduces splashing.

Device stirring the laundry.

Durable container into which the water

lint filter
Device collecting fiber residue from

Mechanism allowing the agitator and
basket to turn at various speeds.

Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

torque converter
Mechanism controlling and adjusting the
agitator and basket action.
spring drive belt
Metal elastic piece attached to the Device using a system of pulleys to
suspension arm to reduce tub transfer the motor’s mechanical energy
vibrations. to the washer’s transmission.

domestic appliances
front-loading washer
Home appliance that automatically
washes laundry; access to the tub is
via a door on the front of the appliance.

Perforated drum into which the laundry
is placed.

temperature selector water-level selector

control knob control panel

Device automatically controlling the Panel containing the programming
selected wash cycle. keys.
Enameled sheet-metal case covering
and protecting the appliance’s various

suspension arm
Metal struts supporting the tub.

drain hose
Flexible pipe through which the
washer’s pump expels the wastewater
to the dwelling’s drain circuit.

emptying hose
Pipe through which the washer’s pump
empties the water from the tub.


leveling foot Device that evacuates wastewater from
Adjustable part for supporting the the tub and drives it into the drain
appliance and making it level. hose.

domestic appliances

electric dryer
Appliance for automatically drying laundry.

start switch

temperature selector

heating duct
Conduit in which air is heated and
directed toward the drum.

Part causing the laundry to tumble
while drying.

Cylinder whose rotation tumbles the
laundry to dry it.

lint trap
Device collecting fiber residue from

Device circulating the hot air in the

Device transforming electric energy
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

domestic appliances

Vertical part across the back of the
dryer on which the appliance’s various
controls are found.

control knob
Device automatically controlling the
selected drying cycle.
control panel
Panel containing the programming

door switch
Mechanism stopping the drum’s
rotation when the door is opened.


Enameled sheet-metal case covering
and protecting the appliance’s various

safety thermostat
Device interrupting the current if the
heating element temperature is too

heating element
Electric resistor heating the air before it
enters the drum.
leveling foot
Adjustable part for supporting the
appliance and making it level.

domestic appliances
Appliance designed to automatically
wash and dry dishes.
insulating material
Material lining the dishwasher’s walls
in order to reduce heat loss and noise.

Grillelike shelf in which the dishes are

overflow protection switch

Mechanism halting the water feed if the water
level exceeds the tub’s capacity.

Articulated fastener allowing the door
to be raised and lowered.

detergent dispenser
Device that is activated by the control knob and
dispenses the detergent into the tub.

rinse-aid dispenser
Device that is activated by the control knob and
dispenses a rinsing agent into the tub.

Rubber seal keeping the door

cutlery basket
Grillelike container in which the cutlery
is placed.

domestic appliances

Durable container in which the dishes
are washed and dried.

Mechanism supporting the basket and
enabling it to slide.

wash tower
Mechanism spraying the dishes with
hot water from the center of the

spray arm
Rotating perforated arm spraying the
dishes with hot pressurized water to
clean them.

water hose
Hot-water feed pipe to the dishwasher
connected to the dwelling’s plumbing circuit.

heating element
Submerged electric resistor that heats
the water and dries the dishes.

drain hose
Flexible pipe through which the
dishwasher pump expels wastewater
pump into the dwelling’s drain circuit.
Device routing the water under
pressure to the spray arms and
evacuating the tub’s wastewater into
the drain hose.

leveling foot
motor Adjustable part for supporting the
Device transforming electric energy appliance and making it level.
into mechanical energy to drive
another device.

household equipment
Objects used for cleaning a dwelling.

scouring pad
Object with one abrasive surface for cleaning and brush
scouring, and a spongy surface for wiping Utensil with fibers attached to a mounting
objects and surfaces. used to scrub and clean.

block fibers
Relatively rigid fabric strands for
scrubbing and cleaning.

refuse container
Container into which household trash is placed.


Container for carrying water used for
household chores.

pouring spout

Part shaped like a semicircle for
gripping the pail.

household equipment
mop broom
Instrument equipped with fabric strips Instrument equipped with fibers
attached to a handle for washing floors. attached to a handle for collecting dust
and dirt.

kitchen towel
Piece of cloth used to dry dishes,
furniture and so on.


Instrument used to collect dust and dirt.

Relatively rigid fabric strands for
scrubbing and cleaning.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: nailing tools
Carpentry: working with wood to build simple furniture or carry out construction and renovation projects.

claw hammer
Cleaved-peen hammer much used in construction,
for driving nails in and pulling them out.

The cleaved peen can be used to extract bent or
partially driven nails.

eye cheek
Hollowed-out part of the hammer head The sides of the hammer head,
into which the handle is inserted. between the claw and the face.

Flat surface used to drive a nail into a material.
carpenter’s hammer
Hammer whose tapered peen is ideal for
starting small nails; once they catch, the
hammering can continue using the face.

nail set
Tool used to push a nail completely
into wood without damaging its
ball-peen hammer
Perfect for driving chisels and punches, it
has a spherical peen often used for
flattening rivets and working metals.
ball peen
Rounded part located opposite the

Large-headed hammer, often made of
head wood or rubber, used for directly
Striking end of a mallet. striking materials or for hammering
woodworking tools.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: nailing tools
Long metal part, usually with a head
and a tip, used to attach or assemble
shank various materials.
Long thin part between the head and
the tip whose length, diameter and
shape vary according to the type of

Pointed end whose function is to make
head it easier to drive the nail into the wood
Flat surface that is struck when or other material.
hammering a nail.

examples of nails

Small wide-headed nail often used to
affix carpets, fabric and other thin

spiral nail masonry nail

Turns like a screw as it is hammered in; Made of hardened steel, it can be
it reduces cracking and is hard to pull hammered into masonry without
out. breaking or bending.

common nail finishing nail cut nail

Sturdy wide-headed nail, used for The head, scarcely wider than the shank, can easily be The flat shank and head do not harm
general woodwork and carpentry. hammered in and concealed; it is ideal for finishing work fibers; it is used especially for laying
and moldings. wood flooring.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: screwing tools

Hand tool used for tightening or
loosening screws and bolts by
applying a rotating motion.
Metal part inserted into the screwdriver
handle. handle

End of the blade or bit that fits into the
groove of the screw or bolt.

Thin flat part forming the end of the

toggle bolt expansion bolt

Part composed of a bolt with wings Part composed of a bolt in a sheath that bends when
that deploy inside the wall to ensure a the bolt is inserted, then flattens out against the
solid fastening. inside of the wall.

cordless screwdriver
Battery-driven screwdriver with
interchangeable bits, used for tightening and
loosening screws and bolts.

Detachable shank rotated by the motor
to screw or unscrew a part.

tip reversing switch battery

End of the blade or bit that fits into the Switch for selecting the bit’s direction Device that stores chemical energy
groove of the screw or bolt. of rotation (screwing or unscrewing). while charging, then converts it to
electric energy.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: screwing tools

spiral screwdriver
Screwdriver with interchangeable bits fitted into a
mechanism for screwing or unscrewing by simply
pushing the handle.

Mechanism converting pressure
applied on the handle into the rotation
motion of the blade. ratchet
Mechanical instrument for setting the
direction of rotation of the spiral and
the blade (screwing or unscrewing).

