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Generator Transformer

Related terms:

Circuit Breakers, Electric Lines, Turbines, Stators, Transformers, Power Station,

Station Transformer, Switchgear

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Learn more about Generator Transformer

Station design and layout

British Electricity International, in Station Planning and Design (Third Edition), 1991

14.5.1 Generator transformers

The generator transformer is the largest transformer on a power station and con-
nects the generator output to the grid. There is a generator transformer for each
generating unit and it is rated according to the size of that unit. Like any other
oil-filled transformer, the generator transformer should be located within an out-
door compound, protected by a high pressure water-spray fire protection system and
surrounded by a bund wall capable of containing not only all of the oil contained in a
single phase transformer, but also the discharge from the fire protection system over
the whole bank of transformers on that raft following rainfall prior to the incident.
For the generator transformer this could mean up to 320 000 litres, of oil and
water mixture. Also, as any other oil-filled transformer, the raft must drain into a
special system equipped with an oil separator and interceptor, and there must be no
possibility of puddles forming or being left after a spillage.

However, certain other considerations determine the location of the generator

transformer (see Fig 2.46):
Fig. 2.46. Transformer compound and electrical annexe

• It must be as close to the generator as possible so as to keep the main

connections as short as possible.
• The generator transformer is one of the heaviest loads delivered to site so its
location will seriously affect the position of the site perimeter road along which
it must be delivered and from which it must be manoeuvred into position.
• Its cooler bank needs an area of approximately nine times its own plan area to
be free of major obstructions over 1.3 m high, although this area may include
fences and roadways.

All single phase units of a similar rating are currently designed to be interchangeable.
This means that all their interface dimensions shall be the same and there shall
always be the same distance between the individual phases forming the three-phase
unit. This dimension is 4.9 m for the 800 MVA transformer and 5.1 m for the 1145
MVA transformer.

Whilst the oil connections to any transformer tank are identical, the location of
the conservator and cooler bank within the compound can be adjusted to suit any
particular site.
On early designs of single-phase generator transformers, the LV delta was formed
in an oil-filled delta box which spanned the three tanks, but this has now been
superseded by making an air-cooled delta in the main connections just before they
connect onto the transformer. Mounted on the main connections just prior to the
delta are the protection current transformers. These transformers and the delta need
to be supported in position and if the route of removal of the transformer unit is
underneath this support then adequate clearance must be provided.

On the more recently-built power stations, the HV connections from the generator
transformer have been made through SF6 (sodium hexafluoride) insulated isolators
and earth switches into 400 kV cables which then run in concrete troughs out
to the grid substation. This gives a much more compact arrangement than the
air-insulated equipment and overhead connections previously used. It also improves
access and site safety because there are no longer 400 kV overhead wires crossing
the site perimeter road.

Each transformer has a cooling system comprising two oil pumps and four cooler
fans. All of these are supplied and controlled from the transformer marshalling kiosk
which is located just outside the bunded area. The marshalling kiosk also controls
the on-load tap changer and marshalls all local cables for alarms, etc., originating
on the transformer.

> Read full chapter

In Electrical Systems and Equipment (Third Edition), 1992

2.1.1 Required characteristics

The generator transformers, in most present day stations will have a voltage ratio
of 23.5/400 kV. The rating must be sufficient to allow the generator to export its
full megawatt output at 0.85 power-factor lagging or 0.95 power-factor leading or,
alternatively, half of full megawatt output at 0.7 power-factor lead.

Some early 660 MW generators were designed to deliver full output at 0.8 power-fac-
tor which, making due allowance for the power requirements of the unit board, led
to a maximum output power of 800 MVA so that for the sake of standardisation the
generator transformer rating has been fixed at this level.

The important criteria which influence the generator transformer design are as
• The HV volts are high — usually 400 kV.

• The LV current is high — almost 20 000 A for an 800 MVA transformer.

• The impedance must be lower than that resulting from the simplest design for
this rating — a figure of about 16% is specified and variation with tap position
must be kept to a minimum to simplify system design and operation.
• An on-load tapchanger is required to allow for variation of HV system volts and
generator power factor. LV volts will remain within ±5%.
• The transport weight must be within the limits laid down by the transport
authorities and the available transport vehicles.
• Reliability and availability must be as high as possible, since without the
generator transformer unit output cannot be made available to the national
grid and the replacement generation cost of an outage is high.

