1. The document provides a checklist of steps to prepare an aircraft for takeoff, the takeoff procedure, and procedures for a normal descent after takeoff.
2. It includes checks of aircraft systems, adjustments of controls and trims, setting of navigation equipment, running of engine tests, verification of parameters before liftoff, and instructions for climbing and descending after takeoff.
3. The checklist is detailed and ensures verification of over 30 items ranging from air conditioning to emergency equipment to navigation aids to engine indicators before commencing the different phases of flight.
1. The document provides a checklist of steps to prepare an aircraft for takeoff, the takeoff procedure, and procedures for a normal descent after takeoff.
2. It includes checks of aircraft systems, adjustments of controls and trims, setting of navigation equipment, running of engine tests, verification of parameters before liftoff, and instructions for climbing and descending after takeoff.
3. The checklist is detailed and ensures verification of over 30 items ranging from air conditioning to emergency equipment to navigation aids to engine indicators before commencing the different phases of flight.
Original Description:
Standar operasi pesawat grob 120 tp siswa sekbang terpadu TNI
1. The document provides a checklist of steps to prepare an aircraft for takeoff, the takeoff procedure, and procedures for a normal descent after takeoff.
2. It includes checks of aircraft systems, adjustments of controls and trims, setting of navigation equipment, running of engine tests, verification of parameters before liftoff, and instructions for climbing and descending after takeoff.
3. The checklist is detailed and ensures verification of over 30 items ranging from air conditioning to emergency equipment to navigation aids to engine indicators before commencing the different phases of flight.
1. The document provides a checklist of steps to prepare an aircraft for takeoff, the takeoff procedure, and procedures for a normal descent after takeoff.
2. It includes checks of aircraft systems, adjustments of controls and trims, setting of navigation equipment, running of engine tests, verification of parameters before liftoff, and instructions for climbing and descending after takeoff.
3. The checklist is detailed and ensures verification of over 30 items ranging from air conditioning to emergency equipment to navigation aids to engine indicators before commencing the different phases of flight.
BEFORE START Cx 1 Air Cond - ON ( 2kali klik) 1 Level Hdg to R/W / Resiprocal Hdg area 1 Nose Wheel center 1 Straps adjust. 2 Fan - as Req 2 Power 50% Trq 3 Master Avionic - ON 2 Hold Breake 2 Rudder Pedals – Adjust 3 Continue Ign off 4 ADF, UHF & DME - Set 3 Altimeter Setting/elevation 3 Parking brake – SET 4 Engine instrument Cx 5 Bustie - Auto 4 Harnes secured 5 Fuel Cx Balance 4 Control – Cx 5 Rudder Trim -Cx & set Full Right 5 Canopy Closed & Lock 6 Locality & location *left good, right good set full right* 5 All CB in 6 Fuel Balanced 7 Call request leaving area 6 Aeleron Trim - cx & set Balance 7 Anti Collition Light – On *p= Jogja,J782 6 All Switches – OFF *left good, right good set balance* 7 Elevator Trim - cx & set balance 8 Landing Light – On *t= Go ahead 7 Emerg L/G Handle – Cx *left good, right good set balance* *p= J782 exercise complete req landing 9 Continues Ignition – On 8 Trim Gauge – Cx 8 Flap - Cx for normal / PFL 10 Flap T/O *T/O left vis down,rigt vis down,idctr T/O* *t=J782 clear for leaving area 9 PL - Cx Full then Idle *Land, -----''------, idctr Land* 11 Open Power 50 % contact marmo tower 122.7 10 CL - CUT OFF *full, ----''----, idctr full* *confirm for 50 cx Sir* *p= contact marmo tower 122.7 j782 *up, left vis coming up, right vis 12 Eng Inst Cx six in green 11 Fuel Tank Select – LEFT *p= Marmo,J782 coming up, idctr coming up* 13 Power Flight Idle *t= J782, go ahead 12 Bleed Knob - PUSH IN 9 Continues Ignition - Cx 14 Call ready for Departure *p= J782 exercise complete req landing *cont ign off, CAWS off* 13 Flaps - Cx & UP *cont ign on, CAWS on* *p=j782lineup ready to T/O* for normal / PFL *t= J782 R/W in use 26 QNH 1011 descend 14 Magnetic Compass – Cx 10 Intake Heat - Cx Amp ↑ 70 TOT↑ *T=j782 clear for take off* *Cx gen,ijin Sir gen 30 akan tambah 70 to 2000 ft report over sambi. 