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Jean A. Olbuda
Reah Mae T. Garcia
QuennieG. Malayan
Jollibee M. Petronilo
Phoebe Anne T.Permale




Republic of the Philippines
New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 8105
Website:; Telephone #: 63 84 6284301
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This paper is a property of the Institute of Management, Governance, and

Continuing Studies (IMaGoCS) of Davao del Norte State College. The reproduction,

redistribution and any form of plagiarism shall not be allowed, if caught shall be dealt

with law. Citing the content of this study shall not be allowed without the consent of

the IMaGoCS’ Dean.

Plagiarism is a crime.

Republic of the Philippines
New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 8105
Website:; Telephone #: 63 84 6284301
Email Address:;


This completed research entitled “CLIENT SATISFACTION ON THE

year students in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, Bachelor of
Public Administration, is hereby approved and accepted.

Sadie M. Law-ay
Date Signed

Sadie M. Law-ay Elmer Namoc

Member, Advisory Committee Member, Advisory Committee

________________ ________________
Date Signed Date Signed

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Public


Dean, IMaGoCS
Date Signed

Study No : ________________
Received by : ________________
Date : ________________


The researchers would like to extend their sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the
following individuals who imparted their knowledge and support throughout the
course of this study. To all of you. Thank you very much!

To our parents, guardians and love ones for the love, understanding and for
the unending support while the researchers was in the peak of this writing.

First to Prof. Sadie, thank you for the guidance, patience and knowledge that
brought this requirement into its completion.

To Dr. GlenneLagura, our program chairperson who gave us suggestions and

cheered us up to complete this study. His constant reminders, and corrections in the
technical and the contents part of the paper have helped a lot in the involvement of
the manuscript.

The researchers would also like to show gratitude for all the panel members,
Prof. Sadie M. Law’ay, Prof. Elmer Namoc, their expertise in the field of research
helped a lot in attaining the standards of research and laying their knowledge in the
foundations of the research procedures making it a piece we could truly be proud of;

To our Statistician Ma’am Nikka Agbas for her time expertise and effort in the
conduct of our study.

To our grammarian () who gave time and effort in correcting the grammar of
this study.
And above all, toour Almighty God. Above All. We thanked the Almighty Father

for the provision of this opportunity, for giving us strength, knowledge and wisdom to

endure everything and for allowing us to grow in various aspects which may be very

helpful in our future understandings. All the glory, honor and praises belong to Him


And the lone wolf dies but the packs survives! –House Stark



Title Page ……………………................... i

Disclaimer ............................................. ii
Approval Sheet ............................................. iii
Acknowledgement ............................................. iv
Table of Contents ............................................. v
List of Tables ............................................. vii
List of Figures ............................................. viii
List of Abbreviations ............................................. ix
List of Appendices …………………………………… x
Abstract …………………………………… xi


Background of the Study …………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem …………………………………… 7

Significance of the Study …………………………………… 9

Conceptual Framework …………………………………… 10

Theory Based …………………………………… 11

Definition of Terms …………………………………… 11


Research Design …………………………………… 14

Research Locale …………………………………… 15

Population and Sample …………………………………… 16

Research Instruments …………………………………… 17

Data Collection …………………………………… 18

Statistical Tool …………………………………... 19







Table 1. Distribution of Respondents ……………………………. 17

For Students

Table 2. Description of Likert Scale

use on the Level of Satisfaction ................................... 18

Table 3.Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction

of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the dimension of Assurance ................................... 22

Table 4.Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction

of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the dimension of Empathy ................................... 23

Table 5.Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction

of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the dimension of Reliability ................................... 24

Table 6.Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction

of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the dimension of Responsiveness................................... 24

Table 7.Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction
of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the dimension of Tangibility ................................... 25

Table 8. Summary of the overall means of

Customer Satisfaction on DNSC Students
towards Service Quality ................................... 26

Table 9. Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards

Service Quality According to BPA Program ................................... 27

Table 10. Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards

Service Quality According to BSDRM Program ................................... 29

Table 11. . Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards

Service Quality According to BS-ENTREP Program................................... 30

Table 12. . Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards

Service Quality According to BSSW Program ................................... 31

Table 13.. Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards

Service Quality According to BSTM Program ................................... 32

Table 14. Significant Difference in terms of Course................................... 33

Table 15. Significant Difference in terms of

Frontline Offices ................................... 34


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study ……………………...... 10

Figure 2. Geological location of DNSC ………………………… 15


ANOVA - Analysis of Variance

BPA - Bachelor in Public Administration
BSDRM - Bachelor of Science in Disaster Risk Management
BSSW - Bachelor of Science in Social Work
BS-ENTREP - Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
BSTM - Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
OSS - Office of the Student Services
DNSC - Davao del Norte State College
IMaGoCS - Institute of Management, Governance, and Continuing
SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences


Appendix A.
Communication Letters
Appendix B.
Content Validity Form
Appendix C.
Lime Survey sample questionnaire
Appendix D.
Letter for Grammarian


Reah Mae T. Garcia, Quennie G. Malayan, Jean A.Olbuda, Phoebe Anne T.

