J. Electrochem. Soc. 2019 Harlow A3031 44
J. Electrochem. Soc. 2019 Harlow A3031 44
J. Electrochem. Soc. 2019 Harlow A3031 44
We present a wide range of testing results on an excellent moderate-energy-density lithium-ion pouch cell chemistry to serve
as benchmarks for academics and companies developing advanced lithium-ion and other “beyond lithium-ion” cell chemistries to
(hopefully) exceed. These results are far superior to those that have been used by researchers modelling cell failure mechanisms and as
such, these results are more representative of modern Li-ion cells and should be adopted by modellers. Up to three years of testing has
been completed for some of the tests. Tests include long-term charge-discharge cycling at 20, 40 and 55°C, long-term storage at 20, 40
and 55°C, and high precision coulometry at 40°C. Several different electrolytes are considered in this LiNi0.5 Mn0.3 Co0.2 O2 /graphite
chemistry, including those that can promote fast charging. The reasons for cell performance degradation and impedance growth
are examined using several methods. We conclude that cells of this type should be able to power an electric vehicle for over 1.6
million kilometers (1 million miles) and last at least two decades in grid energy storage. The authors acknowledge that other cell
format-dependent loss, if any, (e.g. cylindrical vs. pouch) may not be captured in these experiments.
© The Author(s) 2019. Published by ECS. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted reuse of the work in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited. [DOI: 10.1149/2.0981913jes]
Manuscript submitted July 30, 2019; revised manuscript received August 16, 2019. Published September 6, 2019.
Lithium-ion cells are being used in grid energy storage and in to extend battery life.” Jana et al. compare their models to data pre-
electric vehicles where long lifetime is extremely important. At this sented in the literature on NMC/graphite Li-ion cells by Ecker et al.,2
time, many of these applications are generally not as demanding as Schmitt et al.,6 Schuster et al.,7 among others and show excellent
they might seem. This is because it can be rare that cells are subjected to agreement. In 2018, Dubarry et al.,8 reviewed calendar aging studies
100% depth of discharge cycling again and again on a daily or several on a variety of Li-ion cell chemistries, including NMC/graphite and
times daily basis. For example, Pearre et al.1 show that the average LiFePO4 (LFP)/graphite, among others. Dubarry et al., use data from
daily driving range for 484 gasoline vehicles in the US was 32.6 miles references2,6,7 and9 for NMC/graphite cells, data from Naumann et
(52 km) and that the vast majority of daily range need is in the 0–50 al.,10 among others, for LFP cells, and data from Keil et al.,11 among
mile range (0 – 80 km). For an EV with a 300 or 400 km range this others, for NCA cells.
represents about 25% DOD on a daily basis. Many researchers have The cycle and calendar lifetime of NMC/graphite cells has im-
shown that the lifetime of lithium-ion cells measured in cumulative proved dramatically since the time references2,5,6,8 were published. In
charge throughput is much longer when low DOD duty cycles are addition, many researchers, OEMs and battery users believe the cy-
applied (e.g.).2,3 cle and calendar lifetime of LFP/graphite cells are superior to that of
This situation may change with the proposed introduction of “robo NMC/graphite cells. We believe it is important to disseminate state-of-
taxis”, long haul electric trucks and vehicle-to-grid applications. In the-art data for NMC/graphite cells to aid future modelling efforts and
the former, vehicles will be driving all day, much like a conventional to provide modern benchmarks for both old and new cell technologies.
taxi and undergoing nearly 100% DOD cycling. Long haul trucks will In this paper, testing results on LiNi0.5 Mn0.3 Co0.2 O2 /artificial
almost certainly run in near 100% DOD situations. Cells in vehicles graphite (NMC532/AG) cells are presented. The NMC532 used in
tethered to the grid will be racking up charge-discharge cycles even these cells is “single crystal” NMC532 as described in the papers by
when the vehicle is not moving. Clearly EVs destined for vehicle- Jing Li et al.12 and Lin Ma et al.13–15 The artificial graphite (AG) used
to-grid applications, robo taxis or long haul trucking, would favor a in these cells is provided by Kaijin (China) and is grade AML-400.