15 CAWS – Cx *p=cleared for t/o j782,confirm jadi 100.Intake intake now,jkt1-jkt5 *p= R/W in use 26 QNH 1011 descend 16 GPS 1 – Cx steady,release ready Sir* to 2000 ft report over sambi J782 ijin Sir generator normal TAKE OFF TRAFFIC ENTRY 17 GPS 2 – Cx 11 OVSP Gov Test 1 Release brake 1 Continue Ign on 18 UHF – Cx - CL full, PL idle 2 Landing & taxi light on 2 Open pwr to 85 - 92% Stby Right Rudder 19 ADF – Cx open power til N2 1800-1850 rpm 3 Power 50% trq hold ovsp switch 1sec,release *direction power,direction power* 20 EDM Display – Cx N2 decrease 40,rising,stabilize *direction speed,direction speed)>85% 4 Engine Instr cx normal 5 Fuel balance 21 L/G Handle - Cx Down - PL flight idle 3 Maintain Direction DESCENT (sambil mmbcakan descend brief) 12 Stby Fuel Pump - Cx 22 Airspeed – Cx - Fuel pump off 4 cx v-60, unstick Normal Descent Check V -75 rotation 1 Nose Down 2,5° 23 Needle & Ball – Cx - Cx Stby pump at CAWS warn on - Fuel pump on 2 Power 20% trq 24 Accelerometer - Cx & Reset Check V- 90, Vario positive up 13 Stby Pump - Reset & set Auto CAWS off 3 V-160 kias 5 Safe altitude - L/G Up 25 AH – Cx 14 Cx Flight Instr. Alignment 4 VVI ± 1800 fpm set course=hdg R/W in use After L/G 1,2,3 up & handle light off, Power Idle Descent 26 EHSI – Cx set bug=rsprcal R/W (pattern) *confirm L/G up Sir* 1 Nose Down 4° 27 DME – Cx Hdg area (exercise) *after L/G 123 up,handle light off* 2 Power flight idle 15 Call Ready Taxi 28 Altimeter – Cx *p=j782 star complte,redy for taxy* 6 Flaps - Up *confirm flaps up Sir* 3 V-180 kias 4 VVI ± 2700 fpm 29 VSI – Cx *T=taxy app R/W26 via filet2 sqwk numb AFTER TAKE OFF CHECK Rapid Descent 3405,rport entering fillet 2* 1 After Take off Check 30 Clock – CX & Set p=taxy app R/W26 via filet2 sqwk numb 1 Pitch/Nose down 8° - L/G up, handle light off 31 Alt. Static Selector – Guarded 3405, report entering fillet 2, J782 2 Power flight idle - Flaps Up 16 Transponder - Set 3 V-200 kias 32 ELT Control Panel – Arm - L/H and R/H fuel cap secure 17 Wheel chocks - Removed 4 VVI ± 3500 fpm 33 OAT Indicator – Cx 19 Taxi Light - ON 2 Ldg Light & Taxi Light - Off *p= J782 over sambi 2000ft BLOW TAXI 3 V- 120 KIAS power 75 % trq *t= J782 join to long final RW 26 report 1 Hold brake, parking brake off *direction,speed,power* long final / J782 make one orbit on sambi 1 Fuel Pump - ON 2 Clearing *direction,speed,altitude* / Hold over sambi *p= report long final j782 2 Stby Fuel Pump - AUTO *left clear,front clear,right clear 4 800ft Clearing,*left clear,front clear,right clear 3 Release brake BEFORE LANDING CX 3 Start switch blow & hold until 5 900 ft Turning,*left clear,front clear,right clear* 4 Clear of shelter brake cx operation 1 L/G down 3 green *bank 20 nose,hrzon,bank* 2 Continue Ign on TOT below 120°C & max 20" 6 Check needle & ball,EHSI &magnetic *nose,hrzon,altitude* 3 Flaps landing/as required compas during run 4 Start swicth off *turn right,needle right,ball left 6 Call tower leaving traffic 4 All light on (Anti Coll, Nav, Taxi, Ldg) 5 Parking brake off 5 Wait until N1 0 % EHSI&magcompas increase* *p=j782 leaving traffic passing 1500ft 6 Toes off *turn left,needle left,ball right, proceed to area 32* 6 Continue normal start *t=j782 cntinue climb to intented alt 4000ft EHSI&magcompas