Garmin GPS3000 IM 190-02256-00 - 01

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GPS 3000

Installation Manual

190-02256-00 April 2018 Revision 1

© 2018
Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
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Garmin International, Inc.

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Revision Description
1 4/18/18 Initial Release

190-02256-00 GPS 3000 Installation Manual

Rev. 1 Page A
This document may contain information which is subject to the Export Administration Regulations
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This product contains a Lithium battery that must be recycled or disposed by professional
services according to applicable governing laws. Only Garmin-authorized facilities are
permitted to perform maintenance on this product.

Limited Warranty

190-02256-00 GPS 3000 Installation Manual

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CAREFULLY. Garmin Ltd. and its subsidiaries (“Garmin”) grants you a limited license to use the
software embedded in the Garmin Product (the “Software”) in binary executable form in the normal
operation of the Garmin Product. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the
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1 DECLARATION OF DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE.............................1-1
1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Description and Identification ......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Unit Identification................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.2 Required Accessories.............................................................................................. 1-2
1.2.3 Accessories Not Supplied ....................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.4 Physical Characteristics .......................................................................................... 1-4
1.2.5 MOD Level History ................................................................................................ 1-5
1.3 Certification Statement .................................................................................................... 1-6
1.3.1 TSO Compliance..................................................................................................... 1-7
1.3.2 TSO Deviations....................................................................................................... 1-8
1.3.3 Non-TSO Functions ................................................................................................ 1-8
1.3.4 Design Assurance Levels........................................................................................ 1-9
1.3.5 Transmitter Grant of Equipment Authorization.................................................... 1-10
1.4 Interface Summary ........................................................................................................ 1-11
1.5 Performance and Technical Specifications.................................................................... 1-11
1.5.1 Environmental Qualification Form Reference...................................................... 1-11
1.5.2 General Specifications .......................................................................................... 1-12
1.5.3 Power Specifications............................................................................................. 1-12
1.5.4 GPS Receiver Specifications ................................................................................ 1-13
1.5.5 Antenna Specifications ......................................................................................... 1-14
1.6 Limitations..................................................................................................................... 1-15
1.6.1 GPS 3000 GPS Antenna Limitations.................................................................... 1-15
1.7 Operating Instructions ................................................................................................... 1-15
1.8 Reference Documents.................................................................................................... 1-16

2 INSTALLATION OVERVIEW......................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Special Tools Required.................................................................................................... 2-1
2.3 Antenna Considerations................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3.1 GPS Antenna Location ........................................................................................... 2-2
2.4 Cabling and Wiring ......................................................................................................... 2-7
2.5 Shielding and Electrical Bonding Considerations ........................................................... 2-7
2.6 Cooling Considerations ................................................................................................... 2-8
2.7 Mounting Requirements .................................................................................................. 2-9

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3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................3-1
3.1 Unpacking Unit................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.2 Electrical Connections ..................................................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Backshell Assembly ........................................................................................................ 3-4
3.4 Coax Cable Installation ................................................................................................... 3-4
3.5 Equipment Mounting....................................................................................................... 3-4
3.5.1 Unit Insertion and Removal .................................................................................... 3-4
3.5.2 Unit Replacement ................................................................................................... 3-4
3.6 Antenna Installation......................................................................................................... 3-4
3.6.1 GPS Antenna........................................................................................................... 3-4


4.1 Mounting, Wiring, and Power Checks ............................................................................ 4-1
4.2 Configuration Setup......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.3 Diagnostic Information.................................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Ground Checks ................................................................................................................ 4-2
4.4.1 GPS Radio Transmitter Harmonic Interference Check .......................................... 4-2

5 CONTINUED AIRWORTHINESS................................................................5-1

6 SYSTEM INTERCONNECTS........................................................................6-1
6.1 Pin Function List ............................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1.1 J30001 ..................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.2 Power and Antennas ........................................................................................................ 6-4
6.2.1 Power Functions ..................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3 Serial Data ....................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.3.1 Serial Data Electrical Characteristics ..................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Configuration Module ..................................................................................................... 6-7
6.5 Discrete I/O...................................................................................................................... 6-7
APPENDIX A OUTLINE AND INSTALLATION Drawings............................................. A-1
APPENDIX B INTERCONNECT DRAWINGS ...................................................................B-1

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1.1 Introduction
The Declaration of Design and Performance section contains the definition and statement of compliance of
the GPS 3000. The section is written in accordance with European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2010 date 3 August 2012.
The full manual is intended to provide mechanical and electrical information for use in the planning and
design of an installation of the GPS 3000 into an aircraft. This manual is not a substitute for an approved
airframe-specific maintenance manual, installation design drawing, or complete installation data package.
Attempting to install equipment by reference to this manual alone and without first planning or designing
an installation specific to your aircraft may compromise your safety and it is not recommended. The
content of this manual assumes use by competent and qualified avionics engineering personnel and/or
avionics installation specialists using standard maintenance practices in accordance with Title 14 of the
Code of Federal Regulation and other relevant accepted practices. This manual is not intended for use by
individuals who do not possess the competencies and abilities set forth above.
Except where specifically noted, references made to GPS 3000 will equally apply to all GPS 3000 variants.

