Descreption of Cement Tile
Descreption of Cement Tile
Descreption of Cement Tile
Realized by :
Dahman ayoub
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2
3- Cement grinding................................................................................................................... 24
1 Introduction
Cement is a finely ground, non-metallic, inorganic powder, and when mixed with water forms
a paste that sets and hardens. This hydraulic hardening is primarily due to the formation of
calcium silicate hydrates as a result of the reaction between mixing water and the constituents
of the cement. In the case of aluminous cements, hydraulic hardening involves the formation of
calcium aluminate hydrates.
Cement is a basic material for building and civil engineering construction. In Europe the use of
cement and concrete (a mixture of cement, aggregates, sand and water) in large civic works can
be traced back to antiquity. Portland cement, the most widely used cement in concrete
construction, was patented in 1824. Output from the cement industry is directly related to the
state of the construction business in general and therefore tracks the overall economic situation
As shown in Figure 1, world cement production has grown steadily since 1950, with increased
production in developing countries, particularly in Asia, accounting for the lion’s share of
growth in world cement production in the 1990s. [1]
Figure 1: Cement production in the EU-27 and in the world from 1950 to 2006
In 2006, world production of cement stood at 2540 million tonnes. Table 1 shows the
distribution of cement production by geographic regions.
Producers in the European Union have increased cement output per man per year from 1700
tonnes in 1970 to 3500 in 1991. This increase in productivity is a result of the introduction of
larger scale production units. These use advanced operation automation and therefore require
fewer, but more highly qualified staff. The number of people employed in the cement industry
in the European Union (EU-27) was about 54000 in 2005. Figure 1.2 shows the estimated
workforce of the cement industry in the EU from 1975 to 2005 along with employment figures
for the EU-25. The figures related to the years before 1991 do not include employees from the
former East Germany. [2]
Figure 2: Estimated employment for the cement industry in the EU from 1975 to 2005
In 2006, cement production in the EU-25 totalled 267.5 million tonnes and consumption 260.6
million tonnes. 38 million tonnes of cement were imported and 32 million tonnes exported.
These figures include trade between EU countries.
Figure 3: Cement production inclusive of exported clinker and cement consumption in the
The world’s five largest cement producers are Lafarge, Holcim, Cemex, HeidelbergCement and
Italcementi. Apart from producing cement, these companies have also diversified into several
other building material sectors such as aggregates, concrete products, plasterboard, etc.
Cement is mainly delivered by producers to their customers by road in the EU and there is a
limit to the distance over which it can delivered by road under normal trading conditions due to
costs of road transport and the relatively low unit selling price of cement. The maximum
distance over which cement is transported by road is generally said to be between 200 and 300
km. However, where cement plants are located near water (sea, inland waterways), transport
over longer distances is more common. Furthermore, having easy access to rail networks
facilitates transport over longer distances in certain circumstances. Global trade does exist and
in some cases it is economically viable to ship cement around the world. The presence of
cement terminals (e.g. floating terminals) has contributed to the increase of imports of cement
into EU markets from countries outside the EU. International competition is mainly a threat for
individual plants, and within the EU increasing imports from Eastern Europe do affect local
market conditions. It has been estimated that, in 2007, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, southern
France and the UK as a whole were regarded as areas open to imports. These areas represent
60 % of the EU’s cement production in volume. Denmark, Norway and Sweden are also
vulnerable. In 2005, 15.5 million tonnes were imported into the EU from countries with no
carbon constraint compared to 13.5 million tonnes in 2004.
Besides grey Portland cement, other specifications of cement are also produced, such as white
cement. Except for colour, this type of cement has the same properties as grey cement. For
white cement production, only materials which do not have a negative effect on the colour of
this special type of cement are used. Table 1.6 shows some examples of parameters
corresponding to white cement of the American and European markets. The local demand for
whiteness will influence these parameters. Furthermore, the great difference is shown in the
Fe2O3 content with respect to the range of grey cement.
The whiteness of this type of cement is one of the most important characteristics. Different
specifications are used for the whiteness of this cement according to different national standards
The cement industry is an energy intensive industry with energy typically accounting for about
40 % of operational costs, i.e. excluding capital costs but including electricity costs.