Permale, and Jollibee M. Petronilo. Davao del Norte State College, New Visayas,
Panabo City, Davao del Norte, December 2018. “Customers Satisfaction towards
Service Quality of Front-Line Offices of Davao Del Norte State College”
Adviser: Sadie M. Law-ay

This research is a quantitative- evaluative study. The aim of this study was to
measure the significant difference between service quality and customer satisfaction
of IMAGOCS first year students in Davao del Norte State College towards the five
frontline offices of the school. It was examined through the five dimensions of
Servqual Model these dimensions are assurance, empathy, responsiveness,
reliability and tangibility.200 students were randomly selected as respondents of this
study. To analyze the gathered data, ANOVA was utilized. Results shows that the
level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices of Davao del
Norte State College is 4.16 with a qualitative description of “Satisfied” it means that the
services of the frontline offices of DNSC still need improvements. The findings showed that
there was a significant difference with the level of customer’s satisfaction towards service
quality of frontline offices in DNSC according to programs. In contrary, there isno significant
difference with the level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of frontline offices
in DNSC according to offices



As years go by, the effectivity of quality service plays a crucial part in every

institution not only in private sectors but also in government entities particularly in

Local Government Units. The Philippine government has been struggling in

exercising public service delivery on how to serve its clients better. Frontline services

act as the main parcel of every organization in providing quality service to its clients.

People from all walks of life, each with different personalities, encounter front-liners

each time they transact business. Front-liners on the other hand, are expected to

accommodate the needs and queries of their clients effectively.

In Vietnam, a study was conducted from 2013 to 2015, about service quality

and students level of satisfaction in selected colleges. The service quality variables

and student satisfaction have a moderately positive correlation that means there is

still room for continuous improvement (Truong et al., 2016).

Another study was conducted in China mentioned that, customers’ satisfaction

should be measured and translated in any business. Total care of customers and

measuring customer satisfaction is now considered as a most reliable feedback. It

can give any business a clear view of their customers, provides in direct, meaningful

and effective of their customer’s expectations, needs and wants (Nguyen, 2014).

Based on the study of Hamid and Dissanayake (2017), perceived

effectiveness of the existing service delivery system of regional or local government

bodies as specifying to individuals and institutional clients to audit the areas to be

improved. The theoretical evidences referred on service quality and service quality

gaps could be used as benchmarks to assess the service delivery excellence of those

local authorities for the said matter. Furthermore, service delivery system on local

authorities needs to be improved with people and systems to provide systematic

service for the stakeholder.

On the other hand, quality in service organization is a measure of the extent to

which a delivered service meets the customers expectations. It is determined by the

customers’ perception and not by the perceptions of the providers of the service.

Service quality can help an organization to differentiate itself from other organizations

and gain a competitive advantage (Awoke, 2015). According to Frost and Sullivan

(2012) in their study, “Public Service Delivery”, since the 1980s governments have

been making huge efforts to improve the performance of their public sectors to meet

the technological and socio-economic challenges of this time. E-government plays

important part in the improvement of public service delivery because it served as the

key strategies for public service reforms. Additionally they mentioned the key

challenges in achieving the public service delivery into two parts; both externally and

internally. In external challenges, they mentioned the gaps between the citizens

increasing demands for producing enough service vs. the shortage and unsatisfying

services rendered. There are also existing problems most specially in providing the

services to some regions and between urban and rural areas. The demand of public

services is growing faster than the economy in some countries.

On the other hand, the internal challenges, governments are faced with

constrains in delivering public services such as lack of efficiency, lack of

accountability, ineffective policy/programs, service ethics, and civil service morale,

and corruption. It is possible to hold public agencies which are responsible and

reliable in providing a quality of services which is directly provided. The World Bank

(2015) posited that, the improvement to public service will never happen without

adequate political, administrative and social institutions, and it requires policymakers,

public servants and service and services providers accountable to citizens. It does

not simply come through policy reforms, administrative engineering, facility

modernization or staff training.

Minyan Zhu & Antonio Peyrache (2015), explained the quality and efficiency of

public service delivery in the Uk and China. Along with their studies the regional

studies examine the efficiency of public service delivery at a regional level in both the

UK and China. The quality of public service delivery is explicitly modelled. In so doing

the quality of public service is becoming increasingly important for the general public

and consequently for policy-makers. In line with the expectation of rising living

standards, demand will tend to shift towards higher quality services rather than larger

quantities of low quality services.

Another study made by Anwar Shah (2005), he stated that the in many

developing countries the weakness of some institutions is the consistency

performance in delivering public service. Hence, he mentioned issues to address the

arching issues in service delivery: first, whether public manager is doing the right

thing—that is, delivering services consistent with citizen preferences; and second,

whether the public manager is doing them right— that is, providing services of a given

quality in the least-cost manner.