Garmin recommends installation of the GPS 3000 by a Garmin–authorized installer. To
the extent allowable by law, Garmin will not be liable for damages resulting from
improper or negligent installation of the GPS 3000. For questions, contact Garmin
Aviation Product Support at 1-888-606-5482.

1.2 Description and Identification

The GPS 3000 provides GPS SBAS position, velocity, and time data via RS-232, RS-422, or ARINC 429
to other LRUs.
1.2.1 Unit Identification
The GPS 3000 can be identified by the following part numbers:

Table 1-1. GPS 3000 Unit Identification

Garmin P/N Garmin P/N

API Marketing Label
(Unit Only) (Shipping Level)
GMN-01852 GPS 3000 011-04432-0( ) 010-01852-0( )

The GPS 3000 is currently available in the following configurations.

Table 1-2. GPS 3000 Available Configurations

Model Part Number Notes

GPS 3000 010-01852-00 GPS 3000 (011-04432-00)

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1.2.2 Required Accessories
Each of the following accessories are provided separately from the GPS 3000.

Table 1-3. GPS 3000 Accessories

Item Garmin P/N

Mounting Rack 011-02450-00
Connector Kit, GPS 3000 011-04433-00

Table 1-4. Connector Kit GPS 3000 (011-04433-00)

Item Garmin P/N Quantity

Sub-Assy, Config Module, Circular Conn, Shell 17 011-03330-00 1
Conn, Circ, PLUG, D38999/26,INS17-35,Composite,Crimp 330-00727-00 1
Strain Relief, Circular, M85049/38S17N 330-90007-01 1
Conn Seal Plug,MS27488-22 330-90013-01 45

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1.2.3 Accessories Not Supplied
The following installation accessories are required but not provided:
GPS Antenna: Must meet TSO-C144 and additional system requirements specified by TSO-C145d
and Garmin document 004-00287-00.
Refer to Section 1.5.5 for approved antennas
Hardware: #10-32 Pan Head or Hex Head Screw

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1.2.4 Physical Characteristics

Table 1-5. Physical Characteristics

Characteristics Specification
Depth 9.04” (229.4 mm)
Width 3.04” (77.2 mm)
Height 3.56” (91.4 mm)
Unit Weight 1.9 lbs (0.86kg)
Mounting Rack Weight 0.3 lbs (0.14kg)
Connector Kit Weight 0.2 lbs (0.09kg)

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1.2.5 MOD Level History
The following table identifies hardware modification (Mod) Levels for the GPS 3000. Mod Levels are
listed with the associated service bulletin number, service bulletin date, and the purpose of the
modification. The table is current at the time of publication of this manual (see date on front cover) and is
subject to change without notice. Authorized Garmin Sales and Service Centers are encouraged to access
the most up-to-date bulletin and advisory information on the Garmin Dealer Resource web site at using their Garmin-provided user name and password.

Table 1-6. MOD Level History

Applicable LRU MOD Service Bulletin

Purpose of Modification
Part Number Level Number & Date

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1.3 Certification Statement
The Appliance Project Identifier (API) for the GPS 3000 is GMN-01852. The API has been used for
project identification with the FAA.
The GPS 3000 has been shown to meet compliance with the claimed TSO(s) when interfaced with the
equipment defined in this installation manual, and installed in accordance with the requirements and
limitations as defined in this installation manual.
The installer should verify that non-Garmin devices to be interfaced meet the installation requirements
identified in this manual to assure the installed system will comply with the Garmin TSO Authorization.
Garmin installation requirements will usually specify that the interfaced device has appropriate TSO
authorization, and in some cases, such as for TSO-C144 antennas, may also require that the non-Garmin
device meet additional Garmin specifications.
The GPS 3000 GPS receiver is certified for IFR enroute, terminal, and non-precision approaches.
The GPS 3000 GPS receiver is also certified for LNAV/VNAV, LP, and LPV approaches.
The GPS 3000 has been qualified to RTCA/DO-160F Section 20 RF susceptibility and Section 22 indirect
effects of lightning requirements. Special installation considerations are required, refer to the
Environmental Qualification Form.
The GPS 3000 meets the requirements for GPS as a Primary Means of Navigation for Oceanic/Remote
Operations per FAA Notice N8110.60.
The GPS 3000 with main software version 2.00 or later and GPS software version 7.0 or later has been
shown to comply with AC 20-165B Appendix B and AC 20-138D CHG 2 Appendix 4 and is eligible for
use as an ADS-B Out Position Source meeting the requirements of 14 CFR 91.227 when installed in
accordance with Garmin’s installation instructions.
It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure the ADS-B Out system is compliant with
AC 20-165B and to ensure compatibility between the GPS 3000 and the ADS-B Out
The conditions and tests required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It
is the responsibility of those installing this article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to
determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards. TSO articles must have
separate approval for installation in an aircraft. The article may be installed only if performed under 14
CFR part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements. See Section 2 for other installation

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1.3.1 TSO Compliance

Table 1-7. GPS 3000 (011-04432-0( )) TSO Compliance

System SW Part Boot Block SW Database Part

TSO/MOPS* Function Design Class/Type Module CLD Part Numbers
Numbers Part Numbers Numbers
Region List:
DO-178B Level B:
GPS Receivers DO-178B Level B: 006-D6806-R()
TSO-C145d Main 006-B2834-B() N/A
006-B2834-0() Public Key:
DO-229D With Class 3 006-B2834-R()
Augmentation 006-D6806-K()
Change 1
Provided by SBAS
DO-178B Level B: DO-178B Level B: DO-178B Level B:
006-B1827-1() 006-B1827-B() 590-00039-02