Traditionally, the primary solid fossil fuel used was coal. A wide range of other solid, liquid or
gaseous fossil fuels are used, such as petroleum coke, lignite, natural gas and oil (heavy,
medium or light fuel oil). In addition to these traditional types of fossil fuels, the cement
industry has been using large quantities of waste fuels or biomass fuels, for more than 15 years.
The basic chemistry of the cement manufacturing process begins with the decomposition of
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) at about 900 °C to leave calcium oxide (CaO, lime) and liberated
gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2); this process is known as calcination. This is followed by the
clinkering process in which the calcium oxide reacts at a high temperature (typically
1400 - 1500 °C) with silica, alumina, and ferrous oxide to form the silicates, aluminates, and
ferrites of calcium which comprise the clinker. The clinker is then ground or milled together
with gypsum and other additives to produce cement.
There are four main process routes for the manufacture of cement – the dry, semi-dry,
semi-wet and wet processes:
• in the dry process, the raw materials are ground and dried to raw meal in the form of a
flowable powder. The dry raw meal is fed to the preheater or precalciner kiln or, more
rarely, to a long dry kiln
• in the semi-dry process, dry raw meal is pelletised with water and fed into a grate
preheater before the kiln or to a long kiln equipped with crosses
• in the semi-wet process, the slurry is first dewatered in filter presses. The filter cake is
extruded into pellets and fed either to a grate preheater or directly to a filter cake dryer
for raw meal production
• in the wet process, the raw materials (often with a high moisture content) are ground in
water to form pumpable slurry. The slurry is either fed directly into the kiln or first to a
slurry dryer.
The choice of process is, to a large extent, determined by the state of the raw materials
(dry or wet).
A large part of world clinker production is still based on wet processes. However, in
Europe, more than 90 % of production is based on dry processes thanks to the availability
of dry raw materials. Wet processes are more energy consuming, and thus more
Plants using semi-dry processes are likely to change to dry techniques whenever
expansion or major improvement is required. Plants using wet or semi-wet processes
normally only have access to moist raw materials, as is the situation in Denmark and
Belgium, and to some extent in the UK. All processes have the following sub-processes in
• use of wastes as raw materials and/or fuels, quality requirements, control and
• the kiln systems, kiln firing processes and emissions reduction techniques
The process includes the selection of raw materials, storage and preparation, fuel storage
and preparation, firing of clinker in a kiln system, whitening/cooling, and grinding under
precisely controlled conditions through the stages of the process in order to avoid
contamination and undesired changes of the product. However, the combination of
cooling and whitening is the main technological difference. These steps are used and
needed in order to improve the whiteness of this special type of cement and to provide a
uniform colour. A typical process flow diagram from a cement plant is shown in Figure 4.
Naturally occurring calcareous deposits, such as limestone, marl or chalk, provide the source
for calcium carbonate. Silica, iron oxide and alumina are found in various ores and minerals,
such as sand, shale, clay and iron ore.
Winning of nearly all of the natural raw materials involves mining and quarrying operations.
The materials are most often obtained from open surface quarries. The operations necessary
include rock drilling, blasting, excavation, hauling and crushing. Useful information regarding
mining/quarrying can be found in the Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for
Management of Tailings and Waste-Rock in Mining Activities The main raw materials, like
limestone, chalk, marl and shale or clay, are extracted from
quarries. In most cases, the quarry is close to the plant. After primary crushing, the raw
materials are transported to the cement plant for storage and further preparation. Other raw
materials, such as bauxite, iron ore, blast furnace slag or foundry sand, are brought in from
Raw materials have to show and meet characteristics, chemical elements and components which
are necessary for the clinker burning process and they may affect the production process and
clinker quality. Table 1.8 shows example ranges from chemical analyses and characteristics of
raw materials and cement raw meals for the production of cement clinker. Apart from the main
components, these raw materials also contain a number of metals that are listed in Table 1.9.
Table 3: Chemical analyses of raw materials and cement raw meal for the production of cement
Table 4: Metals in raw materials and raw meal
Waste also can replace conventional raw materials. Regarding the use of wastes as raw material
see Section
For white cement production, the availability of highly pure raw material, such as purity of Si,
Ca and Al sources, is essential. Raw materials, e.g. highly pure limestone, types of white clays,
kaolin, quartz sand, feldspar, diatomaceous earth, are selected with low contents of metals such
as iron and manganese. The metal oxides influence the whiteness of the product and are one of
the determining factors. For the production of high-grade white cement, the chemical
composition of the raw materials is essential and examples are shown in Table 1.10. However,
the proportions of these components also need to meet the requirements of the firing process.
