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Entalpia de Neutralizacion PDF

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Determination of the enthalpy of neutralisation


Related concepts Pipettor 36592.00 1

Enthalpy of neutralisation, calorimetry, heat capacity. Rubber bulb, double 39287.00 1
Pinchcock, w = 15 mm 43631.15 1
Principle Heating coil with sockets 04450.00 1
When a strong acid is neutralised with a strong base in dilute Work and power meter 13715.93 1
solution, the same amount of heat is always released. If the reac- Universal power supply 13500.93 1
tion takes place under isobaric conditions, this heat is known as Connection cable, l = 500 mm, black 07361.05 4
the enthalpy of neutralisation. The chemical reaction which gen- Magnetic heating stirrer 35720.93 1
erates this heat is the reaction of protons and hydroxyl ions to Magnetic stirrer bar, l = 30 mm, oval 35680.04 1
form undissociated water. It therefore correlates to the enthalpy Separator for magnetic bars 35680.03 1
of formation of water from these ions. Support rod, l = 500 mm, M10 thread 02022.20 1
Right angle clamp 37697.00 2
Tasks Universal clamp 37715.00 2
1. Measure the temperature change during the neutralisation of Laboratory balance
a dilute potassium hydroxide solution with dilute hydrochlo- with data output, 800/1600/3200 g 48803.93 1
ric acid. Volumetric flask, 500 ml 36551.00 2
2. Calculate the enthalpy of neutralisation. Glass beaker, 100 ml, tall 36002.00 1
Glass beaker, 600 ml, tall 36006.00 1
Pasteur pipettes 36590.00 1
Equipment Rubber bulbs 39275.03 1
Cobra3 Basic-Unit 12150.00 1 Stop watch, digital, 1/100 s 03071.01 1
Power supply 12 V/2 A 12151.99 1 Wash bottle, 500 ml 33931.00 1
Data cable, RS232 14602.00 1 Potassium hydroxide for 1 l
Temperature measuring module Pt 100 12102.00 1 of 1 M solution, ampoule 31425.00 1
Software Cobra 3 Temperature 14503.61 1 Hydrochloric acid for 1 l
Temperature probe Pt 100 11759.01 1 of 1 M solution, ampoule 30271.00 1
Calorimeter, transparent 04402.00 1 Water, distilled, 5 l 31246.81 1
Delivery pipette, 50 ml 04402.10 1 PC, Windows® 95 or higher

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up.

PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Chemistry • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen P3020811 1
Determination of the enthalpy of neutralisation