lithium-ion chemistry that could deliver many more charge-discharge Over the last 10 years the Dalhousie research group has tested a wide
cycles in a decade than an EV that was destined for typical commuter variety of Li-ion cells with various positive electrodes, negative elec-
driving where high energy density to give the longest driving range for trodes and electrolytes.12–19 Of all the cells tested, the ones with the
weekend trips might be emphasized. Electric buses represent another longest lifetime are the single crystal NMC532/AG cells with opti-
application where duty cycles approaching 100% DOD are used on a mized electrolytes reported here. Therefore, we believe it is valuable
daily basis.4 to present a comprehensive summary of this test data for others to
In order to make reasonable projections about lifetime, it is insuf- benchmark against.
ficient to simply do charge-discharge cycle testing at high rate (for The data in this paper focuses on long-term tests at 20, 40 and 55°C.
example 1C). For example, if a particular cell type can provide 1000 These temperatures were selected based on historical precedents in
100% DOD charge-discharge cycles at 1C, this could be claimed to our group. We do note that many Li-ion cell manufacturers and other
be able to power a 400 km range EV for 400,000 km. In such a test- researchers present data at 25, 30, 45, 50, 55 and 60°C, some of which
ing scenario, 10–12 cycles per day can be collected and the entire are offset from our data. In the long-term cycle testing, preference is
test would only take about 100 days. Instead careful considerations given to studies over 100% DOD which is between 3.0 and 4.3 V for
of aging during cycling and aging during storage must be made as the cells considered here. However, some testing results are given for
has been done by many researchers. For example, in 2019 Jana et al.5 lower DOD ranges such as 3.0 to 4.2 V and 3.0 to 4.1 V to show the
show how “the identification of the individual degradation contribu- advantages that charging to a lower voltage can bring in both cycling
tions enables the possibility of tailoring the charge/discharge sequence and storage.
To capture the attention of the reader, Figure 1 compares long-term
charge-discharge cycle performance of the cylindrical NMC/graphite
∗ Electrochemical Society Student Member.
cells (Sanyo UR18650E) tested by Ecker et al.2 to some of the pouch
∗∗ Electrochemical Society Fellow. cells in this work. Details of the cells used in this work will be given
E-mail: jeff.dahn@dal.ca later, as will a full set of performance data. The 100% DOD cycling
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A3032 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
90 90
20oC 3.6 V
Ecker - 0-100% 4.2V 1C 35oC 80
70 the NMC cells are much higher than that of the LFP cells (3.6 V) at
100% SOC. Researchers and users of Li-ion cells should be aware
40oC 4.3 V that NMC/graphite cells of an appropriate design, to be described in
this paper, can have longer storage lifetimes than LFP/graphite cells.
90 Since NMC/graphite cells have much larger volumetric and specific
Black - Schmidt et al. 45oC 4.2 V energy densities than LFP/graphite cells20 one does not need to make
80 Blue - Ecker et al. a trade-off between energy density and lifetime anymore.
Green - This work It is the intention of Figures 1, 2 and 3 to have whetted the appetite
70 of the reader to learn more about the cells of this work to be described
100 below.
50oC 3.87 V
Pouch cells.—Dry (no electrolyte) and sealed
Li[Ni0.5 Mn0.3 Co0.2 ]O2 (NMC532)/graphite pouch cells were ob-
50oC 4.2 V 50 C 4.07 V tained from Li-FUN Technology (Xinma Industry Zone, Golden
70 Dragon Road, Tianyuan District, Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province,
0 200 400 600
Storage time (days) China, 412000). These were coated NMC532/artificial graphite
(240 mAh at 4.3 V). The NMC532 used in these cells was single
Figure 2. Capacity remaining versus storage time for NMC/graphite cells as crystal NMC532 as described by Li et al.12 with a Ti-based coating
determined by reference performance testing every several months. The data as described by Ma et al.14 The artificial graphite used was Kaijin
from Ecker et al.2 and Schmitt et al.6 are for Sanyo UR18650E and Sony AML-400 from Kaijin, China. The single side active material
US18650V3 cells, respectively. The voltages and temperatures at which the electrode loadings were 21.1 mg/cm2 for the positive electrode
cells were stored are given in the legends. and 12.2 mg/cm2 for the graphite negative electrode. The positive
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3033
SC-532 c
3 m
a 5 m
Table 1. a) Measured properties of the NMC532/graphite 402035 (40 mm x 20 mm x 3.5 mm thick) pouch cells used here. The positive electrode
was 94% active material, the loading was 21.1 mg/cm2 (target was 21.3) and the electrode density was 3.5 g/cm3 . The negative electrode was
95.4% active material, the loading was 12.2 mg/cm2 (target was 11.8) and the electrode density was 1.55 g/cm3 . b) Stack energy density of the
NMC532/graphite couple for several electrode thicknesses. b) Stack energy density calculations – gives values for the electrode stack (negative
coating/copper/negative coating/separator/positive coating/aluminum/positive coating/separator). Assumptions – copper foil = 8 μm, aluminum
foil = 15 μm, separator = 16 μm, N/P capacity ratio = 1.1 at 4.3 V, average cell voltage = 3.75 V. The highlighted row represents the design used
in this work.