The evaluation of effectiveness and efficiency in the state of Perak, Malaysia in

providing service delivery performed by local authorities found out quiet challenging

because they should meet the demand of the clients by providing the enough

services and also for achieving the people’s satisfaction level. In so doing the

effectiveness and efficiency in delivering service will serve as a stepping stone for the

government to be closest to the people (Osman et al., 2014).

In the Philippines, Universities are key players in education and responsible in

the integral formation of professionally competent, service-oriented, principled and

productive citizens. Many researchers conducted service quality studies, researchers

from Philippine State University used the five dimensions of service quality. They

concluded that students’ level of satisfaction is connected with their observations

related to reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles in order to

measure the service quality perceived by the students. The effort of LSPU to

continuously improve the services (academic and administrative) provided to its

clients and stakeholders spell how competitive it is and how far it will reach towards

achieving excellence (Pamatmat et al., 2018).Same study was conducted by Llanera

(2016) entitled as “Level of Student satisfaction on the Frontline Services of CapSU

Satellite Colleges”, in terms of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and

empathy. As the results revealed that the level of student satisfaction of CapSU

Satellite Colleges was very satisfied. Moreover, it reveals that constituents of local

government units of Angeles and San Fernando have similar perceptions on each

unit’s service quality. Their expectations increases and looking for improvement the

next time they will encounter the service. Another factor is as encounter multiples; the

users became familiar and eventually decrease their satisfaction (Reyes, 2013).

In Davao del Norte State College, on best alternative in order to make an

effect in improving Students Services it might use an online and free base application

called Lime Survey in order to gather data efficiently with less expense. To ensure

that all students are evaluating the different services, it can be part of the enrolment

process. In addition, in every semester, there should be an evaluation for the

improvement of different student services not just in the delivery of the information

exchange but also in ensuring that the students are well equipped and fully satisfied

(Tabar et al., 2017).

One major challenge faced by the Philippine government is how to service its

constituents better to meet the undying satisfactions of people in terms of services.

Nowadays, people are kept on complaining to the services of the government, most

of them complaints about the government employees not doing their best due to the

services being delivered are not enough.

On of a study conducted in titled as “Service Quality as a predictor of

Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty,” that effective service quality should

have five specific dimensions, namely tangible such as; physical facilities, equipment,

and appearance of workers. Reliability, ability to perform the promised service

dependably, and accurately. Responsiveness, willingness to help customer and

provide prompt service. Assurance, knowledge and courtesy of workers and their

abilities to inspire trust and confidence. Lastly, empathy focus on individualized

attention, caring the organization provides its customers (Pasuraman, Berry

&Zeithaml, 1985).

Furthermore, customer satisfaction gives significant role in every organization

it reflects on how the administration or department handle its customers in the most

possible ways without any further ado.

Greater demand needs greater satisfaction in delivering services, transparency

and effectiveness of the administration, must bring out. Davao del Norte State

College is a public institution, a premier institution of higher education offers quality

education in lower cost, offers free education for everyone. In recently, Davao del

Norte State College has been accredited to ISO 9001:2008- CERTIFIED International

Standardization Organization (ISO).

Previous research explored customer satisfaction at Davao del Norte State

College regarding to service of all differences offices and service of the campus. This

study aims to assess the customers’ satisfaction towards service quality of five front-

line offices of Davao del Norte State College Campus, namely; Assessment Office,

Cashier’s Office, College Library, OSS Office, and Registrar’s office. Through the aid

of service quality (5) five dimensions, assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness,

and tangibility explored the customers’ expectations of these services. In so doing,

the researchers find the study important to be conducted in order to know what those

frontline offices are failed to perform the five dimensions.

One service quality measurement model that has been extensively applied is

the SERVQUAL model developed by Parasuraman et al, 1985). Servqual as the most

often used approach for, measuring service quality has been to compare customers’

expectations before a service encounter and their perceptions of the actual service

delivered (Gronroos, 1982).

In measuring the five dimensions of service quality survey gain popularities

and widely modified as the basis for understanding service encounters (Wright,

Hines, & Hyde, 2007). However, Dennet, et al., (2000) discussed the nature of a

service means that a customer is present in the delivery process. Both service

outcome, as well as the service process influences the perception of quality. This

implies that expectations are compared with actual service quality and the service

outcome and it is the comparison that leads to perceive quality.

Statement of the problem

The study was conducted in order to find out the level of customer’s satisfaction

on the services offered by frontline Offices of Davao del Norte State College.

Specifically this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level ofcustomer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the

frontline offices of Davao del Norte State College in five dimensions:

A. Assurance;

B. Empathy;

C. Reliability;

D. Responsiveness; and

E. Tangibility?

2. Is there a significant difference on the level of customers’ satisfaction towards
service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC according to programs?

