530 SCRA 341 - August 15, 2007: Mmda V. Viron Transportation

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530 SCRA 341 | August 15, 2007
Carpio-Morales, J.

1. While there may be a valid interest on the part of the government to warrant the exercise
of police power, the same must be pursued using reasonable means.
2. MMDA’s authority is limited. It has no police power or legislative power.

The present case is a petition for Certiorari questioning the authority of the MMDA to
order the closure of provincial bus terminals along EDSA and major thoroughfares of Metro
Manila. Specifically, the petitioners are assailing the decisions rendered by the RTC of Manila
which declared the EO as an invalid exercise of police power. The said EO was issued by President
Gloria Arroyo to address the worsening traffic situation in the Metro and its nearby provinces and
it was expressly stated there that the MMDA recommended the removal of bus terminals along
EDSA and establish Greater Manila Mass Transport System Project which would then integrate
the existing transport modes, namely the buses, the rail-based systems of the LRT, MRT and PNR
and to facilitate and ensure efficient travel through the improved connectivity of the different
transport modes. It also designated the MMDA as the implementing agency for the Project.
Aggrieved by said issuance, respondents filed for a declaratory relief arguing that the MMDA has
no authority to order the removal of the bus terminals and the would transgressed the possessory
rights of owners and operators of public land transportation units over their respective terminals.
The RTC initially affirmed the validity of the EO but then reversed its decision and declared the
EO as an invalid police power.


1. W/N the EO is a valid exercise of police power- NO.

While the assailed EO was issued in pursuance of the government’s effort to
decongest traffic, the same is an invalid exercise of police power. First, the MMDA has no
authority to be the implementing agency of the project. A perusal of the authority of the
president to designate MMDA would show that it was the DOTC who is vested with the
authority to exercise primary policy planning, programming, coordinating, implementing,
regulating and administrative entity to promote, develop and regulate networks of
transportation and communications. It includes the power to establish and administer
comprehensive and integrated programs for transportation and communications. On the
other hand, the powers of the MMDA are limited to the following acts: formulation, and
regulation, among many others. It has no police power, let alone legislative power.
Moreover, the means was not reasonable for bus per se do not impede or help
impede the flow of the traffic. There are also less restrictive means that could be adopted
such as imposing reasonable specifications for the size of the terminals, among many

WHEREFORE, the Petition is, in light of the foregoing disquisition, DENIED.

E.O. No. 179 is declared NULL and VOID for being ultra vires.

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