Specific Energy Positive areal
Cell Average Capacity Mass Volume Energy Density capacity
designation Voltage (mAh) (g) (cm3 ) (Wh/kg) (Wh/L) (mAh/cm2 )
Cathode Cathode Anode Anode Stack
Cathode Cathode active Cathode reversible irreversible Anode Anode Anode reversible irreversible Energy
loading material density capacity capacity loading active material density capacity capacity Density
(mg/cm2 ) fraction (g/cm3 ) (mAh/g)∗ (%) (mg/cm2 ) fraction (g/cm3 ) (mAh/g) (%) (Wh/L)
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A3034 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
Shenzhen Capchem. We have seen no penalty associated with lifetime from the variation of the 3C cell capacity versus cycle number in the
reduction using the first three solvent blends, unless high rate charge rate maps.
(> 1C at 20°C) is attempted. The DMC containing blends are pre-
ferred due to higher ionic conductivity for high rate charge.21 If even Cross-Sectional scanning electron microscopy of cycled positive
higher rates of charge are desired, then methyl acetate can be added as electrodes.—Cross sectional SEM images were taken of positive elec-
in the fourth solvent blend. Figure 6 shows the conductivity of several trodes from cycled pouch cells. Cells after long duration testing were
electrolyte systems as a function of LiPF6 content at 20°C and also charged to 4.3 V and opened carefully in an argon-filled glove box.
their temperature dependence at 1 molal. Figure 6 shows the advan- Circular discs of 1.1 cm diameter were punched from the positive
tage of EC:DMC over EC:EMC and the advantage of adding MA. electrode. Electrodes were rinsed with dimethyl carbonate twice be-
Electrolytes with DMC are preferred over those with EMC when high fore ion-milling with IB-19530CP cross-section polisher. Electrodes
rate charge or discharge is desired. Additions of MA cause a lifetime were milled with an Ar-ion beam for a 50 minute and 6 kV coarse
reduction for NMC/graphite cells22 so one must realize that a trade-off step followed by a 5 minute and 6 kV fine step. SEM images were
between lifetime and higher rate capability is being made when MA taken using a Hitachi S-4700 field emission electron microscope with
is introduced. This trade-off is explored in this article. a secondary electron detector. The images were obtained using an
The cells in this study used several electrolyte additives which have accelerating voltage of 5 kV and current of 15 uA.
been shown previously to dramatically increase lifetimes. The combi-
nation of 2% VC + 1% DTD promoted by Li et al.,12 the combination
of 2% FEC + 1% LFO promoted by Ma et al.16 and 1% LFO alone Results and Discussion
promoted by Ma et al.,13 were used in the cells in this work. Charge-discharge cycling results.—Figures 8 and 9 provide ca-
pacity retention versus cycle number data and normalized V versus
cycle number data for the NMC532/graphite cells testing between 3.0
Testing protocols used..—Long-term storage was performed by and 4.3 V (0 – 100% SOC, Figure 8) and between 3.0 and 4.2 V (0
placing cells at various voltages in convection ovens at 20, 40 or 55°C – 90% SOC, Figure 9). The cells tested at C/3 used 1.0 M LiPF6 in
for extended periods of time. Periodically, cells were extracted and EC:EMC 30:70 electrolyte with the selected additives indicated in the
subjected to a reference performance test (RPT) as shown in the left Figure legend while the cells tested at 1C used 1.2 M (2FEC + 1LFO)
panel of Figure 7. The C/3 capacity, measured between 3.0 and 4.1 V or 1.5 M (2VC+1DTD) LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 electrolyte.
at 20°C was monitored. After the RPT test, the cells were charged to The duration of the testing is indicated in the legend. The appropri-
the original storage voltage at C/3 CCCV (C/100 current limit) and ate data in Figure 8 was used in the comparison provided to Ecker
placed back in their respective ovens. et al’s.2 data as Figure 1. The reader should note the extremely ex-
Long-term cycle testing was performed using battery testers from panded vertical scales in Figures 8 and 9, which vary from panel to
Neware (Shenzhen, China). Cycling was normally between 3.0 and panel.
