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PTU 15/25 PV

CJC™ Off-line Filter Separator - H Y D R A U L I C

CJC™ Product Sheet

The CJC™ Filter Separator PTU 15/25 PV Hydraulic
is used for
• hydraulic oils
• lube oils
• gear oils
• turbine lube oils
The PTU 15/25 PV is ideal for separation of water, re-
moval of particles and degradation products.
The filter pump draws oil from the bottom of the tank and
presses it through the filter insert. From the centre of the
insert the oil flows down into the coalescer housing where
water droplets - if any - adhere to the coalescer element.
Here larger drops will form and settle in the bottom of the
coalescer housing.
The filter outlet port is placed in the top of the coalescer
housing. The filtered oil should be returned to the tank
close to the suction pipe of the main system pump.
Note that the return point preferably should be non-
pressurized. Contact us in case this is not possible.
The filter pump is a CJC gear wheel pump. The electric mo-
tor can be supplied for all standard AC and DC voltages.
The CJC™ Filter Inserts consist of several discs bonded The CJC ™ Filter Separator
together. The material is cotton linters (cellulose). PTU 15/25 PV

Preheater Control box TECHNICAL DATA
Drip pan Tank Model PTU 15/25
Pump flow, per hour (std.) ltr/gal 30 - 60 / 8 - 16
Pump type PV2
Water Removal by Separation
The CJC™ Filter Separator removes water from oil to Pump inlet pressure, max. bar/psi 0.5 / 7
very low levels. The efficiency of water removal de- Filter Insert 15/25, std.: pcs. 1
pends on the oil type and temperature. Power consumption, aver. kW 0.18
Particle Removal
All CJC™ Filter Inserts have the following filtration Pressure drop, max. bar/psi 1.8 / 26
degree: Oil temperature, max.*) ˚C/˚F 80 / 176
- 3 μm absolute: Dirt holding capacity, appr. ltr/gal 1.5 / 0.4
98.7% of all solid particles >3 μm Water reservoir capacity ltr/gal 1.25 / 0.33
- 0.8 μm nominal:
Dry weight kg/lb 37 / 82
50% of all solid particles >0.8 μm
are retained in each pass. Operating weight, wet kg/lb 47 / 104
The dirt holding capacity is 1.5 litres of evenly dis- Design pressure, filter bar/psi 4 / 58
tributed solids. Ambient temperature, max. ˚C/˚F 40 / 104
Degradation Products
Water discharge Manual
Oxidation products, resin / sludge, and varnish are
retained by the cellulose material, which will retain *) Onboard ships: 60˚C / 140˚F
appr. 1 kg of oil degradation products.
To achieve the most efficient water separation on high APPLICABLE FILTER INSERTS
viscosity oil, preheating the oil before filter pass may
be necessary. Type Application for
Consult C.C.JENSEN A/S for further information. BLA: Hydraulic-, lube-, gear- and turbine lube oils (high water content).


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PTU 15/25 PV
CJC™ Off-line Filter Separator - H Y D R A U L I C

CJC™ Product Sheet

Item Part
1 Nut
2 Stay bolt 1
3 Bonded seal
4 Coalescer element 15

5 Coalescer housing 14

6 Bonded seal 19
7 Drain valve
8 Filter housing 10

9 Filter insert 9 20

10 Stay bolt 8
11 O-ring 7

12 Spring guide 21
13 Spring B
14 Nut 23
15 Cover
3 24
16 Bonded seal 2 25
17 Vent screw 1

18 Pressure gauge
19 Sampling point F

20 Pump
21 Bracket
22 O-ring
23 Cover
24 Sieve
25 Shut off valve
A 3/8” BSP, Oil inlet CJC™ Offline Filter Separator
B 3/8” BSP, Oil outlet PTU 15/25
F 1/4” BSP, Water outlet 44 009 12-4
Measurement in mm (inches)

System Pump In-Line Filter

Filter Separator
CJC Off-line

Tank System

Oil System


09.04.2008 Løvholmen 13 DK-5700 Svendborg Denmark
Phone: +45 6321 2014 Fax: +45 6222 4615
Page 2/2 filter@cjc.dk www.cjc.dk

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