There are also a number of other criteria which although less important will also
have a bearing on the design. These are:

• Because of the high load-factor, both load and no-load losses must be as low
as possible.
• In view of the direct connection to the 400 kV system, a high impulse strength
is required.
• Noise level must be kept below a specified level.

• Very little overload capability is necessary. A figure of 4% overload for three

one-hour periods per day is normally specified.

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Electric Power System Components

Anjan Bose, in The Electrical Engineering Handbook, 2005

2.2.2 Protection and Control

Protecting all the equipment—generators, transformers, transmission lines, and
distribution feeders—against short circuits is essential. The general principle is to
detect the fault (the short circuit) and isolate the equipment. In its simplest form,
a fuse detects the fault by burning out and thus isolating the line. In its most
sophisticated form, microprocessor-based relays can detect the fault and analyze
which circuit breakers need to be opened to isolate the equipment. Protection system
details are covered in Chapter 9, Power System Protection.
Many other types of control are also used for the normal and emergency operations
of the power system. For example, remote operation of circuit breakers can be
manually initiated by operators through the supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) system at the control center. Voltage control is done automatically by
generators, transformers, reactors, and capacitors, but the operator can remotely set
the target voltages. Control and operation are covered in Chapter 8, Power System
Operation and Control.

Hence, all of these subjects can be explored in more detail in the upcoming chapters
in this section.

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Protection of DERs
Raza Haider, Chul-Hwan Kim, in Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in
Power Systems, 2016 Overcurrent relays

The relays give excellent protection for generators, transformers, and buses. These
are not really suitable for feeders and transmission line protection. This is because
the current transformer (CT) would need to be located at either end of the line and
the secondary leads conducted over the relatively long distances. This is expensive
and, more importantly, the impedance of the secondary conductor could give rise
to serious inaccuracies. In a relaying system, the differential principle is used for
different applications. The very common form of feeder protection is to protect it
from overcurrent. For example, if a fault occurred in a feeder, it would give rise to
the overcurrent in the line. An OCR connected closer to the breaker would detect
the fault and could be set to open the breaker. The standard device number for an
instantaneous OCR is 50.

The principle of operation of this type OCR is simple, the CT may use the current
in the primary line and the CT secondary passes this current through the coil of
electromagnet. The resulting magnetic force pulls the hunched armature that is a
clapper against a restraining spring. If the current input to the relay is above the
preset pick up level, then the relay contacts will close and energize the tripping
circuit. The pickup level can be adjusted by taps on the coil and also by adjusting
spring tension.

Another type of instantaneous OCR is the plunging type. In this case the electro-
magnet pulls the plunger up against the force of gravity. Again the pickup level can
be preset by adjusting the taps and also by adjusting the position of the core. When
current accedes the pickup level, the instantaneous relay will operate within about
50 ms, that is, about 3 cycles, and energize the tripping circuit to open its associated

In order to avoid fault consequences the operating pickup must be set to a very high
level. This would be adequate for preprotection of severe faults that could affect the
power system stability.

One of the recent advancements in OCR for power distribution includes the pro-
tection, automation, and control (PAC) system with more than 25 elements added
for quick response and advanced-level protection. Fig. 7.11 shows the PAC system
model, which provides feeder protection as well bay control along with eight setting
profiles. With microprocessor based control and power quality monitoring system,
certain effects of sag, swell, transients, and harmonics are detected and recorded.

Figure 7.11. PAC for distribution protection.

(Source: Courtesy of

The protection against low-level faults is achieved by time OCR of standard No. 51.
This is a typical type time OCR, and its main components are electromagnet, the
operating coil, the rotating disc, pin contacts, and time dial. The secondary current
from the CT is passed through the operating coil, which is wound around the central
leg of the electromagnet. It sets up this magnetic circuit, the flux passes through
the magnetic disc and then returns through the disc again to the outer legs of the
electromagnet. In this condition the disc will not rotate as these two fluxes are in
phase. However, by placing a shorting coil at one outer leg, a phase displacement
occurs and the flux here will now lag the inner one and cause the disc to rotate.

The disc is normally held stationary by a retaining spring. Only when the sufficient
current passing through the operating coils, the disc will start to move. That is the
pickup level, and the magnitude of the current in the operating coil is proportional to
the primary current along the feeder, which is being protected. Therefore, the greater
the primary current, the greater the operating current will be, and the greater the
flux, the faster the disc will rotate. Similarly, the higher the level of the fault current,
the quicker the operation of the relay will be. These conditions will finally force the
circuit breaker to operate.

