About The NGO: Kashi Sewa Sadhan Samiti, Chandauli Is Undertaking The Work of Azolla Amrit by
About The NGO: Kashi Sewa Sadhan Samiti, Chandauli Is Undertaking The Work of Azolla Amrit by
About The NGO: Kashi Sewa Sadhan Samiti, Chandauli Is Undertaking The Work of Azolla Amrit by
Problem identification
• High cost of animal feeding
• Cost of weed control
• High cost of fertilizers
• Nitrogen efficiency is only 20-30% in the traditional method of nutrient
management in rice field
• Declining in soil health
• Loss of nitrogen from soil due to Denitrification, High solubility, by leaching
Objectives to be achieve
To decrease the cost of feeding
To control the weed
To increase the soil fertility
To fix the nitrogen in the paddy field
To reduce the cost of livestock and fertilizers use
Also fixes Atmospheric nitrogen and stores in leaves, therefore it is used as
green manure.
It has been observed, and well appreciated by rice farmers they cultivate azolla
in the paddy farm there is increase rice production by 25%.
Weed control
Azolla plant can form a thick layer on water surfaces, so it is uses for weed
control in paddy farm
And also, it slow water evaporation rate maintain soil moisture for a long time.
Mosquito control
Azolla has another ability Azolla restrict mosquito breeding process, and thus
azolla also called as ‘Mosquito fern’.
They are very happy when they get to know about Azolla and getting
Maximum profits around 8000 to 9000 rupees monthly for them by cultivating
Azolla. For Azolla cultivation required less amount of investment hence it a low
cost alternative for good feed and good biofertilizer.
Azolla cultivation is an excellent option for farmers who want to fix the nitrogen
in paddy fields. Azolla is the ideal feed for livestock. If they take good care of their
Azolla pond, they can harvest good quality Azolla every day, and it definitely
reduces their costs on livestock feed and fertilizer.