1 Ordinary days
In this unit you will look at stories that are about You will also learn about:
children like you. You will learn about settings nouns, verbs and adjectives,
and characters, and you will learn how to dialogue in stories.
make your reading sound interesting. At the
end of the unit you will write your own story.
It is a busy classroom.
I have a messy bedroom.
Language focus
Nouns are words we use to name things. For example, the words house, bed,
shop, beach, hill and flower are nouns.
Adjectives are words we use to describe nouns. For example, the words big,
small, pretty, lovely, nice, dirty, horrible, high and low are adjectives.
ersity Press And Mr Gee said, “Shush, just close your
eyes, open your ears and listen.”
And the music began: a rumbling, rolling,
thunderous music that boomed and
crashed around the classroom.
Suddenly it stopped. And Mr Gee said:
“Tell me what the music made you think of.” By Colin McNaughton
dictionary. Write the words and their the same, for example
thunderous sounds like
meanings in your notebook.
5 Characters
Liang hangs out in the mall with his friends. He and his
friends usually wear earplugs so they have to SMS each
other if they want to talk. Sometimes Liang texts back;
sometimes he doesn’t.
Session 5 Characters 13
6 Verbs
Language focus
Verbs tell you what someone or something does, is or has.
Verbs also tell you when the action in the sentence happens:
When? What? Tense
Yesterday morning she walked to school. past
Every morning she walks to school. present
Tomorrow morning she will walk to school. future
A sentence must:
• have a verb – if there isn’t a verb, it isn’t a sentence
• begin with a capital letter
• end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark
• make sense.
Verbs are sometimes
called ‘doing’ words, but
they are also ‘being’ or
‘having’ words.
Different forms of a verb often look a bit like each other. Try looking
for words that begin with the same letters as have.
7 Amazing Grace
ersity Press