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Fundamentals of Power System Protec-

Mladen Kezunovic, in The Electrical Engineering Handbook, 2005

9.1.2 Power System Components

The most basic power system components are generators, transformers, transmis-
sion lines, busses, and loads. They allow for power to be generated (generators),
transformed from one voltage level to another (transformers), transmitted from one
location to another (transmission lines), distributed among a number of transmis-
sion lines and power transformers (busses), and used by consumers (loads). In the
course of doing this, the power system components are being switched or connected
in a variety of different configurations using circuit breakers and associated switches
(Horowitz and Phadke, 1992; Blackburn, 1998; Ungrad et al., 1995). The circuit
breakers are capable of interrupting the flow of power at a high energy level and,
hence, may also be used to disconnect the system components on an emergency
basis, such as in the case when the component experiences a fault (Flurscheim,
1985). Because the power systems are built to cover a large geographical area, the
power system components are scattered across the area and interconnected with
transmission lines. The grouping of the components associated with generation,
switching, transformation, or consumption are called power plants (generation
and transformation), substations (transformation and switching), and load centers
(switching, transformation, and consumption). In turn, the related monitoring, con-
trol, protection, and communication gear is also located at the mentioned facilities.

To facilitate the description of power systems, a graphical representation of the

power system components as shown in Figure 9.2 is used. Such representation
is called a one-line diagram. It is reducing the presentation complexity of the
three-phase connections into a single-line connection. This is sufficiently detailed
when the normal system operation is considered since the solutions of voltages
and currents are symmetrical and one-line representations resemble very closely the
single-phase system representation used to obtain the solution. The solution for the
faulted systems requires more detailed three-phase representation, but the one-line
diagram is still sufficient to discuss the basic relaying concepts. In that case, a
detailed representation of the faults shown in Figure 9.1 is not used, but a single
symbol representing all fault types is used instead.

FIGURE 9.2. One-Line Representation of the Power System Components and Con-

The next level of detail is the representation of the points where the components
merge, shown in Figure 9.2 as busses. A good example of such a point is a substation
where a number of lines may come together, and a transformation of the voltage
level may also take place. Figure 9.3 shows a one-line representation of a substation.

FIGURE 9.3. Breaker-and-a-Half Substation Connection

Substations come in a variety of configurations, and the one selected in Figure 9.3 is
called a breaker-and-a-half. This configuration is used in high-voltage substations
containing a number of transmission lines and transformers as well as different
voltage levels and associated busses. This representation also includes circuit break-
ers and busses as the principal means of switching and/or connecting the power
system components in a substation. The protective relaying role is to disconnect
the components located or terminated in the substation when a fault occurs. In
the case shown in Figure 9.3, the transmission line is connected to the rest of the
system through two breakers marked up as “L,” the bus is surrounded with several
breakers connected to the bus and marked up as “B,” and the power transformer
is connected between the two voltage level busses with four breakers marked up
as “T.” In the common relaying terminology, all the breakers associated with a given
relaying function are referred to as a bay, hence, the terminology exists of “protection
bays” for a transmission line, a bus, and a transformer. It may be observed in the
highvoltage substation example, given in Figure 9.3, that each breaker serves at least
two protection bays. In Figure 9.3, each breaker box designated as “L” or “T” also acts
as the breaker designated with “B.” This property will be used later when introducing
the concept of overlapping protection zones.

> Read full chapter

Electric power systems

S. Vasantharathna, in Electric Renewable Energy Systems, 2016

18.1 Introduction
Basic components of a power system are generators, transformers, transmission
lines, and loads. The interconnection of the components discussed in section 18.2
in a power system is represented in a one-line diagram or single-line diagram. The
advantage of a one-line diagram is its simplicity. One line in the single line diagram
represents single phase or/and all three phases of the balanced system. Equivalent
circuits of the components are replaced by their standard symbols and completion
of the circuit neutral is omitted. Figure 18.1 shows the one line diagram of a typical
power system network.

Figure 18.1. One-line diagram.

