Mapua Institute of Technology: School of Industrial Engineering-Engineering Management
Mapua Institute of Technology: School of Industrial Engineering-Engineering Management
Mapua Institute of Technology: School of Industrial Engineering-Engineering Management
Activity 3
Activity No. 3
(Sandwich–Making Operation)
1. To acquire and develop the skills in using electronic stopwatch in reading and recording time
2. To observe and record the time required to perform an activity using the continuous method or
snapback method of timing.
3. To apply rating factor and allowances to determine the standard time in performing an
Time study is used to determine the time required by a qualified and well-trained person
working at normal pace to do a specific task. It should be noted that, whereas motion study is
largely design, time study involves measurement. Time study is used to measure work. The result
of time study is the time that a person suited to the job and fully trained in the specified method
will need to perform the job if he works at a normal or standard tempo. This time is called the
standard time for the operation.
The exact procedure used in making time studies may vary depending on the type of
operation being studied and the application that is to be made on the data obtained. These eight
steps, however, are usually required:
1. Secure and record information about the operation and operator being studied
2. Divide the operation into elements and record a complete description of the method
3. Observe and record the time taken by the operator for each element of the operation
4. Determine the number of cycles to be timed
5. Rate the operator’s performance
6. Check to make certain that a sufficient number of cycles have been timed
7. Determine the allowances
8. Determine the time standard for the operation
Perhaps the most important and the most difficult part of time study is to evaluate the speed
or tempo at which the person is working while the study is being made. The time study analyst
must judge the operator’s speed while making the time study. This is called rating.
Applying the Rating Factor
The rating factor is applied to the selected time to give the normal time
The normal time for an operation does not contain any allowances. It is merely the time
that a qualified operator will need to perform the job if he works at a normal tempo. However, it
is not expected that a person will work all day without some interruptions. The operator may take
time out for personal needs, rests, and reasons beyond his control. Allowances for such
interruptions to production may be classified as follows: (1) personal allowance, (2) fatigue
allowance, or (3) delay allowance.
The standard time for a job is the normal time adjusted for these delays using an allowances
AFjob = 1 + A
1. Observation Sheet
2. Stopwatch
3. All needed materials for the sandwich making operation
10 pairs sliced bread
Sandwich spread of your choice
Bread knife
10 sandwich bags/napkins
2. Divide the sandwich making operation into elements.
4. Select one member of the group who will prepare the sandwich and make ten observations.
Then, another member will get the time readings for each of the elements, and record the same
in the observation sheet. (Take note of any foreign elements and indicate at the bottom portion).
5. Determine the average observed time per element using the averaging method (arithmetic
6. Determine the Rating Factor using Westinghouse Rating System per element.
1. Are there any variations or abnormal readings obtained from the 10 observations? What
could be the cause of those abnormal times?
2. Why is it necessary to apply rating factors and allowances in computing the standard time?
3. What is the ultimate effect of allowance to the standard time?
(Generalized statements that will support your objectives)
School of Industrial Engineering
Operation: Date:
Operator’s Name:
ELEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Observed Rating Normal Standard
Time Time Time