Review Related Literature and Study: Scientists Discover That This Victoria's Secret Perfume Repels Mosquitoes

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Scientists Discover That This Victoria's Secret

Perfume Repels Mosquitoes

Scientists have shown that popular Victoria's Secret

perfume, Bombshell, can actually repel mosquitoes
effectively for up to 2 hours.

While it isn't anywhere near as effective as products

containing DEET - one of the most common active
ingredients in insect repellents - in high doses, the
perfume was better than a range of 'organic' mosquito
repellents on the market.
The result was unexpected, seeing as researchers
originally decided to test the perfume in addition to their
repellents because they thought it would
actually attract mosquitoes.
"There was some previous literature that said fruity, floral
scents attracted mosquitoes, and to not wear those," said
one of the researchers, Stacy Rodriguez, from New Mexico State
University. "It was interesting to see that the mosquitoes
weren’t actually attracted to the person that was wearing
the Victoria's Secret perfume - they were repelled by it."
In the study, published in the Journal of Insect Science last year,
the team tested the Victoria's Secret fragrance up against
10 commercially available mosquito repellents, as well as
Avon's Skin So Soft bath oil.
To figure out which ones mosquitoes were or weren't into,
they took a volunteer and doused her hand in either
perfume, bath oil, a repellent, or left it clean, and then
placed it under a Y-shaped tube, which fanned the
fragrance up to a group of around 20 mosquitoes.

The Peel can Guard off mosquitoes. Its said that mosquitoes and gnats are wholly repulsed by
either aroma. The indispensable oil that can be extracted from lemon and orange peel are the 1
that makes the mosquitoes wing off. Lemon and orange is fundamentally know as a fruit that
we cam eat. We can besides do other merchandise with its citric acid and their peel whitening
tegument and an insect repellent.An insect repellent is a substance applied to clamber. Vesture
or other surfaces which discourage insect( and arthropods in genral) from set downing or
mounting on that diseases. In the united states mosquitoes can convey diseases like lyme
disease. Rocky mountain spotted feebrility and ethlichiosis.

Summer’s in full swing now, so you’re probably spending a ton of time outside. Whether it’s
camping trips, days at the beach, picnics, outdoor festivals, hikes, or even just strolls around
your neighbourhood, summer is the time to take advantage of the great outdoors. However,
amidst all of these wonderfully summer-esque activities, a nuisance looms:
mosquitoes.Mosquitoes are the pesky summer staple that seem to pervade the most pleasant
summer activities we enjoy. To me, the smell of bug spray is strangely nostalgic. But perhaps
that is because you never forget that choking feeling that is experienced when dousing yourself
in a cloud of drug-store bug spray. Most of these sprays contain DEET, an ingredient found in
many products used to ward off mosquitos and other pests. In small doses, it has been declared
safe to use. But studies have also shown that DEET can cause harmful effects on brain cells if we
receive too much exposure – so why risk it?
As an alternative, many natural replacements for the DEET ridden repellents include apple cider
vinegar.Mosquitoes dislike the smell and taste of the vinegar, and will leave you alone so you
can enjoy your BBQ. So if you’re interested in seeking a natural insect repellent, try out this
recipe which uses apple cider vinegar as a base!

SPUD Calgary(August 11,2016)


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