3. Is there a significantdifference on the level of customers’ satisfaction towards

service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC according to office?


The null hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance.

1. There is no significant difference with the level of customer’s satisfaction towards

service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC according to programs.

2. There is a significant difference with the level of customer’s satisfaction towards

service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC according to office.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will help the following:

Students and Clients. The result of this study will help the students and

clients about the services delivery of the institution to address their queries and

concerns about the service delivery of the institution.

DNSC Staff/Employees’. This study will provide an assessment on how their

clients perceive their performance in rendering the services they provide. The output

of this study will help them to improve more their services in accommodating thier

clients in efficient and effective way an also the study may be used as guide in order

to be more responsive to the demands of the clients.

Academe. The study will serve as guideline for the other institutions to adapt

the strategies and practices of this study. It will also help the other researchers in

identifying offices for the service improvement. Study will also provide and help other

researchers for their related literature.

Conceptual Framework


Level of Service Satisfaction of:

 Assurance

 Empathy  BPA

 Reliability  BSTM

 Responsiveness  BS-ENTREP

 Tangibility  BSSW


Service Quality

Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study

The figure presents the whole gamut of the study which adopts the

independent-dependent-outcome model. The independent variables consists of

dimensions of service quality such as assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness

and tangibility. On the other hand, dependent variables states the level of service

satisfaction these are BPA, BSTM, BS-ENTREP, BSSW and BSDRM from

IMAGOCS. In conclusion, the outcome is the improvement of quality service quality of

the frontline offices using service quality dimensions.

Theory Based

This study was anchored on Service Quality Theory of Parasuraman, Zeithaml,

and Berry (1998). SERVQUAL, theory states that the service quality cannot be just

defined by a simple and single definition, and by that service quality has five broad

dimensions that will clearly define and deeply understand service quality; the

reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility.Reliability, this

dimension talks about the integrity and the loyalty of a service provider to their

customers. Responsiveness, it is the ability of a service provider to provide the needs

of the customers willingly and promptly.

Assurance, is the dimension of service quality that builds trust and confidence

of the customers in accepting their services and it also focuses on the employee’s

accuracy, politeness, skills and knowledge about their job. Empathy, fourth dimension

of service quality that talks about proper handling or caring of customers and it is

necessary for a service provider to know preferences of their customers. Tangibility,

the fifth and the last dimension of service quality which talks about the appearance of

the facilities, equipment, technology and other tangible things that may use in

providing services.

Definitions of Terms

The following terms are being defined operationally in the study:

Frontline Services. In this study, these refers the transaction between

customers and the staffs of the five offices of Davao del Norte State College.

Assurance.Refers to the employees’ skills and capabilities, and whether these

skills and capabilities gain and trust and confidence of the customers. It also involves

the following features such as competence, politeness, effective communication and

general attitude that serve customers effectively and efficiently (Gao& Wei, 2004).

Empathy.Refers to how the company cares and gives individualized attention

to their customers, to make the customers feeling extra valued and special. It

includes access, communication and understanding the needs of customer

(Parasuraman et al., 1985).

Offices. These refers to the five offices of this institution which is the

Assessment, Cashier, College Library, Office of Student Services and Registrar


Programs. Refers to five courses in the Institute of Management and

Continuing Studies of this institution: BPA. BSTM, BSSW, BS-ENTREP and BSDRM.

Reliability. Refers how the company are performing and completing their

promised service, quality and accurately within given set requirements between

company and customers (Zeithaml, 2000).

Responsiveness.Refers to the willingness of the company to help its

customers in providing them with a good, quality and fast service. This is also a very

important dimension, because every customer feels more valued if they get the best

possible quality in the service (Hernon&Nitecki, 2000).

Service Quality. Thus defined, as the difference between customer

expectations of service and perceived service. If expectations are greater than

performance, then perceived quality is less than satisfactory and hence customer

dissatisfaction occurs (Lewis and Mitchell, 1990).

Servqual Model. Used to measure both service expectations and perceptions.

The extent of the service provided that meet or exceed the expectations of the

customer will probably determine whether the customer is likely to be satisfied

(Parasuaraman, Zeithaml, and Berry, 1985).

Tangibility. Refers to the appearance of physical factors such as equipment,

facilities used by a service company as well as to the appearance of service

employees. It also has-up-to date equipment, physical facilities are visually appealing

and materials are visually appealing (O’neil& Palmer, 2003).



In this chapter, the description of the methods and procedures employed in the


Research Design

Quantitative Research design was utilized in this study. According to Labares

(2009), quantitative methods highlights the objective measurements and the

statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data, and to gather data to be

computed using computational techniques it was collected through polls,

questionnaires and surveys.

Researchers used descriptive-evaluative method since this study assessed the

level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of frontline offices of DNSC.