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1.3.2 TSO Deviations

Table 1-8. GPS 3000 (011-04432-0( )) TSO Deviations

TSO Deviation
TSO-C145d Garmin has been granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229D Change 1
paragraph to use GPS antennas that are compliant with Garmin
minimum performance specifications for GPS antennas (Doc No. 004-00287-00)
instead of DO-301 qualified antennas. The list of approved GPS antennas shall
be documented in the installation manual as an installation limitation, and
antenna installation instructions will be included to optimize field of view.

1.3.3 Non-TSO Functions

The GPS 3000 has no non-TSO functions.

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1.3.4 Design Assurance Levels

Table 1-9. Design Assurance Levels

Characteristic Specification
RTCA/DO-160F (for more details refer to the Environmental Qualification
Software RTCA/DO-178B Level B

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1.3.5 Transmitter Grant of Equipment Authorization

The operation of unapproved cellular telephones or other unapproved cellular devices
aboard aircraft while airborne is prohibited by FCC rules. Due to the potential for
interference with onboard systems, the operation of unapproved cellular communication
devices while onboard an aircraft that is on the ground is subject to FAA regulations 14
CFR 91.21.
FCC regulation 47 CFR 22.925 prohibits airborne operation of unapproved cellular
telephones installed in or carried aboard aircraft. Unapproved cellular telephones must
not be operated aboard any aircraft while the aircraft is off the ground. When any aircraft
leaves the ground, all unapproved cellular telephones on board that aircraft must be
turned off.
Unapproved cellular telephones that are on, even in a monitoring state, can disrupt GPS

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1.4 Interface Summary
The GPS 3000 can interface to a wide variety of 3rd party equipment, including but not limited to:.
• Autopilots
• Traffic Awareness Systems
• Data Link Systems
• External Annunciators
• DME Equipment
• Radar Altimeters
• Weather Radars
• Flight Data Recorders
1.5 Performance and Technical Specifications
1.5.1 Environmental Qualification Form Reference
It is the responsibility of the installing agency to obtain the latest revision of the GPS 3000 Environmental
Qualification Form. To obtain a copy of this form, see the dealer/OEM portion of the Garmin web site
The form is available directly from Garmin under the following part number:
GPS 3000 Environmental Qualification Form, Garmin Part number 005-01223-31

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1.5.2 General Specifications

Table 1-10. General Specifications

Characteristic Specification
14/28 VDC
Operating Voltage
refer to Section 1.5.3 for detailed power requirements
-55°C to +70°C. For more details see the Environmental
Operating Temperature Range
Qualification Form
Humidity 95% non-condensing
Maximum Altitude 55,000 ft
Maximum Days of Continuous
49 days

1.5.3 Power Specifications

Table 1-11. Power Specifications

14 VDC 28VDC
Max Current 0.5 A 0.3 A
Max Current w/Heater 0.8 A 0.9 A

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1.5.4 GPS Receiver Specifications

Table 1-12. GPS Receiver Specifications

Characteristic Specification
Number of channels 15 (12 GPS and 3 GPS/SBAS)
Frequency 1575.42 MHz L1, C/A code

Sensitivity -134.5 dBm GPS

(acquisition) -135.5 dBm SBAS
-144 dBm
(drop lock)
Lat/Long position
<1.25 meter RMS horizontal, <2 meter vertical, with SBAS
Velocity 1000 knots maximum (above 60,000 ft)
TTFF (time to first fix) 1:45 min. typical with current almanac, position, and time
Reacquisition 10 seconds typical
Position update
0.2 sec (5 Hz)
1 pps (pulse per
±275 nsec of UTC second during steady-state navigation
Datum WGS-84
SATCOM SATCOM compatibility is dependent upon antenna selection, refer to
compatibility Section 1.5.5 for SATCOM compatible antennas
Antenna power supply
4.3 VDC to 4.8 VDC @ 60 mA
at GPS port

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1.5.5 Antenna Specifications
The following is a list of TSO-C144 approved antennas that meet the additional requirements of Garmin
document P/N 004-00287-00 and can be used with no operational limitations (See Section 1.6.1). Other
TSO-C144 and/or TSO-C190 qualified antennas may meet the installation requirements of the GPS 3000.
Contact Garmin to ensure compatibility and applicable operation limitations before beginning the

Table 1-13. TSO-C144 Antennas Meeting Additional Garmin Requirements

Mount Conn Antenna Part Garmin Order
Model Compatible Mfr
Style Type Number Number
Screw Aero 93GWTNCF-
Mount, Antenna 000-
GA 35 GPS WAAS Antenna TNC Yes 013-00235-00
Teardrop RG-27-NM
Footprint [1]
Garmin 013-00235-00

Screw AT575-
Mount, 326GW-TNCF-
GA 36 GPS WAAS Antenna TNC Yes Antenna 013-00244-00
ARINC 743 000-RG-27-NM
Footprint Garmin 013-00244-00