Figure 18.2 [1] shows different configurations of the single-phase transformers that
are commonly used. But in a one-line diagram, it is always represented symbollically
as in Figure 18.3 irrespective of whether it is a single-phase or a three-phase
transformer. A generating station may have one or more generators and a pool
of generating stations synchronized as represented by a single circle in a one-line
diagram. The generator, load, transmission line, and circuit breakers are represented
in a single line diagram as shown in Figure 18.3. Figure 18.4 shows a model of
a single line diagram of the power system network that can be modeled using a
simulation tool (Figures 18.5 to 18.7).
Figure 18.2. Winding representations of single-phase transformers.

Figure 18.3. Symbolic representation of components in a single-line diagram.

Figure 18.4. One-line diagram.

Figure 18.5. Single-line diagram.

Figure 18.6. Impedance diagram.

Figure 18.7. Reactance diagram.

An impedance diagram [4] is derived from the one-line diagram, representing the
equivalent circuits of power system components. If resistances, static loads, and
transmission line capacitances are neglected, it is known as a reactance diagram.
The impedance diagram and reactance diagram is much helpful in load flow studies,
fault studies and stability analysis of a power system network. The location of circuit
breakers are not required for load flow studies.

The following assumptions are made while drawing the impedance and reactance

1. A generator can be represented by a voltage source in series with an inductive

reactance. The internal resistance of the generator is negligible compared to
the reactance.
2. The loads are inductive.

3. The transformer core is ideal and may be represented by a reactance.

4. The transmission line is a medium length line and can be denoted by a T or π


Problem 18.1

Generating station 1 is connected to a load A and is transmitting power through

a transmission line. The receiving end of the transmission line is connected to
load B and three other generating stations. Draw the one line diagram, impedance
diagram, and reactance diagram.
The single line diagram of the given power system network is shown in Figure
18.5. The small squares represent the location of circuit breakers. The vertical lines
are the bus. The impedance diagram shown in Figure 18.6 is derived by drawing
the respective equivalent circuits. The resistance (R), inductive reactance (XI) and
capacitive reactance (Xc) are calculated based on standard formulae. The reactance
diagram shown in Figure 18.7 is drawn by removing resistances and capacitive
reactances as their impact on performance analysis is negligible.

18.1.1 Per unit quantities

Per unit quantities, like percentage quantities, are fractional quantities of a reference
quantity used to reduce the computational complexity. Per unit values are written
with “pu” after the value. For power, voltage, current, and impedance, a per unit
quantity may be obtained by dividing the respective base or reference of that

The pu representation of the quantities viz., complex power, voltage, current, and
impedance, respectively are given as follows.

Only two base or reference quantities need to be independently defined, because

voltage, current, impedance, and power are related. The base quantities for the other
two can be derived therefrom. Since power and voltage are most often specified, they
are usually chosen to define the independent base quantities.

If VAbase and Vbase are the selected base quantities of power (complex, active, or
reactive) and voltage, respectively, then,

In a power system, voltages and power are usually expressed in kilovolts (kV) and
megavolt amperes (MVA), thus it is usual to select an MVAbase and a kVbase and to
express them as,

In these expressions, all the quantities are single-phase quantities. In three-phase

systems the line voltage and total power are usually used rather than the sin-
gle-phase quantities. It is thus usual to express base quantities in terms of these.

If VA3 base and VLLbase are base three-phase power and line-to-line voltage, respective-
ly, then

Problem 18.2

Given the actual and base quantities, express the following quantities in pu form.
Actual quantities are 20 A, 0.2 A, 50 V, 1000 V, and 2 Ω.

Base quantities are 10 A, 200 V, and 20 Ω.

Problem 18.3

In the circuit shown in Figure 18.8, consider the base quantities of voltage and
impedance as Vb = 100 V; Zb = 0.01 Ω. Find Ib, Ipu, Vpu, Zpu, and I.

Problem 18.4

Choosing a base MVA of 50 and a base kV of 33, find the pu value of 10 Ω resistance.

Figure 18.8. Figure for Problem 18.3.

Problem 18.5

A three-phase, 13 kV transmission line delivers 8 MVA load. The per phase imped-
ance of the line is 0.01 + j 0.05 pu. What is the voltage drop across the line, when it
is referred to a 13 kV, 8 MVAbase?