According to Hubbard (2016) as cited by Aguirre et al., (2017), descriptive research is

defined as the gathering of data describing somephenomenon to evaluate or

measure the results against some known or hypothesized standards. Descriptive

method in this study includes the level of customer’s satisfaction through five

dimensions of service quality: Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness and

Tangibility, to evaluate the significant differences of customer’s satisfaction towards

service quality of the frontline offices measured according to programs and offices.

Research Locale

The study was conducted among the offices of Davao del Norte State College,

Panabo City, located at New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, is a public

college, currently headed new president Joy M. Sorrosa, PhD. Mandated to provide a

high caliber of learning, technical, and special instructions for special purposes which

promote research and extension services. These offices are the main part of the

study; Assessment Office, Cashier’s Office, Registrar’s Office, OSS Office, and

College Library which offers frontline services.

Figure 2. Map of the location of Davao del Norte State College (courtesy of
Google Maps 2016)

Population and Sample

The target population consists of approximate students of the college from all

freshmen students of Institute of Management, Governance and Continuing Studies

in the year of 2018- 2019 Second Semester.

Yamane’s formula was being used in order to determine the sample size. The

number of respondents was obtained through a Stratified Random Sampling. This

technique was employed to ensure a fairly equal representation of the variables for

the study.

The data were gathered and collected. The sample size was calculated by

using the following formula:

n= corrected sample size, N= (869) population size, and e= Margin of error

(MoE), e= 0.05 based on the research condition.

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents for Customers/ Students

Course No. of Respondents %

BPA 20 10
BSTM 70 35
BSDRM 33 16.5
BSSW 21 10.5


Research Instruments

The researchers used an adopted survey questionnaire from Servqual

Instrument to measure the functional quality dimension (Powpaka, 1996). The

instrument may be used to assess the service delivery process which happens during

the encounter between a service provider and customers, in order to shed light on our

understanding of functional quality. This instrument has (5) five dimensions in order to

measure the service quality such as, assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness,

and tangibility.

The researchers used an ordinal type of response scales for close-ended

questionnaire whereas, (1- Least Satisfied, 2- Less Satisfied, 3- Moderately Satisfied,

4-Satisfied, and 5- Very Satisfied, with the utilization of Likert Scale.

Table 2. Description of Likert Scale Used on the Level of Customer Satisfaction

Score Range Interval Descriptive Rating Interpretation

When the respondent’s expectation on

5 4.22- 5.00 Very Satisfied a particular service is 81% to 100%,
high contentment of the actual
performance of the service.

When the respondent’s expectation on

4 3.42- 4.21 Satisfied a particular service is 61% to 80%,
contentment of the actual performance
of the service.
When the respondent’s expectation on
3 2.62- 3.41 Moderately Satisfied a particular service is 41% to 60%,
average contentment of the actual
performance of the service.
When the respondent’s expectation on
2 1.81-2.61 Less Satisfied a particular service is 21% to 40%,
less contentment of the actual
performance of the service.
When the respondent’s expectation on
1 1.00-1.80 Least Satisfied a particular service is less than 20%, a
very little contentment of the actual
performance of the service.

Data Collection Strategies

The researchers gathered data through these following procedures:

In the data gathering, first and foremost researchers sent letter to the Office of

the President seeking permission to conduct the study and use customer/students as

the respondent. Upon the approval of the president, researchers immediately sent

letter to the Registrar Officerequest a total population as of 2018-2019 to the

Registrar’s Office to determine the total number of respondents who will be part of the

study. Yamane’s Formula was being used in determining the sample size and

followed by the usage of Stratified Random Sampling in order to identify the

respondents of the study. After such, the approval of the Office of the President,

request approved, the researchers may start the data collection.

The survey questionnaire was validated by the panel of experts before it was

given to respondents. The survey questionnaires were distributed to respondents and

researchers instructed and guided them to answer the given questions.After

gathering all the data needed, the survey questionnaires collected data were coded

and tabulated, survey data were ran to a software called SPSS (Statistical Package

for the Social Sciences) to measure the level of significant differences between

variables. Lastly, analysis and interpretation was anchored to the last procedure,

organized and prepared the data for analysis. Researchers consulted an expert

statistician to analyze and interpreted the given data.

Statistical Tools

To analyze and interpret the data gathered for the study, statistical tool was


Weighted average or mean was used to measure the level of effectiveness of

the implementation of policy to the service providers assessed by the students and

clients. The results were presented in tables.

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to know the significant differences

of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of frontline offices according to

programs and offices.



This chapter presented the discussion of the results, analyzed and interpreted

which correspond to the statement of the problems presented in Chapter I, as the

study aimed to assess the customers’ satisfaction towards service quality of five

front-line offices of Davao del Norte State College Campus, namely; Assessment

Office, Cashier’s Office, College Library, OSS Office, and Registrar’s office.

Through the aid of service quality in (5) five dimensions, assurance, empathy,

reliability, responsiveness, and tangibility that will help to determine the important

outcomes between customers’ satisfaction and the offices performance.