Thin flat part forming the end of the bit.

locking ring
Blocks the spiral’s rotation allowing the
tool to be used as an ordinary

jaw chuck
The parts of the chuck that grip the tool Device with jaws for attaching the bit or
to keep it firmly in place. drill to the tool.

examples of tips
Tip: end part of the blade or bit; it adapts to the screw
or bolt’s groove.

square-headed tip
Tip whose end cut fits into a socket-head screw.

flat tip cross-headed tip

Tip that fits into a screw’s slot. Tip whose crisscross end fits into a cross-headed

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: screwing tools
Metal part, composed of a head and a
partially or completely threaded shank,
used to secure fastenings and
assemblies. head
Broadened end of the screw, whose
shape and slot vary.
slot Nonthreaded part of a screw’s shank.
Notch in the head into which a
corresponding screwdriver tip can be
Spiral protrusion on the shank’s
surface, for driving the screw into a
solid material by turning.

examples of heads
Head: broadened end of the screw, whose shape and slot vary.

flat head one-way head

Slotted head becoming flush with the surface Slotted head having two opposing quarters
of the wood when completely embedded. removed so that the screw can be turned one
way only, making it very difficult to unscrew.

round head oval head

Slotted rounded head whose base is Slotted head topped with an ornamental
flat so that it presses against the wood spherical part that is not driven beneath the
or metal surface. wood’s surface.

cross head socket head

Head whose crisscross indentation keeps the Head with a square socket that varies in size.
screwdriver in the middle of the head,
providing a very firm grip.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: sawing tools

Frame handsaw for sawing metal of varying
adjustable frame
Rigid metal mount keeping the blade
under tension. Extendable, it can be
grip handle adjusted for blades of various lengths.

It has very hard teeth; their thickness
depends on the type of metal.

coping saw
Small handsaw with a frame, used for
cutting out curves or delicate patterns in a
piece of relatively thin wood.

Rigid metal mount keeping the blade
under tension to prevent it from

The rotation of the handle regulates the
tension of the blade on the frame. blade
Thin, flexible and very straight, it can
move at various angles to make
irregular cuts.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: sawing tools
compass saw
Small handsaw used mostly to cut
regular or curved openings in wood
and panels.

Narrow and rigid, it can cut a piece of
wood in a curve.


Very common manual saw, suited for straight
cuts in boards or wood panels.

handle Toothless edge of a blade.
Long and rigid but slightly flexible, it is
designed for following a straight line.

heel toe
Rear end of a blade, partially or Front end of a blade, usually narrower
completely encased in the handle. than the heel.
Small point forming the cutting part of
the blade. Together, their number, shape
and disposition vary depending on the
intended use.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: sawing tools

hand miter saw

Device consisting of a handsaw and a guide for cutting a
piece at a precise angle.

miter box fence

Grooved instrument for guiding the saw to make Perpendicular plate on the surface bracing the
cuts at precise angles. piece to be cut.

It is set in a rigid frame, which is part
of a movable device that moves the
blade vertically and horizontally.

miter latch
Device for locking the blade at the
miter scale
desired angle.
Graduated scale for regulating the
blade precisely to the selected cut

clamp end stop
Instrument for locking a piece against Adjustable device against which the piece rests
the fence and the grooved surface. to keep it from moving.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: sawing tools
circular saw
Portable electric saw with a circular blade; it is used for
making straight cuts in various materials.
height adjustment scale
Regulates the blade’s height under the base plate, to control the
depth of the cut.

blade trigger switch

Thin metal disk with teeth; it rotates to Connection mechanism for starting or stopping the tool
cut pieces of metal or wood. by squeezing with the finger. handle
For optimal control of the tool, it is
advisable to place one hand on the
upper blade guard handle and the other on the knob
Fixed sheath covering the upper part of the blade handle.
to protect the user’s hands and prevent sawdust
from escaping.

lower guard retracting lever

For manually raising the lower blade guard.

lower blade guard

Retractable sheath covering the lower part of
the blade, which lifts as the cut advances.

blade tilting lock

Mechanism for locking the blade at the degree of inclination selected,
between 45° and 90°.

rip fence base plate knob handle

Movable part, perpendicular to the Support plate for the tool, which rests Handle for ease of guiding the tool
surface, controlling the width of the cut on the surface of the piece to be cut. while sawing.
in the lengthwise direction.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: sawing tools
jig saw
Electric portable saw whose blade has an up-
and-down motion; it is used for making
straight or curved cuts.

speed selector switch

Device for controlling the rhythm of the
blade’s up-and-down motion.

lock-on button
trigger switch
Device locking the switch in position to keep the saw working
Connection mechanism for starting or
continuously during long or complex cuts.
stopping the tool by squeezing with the

orbital-action selector
Mechanism regulating the pendular motion of the blade. A
slight or no pendular motion gives a better finish but takes

chip cover
Protective cover preventing sawdust and
fragments from flying toward the user or
toward the cutting line.

It moves up and down but can also move
from front to back, which increases the
efficiency of the sawing.

base power cord

The tool’s support plate, which rests on the surface Flexible electric wire housing the leads
of the piece to be cut. It can be inclined to make connecting the appliance to the electric
beveled cuts. circuit.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: drilling tools

electric drill
Portable electric tool using variable-speed
rotation to pierce holes and to drive drills and
pistol grip handle
switch lock Part shaped like a pistol grip so the
Device locking the switch in position to keep the saw wrist remains straight while holding
working for a prolonged period. the tool.

Plate showing the name of the
manufacturer, the serial number of the
trigger switch device and certain technical
Connection mechanism for starting or characteristics (tension, power, etc.).
stopping the tool by squeezing with the

Device with jaws for attaching the bit or
drill to the tool.

jaw auxiliary handle

The parts of the chuck that grip the tool Tubular handle providing a firm grip
to keep it firmly in place. and stabilizing the tool while drilling.

plug cable cable sleeve

Protective casing around the cable to
avoid twisting and prevent wear.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: drilling tools

Hand tool, made up of an angled crank
and a pawl and ratchet mechanism, for
drilling holes.

Movable part for turning the crank.

Angled shank whose rotation drives
the chuck, by the agency of a pawl and
ratchet mechanism.

cam ring Device with jaws for attaching the bit or
Metal cylinder covering the crank above drill to the tool.
the pawl.

Small lever for changing the chuck’s
direction of rotation by reversing the
ratchet motion.

quill ratchet
Hollow end of the front knob in which the Toothed wheel having only one
crank turns. direction of rotation; it is kept in place
by the pawl.

front knob
Knob for holding and stabilizing the
The parts of the chuck that grip the tool
tool while the other hand turns the
to keep it firmly in place.
crank by using the handle.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: drilling tools
examples of bits and drills
While both are intended for drilling holes in various
materials, the bit has a center point while the drill ends in a
cutting-edge cone. solid center auger bit
Bit made up of a central shank encircled by a twist;
it is very durable and especially designed for
making deep holes.

Upper part of the bit, on which
twist bit pressure from the chuck’s jaws is
Bit with a spiral drill flute; it drills exerted.
straight uniform holes and is very
practical for inserting dowels.

