2009 Herbalvssynthetic ADingredients EDOJ

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Herbal vs. chemical substances as antidandruff ingredients: which are more

effective in the management of Dandruff? -An overview Egyptian Dermatology
Online Journal 5 (2): 8

Article · January 2010

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4 authors, including:

Prabha Manju Mariappan Gokulshankar Sabesan

Acharya Nagarjuna University Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology


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Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal Vol. 5 No 2:8, December 2009

Herbal vs. chemical substances as antidandruff ingredients: which are

more effective in the management of Dandruff? - An overview

M Prabhamanju1, S Gokul Shankar2*, K Babu3 and MS Ranjith2

Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal 5 (2): 8

1. Mikasa, R&D Centre, Chennai, India
2. Microbiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, AIMST University, Kedah, Malaysia
3. R & D Center, Cholayil Private Ltd, Chennai, India

e-mail: gokkavi@gmail.com, mprabhamanju@yahoo.com

Submitted: September 29th, 2009

Accepted: November 18th, 2009


Dandruff, a clinical condition caused by Malassezia (Pityrosporum) species is of

great cosmetic concern all over the world. Dandruff is known to be controlled by
fungistatic ingredients in Anti-dandruff shampoos. A comparative study on the
efficacy of chemical and herbal anti-dandruff ingredients on ’as is’ basis and their
performance in market shampoos was done in vitro against Pityrosporum ovale
(MTCC 1374). Zinc pyrithione (ZnPTO), ketoconazole and other azole compounds
recorded good anti-Pityrosporum activity among the chemical ingredients. Herbal
ingredients like tea tree oil, rosemary oil, coleus oil, clove oil, pepper extract, neem
extract, and basil extract also recorded anti-pityrosporum activity, but their MIC
values are much higher than the synthetic ingredients. Shampoos containing ZnPTO
and ketoconazole recorded higher in vitro activities than the shampoos containing
herbal AD ingredients.


Dandruff is a common scalp disorder affecting almost half of the post pubertal
population of any ethnicity and both genders. The exact nature and etiology of
dandruff has always been controversial since the time of the Greeks, through
Sabouraud’s era in late nineteenth century till to-date [1]. Dandruff represents 25% of
all scalp disorders [2] and is present in an estimated

15-20% of the total population [3] and more than 50% of adult population [4].

The pathogenesis of dandruff involves hyper proliferation, resulting in

deregulation of keratinization. The corneocytes clump together, manifesting as large
flakes of skin. Essentially keratolytic agents, such as salicylic acid and sulfur, loosen

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the attachments between the corneocytes and allow them to be washed away with
shampooing. Keratolytics soften, dissolve and release the adherent scale seen in
dandruff, although the mechanism is not fully understood [5].

The causative agents of dandruff belong to the group of scalp commensal

lipophilic yeasts of the genus, Malassezia [6]. Eradicating or controlling the
abundance of yeasts appears to be the cleverest strategy for treating dandruff. Using
various methods, different clinical and experimental protocols and distinct active
ingredients, all indicate that applying antifungal based antidandruff shampoos lead to
a stereotyped sequence of events [7]. Several fungistatic compounds have been shown
to improve dandruff condition. The main active ingredients include imidazole
derivatives such as ketoconazole and other compounds such as selenium sulphide,
zinc pyrithione (ZnPTO), piroctone olamine, cipropirox olamine, etc. The ultimate
goals of antidandruff products are to remove scales, reduce Malassezia
(Pityrosporum) species adherence to corneocytes and inhibit the yeast growth. Besides
the chemical substances, there is a wide range of herbal ingredients like pepper
extract, basil extract, neem extract, rosemary oil, basil oil, clove oil, coleus oil, tea
tree oil which have been documented to have good anti pityrosporum or antidandruff
(AD) activity.

There are several independent studies on these chemical or herbal substances and
their efficacy in AD shampoos. However, there is no comprehensive comparative in
vitro study on the AD efficacy of the chemical and herbal substances on ’as is’ basis or
as a functional ingredient in the formulation (AD shampoo). Hence the present study
was undertaken.

Materials and Methods

All natural and synthetic ingredients were procured from the local market. P.
ovale MTCC 1374 culture was received from IMTECH, Chandigarh, India. The
shampoos used in the study were popular brands in the Chennai (India) market,
(names not disclosed to avoid any commercial implication). The base shampoo was
prepared without any anti-dandruff ingredients.

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) [8,9]

Twenty four hours broth culture of the test organism was used for the study.
Doubling dilution of ingredients were done (5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.6 µg/ml) in the appropriate
solvents. The culture (104 cfu/ml) in the Sabouraud Dextrose Broth with olive oil was
used for inoculation of the tubes with the test ingredients and incubated at 300 C for
24 hrs. After that, a loop full of broth culture was streaked on a Sabouraud Dextrose
Agar (SDA) plate overlaid with olive oil to detect the presence or absence of growth
of Malassezia. Agar dilution method was adapted for evaluation of shampoos.
Different concentrations viz 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 mg/ml of
shampoos (containing active ingredients) were weighed separately in the petriplates
and the molten SDA was poured and mixed thoroughly. Twenty µl of culture was
spread over the agar. The plates were incubated at 300 C for 3-5 days. Experiments
were done in triplicates with suitable controls.

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Zone of Inhibition (ZOI) [10]

Twenty- four hours broth culture was swabbed over the surface of Dixon agar.
All the active ingredients and the shampoos were dissolved in their respective
solvents at 10 mg/ml concentration. A circle of 7 mm diameter was cut at the centre of
the agar and 100 µl of the above prepared samples were loaded on the well. Plates
were incubated at 30 0 C for 3-5 days. After incubation the zone was measured using
zone measuring scale and recorded.