To improve the burnability, sometimes mineralisers are used. Mineralisers known and used are
fluxing agents, such as fluorides (generally CaF2) [119, Sobolev, 2001] [5]
Table : Examples of chemical compositions of raw materials for white cement clinker
2.2- Raw materials – storage and preparation
Preparation of the raw materials is of great importance to the subsequent kiln system both in
getting the chemistry of the raw feed right and in ensuring that the feed is sufficiently fine.
The need to use covered storage depends on climatic conditions and the amount of fines in the
raw material leaving the crushing plant. In the case of a 3000 tonnes/day plant these buildings
may hold between 20000 and 40000 tonnes of material. An example of covered raw material
storage is shown in Figure 1.5.
The raw material fed to a kiln system needs to be as chemically homogeneous as practicable.
This is achieved by controlling the feed into the raw grinding plant. When the material from the
quarry varies in quality, initial preblending can be achieved by stacking the material in rows or
layers along the length (or around the circumference) of the store and extracting it by taking
cross-sections across the pile. When the material from the quarry is fairly homogeneous,
simpler stacking and reclaiming systems can be used.
Raw materials used in relatively small quantities, mineral additions for example, may
alternatively be stored in silos or bunkers. Any raw materials with potentially harmful properties
to public health and to the environment must be stored and prepared according to individual
specific requirements. [6]
2.2.2- Grinding of raw materials
Accurate metering and proportioning of the mill feed components by weight is important for
achieving a consistent chemical composition. This is essential for steady kiln operation and a
high quality product. Metering and proportioning are also important factors in the energy
efficiency of the grinding system. The predominant metering and proportioning equipment for
raw material feed to mills is the apron feeder followed by the belt weigh feeder.
For white cement production, care has to be maintained during milling operations in order to
prevent introduction of different pieces or small quantities of metals providing colour.
Furthermore, the selection of grinding media and mill liners is important in order to avoid
contamination of the raw mix with iron. Special steels or ceramic materials are used for the
essential parts of the equipment. To improve the whiteness, humidity control of the raw mix is
used and the grinding time is reduced by using any accelerating/surface active admixtures pter
1 Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide Manufacturing Industries 15 which, however, could
be different from commercially available grinding aids [120, Spain,
2007]. In some cases, granulating equipment is recommended for the final stage of the raw
mix preparation process, especially when using a fluidised bed kiln for firing [7]
The raw materials, in controlled proportions, are ground and mixed together to form a
homogeneous blend with the required chemical composition. For dry and semi-dry kiln
systems, the raw material components are ground and dried to a fine powder, making use mainly
of the kiln exhaust gases and/or cooler exhaust air. For raw materials with a relatively high
moisture content, and for start-up procedures, an auxiliary furnace may be needed to provide
additional heat.
Typical dry grinding systems used are: tube mill, centre discharge
tube mill, airswept
vertical roller mill
horizontal roller mill (only a few installations in operation). Other grinding systems are
used to a lesser extent. These are:
tube mill, end discharge in closed circuit
autogenous mill
roller press, with or without crushers (dryers). The fineness and particle size distribution
of the product leaving a raw grinding system is of great importance for the subsequent
burning process. The target given for these parameters is achieved by adjusting the
separator used for classifying the product leaving the grinding mill.
For dry classification, air separators are used. The newest generation, rotor cage type
separators, have several advantages. These are:
To achieve the slurry fineness required and in order to comply with modern quality demands,
closed circuit milling systems are the main option.
The wet process is normally preferred whenever the raw material has a moisture content of
more than 20 % by weight. Raw materials such as chalk, marl or clay, which are sticky and
have an inherently high moisture content, are soft and as a first stage of preparation they may
be ground in a wash mill. Water and crushed material are fed to the wash mill and broken down
into slurry by shearing and impact forces imparted by the rotating harrows. When sufficiently
fine, the material passes through screens in the wall of the wash mill and is pumped to storage.
To achieve the required slurry fineness, further grinding in a tube mill is usually required,
especially if an additional raw material such as sand is to be added.