Level of Satisfaction

In this unit, it shows the results of the customers’ satisfaction of the students of

the IMAGOCS first year students on the services provided by the frontline offices in

terms of the five service quality dimensions.

Illustrated in Table 3 are the results of the customer’s satisfaction of the

IMAGOCS first year students in terms of the frontline services.

Table3. Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the Dimension of Assurance

Indicator Office Mean Qualitative Description

Cashier 4.28 Very Satisfied
Assessment 4.23 Very Satisfied
Assurance Library 4.22 Very Satisfied
OSS 2.27 Less Satisfied
Registrar 4.31 Very Satisfied
Total Mean 3.86 Satisfied

Table3indicates the overall mean of the dimension of assurance in every

frontline offices in Davao del Norte State College. Registrar Office has the highest

mean of 4.31, followed by Cashier Office with a mean of 4.28, next is the Assessment

Office and Library with a mean of 4.23 and 4.22 which means that this four offices

builds trust and confidence of the customers in accepting their services and it also

focuses on the employee’s accuracy, politeness, skills and knowledge about their job,

and lastly, the OSS with a mean of 2.27 with a qualitative description of less satisfied.

It means that respondents or the customers are not that satisfied with the services

given by the OSS when it comes to dimension of assurance.

Overall, the dimension of assurance got an average mean of 3.86 with a

qualitative description of satisfied.

Table 4. Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the Dimension of Empathy

Indicator Office Mean Qualitative Description

Cashier 4.25 Very Satisfied
Assessment 4.28 Very Satisfied
Library 4.19 Satisfied
OSS 4.26 Very Satisfied
Registrar 4.25 Very Satisfied
Total Mean 4.25 Very Satisfied

Table 4 presents the overall mean of empathy in every frontline offices. It was

shown in the table above that the overall mean of empathy in cashier office is 4.25

which means the respondents are very satisfied because they properly handle

customers, they service are convenient to customers, they understand and know the

needs of the customers, they are responsible and do care about the feelings of their

clients, they give attention individually and have a good communication to customers,

as well as the other offices such as Assessment Office (4.28), OSS (4.26) and

Registrar Office (4.25) while the least among offices is the Library garnered 4.19

which means the respondents are not that very satisfied with services given by the

College Library in terms of the dimension of empathy.

Overall, the dimension of empathy got an average of 4.25 which means that

the respondents or the customers are very satisfied when it comes to proper handling

of the offices to their customers.

Table 5. Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the Dimension of Reliability

Indicator Course Mean Qualitative Description

Cashier 4.21 Satisfied
Assessment 4.20 Satisfied
Library 4.31 Very Satisfied
OSS 4.23 Very Satisfied
Registrar 4.16 Satisfied
Total Mean 4.22 Very Satisfied

Table 5presents the overall mean of each offices in terms of reliability. The

table above shows that the library has the highest mean of 4.31, second is the OSS

which has a mean of 4.23, this means that the customers are very satisfied with the

services given by these offices in terms of reliability. Third office is the Cashier which

has a mean of 4.21 followed by Assessment Office and Library with a mean of 4.20

and 4.16 which qualitative description is satisfied.

In general, the overall mean of this dimension is 4.22. It indicates that the

customers are very satisfied in terms of the reliability of the frontline offices. It means

that the offices are dependable to their customers as service provider of this


Table 6. Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC Students towards
Service Quality in the Dimension of Responsiveness

Indicator Course Mean Qualitative Description

Cashier 4.28 Very satisfied
Assessment 4.35 Very satisfied
Library 4.30 Very satisfied
OSS 4.31 Very satisfied
Registrar 4.30 Very satisfied
Total Mean 4.31 Very satisfied

The table above shows that the Assessment has the highest mean of 4.35

followed by OSS with a mean of 4.31, Library and Registrar with a similar mean of

4.30 and lastly is the Office of Cashier which has a mean of 4.28. It also shows that

the qualitative description of the five offices are very satisfied. Therefore, the overall

qualitative description in terms of the responsiveness is very satisfied.

Table 7. Overall mean of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC Students towards

Service Quality in the Dimension of Tangibility

Indicator Course Mean Qualitative Description

Cashier 4.17 Satisfied
Assessment 4.14 Satisfied
Library 4.22 Very Satisfied
Tangibility OSS 4.18 Satisfied
Registrar 4.19 Satisfied

Total Mean 4.18 Satisfied

The table above represented the overall mean of each offices in terms of

Tangibility. It shows that the customers are very satisfied with the facilities,

equipment, technology and other tangible things that may use in providing services to

customers. Library has the highest mean of 4.22 followed by Registrar (4.19), OSS

(4.18), Cashier (4.17) and lastly the Assessment Office with a mean of 4.14 with a

qualitative descriptive of satisfied.

In general, the total mean of this dimension is 4.18 which has a qualitative

description of satisfied.