Upper part of the bit, on which
pressure from the chuck’s jaws is

Spiral protrusion around the bit’s
shank; it removes debris from the hole
Groove in the body of the bit that
being drilled.
removes debris from the hole while

Lip that covers the outline of the hole
body and removes debris, which is then
Part between the shank and the lead pushed to the twist and disposed of.

lead screw
Threaded pointed end for centering the
fluted land bit in the middle of the hole at the start
Cutting edge forming the edge of the of drilling.

land lead screw

Flat surface between the flutes. Threaded pointed end for centering the twist drill
bit in the middle of the hole at the start Usually used to drill holes in metal or
of drilling. wood, it is the most common type of

masonry drill spade bit double-twist auger bit

The carbide and tungsten tip, hard and Bit designed for shallow holes of wide Bit made up of two opposing twists; it removes debris
durable, is designed to drill through diameter; it has a long lead screw for quickly as the hole is drilled.
material such as brick, concrete and positioning on the center of the hole.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: shaping tools

random orbit sander

Portable electric tool whose abrasive disk
moves two ways (rotating and eccentric)
to sand various types of surface.

housing handle

lock-on button power cord

Device locking the switch in position to Flexible electric wire housing the leads
keep the saw working for a prolonged connecting the appliance to the electric
period. circuit.

trigger switch dust canister

Connection mechanism for starting or Receptacle collecting the dust drawn
stopping the tool by squeezing with the through the sander’s openings and the
finger. corresponding perforations in the
sanding disk.

sanding pad sanding disk

Cushion to which the sanding disk is Paper, usually perforated and self-
attached. Usually made of flexible adhesive, that fits the sander’s sanding
material, it is used for sanding flat and pad.
curved surfaces.

sanding disk
Paper, usually perforated and self-
adhesive, that fits the sander’s sanding

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: shaping tools
Portable electric tool using rotating bits to
mill moldings, grooves and wood joints.
Flat top of the router; the tool rests on
it when not in use. motor

depth adjustment
Device that regulates the depth of the
bit, thus controlling the depth of the switch
milling. Button for turning the device on or off.

cord sleeve
Protective casing around the cable to
lessen twisting and prevent wear.

guide handle
Used to hold and guide the tool.

base collet tool holder

Support plate for the tool, which rests Ring-shaped part for tightening or Device fitted with jaws for attaching the
on the surface of the piece to be loosening the tool holder. bit to the router.
worked on.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: shaping tools
examples of bits
Bits: detachable tools fitted with edges or abrasive parts;
a router applies a rotating motion on them to mill a piece
of work.

rounding-over bit dovetail bit

Depending on the way it is positioned, it Bit for making cuts shaped like a
is a bit for rounding the edge of a piece of dove’s tail, often used in joining
wood or for making a convex molding drawers.
with a shoulder.
core box bit
Bit usually used to mill grooves in
wood in the shape of semicircles.

rabbet bit
Bit for cutting an edge at right angles,
used especially for making frames and
for various cabinetmaking joints.

cove bit chamfer bit

Bit used especially for concave moldings or Bit for beveling edges at a 45° angle to
for cutting articulating joints for a gate-leg create decorative edges and joints.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: shaping tools

Hand tool with a cutting blade, intended
mainly for planing a wood surface or to
give it a shape (e.g., beveled, chamfered).
lateral-adjustment lever
Device for aligning the cutting edge of the
blade with the plane of the sole.

wedge lever
Lever for holding or releasing the knob
assembly made up of the lever Handle for guiding and stabilizing the
handle cap, blade and cap iron. tool.

depth-of-cut adjustment knob

Screw for controlling the motion of the blade in relation to the
sole; this determines the depth of the cut.

lever cap
Part keeping the blade and the cap iron
in place and under pressure.

sole frog-adjustment screw toe

Support plate, which rests on the Screw adjusting the blade’s slant and, Front end of the tool.
surface of the piece to be planed. therefore, the width of the opening (mouth)
that removes the shavings.

heel blade cap iron

Rear end of the tool. Metal plate whose beveled edge Metal part in apposition to the blade; it
constitutes the cutting edge of the breaks off the wood shavings to
plane. facilitate their removal.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: shaping tools

Hand tool made up of a metal blade
whose striated surface allows for pieces
of wood, metal or plastic to be smoothed,
altered or burnished.

wood chisel
Hand tool with a metal blade whose
end is beveled for woodworking.
Hand tool made up of a metal blade
whose tooth-covered surface can
quickly rough out wood, metal or


Part of the blade extending into the
handle, by which it is attached.

Metal pointy protuberances making up
the abrasive part of a rasp. Their widths
vary depending on the use.

sand paper
Paper usually coated with glass
powder, used by itself or mounted on a
tool for smoothing.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools

Hand tools with two movable jaws of fixed or
variable gaps, intended for gripping or clamping
curved jaw
Jaw whose internal side is rounded for
gripping or clamping a round object.

slip joint pliers

Pliers with curved jaws and ending in a straight part,
adjustable to two widths of opening.

Long part that, in concert with its twin, slip joint
exerts pressure to open or close the Pliers’ articulating axle, which slides
jaws. between two positions to change the
jaws’ gap.

locking pliers spring

Used as pliers, wrench and vice, it has Tight when the handles are closed to lock the
variable-gap jaws for gripping and pliers, it resumes its shape when unlocked and
clamping objects. the handles return to their initial position.

toothed jaw
Striated straight or curved part that,
with its twin, grasps or clamps an

Riveted assembly part that is the axle
of articulation for the release lever.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools
rib joint pliers
Pliers with straight jaws, adjustable to several
gap positions.
straight jaw
Jaw whose interior side is rectilinear
for grasping or clamping a flat, square
or many-sided object.
adjustable channel
Set of notches that receive the bolt to
change the jaws’ gap.

Metal plug ending in a head and
threaded for screwing into a nut; it
forms the pliers’ axle of articulation.

Hollow cylinder of metal whose lining
is threaded to screw onto a
corresponding bolt.

Long part that, in concert with its twin,
exerts pressure to open or close the

The pressure of the adjusting screw raises
or lowers it, thereby controlling the jaws’

adjusting screw
Screw regulating the jaws’ gap.

release lever
Lever for unlocking the pliers and
releasing the grip.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools
Hand tools with fixed or variable openings, used for
tightening and loosening nuts and bolts, and for
assembling and disassembling objects.

ratchet socket wrench socket set

Wrench fitted with a pawl and a ratchet: the pawl sets Set made up of hollow cylinders of
the direction of rotation, while the ratchet lets the different sizes and interior profiles that
handle turn in the opposite direction over the socket. fit onto a ratchet socket wrench.

open end wrench

Wrench with two openings of different sizes,
each having parallel jaws.
box end wrench
Wrench that is usually bent and has two
many-sided rings of different sizes; it
grips the nut more firmly than the open
end wrench.

fixed jaw
Upper branch of the fork, which is an
extension of the tool’s handle.
crescent wrench
Wrench whose jaws’ gap is adjustable for
gripping nuts, bolts or plumbing fittings of
various sizes.

handle thumbscrew movable jaw

Small striated wheel controlling the Lower branch of the fork, whose gap
movable jaw’s gap. enables the tool to adjust to the size of
the object to be gripped.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools
Metal parts with holes whose surfaces are threaded
for screwing onto the corresponding bolts.

hexagon nut acorn nut wing nut

Most common nut; it has six sides for Nut capped with a hollow dome that Nut comprised of two protruding ends
tightening with a wrench. covers and protects the threaded end of for tightening or loosening by hand.
the bolt.