Screw AT2300-
Mount, 126GW-TNCF-
GA 37 FIS/WAAS Antenna TNC Yes Antenna 013-00245-00
ARINC 743 000-RG-27-NM
Footprint Garmin 013-00245-00
Comant 2580-200 Screw
BNC CI 2580-200
WAAS and COM Antenna[5] Mount,
TNC Yes Comant N/A
Comant 2580-410 Teardrop
[3] CI 2580-410
FIS/WAAS/COM Antenna[5] Footprint [1]

Comant 428-200 Screw CI 428-200

WAAS Antenna[5] Mount,
TNC Yes Comant N/A
Comant 428-410 ARINC 743
Footprint CI 428-410
FIS/WAAS Antenna[5]
Comant 2728-200 Screw
BNC CI 2728-200
WAAS and COM Antenna[5] Mount,
TNC Yes Comant N/A
Comant 2728-410 Teardrop
[3] CI 2728-410
FIS/WAAS/COM Antenna[5] Footprint [4]

[1] Same mounting hole pattern as the GA 56, but has a physically larger footprint.
[2] SATCOM compatibility requirements are as specified by DO-229D Change 1 Section and Appendix C.2.2
[3] The WAAS GPS antenna connector is TNC type.
[4] Larger footprint and mounting hole pattern than GA 56, GA 35 or CI 2580.
[5] It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure the antenna complies with Antenna Minimum Performance Specification for Garmin’s
GPS/WAAS Receiver System Antenna (004-00287-00) by communicating the requirement to the supplier and obtaining a certificate of
compliance to 004-00287-00 from the supplier. An antenna that complies only with TSO-C144 requirements is not adequate for this

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1.6 Limitations
This article meets the minimum performance and quality control standards required by a technical
standard order (TSO). Installation of this article requires separate approval.
1.6.1 GPS 3000 GPS Antenna Limitations
Garmin has a deviation from TSO-C145d (see Section 1.3.2) that requires the use of TSO-C144 or
TSO-C190 approved GPS antennas that must also meet additional requirements specified in Garmin
Document P/N 004-00287-00 in order to support the installation without operational limitations. A list of
TSO-C144 approved GPS antennas known to meet the additional requirements of 004-00287-00 is
specified in Section 1.5.9. Installers may choose to use other TSO-C144 or TSO-C190 approved GPS
antennas (provided that they meet all additional requirements specified in 004-00287-00). Contact Garmin
for assistance in determining compatibility and potential operational limitations before beginning an
installation with a GPS antenna not listed in Section 1.5.5.
1.7 Operating Instructions
The GPS 3000 is a remote-mount LRU with user interface. An external annunciator can be used to indicate
a unit failure.

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1.8 Reference Documents
The following publications are sources of additional information for installing the GPS 3000. Before
installing the GPS 3000, the technician should read all relevant referenced materials along with this

Table 1-14. Reference Documents

Part Number Document

II A258002 Comant CI 2580-410 Installation Instructions
II A258005 Comant CI 2580-200 Installation Instructions
II A42803 Comant CI 428-410 Installation Instructions
II A42809 Comant CI 428-200 Installation Instructions
II A272803 Comant CI 2728-410 Installation Instructions
II A272806 Comant CI 2728-200 Installation Instructions
190-00848-00 GA 35, GA 36, and GA 37 Antenna Installation Instructions
Antenna Minimum Performance Specification
for Garmin’s GPS/WAAS Receiver System
190-01999-00 RTCA/DO-200A List of Applicable Avionics Systems
190-02223-00 Garmin Performance-Based Navigation Capabilities
190-00313-12 Circular Connector (and Config Module) Installation Instructions
190-02412-00 GPS 3000 Installation Tool Instructions

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2.1 Introduction
This section provides the equipment information for installing the GPS 3000 and related optional
accessories. Installation of the GPS 3000 must follow the data detailed in this manual. Cabling is typically
fabricated by the installing agency to fit each particular aircraft. Always follow acceptable avionics
installation practices per advisory circulars AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 and AC 43.13-2B or later FAA approved
GPS/SBAS installation instructions have been prepared to meet the guidance material contained in
AC 20-138D CHG 2,“Airworthiness Approval of Positioning and Navigation Systems.”
2.2 Special Tools Required
Pin Contact Crimping Tool and Associated Hardware (Refer to Table 3-2)

