JS305 Fluid and Capacities

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75 - Consumable Products

00 - Consumable Products
00 - General

Technical Data

(For: JS305) on JCB machines. However, you could use other

lubricants that are equivalent to the JCB standards
JCB recommend that you use the JCB lubricants and quality or offer the same machine component
shown as they have been verified by JCB for use protection.

Table 287. Fluids, Lubricants and Capacities

Item Capacity Fluid/Lubricant JCB Part Container
Number Size

Fuel Tank 590L Diesel - -

Engine (Oil)
30L JCB Ultimate Performance 15W40 4001/1800 20L

Cooling System 32L JCB Antifreeze HP/Coolant 4006/1120 20L

Track Gearbox 5L JCB HD90 Gear Oil 4000/0301 5L
Slew Gearbox 16L JCB HD90 Gear Oil 4000/0305 20L
Track Rollers and JCB HD90 Gear Oil 4000/0305 20L
Idler Wheels
Recoil Spring Cylin- JCB Special HP Grease 4003/2017 0.4kg
Hydraulic System 430L JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP32-20°C 4002/1024 200L
(-4°F) to 15°C (59°F)
JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP46-10°C 4002/0803 200L
(14°F) to 30°C (86°F)
JCB Hydraulic Fluid HP680°C (32°F) 4002/0701 200L
to 40°C (104°F)
Slew Ring Bearings 0.75kg JCB Special HP Grease 4003/2017 0.4kg
Slew Ring Gear 28.5kg JCB Special HP Grease 4003/2017 0.4kg
All Other Grease As required JCB Special HP Grease 4003/2006 12.5kg
(1) For information about the different container sizes that are available (and their part numbers), contact your
local JCB dealer.
(2) Do not use ordinary engine oil.
(3) Failure to use oil of the correct specification will decrease the life of the engine and the diesel particulate filter.

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75 - Consumable Products
00 - Consumable Products
03 - Parts List

03 - Parts List Introduction

Description Part No. Size
Antifreeze HP/Coolant ASTM D6210 Concentrate 4006/1101 5L
4006/1120 20L
4006/1103 200L
Black Polyurethane Sealant 4102/2310 0.31L
Black Primer/Activator 4104/2304 0.1L
Cleaner/Degreaser - General purpose solvent based parts cleaner 4104/1557 0.4L
Clear Silicone Sealant 4102/0901 0.31L
EP Hammer Grease 4003/2107 0.4kg
4003/2106 12.5kg
Extreme Performance Moly Grease 4003/1327 0.4kg
4003/1326 12.5kg
Glass Replacement Kit 993/55701 -
Hand Cleaner 4104/1310 -
JCB Autogrease 4003/2305 0.5kg
JCB Glass Cleaner 4006/3175 0.75L
JCB Threadlocker and Sealer (High Strength) 4101/0550 0.01L
4101/0552 0.2L
JCB Threadlocker and Sealer (Medium Strength) 4101/0250 0.01L
4101/0251 0.05L
JCB Threadseal 4102/1951 0.05L
Polyurethane Adhesive 4103/2110 0.31L
Special HP Grease 4003/2017 0.4kg
4003/2006 12.5kg
4003/2005 50kg
Special Hammer Grease 4003/1119 0.4kg
Special MPL-EP Grease 4003/1501 0.4kg
4003/1506 12.5kg
4003/1510 50kg
Special Slew Pinion Grease 4003/1619 0.4kg
Special Slide Grease 4003/1115 0.4kg
Surface Cleaning Fluid 4103/1204 1L

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75 - Consumable Products
03 - Oil
03 - Engine

Technical Data

Table 288.
Engine Code Oil API Specifica- Viscosity Minimum Maximum
tion Temperature°C (°F) Temperature°C (°F)
SA, SB, SC, SK, CF/ CH-4 SAE 5W30 -30°C (-22.0°F) 30°C (86.0°F)
SG, SD, SE, SF, CH-4 SAE 15W40 -5°C (23.0°F) 50°C (121.9°F)
DA, DB, DC, DE, CH-4 SAE 10W40 -15°C (5.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)
EC, EE, EF, EK CH-4 SAE 5W40 -30°C (-22.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)