To reduce kiln fuel consumption, water addition during raw material grinding is controlled so
that the amount used is the minimum necessary to achieve the required slurry flow and
pumpability characteristics (32 to 40 % w/w water). Chemical additives may act as slurry
thinners permitting the water content to be reduced.
Mechanical conveyors normally require a higher investment cost but have much lower
costs than pneumatic conveying systems. A combination of air-slide or screw/chain conveyors
with a belt bucket elevator is the most commonly used conveying system.[8]
• liquid fuels, e.g. fuel oil including highly viscous fuel oil (HVFO)
The main ash constituents of these fuels are silica and alumina compounds. Furthermore, ashes
may also contain traces of metals. These combine with the raw materials to become part of the
clinker. This needs to be allowed for in calculating the raw material proportion and so it is
desirable to use fuel with a consistent, though not necessarily low, ash content. Examples of
chemical analyses of metals in coal used in Germany are shown in Table 1.11
The main fossil fuels used in the European cement industry are petcoke and coal. Costs
normally preclude the use of natural gas or oil, but the selection of fuels depends on the local
situation (such as the availability of domestic coal). However, the high temperatures and long
residence times in the kiln system implies considerable potential for the destruction of organic
substances (see Section This makes a wide variety of less expensive fuel options
possible, in particular different types of wastes. The use of wastes has been increasing over the
last few years (see Section 1.2.4).
In order to keep heat losses to a minimum, cement kilns are operated at the lowest reasonable
excess oxygen levels. This requires highly uniform and reliable fuel metering and fuel
presentation in a form allowing easy and complete combustion. These conditions are fulfilled
by all liquid and gaseous fuels. For pulverised solid fuels, good design of hoppers, conveyors
and feeders is essential to meet these conditions. The main fuel input (65 – 85 %) usually
consists of easily combustible fuel, whereas the remaining 15 – 35 % may be fed in coarsely
crushed or lump form. For white cement production, fuel selection has to be made very carefully
in order to avoid elements in the fuel ash that could be incorporated in the clinker and could
therefore alter the desired colour of the white cement. In 2007, selected waste fuels were used
on a limited scale for white cement production.
Raw coal and petcoke are stored similarly to raw materials; thus, in many cases, in covered
stores. Outside storage in large, compacted stockpiles is used for long term stocks. Such
stockpiles may be seeded with grass to prevent rainwater and wind erosion. Drainage to the
ground from outside storage has shown to be a problem. However, sealed concrete floors under
the stockpiles make it possible to collect and clean the water that drains off. Normal good
practice in terms of compaction and stockpile height needs to be observed when storing coal
with a relatively high volatile matter content in order to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition
when stored for long periods.
Pulverised coal and petcoke are stored exclusively in silos. For safety reasons (i.e. the danger
of explosions being triggered by smouldering fires and static electricity spark-overs), these silos
have to be of the mass flow extraction type and have to be equipped with standard safety
Fuel oil is stored in vertical steel tanks. These are sometimes insulated to help keep the oil at a
pumpable temperature (50 to 60 °C).
They may also be equipped with heatable suction points to maintain the oil at the correct
temperature locally.
Natural gas is not stored at the cement plant. The international high pressure gas distribution
network acts as a gas storage facility.
Solid conventional fuel preparation (crushing, grinding and drying) is usually carried out on
site. Coal and petcoke are pulverised to about raw meal fineness in grinding plants using
equipment similar to the raw material grinding plants. The fineness of the pulverised fuel is
important – too fine and flame temperatures can be excessively high, too coarse and poor
combustion can occur. Low volatility or low volatiles contents of the solid fuel will need finer
grinding. If sufficient hot air for drying is not available from the kiln or from the cooler, an
auxiliary furnace may be needed. Special features have to be incorporated to protect the
equipment from fires and explosions.
Three main types of coal milling and grinding systems are used:
• impact mill.
Ground solid fuel may be fired directly into the kiln, but in modern installations it is usually
stored in silos to allow the use of more thermally efficient burners (indirect firing) using low
primary air.
Solid fuel grinding, storage and firing systems have to be designed and operated so as to avoid
the risk of explosion or fire. The primary requirements are to control air temperatures properly,
and to avoid the accumulation of fine material in dead spots exposed to heat.
