OAO-B Press Kit

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WASHINGTON,D.C. 20546 ' WO 3-6925


October 29, 1970

RELEASE NO: 70-174

S- - |4Y~i,-(To
be launched no 4
earlier than 11/17/70)

E contents
GENERAL RELEA3E-----------------------------------------1-7
OAO-B FACT----------------------------------------------8-10 X

S OAO EXPERIMENT BACKGROUND-------------------------------11-14X

ATLAS-CENTAUR LAUNCH VEHICLE----------------------------15-20
LAUNCH OPERATIONS---------------------------------------21-23
OAO-B MISSION-------------------------------------------24-27
OAO RESULTS---------------------------------------------28-32
OAO-B TEAM----------------------------------------------33-36

4 -0-


9 - - . -
WA;HINGTON',D.C. 20546 TELS: (202) 963-6925


October 1' (()

RELEASE NO: 7(- 11)1


The world's )argest space astronomy teLescope is beint

readied for orbital flight to learn more about the birth of

stars and the future of our galaxy.

Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-B (OAO-B), heaviest

scientific satellite under development by the United States,

will be launched by the National Aeronautics and Space

Administration from Cape Kennedy, Fla., no earlier than

Nov. 17. J970, aboard an Atlahs/Centaur rocket.

It will be called OAO-3 it' successfully placed in the

expected 466-mile circular orbit. From high above the Earth's

atmosphere the OAO will observe distant stars and galaxies

in the ultraviol.et via its onboard 36-inch telescope with

detail prevIoUlly unobtainable in space astronomy. The space-

craft is scheduled to circle Earth every 100 minutes while

inclined 350 to the Equator.

-more- 10/23/70

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OAO-B weighs a record 4,680 pounds and stands 10

tall. With its 21-foot-wide solar panels unfolded the

satellite resembles a giant bat. It is the most complex

scientific satellite developed by the United States
contains more than 328,000 parts. It will return astronomical
data from space through NASA's worldwide tracking
and data
acquisition system.

Like its sister observatory, OAO-2 which is still

operating i
after almost two years, OAO-B will study the extremely
hot stars but much more precisely.

The telescope in OAO-B is named Goddard (for the

late Dr.
Robert H. Goddard, "father of the modern rocket") Experiment
Package (GEP). The principal investigator is Dr. Albert

Bogmess from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center,

Greenbelt, Md.

The GEP can measure ultraviolet light five times more

accurately than the telescope aboard OAO-2. It can also

observe stars eight times fainter, down to the 12th
The largest telescope on UAO-2 is 16 inches.

Ultraviolet light, beyond the blue portion of the

magnetic spectrum, never reaches Earth-based observatories

because of the blanketing effect of the atmosphere.


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Some of the young hot stars, which emit most of their

light in the ultraviolet, are only hundreds of thousands of

years old, mere babies by astronomical standards. By com-

parison, our Sun is about five billion years old, or middle-


OAO-B observations of young stars will refine astronomers'

knowledge of their temperatures and evolution and GEP will also

study some peculiar stars like Wolf-Rayet, T-Tauri and pul-
sating variable stars.

The T-Tauri type stars are probably still in the process

of condensing and being formed. They are quite cool (K or M

One of the most important subjects to be closely studied

by OAO-B is interstellar dust which many astronomers agree may

hQld the key to the origin and evolution of stars. It is from
interstellar dust that stars are born.

Astronomers remain Undecided on the chemical makeup of

the solid material which is found in interstellar dust. At one
time it was thought to be ice crystals. Later thinking shifted
to carbon flakes or smoke. Now the most recent data on dust
particles does not quite agree with the latest theories or


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`I hope to be able to piAn down what- this solid mattev in

interstellar dust is," said Dr. Albert Boggess, (JAO-G priiici)aI

investigator. "A greater knowledge of interstellar dust i;

needed because it is Prom this dust and material floating

around in space that stars are born. Interstellar dust is; of

considerable significance, cosmologically, in predicting the

future course of our galaxy," he said.

There will be an attempt to stucy the brightest Quasar,

3C273. This Quasar is 13th magnitude .n visible light.

GEP is designed for about 12th magnitude. With longer

observation times, GEP might be able to go beyond 12th

magnitude. Quasars, discovered in 1963, are the most distant

known celestial systems.

OAO has an advanced pointing system in the spacecraft

coupled with an error sensor in the GEP telescope which pro-

vides a pointing accuracy of one arc second. This is equivalent

to a marksman's holding his rifle sight for many minutes on a

bullseye two inches in diameter at a distance of six miles.

With a combination of a greater pointing accuracy and a

larger telescope, OAO-B can look at more distant stars in

greater detail.

