Incident Flash Report: HPI Reportable Injury

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This is not an investigation report. The information below is the preliminary assessment of the incident and is not a formal review of the
incident. This has been sent to you to encourage you to review your situation in the hope that this will prevent a similar incident at your

 HPI  Reportable Injury

Actual Outcome: Equipment Damage Potential Outcome: Serious Injuries

Operation: Date: Location/Department:

Paracatu Friday, June 14, 2019 4:48:00 AM Operation - Mine, Mem and Mine/Mine Operation
Utilities - Mine Management -
Mine Operation Department

On 06/14/2019, the operator of a small water truck contacted the central berm and tipped over. The operator
Description of
went to the clinic and no injury.
the incident:

• The operator was sent to medical clinic for evaluation;

Immediate • No fatigue was reported and there were no signs of alcohol use;
• Isolated the area;
Action Taken: • Evaluation of local conditions;
• Initiated the investigation process.

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