Results and Discussion:

The recorded results are presented in Tables 1 & 2, Fig 1 & 2.

The lack of ZOI for the oils may be attributed to their inability to diffuse through
the agar medium. Among the shampoos, those containing ZnPTO and Ketoconazole
recorded higher activity levels. According to our survey in Chennai, India, most of the
consumers with dandruff prefer to use shampoos with ZnPTO than any other

In the survey conducted in Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) population (consisting

of both sexes) of 324 consumers only 138 were using AD shampoos of which 114
were users of shampoos with ZnPTO (82.6%), 8 were users of shampoo with
ketoconazole, 8 were users of herbal shampoos and another 8 were using shampoos
with climbazole. A large population (n= 186) were using shampoos with no specific
antidandruff ingredients despite having dandruff problem. This could be due to the
lack of awareness regarding use of anti-dandruff shampoos or that their dandruff
condition may be in the range of mild to moderate which would have been managed
by regular hair washing with an ordinary shampoo. The preference to ZnPTO based
shampoos by the consumers is mainly because of the better management of dandruff
by these shampoos (data not included). The results of the present in vitro studies also
justify this stand. ZnPTO besides controlling the proliferation of the causative agent
may also heal the scalp by normalizing epithelial keratinization, sebum production, or
both [1,5]. Some of the earlier studies have also shown a significant reduction in the
numbers of yeast organisms after the application of zinc pyrithione. Ketoconazole is
an imidazole derivative, broad spectrum antimycotic agent that is active against
Pityrosporum ovale [5] and is effective against many fungi both in vivo and in vitro
[11]. It is also effective in many dermatomycoses, including pityriasis versicolor [12].
However, the lower preference to the ketoconazole based shampoos by the consumers
may be attributed to the relatively higher costs. However, the people (n=8) who have
turned to ketoconazole based shampoos in the present study had extensive dandruff
and they have been prescribed to use the shampoos by their dermatologists. Further,
even though Metronidazole, Fluconazole have also recorded significant anti-
Pityrosporum activity in vitro (MIC and ZOI), their usage (oral/ topical drugs) may be
limited to severe manifestations of Malassezia as in conditions like seborrheic
dermatitis and pityriasis versicolor.

Among the herbal ingredients tea tree oil recorded significant anti-fungal
activity. Tea tree oil is the essential oil of the leaves of the Australian Melaleuca
alternifolia tree. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons and terpenes, consisting of almost 100
substances. The antimicrobial property is attributed primarily to the major component,
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terpinen-4-ol. Tea tree oil represents a sound alternative for patients with dandruff
who prefer a natural product and who are willing to shampoo their hair daily [5]. In
our current study, basil oil and coleus oil recorded the highest activity among the
herbal ingredients.

Serial No. Sample MIC ZOI (diameter in mm)

Synthetic Ingredients
1. Ketoconazole 2.5 µg/ml 25
2. Metronidazole 2.5 µg/ml 25
3. Fluconazole 2.5 µg/ml 25
4. ZnPTO 5 µg/ml 25
5. Octopirox 5 µg/ml 13
6. Climbazole 20 µg/ml 30
Herbal Ingredients
1. Clove oil 1000 µg/ml 20
2. Coleus oil 25 mg/ml 8
3. Basil oil 10 mg/ml 5
4. Tea tree oil 100 mg/ml Nil
5. Rosemary oil 200 mg/ml Nil
6. Pepper Extract 80 mg/ml Nil
7. Neem extract 100 mg/ml Nil
8. Basil extract 100 mg/ml Nil

Table 1: MIC and ZOI for all synthetic and Herbal ingredients used in
commercially available shampoos.

Serial No Shampoo with Actives MIC ZOI(diameter in mm)

1 Base shampoo 150 mg/ml 10

2 1% ketoconazole 5 mg/ml 30
3 Shampoo A with 1 % ZnPTO 5 mg/ml 27

4 Shmapoo B with 1 % ZnPTO 5 mg/ml 27

5 Shampoo C wih 1 % ZnPTO 5 mg/ml 27

0.5 % Climbazole 10 mg/ml 25

6 0.23 % Climbazole 25 mg/ml 23
7 0.15 % Tea tree oil, 100 mg/ml 10
Rosemary oil

Table 2: Anti dandruff activity of commercially available Shampoos with

synthetic and herbal active ingredients.

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Fig 1: ZOI for Shampoos with different Active ingredients against P. ovale

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Fig 2: ZOI of different active ingredients against

P. ovale 1374


This preliminary study showed that Ketoconazole and ZnPTO based shampoos
(OTC products) are used more by the consumers for common dandruff problems. The
shampoos with ZnPTO are preferred by majority of the consumers not only as the
shampoo brands with ZnPTO (AD ingredient) are cheaper but also provide the desired

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functional benefit. However, in very severe cases of dandruff, ketoconazole based

shampoos are preferred despite their relatively higher costs.

Herbal ingredients like tea tree oil, rosemary oil, coleus oil, clove oil, pepper
extract, neem extract, and basil extract also recorded anti-pityrosporum activity, but
their MIC are much higher than the synthetic ingredients. These ingredients can be
exploited for its AD activity individually or in combination in AD shampoos. The
commercial shampoos with tea tree oil, rosemary oil, henna, lemon also recorded
good anti-pityrosporum activity in vitro but not better than shampoos with synthetic
ingredients in both MIC and ZOI assays. But for regular usage even shampoos with
herbal AD ingredients may suffice the purpose.


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© 2009 Egyptian Dermatology Online Journal

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