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The OAO-B spacecraft Is similar to OAO-l and 2

some modifications. For instance, the command
capability has been increased so the stored command
can handle 1,280 two-word commands rather than
256 two-word
commands. This permits automatic operation of
the spacecraft
for longer periods without intervention by ground

An inertial reference system using precision gyros

provide a drift rate of less than 10 arc second-per-hour
times better than OAO-2) when controlling the

Five gimballed star trackers will be used on OAO-B,

less than on OAO-2.

The most conspicuous difference between OAO-B and

OAOs 1
and 2 is the addition of a more effective tubular
Sun baffle
to allow telescope operation in daylight.

OAO-B is the third in a series of four observatories

planned by NASA. OAO-l was launched in 1966 but
failed shortly
after it was in orbit due to a malfunction in the
power supply
system and probable high voltage arcing in the
star tracker
system .


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OAO-2, launched Dec. 7, 1968, continues to operate and

has far exceeded its pre-launch objectives.

Many scientists believe an operational system like OAO)

could revolutionize observational astronomy.

University of Wisconsin Professor, Dr. Arthur D. Code,

one of the OAO-2 principal investigators recently said,

"No other observatory on the ground, or in space, to

knowledge, has contributed so much to astronomy in its
18 months of operation as OAO--2.t

OAO-C, scheduled for flight in late 1971 carries the

Princeton University 32-inch aperture high resolution
An X-ray experiment provided by University College,
London and
the University of Leicester will also fly on OP.O-C to
study the
X-ray emission of stars and nebulae and obtain information

on the interstellar absorption of helium and the heavier


This experiment was submitted and selected for flight

under NASA's program of international cooperation in
scientists and agencies of other countries provide experiments
in competition with United States submissions. Foreign
experiments selected under this program are funded by
the country
proposing them and the scientific results are shared
by the
sponsoring agency and NASA.


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NASA is currently investigating the feasibility of

orbiting a Large Space Telescope (LST). The 1,ST, with a

primary mirror approaching 120-inches in diameter, would
weigh more than 20,000 pounds and could be orbited by
existing launch vehicles, or the space shuttle in the latter

part of this decade.

The Orbiting Astronomical Observatory program is directed

by NASA's Office of Space Science and Applications. Project
management is under the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,

Md. Goddard also ;nmanages communications and tracking under

direction of NASA's Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition.

Launch vehicle mainagement is at the Lewis Research

Center, Cleveland, aind launch operations are under the direction

of the Kennedy Space Center's Unmanned Launch Operations.

Grumman Aerospace Corp., Pethpage, N.Y., is prime con-

tractor for the OAO spacecsaft. Kollsman Instrument Corp.,
Syosset, N.Y., is prime contractor for the Goddard Experiment

Prime contractor for the Atlas-Centaur launch vehicle is

General Dynamics-Convair, San Diego. More than 1,000 major
subcontractors and vendors scattered around the United Statec

have participated in the OAO effort.



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Weight: '4,680 pounds (1,000 pounds Of

scientific experiinents)

Shape: Octagonal cylinder, 7 feet

wide, 10 feet long, wing, span
of 21 feet with solar panels.

Stabilization Control: Five star trackers and nine

gyros coupled with a fine
error sensor in the Goddard
Experiment Package provide 1
arc second accuracy.


Goddard Experiment Package Thirty-eight inch telescope

(GEP) designed to gather moderate
resolution data as follows:

Normal stars--energy distri-

buted in the continuum,
blanketing effects, and id-
entification and intensities
of strong emission lines.

Peculiar stars--time-depen-
dent photometry of peculiar
stars such as the Wolf-Rayet,
T-Tauri and pulsating vari-
able stars.

Nebular and interstellar

media--law of reddening,
ultraviolet radiation field,
and spectra of emission and
reflection nebulae.

Galaxies and intergalactic

media--spectral energy dis-
tribution of nearby galactic
systems, and magnitude and
intensity of Lyman-alpha red


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Launch Information

Vehicle: Two stage Atlas-Centaur

Complex: 36B, CaDe Kennedv

Window: 6:28 to 8:30 a.m. EST (approx.)
Date: Nov. 4, 1970

Orbital Flements

Apogee-Rerigee Circular, 466 statute miles

Period: 100 minutes
Inclination: 35 degrees

Stadan Tracking Stations Rosman, N.C.: Quito, Ecuador:

San'itiago, Chile; Orro-al,
Australia; Tananarive, Madagas-

Spacecraft and Tracking NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center,

Mana) epnt Greenbelt, Md.

