File Management
File Management
File Management
3. Different files have different file extensions, for example Microsoft® Word® documents have the
file extension .docx. Use the Internet to find the meaning of the file extension acronyms and
initialisms which are listed in the table below. The first one has been done for you.
4. Place a tick in the correct box of the name of the software program which matches the icon.
i. Alisha has created a new file called ‘savings.xlsx’ [A file made with Microsoft Excel.]. Into which
folder should she save this type of file?
ii. Alisha has downloaded 2 pictures from the Internet and called them ‘Pluto.jpg’ and ‘Mars.jpg’.
Which subject folder should she save them into? What would be a sensible name for a new topic
folder to store the pictures in?
iii. Alisha has downloaded 2 Egyptian songs from the Internet, which file extension are they most likely
to have? Which subject folder should she save them into? What would be a sensible name for a new
topic folder to store the files in?
iv. Alisha has completed a report in class on J.K. Rowling using Microsoft Word. Into which subject
folder would she most likely save this type of file?
E= mc2
f l a c u s d t q h
iv. apk true type font file
v b v t j k l t o p
z x c v b n m h j k
vi. gif audio video interleave movie file
h g h k r t y u i p
q w m r t y u i k b
viii. flv graphics interchange format
v x q l f g h j u l
8. Once again Albert needs help to organise his files and folders. Draw a line between the file and the
folder you think it should be saved in. The first one has been done for you.