Button Mushroom Cultivation
Button Mushroom Cultivation
Button Mushroom Cultivation
Dr. B. Vijay
Directorate of Mushroom Research
A.bisporus is a temperate mushroom and requires 16 -
18C for its fructification. Its cultivation can be divided
into under mentioned heads
• Production or procurement of spawn
• Production of compost
• Spawning
• Casing
• Raising of crop
N% 0.4-1.0%
CN ratio of veg. Base maerials is high ,it has to be
supplemented with N sources to bring it down to start
• urea
• calcium ammonium nitrate,
• ammonium sulfate
• Muriate of potash
• Superphosphate
• Gypsum
• Calcium carbonate
Ingredients Fresh wt Moisture Dry wt N% Kg N
(kg) (kg) % (kg)
Wheat straw 300.0 10 270.0 0.40 1.08
Wheat bran 15.0 10 13.5 2.00 0.27
Chicken manure 125.0 10 112.5 2.60 2.93
Urea 5.50 -- 5.5 46.0 2.53
Gypsum 20.0 -- 20.0 -- --
Total wt. 465.5 421.5 6.81
N% = 1.61
Standard formulations
Long method Short method
Wheat straw 1000 kg Wheat straw 1000 kg
CAN 30 kg Chicken manure 400 kg
Super phosphate 25 kg Brewer's grains 72 kg
Urea 12 kg Urea 14.5 kg
Sulphate of Potash 10 kg Gypsum 30 kg
Wheat bran 100 kg
Molasses 16.6 Litres
Gypsum 50 kg
Elemental requirement of white button mushroom compost
N 1.5 -1.8%
P2O5 1.2-1.5%
K2O 2.0-2.3%
CaO 1.5-3%
MgO 0.4-0.5%
Formulations should be so designed that starting
mixture should have:
C: N ratio at the starting phase 30:1
Cold N % 1.5-1.75
Final C: N ratio 20-16:1
Long method
Wheat straw/ Paddy straw(equal quantity) 300kg
Calcium Ammonium Nitrate 9 kg
MOP 3 kg
Super phosphate 3kg
Urea 4 kg
Wheat Bran 25 kg
Gypsum 15 kg
Short Method
• Wheat straw = 1000kg
• Wheat Bran = 100kg
• Chicken manure = 500kg
• Urea = 15kg
• Gypsum = 40 kg
Flow Chart Compost (LMC)
Wetting of the Straw Wetting of the ingredients
Pile Formation
Ist Turning
IInd Turning
Treat it with 1.5 liters of formaldehyde + 50 gms.
Bavistin + 40 liters of water/ ton of compost
Water requirement:
(1 kg) of Mushroom
2 litres
• Evaporation loss: 1 litre
• 54 to 83% of water
extraction from
• 17-46% from the casing
Pre wetting operation
• Centrifugal force
• pressure: <2.5kg/cm2
• Pasteurization tunnels
Air flow rate: 150-175
• Pressure: 800-100 mm
Phase I
PPC at 45 - 52°C
+2 Day
+ 3 day: Emptying the tunnel, turning and mixing of the compounding mixture and r
re-filling the compost in another phase-I tunnel