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2.3 Antenna Considerations
Antenna installations on pressurized cabin aircraft require FAA approved installation design and
engineering substantiation data whenever such antenna installations incorporate alteration (penetration) of
the cabin pressure vessel by connector holes and/or mounting arrangements. For needed engineering
support pertaining to the design and approval of such pressurized aircraft antenna installations, it is
recommended that the installer proceed according to any of the following listed alternatives:
1. Obtain approved antenna installation design data from the aircraft manufacturer.
2. Obtain an FAA approved STC, pertaining to, and valid for the antenna installation.
3. Contact the FAA Aircraft Certification Office in the appropriate Region and request identification
of FAA Designated Engineering Representatives (DERs) who are authorized to prepare and
approve the required antenna installation engineering data.
4. Locate an appropriate consultant FAA DER by reviewing the “FAA Consultant DER Directory”,
which can be found at the FAA “Designee and Delegation” web page.
5. Contact an aviation industry organization such as the Aircraft Electronics Association for
2.3.1 GPS Antenna Location
The GPS antenna is a key element in the overall system performance and integrity for a GPS/WAAS
navigation system. The mounting location, geometry, and surroundings of the antenna can affect the
system performance and/or availability. The following guidance provides information to aid the installer in
ensuring that the most optimum location is selected for the installation of the GPS antenna. The installation
guidelines presented here meet the intent of AC 20-138D CHG 2 Section 13. The greater the variance from
these guidelines, the greater the chance of decreased availability. Approach procedures with vertical
guidance are the most sensitive to these effects. LNAV only approaches, terminal operations, and enroute
operations may also be affected. Because meeting all of these installation guidelines may not be possible
on all aircraft, these guidelines are listed in order of importance from 1 to 4. Guidelines 4 through 7 are of
equal importance and their significance may depend on the aircraft installation. The installer should use
their best judgment to balance the installation guidelines.
1. Mount the antenna as close to level as possible with respect to the normal cruise flight attitude of
the aircraft. If the normal flight attitude is not known, substitute the waterline, which is typically
referenced as level while performing a weight and balance check.
2. (Fixed wing aircraft): The GPS antenna must be mounted in a location to minimize the effects of
airframe shadowing during typical maneuvers. Typically, mounting the antenna farther away from
the tail section reduces signal blockage seen by the GPS antenna.
(Rotorcraft): Locate the GPS antenna as far as possible from the main rotor hub, as far below the
blade surface as possible (if installing the antenna under the blades). This reduces the percentage
of time the blades block the antenna, and reduces any signal distortion caused by the blades.
3. Ideally, place the GPS antenna at the opposite end of the aircraft from the COM unit in order to
make the GPS less vulnerable to harmonics radiated from the COM itself.

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4. The GPS antenna must be mounted no closer than two feet (edge to edge) and ideally three feet (or
more) from:
• Any VHF COM antenna
• Any antenna emitting more than 25W
• Any antenna which may emit harmonic (or other) interference at the L1 frequency (1575.42
An aircraft EMC check (such as the GPS EMC Check procedure described in Section 4.4.1) can
verify the degradation of GPS in the presence of interference signals from a
transmitter. If an EMC check reveals unacceptable interference, consult the guidance in Section (for VHF COM transceiver and/or ELT transmitter interference) or insert a GPS notch
filter (Garmin P/N 330-00067-00) in line with the offending transmitter (for other types of

The separation requirement does not apply to GPS and COM combination antennas,
provided the antenna model is TSO authorized and has been tested to meet Garmin’s
minimum performance standards. The separation requirement includes the combination
with an XM antenna element as well.

5. To minimize the effects of shadowing at 5° elevation angles, the GPS antenna must be mounted no
closer than 6 inches (edge to edge) from all other antennas, including passive antennas such as
another GPS antenna or XM antenna.
6. To maintain a constant gain pattern and limit degradation by the windscreen, avoid mounting the
antenna closer than 3 inches from the windscreen.
7. For multiple GPS installations, do not mount the antennas in a straight line from the front to the
rear of the fuselage. Varying the mounting location will help minimize any aircraft shading by the
wings or tail section (in a particular azimuth, when one antenna is blocked the other antenna may
have a clear view). GPS Antenna Installation Considerations
The antenna must be installed and bonded in accordance with the GPS antenna manufacturer's installation
instructions. GPS Antenna Cabling Considerations
In addition to the guidance provided in Section 2.4, the following considerations apply to the GPS antenna
cable installation:
• The GPS antenna cable installation must use 50 Ohm coaxial cable which meets applicable avia-
tion regulations.
• Do not route the GPS antenna cables near any COM transceiver antenna cables.
• The GPS antenna cable attenuation must be within the limits of 3 dB and 7 dB when measured at
1575.42 MHz.

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Rev. 1 Page 2-3 VHF COM/GPS Interference Reduction
On some installations, VHF COM transmitters and Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs) can cause
GPS interference by causing another VHF transceiver or receiver (such as another VHF COM transceiver,
ELT, or more rarely, a direction finder (DF) receiver) to generate and re-radiate harmonics in the GPS
band from its antenna.
Careful placement of any GPS receiver antenna relative to COM transceiver antennas, ELT antennas, and
DF receiver antennas is critical to avoid interference from re-radiated harmonics. When locating the GPS
antennas, use the following guidelines.
• Locate the GPS antenna as far as is practical from all COM transceiver antennas, ELT antennas,
and DF receiver antennas (if installed).
• Locate the GPS 3000 unit as far as is practical from all COM transceiver antennas.
If a COM transceiver unit is discovered to be radiating, do the following to reduce interference:
• Replace or clean the VHF COM transceiver rack connectors to ensure proper ground bonding.
• Ensure that the GPS 3000 unit and VHF COM transceiver are both properly bonded and grounded.
• Shield the VHF COM transceiver wiring harness.

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Figures 2-1 and 2-2 show the recommended placement of antennas.