Launch Vehicle Management NASA/Lewis Research Center,

Cleveland, Ohio

Launch Operations NASA'Kennedy Space Center, Fla.,

Unmanned Launch Operations

Prime Contractors

Spacecraft: Grumman Aerospace Corp.

Bethpage, New York
Goddard Experiment Kolisman Instrument Corp.
Package Syosset, New York
Launch Vehicle: General Dynamics-Convair,
San Diego, Calif.


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Universiy of WisconsIn (OAO 1&2) Goddard Princeton Universitv EcDeriment
SAO (OAO-B) Univ. (OAO-C) (OAO-c)
Stellar Nebular Scanning Schwarzchild Spectro-
Photometer Spectrometer Camera p.2hotometer Spectrometer X-Ray telescope
Aperture 8 in. 16 in. 41.0 sq. in. 12 in. 38 in. 32 in. Various

Spectral 1000- 2000- 2000-IWOOA

Range l 4250A 3300A 1000-2000A 1200-2900A 1100- 8oo-3000A 1-3A, 3-9A, 8-18A
4267A & 44-60A

Resolution Filter Filter 10-20A, Filter 2A-8A-64A 0.1-0.5A Filter

3 Field size 10 and 2 8
30 and 10 arcmin. 2.8 deg. 5arc min. ------- Commandable
g arc mn. arc min. X 2.5 deg. circular 1arc min.
5 arc min. 1 arc mt .
X10 arc to
sec. 2 degrees
5 are min.
X4s0 arc
Accuracy 1 arc min. 1 arc min. 1 arc min. 1 arc min. 1 arc. 0.1 arc sec. 1 arc min.
Data type Analog & Analog & Analog & Analog & Digital Digital Digital
Digital Digital Digital Digital

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Goddard Experiment Package (GEP)

The l,00-pound QEP will gather high-resolution spectral

data fiom pointed and extended sources in the ultraviolet
region of the spectrum.

GEP Optical System

Employs a relatively fast, 38-inch Cassegrain telescope

with a Wright-Schmidt spectrometer usable in the spectral
regions from approximately 1,000 to 4,000 Angstrom (A).

With the exception of the quartz secondary mirror, all

optics (primary mirror, spectrometer mirror and diffraction
gratings) are beryllium.

GEP Sensory Systems

Contains seven detectors--six for UV light and one for

visible light. The six UV detectors measure spectral energy
0 0
distribution in specific narrow bands in the 1,050A to 4,26','A
range and generate data in a train of asynchronous pulses
counted by an associated data accumulator in the digital
electronics system.
The seventh detector channel acquires data in the visible
spectral range for correlating UV intensity and star magnitude.

GEP Electronic Equipment

The analog electronics subsystem consists of the analog
electronics assembly, seven detectors and associated electronics.
The analog electronics assembly includes most of the analog
electronics circuits and some digital circuits, the power
supplies and analog status data circuits and the four drive
mechanism circuits.
The digital electronics system can decode and store ground
commands transmitted over the OAO command system, thereby con-
trolling the operational sequence of the Goddard experiment


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GEP Fine-Control Error Sensor

Effectiveness of the experiment requires fine guidance

within one to two seconds of arc. The fine-control error
sensor uses approximately 10 per cent of the starlight flux
collected by the primary GEP optics.

Basic function of the sensor is to generate star-pointing

error signals in the pitch and yaw control axes and transmit
the error signals to the spacecraft stabilization and control
subsystem for controlling the fine-attitude pointing of OAO-B.

The sensor also generates a star-presence signal that

indicates that the system has acquired the star and is ready
to transmit error signals.

If the experiment's optical line-of-sight is within the

accuracy limits of the selected range, the sensor generates
an accuracy signal indicating that star data acquisition may

The sensor transmits a star-presence signal, a star-

magnitude signal and an error-monitoring signal to The ground
to indicate experiment status.


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OAO-B is the second Orbiting Astronomical Observatory

launch for the Atlas-Centaur. Centaur successfully launched
OAO-2, December 7, 1968. OAO-B is 233 pounds heavier than
OAO-2, weighing in at 4,680 pounds. Because of the increased
weight, it will be placed in a slightly lower orbit of' about
466 miles. OAO-2 is in a nearly circular orbit about 480 miles.
OAO-B is the 13th operational launch for Centaur which
was developed and is launched under the direction of NASA's
Lewis Research Center, Cleveland. The first seven operational
missions for Centaur were launches of Surveyor spacecraft to
the Moon. This very successful series proved the great value
of high energy upper stages in the U.S. space program.
Since that time Atlas-Centaurs have successfully launched
OAO-2, ATS-5 and two Mariner spacecraft to Mars.
The Centaur is powered with two improved RL-10 engines,
designated RL-10, A-3-3. The RL-10 was the first operational
hydrogen-fueled engine developed for the space program.
Centaur carries insulation panels and a nose fairing which
are jettisoned after the vehicle leaves the Earth's atmosphere.
The insulation panels, weighing about 1,200 pounds, surround
the second stage propellant tanks to prevent the heat of air
friction from causing excessive boil-off of liquid hydrogen
during flight through the atmosphere. The nose fairing protects
the payload from the same heat environment.