decrease* AFT LAND CX START ENGINE 5 Beta cx contact Jog apprch 123.4* 1 Parking Brake - Set 1 Batt - ON cx min. volt 24 *confirm Beta Cx Sir, Beta good Sir.Left *p=cntinue climb to intended alt 4000ft 2 DME - Off 2 Bustie - ON brake good,right brake good, 3 ADF - Off 3 Nav Light - ON cntact Jog App 123.4, j782* brake good Sir. Berkenan untuk brake 4 Anti Collition Light - Off 4 AH Irect P= Jogja, J782 &beta cx Sir* 5 Landing Light Off 5 External Power - ON *t= J782 go ahead 6 Continue Ign Off 6 CAWS - Cx (tekan RESET 5 sec #selama taxy ke onshort baca bold face *p= J782 departure rihgt turn proceed toarea 32M 7 Flaps - Up sampai suara hilang ) dan depart brief# Sudah di filet 2 call *t= continue proceed to area 32M call reaching area 8 Trim set - Netral 7 Fuel – Balanced & sufficient *p=j782 entering filet2* 9 Parking Brake - Release *ijin Sir fuel unbalance* *J782 hold on short* *p= call when reaching area J782 *t=J782 landed 00.00, exit via F1 jika tidak balance *p=hold on short,J782* 7 1500 ft Continues Ign - Off *p= landed 00.00 exit via F1, J782 Radio - Cx *1,2,3 how do you ON SHORT 8 Engine instrument cx - in green *p= marmo J782 on F1 request taxy read me Sir? Load and clear* 1 Parking Brake – Set CLIMB CHECK back to shelter 8 GPS 1 - Comm 1, Freq. Set 2 Clearing Traffic-D/W,Base,Final,R/W 1 V-120 KIAS *t= continue back to shelter comm1 set to 122.7 stby 123.4 3 Double Cx *p= continue back to shelter, J782 mic 1 monitor 1.3 2 Power 75 % torque - Harnes Tight and locked SHUT DOWN nav 1 set to 116.3 stby 111.5 3 Engine instrument cx- in green - Canopy close & locked 1 Parking Brake - Set 9 Call ATC request start 4 Fuel balance - CAWS check P= *marmo tower LD 1201* 2 Wheel Chock In - Engine instrument – Cx 5 Location - Identified T =*LD 1201 go ahead* 3 Power Lever Flight Iddle P=*LD 1201 controlled by J-782 for - Fuel check – balance - Anti Collition Light – ON 4 Taxy Light - Off ground operation exercise req start* LEVEL OFF CX T =*Start app R/W 26 QNH 2992 - Landing Light – ON 5 ADF, UHF & DME - OFF 1 500 ft before, select Check Point to level temp 26 report ready taxy* - Cont. Ign - ON/Cx Ig CAWS Light 6 Master Avionic - OFF 2 100 ft before, nose down to level P=*start app R/W26 QNH 2992 -Flaps T/O Position 7 After 2 minutes 3 Rough Trim temp 26 report ready taxy J-782* - CL full forward 8 Air Cond - OFF 10 Set QNH from tower - Trim set for T/O 4 V-150 kias, reduce pwr 50% 9 Fan - OFF 11 Canopy - Closed & Locked Control – Cx *free&proper movement* 5 Retrim *canopy closed Sir* 4 Call Tower 10 Bustie - ON 6 Call reaching area 13 Prop area - Clear *p=j782 position on short alpha* 11 Generator - OFF *p= J782 reaching area 32 M *left clear,front clear,right clear *T=j782 clear for lineup r/w26 redy to dept 12 CL - OFF 14 Fire guard posted *t= J782 report when leaving *p=report ready to dept j782* 13 at N1 5% Stby Pump - OFF *confirm area clear Sir* #stlh perintah atc clear lineup# *p= report when leaving J782 14 Fuel Pump - OFF 15 Fuel Pump - ON anticol,landing light,cont ign-ON PRE MANUVER CHECK *cx fuel press min 12 max 24 psi* 15 Nav Light - OFF Flaps T/O position baca eotd,dept brief 1 H - Height sufficient for recovery 16 Stby Fuel Pump - AUTO 16 Bustie - OFF 2 A - Airframe Clean ( L/G up Flap up) 17 TOT - Cx below 150 17 Battery - OFF 3 S - Security, Harness Secure & Locked 18 Starter - ON 18 AH - Reset. No loose article *confirm start Sir* 4 C - Continue Ign ON 19 Parking Brake - Release *contact, starting starting now* 19 N1 15% - CL Full Forward 6 E - Engine Instrument Cx in green 20 TOT - Light up within 3 Sec. 7 L - Locality ( in the area ) 21 Ign Light off at N1 58% 8 L - Look Out-No other traffic & cloud 22 N1 - Cx stabilizes above 60% 23 N2 – Minimum 1220 RPM 24 Generator - ON 25 External Power switch - OFF 26 N1 and TOT – Monitor