Figure 2-1. GPS Antenna Considerations (Fixed Wing)

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Figure 2-2. GPS Antenna Considerations (Rotorcraft)

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2.4 Cabling and Wiring
Cabling and wiring must be installed in accordance with AC 43.13-1B CHG 1 Chapter 11, Sections 8
through 13. The following issues must be addressed:
• Do not expose cabling and wiring to chafing
• Avoid sharp bends in cabling and wiring harnesses
• Make sure ample space is provided for cabling and wiring harnesses and connectors to allow
connection and disconnection
• Do not route cabling and wiring harnesses near electrical noise sources or high current electrical
wiring (such as power lines to DC electrical motors)
• Do not route cabling and wiring harnesses near flight control cables
• Do not route cabling and wiring harnesses near heat sources
• Wiring indicated as shielded in Appendix B must be shielded
• Wiring pigtail lengths must not exceed 3.0 inches
2.5 Shielding and Electrical Bonding Considerations
Electrical equipment, supporting brackets, and racks must be electrically bonded to the aircraft's main
structure or a designated aircraft groundplane. Refer to the following documents for acceptable bonding
• AC 43.13-1B CHG 1, "Acceptable Methods, Techniques, and Practices - Aircraft Inspection and
Repair", Chapter 11, "Aircraft Electrical Systems"
• SAE ARP 1870A, "Aerospace Systems Electrical Bonding and Grounding for Electromagnetic
Compatibility and Safety"
• A bonding procedure developed and supplied by the aircraft manufacturer (if available)
The electrical bond must achieve direct current (DC) resistance less than or equal to 2.5 milliohms to local
structure where the equipment is mounted. Compliance must be verified by inspection using a calibrated
milliohm meter.

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2.6 Cooling Considerations
The GPS 3000 meets all TSO requirements without external cooling. However, as with all electronic
equipment, lower operating temperatures extend equipment life. On the average, reducing the operating
temperature by 15-20 °C (25 to 35 °F) doubles the mean time between failure (MTBF).
Units tightly packed in the avionics stack heat each other through radiation, convection, and sometimes by
direct conduction. Even a single unit operates at a much higher temperature in still air than in moving air.
Fans or some other means of moving the air around electronic equipment are usually a worthwhile

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2.7 Mounting Requirements
The mounting surface for the GPS 3000 must be capable of providing structural support and electrical
bond to the aircraft to minimize radiated EMI and provide protection from High-Intensity Radiation Fields
(HIRF). The GPS 3000 may be mounted remotely if desired. The GPS 3000 can be mounted in any
orientation, Appendix A shows how to mount the unit to the rack. Use qty 4 #10 fasteners to mount the
rack. The installer must provide any additional remote mounting equipment.

Figure 2-3. GPS 3000 Standalone Rack

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Figure 2-4. GPS 3000 Standalone Rack Suggested Mounting Locations

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3.1 Unpacking Unit
Carefully unpack the equipment and make a visual inspection of the unit for evidence of damage incurred
during shipment. If the unit is damaged, notify the carrier and file a claim. To justify a claim, save the
original shipping container and all packing materials. Do not return the unit to Garmin until the carrier has
authorized the claim.
Retain the original shipping containers for storage. If the original containers are not available, a separate
cardboard container should be prepared that is large enough to accommodate sufficient packing material to
prevent movement.

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3.2 Electrical Connections
Allow adequate space for installation of cables and connectors. The installer must supply and fabricate all
of the cables. All electrical connections are made through one 55-pin circular connector and one TNC
connector (TNC connectors are not supplied with the connector kit). Section 6 defines the electrical
characteristics of all input and output signals. Required connectors and associated hardware are supplied
with the connector kit.

To maintain environmental qualifications (Section 1.5), ensure that all connector positions
have a crimp contact inserted, and that all unconnected crimp contacts have a connector
seal plug installed. Refer to 190-00313-12 for more information.

Check wiring connections for errors before inserting the GPS 3000 into the rack.
Incorrect wiring could cause internal component damage.

Table 3-1 Pin Contact Part Numbers

Manufacturer Part Number

Pin Contacts Military M39029/56-348

Table 3-2. Recommended Crimp Tools

Manufacturer Turret Die or Positioner
Size/Type Crimping Tool
M22520/2-01 M22520/2-07
Military P/N 22D Socket
M22520/7-01 M22520/7-05

Table 3-3. Recommended Crimp Tools

Plastic Tools Metal Tools
Use with
Angle Type Straight Type
Contact MS
Size Color MS Part Proprietary Proprietary Color
Part Number
Number Part Number Part Number

22D M81969/14-01* M81969/8-01 11-8674-24 11-8794-24 Black
* Double end insertion/removal tool.

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Table 3-4. Recommended Removal Tools
Plastic Tools Metal Tools
Use with For Unwired Angle Type Straight
Contact MS
Contacts Type
Size Part Color MS Part Proprietary Color
Proprietary Proprietary
Number Number Part Number
Part Number Part Number

M81969/ (Green)/ Green/

22D 11-10050-07 M81969/8-02 11-8675-24 11/8795-24
14-01* White White
* Double end insertion/removal tool.

Non-Garmin part numbers shown are not maintained by Garmin and consequently are
subject to change without notice.

