What Do You Do If?-Conditionals

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES What do you do if...?

Activity Type Introduction

Reading and speaking Here is an entertaining board game to help students practice the
activity, group work zero conditional.

Language Focus
Explain that the students are going to play a board game where
Zero conditional
they ask and answer 'What do you do if...?' questions using the
'What do you do if...?' zero conditional.
questions and answers
Divide the students into groups of four.

Aim Give each group a copy of the game board, a dice and counters.

To ask and answer Students place their counters on the start square.
'What do you do if...?'
questions using the zero Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter
conditional. along the board.

When a player lands on a square, the student to their right asks

Preparation them a 'What do you do if...?' question from the prompt on the
Make one copy of the square.
game board for each
group of four. Enlarge The player then tries to answer the question appropriately by
the game board to A3 making a zero conditional sentence.
if possible. You will also
need to prepare some If the player forms the sentence correctly, they stay on the square.
dice and counters.
If not, the player must go back to their previous square.

Level If the group is unsure about an answer, they can reject it.

Intermediate The first player to reach the finish wins the game.

As an alternative, you could have the students miss a turn instead

Time of going back to their previous square.
30 minutes

Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES What do you do if...?

…you can't …there is …people push

…you get
Finish sleep at
nothing to in front of you
night? watch on TV? in a queue?

…you receive Oh no!

…you cut
bad service in Go back to
a restaurant? the start

…a shop
…you don't
assistant Super Skip!
want to …the Internet
gives you Move
do your goes down?
too much Ahead

…you need to …you want

…you feel
borrow some to do some
money? exercise?

…you don't
Miss a …you get a
turn headache?
your teacher?

…you feel …you Move

bored at can't find ahead 2
home? something? spaces

…you are …you feel …you

locked out of sleepy during forget your
your home? the day? homework?

…you feel
Oh no! …you wake up …you eat too
hungry at
Go back late for class? much?

Move …you have to near you in
ahead 2 prepare for a cinema Start
spaces an exam? makes a lot of

Teach-This.com © 2017 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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