The given base quantities yield,

Then the other base quantities are,

Conversions from one base to another: normally the per unit value is defined to its own
rating. In a power system network, different components can have different ratings,
and may be different from the system rating, therefore it is necessary to convert all
quantities to a common base to perform numeric computations. Also if a new station
is added/removed to/from a network, the reference quantities might get changed.
Instead of recalculating the pu quantities based on new reference values, for all the
systems, change of base is preferred. The conversion from one base to another in a
system is as follows,

Problem 18.6

A 11 kV, 15 MVA generator has a reactance of 0.15 pu referred to its own ratings as
base. The new bases chosen are 110 kV and 30 MVA. Calculate the new pu reactance:

Problem 18.7

Three generators are rated as follows. Draw the reactance diagram.

The reactance diagram is shown in Figure 18.9.

Figure 18.9. Reactance diagram for Problem 18.9.

Per unit representation of a transformer: Consider the equivalent circuit of the trans-
former shown in Figure 18.10.

Figure 18.10. Equivalent circuit.

Here, Zp, leakage reactance on the primary side; Zs, leakage reactance on the
secondary side.

Transformation ratio = 1:a.

Choose VAbase and Vbase on two sides of a transformer such that,

From Figure 18.10, it is written as V2 = (V1 – I1Zp)a – (I2Zs).

In pu form, V2puV2b = [V1puV1b – I1puI1bZppuZ1b]a – I2puI2bZspuZ2b.

Divide by V2b throughout using the base relation V2pu = V1pu – I1pu Zppu – I2pu Zspu.

Using the relations , it is rewritten as,

Where, Zpu = Zppu + Zspu.

Even from the primary or secondary side pu Z can be calculated.

On the primary side,

On the secondary side:

Therefore, pu impedance of a transformer is the same whether computed from the

primary or secondary side, as long as the voltage bases on two sides are the ratio of

Problem 18.8

A generating station is supplying power to a distant village 50 km away. The trans-

mission is done on 110 kV transmission line. The generator is rated at 400 MVA
giving the output at 11 kV and has a subtransient reactance of 20%. The load consists
of motors running at 11 kV and rated for 60, 80, and 100 MVA. The subtransient
reactance of motors is 18%. The transformer at the generating station is rated for
300 MVA with a leakage reactance of 10% and a voltage rating of 11/110 kV. The
transformer at the village is rated for 250 MVA with a leakage reactance of 12%
and a voltage rating of 110/11 kV. The reactance of the line is 0.1 Ω/km. Draw the
reactance diagram of the system.

The one line diagram of the descripted power system network is shown in Figure
18.11. G1: 400 MVA, 11 kV selected as base.

Figure 18.11. One-line diagram.

Base value in the transmission line = 11 × (110/11) = 110 kV.

Base value in the motor = 110 × (11/110) = 11 kV.

Reactance of a transformer based on its own rating, converted to the common base
quantity is,

The reactance diagram is shown in Figure 18.12.

Figure 18.12. Reactance diagram.

> Read full chapter

In Electrical Systems and Equipment (Third Edition), 1992

Voltage and speed controls

The voltage at the low voltage terminals of generator transformers must be kept at
100% of rated voltage at all times to maintain the voltage constant at the auxiliaries
connected via unit transformers to this point.

Steam turbine-generators are therefore fitted with automatic voltage regulators

which are normally set to maintain the terminal voltage at its nominal value.
Voltage matching is therefore carried out using the generator transformer on-load
tapchanger by raising and lowering the tap position.

The tapchanger alters the transformer open-circuit voltage by adjusting the effective
number of turns in the high voltage winding. In total, there are nineteen tap
positions, with a voltage step of 1.11% nominal between each tap position. ‘Raise’
and ‘lower’ refers to changing to a higher or lower tap position number, respectively.
If synchronising at the generator voltage circuit-breaker, this is by adjustment of
the running voltage and, at the transmission voltage switch, by adjustment of
the incoming voltage. With the latter, the ‘raise’ tapchange operation reduces the
transformer open-circuit voltage and, similarly, the ‘lower’ tapchange operation
increases the transformer open-circuit voltage.

The turbine speed governor set point controller (as described in Section 2.1 of this
chapter) is used to raise or lower the generator incoming frequency.