4.3 V using a C/3 rate at 20, 40 and 55°C. Charging used CCCV mode Figure 8 shows that the additive blend 2% FEC + 1% LFO provides
with a C/20 current cutoff. Some testing was made at 20°C using 1C a substantial advantage at 20°C compared to 2%VC + 1% DTD. How-
charge and discharge with CCCV charge to a C/20 current limit. The ever, at elevated temperature, the situation is reversed. So the choice of
1C testing also included a “rate map” with discharge currents of C/20, additives could be application specific. In any case, the data in Figure 8
C/2, C, 2C and 3C where the charging currents were C/20 for the C/20 is far better than any literature data we have seen for NMC/graphite
discharge cycle and 1C (with a CCCV to C/20) for all the other cycles cells tested between 0 and 100% SOC. Comparing Figures 8 and 9
in the rate map. The rate map protocol is shown in the center panel of reveals that the main benefit of lowering the upper cutoff potential is
Figure 7. better control of impedance growth at 20 and 40°C.
The difference between the average charge voltage and the average Figure 10 shows capacity versus cycle number for
discharge voltage, V, was measured and used as a measure of cell NMC532/graphite cells tested at 1C with rate maps and at 20°C.
internal resistance. V was calculated as shown in the right panel Figures 10a and 10b show that the cycling of these cells is incred-
of Figure 7. Graphs of V versus cycle number or time are used to ibly impressive between 3.0 and 4.1 V with no measurable loss
monitor the stability of cell internal resistance. This can also be gleaned in 3C capacity. Figure 10c shows that when the additive mixture
Figure 6. a) Conductivity at 20°C versus molality in LiPF6 EC:DMC:MA 30:50:20, EC:DMC and EC:EMC electrolytes. b) Conductivity versus temperature for
1.0 m LiPF6 in the same solvent blends. The solid lines are the predictions of Gering’s Advanced Electrolyte Model (AEM).23
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3035
4.4 RPT: 20°C, 3.0-4.1V Storage V 4.4 Rate map: 3.0-UCV 4.4 V calculation Fresh
V = Vav,c - Vav,d
Potential (V)
Potential (V)
Potential (V)
4 4 4
3.2 3.2
Qc, Qd
80 400 2.8
C/3 CCCV C/20 C/3 CCCV C/100 1C CCCV C/20 4.4 Charge Aged
40 C/20
Current (mA)
Current (mA)
Potential (V)
0 4
C/20 C/20 C/20 C/2
0 1C
OCV 3.6
C/20 1C:1C 1C:1C
-400 2C
-40 3.2
OCV Vav,c = Area under the V-Q curve/Qc
C/3 3C Vav,d = Area under the V-Q curve/Qd
-80 -800 2.8
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80 0 50 100 150 200
Time (hours) Time (hours) Capacity (mAh)
Figure 7. Left panel) Showing the reference performance test protocol used to periodically monitor the cells under storage testing; center panel) Protocol used in
the rate maps collected every 100 cycles of cells cycled at 1C at 20°C; right panel) Schematically indicating how V is calculated.
2%VC + 1%DTD is used there is a loss in 3C capacity during testing Readers may wonder why the C/20 capacity versus cycle number
between 3.0 and 4.3 V. Figure 10d shows that when the additive in Figure 10 slowly decays with cycle number while the 1C capacity
mixture 2% FEC + 1% LFO is used there is virtually no 3C capacity decays more slowly. This is explained in the text surrounding Figures 6
loss even after 5400 cycles between 3.0 and 4.3 V. Figures 10e and in Reference 16.
10f show that the 3C capacity is even better maintained when higher Figure 11 shows the voltage - capacity curves of the discharge
LiPF6 concentrations are used for cells with 2% FEC + 1% LFO of the cells described by Figure 10 measured during the rate maps.
tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V. The 8 curves of each color were taken at equally spaced intervals
Figure 8. Fractional capacity and normalized V plotted versus cycle number Figure 9. Fractional capacity and normalized V plotted versus cycle number
for NMC532/graphite cells tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V under the conditions for NMC532/graphite cells tested between 3.0 and 4.2 V under the conditions
shown in the legends. The duration of testing is shown for the most mature shown in the legends. The duration of testing is shown for the most mature
cells. cells.