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Launch Vehicle Characteristics

Liftoff weight including spacecraft: 324,267 pounds

Liftoff height: 135 feet 4 inches

Launch Complex: 36 B

Launch Azimuth: 60 degrees

Atlas Booster Centaur Stage

Weight: 279,474 lbs. 40,103 lbs.

Height: 70 feet 65 feet, 4 inches

(with payload fairing)

Thrust: 395,000 lbs. (sea 30,000 lbs. (vacuum,


Propellants: Liquid oxygen and Liquid hydrogen and

RP-1 liquid oxygen

Propulsion: MA-5 system (2- Two 15,000 pound

168,000 lb. thrust RL-10 engines.
thrust engines, 14 small hydrogen
1-58,000 lb. sus- peroxide thrusters.
tainer engine and
2-670 lb. thrust
vernier engines.)

Velocity: 5,318 mph at BECO 15,754 mph at s/c

6,412 mph at SECO separation

Guidance: Pre-programmed Inertail guidance

autopilot through
BECO. Switch to
Centaur inertial
guidance for sus-
tainer phase.


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Flight Sequence

Atlas Phase

After liftoff, AC-21 will rise vertically for about

15 seconds before beginning its pitch program. Beginning at
two seconds after liftoff and continuing until T-20 seconds
the vehicle will roll to the desired flight azimuth of 60

After 153 seconds of flight, the booster engines are

shut down (BECO) and jettisoned three seconds later. The
Centaur guidance system then takes over flight control. The
Atlas sustainer engine continues to propell the AC-21 vehicle
to an altitude of 145 miles. Prior to sustainer engine shut
down, the second stage insulation panels are jettisoned.

The Atlas and Centaur stages are then separated by an

explosive shaped charge that slices through the interstage
adapter. Retro-rockets mounted on the Atlas slow the spent
Atlas stage.

Centaur Phase

At four minutes four seconds into the flight, the

Centaur's two RL-l0 engines are ignited for a planned 7 min-
ute 31 second burn. This will place Centaur and the space-
craft into a near circular orbit at an altitude of approximately
466 miles.

Twelve seconds after main engine start, the nose fairing

around the spacecraft is separated. At main engine start plus
25 seconds, Centaur initiates a right yaw maneuver to attain
the final orbital inclination of 35 degrees. The original
launch azimuth was 60 degrees to ovoid the Bermuda area during
reentry of the Atlas sustainer engine and tank and the nose


Separation of the OAO spacecraft takes place by firing

explosive bolts on a V-shaped metal band holding the spacecraft
to the adapter. Compressed springs then push the spacecraft
away from the launch vehicle at a rate of about 3.2 feet per


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Retro Maneuver

rive minutes after spacecraft separation, the Centaur

stage ittitude control th'rusters are used to reorient the
vehicle The 50-pound thrust vernier engines are then fired
to settle the propellants. The remaining liquid oxygen and
liquid hydrogen are ve ted overboard to provide encurh thrum
to place the Centaur stage in a slightly different o-'tit from
the soacecraft.

The final Centaur orbit wili have an apogee of 4193 miles

and perigee of 436 miles.

Launch Window

The OAO-B launch window opens at approximately 6:28 a.m.

EST Nov. 4 and closes two hours later. In case of delays, the
windo% opens 22 minutes earlier each day through Nov. 16.


- - - - ~ - 5
Atlas-Centaur Flight Sequence


Liftoff 0 0 0

Booster Engine Cutoff 21 33tt 52.5 35 5,318

Booster Jettison 2' 36"1 56.1 37.9 5,36r

Jettison Insulation 31 18"1 104.5 80.2 5,811


Sustainer Engine Cutoff 3' 52"1 145.1 120.7 6,1412

4tlas Separation 3' 541t 147.5 123.2 6,387

Centaur Engine Start 4' 41" 160.9 135.3 6,260

i Jettison Nose Fairing 4t 16"' 172.2 150.5 6,263 O

| Centaur Engine Cutoff 11' 35tt 470.1 1,131.4 15,750

Spacecraft Deploy Solar 1 4 470.1 1,170.5 15,756


Extend Spacecraft Balance 11 59t 470.1 1,229.1 15.755


Spa.ecraft Separation 12' 25" 470.2 1,326.8 15,754

Start Centaur Reorientation 17' 30" 470.5 2,523.7 15,753

Start Centaur Retrothrust 18' 55"t470.3 2,895.3 15,754

End Retrothrust 5 't 34"t 439.1 6,919.6 15,877



The John F. Kennedy Space Center (.KSC), and its

Unmanned Launch Operations (ULO) Directorate
plays a key
role in the preparation and launch of an Atlas-Centaur
vehicle carrying the OAO.