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3.3 Backshell Assembly
The GPS 3000 connector kit includes a strain relief assembly. To assemble the strain relief assembly and
grounding system, refer to instructions provided in the Circular Connector Installation Instructions
3.4 Coax Cable Installation
1. Route the coaxial cable to the rack location keeping in mind the recommendations of Sections 2.3
and 2.4. Secure the cable in accordance with good aviation practice.
2. Trim the coaxial cable to the desired length and install the TNC connector per the connector
manufacturer’s instructions for cable preparation.
3.5 Equipment Mounting
For installation and assembly, refer to the outline and installation drawings in Appendix A.
3.5.1 Unit Insertion and Removal
Refer to the outline and installation drawings shown in Appendix A (as appropriate for unit being installed)
of this manual.
To install the GPS 3000:
1. Place the unit on the mounting rack.
2. Make sure the GPS 3000 rear feet are aligned in the mounting rack slots.
3. Lift the lockdown mechanism collar in place on the GPS 3000 hook.
4. Hand turn lockdown mechanism knob clockwise until the GPS 3000 is secure.
To remove the GPS 3000:
1. Pull back on the lockdown mechanism and simultaneously turn counterclockwise until free.
2. Disengage the lockdown mechanism collar from the GPS 3000 hook.
3. Slide the GPS 3000 forward to remove from the mounting rack.
3.5.2 Unit Replacement
Refer to the applicable maintenance manual.
3.6 Antenna Installation
3.6.1 GPS Antenna
Install the GPS antenna in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Refer to Section 2.3.1 for
additional considerations and guidance.

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The GPS 3000 does not provide valid outputs until the aircraft post installation
configuration procedures are completed.

Configuration is done using the GPS 3000 Installation Tool. Refer to 190-02412-00 for configuration
For actual aircraft installation/checkout, use only aircraft manufacturer approved checkout procedures.
4.1 Mounting, Wiring, and Power Checks
Verify all cables are properly secured and shields are connected to the shield block of the connectors.
Check the movement of the flight and engine controls to verify there is no interference between the cabling
and control systems. Verify all wiring is installed as described in this manual.
Prior to installing and powering up the GPS 3000, the wiring harness must be checked for proper
connections to the aircraft systems and other avionics equipment. Point to Point continuity must be
checked to expose any faults such as shorting to ground or wiring discrepancies. Any faults or
discrepancies must be corrected before proceeding.
After accomplishing a continuity check, perform power and ground checks to verify proper power
distribution to the GPS 3000. Any faults or discrepancies must be corrected at this time.
The GPS 3000 can be installed after completion of the continuity and power checks.
4.2 Configuration Setup
Configuration is done using the GPS 3000 Installation Tool. Refer to 190-02412-00 for configuration
4.3 Diagnostic Information
Refer to the applicable airframe specific maintenance manual.

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4.4 Ground Checks
4.4.1 GPS Radio Transmitter Harmonic Interference Check
When installing any avionics equipment, it is the responsibility of the installer to determine the
compatibility of any modification with all previous aircraft modifications. If the GPS 3000 is installed in
an aircraft with third party VHF COM transceivers or non-aviation VHF transceivers (such as marine
transceivers), or if any third party VHF COM transceivers or non-aviation VHF transceivers are installed
on an aircraft in which the GPS 3000 has already been installed, care must be taken to make sure these
transceivers do not interfere with the GPS 3000 GPS receiver. The procedure described in this section
provides a method to confirm that a transceiver does not interfere with the GPS 3000 GPS receiver. Aviation VHF COM Transceiver Test Procedure
This procedure may be used to test both Garmin GIFD VHF COM transceivers (such as the GIA 64 and
GDR 66) or third party aviation VHF COM transceivers.

Refer to the applicable airframe specific pilot’s guide for operation instructions.

Use the GPS 3000 Installation Tool or the GIFD display to monitor the GPS solution.

1. Make sure the aircraft is outside with a clear view of the sky and away from buildings.
2. Energize all avionics in normal mode.
3. Make sure the GPS solution shows 3D Diff.
4. Set the COM radio under test (GIA #1, GIA #2, GDR 66, or other 3rd part radio) to 25 kHz
channel spacing.
5. Tune the COM radio under test to 121.150 MHz.

Make sure the frequencies tested are not in use in the vicinity before starting this test.

6. Transmit the COM under test for 35 seconds.

7. Monitor GPS signal strength.
8. Make sure GPS does not lose a 3-D DIFF Navigation solution.

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9. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 for the following frequencies:
• 121.150 MHz
• 121.175 MHz
• 121.200 MHz
• 121.225 MHz
• 131.200 MHz
• 131.225 MHz
• 131.250 MHz
• 131.275 MHz
• 131.300 MHz
• 131.325 MHz
• 131.350 MHz
10. Set VHF transmitter to 8.33 kHz channel spacing.
11. Repeat Steps 5 through 8 for the following frequencies:
• 121.185 MHz
• 121.190 MHz
• 130.285 MHz
• 131.290 MHz Non-Aviation VHF COM Transceiver Test Procedure
1. Make sure the aircraft is outside with a clear view of the sky and away from buildings.
2. Energize all avionics in normal mode.
3. Make sure the GPS Solution shows as 3D DIFF.
4. Tune the COM under test to a test frequency (e.g., a transmit frequency whose harmonic falls
within the GNSS frequency band 1,559 to 1,610 MHz).
5. Transmit the COM under test for 30 seconds.
6. Monitor GPS signal strength.
7. Make sure GPS does not lose a 3-D DIFF Navigation solution.
8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for all relevant test frequencies.