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A3036 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
after 1100 cycles its capacity and V were close to those of the cell
which had been cycled continuously at 20°C. The capacity of the cell
after moving from 55 to 20°C (shown in Figure 12c) is lower than the
cell which was tested entirely at 20°C because of lithium inventory
loss during the 1100 cycles at 55°C. The results in Figure 12 demon-
strate this cell chemistry is extremely tolerant to extended periods at
elevated temperatures.
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3037
Figure 11. Voltage versus capacity for the C/20, C/2, 1C, 2C and 3C cycles of the discharge rate maps for the cells in Figure 10. The 8 curves of each color were
taken at equally spaced intervals along the capacity versus cycle number curves. a) 1.5 M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with 2% VC + 1% DTD tested between
3.0 and 4.1 V; b) 1.2 M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with 2% FEC + 1% LFO tested between 3.0 and 4.1 V; c) 1.5 M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with
2% VC + 1% DTD tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V; d) 1.2 M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with 2% FEC + 1% LFO tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V; e) 1.5 M
LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with 2% FEC + 1% LFO tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V; f) 1.8 M LiPF6 in EC:EMC:DMC 25:5:70 with 2% FEC + 1% LFO
tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V.
Figure 12. Capacity versus cycle number and V versus cycle number for NMC532/graphite cells which were first cycled at elevated temperature, then moved
to 20°C compared to cells which had been testing at 20°C continuously (black). a) Cell tested at 40°C then moved to 20°C (red) compared to a cell which had been
at 20°C continuously; b) V for the cells described by panel a); c) Cell tested at 55°C then moved to 20°C (green) compared to a cell which had been at 20°C
continuously (black); d) V for the cells described by panel c). All cells were tested at C/3 CCCV between 3.0 and 4.3 V. Electrolytes in these cells were 1.0 M
LiPF6 in EC:EMC 30:70 with additives listed in the figure legend.
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A3038 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3039
cells will find the use of MA compelling. They should be aware that
2VC + 1DTD 20oC b) using MA will lead to lifetime penalties.
Voltage drop after 3 months (V)
2VC + 1DTD 40oC at the positive electrode. Figure 18b shows that aged cells have virtu-
0.16 2VC + 1DTD 55oC ally no capacity fade over 10 cycles in agreement with the long-term
1LFO 20oC testing data. Figure 18c shows that the aged cells have coulombic ef-
1LFO 40oC ficiencies that very closely approach the perfect value of 1.00000….
0.12 1LFO 55oC Aged cell 54275 has an average CE between cycle 6 and 9 of 0.99985
± 0.00003 suggesting the rate of parasitic reactions has become ex-
tremely small in this cell after aging. For comparison, UHPC studies
0.08 of aged LiCoO2 /graphite (LCO/graphite) cells have been reported by
Fathi et al.26 Cells that had been testing continuously for 11.7 years at
C/6 charge and C/150 discharge between 3.0 and only 4.075 V at 37°C
0.04 had accumulated 750 cycles and had 80% capacity remaining. These
were then characterized by UHPC. The CE of the aged LCO/graphite
cells tested at 40°C between 3.0 and 4.075 and with currents corre-
0 sponding to C/20 was 0.99979 ± 0.00002.26 The fact that the aged
3.6 3.8 4 4.2 4.4 NMC532/graphite cells tested between 3.0 and 4.3 V had a CE higher
Storage voltage (V) than those of the aged LCO/graphite cells suggests the lifetime of the
NMC532/graphite cells will be extremely long.
Figure 15. Voltage drop during the three month OCV storage periods for the
cells in Figures 13 and 14 plotted versus storage voltage. The data plotted are Degradation mechanisms of the NMC532/graphite cells.—Dif-
the averages of the voltage drops during the last four 3-month storage periods in
ferential voltage analysis (dV/dQ vs. Q) has been shown by Bloom et
Figures 13 and 14. Electrolyte additives and storage temperatures are indicated
in the legend. al. and Honkura et al.27–29 to be very effective in elucidating degra-
dation mechanisms in Li-ion cells. Our laboratory has implemented
dV/dQ analysis in a user-friendly software package30 which was uti-
lized here. Five NMC532/graphite cells with 2% VC + 1% DTD
Impact of methyl acetate on lifetime.—There is a large empha- additives were cycled 0, 200, 400, 700 and 900 cycles between 3.0
sis at the current time on lithium-ion cells with fast charge capability and 4.3 V at 40°C at C/3. After those cycles, cells were moved to the
that do not sacrifice energy density. Modifications to the electrolyte UHPC where high fidelity measurements of dV/dQ vs. Q and dQ/dV
that improve Li+ diffusion can increase charging rates before the on- vs. V were collected. Positive and negative electrode reference curves
set of lithium plating, however, there are lifetime penalties.21,22 Fig- required for dV/dQ analysis were collected in half coin cells using
ure 17 shows the results of storage and charge-discharge cycling for electrodes extracted from new, dry (no electrolyte) pouch cells.