Metal plugs ending in a head and threaded so they
bolt can be tightly screwed into nuts to secure
Metal threaded plug ending in a head;
fastenings and assemblies.
it is tightly screwed into a nut to secure
fastenings and assemblies.

nut head
Hollow cylinder of metal whose lining Widened end of the bolt, of various
is threaded to screw onto a shapes and sizes.
corresponding bolt.

shoulder bolt
Bolt whose head comprises a section of smaller
diameter for concentrating the tightening pressure.

threaded rod shoulder

Elongated part whose surface has a Cylindrical nonthreaded protrusion
spiral protrusion for screwing into a used as a bracket as the bolt is being
corresponding nut. tightened.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools

Portable tool with a C-shaped frame,
adjusting screw
used for keeping objects from moving
Threaded shank whose rotation is
while working on them.
movable jaw controlled by the handle; it moves the
Smooth or striated jaw that presses an jaw toward or away from the piece to be
object against the fixed jaw. clamped.
fixed jaw
Smooth or striated part against which
the movable jaw presses an object.

frame handle
Rigid metal support in the shape of a C, Sliding bar for tightening or loosening
having the fixed jaw on one end, while the adjusting screw, thereby spreading
pipe clamp
the other end contains a hole for the or closing the jaws.
Large press comprising a metal pipe
adjusting screw.
supporting a jaw and a tail stop.

Sliding bar that adjusts the screw to
slide the tail stop’s jaw up or down the clamping screw
pipe. Threaded shank whose rotation, tail stop
controlled by the clamping lever, causes Movable jaw whose motion along the
the jaw to slide along the pipe to or from pipe quickly adjusts the tool to the
the object to be clamped. length of the object to be clamped.

jaw pipe locking lever

Movable part for pressing more Hollow cylinder of varying length, Handle that fixes the tail stop at the
objects against the tail stop. along which the jaw and the tail stop desired position on the pipe.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: gripping and tightening tools

Press with two jaws; it is attached to a
worktable and used for clamping
movable jaw objects.
Smooth or striated jaw that presses an
object against the fixed jaw.
fixed jaw
Smooth or striated part against which
handle the movable jaw presses an object.
Sliding bar for tightening or loosening
the adjusting screw, thereby spreading
adjusting screw
or closing the jaws.
Threaded shank whose rotation is
controlled by the handle; it moves the
jaw toward or away from the piece to be

swivel base
Rotating surface surmounting the fixed
base, which allows the vise to turn
swivel lock
Sliding bar clamping down the swivel
base by locking it into the desired

fixed base bolt

The tool’s supporting block, usually Threaded metal plug with a head that is
bolted onto a work bench. tightly screwed into a nut to secure the
vise to a work bench.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: measuring and marking tools

framing square
Instrument, usually graduated, used for marking right angles
and to check that joints and cuts are perpendicular.

spirit level
Instrument fitted with tubes containing a liquid and an air
bubble that, when placed between two points of reference,
shows whether a surface is level, vertical or at 45°.

bevel square
Instrument whose movable arms are
used for measuring or for marking an

tape measure
Instrument for determining length
made up of a graduated, flexible tape of
variable length that rolls up inside a
chalk line
Instrument consisting of a cord that
rewinds into a case filled with chalk
powder; it is used for marking straight

Thin metal graduated band; it is narrow
and flexible for measuring lengths.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: miscellaneous material

tool belt
Band worn around the waist, fitted with
pockets and accessories for holding
tools and instruments needed close at


hammer loop
Metal bracket for holding the head of a
tool box
Rigid container, fitted with a cover and
a tray, for storing and carrying tools.


Rigid detachable container, divided
into compartments and usually used
for storing hardware or small tools.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
plumbing tools
The purpose of plumbing is to install, maintain and repair a dwelling’s pipes and sanitary fixtures.

Teflon® tape
Flexible waterproof ribbon for covering
threaded pipe joints to prevent leakage.

basin wrench
Wrench whose jaws are perpendicular to a
telescoping handle, and pivot to open at
variable positions; it is used for working in
cramped spaces.

pipe wrench
Wrench with notched jaws and
adjustable opening for firmly gripping
nuts, couplings and thick-walled

plumber’s snake plunger

Metal semirigid auger whose end is usually fitted with a Rubber funnel-shaped instrument,
hook or corkscrew; it is used for unblocking pipes. attached to the end of a handle, for
unblocking toilets, sinks and other

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
masonry tools
The purpose of masonry is to build and repair structures or to cover walls with brick, stone or concrete blocks.

mason’s trowel
Tool with a trapezoidal blade, used
mainly for spreading and smoothing
mortar and concrete.


square trowel
Tool with a rectangular blade, usually
used for smoothing plaster and small
concrete surfaces.

Part of the blade extending into the
blade handle, by which it is attached.
Slightly curved, for placing mortar on
the desired spot.

joint filler caulking gun

Tool whose fine blade is used to Instrument using a piston mechanism
smooth noticeable joints in a facing. for applying caulking to seal joints and
cartridge openings.
Small replaceable reservoir, fitted with
a nozzle and containing a malleable,
adhesive caulking.

piston release
Elbow-shaped shaft with a push stick nozzle
(piston) that compresses the contents Conical nozzle forming the end of the
of the cartridge or releases the gun. cartridge.

piston lever gun tip

Trigger controlling the forward motion Open cylindrical instrument supporting End of the nozzle through which the
of the cartridge. a cartridge. caulking is applied.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
electricity tools
The purpose of the electrical trade is to install, maintain and repair electrical wiring and devices in a place or

neon tester
Instrument used for detecting the presence of an electric
current in low-voltage appliances, devices and circuits.

multipurpose tool lineman’s pliers

Pliers fitted with straight jaws, used especially Pliers fitted with straight jaws that provide a powerful
for gripping, cutting and stripping electric grip; they also include a wire cutter and jaws for
wires. pulling fish wire.

Straight striated part that, with its twin,
opens and closes to grip, twist or cut
Pliers’ axle of articulation, which
an electric cable, wire or other object.
allows the jaws to open and close.

wire cutter
Part fitted with two cutting edges for
cropping an electric wire.
wire cutter
Cutting edge for cropping an electric

Pliers’ axle of articulation, which
allows the jaws to open and close.
wire stripper
Pliers’ cutting notch, of various
diameters, in which the end of an
electric cable is clamped for stripping.
insulated handle
Long part of the pliers, covered with a
material preventing the flow of

insulated handle
Long part of the pliers, covered with a
material preventing the flow of

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
electricity tools

drop light
Portable electric lamp protected by a
guard and fitted with a long cord
allowing it to be moved.

receptacle analyzer
Instrument for detecting any faults in the receptacle, such
as grounding problems and crossed or unconnected

Metal half sphere concentrating and
voltage tester
directing the light from a lightbulb.
Screwdriver used for detecting an electric
current in appliances, devices and low-voltage

insulated blade bulb

Glass envelope filled with gas, in
which a luminous body is inserted.