Table 8. Summary of the overall means of Customer Satisfaction of the DNSC

Students towards Service Quality


ASSESSMENT 4.23 4.28 4.20 4.35 4.14 4.24 VS

CASHIER 4.28 4.25 4.21 4.28 4.17 4.24 VS

LIBRARY 4.22 4.19 4.31 4.30 4.22 4.25 VS

OSS 2.27 4.26 4.23 4.31 4.18 3.85 S

REGISTRAR 4.31 4.25 4.16 4.30 4.19 4.24 VS

Total Mean 3.86 4.25 4.22 4.31 4.18 4.16 S

The Table8 shows that the overall mean ofCustomer Satisfaction of the

DNSC Students towards Service Quality is 4.16. It means that the customers are not

very satisfied but still satisfied with the services given by the offices of this institution.

Significant Difference

This section indicates how satisfied the students in DNSC in terms of services

being rendered on the five offices based in the service quality dimensions.

Table 9. Level of level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality

according to BPA program.

Assessment 4.56 4.48 4.26 4.44 4.5
Cashier 4.48 4.51 4.44 4.37 4.41
Library 4.55 4.56 4.43 4.34 4.56
OSS 4.51 4.48 4.43 4.32 4.34
Registrar 4.51 4.43 4.19 4.61 4.37
Total Mean 4.52 4.49 4.35 4.41 4.43

Illustrated in Table 9the overall mean result of BPA programin the five

dimensions, each frontline offices rated by the BPA students based on the service

performance in five dimensions. Out of five dimensions assurance has the highest

mean rate of 4.52 it implies that BPA students are well satisfied to the service quality

performed by the frontline offices. These frontline offices meet the customers

satisfaction in terms of accuracy and able to explain to customers the delays of

processing. In Assurance, the assessment office rendered the high mean rate of 4.56

and followed by the College Library obtained 4.55 mean rate. Both OSS and

Registrar Office has mean rate of 4.51. However, Cashier Office also obtained 4.48

mean rate. Empathy rendered a total mean rate of 4.49 it means that BPA Program

are well satisfied to the services quality of five offices. College Library has mean rate

of 4.56, Cashier Office 4.51 and both Assessment and OSS obtained 4.48 mean rate,

Registrar Office has a mean rate of 4.43.

Moreover, in terms of tangibility the BPA program obtained a total mean of

4.53 it means that these frontline offices reached the level of satisfaction of the

customers and provide appealing facilities, equipment and materials in comforting

customers. Out of five offices, College Library rendered the highest mean rate of 4.56

and followed by Assessment Office 4.50, Cashier Office 4.41, Registrar Office 4.37

and OSS has a mean rate of 4.34 respectively. Responsiveness obtained a total

mean rate of 4.41 it means that in terms of responsiveness these offices provides the

needs of the customers even though they were too busy. However,each offices rated

based on their performance, Registrar obtained the highest mean rate of 4.61 then

followed by Assessment Office has mean rate of 4.44, Cashier Office has mean rate

of 4.37, College Library 4.34 and OSS has mean rate of 4.32 respectively. Lastly, in

terms of giving services at the time that they were promise these frontline offices

really provides the service quality of reliability. Reliability obtained a total mean rate of

4.35. Cashiers obtained the highest mean rate of 4.44, both College Library and OSS

has 4.43 mean rate. Furthermore, assessment office has mean rate of 4.26 and

Registrar has a mean rate of 4.19 respectively.

Table 10. Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality according
to BSDRM program.

Assessment 4.05 4.05 4.07 3.95 3.91
Cashier 3.36 3.87 3.73 3.8 3.94
Library 3.74 3.79 4.27 4.01 4.01
OSS 3.84 3.99 4.09 3.7 3.94
Registrar 3.84 3.84 3.72 3.72 3.84

Total Mean 3.76 3.90 3.97 3.83 3.92

Table10presents the overall rating of BSDRM program on the five dimensions.

Based on the result, reliability obtained the highest mean rate of 3.97this implies that

these frontline offices do not fall short in integrity and dependability. Service quality

these frontline offices render very satisfactory in providing adequate and accurate

information to the customers. In reliability, College Library has the highest mean rate

of 4.27, followed by OSS which has mean rate of 4.09, Assessment Office has a

mean rate of 4.07, Cashier Office has mean rate of 3.73 and Registrar office has

mean rate of 3.72 respectively. Tangibility obtained the second highest mean rate of

3.92, BSDRM students are very satisfied to the frontline offices facilities and

equipment. Furthermore, out of five offices only College library rendered a mean rate

of 4.01 and followed by two offices which has same mean rate of 3.94 these are

Cashier Office and OSS. Assessment Office has a mean rate of 3.91 and Registrar

office has a mean rate of 3.84.

For the second dimension which is the Empathy it talks about proper handling

of customers by giving attention individually. Assessment Office has a mean rate of

4.05 and followed by OSS and Registrar Office with same mean rate of 3.84. College

Library obtained 3.74 mean rate and lastly, Cashiers has a mean rate of 3.36

respectively. These frontline offices also responsive in terms of customers’ needs

particularly when customer .