It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that sufficient frequencies are tested to
verify that the COM under test does not interfere with the GPS 3000 GPS receivers. It may
be necessary to contact the manufacturer of the COM under test for further support.

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Maintenance of the GPS 3000 is “on condition” only.

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6.1 Pin Function List
6.1.1 J30001

Figure 6-1. View of J30001 connector from back of unit

Table 6-1. J30001

Pin Pin Name I/O

1 RS-232 OUT 1 Out
2 RS-232 IN 1 In
4 RS-232 OUT 2 Out
5 RS-232 IN 2 In
7 RS-232 OUT 3 Out
8 RS-232 IN 3 In
10 RS-232 OUT 4 Out
11 RS-232 IN 4 In
13 RS-422 IN LO In
14 RS-422 IN HI In
15 RS-422 OUT HI Out
16 RS-422 OUT LO Out
18 ARINC 429 IN 1 A In
19 ARINC 429 IN 1 B In
20 ARINC 429 IN 2 A In

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Table 6-1. J30001

Pin Pin Name I/O

21 ARINC 429 IN 2 B In
22 ARINC 429 IN 3 A In
23 ARINC 429 IN 3 B In
24 ARINC 429 IN 4 A In
25 ARINC 429 IN 4 B In
26 ARINC 429 OUT 1 A Out
27 ARINC 429 OUT 1 B Out
28 ARINC 429 OUT 2 A Out
29 ARINC 429 OUT 2 B Out
30 ARINC 429 OUT 3 A Out
31 ARINC 429 OUT 3 B Out
32 ARINC 429 OUT 4 A Out
33 ARINC 429 OUT 4 B Out
42 SPARE --
44 PPS OUT HI 1 Out
45 PPS OUT LO 1 Out
46 PPS OUT HI 2 Out
47 PPS OUT LO 2 Out

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Table 6-1. J30001

Pin Pin Name I/O


*Indicates Active Low (Ground to activate)

**Configurable as Active High or Active Low

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6.2 Power and Antennas
6.2.1 Power Functions
This section covers the power input requirements. Aircraft Power

Table 6-2. Aircraft Power

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

AIRCRAFT GROUND 1 J30001 52 --
AIRCRAFT GROUND 2 J30001 53 --

AIRCRAFT POWER 1 and 2 inputs provide power for all GPS 3000 functions. Antennas

Table 6-3. Antennas

Pin Name Connector I/O


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6.3 Serial Data
6.3.1 Serial Data Electrical Characteristics RS-232

Table 6-4. RS-232

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

RS-232 IN 1 J30001 2 In
RS-232 OUT 1 J30001 1 Out
RS-232 IN 2 J30001 5 In
RS-232 OUT 2 J30001 4 Out
RS-232 IN 3 J30001 8 In
RS-232 OUT 3 J30001 7 Out
RS-232 IN 4 J30001 11 In
RS-232 OUT 4 J30001 10 Out

The RS-232 outputs are compatible with TIA Standard RS-232F with an output voltage swing of at
least ± 5V when driving a standard RS-232 load. RS-422

Table 6-5. RS-422

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

RS-422 IN LO J30001 13 In
RS-422 IN HI J30001 14 In
RS-422 OUT HI J30001 15 Out
RS-422 OUT LO J30001 16 Out

190-02256-00 GPS 3000 Installation Manual

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Table 6-6. ARINC 429

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

ARINC 429 IN 1 A J30001 18 In
ARINC 429 IN 1 B J30001 19 In
ARINC 429 IN 2 A J30001 20 In
ARINC 429 IN 2 B J30001 21 In
ARINC 429 IN 3 A J30001 22 In
ARINC 429 IN 3 B J30001 23 In
ARINC 429 IN 4 A J30001 24 In
ARINC 429 IN 4 B J30001 25 In
ARINC 429 OUT 1 A J30001 26 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 1 B J30001 27 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 2 A J30001 28 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 2 B J30001 29 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 3 A J30001 30 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 3 B J30001 31 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 4 A J30001 32 Out
ARINC 429 OUT 4 B J30001 33 Out

The ARINC 429 outputs conform to ARINC 429 electrical specifications when loaded with up to 4
standard ARINC 429 receivers. PPS

Table 6-7. PPS

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

PPS OUT HI 1 J30001 44 Out
PPS OUT LO 1 J30001 45 Out
PPS OUT HI 2 J30001 46 Out
PPS OUT LO 2 J30001 47 Out

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6.4 Configuration Module

Table 6-8. Configuration Module

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O


6.5 Discrete I/O

Table 6-9. Discrete Input/Output

Pin Name Connector Pin I/O

DISCRETE IN/OUT 1** J30001 34 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 2** J30001 35 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 3** J30001 36 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 4** J30001 37 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 5** J30001 38 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 6** J30001 39 I/O
DISCRETE IN/OUT 7** J30001 40 I/O
*Indicates Active Low (Ground to activate)
**Configurable as Active High or Active Low

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Figure A-1 GPS 3000 Outline Drawing

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Figure A-2 GPS 3000 Installation Drawing

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Figure B-1 GPS 3000 Example Interconnect

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Figure B-2 GPS 3000 Example Interconnect

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