The spacecraft is brought from GSFC, by truck

to the
Hangar AE, Cape Kennedy, about three weeks before
where it is placed in a clean room for final preparations.

In addition to providing the necessary spacecraft

support services during final launch preparations,
is responsible for mating the spacecraft to the ULO
ring of the launch vehicle and encapsulating the
with a fairing. From that point to launch, the ULO monitors
the environmental conditioning of the spacecraft
to assure
that no contaminants come into contact with it.

In providing launch operations, KSC handles scheduling

of test milestones and review of data to assure
that the
launch vehicle has met all of its test requirements
and is
ready for launch.

Major milestones leading to Atlas-Centaur launch

an OAO spacecraft include:

*Terminal Countdown Demonstration (TCD), about

weeks prior to launch, which primarily demonstrates five
that all
of the functions leading to the countdown can be
It is an end-to-end check of all systems and includes
loading of both launch vehicle stages to assure
the tanks and
facilities are ready for the countdown.

*The Flight Acceptance Composite Test (FACT) occurs

three weeks prior to launch to demonstrate that about
the vehicle
is electrically ready for final lcanch preparations.
includes running the computer and programmer through It
flight events and monitoring the data to assure past
response to all signals with umbilicals ejected.
the spacecraft is erected one or two days after
this test.
*The Countdown Readiness Test is conducted about
days before launch. four
It verifies the ability of the launch
vehicle to go through post-flight events and validates
umbilical system again. This is often the only
time that
spacecraft systems are up with launch vehicle
systems prior
to launch. The range support elements participate
along with
the spacecraft and launch vehicle just as during

mev -

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*F-1 Day Functional Test involves final preparations

in getting the enuire space vehicle ready for launch,
preparing ground support equipment, completing readiness
procedures a±nd installing ordnance on the launch vehicle.

The final couiitdown is picked up at T-4150 minutes.

All systems are checked against readiness procedures,,
ec:,ablishing the integrity of the vehicle and ground support
equipment interface prior to tower removal at T-120
Loading of cryogenic propellants (liquid oxygen and minutes.
hydrogen) begins- at- T-80 minutes, culminating in complete
vehicle readiness at T-5 minutes. The terminal count bogrins
at this point and the space vehicle goes on internal power.
The launch team begins monitoring all systems and topping
off and venting propellant and purge systems. At 7-10
seconds, the automatic release sequence Ls initiated and
the space vehicle is clear for liftoff.










NASA G-71- 1141

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There are two primary reasons for the OAO-B launch

window. The first constraint deals with the operational
conflict if OAO-2 and B are over a ground station at about
the same time. Officials want to have sufficient time between
passes of the two spacecraft to collect scientific data and
to send commands to the spacecraft.

The second launch constraint is a requirement to

have at least 35 minutes of sunlight remaining after space-
craft separation from Centaur to allow enough time to acquire
the sunline and then to transfer control of OAO-B to the Rate
And Position Sensor (RAPS) before entering spacecraft darkness.

OAO-B Separation

OAO-B solar panels will deploy 11 min. 43 sec. after

lift-off; spacecraft booms will deploy 11 min 58 sec. after
lift; and the OAO-B spacecraft will separate frcm the burned
out Centaur stage at 12 min. 23 seconds after lift-off.

OAO-b Mission Events


Little will be done with the observatory the first day

of orbit. It will be in a "sunbathing" or survival condition
with a minimum expenditure of gas and operations under auto-
matic control.

Operations personnel will analyze data to determine

that the spacecraft stabilized properly, battery charging
is safe, thermal conditions are within predictions and the
solar array output (power system) is normal.

Observatory Checkout

After the survival phase is complete (about one day after

launch), the Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) will be checked out.
Also, a thorough checkout of all spacecraft systems will be
made beginning on day two.

}initial turn-on of all spacecraft subsystems, including

the Goddard Experiment Package, will occur while the observa-
tory is still being controlled in the sunbathing mode.


F, Q- . c
During this spacecraft checkout, extreme caution will
be taken prior to turning on high voltage subsystems. This
permits proper outgasing and reduces the likelihood of electrical
arcing or corona.