Metal mesh protecting the lightbulb
while the drop light is being handled.

convenience outlet
Device connected to an electric circuit; it
transmits the current to an electrical
appliance when its plug is inserted into
the outlet.

insulated handle handle

Part for gripping the tool, made from a
material that prevents an electric
current from passing through it.

neon lamp
Flexible electric wire housing the leads
Small tube that lights up when the
connecting the appliance to the electric
blade is in contact with a live

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
ladders and stepladders
Movable devices of wood or metal, composed of rungs or steps and used to reach relatively high areas.

extension ladder
Straight ladder of adjustable height,
made up of two superimposed planes rolling ladder
that slide one on the other. Movable ladder fitted with a platform and a
safety rail; it can be moved on wheels
equipped with blocking devices.

Bar on a ladder that constitutes a step.

side rail
Part supporting rungs or steps.

locking device
Hook immobilizing the upper part of the
ladder at the desired height by hooking
onto a rung; it can also be released to
lower the upper part.

Small wheel for maneuvering the
hoisting cord.

hoisting rope
Rope that is pulled to raise and lower
the upper part of the ladder.

antislip shoe
Part attached to the bottom end of the side rail to
prevent slipping.
D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
ladders and stepladders
top stepladder
Flat top of a stepladder upon which Small ladder, often folding, that is usually
objects can be placed. composed of three to six steps.

tool shelf
Flat folding surface upon which tools
can be placed.

Folding cross piece maintaining the
gap between the two opposite side step
rails, thereby providing stability. Flat narrow surface that supports the
feet when climbing, descending or

platform ladder
Small indoor ladder, usually folding, that
comprises a small number of steps.
safety rail
Part serving as a support and
protection barrier. shelf
Flat folding shelf upon which objects
can be placed.

frame Wider step for standing on safely.
Parts supporting the steps and the
platform of a platform ladder.

rubber tip Flat narrow surface that supports the
Rubber part attached to the ends of the feet when climbing, descending or
frame to prevent slipping. standing.

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
painting upkeep
The main purpose of this type of work is to apply paint, stain or varnish to a surface.

Instrument with a blade used to remove
paint or varnish from a surface. paint roller
Instrument fitted with a detachable
handle for spreading the paint evenly
on a large surface.

Thin flat metal part that forms the
cutting part of the scraper.

Natural or synthetic bristles attached to roller frame
a handle, used for spreading paint, Metal pivoting structure inserted into
varnish or stain on a base. roller cover
Detachable cylindrical part, covered the roller cover as support.
with natural or synthetic fibers adapted
to the nature of the product being

Container used with a roller; it has a deep area to
hold the paint and a ribbed area for coating the roller
cover with the amount of paint required.

Stiff hairs made from natural or synthetic
materials; they are filled with paint,
varnish or stain to apply them.


120-volt circuit 77 balloon curtain 110 box end wrench 156 ceiling fan 49 condenser coil 51
240-volt circuit 77 banister 23 box spring 104 ceiling fitting 116 condenser fan 51
240-volt feeder cable 77 banquette 93 brace 18, 147, 167 ceiling joist 19 connection point 80
45° elbow 67 bar frame 116 bracket base 99 cement screed 24 connector 68, 69, 77
90° elbow 67 bar stool 93 branch 53 center post 99 consumer number 79
barrier 106 branch duct 38 chairs, examples 95 contact 87
base 34, 79, 86, 87, 88, 113, branch return pipe 40 chaise longue 95 contact devices 82
above ground swimming pool 114, 145, 150 chalk line 160 contact lever 116
branch supply pipe 40
11 chamfer bit 151
base cabinet 70 branching, examples 72 control box 61
acanthus leaf 90 chandelier 117
access panel 39, 60 base of splat 90 brick wall 20 control knob 125, 129, 131
base plate 144 bridging 18 changing table 107 control panel 48, 51, 122,
acorn nut 157
actual temperature 50 baseboard 21, 22 bristles 168 Chantilly parquet 25 125, 129, 131
adjustable channel 155 basement 12 broom 37, 135 check valve 54 convector 46
adjustable clamp 114 basement window 9 brush 119, 134, 168 cheek 136 convenience outlet 165
adjustable frame 141 basin wrench 162 bucket 49 chest freezer 123 cooking unit 125
adjustable lamp 114 basket 123, 129 buffet 101 chesterfield 92 cooktop 70, 122, 125
adjusting screw 155, 158, basket weave pattern 25 chiffonier 100 cooktop edge 125
building sewer 52, 55
159 bathroom 14, 15, 56 children’s furniture 106 coping saw 141
aerator 63, 64, 65 bulb 85, 87, 88, 89, 165
bathroom skylight 13 chimney 9, 12, 36, 42 copper to plastic 69
agitator 128 bumper 120
bathtub 14, 57 chimney connection 35 copper to steel 69
air chamber 74, 75 burner 42, 122
battery 138 chip cover 145 corbel piece 34
air conditioning 48 burner control knobs 122
bayonet base 85 choosing key 50 cord 111, 118, 120, 165
air filter 48 butter compartment 127 chuck 139, 146, 147
air inlet control 35 bean bag chair 93 button 86 cord sleeve 150
bed 103 circuit breaker 45 cord tieback 109
air purifier 48
air return 38, 39 bed lamp 114 C circuit vent 53 cordless screwdriver 138
air tube 41, 42 circular saw 144
bedroom 14 C-clamp 158 core box bit 151
air-conditioning appliances circulating pump 40
belt 161 cabinet 70, 123, 129, 131 corner cupboard 102
48 clamp 82, 143
bench 93 cable 146 corner stud 19
American plug 83 clamp spotlight 114
bergère 91 cable sleeve 146 cornice 9, 30, 99, 109
andirons 37 clamping screw 158
anode rod 60 bevel square 160 cabriole leg 90 cotter pin 32
claw 136
antislip shoe 166 bidet 56 cabriolet 91 countertop 70
claw hammer 136
apron 90, 94, 96 bit 138 cam ring 147 cleaner height adjustment cove bit 151
aquastat 42 bits 148 cap 22, 66, 85 knob 119 cover 50, 79, 82
Arenberg parquet 25 bits, examples 151 cap iron 152 cleaning tools 121 covering grille 43
arm 90, 113, 114 blade 49, 82, 83, 138, 139, capped tee 36 cleanout 72 crank 147
arm stump 90 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, carpenter’s hammer 136 crescent wrench 156
armchair 90 clock timer 125
152, 163, 168 carpentry material 161 closed stringer 23 crevice tool 121
armchairs, examples 91 blade tilting lock 144 carpentry: drilling tools 146 crib 106
armoire 98 closet 17, 101
blanket 105 carpentry: nailing tools 136 club chair 91 crisper 126
armrest 108
arrow key 50 bleeder valve 43 carpentry: sawing tools 141 cockleshell 90 crisscross curtains 110
attached curtain 110 blinds 111 carpentry: screwing tools 138 cocktail cabinet 102 cross head 140
auger bit, solid center 148 block 134 carpentry: shaping tools 149 cold-water circuit 53 cross rail 94
auxiliary handle 146 blower 39 carpet 26 cold-water line 60 cross-headed tip 139 ENGLISH INDEX
auxiliary heating 46 blower motor 39, 51 cartridge 65, 163 cold-water riser 53 crosspiece 96
bobeche 117 cartridge faucet 65 cold-water supply line 58, 61, crystal button 117
B body 64, 65, 118, 148 cartridge fuse 78 crystal drop 117
72, 74, 75
back 94, 108, 142 boiler 40, 42 cartridge stem 65 collet 150 curtain 109
backguard 128, 131 bolster 104 casement 29 column 43, 117 curtains, examples 110
bag compartment 119 bolt 33, 155, 157, 159 casement window 27 column radiator 43 curved jaw 154
balcony 15 bolts 157 casing 28, 46, 51 comforter 105 customer’s service entrance
balcony window 15 bonding jumper 77 caster 106, 120 common nail 137 80
ball assembly 64 bonnet 63, 64 cathedral ceiling 15 compartment 100 cut nail 137
ball peen 136 booster seat 108 cathedral roof 13 compass saw 142 cutlery basket 132
ball-cock supply valve 58 border 8 caulking gun 163 compression coupling 73 cylinder 32, 63
ball-peen hammer 136 bottom rail 98, 111 ceiling 36 compression fitting 68 cylinder case 32
ball-type faucet 64 box 35, 42 ceiling collar 36 compressor 44 cylinder vacuum cleaner 120

