Cooperative Control System of The Floating Cranes For The Dual Lifting
Cooperative Control System of The Floating Cranes For The Dual Lifting
Cooperative Control System of The Floating Cranes For The Dual Lifting
Publishing Services by Elsevier
International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (2018) 95e102
Cooperative control system of the floating cranes for the dual lifting
Mihee Nam a,b, Jinbeom Kim b, Jaechang Lee b, Daekyung Kim b, Donghyuk Lee c,
Jangmyung Lee a,c,*
Robotics Related Interdisciplinary Course, Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, South Korea
Central Research Institute, Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd, Geoje-si, 53261, South Korea
Electronic Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, South Korea
Received 1 October 2016; revised 8 March 2017; accepted 10 March 2017
Available online 12 April 2017
This paper proposes a dual lifting and its cooperative control system with two different kinds of floating cranes. The Mega-erection and Giga-
erection in the ship building are used to handle heavier and wider blocks and modules as ships and off-shore platforms are enlarged. However,
there is no equipment to handle such Tera-blocks. In order to overcome the limit on performance of existing floating cranes, the dual lifting is
proposed in this research. In the dual lifting, two floating cranes are well-coordinated to add up the lift capabilities of both cranes without any
loss such that virtually a single crane is lifting, maneuvering and unloading. Two main constraints for the dual lifting are as follows: First, two
barges of floating cranes should be constrained as a rigid body not to cause a relative motion between two barges and main hooks of the two
cranes should be controlled as main hooks of a single crane. In order words, it is necessary to develop the cooperative control of two floating
cranes in order to sustain a center of gravity of the module and minimize the tilting angle during the lifting and unloading by the two floating
cranes. Two floating cranes are handled as a master-slave system. The master crane is able to gather information about all working conditions
and make a decision to control the individual hook speed, which communicates the slave crane by TCP/IP. The developed control system has
been embedded in the real floating crane systems and the dual lifting has been demonstrated five times at SHI shipyard in 2015. The moving
angles of the lifting module are analyzed and verified to be suitable for hoisting control. It is verified that the dual lifting can be applied for many
heavier and wider blocks and modules to shorten the construction time of ships and off-shore platforms.
Copyright © 2017 Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
Keywords: Cooperative control system; Dual lifting; Floating crane; Hoisting control; Master-slave system
2092-6782/Copyright © 2017 Society of Naval Architects of Korea. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
96 M. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (2018) 95e102
synchronized, a Center of Gravity (COG) of a lifting module Tonnes F/C, 3600 Tonnes F/C and 8000 Tonnes F/C. For
can be changed, and this causes the creation of the tilting angle this study, the 3600 T F/C and the 8000 T F/C are selected in
of the load as shown in Fig. 3. order to maximize weight and width of a load which the dual
If the tilting angle exceeds the specific limit due to a change lifting can handle. The 3600 T F/C and 8000 T F/C have four
of a COG of a lifting module, a hanging load can be rotated or and eight main hooks, respectively. The barge size and the
turned over, which will result in a big accident during the dual hoisting speed of the two cranes are different as shown in
lifting. Therefore, the performance of the hoisting speed Table 1.
control of all main hooks of cranes is one of the most Notice that the dual lifting using two identical cranes has
important factors for the successful dual lifting. There are been published (Hwang et al., 2009a,b), however there has
three floating cranes with different capacities in SHI: 3000- been no study or verification of cooperative control using two
different cranes. The guidelines with regards to marine lifting
and lowering have been provided by DNV-GL (GL, 2015).
According to DNV-GL, for a 2-hook lift with the cranes on
separate offshore barges, the individual gross hook load at
each hook lifts shall be the more onerous condition of a tilt of
5 . In the case of operations of two floating cranes with over 5
hooks have severe conditions and special considerations are
required for them. The goal of this study is to develop the
cooperative control system with the maximum tilt of 3 and
the maximum hook elevation difference of ±1.0 m. This is
very challengeable with two cranes with different capacities
and the total 12 hooks.
Table 1
Specifications for floating cranes.
3600 T F/C 8000 T F/C
Barge part Length (m) 110 170
Breadth (m) 48 67
Crane part Rated load 3600 ton 8000 ton
(900 ton* 4 sets) (1000 ton* 8 sets)
Number of 4 8
main hooks
Hoisting speed 1.1e3 m/min 1.2e2.4 m/min
Fig. 3. The tilting angle during the dual lifting.
98 M. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (2018) 95e102
To check a balance of the load and to monitor the progress to block the wireless communication path to the controller in a
of the dual lifting, an inclinometer has been adapted. Notice real time. They are temporarily attached on a load for the
that keeping the balance of the load makes the system per- lifting process to send the tilting data to the controller using
formance free from the system characteristics of each floating wireless RF signals. At the bottom of the inclinometer module,
crane. there are some magnets which attach the module to the block
Two-axis inclinometers built in a box as shown in Fig. 9 tightly. When green switches on the top of the box are pushed
measure roll and pitch angles of a load during the dual lift- or released in Fig. 9, some magnets are moving up or down,
ing. The two-axis inclinometers can be attached on a load not which makes the sensor module stuck onto the load. The di-
rection of attachment is also marked by a yellow arrow on the
top of the box. The cooperative control system shows the
Table 2 The data log has been added to record all information of
Dual lifting schedule (Jung et al., 2016). floating cranes and a load during the dual lifting. As referred
Module ID Weight [tonne] Size (LxBxD) [m] Lifting date to Section 3, an analysis of tilting angles is used for evaluating
LM7U 6210 83 72 25 8th MAY 2015 the performance of the dual lifting.
LM8U 7400 83 40 27 10th MAY 2015
LG1U 7400 73 50 29 27th JUN 2015 5. Application of the cooperative control system
RS 4600 130 10 27 18th OCT 2015
LQ 4710 150 27 27 5th DEC 2015
The dual lifting crane system developed in this research has
been applied for lifting five heavy modules at SHI shipyard in
measured roll and pitch angles of a load on a monitoring 2015 shown as Table 2. As mentioned before, the 8000 T F/C
screen. In addition, the cooperative control system verifies and the 3600 T F/C in SHI are used for the dual lifting for
whether the measured data of lifting a load is within the Ichthys Central Processing Facility (CPF) Project. In case of
allowable range in tilting angles interlock or not. three heavy modules of LM7U, LM8U and LG1U, a width of
Fig. 11. Roll and pitch angles with LQ module during the lifting operation.
102 M. Nam et al. / International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering 10 (2018) 95e102
each module is enough to be handled by the 8000 T F/C, but total cranes efficiently. The performance of the proposed control
weight of each module exceeds the weight limit of the 8000 T F/ system has been verified through applications of the dual
C. For the other two modules of RS and LQ, their weights are lifting five times at SHI shipyard in 2015. In addition, it has
light enough to be lifted by using the 8000 T F/C, but the width been verified that the proposed hoisting control algorithms is
of each module exceeds the size limit of the 8000 T F/C. accurate enough to control main hooks of dual lifting
Fig. 10 (a) shows the topside integration with LM7U because the maximum tilting angles have been kept smaller
module of Ichthys CPF Project in May, 2015. The erection of than 0.5 . As an extension of this research, a monitoring and
LM7U module has been accomplished at a quay in SHI and collision avoidance system between a load and surrounding
then LM7U is lifted by the dual lifting and installed on the structures during the dual lifting will be developed in a near
topside of the structure which has been constructed in future.
Offshore Floating Dock (OFD). During the dual lifting, two
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