Percentages of An Amount
Percentages of An Amount
Percentages of An Amount
Method 1:
Find 10% (divide 200 by 10), find 1% (divide 200 by 100) and add together
Method 2:
A smarter way to find 12% of 200 is to multiply by the decimal equivalent of 12%.
This involves only 1 step, and so it is less likely that you’ll make a mistake.
200 x 0.12 = 24
Task 2: Visualise!
Draw the shapes below and shade the given percentages:
There are
12 squares There are 16
in the There are 25 squares
squares in the
shape shape above. in the shape above. There are 30 squares
above. Outline 50% Outline 20% of 25. in the shape above.
Outline of 16. Outline 40% of 30.
25% of 12.