D E faucets 62 French window 27 hanging pendant 116
dairy compartment 127 ear 94 fence 8, 143 frieze 98 hanging stile 29, 99
elastic 104 fibers 134, 135 frog-adjustment screw 152 head 136, 137, 140, 150,
damper 38 filament 86 front grille 49
dead bolt 31, 32 elbow 38 157
elbow, 45° 67 filament support 87 front knob 147 head of frame 28
deflector 46 file 153 front leg 94
electric baseboard radiator 46 headboard 104, 106
defrost drain 123 fill opening 118 front tip 118
electric circuit 87 header 18, 30
dehumidifier 49 electric connection 39, 45 filler tube 58 front-loading washer 129
depth adjustment 150 filter 11, 39, 124 full-load adjustment screw 79 headrail 111
electric drill 146 heads, examples 140
depth-of-cut adjustment knob electric dryer 130 fin 46 furnace 38
152 electric furnace 39 finishing nail 137 fuse 81 heat control 41
desired temperature 50 electric motor 41 fire box 35 fuses, examples 78 heat deflecting disc 86
desk lamp 113 electric range 125 fire irons 37 futon 103 heat exchanger 42
detergent dispenser 132 electric supply 60 fire pot 42 heat pump 44
firebrick 35 G
dial 79 electric water-heater tank 60 heating 34
electrical box 84 firebrick back 34 gable stud 18 heating duct 130
diamond point 98 fireplace 17, 34 garage 8, 10, 12
electricity 76 heating element 39, 42, 131,
dimmer switch 84 fireplace screen 37 garbage disposal sink 72
electricity meter 79, 81 133
dinette 16, 71 electricity tools 164 firing, wood 34 garbage disposal unit 73
dining room 17 first floor 12, 16 garden path 8, 10 heating, forced hot-water
electrode 89
director’s chair 91 electrode assembly 41 fitted sheet 105 gas 89 system 40
disc faucet 63 electronic ballast 88 fittings 66 gas burner 61 heating, forced warm-air
discharge line 54 elements of a house 27 fittings, examples 66 gas range 122 system 38
dishwasher 70, 75, 132 elevation 12 fixed base 159 gas water-heater tank 61 hedge 9
disk 79 emptying hose 129 fixed jaw 156, 158, 159 gasket 68, 132 heel 142, 152
display 50 end joist 19, 20 fixture drain 52 gate-leg 96 heel rest 118
end stop 143 flare joint 69 gate-leg table 96 height adjustment scale 144
display cabinet 100 flashing 36
energy-saving bulb 88 girder 18 herringbone parquet 25
distribution box 55 flat end pin 112 glass-fronted display cabinet
entablature 30 herringbone pattern 25
distribution panel 76, 81 entrance hall 16 flat head 140 102
distributor service loop 80 flat sheet 105 glass-lined tank 61 hexagon bushing 66
escutcheon 31, 63, 73
diving board 11 European outlet 82 flat tip 139 glassed roof 16 hexagon nut 157
do-it-yourself 8, 136 European plug 82 flexible hose 120 glue 24 high chair 108
domestic appliances 118 evaporator blower 51 flexible rubber hose 74 goose-neck 22 high-temperature cutoff 60
door 98, 122, 129, 131 evaporator coil 51 flight of stairs 23 grate 122 hinge 29, 30, 98, 132
door panel 99 examples of armchairs 91 float 54 gravel 20, 55 hoisting rope 166
door stop 127 examples of bits 151 float ball 59 grille 51 holdback 109
door switch 131 examples of branching 72 float clamp 54 grip handle 141 hood 34, 120
examples of chairs 95 floor 36 gripping tools 154 hook 29, 165
doorknob 30, 31 floor brush 121 ground 77
examples of curtains 110 horizontal pivoting window 27
dormer window 8 examples of fittings 66 floor coverings, textile 26 ground bond 77
double plate 18 examples of fuses 78 floor drain 52 ground connection 76 hose 119
double pole breaker 76 examples of heads 140 floor joist 19, 21 ground wire 76, 80 hot bus bar 76
double-twist auger bit 148 examples of nails 137 floor lamp 114 ground/neutral bus bar 76 hot-air outflow 39
dovetail bit 151 examples of tables 97 floorboard 24 grounded receptacle 54 hot-air outlet 35
downspout 8 examples of tips 139 flower bed 9 grounding prong 82, 83 hot-air register 38
draft hole 42 examples of transition fittings flue 61 guard 14, 16, 22, 165 hot-water circuit 53
drain 52 69 flue hat 61 guard rail 127 hot-water line 60
drain hose 74, 75, 129, 133 examples of windows 27 fluorescent tube 88, 89 guide handle 150 hot-water outlet 43, 61
exhaust tube 86, 89 flush bushing 66 gun 163 hot-water riser 53
drain tile 20
expansion bolt 138 flush handle 58 gutter 8
drain valve 60, 61 hot-water supply line 73, 74,
expansion tank 40 flute 148
draining circuit 53 extension 97 fluted land 148 H 75
draw drapery 109 extension ladder 166 folding chair 95 house 8
hacksaw 141
drawer 71, 96, 100, 106, 125 extension pipe 120 foot 98 house drain 74

hall 17
dresser 102 extension table 97 footboard 104 halogen desk lamp 113 house furniture 90
drilling tools 146 exterior door 30 footing 19, 21 hammer loop 161 house, elements 27
drills 148 exterior of a house 8 footrest 108 house, elevation 12
hand miter saw 143
drip bowl 124 eye 136 footstool 71, 93 house, exterior 8
hand vacuum cleaner 121
drive belt 128 forced hot-water system 40 house, foundations 20
F forced warm-air system 38 handle 35, 62, 63, 64, 104,
driveway 9, 10 118, 120, 125, 126, 134, house, frame 18
drop light 165 fabric guide 118 foundation 19, 21 house, structure 12
face 136 foundations 20 135, 136, 138, 139, 141,
drop-leaf 96 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, household equipment 134
faceplate 31, 32, 33 frame 18, 34, 98, 103, 141,
drum 111, 130 fall front 100 158, 167 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, housing 50, 88, 149
dust canister 149 fan 41, 44, 130 frame stile 99 156, 158, 159, 161, 163, humidifier 48
dust receiver 121 fan heater 47 framing square 160 165 humidistat 49
dusting brush 121 fan motor 51 freezer 71, 123 handrail 23 humidity 50
dustpan 135 faucet 57 freezer compartment 126 handsaw 142 hygrometer 50

