HADES looks off and gives a huge sigh filled with unrequited love.
Ask her out? Persephone? Me? Me? Me? Oh Persephone. She is so sweet. And beautiful. And sweet.
(spitting a bit) She’s super sweet. But ask her out? No way! She’d never go out with a guy like me. I
don’t even have a tan! What if I asked her out and I had bad breath and she was grossed out and she
told all her friends - “Hades has bad breath, Hades has bad breath.” Or what if I was in the middle of
asking her out and I farted? How would I ever live that down? “Hades farts! Hades farts!” No, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no. Can’t do it. Not gonna happen.
He takes a deep breath and looks hurt at ZEUS.
I know I’m God of the Underworld. Dealing with the wailing and gnashing of the masses is a whole lot
easier than trying to get a date. (He sits dejected. Suddenly he gets an idea and jumps up. He trots
over to ZEUS.) Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! (ZEUS has said no. HADES looks hurt and goes into pleading
overdrive.) Come on! Pal of mine?
Pally Pal? Pal of Pal-mania? You’re more experienced than me. You’ve done a lot more dating. Please?
Ok. No asking. You don’t have to ask her for me. You could just (he wiggles his fingers) Poof! Off to
the Underworld! I could charm her in the Underworld. The Underworld is very charming. Please? Pal
of mine? Pal of downtown Pal-around? Demeter won’t be happy? So… we won’t tell her. That’ll work.
That’s the perfect plan!