Fuel oil preparation: In order to facilitate metering and combustion, the fuel oil is brought to
120 – 140 °C, resulting in a viscosity reduction to 10 – 20 cSt. Additionally, the pressure is
increased to 20 – 40 bar.
Natural gas preparation: Prior to combustion the gas pressure has to be brought from the
pipeline pressure of 30 – 80 bar down to the plant’s network pressure of 3 – 10 bar and then
reduced again to the burner’s supply pressure of around 1 bar (overpressure). The first pressure
reduction step is accomplished in the gas transfer station where consumption metering also
takes place. To avoid freezing of the equipment as a result of the Joule-Thompson effect, the
natural gas is preheated before passing through the pressure reduction valve.
Alternatively, the pressure reduction can be accomplished by passing the gas through a gas
expansion turbine connected to a power generator. Thus, some of the energy required for gas
compression can be recovered. [9]
The ban on the landfilling of unprocessed waste in some EU Member States has led to an
increasing number of mechanical and mechanical biological waste treatment plants being put
into operation. As a consequence, the utilisation of pretreated waste fractions is an issue of
growing concern. After suitable treatment, individual waste fractions can meet the requirements
for environmentally compatible re-use in cement plants. The cement industry of the EU-27 has
been involved in the recovery of selected waste streams in cement plants for many years. This
industry, traditionally a substantial user of non-renewable natural resources, minerals and fossil
fuels, is committed to using waste for the conservation of these resources without, at the same
time, producing final wastes [103, CEMBUREAU, 2006], [168, TWG CLM, 2007].
Since waste treatment is not covered in this document, useful information regarding waste
treatment can be found in the Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for the
Waste Treatments Industries. Furthermore, the requirements of existing European and national
regulations have to be considered, e.g. when co-incinerating waste, the requirements of the
Waste Incineration Directive (WID) have to be met .
• maximum temperatures of approx. 2000 °C (main firing system, flame temperature) in
rotary kilns
• gas retention times of about 8 seconds at temperatures above 1200 °C in rotary kilns
• material temperatures of about 1450 °C in the sintering zone of the rotary kiln
• oxidising gas atmosphere in the rotary kiln
• gas retention time in the secondary firing system of more than 2 seconds at temperatures
of above 850 °C; in the precalciner, the retention times are correspondingly longer and
temperatures are higher
• solids temperatures of 850 °C in the secondary firing system and/or the calciner
• uniform burnout conditions for load fluctuations due to the high temperatures at
sufficiently long retention times
• short retention times of exhaust gases in the temperature range known to lead to ‘denovo-
synthesis’ of PCDD/F
• complete utilisation of fuel ashes as clinker components and hence, simultaneous material
recycling (e.g. also as a component of the raw material) and energy recovery
• product specific wastes are not generated due to a complete material utilisation into the
clinker matrix; however, some cement plants in Europe dispose of bypass dust
• chemical-mineralogical incorporation of non-volatile heavy metals into the clinker matrix
[60, VDI 2094 Germany, 2003], [76, Germany, 2006], [168, TWG CLM, 2007].
Investigations show that in rotary kilns hazardous substances are better absorbed by material
and clinker than in other types of kilns, e.g. shaft kilns [75, Estonia, 2006], [76, Germany,
A wide range of different types of wastes are used as raw materials and/or as fuels. Before
considering the use of waste materials, different basic principles have to be considered, such as
appropriate selection of waste materials and an extensive analysing procedure of wastes and
pretreatment. Treatment of these wastes has to be carried out in order to keep quality standards
of the clinker, because the fuel ashes are fully captured in the clinker. The decision on what
type of waste can finally be used in a certain plant cannot be answered uniformly.
Considerations and decisions have to be based on the clinker production process and the
operation conditions, the raw materials and fuel compositions, the feeding points, the flue-gas
cleaning technique used, the given waste management problems and the requirements of
existing European and national regulations, e.g. the Waste Incineration Directive (WID) [59,
European Union, 2000].
As a basic rule, wastes accepted as fuels and/or raw materials must give the following added
value to the cement kiln:
Furthermore, volumes and categories of wastes have to be considered as well as physical and
chemical compositions, characteristics and pollutants. Waste-derived fuels used by the cement
industry are derived exclusively from selected waste streams, which usually require a
pretreatment, e.g. shredding, blending, grinding and homogenisation, and an appropriate quality
assurance. Preparation of waste materials is usually carried out at waste treatment plants.
