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Non Destructive Testing Certification

Requirements and Challenges

James A. Kretzler, ASNT Level III

NDE Department Manager
KTA-Tator, Inc.
115 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-788-1300 Ext 308
• It is recognized that the effectiveness of Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
applications depends upon the capabilities of the personnel who are
responsible for and perform NDT.
• This Recommended Practice has been prepared to establish guidelines
for the qualification and certification of NDT personnel whose specific
jobs require appropriate knowledge of the technical principles
underlying the nondestructive tests they:
• Perform
• Witness
• Monitor
• Evaluate
Difference in Certifications
Certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A or ASNT certifications?

ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A is an employer-based

certification program, meaning that the employer is responsible for the
qualification and certification of their own personnel.

ASNT Central Certification Program is administered and maintained by

an independent body that provides uniform certification requirements
for all certificate holders.
Certification vs. Qualification

Certification: Written testimony of qualification.

Qualification: Demonstrated skill, demonstrated knowledge,

documented experience required for personnel to properly perform the
duties of a specific job.

Experience: Work activities accomplished in a specific NDT method under

the direction of qualified supervision, including the performance of the
NDT method and related activities, but not including time spent in
organized training programs.
Nondestructive Testing Methods
• Acoustic Emission Testing
• Electromagnetic Testing Ground
• Ground Penetrating Radar Guided Wave Testing
• Laser Testing Methods
• Leak Testing
• Liquid Penetrant Testing
• Magnetic Flux Leakage
• Magnetic Particle Testing
• Microwave Technology
• Neutron Radiography Testing
• Radiographic Testing
• Thermal/Infrared Testing
• Ultrasonic Testing
• Visual Testing
Level of Qualification

• NDT Level I - An individual should have sufficient

technical knowledge and skills to be qualified to properly
perform specific calibrations.
Level of Qualification

• NDT Level II - An individual should have sufficient technical

knowledge and skills to be qualified to set up and calibrate
equipment and to interpret and evaluate results with respect to
applicable codes, standard, and specifications.
Level of Qualification

• NDT Level III - An individual should have sufficient technical

knowledge and skills to be capable of developing, qualifying,
and approving procedures, establishing and approving
techniques, interpreting code, standard specifications, and
procedures; and designating the particular NDT methods,
techniques, and procedures to be used.
Written Practice
The employer shall establish a written practice for the control and
administration of NDT personnel training, examination, and certification.
The employer’s written practice:
• should describe the responsibility of each level of certification.
• should describe the training, experience, and examination requirements
for each level of certification by method and technique, as applicable.
• should identify the test techniques within each test method applicable
to its scope of operations.
• shall be reviewed and approved by the employer's NDT Level III.
• shall be maintained on file.
Education, Training, and Experience
Requirements for Initial Qualification

• Candidates for certification in NDT should have sufficient

education, training, and experience to ensure qualification in those
NDT methods in which they are being considered for certification.
• Documented training and/or experience gained in positions and
activities comparable to those of Levels I, II, and/or III prior to
establishment of the employer's written practice may be
considered in satisfying the criteria.
• Based on the individual’s level of education, the criteria for training
Table 6.3.1A: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels
NDT Training Total Hours
Examination Method Technique Experience*
Level Hours* in NDT*
I --- 4 70 130
Liquid Penetrant
II --- 8 140 270

I --- 12 70 130
Magnetic Particle
II --- 8 210 400

I 40 210 400
II 40 630 1200
I Digital 40 210 400

II Radiographic 40 630 1200

I --- 40 210 400

II --- 40 630 1200

Ultrasonic Testing Time of Flight
II 40 160 N/A
Phased Array 80 160 N/A
I --- 8 70 130
Visual Testing
II --- 16 140 270

* Minimum Hours Required in Method or Technique

Training Programs

• Personnel being considered for initial certification should complete

sufficient organized training. The training program should include
sufficient examinations to ensure understanding of the necessary
information .
• Recommended training course outlines and references for NDT Levels
I, II, and III personnel, which may be used as technical source
material, are contained in ANSI/ASNT CP-105.
Minimum Number of Exam Questions

General Specific
Level I Level II Level I Level II

Magnetic Particle Testing 40 40 20 20

Penetrant Testing 40 40 20 20

Radiography Testing 40 40 20 20

Ultrasonic Testing: 40 40 20 20

• ASNT - is the worlds largest technical society of non

destructive testing professionals.
• SNT-TC-1A- Recommended Practice that provides
guidelines for employer based certification programs.
• Written practices – Is a document that provides
information on training and certification of NDT
• ANSI/ASNT CP-105- A Standard of Topical Outlines for
Qualification of NDT Personnel.
Time and Cost challenges

Table 6.3.1A: Recommended Initial Training and Experience Levels
NDT Training Total Hours
Examination Method Technique Experience*
Level Hours* in NDT*
I --- 4 70 130
Liquid Penetrant
II --- 8 140 270

I --- 12 70 130
Magnetic Particle
II --- 8 210 400

I 40 210 400
II 40 630 1200
I Digital 40 210 400

II Radiographic 40 630 1200

I --- 40 210 400

II --- 40 630 1200

Ultrasonic Testing Time of Flight
II 40 160 N/A
Phased Array 80 160 N/A
I --- 8 70 130
Visual Testing
II --- 16 140 270

* Minimum Hours Required in Method or Technique

Time and Cost challenges

• UT Level I hours = 40 hours training + 210 hours method

• UT Level II hours = 40 hours training + 630 hours method
• Combined = 80 hours training + 840 hours method = 920 hours
• 920 hours x $30/hour = $27,600 per person minimum investment
James A. Kretzler, ASNT Level III
NDE Department Manager
KTA-Tator, Inc.
115 Technology Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-788-1300 Ext 308

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