Table 289.
Engine Code Oil API Specifica- Viscosity Minimum Maximum
tion Temperature°C (°F) Temperature°C (°F)
SL, SH, DH CH-4 SAE 5W40 -30°C (-22.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)
CJ-4 SAE 5W40 -30°C (-22.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)

Table 290.
Engine Code Oil API Specifica- Viscosity Minimum Maximum
tion Temperature°C (°F) Temperature°C (°F)
SJ, DJ, FJ, FL CJ-4 SAE 5W40 -30°C (-22.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)
CJ-4 SAE 5W30 -30°C (-22.0°F) 30°C (86.0°F)
CJ-4 SAE 10W30 -15°C (5.0°F) 40°C (103.9°F)

Table 291. Capacity

Engine Code Minimum Maximum
SA, SB, SC, SK, SG, SD, SE, SF, 11.5L 14L
EC, EE, EF, EK 20L 24L
FJ, FL 12.3L 14.5L

For information on how to identify the correct engine

code. Refer to Operator Station, Identification Label,
Engine (PIL 06-63-06).

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75 - Consumable Products
06 - Grease
00 - General

00 - General Consumable: Special Slide Grease

5. JCB Autogrease
Introduction Consumable: JCB Autogrease
Special Tools 6. JCB EP Hammer Grease
Tool Description Part No. Qty.
Category Consumable: EP Hammer Grease
Special Grease 892/00913 1 7. JCB Special Hammer Grease
Tool Gun
Attachment Consumable: Special Hammer Grease
Special Grease 992/11300 1 8. JCB Special Slew Pinion Grease
Tool Gun
Consumable: Special Slew Pinion Grease
Description Part No. Size Greasing Procedure
EP Hammer Grease 4003/2107 0.4kg
1. Make the machine safe. Refer to (PIL 01-03).
4003/2106 12.5kg
Extreme Performance 4003/1327 0.4kg 2. If necessary, install any maintenance or
Moly Grease 4003/1326 12.5kg articulation struts. Refer to (PIL 06-69) (PIL
JCB Autogrease 4003/2305 0.5kg
Special HP Grease 4003/2017 0.4kg 3. Make a note of the following:
4003/2006 12.5kg 3.1. The machine must always be greased after
4003/2005 50kg pressure washing or steam cleaning.
Special Hammer 4003/1119 0.4kg
3.2. Greasing must be done with a grease gun.
Normally, two strokes of the gun should be
Special MPL-EP 4003/1501 0.4kg sufficient.
Grease 4003/1506 12.5kg
Special Tool: Grease Gun (Qty.: 1)
4003/1510 50kg Special Tool: Grease Gun Attachment (Qty.:
Special Slew Pinion 4003/1619 0.4kg 1)
3.3. Stop greasing when fresh grease appears
Special Slide Grease 4003/1115 0.4kg at the joint.
There are various greasing points on the machine. 3.4. Use only the recommended type of grease.
You must grease the machine regularly to keep 3.5. Do not mix different types of grease, keep
it working efficiently. Regular greasing will also them separate.
lengthen the machine's working life. You must grease
the machine as stated in the maintenance schedule. 4. Count off the grease points as you grease each
Refer to (PIL 78-24). one.
JCB grease is manufactured to provide significant 5. Install the dust caps after greasing (if installed).
load protection for your machine. It is recommended
to use only JCB grease on your machine because JCB Special HP Grease
they are specifically designed for the particular
application. The list of JCB greases comprises: JCB Special HP grease is a premium quality,
extreme pressure grease. It is recommended
1. JCB Special HP Grease for use in arduous operating conditions, such
Consumable: Special HP Grease as high temperatures, excessive loading and
extensive exposure to water. The sophisticated
2. JCB Special MPL-EP Grease additive package combines with excellent adhesive
Consumable: Special MPL-EP Grease properties to give high performance protection to
your machine.
3. JCB Extreme Performance Moly Grease
Consumable: Extreme Performance Moly
4. JCB Special Slide Grease

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75 - Consumable Products
06 - Grease
00 - General