Feed points for inserting waste into the kiln Wastes used as raw materials are typically fed to
the kiln system in the same way as conventional raw materials, e.g. via the normal raw meal
As described in Section, different feed points can be used to insert fuels into the cement
kiln. These feed points can also be used for feeding wastes as fuels and/or raw materials into
the cement production process. It has to be noted that the way the fuels are fed into the kiln is
very important because this can have an effect on the emissions. Of these feed points, there is,
in general, only one way in which the flue-gases from fuels pass the highest temperature zone
of the kiln, namely by feeding them through the main burner. Related to other feed points,
temperature and residence time depends on kiln design and kiln operation, as described above.
Wastes, which are fed through the main burner, will be decomposed in the primary burning
zone, at high temperatures of up to 2000 ºC. Multi-channel burners are designed for the use of
different types of fuels including waste fuels. Wastes fed to a secondary burner, preheater or
precalciner will be burned at lower temperatures, which is not always enough to decompose
halogenated organic substances. Volatile components in material that is fed at the upper end of
the kiln or as lump fuel can evaporate. These components do not pass the primary burning zone
and may not be decomposed or bound in the cement clinker. Therefore, the use of waste
containing volatile metals (mercury, cadmium, thallium) or volatile organic compounds can
result in an increase of the emissions of mercury, cadmium, thallium or organic emissions (e.g.
VOCs) when improperly used. Consideration should be given to these waste materials
containing components that can be volatilised at lower temperatures before the calcining zone
(e.g. hydrocarbons, solvents, waste oils). They have to be fed into the adequately high
temperature zones of the kiln system.
Energy efficiency by using waste The cement industry has achieved an improvement in energy
efficiency regarding fuels used in the cement manufacturing processes and will continue to
develop alternative means for improvements. However, the calorific values of the waste fuels
which are used in the process are very important quality requirements necessary to receive an
improvement in energy efficiency and a positive input to the thermal process that supports
calcination [76, Germany, 2006], [89, ERFO, 2005], [103, CEMBUREAU, 2006].
Impacts by using wastes Information about impacts on the emissions behaviour by using waste
materials can be found in Section and information about impacts on product quality
can be found in Section of this document. The monitoring of parameters and emissions
for using wastes as fuels and/or raw materials can be found in Section 1.3.9. Furthermore, plant
specific data for, e.g. using wastes, can be found in Section 4.2.2 of this document.
The chemical suitability of wastes used as raw materials is important and they have to provide
the constituents required for the production of clinker. Primary desired chemical elements are
lime, silica, alumina and iron as well as sulphur, alkalis and others which can be classified into
different groups according to their chemical composition. The use of wastes as raw materials
as in the clinker burning process involves the substitution of sulphur and the oxides contained
in the wastes used as raw materials. These include calcium oxide (CaO), silica (SiO2), alumina
(Al2O3) or iron oxide (Fe2O3) for the respective raw material constituents. Power station ash
(fly ash), blast furnace slag, and other process residues can be used as partial replacements for
the natural raw materials. Table 1.12 shows the types of wastes most frequently used as raw
materials in the production of cement in Europe in 2006.
Table 5: Types of waste frequently used as raw materials in the European cement industry
Other waste materials are supplied as so-called ‘inter-ground’ additions to the grinding plants.
Fly ash can be used both as raw material in the production of clinker (mainly for its content of
alumina) and as an inter-ground addition for cement. Fly ash can replace up to 50 % of the
Portland cement clinker; however, it may contain mercury. Furthermore, suitable industrial
gypsum lends itself for use as a sulphate component. An overview of wastes used as raw
materials classified into different groups according to their chemical composition is shown in
Table 1.13.
Table6 : Example list of wastes used as raw materials classified to their chemical
composition and used in cement kilns in the EU-25
Like ash from conventional fuels, the ash from waste fuels provides mineral components for
the cement clinker. The ternary diagram in Figure 1.6 shows the composition of different fuel
ash and wastes used as raw materials, for which the contents of the main components CaO,
SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 are represented. As shown, the clinker has a defined composition
which is crucial to the characteristic hydraulic properties of the cement. This means that all raw
materials and fuel ash must be carefully matched in terms of mineral composition and feed rate
to obtain the desired clinker composition.