NMC532/graphite cells with or without MA. At 20°C, there is little or Figure 19 shows the results of dV/dQ analysis on these cells. Fig-
no penalty in storage when MA is added, but capacity retention during ure 19a shows the full cell voltage curves and the voltage versus ca-
cycling is compromised, especially for cells with 20% MA charged pacity curves of the positive and negative electrodes versus lithium.
to 4.3 V, where rollover failure is observed after about one year of The charge axis in Figure 19a is zero at the point where the full cell
testing or 1700 C/3 cycles. Cells with MA cycled to 4.2 V show early is fully discharged. Figures 19b and 19c show the excellent agree-
indications of failure beginning after about 1.8 years or 2500 cycles. ment between the calculated and measured values of dV/dQ vs. Q and
At 40°C, there are only comparative results available for cycle testing dQ/dV vs. V, respectively. Figures 19d and 19e show the cells capacity
to 4.3 V. After two years of cycle testing, cells with 20% MA lost an and V/Vo , respectively, versus cycle number. Figures 19f, 19g and
additional 3% capacity compared to cells with no MA. Storage test- 19h show the relative electrode shift or slippage (due lithium inven-
ing at 40°C shows that cells with MA lose capacity slightly faster, by tory loss), the positive electrode capacity and the negative electrode
about an extra 1% per year, compared to cells without MA. capacity, respectively, for the five cells plotted versus cycle number.
The impact of MA on lifetime can be considered minor or major Figure 19d shows that over the 900 cycles the cells lost about 11 mAh
depending on the intended application of the cell. In a situation where of capacity. Figure 19e shows that over the same period the shift loss,
high rate charge and discharge is required and intermittent use is envis- due to Li inventory loss was about 9 mAh, in good agreement. Fig-
aged (cells spend a large fraction of time in storage) the incorporation ures 19f and 19g show no evidence for loss of positive or negative
of MA would lead to a minor penalty at most. In addition, if the in- electrode capacity. Based on these experiments one concludes that Li
corporation of MA eliminates Li plating during high rate charge, then inventory loss, due to thickening of the negative electrode SEI, is the
MA would lead to a lifetime enhancement by removing this serious major degradation mechanism for these cells. Figure 19e also shows
degradation pathway. On the other hand, if cells are intended to be cy- that there is a small impedance growth in the cells.
cled continuously between 3.0 and 4.3 V for years, Figure 17 suggests Practitioners of dV/dQ analysis will appreciate that it is hard to be
a major penalty associated with the incorporation of MA. Researchers absolutely certain of dV/dQ analysis results when a cell has only lost a
contemplating the use of very thick electrodes even for low-rate Li-ion few percent of capacity as in Figure 19. Therefore, dV/dQ analysis was
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A3040 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
Figure 16. Normalized capacity and V/Vo plotted versus time for NMC532/graphite cells undergoing cycling or storage testing at 20, 40 and 55°C. The
charge-discharge cycling was performed at C/3 between 3.0 and 4.3 V (blue circles) or between 3.0 and 4.2 V (red circles). The storage testing was done at 4.3 V
(blue crosses) or at 4.2 V (red crosses). Normalized capacity for the storage testing was measured with the RPT protocol (Figure 7) at 20°C. The cells contained
2% VC + 1% DTD as additives.
Normalized capacity
4.2 V
0.95 0.95 4.3 V
3.67 V
Storage data
4.0 V cycles
4.1 V 0.9
4.2 V
4.3 V
0.85 Cycling C/3 3.0-4.3 V (circle) 0.85
3.0 - 4.2 V (cross) Cycling C/3 3.0-4.3 V
CCCV, 200C CCCV, 400C
0.8 0.8
0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000 0 1 2 3
Time (hours) Time (years)
Figure 17. Normalized capacity plotted versus time for NMC532/graphite cells undergoing cycling or storage testing at 20 and 40°C. The charge-discharge cycling
was performed at C/3 between 3.0 and 4.3 V (circles) or between 3.0 and 4.2 V (crosses). The storage testing was done at the voltages indicated in the legend.