Table 292. JCB Special HP Grease Properties Table 295. JCB Special Slide Grease Properties
Description Data Description Data
Colour Blue Colour Dark grey
Soap type Lithium complex Soap type Lithium
Drop point 245°C (472.7°F) Drop point 180°C (355.7°F)
Working temperature -20–150°C (-4.0– Working temperature -20–120°C (-4.0–
range 301.8°F) range 247.8°F)

JCB Special MPL-EP Grease JCB Autogrease

JCB Special MPL-EP grease is a true multipurpose JCB Autogrease is for use with the automatic
grease. It is recommended for a wide range of greasing system. It is a mineral oil based paste.
lubricating applications, such as pivot pins and wheel It contains an aluminium complex soap and solid
bearings, where excellent anti wear and anti rust lubricants. It is suitable for use under water or in
performance is required. Its EP additive makes it high ambient temperatures. The specially designed
particularly suitable for the shock load and vibrating cartridges screw into the automatic greasing system
conditions found on machines. installed on the machine. Refer to (PIL 06-95).

Table 293. JCB Special The clear cartridge allows the operator to easily
MPL-EP Grease Properties monitor the grease usage from inside of the operator
Description Data
Colour Brown Table 296. JCB Autogrease
Soap type Lithium Description Data
Drop point 180°C (355.7°F) Colour Black
Working temperature -20–130°C (-4.0– Soap type Aluminium complex, sol-
range 265.8°F) id lubricants
Drop point 260°C (499.6°F)
JCB Extreme Performance Moly Grease
Working temperature -20–110°C (-4.0–
JCB Extreme Performance Moly grease is an range 229.8°F)
advanced performance, multipurpose grease. It is
recommended for heavily loaded bearing surfaces JCB EP Hammer Grease
and in particular where limited or oscillating
motion causes fretting. The addition of molybdenum JCB EP Hammer grease is a unique formulation
disulphide provides extra protection against scoring aluminium complex grease for use where extremes
and wear. This grease is ideal for automotive, of pressure and temperature are likely to be
industrial, agricultural and earthmoving equipment. encountered. It is suitable for the hammer
applications where resistance to water washing and
Table 294. JCB Extreme migration may be critical.
Performance Moly Grease Properties
Table 297. JCB EP Hammer Grease
Description Data
Colour Grey Black Description Data
Soap type Lithium Colour Black
Drop point 185°C (364.7°F) Soap type Aluminium complex
Working temperature -20–120°C (-4.0– Drop point 250°C (481.6°F)
range 247.8°F) Working temperature -20–160°C (-4.0–
range 319.8°F)
JCB Special Slide Grease
JCB Special Hammer Grease
JCB Special Slide grease is formulated to provide
excellent protection under heavy load and extreme JCB Special Hammer grease provides a highly
pressure, where water and dirt are prevalent. It effective lubricant on slow moving slides and an
maintains a film of lubrication on slow moving slides. excellent corrosion resistant property. It combines
It has an excellent resistance to squeeze out and the self healing action of oils and the resistance to
superb corrosion resistance. drip of viscous compounds.

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75 - Consumable Products
06 - Grease
00 - General

Table 298. JCB Special Hammer Grease

Description Data
Colour Dark grey
Soap type Lithium
Drop point 185°C (364.7°F)
Working temperature -15–120°C (5.0–
range 247.8°F)

JCB Special Slew Pinion Grease

JCB Special Slew Pinion grease is a soft, black and
tenacious grease. It is designed specifically for the
lubrication of large and heavy duty open gears. It has
an excellent corrosion protection and load carrying
properties throughout a large temperature range.

Table 299. JCB Special Slew Pinion Grease

Description Data
Colour Black
Soap type Organically modified
Working temperature -40–100°C (-39.9–
range 211.9°F)

75 - 19 9813/6700-1 75 - 19
75 - Consumable Products
09 - Fluids
03 - Antifreeze

Health and Safety Technical Data

CAUTION The cooling system is pressurised
when the coolant is hot. When you remove the Table 301.
cap, hot coolant can spray out and burn you. Item Fluid
Make sure that the engine is cool before you work
on the cooling system. Engine coolant Antifreeze HP/Coolant
ASTM D6210
CAUTION Antifreeze can be harmful. Obey the
manufacturer's instructions when handling full
strength or diluted antifreeze.

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