English Phrases Arabic Phrases
English Phrases Arabic Phrases
English Phrases Arabic Phrases
I missed you so much! Eshtaqto elaika/ elaiki (female) katheeran كثيرا إليك إشتقت
Good night! Tosbeho/ tosbeheena (female) ‘ala khair/ تصبح/ خير على تصبحين
Can you help me? Hal beemkanek mosa’adati? مساعدتي؟ بإمكانك هل
Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)? Ayna ajedu (al merhaad/ assaidaliah)? المرحاض( أجد أين/ ؟)الصيدلية
One moment please! Lahda men fadlek/ fadleki (female) فضلك من لحظة
Hold on please! (phone) ibqa/ ibqay (female) ala al khat raja'an إبقى/ !رجاءا الخط علي أبقي
How much is this? Kam howa thamanoh? (th as in bath) ثمنه؟ هو كم
Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Men fathlek/ fathleki (female) (th as in that) فضلك من
Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah ... السيد... /السيدة/ االنسة...
You're very kind! Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa !لطيفة أنتٍ !لطيف أنت
Where are you from? Men ayna anta/ anti (female)? أنت؟ أين من
I'm from (the U.S/ Morocco) Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib) أمريكا( من أنا/ )المغرب
Where do you live? Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female) تسكنين؟ أين تسكن؟ أين
Did you like it here? Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna? هنا؟ بوقتك استمتعت هل
I work as a (translator/ businessman) A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal) كمترجم أعمل/ أعمال كرجل
I've been learning Arabic for 1 month adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr شهر منذ العربية اللغة أدرس
How old are you? Kam howa umruk? umroki (female) عمرك؟ هو كم
I'd like to visit Iraq one day Arghabu bezeyarat al iraq. العراق بزيارة أرغب
Say hi to John for me Sallem ‘ala John men ajlee أجلي من )جون( على سلّم
Good night and sweet dreams! Laila sa'eda wa ahlaam ladida !لذيذة أحالم و سعيدة ليلة
Solving a Misunderstanding
Can You Say It Again? A’ed men fadlek!/ A’eedi men fadleki (fem) فضلك من أعد
Can You Speak Slowly? Takalam bebot’ men fadlek/ fadleki (fem) فضلك من ببطء تكلم
What's That Called In Arabic? Ma esmoho bel arabiah? بالعربية؟ أسمه ما
What Does "gato" Mean In English? Mada ta'ni kalemat "qit" bel inglizia? باالنجليزية؟ "قط" كلمة تعني ماذا
How Do You Say "Please" In Arabic? Kaifa taqoulu kalimat "please" bel arabia? بالعربية؟ "بليز" كلمة تقول كيف
My Arabic is bad. Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib يجب كما ليست العربية لغتي
I need to practice my Arabic Ahtaaju an atadarraba 'ala al arabia! العربية على اتدرب ان احتاج
Do you like it? Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female) أعجبك؟ هل
I'm hungry/ thirsty. Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan جائع أنا/ عطشان أنا
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan صباحا/ مساءا/ ليال
This/ That. Here/There Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that) هذا/ذلك. هنا/هناك
Me/ You. Him/ Her. Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya أنا/ أنت. هو/ هي
What? Where? Matha? Ayn? (th as in that) أين؟ ماذا؟ أين؟ ماذا؟
One, Two, Three wahed, ithnaan, thalatha (th as in think). واحد, إثنان, ثالثة
You may have noticed the tick (‘) in some places, it is the equivalent of a soundless
“a” or a brief stop, which is the closest sound to a letter which only exist in Arabic.
The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that” and sometimes as “th of think”, I
usually state how you should pronounce it.
In Arabic there are two types of "h", the sharp “h” and the regular "h", the sharp one is
hard to pronounce for many foreigner however a person can be understood even the
sharp "h" is pronounced as a regular "h".
I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Arabic
phrases, expressions and words. Make sure to memorize them to be able to use them
in your daily conversation. If you want to practice what you have learnt here, go
to Language Test.