I lineman’s pliers 164 mirror 57 P power cord 145, 149
ice cube dispenser 71 linen 105 miter box 143 packing 62 pressure relief valve 42, 60
ignition transformer 41 linen chest 100 miter latch 143 packing nut 62 pressure-relief valve 61
in-ground swimming pool 11 lint filter 128 miter saw, hand 143 programmable thermostat 50
packing retainer ring 64
incandescent lamp 86 lint trap 130 miter scale 143 programming control 50
pail 134
indoor unit 45 lintel 34 molding 21 pulley 166
living room 17 mop 135 paint roller 168
inert gas 86, 87 painting upkeep 168 pump 11, 129, 133
inlaid parquet 25 loading door 35 mortise lock 32 pump motor 54
location 8 motor 49, 128, 130, 133, palmette 90
inner hearth 34 pane 29 push-button 33
inside knob 33 lock 31, 99, 123 150
lock-on button 145, 149 motor unit 121 panel 30 Q
insulated blade 165 pantry 17, 71
locking button 121 mounting plate 88 quill 147
insulated handle 164, 165 parquet 25
locking device 120, 166 movable jaw 156, 158, 159
insulating material 20, 24, parts 90, 94, 104
locking lever 158 multipurpose tool 164 R
locking pliers 154 muntin 29 parts of a lamp socket 85
insulating sleeve 85 rabbet bit 151
locking ring 139 patera 90
insulation 42, 60, 61 N rack 122, 125, 132
locknut 72 patio 8, 10
island 71 radiant heater 47
log carrier 37 nail 137 patio door 16, 70
log tongs 37 nail set 136 radiator 40
J pawl 147
loose curtain 110 nailing tools 136 rafter 18
jalousie 29 pedestal-type sump pump 54
louver 51 nails, examples 137 rail 98
jamb 30, 34 peg 99
louvered window 27 nameplate 79, 146 railing 13, 14
jaw 139, 146, 147, 158, 164 perforated pipe 55
love seat 92 neckroll 105 rain cap 36
jig saw 145 phase conductor 81
low-tension distribution line neon lamp 165 random orbit sander 149
joint filler 163 phosphorescent coating 89
80 neon tester 164 range hood 70, 124
joist 24 pile 26
lower blade guard 144 nest of tables 97 rasp 153
pile carpet 26
K lower guard retracting lever network connection 80 ratchet 139, 147
pillow 104
144 neutral conductor 80 ratchet socket wrench 156
key 32 pillow protector 104 rear leg 94
lower heating element 60 neutral service wire 77
keyway 32 pillowcase 105 récamier 92
lower thermostat 60 neutral wire 76
kitchen 17, 70 newel post 23 pin 85, 89 receptacle analyzer 165
kitchen towel 135 M nipple 66 pin base 89 recharging base 121
knife-blade cartridge fuse 78 magnetic gasket 127 nozzle 41, 163 pinch 86, 89 reducing coupling 66
knob 96, 152 main breaker 76 nut 33, 68, 69, 155, 157 pipe 120, 158 reflector 165
knob handle 144 main circuit vent 52 nuts 157 pipe clamp 158 refrigerant tubing 45
main cleanout 52 pipe coupling 66 refrigerator 71, 126
L O pipe section 36
main duct 38 refrigerator compartment 126
ladder 11 main entrance 17 O-ring 64, 65 pipe wrench 162 refuse container 134
ladders 166 main power cable 77 offset 67 pistol grip handle 146 register 79
lamp socket, parts 85 main return pipe 40 oil burner 41 piston lever 163 regulating valve 43
land 148 main rooms 12 oil pump 41 piston release 163 release lever 155
landing 14, 22 main supply pipe 40 oil supply inlet 41 pivot 164 retaining ring 65
latch bolt 31, 33 main switch 81 oil supply line 41 plane 152 reversing switch 138
lateral-adjustment lever 152 mallet 136 oil-filled heater 47 plastic insulator 76 rib joint pliers 155
lath 111 mantel 34 on-off switch 114, 119, 120, platform 167 rinceau 90
lath tilt device 111 mantel shelf 34 121 platform ladder 167
laundry room 16 ring 32
marking tools 160 one-way head 140 playpen 107 ring nut 68
lawn 9 mason’s trowel 163 open end wrench 156 plenum 38, 39
leach field 55 rinse-aid dispenser 132
masonry drill 148 open stringer 22 pliers 154
lead screw 148 rip fence 144
masonry nail 137 orbital-action selector 145 plug 82, 146
lead-in wire 86, 89 riser 22
masonry tools 163 ottoman 93 plug adapter 83
ledger 18 master bedroom 13, 15 outdoor unit 44 rivet 154
plug fuse 78 rocking chair 91, 95
leg 96, 104, 108 mattress 104, 106, 107 outer jacket 61
leveling foot 129, 131, 133 plumber’s snake 162 rod 49
mattress cover 104 outer shell 85
lever 65, 72, 155 plumbing 52 roll-up blind 112
measuring tools 160 outlet 83
lever cap 152 meat keeper 127 outlet grille 46 plumbing system 52 roller 112
lever cover 65 mechanical connectors 68 outside knob 33 plumbing tools 162 roller cover 168
lid 123, 128, 134, 161 medium-tension distribution oval head 140 plunger 162 roller frame 168
lift chain 58 line 80 oven 70, 122, 125 pocket 161 roller shade 112
lift cord 111 mercury 89 overdrapery 109 pointer 50 rolling ladder 166
lift cord lock 111 méridienne 92 overflow 53, 57 poker 37 roman shade 112
light-load adjustment screw mesh 107 overflow pipe 60, 61 pool 11 roof 9, 12, 36
79 mezzanine floor 12, 13 overflow protection switch porch 9 room air conditioner 51
lighting 85 mezzanine stairs 15 132 portable shower head 57 room thermostat 50
lightning rod 9 microwave oven 71 overflow tube 58 post lantern 115 rooms, main 12
lights 113 middle panel 30 overlay flooring 25 pouring spout 134 rose 31, 33

