Cyber Hunter-Installer
Cyber Hunter-Installer
Cyber Hunter-Installer
[2019-09-01 23:55:37]:[INFO] md5 of install file is:
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] uuid not exist, ret: 2
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] generate uuid success.
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] get uuid success.
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] Find install file: C:\Users\Xhavit-
Baba\Downloads\cyber_hunter_20190825.exe ...
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] Obtain installation file size information...
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] [C:\Users\Xhavit-
Baba\Downloads\cyber_hunter_20190825.exe] filesize:2381082910,
unpack_size:2975919430, start_pos:4433920
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] Total package size: 2381082910, Total size after
installation: 2975919430
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] os version: 10.0 sp0; isWin10=1
[2019-09-01 23:55:40]:[INFO] Check the current monitor color bit depth: 1
[2019-09-01 23:55:41]:[INFO] show dialog at scale=1.00, sw=1366, sh=768, w=1366,
h=768, dpi=96
[2019-09-01 23:55:48]:[INFO] A http thread is exist!
[2019-09-01 23:55:48]:[INFO] The installation path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cyber
[2019-09-01 23:55:51]:[ERROR] HTTP get [
3cf8626b470b&state=Ienter_v0] failed, err: The operation timed out