> Read full chapter

Graph Theory and Network Matrices
P.S.R. Murty, in Electrical Power Systems, 2017

13.10 Network Performance Equations

The power system network consists of components such as generators, transform-
ers, transmission lines, circuit breakers, and capacitor banks, which are all connected
together to perform specific function. Some are in series and some are in shunt

Whatever may be their actual configuration, network analysis is performed either by

nodal or by loop method. In the case of power system, generally, each node is also
a bus. Thus in the bus frame of reference the performance of the power network
is described by (n−1) independent nodal equations, where n is the total number of
nodes. In the impedance form of the performance equation, following Ohm’s law
will be



=Vector of bus voltages measured with respect to a reference bus.

=Vector of impressed bus currents.
[ZBUS]=Bus impedance matrix.

The elements of bus impedance matrix are open-circuit driving point and transfer

Consider a three-bus or three-node system. Then

The impedance elements on the principal diagonal are called driving point imped-
ances of the buses and the off-diagonal elements are called transfer impedances of
the buses. In the admittance frame of reference


where [YBUS] is the bus admittance matrix whose elements are short-circuit driving
point and transfer admittances.

By definition

> Read full chapter

Incidence Matrices
P.S.R. Murty, in Power Systems Analysis (Second Edition), 2017

3.8 Network Performance Equations

The power system network consists of components such as generators, transform-
ers, transmission lines, circuit breakers, capacitor banks, etc., which are all connected
together to perform specific function. Some are in series and some are in shunt

Whatever may be their actual configuration, network analysis is performed either

by nodal or by loop method. In case of power system, generally, each node is also
a bus. Thus in the bus frame of reference the performance of the power network
is described by (n–1) independent nodal equations, where n is the total number of
nodes. In the impedance form the performance equation, following Ohm’s law will


where =vector of bus voltages measured with respect to a reference bus; =vector of
impressed bus currents; =bus impedance matrix.

The elements of bus impedance matrix are open circuit driving point and transfer

Consider a 3-bus or 3-node system. Then

The impedance elements on the principal diagonal are called driving point imped-
ances of the buses and the off-diagonal elements are called transfer impedances of
the buses. In the admittance frame of reference


where =bus admittance matrix whose elements are short circuit driving point and
transfer admittances.

By definition

In a similar way, we can obtain the performance equations in the branch frame of
reference. If b is the number of branches, then b independent branch equation of
the form


describe network performance. In the admittance form


where =vector of currents through branches; =vector of voltages across the branches;
=branch admittance matrix whose elements are short circuit driving point and
transfer admittances of the branches of the network; =branch impedance matrix
whose elements are open circuit driving point and transfer impedances of the
branches of the network.

Like wise, in the loop frame of reference, the performance equation can be described
by l independent loop equations where l is the number of links or basic loops. In the
impedance from


and in the admittance form


where =vector of basic loop voltages; =vector of basic loop currents; =loop impedance
matrix; =loop admittance matrix.

> Read full chapter

Electrical system design

In Electrical Systems and Equipment (Third Edition), 1992

3.1.2 Generator transformers

Each generator is connected to the grid system via a generator transformer with
the appropriate voltage ratio. The CEGB fit on-load tap changers to accommodate
the grid voltage variations and the voltage operating range of the generator. It
has established a ‘registered design’ of generator transformer for the 660 MW
generating units rated at 800 MVA and made up of 3 single-phase units. The
intention of the registered design is to achieve a high level of reliability by avoiding
all but essential change to proven systems in detail design, materials or components
(see Chapter 3).

The 800 MVA rating is based on taking the main generator 776 MVA rating plus
the possible 44 MVA output from a gas-turbine generator, contributing from the
11 kV level via a unit transformer, less a minimum unit auxiliaries load of 20 MVA.
For the generating units being considered at 900 MW (nominal) rating, a generator
transformer rated at 1145 MVA, also in 3 single-phase tanks, is being developed,
taking into account an overload capability from the main unit. As with the 800 MVA
rating, on-load tapchangers will be fitted for the same reasons.

There have been instances on nuclear power stations using generator voltage
switchgear, where the on-load tapchanger has been arranged with an automatic
feature. This has been done to deal with the problem that arises when a generator
trip results in the opening of the generator voltage switch but retains the grid
connection. Under these circumstances, the 11 kV switchboard voltage could fall
to a level such that the direct on line starting of a boiler feed pump may not be
achieved. The auto-tap facility raises the voltage in a timescale and to a level capable
of achieving a pump start thus securing an initial boiler feed without relying on
the emergency feed pumps. Should this scheme not achieve boiler throughput, the
emergency pumps connected to the 3.3 kV system will still ensure reactor safety.

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