rotor 32 single-handle kitchen faucet stepladders 166 tie beam 18 vanity cabinet 57
round head 140 73 steps 9, 11, 12, 17 tightening tools 154 vaporizer 48
rounding-over bit 151 sink 57, 70, 73 stile 94 tip 137, 138, 163 vaporizing grille 48
router 150 site plan 10 stile groove of sash 28 tips, examples 139 vegetable garden 8, 10
rubber gasket 72 sitting room 16 stile tongue of sash 28 tissue holder 56 Venetian blind 111
skimmer 11 storage door 127 toe 142, 152 vent 51
rubber tip 167
skylight 9, 13 storage furniture 98 toggle bolt 138 ventilating circuit 53
rug 26 slat 106 storm collar 36 toilet 15, 16, 56, 58 ventilating grille 120
rug and floor brush 120 slide 133 straight jaw 155 toilet bowl 59 Versailles parquet 25
run 22 sliding door 56 strainer body 72 toilet tank 56 vertical cord lift 118
rung 166 sliding folding window 27 stretcher 96 tool belt 161 vertical pivoting window 27
sliding window 27 strike plate 32 tool box 161 vise 159
S slip joint 154 strip flooring with alternate tool holder 150 voltage tester 165
safety rail 167 slip joint pliers 154 joints 25 tool shelf 167 volute 90
safety thermostat 131 slot 140 strip light 117 tool storage area 119
sand paper 153 slow-burning stove 35 structure 28 tools 119 W
sanding disk 149 smoke baffle 35 structure of a house 12 tools, electricity 164 waist belt 108
sanding pad 149 soap dish 57 strut 19 tooth 142 walk-in wardrobe 15
sash frame 29 socket 85 stud 18 toothed jaw 154 wall cabinet 71
sash window 27 socket head 140 study 13 top 96, 97, 167 wall fitting 115
sawing tools 141 socket set 156 subfloor 19, 21, 24 top rail 94, 98, 107 wall lantern 115
scatter cushion 105 socket-contact 82 sump 54 top rail of sash 28 wall stack section 38
scouring pad 134 sofa 92 supply duct 45 top-loading washer 128 wall stud 20
scraper 168 sofa bed 103 supply line 52 torque converter 128 wardrobe 15, 101
screw 140 sole 152 supply point 80 towel bar 57 warm-air baffle 35
screw base 85 soleplate 118 supply tube 73 track lighting 116 wash tower 133
screwdriver 138 solid center auger bit 148 support 86, 94 transformer 116 washer 62, 64, 74
screwdriver, cordless 138 spa 11 surface element 124 transition fittings, exampleswasher, front-loading 129
screwing tools 138 spade bit 148 suspension arm 129 69 washer, top-loading 128
speed selector switch 145 swimming pool, above ground transmission 128 Wassily chair 91
scroll foot 90
spindle 33, 62, 94 11 trap 53, 59, 67, 72 waste pipe 59
seal 63
spiral 139 swimming pool, in-ground 11 tray 48, 108, 161, 168 waste stack 52
seat 56, 59, 90, 94, 108 tread 22
spiral nail 137 switch 84, 126, 150 waste tee 75
seat cover 59 trigger switch 144, 145, 146,
spiral screwdriver 139 switch lock 146 water dispenser 126
seats 93 149
spirit level 160 switch plate 84 water hose 133
second floor 12, 14 swivel base 159 trim ring 124
splat 90 water inlet 63
secretary 100 swivel lock 159 trip lever 58
spot 116 water level 48, 49
septic tank 55 swivel wall lamp 115 tub 128, 133
spout 62, 63, 64, 65 water meter 52
service box 81 tub platform 56 water service pipe 52
spout assembly 73
serving cart 97 T tub rim 128 water tank 48
spray 118
shade 113, 114 tube end 69 water-heater tank 60
spray arm 133 table 96
shade cloth 112 spray button 118 tube retention clip 88 water-heater tank, electric 60
table lamp 113
sham 105 spray control 118 tubular element 124 water-level selector 129
tables, examples 97
shank 137, 138, 140, 148 spray head 72 tubular lock 33 water-level tube 118
tack 137
shaping tools 149 spray hose 56, 73 tackless strip 26 tungsten filament 87 wax seal 59
sheathing 19, 21 spring 32, 64, 114, 128, 154 tail stop 158 tungsten-halogen lamp 85, weatherboard 29, 30
shed 8, 10, 12 spur 148 tang 153, 163 87 wedge lever 152
sheer curtain 109 square head plug 66 tank 55, 60 twist 148 winding mechanism 112
shelf 101, 126, 167 square trowel 163 tank ball 58 twist bit 148 window 15, 27, 122, 125
shelf channel 127 square-headed tip 139 tank lid 59 twist drill 148 window accessories 109
shoulder 157 stacking chairs 95 tape 160 window sill 18
shoulder bolt 157 U windows, examples 27
stairs 16, 22 tape measure 160
shovel 37 stairwell 14 tassel 109 U-bend 67 wing nut 157
shower 14 stairwell skylight 13 tee 67, 74 underlay 26 wire cutter 164
shower and tub fixture 53 stand 113 teeth 153 union 68 wire stripper 164

shower head 56 standpipe 74 Teflon® tape 162 union nut 68 wood chisel 153
shower stall 56 start switch 130 temperature 50 upholstery nozzle 121 wood firing 34
shutoff switch 54 starting step 23 temperature control 50, 118, upper blade guard 144 wood flooring 21, 24
shutoff valve 52, 58, 73, 74, stator 32 123 upper heating element 60 wood flooring arrangements
75 steam iron 118 temperature selector 129, upper thermostat 60 25
shutter 28 steel to plastic 69 130 upright vacuum cleaner 119 wood flooring on cement
side chair 94 stem 86 terminal 76, 82, 124 screed 24
side rail 166 stem faucet 62 textile floor coverings 26 V wood flooring on wooden
sidewalk 9, 12 stem holder 62 thermostat 46, 61 vacuum cleaner, cylinder 120 structure 24
signal lamp 118 stem washer 62 thread 62, 140 vacuum cleaner, hand 121 woodbox 34
sill 20 step 167 threaded cap 66 vacuum cleaner, upright 119 wrenches 156
sill of frame 29 step chair 93 threaded rod 157 valance 105
sill plate 19, 20 step groove 23 threshold 30 valve seat 62, 64 Y
single pole breaker 76 stepladder 167 thumbscrew 156 vane 130 Y-branch 67


D O - I T-Y O U R S E L F

Adapted from the famous Visual Dictionary, an international bestseller with more
than 8 million copies sold, this new series of thematic and ultracompact books
provides readers with a multitude of words and concepts that are encountered
in everyday life.
All the subjects are explained with highly realistic illustrations, accompanied
by terminology and concise definitions produced by an experienced group of
The Visual Dictionary of House and Do-It-Yourself explores a house’s structure,
components and furniture, as well as carpentry, plumbing, masonry, electricity
and painting tools for common construction or repair work.
Convenient and affordable, this book is the perfect tool to familiarize yourself
with your house!

D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F
carpentry: measuring and marking tools carpentry: miscellaneous material

tool belt
Band worn around the waist, fitted with
pockets and accessories for holding
framing square tools and instruments needed close at
Instrument, usually graduated, used for marking right angles hand.
and to check that joints and cuts are perpendicular.

spirit level
Instrument fitted with tubes containing a liquid and an air
bubble that, when placed between two points of reference,
shows whether a surface is level, vertical or at 45°.


bevel square
Instrument whose movable arms are hammer loop
used for measuring or for marking an Metal bracket for holding the head of a
angle. hammer.
tool box
tape measure Rigid container, fitted with a cover and
Instrument for determining length a tray, for storing and carrying tools.
made up of a graduated, flexible tape of handle
variable length that rolls up inside a
chalk line
Instrument consisting of a cord that
rewinds into a case filled with chalk lid
powder; it is used for marking straight

Rigid detachable container, divided
into compartments and usually used
tape for storing hardware or small tools.
Thin metal graduated band; it is narrow
and flexible for measuring lengths.

160 161

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