Results for cells that had 20% MA in the electrolyte are shown in red and results for cells that had no MA are shown in blue. Normalized capacity for the storage
testing was measured with the RPT protocol (Figure 7) at 20°C. The cells contained 2% VC + 1% DTD as additives.
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3041
Figure 18. Ultra high precision charger (UHPC) results for fresh and aged NMC532/graphite cells containing the electrolyte additives listed in the legend. The
UHPC results were collected at 40°C between 3.0 and 4.3 V using currents corresponding to C/20. a) zeroed charge endpoint capacity; b) discharge capacity; c)
coulombic efficiency (CE); and d) V. Cells 54271 and 54275 were cycled 1000 times at 40°C between 3.0 and 4.3 V using currents corresponding to C/3 prior
to being moved to UHPC testing. Cell 54275 was previously highlighted in Figure 12a.
Figure 19. Differential voltage analysis of NMC532/graphite cells tested at C/3 and 40°C between 3.0 and 4.3 V. a) the full cell voltage curves and the voltage
versus capacity curves of the positive and negative electrodes versus lithium for five cells cycled 0, 200, 400, 700 and 900 times. The charge axis in Figure 18a is
zero at the point where the full cell is fully discharged; b) the calculated and measured values of dV/dQ vs. Q; c) the calculated and measured values of dQ/dV vs.
V; d) the cell capacity versus cycle number; e) V/Vo versus cycle number; f) the relative electrode shift or slippage (due to lithium inventory loss) versus cycle
number; g) the positive electrode capacity vs. cycle number; h) the negative electrode capacity versus cycle number.
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A3042 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
performed on a more heavily cycled NMC532/graphite cell containing gas generated in NMC532/graphite cells during long-term cycling and
2% VC + 1% DTD which was tested at 55°C (C/3 between 3.0 and storage at 20, 40 and 55°C for cells with 2%VC + 1%DTD and cells
4.3 V) for 20 months. High fidelity data for dQ/dV vs V and dV/dQ with 1% LFO as additives. As shown in Table I, the volumes of the
vs Q was available after 0, 100 and 2500 cycles. This cell was from cells themselves are 2.3 mL. Figure 21 shows that gassing is not an
a different build compared to the cell considered in Figure 19. It had issue for cells cycled or stored at 20°C. Figure 21 shows that cells with
more excess negative electrode so it could be charged to 4.5 V without 2%VC + 1%DTD undergoing continuous cycling at 40°C generate
Li plating, if desired. Figure 20 shows the results of dV/dQ analysis on minimal gas even after 2.5 years of 100% DOD cycling. Figure 21
the cell cycled at 55°C. Figure 20 has the same format as Figure 19. shows that cells with 1%LFO generate more gas than cells with 2%VC
Figure 20d shows that over the 2500 cycles the cell lost about 45 + 1%DTD under all conditions and untenable amounts of gas at 55°C.
mAh of capacity. Figure 20e shows that over the same period the shift Unfortunately, comprehensive data for cells with the additive system
loss, due to Li inventory loss, was about 42 mAh, in good agreement. 2%FEC + 1% LFO are not available yet. Gas generation in the cells
Figures 20f and 20g show evidence for a small loss of positive (6 with 2%VC + 1%DTD cycled or stored continuously at 55°C may
mAh) and negative electrode (4 mAh) capacity, both about an order of also be problematic. It is not known what volume of gas produced in
magnitude smaller than the shift loss and hence very small. Just as the these small pouch cells would correspond to the amount needed to
experiment considered in Figure 19, one concludes that Li inventory open the pressure activated vent in a cylindrical or prismatic cell.
loss, due to thickening of the negative electrode SEI, is the major The increased gassing in cells with 1% LFO stored at 40 and 55°C
degradation mechanism for this cell. Figure 20e also shows that there compared to cells with 2% VC + 1% DTD correlates well with the
is a significant impedance growth in this cell presumably due to the differences in their storage performance shown in Figures 13 and 14.
high temperature of operation and the 20 month duration of the test. Gas generation is caused by reactions between the charged electrode
The volumes of gas generated in many of the cells under long- materials and the electrolyte. Therefore one can roughly say that when
term testing were measured using Archimedes principle as described there is little gassing there are few parasitic reactions occurring in
in the experimental section of reference.22 The experiments on the the cells. The gas volume data at 20°C suggests very few parasitic
cylindrical cells reported in the literature2,5–9 give no indication of gas reactions and correlates well with the excellent long-term cycling of
generated during cycling or storage. Figure 21 shows the volume of these cells at 20°C (Figures 8, 9 and 10) with little impedance growth.