Set-up and procedure acid out of the delivery pipette into the potassium hydroxide
Set up the experiment as shown in Fig. 1 but for the time being solution in the calorimeter. To do this, first clamp a pinchcock
do not connect the heating coil to the work and power meter. onto the tube of the rubber bulb, blow up the air reservoir of the
Prepare the potassium hydroxide solution required (cKOH = rubber bulb and quickly release the pinchcock. Continue to
2 mol/l) by dissolving one ampoule of potassium hydroxide for measure until a new equilibrium has been reached. Subse-
1 l of 1 M solution in a 500 ml volumetric flask and topping off quently perform electrical calibration to determine
with water to the calibration mark. Proceed in a similar fashion the total heat capacity of the calorimeter. Supply 10 V AC to the
with a second 500 ml volumetric flask using 1 ampoule of work and power meter for the electric heating. Push the <Reset>
hydrochloric acid for 1 l of 1 M solution to produce hydrochloric button and then put the free ends of the heating coil
acid of the same concentration (cHCl = 2 mol/l). connection cables into the output jacks. The system is now con-
tinuously heated and the supplied quantity of energy is mea-
Connect the temperature probe to T1 of the measuring module. sured. The temperature increase in the system should be
Call up the Measure programme in Windows and enter approximately 2 K. When this value has been reached, switch off
<Temperature> as measuring instrument. Set the measuring the heating and read the exact quantity of electrical energy sup-
parameters as shown in Fig. 2. Under <Diagram 1> select plied. After a further three minutes, stop the recording of tem-
Temperature T0a, the appropriate range for the temperature and perature.
the X bounds and ‘auto range‘. Now calibrate your sensor under Fig. 3 shows the graph as it is presented by the programme
<Calibrate> by entering a temperature value measured with a when the measurement is stopped. If you use <survey> from the
thermometer and pressing <Calibrate>. After having made these toolbar you can read the temperature difference data.
settings, press <Continue> to reach the field for the recording of
measured values. Arrange the displays as you want them. Theory and evaluation
Pour approximately 750 g water and 60 g of the 2 M potassium The value of the enthalpy of neutralisation ∆RH for the reaction
hydroxide solution (both weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 g) into of strong acids with strong bases is independent of which strong
the calorimeter. Using a delivery pipette and a pipettor, draw acid or base is used, because the heat of reaction is generated
around 50 ml of the 2 M hydrochloric acid from a small glass by the reaction of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions to form water.
beaker. The exact mass of the hydrochloric acid contained in the
delivery pipette is calculated from the difference between the H+ + OH- S H2O ∆RH = -57.3 kJ · mol-1
masses of the filled and the empty delivery pipette (accuracy
0.1 g). The 600 ml beaker is used as a pipette stand. In the case of the neutralisation of weak acids and bases, addi-
Place the filled calorimeter on the magnetic stirrer, put in the oval tional heat effects arise from dissociation, hydration and associ-
magnetic stirrer bar and switch on the stirrer (Caution: Do not ation of molecules, so that the value of the enthalpy of neutrali-
switch on the heating unit by mistake!). Push the delivery pipette sation will differ to that given above.
through the cap of the calorimeter from below and mount the lid The heat capacity of the system must be determined in order to
on the calorimeter vessel. Now attach the pipette to the support be able to determine the system change in enthalpy ∆h. This is
rod using a clamp in such a manner that the opening is above undertaken, after completion of the neutralisation reaction, by
the level of the liquid and that the stirrer bar can rotate unhin- introducing a specific amount of heat into the filled calorimeter
dered. Insert the heating coil and the temperature probe into the using electrical heating. The electrical energy Wel = I · U · t
lid of the calorimeter and fix them in position. which is converted into heat Q causes an increase in tempera-
ture ∆Tcal. From this the heat capacity of the system Csys can be
When the temperature equilibrium has been reached (after calculated using equation (1).
approximately 10 min) start the measurement by pushing <Start
measurement>. Wait 3 to 4 minutes, then blow the hydrochloric Q = I · U · t = Csys . ∆Tcal = Wel (1)

Fig. 2: Measurement parameters

Fig. 3: Temperature-time curve of neutralisation and deter-
mining the heat capacity of the system

2 P3020811 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Chemistry • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen
Determination of the enthalpy of neutralisation

Using the heat capacity of the system, the enthalpy of neutrali-

sation ∆RH can be calculated from the temperature increase ∆T
of the neutralisation reaction for a known amount n of converted
hydrochloric acid.

Csys · ∆T rHCl
∆RH ⫽ ⫺ ⫽ ⫺ ⫽ Csys · ∆T (2)
n cHCl · mHCl

n Amount of hydrochloric acid introduced

cHCl Concentration of hydrochloric acid (= 2 mol/l)
mHCl Mass of hydrochloric acid introduced
rHCl Density of hydrochloric acid (= 1.0344 g/ml for 2 M HCl
at 20°C)
∆RH Enthalpy of neutralisation
Csys Heat capacity of system

For reasons of simplification it is assumed that the heat capaci-

ty of the dilute salt solution differs only negligibly from that of

Data and results

Enthalpy of neutralisation:
∆RH = -57.3 kJ · mol-1

PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Chemistry • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen P3020811 3
Determination of the enthalpy of neutralisation

4 P3020811 PHYWE series of publications • Laboratory Experiments • Chemistry • © PHYWE SYSTEME GMBH & Co. KG • D-37070 Göttingen

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