High voltage systemrl will be turned on initially only

when the spacecraft is under Rate and Positicn Sensor (RAPS)
control, or IRU control (hold on wheels or hold on wheels and
jets). With this auromatic control, the spacecraft's attitude
remains fixed for extended periods without having to use th-
star trackers.

The first high voltage subsystem to be turned on, a

star tracker, will occur1 no sooner than orbit 24 on the second
day. The remaining four star trackers will be turned on during
orbit 26.

Eqerimcnt Turn-On

The GEP telescope will be turned on for the first

time about the 57th orbit on the Lith day.

Normal operation of the spacecraft and GEP will start

about eight days after launching.


OAO-B, one of the most complex scientific satellites,

will be literally flown from the ground through the facilities
of NASA's STADAN (Satellite Tracking and Data Acqulisition
Network). Because the network already is carrying on with
the similarly complex OiO-2, the presence of the new satcilite
in orbit will double the work load.

Major stations of the STADAN system for OAO are Rosman,

N.C.; Quito, Ecuador; Santiago, Chile; Orroral Valley, Australia;
and Tananarive, Madagascar. Other NASA stations will support
the flight as needed.

The entire OAO-B m'ssion is controlled by a computer

program of more than 250,000 instructions. The computer con-
tinuously monitors hundreds of items of condition on the space-
craft and compares them with predicted values of the flight

The computer calculates and issues gimbal angles for the

on-board star trackers so that OAO will lock onto the correct
stars among the 50,000 it will ultimately study, and every
attempted change of position and condition will be analyzed as
a means of Dreventing incorect operation.




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The computer controlled operation of OAO-2 resulted

in major modifications and changes in the operation when
the spacecraft developed control troubles in 2969. With
prompt warning from the computer-tracking combination, the
operators of the satellite were able to avert trouble and
keep the satellite returning data on all of its experiments.


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OAO-l has orbited April 8, 1966. It failed shortly after

obtaining orbit due to a malfunction in the power supply syitgem
and probable high voltage arcing in the star tracker system.

Several modifications to the OAO system sere incorporated

into the OAO-2 spacecraft as a result of the first flight
Launched into orbit December 7, 1968, OAO-2 has far
exceeded all pre-launch engisnering and scientific objectives.
The world's first successful space observatory, is approaching
two years of operation. During that time it has been available
for collecting scientific data 88 per cent of the time since
it was launched.
OAO-2 has exceeded its pointing accuracy requirement of
one minute of arc by a factor of two.
Tn-orbit attitude determinations have been made using
on-board sun sensors and magnetometers. Using these attitude
determinations it has demonstrated that star searches can be
performed using the gimballed star trackers and thereby
re-establishing stellar reference control of spacecraft

The rate and position sensor (RAPS) inertial sistern proved

the feasibility of inertial stabilization with star tracker
update to maintain accurate pointing ati~ttude.
Data processing subsystem has stored and retu:'ned millions
of experiment and spacecraft information bits.
Although OAO-2 is an unmanned observatory, it is literally
flown from the ground by a team of 25 Earth-based astronauts
who work around-the-clock at Goddard. To date., hundreds of
thousands of commands have been sent to OAO-2 and more thar
30 billion data bits have been transmitted to the ground.




The OAO-2 science package consists of two experiments and
11 telescopes. Seven of the telescopes, provided by the
University of Wisconsin, are studying individual stars for
long periods of times as well as interstellar dust and certain
planets in our solar system. The remaining four telescopes
are in Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) experiment.
These telescopes are taking stellar pictures of the sky to provide
astronomers with the first stellar maps of our universe in the
ultraviolet. The faintness of the Moon in ultraviolet indicates
either that it reflects less ultraviolet light than expected,
or that the Sun is somewhat fainter in ultraviolet than the
most recent observations and theories would suggest.

During more than 16 months of operation, the Smithsonian

Celescope experiment observed 3003 star fields, taking 8701
photographs which covered about 10 percent of the sky and about
20 percent of the sky region near the Milky Way containing the
majority of ultraviolet objects.

The photographs provide data for more than 25,000 stars in

each of three ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. The experi-
ment also observed the Moon, the Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka, and
the planets Mars and Jupiter in ultraviolet light.

In addition, nearly all of the shortest-wavelength photo-

graphs contained bright sky-background light in the 1216-
Angstrom wavelength caused by the scattering of hydrogen
emission from the Sun by hydrogen in the Earth's outer atmosphere
beyond the 500-mile height of the OAO spacecraft. For the first
time, this hydrogen scattering was observed in a consistent
manner over an extended period.
Many astronomers believe that the full impact from OAO-2
will not be felt for several years, and that practically all
phases of optical astronomy will be affected as a result of
the observatory findings.

