Atmospheric Crude Column 1
Atmospheric Crude Column 1
Atmospheric Crude Column 1
Atmospheric Crude Columns are one of the most important pieces of
equipment in the petroleum refining industry. Typically located after the
Desalter and the Crude Furnace, the Atmospheric Tower serves to distil
the crude oil into several different cuts. These include naphtha,
kerosene, light diesel, heavy diesel and AGO.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Before beginning this module you will need to know how to:
Process Overview
Column Overview
Atmospheric Crude Column 5
1. Return to the Basis Environment, enter the Oil Manager then enter
Oil Environment view.
2. Under the Cut/Blend tab, select the default crude blend and click
the View button.
The Distribution Plots tab
displays a bar chart
3. Go to the Tables tab. This is where the information is displayed.
depicting how an assay 4. Using the Oil Distributions Table Type and the Straight Run cut
would be roughly distributed
in a fractionation column.
option, complete the following table:
6 Atmospheric Crude Column
3. Check the Water Draw checkbox and name the stream Waste Water.
Atmospheric Crude Column 7
Figure 1
4. Move to the next page of the Input Expert. Enter the following data:
Figure 2
8 Atmospheric Crude Column
5. Move to the next page of the Input Expert. Enter the following data:
Figure 3
6. Move to the next screen of the Input Expert. Enter 0 kgmole/h in the
Vapour Rate field as shown.
Figure 4
7. After clicking Done, you are placed on the Column Property View.
Move to the Design tab and open the Monitor page.
Atmospheric Crude Column 9
The first side operation of each type will be added using the side ops
input expert. This tool is design to simplify the process for adding side
operations to columns.
1. On the Side Ops tab, click the Side Ops Input Expert button.
2. The Side Ops Input Expert is really five experts in one interface. The
first page of the input expert is for adding reboiled side strippers,
and the other pages are for different side operations.
When entering the stream
names, do not enter the 3. In this part of the module, a steam stripped side stripper is the
"@COL1" this term is added operation that we want to install. Click the Next button once to
automatically by HYSYS.
move to the appropriate input expert for this type of operation.
10 Atmospheric Crude Column
4. Click the Add Side Stripper button, and complete the view with the
following connections:
Figure 5
5. Click the Install button. HYSYS will now add the side stripper and
associated streams to the simulation.
6. The next side operation that we will add is the pump around for the
AGO section of the column. Again, this operation will be added by
using the input expert for pump around operations.
7. Click the Next button twice to get to the appropriate input expert.
8. Click the Add Pump Around button to add the operation. Define it
with the information shown below.
Atmospheric Crude Column 11
Figure 6
12 Atmospheric Crude Column
13. On the Work Sheet tab, enter the following information for the AGO
Steam stream:
After making substantial 14. Return to the Design tab and Monitor page. Ensure that the Degrees
changes to a column’s of Freedom is 0.
design, it may be necessary
to reset the specified values 15. Click the Run button to converge the column.
before the column will
converge. Simply click the
Reset icon.
2. Click the Install button when you are finished and close the view
Atmospheric Crude Column 13
3. On the Side Ops tab, select Pump Arounds and click the Add button.
Enter the following information:
4. Click the Install button, and you will be moved to the second part of
the installation process. Under the first active and second active
specs, add the following information to complete the specifications
for this pump around.
6. Return to the Design tab and Monitor page. Ensure that the Degrees
of Freedom is 0.
7. Click the Run button to converge the column.
14 Atmospheric Crude Column
3. Return to the Design tab and Monitor page. Ensure the Degrees of
Freedom is 0.
4. Click the Run button to converge the column.
Atmospheric Crude Column 15
Adding an Energy stream that is not fully defined creates one degree of
freedom for the column. Therefore, we need to add another
specification to the column in order for it to solve.
3. Go to the Monitor page and click the Add Spec button in the
Specification group.
4. Choose Column Liquid Flow from the list that appears. Click the
Add Spec button.
5. Enter the data as shown (if using Field units, the flow value will be
3500 bbl/d) and make the specification Active.
Figure 7
16 Atmospheric Crude Column
Figure 8
8. Return to the Monitor page and ensure that the Degrees of Freedom
= 0. Click Run to converge the column.
Atmospheric Crude Column 17
The Distribution Plot page in the Oil Manager (under the Blend view)
shows the cut points that were used to generate that plot. In order to
maximize the proportion of Kerosene the Cut Point range is widened
18 Atmospheric Crude Column
following table:
To maximize the products, you will need to add Cut Point specifications
to replace the product flow specifications.
Exercise 1
Maximize the Production of Full Range Naphtha
To maximize the production of Naphtha, it is necessary to increase its 95
vol% cutpoint temperature. At the same time, the Kerosene’s 5 vol%
cutpoint temperature will show a corresponding increase as the lighter
Kerosene components are transferred into the Naphtha product
(becoming the heavier Naphtha components). By changing the flow rate
specifications for both the Naphtha and Kerosene products to ASTM
D86 95% vol% cutpoints, we can maximize the production of a full range
Naphtha from the column.
Atmospheric Crude Column 19
Exercise 2
Maximize the Production of a Full Range Kerosene
To maximize the production of Kerosene, its boiling point range has to
be expanded. The ASTM D86 95 vol% cutpoint for Naphtha should be
lowered to 162°C (325°F), the base case value, and the 95 vol% of
Kerosene raised to 275°C (525°F). Change the Diesel product flowrate
specification to an ASTM D86 95 vol% cutpoint specification of 330°C
20 Atmospheric Crude Column
Exercise 3
Maximize the Production of a Full Range Diesel
The production of Diesel can be maximized in a similar manner to
maximizing Kerosene. The ASTM D86 95 vol% for Naphtha is 162°C
(325°F). The Kerosene ASTM D86 95 vol% is lowered to 220°C (430°F).
The ASTM 95 vol% Diesel specification should be increased to 360°C
(675°F). Since the AGO flowrate will have to change, its flowrate
specification should be changed to an ASTM D86 95 vol% cutpoint
specification of 415°C (780°F).