Study of Consumer Preferences To The Brand of Vadilal Ice Cream

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Lavina Rane

In this paper, consumer preference towards Vadilal ice cream was studied. A
quantitative survey was conducted to explore public knowledge about ice cream
and attitudes toward such foods. The questionnaires, focused on ice cream
consumption, pack size preference, whether they were interested to buy Vadilal
ice cream. The level of satisfaction can also vary depending on other option the
customer may have and other products against which customer can compare the
organisations product. In this article the researcher analyses the different brands
of ice cream available in the market, Preferences towards Vadilal ice cream,
motivating factors available and level of satisfaction among the customers
towards ice cream.
Keywords: Vadilal Ice Cream, Brand awareness, Customer preferences,
Customers, Level of satisfaction, Motivating factors.
The average ice cream in the world is 2.3 litters per annum. With ice cream
treats becoming a part of Indian culture, Indian ice cream market is rapidly
growing globally. Indian customers are visiting ice cream parlours frequently,
helping to fuel greater interest in packaged offerings in the country. The current
Ice Cream market of India is worth Rs. 3000 Cr, including the unorganized
sector. The branded market has a host of homegrown and international players,
namely, Amul, KwalityWalls, Mother Dairy, Vadilal, Cream Bell, Baskin-
Robbins etc. So there is a need to do study brand awareness and customer
preferences about different brands available in the Indian market especially
market like India. The study tries to focus on factors consider while the
selection of a particular brand of ice cream and strategies adopted by ice cream
serving firms for to fulfill the need of end users. Vadilal offers a range of ice
creams in the country with multiple flavours and packs, across forms. In
addition to a supermarket presence, Vadilal also has a retail presence through its
Happiness ice-cream parlours, which are run through a franchisee model.
Research Objective
The Primary Objective is to Study the Preferences to the Brand of the Vadilal
Ice cream.
Literature Review
Mr.Aslam Khan (2015) “Mahamaya Technical university, Lucknow. His MBA
final year project focuses on “Consumer perception about AMUL ice cream in
comparison to VADILAL ice cream in Ghaziabad” This report shows that
customers are highly price and quality sensitive in Ghaziabad.”
Mr.Gio Joy (2012)” Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum,
Karnataka.His MBA final year project focuses on “A Project Report on
customer satisfaction with reference to vestal ice-cream in Thrissur, Kerala”.
The analysis of customer satisfaction helps the organization to find out the
weakness in their activities. This report reveals the importance of branding and
its influence on consumers buying behaviour.”
Bower and Baxter, (2000) conducted the study on "Consumer perception of the
nature and quality of home-made and commercial dairy ice-cream". The
research concluded that most of the consumer favour of the home-made form,
which was valued because of an assumed superior taste, quality and a more
intimate knowledge of ingredients. Commercial quality also required “good
taste”, but its convenience value was very important. On blind tasting, the
degree of liking for both forms was usually high, but correct identification
(home-made vs commercial) levels were low. Home-made quality was viewed
as a desirable feature of dairy ice cream.”
Keller (1999) defined “attributes as the descriptive features of a product or
service, dividing them into product-related attributes and non product-related
attributes. Product-related attributes are explicit features of a product or service,
such as price, colour, or brand.”
Ramasamy et al.,(2005) studied “the buying behaviour is vastly influenced by
awareness and attitude towards the product reported by Commercial
advertisements over television was said to be the most important source of
information, followed by displays in retail outlets. Consumers do build opinion
about a brand on the basis of which various product features play an important
role in decision making process. A large number of respondents laid emphasis
on quality and felt that price is an important factor while the others attached
importance to image of manufacturer.”
Christine and Cotter, (1992) conducted study on “The Consumer Attitudes and
Market Potential for Dairy Products Utilizing Fat Substitutes”. The research
concluded that taste, safety, and nutrition were most important in food
Research Methodology

The methodology is essential part of research to find the research objectives.

Based on this the researcher prepared a questionnaire on study of consumer
preferences to the brand of Vadilal Ice Cream. Our research is based on
respondents which represent the entire population in investment behaviour.
Different type of research is classified on bases of Age group, Gender,
Occupation and Monthly Income. The procedure followed to measure the data
with the help of excel techniques. Based to this the research tests like P-Test, T
Test, and Chi-squared Test are used to analyses the study of consumer
preferences to the brand of Vadilal Ice Cream. The current research is a
descriptive one since, in order to identify and describe the characteristics of
variables, it is conducted in a given situation. Moreover, the research strategy is
survey type which refers to research procedures in which the researcher
implements a survey on a sample or whole society in order to describe the
society’s attitudes, thoughts, behaviours, and characteristics.

Ho1: Less than 25% of the Respondent prefer Vadilal Ice Cream Daily.
Ha1: More than 25% of the Respondent prefer Vadilal Ice Cream Daily

Ho2: The Average Age of Respondent Prefer Scoop Ice Cream is Less than
Ha2: The Average Age of Respondent Prefer Scoop Ice Cream is More than

Ho3: Buying of Ice Cream is Independent of Gender.

Ha3: Buying of Ice Cream is Not Independent of Gender.

Observation: 49% of The Respondents are the Age Group of 20-30yrs Prefer to
the Brand of Vadilal Ice Cream.