Also, some noted scientists believe that some theories

of cosmology will have to be modified and others discarded as
a result of OAO-2 data.
Some of the major OAO-2 scientific accomplishments include:

*Discovery of a huge hydrogen cloud a million miles

in diameter around Comet Tago-Sato-Kosaka.


*Discovery that hottest stars are even hotter than

suspected, are aging faster than suspected and are
burning hydrogen at a very rapid rate.

*Evidence that normal galaxies are unexpectedly

bright (the Andromeda galaxy) in the ultraviolet.
If this is common among distant galaxies, this
discovery may have significant cosmological

*Discovered ozone in the planet Mars which is very

important in the determination of the entire oxygen
and carbon dioxide chemistry of the planet.

*Is painstakingly conducting a survey of stars in

the ultraviolet impossible from the ground because
of Earth's atmosphere.

*Remarkable, and unexpected discovery, has been that

"dark nebulae" are brighter in shorter wavelengths
than the bright diffuse nebulae that appear on
visible light photographs. This discovery will be
very important to future theories on the nature of
interstellar grains and physical properties of the
clouds from which stars are born.

*Observed nova outburst (stellar explosion) of Nova

Serpentis from immediately after maximum through
the next two months. This represented an excellent
example of the reasons many astronomers want observa-
tories in space continuously for constant surveillance
(not hampered by clouds or Earth's atmosphere) of
stellar phenomena.

As of September 8, 1970, the OAO-2 experiment status was


University of Wisconsin

Unique Objects viewed .............. 1069

Number of Observations ............... 5127
Average Observations/Day .............. 13

Humber of Observations .... ....... 3494

Number of pictures ................ 8577
Average Observations/Day .................... . 16

-more A
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Scientific papers pruduced as a result of the OAO-2

mission include:
Bless, R. C. 1970 - Review of Ultraviolet and Visual
Continuum Observations and Comparison with Models,
"Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra and Ground-Based
Observations" Houziaux and Butler (Ed.) page 73
Bless, R. C., Code, A. D., Houck, T. E., Lillie, C. F.,
and McNall, J. F. 1970 - OAO Observations of Sco
X-1, "Non-Solar X and Y Ray Astronomy," Gratton (Ed.)
page 176, IAU.
Bless, R. C. and Savage, B. D. 1970 - Observations of
Interstellar Extinction in the Ultraviolet with the
OAO Satellite, "Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra and
Ground-Based Observations" Houziaux and Butler (Ed.)
page 28, IAU.
Code, Arthur D. 1969 - The Future of Photometry and
Moderate-Resolution Spectrophotometry in Space
Astronomy - "Optical Telescope Technology" NASA
SP-233, page 13.
Code, Arthur D. 1969 - Photoelectric Photometry from a
Space Vehicle, PASP 81, 475.

Code, A. D. - 1970 - Survey on new results (Stellar

Observations), Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 41.
Code, A. D. and Bless, R. C. 1970 - Observations of
Strong Stellar Lines with the OAO, "Ultraviolet
Stellar Spectra and Ground-Based Observations"
Houziaux and Butler (Ed.) page 173, IAU.
Code, A. D., Houck, T. E.,McNall, J. F., Bless, R. C.
and Lillie, C. F.. 1970 - Ultraviolet Photometry
from the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory I.
Instrumentation and Operation. Ap. J. 161, 377.
Doherty, L. R. 1970 - "OAO observations of MgII Emission
in Late-Type Stars," Proc. Roy. Soc. (in press)
Fairchild, Edward T. 1970 - use of Synchrotron Radiation
from an Electron Storage Ring as an Absolute Standard
of Radiant Flux for Wavelengths from 1000 to 3000 8.
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 41.


~* - t

Gaide, Albert 1970 - Absolute UV Calibration of Rocket

Photometers Used to Update the OAO Calibration,
Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 41.
Gilra, Daya P. 1970 - "The Composition of Interstellar
Grains," Nature (in press).

Savage, B. D. and Code, A. D. 1970 - "Observations of

Interstellar Lyman-Alpha with the OAO, Ultraviolet
5t Stellar Spectra and Ground-Based Observations."
Houziaux and Butler (Ed.) page 302, IAU.
Wallace, L. Broadfoot, L. Caldwell, J., Savage, B. D.,
Code, A. D., Sagen, C. and Owen, T. 1970 - The
Detection of Ozone in Mars, Ap. J. letters (submitted
for publication).