The wastes used as raw materials enter the clinker burning process or the calciner via the raw
meal path or via the kiln inlet and/or the calciner. During the preheating phase in the preheater,
organic components may be released from the kiln feed, because of lower temperatures, which
are not always enough to decompose halogenated organic substances. When processing these
waste raw materials, these must be checked for potential emissions of volatile organic
constituents and the feed point selected accordingly, e.g. kiln burner.
Spent foundry sand with a high volatile content, for example, should be fed to the kiln inlet.
The residual organic binder used in chemically bonded sand cast systems can be decomposed
in the preheater.
However, a short residence time of the material in the low temperature phase of the
preheater ensures that volatiles are not emitted. Pretreatment of spent foundry sand, such as the
separation of dust, can reduce the content of heavy metals. By using industrial gypsum and fly
ash, the feeding of gypsum takes place in the grinding plant. The recoverable calorific value of
carbon rich ash, i.e. up to 20 % of carbon is possible, can be used in the cement clinker process
[76, Germany, 2006], [91, CEMBUREAU, 2006], [168, TWG CLM, 2007].
Requirements to consider in the selection and use of waste as raw material:
• low volatile heavy metal concentration, i.e. mercury, thallium and other types of metals
have to be taken into account
• regular monitoring of inputs, e.g. used waste materials by sampling and analysis.
Figure 6: Ternary CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3+Fe2O3 diagram for cement clinker and the ash
constituents of different raw materials and fuels
2.4.2- Use of wastes as fuels
Conventional fuels, such as fossil fuels, can be replaced by waste fuels, i.e. waste fuels derived
from pretreated and sorted waste fractions including solid and liquid recovered fuels, and/or
biomass. A wide range of different types of wastes are used as fuels including the remaining
ashes. Waste materials can be solid, liquid or pasty and are defined by their origin, e.g.
industrial, agricultural and municipal sources. Consumption of waste fuels is described in
Section and impacts on the emissions behaviour are described in Section
Table 7 : Different types of wastes used as fuels in EU-27 cement kilns in 2003 and 2004
3- Cement grinding
Portland cement is produced by intergrinding cement clinker and sulphates such as gypsum and
anhydrite. In blended cements (composite cements) there are other constituents, such as
granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash, natural or artificial pozzolanas, limestone, or inert fillers.
These will be interground with the clinker or may need to be dried and ground separately.
(Grinding plants may be at separate locations from clinker production plants.)
The kind of cement grinding process and the plant concept chosen at a specific site depend on
the cement type to be produced. Of special importance are the grindability, the humidity and
the abrasive behaviour of the compounds of the cement type produced.
Most mills work in a closed circuit, that is, they can separate cement with the required fineness
from the material being ground and return coarse material to the mill.
For white cement production, final grinding is one of the most essential steps along with the
selection of appropriate types of gypsum with high purity. For increasing the fineness and for
decreasing the grinding time, an appropriate grinding aid (up to 1 %) is used, which results in
an increase of whiteness of between 5 – 7 %. Furthermore, finely ground microfillers like white
marble or quartz glass, pure silica gel, mica or talc, kaolin (or metakaolin) or powders with
traces of TiO2 could be used in relatively small quantities.
4- Storage of cement
Both pneumatic and mechanical conveying systems can be used for transporting cement to
storage silos. Mechanical systems normally have a higher investment cost but a much lower
operating cost than pneumatic transport. A combination of air-slide or screw/chain conveyors
with a chain bucket elevator is the most commonly used conveying system.
Different cements are stored separately in silos. Usually various silos are required for the
storage of cements. However, new silo designs allow the storage of more than one type of
cement in the same silo. The silo configurations used for cement storage are:
• single-cell silos with a discharge hopper
• single-cell silos with a central cone
• multi-cell silos
Compressed air is used to initiate and maintain the cement discharge process from these silos
via aeration pads located at the bottom of the silo.[10]
1 Austria, U. (1997). "Basic criteria for BAT cement/Information for cement and lime
4 CEMBUREAU (1997 November). "BAT for the cement industry, November 1997 /
Information for reconsideration and updating of permit conditions 1994 obtained during
a plant visit 1997 and information communicated at other occasions / Information for