Observation: Most of Female Gender consume Vadilal Ice Cream than Males.
That is 28 female prefer Vadilal ice cream out of 51respondents than male
Observation: Respondents who has Monthly income of Rs 50,000-Rs 1 lakh
prefer more of Vadilal ice cream that is 29% than other income group.

Observation: More of Students and Self Employed Respondents are consuming

ice creams of Vadilal Brand. Also respondent of service sector prefer Vadilal
ice cream that is 24%.
Ho1: Less than 25% of the Respondent prefer Vadilal Ice Cream Daily.
Ha1: More than 25% of the Respondent prefer Vadilal Ice Cream Daily
Brand Daily Depends on mood NA Ocassionally Sometimes Whenever you feel like Grand Total
Amul 2 4 3 2 11
Kwality walls 1 1 2 1 1 6
Mother diary 2 1 3
NA 1 1
Others 1 1 2
Vadilal 8 4 3 4 9 28
Grand Total 11 9 1 11 7 12 51
Brand Daily Grand Total
Amul 2 2
Kwality walls 1 1
Vadilal 8 8
Grand Total 11 11

N Ho:p<25
A Ha:p>25
T Right Tail

T P test
A 10%
P 90%

C Zcritical 1.28

X 11
N 51
P' 0.22
P 0.25
Q 0.75
P*Q 0.19
P'-P -0.03
P*Q/N 0.004
SQRT (P*Q/N) 0.06
P'-P -0.03
SQRT (P*Q/N) 0.06

Zobserved -0.57
P 0.71
A 0.10
D P value > alphaAccept the null -0.57 1.28
Zo < Zc Accept the null

Observation: This indicates that observed value is less than critical that mean
less than 25% of respondent prefer Vadilal ice cream daily.
Insight: We can assume that consumer prefer more of other brand ice cream
than Vadilal as there is a huge competition amongst the brand ice cream;
Ho2: The Average Age of Respondent Prefer Scoop Ice Cream is Less than
Ha2: The Average Age of Respondent Prefer Scoop Ice Cream is More than
Age Cone Cup Family pack Kulfi Other Scoop Grand Total
10-20 yrs 1 5 3 1 10
20-30 yrs 8 1 2 2 12 25
30-40 yrs 1 5 1 1 5 13
40 and above 1 2 3
Grand Total 9 7 8 6 1 20 51

Age Scoop Frequency Mid Point M*F M-X' (M-X')^2 F*(M-X')^2

10-20 yrs 1 1 15 15 -13.5 182.25 182.25
20-30 yrs 12 12 25 300 -3.5 12.25 147
30-40 yrs 5 5 35 175 6.5 42.25 211.25
40 and above 2 2 40 80 11.5 132.25 264.5
Grand Total 20 20 570 -28.5 812.25 805

N Ho:µ<30
A Ha:µ>30
T Right Tail

T T Test
A 10%
P 10%

C t critical 1.73
x' 28.5
µ 30
s 6.34
sqrt (n) 4.47
x'-µ -1.5
s/sqrt(n) 1.42

t observed -1.06

A 0.10 -1.06 1.72

D to<tc Accept the Null

Observation: More over scoop ice creams are prefer less than 30 yrs of
respondent. This indicates that students are consuming more of scoop ice cream
than other.
Insight: According to the research test we can say that more than 30 years of
age prefer or consume family pack or cone or other package ice cream.
Ho3: Buying of Ice Cream is Independent of Gender.
Ha3: Buying of Ice Cream is Not Independent of Gender.
Gender Amul Kwality walls Mother diary NA Others Vadilal Grand Total
Female 5 4 1 18 28
Male 6 2 2 1 2 10 23
Grand Total 11 6 3 1 2 28 51

Gender Amul Kwality walls Mother diary NA Others Vadilal Observed Expected (fo-fe) (fo-fe)2 (fo-fe)^2/fe
Female 5 4 1 18 28 25.5 2.5 6.25 0.25
Male 6 2 2 1 2 10 23 25.5 -2.5 0 0
Total 11 6 3 1 2 28 51 51 0.25

N Ho
A Ha
P Right Tail

T Chi-squared Test
A 10%
P 10%
C 9.24 5
O 0.25
P 0.48

A 0.10
D pvalue>alpha
Accept the null
fo<fc Accept the null 0.25 9.24

Observation: According to the research test we observed that Observed value

is less than critical value which means Buying of ice cream is independent of
Insight: Buying of ice cream is independent of gender that is it is nutral. There
is no gender or age restriction on consumption of ice cream.
Through the above study we have widely observed that, the investors are not
only dependent on Vadilal Brand Ice Cream but also Preferring Other Brands of
Ice Cream. With the help of hypothesis testing we concluded to there are huge
competition for Vadilal Ice cream. In modern world people desired attractive
and quality brand. They need quality, taste with reasonable price. Therefore, the
Organisation must follow the new sales promotion method. Manufacture or
dealers provide various free offers method and create highly demand for their
brand in the market field. The knowledge of satisfaction level of Ice cream
would render immense help to the companies in planning and implementing
marketing strategies.
In the study the limitation is of sample size taken for the research of respondents
in preferences to the brand of Vadilal Ice Cream. The research has lack of
global demography. The sampling has covered only Mumbai responses which is
of 20-25 age group. The sampling and inherent limitations of the questionnaire
such as the reluctance of some respondents to cooperate are among other
limitations of the study.


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