"Ultraviolet Photometry of Stars Obtained with the

Celescope Experiment in the Orbiting Astronomical
Symposium No. 36, Lunteren, Netherlands, 24-27 June 1969;
published in Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra and Ground-
Based Observations, ed. by Houziaux and Butler,
pp. 109-119, copyright 1970 by the IAU.
Guest Observer

A guest observer program was initiated for the OAO-2

mission. This program broadens astronomical participation
to obtain increased scientific return from the spacecraft.
The guest observer tells NASA what observation he would
like the OAO to make, for example look at a certain galaxy
or star. Then when the instrument is pointed in that
direction and the primary experiment requirements satisfied,
the guest observer experiments can be conducted.
Fourteen guest observer proposal were approved for OAO-2
and 342 observations were made during the first year of
operation. Of the 14 observers, four were from other nations.
On the OAO-B mission, 25 potential guest observers,
eight from overseas, have inquired about participating during
the approximately 10 percent of the observing timne available 4

for the program. About half are interested in planetary

observations. Ten to twenty guest observers can be accommodated
each year.
Guest observations will not begin until about three month:;
after launch so that the Principal Investigator can make his
initial observations.

- ~-= = W,=


NASA Headquarters
Dr. John E. Naugle Associate Administrator for
Space Science & Applications
4 Mr. Jesse L. Mitchell Director, Physics & Astronomy
Programs, OSSA
Dr. Nancy G. Roman Chief of Astronomy, OSSA
Mr. D. Dixon Ashworth OAO Program Manager
Mr. F. R. Schmidt Centaur Program Manager

Goddard Space Flight Center

Dr. John F. Clark Director
Mr. Joseph Purcell OAO Project Manager
Dr. James E. Kupperian, Jr. OAO Project Scientist

Dr. Albert Boggess Principal Investigator

Kennedy Space Center

Dr. Kurt H. Debus Director
Mr. John J. Neilon Director, Unmanned Launch
Operations (ULO)
Mr. John Gossett Manager, Centaur Operations,

Mr. Donald Sheppard Chief, Spacecraft Operations,


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Lewis Research Center

Mr. Bruce T. Lundin Director

Mr. Seymour C. Himmel Assistant Director for
Rockets & Vehicles
Mr. Edmund R. Jonash Chief, Launch Vehicles
Mr. W. R. Dunbar Centaur Project Manager


Mr. R. E. Marshall Program Manager

Inertial Reference Unit
Charles Stark Draper LaboratorZ
Mr. Theodore H. Moorman OAO Program Manager
Grumman Aerospace Corp.

Mr. Leon J. Mintz GEP Program Manager

Kollsman Instrument Corp.
Mr. Dean Davis Centaur Program Manager
General Dynamios -Convair

Mr. 0. H. Reed Base Manager

General Dynamic Convair

Industry Team

Prime Contractors Responsibility

Grumman Aerospace Corp. OAO-B Spacecraft
Bethpage, N.Y.

Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Inertial Reference Unit

Cambridge, Mass.

Kollsman Instrument Corp. Goddard Experiment Package

Syosset, N.,. (GEP)
General Dynamics-Convair Atlas-Centaur Launch Vehiele
San Diego, Calif.


-. --- -4'- -

Major Spacecraft Subcontractors

Company Responsibility
0J; Adcole Corp. Solar aspect sensors
Waltham, Mass.
Great Neck, New York Electrical componerts
AVCO Corp.
Electronics Division OAO command receiver

I Cincinnati

Bendix Corporation
Electric Power Division
Eatontown, N. J.
OAO power control unit, power
regulator unit, and diode box
Dalmo Victor Co.
Belmont, Calif. Magnetic unloading system
Granger Associates
Bohemia, N. Y. Diplexer and hybrid junction
Fairchild Hiller Corp.
Space and Electronic Systems Thermal control louvers
Germantown, Md.

General Electric Co. Stabilization and Control

Spacecraft Department System
Valley Forge, Pa.
Gulton Industries Storage battery
Alkaline Battery Division
Metuchen, N. J.
Gulton Industries Voltage inverter/regulator
Engineered Magnetics Division converter
Hawthorne, Calif.
Hughes Aircraft Co.
Culver City, Calif. Solid state transmitters
IBM Primary processor and data
Federal Systems Division storage/programmer and star-
Owego, N. Y. tracker sequence controller
Owgand spacecraft system
controller unit equipment

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ITT Federal Laboratories

San Fernando, Calif. Boresight star tracker

Kollsman Instrument Corp.

Syosset, N. Y. Gimnbal star trackers

Magnette Control Company

ADC-Proiuct Division Current sensors (CAO)

Radiation Corp. Spacecraft data handling

Melbourne, Fla. equipment/Experimenters
data handling equipment

Sylmar, Calif. Solar arrays

- end-

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