Figure 20. Differential voltage analysis of a NMC532/graphite cell tested at C/3 and 55°C between 3.0 and 4.3 V. a) the full cell voltage curves and the voltage
versus capacity curves of the positive and negative electrodes versus lithium for the same cell at cycle 0, 100, and 2500. The charge axis in Figure 18a is zero at the
point where the full cell is fully discharged; b) the calculated and measured values of dV/dQ vs. Q; c) the calculated and measured values of dQ/dV vs. V; d) the
cell capacity versus cycle number; e) V/Vo versus cycle number; f) the relative electrode shift or slippage (due to lithium inventory loss) versus cycle number;
g) the positive electrode capacity vs. cycle number; h) the negative electrode capacity versus cycle number.
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Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019) A3043
Figure 22. Cross sectional SEM of a single crystal NMC532 positive electrode taken from a cell tested exactly under the conditions of the cell in Figure 10a. The
cell had 97% capacity retention after 5300 cycles. Notice that there are virtually no microcracks in any of the electrode particles. This is why these cells show no
loss of positive electrode active mass during cycling.
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A3044 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166 (13) A3031-A3044 (2019)
Kilometers (km) that lifetime models for NMC532/graphite cells consider the data pre-
0 1000000 2000000 3000000 sented here.
1 Full details of these cells including electrode compositions, elec-
trode loadings, electrolyte compositions, additives used, etc. have been
provided in contrast to literature reports using commercial cells. This
20oC has been done so that others can re-create these cells and use them as
benchmarks for their own R+D efforts be they in the spaces of Li-ion
Fractional Capacity
The work done here was supported by NSERC and Tesla Canada
0.7 under the auspices of the Industrial Chairs program. Many of the
0 5 10 15 20 25
authors have received scholarship support from NSERC, the China
Scholarship Council and the Nova Scotia Graduate Scholarship pro-
gram and that support is gratefully acknowledged.
Figure 23. Worst-case scenario lifetime and total driving range projections
for the NMC532/graphite cells with 2% VC + 1% DTD at 20 and 40°C.
Assumptions made were one 6 hour 100% DOD cycle per day and 350 km initial
driving range per cycle. Equation 1, with M = 1, n = 3, Lc = 0.00001/cycle ORCID
(20°C), Lc = 0.000032/cycle (40°C), Ls = 0.0/year (20°C) and Ls = 0.02/yr
(40°C) was used to calculate Q/Qo . Jessie E. Harlow https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3928-2573
Stephen L. Glazier https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2961-3049
J. R. Dahn https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6997-2436
cycling in a mode where there are M 100% DOD cycles per day at an
average C/n rate. That means the time of cycling each day would be 2
M n hours. The time of storage would be 24 – 2 M n. The fractional References
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charge. Admittedly, the projections in Figure 23 use the incredibly 24. T. M. Bond, J. C. Burns, D. A. Stevens, H. M. Dahn, and J. R. Dahn, J. Electrochem.
simple model described by equation 1. It is our opinion that more Soc., 160, A521 (2013).
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Single crystal NMC532/graphite cells with exceptional lifetime 28. I. Bloom et al., J. Power Sources, 139, 295 (2005).
have been developed. Storage and cycle testing up to 3 years in du- 29. K. Honkura, H. Honbo, Y. Koishikawa, and T. Horiba, ECS Transactions, 13, 61
ration has been presented at 20, 40 and 55°C. The lifetime of these 30. H. M. Dahn, A. J. Smith, J. C. Burns, D. A. Stevens, and J. R. Dahn, J. Electrochem.
cells far exceeds that of other NMC/graphite cells reported in the liter- Soc., 159, A1405 (2012).
ature and which have been used for lifetime modelling. It is suggested 31. J. Li et al., J. Electrochem. Soc., 164, 1534 (2017).
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