Table 11. Level of Customers’ Satisfaction towards Service Quality according

to BS-ENTREP program.

Assessment 4.54 4.50 4.30 4.42 4.32
Cashier 4.47 4.48 4.32 4.27 4.53
Library 4.52 4.49 4.39 4.47 4.35
OSS 4.57 4.51 4.38 4.53 4.32
Registrar 4.60 4.50 4.38 4.43 4.31

Total Mean 4.54 4.49 4.35 4.42 4.36

Illustrated in the Table11was the overall mean result of the BS-ENTREP

program in the five dimensions. The offices was rated based on the quality of service

provided in terms of the five dimensions. Among the five dimensions, assurance

acquired the highest mean which is equivalent to 4.54, it indicates that the students

are satisfied to the performance. Empathy obtained the second highest mean rate of

4.49, BS-ENTREP students are very satisfied to the frontline offices in terms of giving

individual attention and good communication to customers’. Furthermore,

Responsiveness also obtained an overall mean rate of 4.42 in which this dimension is

the most important indicator to have in approaching and ask customer on what they

need. Tangibility, talks about the physical appearance of each offices, it obtained an

overall mean rate of 4.36 and followed by Reliability has a mean rate of 4.35


Table 12. Level of Customer’s Satisfaction towards Service Quality according

to the BSSW program.

Assessment 3.81 3.57 3.81 3.68 3.63
Cashier 3.82 3.86 3.61 3.9 4.03
Library 3.86 3.69 3.81 3.73 3.84
OSS 3.86 3.79 3.75 3.81 3.88
Registrar 3.94 3.82 3.82 3.99 3.84

Total Mean 3.85 3.74 3.76 3.82 3.84

Table 12 presents the overall rating of BSSW program on the five dimensions.

Based on the result, assurance obtained the highest mean rate of 3.85 when it talks

about integrity and loyalty of service quality these frontline offices render very

satisfactory in providing adequate and accurate information to the customers. In

reliability, Tangibility obtained the second highest mean rate of 3.84, BSWW students

are very satisfied to the frontline offices facilities and equipment.

Responsiveness rendered an overall mean rate of 3.82, and followed by

Reliability with mean rate of 3.76. Lastly, Empathy obtained a mean rate of 3.74


Table 13. Level of Customer’s Satisfaction towards Service Quality according
to BSTM program.

Assessment 4.38 4.28 4.2 4.45 4.34
Cashier 4.34 4.35 4.3 4.18 4.46
Library 4.22 4.2 4.38 4.67 4.22
OSS 4.28 4.26 4.25 4.55 4.23
Registrar 4.35 4.32 4.29 4.53 4.31

Total Mean 4.31 4.28 4.28 4.48 4.31

Table13presents the overall rating of BSTM program on the five dimensions.

Based on the result, Responsiveness obtained the highest mean rate of 4.48it implies

that customers’ are very satisfied to the service performance of the frontline offices in

terms of quick responses to the general customers’. Also, Assurance obtained a

mean rate of 4.31, Tangibility has 4.31 men rate as total. However, Reliability has a

mean rate of 4.28 followed by Empathy with mean rate of 4.28, and it means that

these frontline offices obtained the customers satisfaction and being sympathetic

whenever the students have problems.

Table 14. Significant Difference in terms of Course

Profile of the Students Student Services

Mean t/f-value p-value Decision

Course: 4.17
BPA 4.44
BSDRM 3.87
3.220 0.001 Reject Ho
BSSW 3.80
BSTM 4.33

The result indicates that BPA has the highest mean of 4.44, which means that

there is a greater level of satisfaction compared to other courses. Overall, it has a

mean of 4.17, specifies that the 5 courses from IMAGOCS first year students are

“Satisfied”on the frontline offices service performance rendered by the school.The t-

value for the course is 3.220 and p-value of 0.001 and the decision is to reject Ho.

This means that there is a significant difference on the level of satisfaction of the

students on the student services in terms of programs.

Table 15.Significant Difference in terms of Frontline Offices
Indicator Office Mean F-value P-value Decision Interpretation

Cashier 4.25 0.68

Assessment 4.28 0.63
Library 4.19 0.68 There is no
Failed to
Empathy 0.48 0.658 significant
OSA 4.26 0.64 reject Ho
Registrar 4.25 0.63
Total 4.26 0.65
Cashier 4.28 0.73
Assessment 4.23 0.72
Library 4.22 0.66 There is no
Failed to
Assurance 0.61 0.658 significant
OSA 2.27 0.7 reject Ho
Registrar 4.31 0.65
Total 3.86 0.69
Cashier 4.21 0.67
Assessment 4.2 0.61
Library 4.31 0.55 There is no
Failed to
Reliability 1.48 0.208 significant
OSA 4.23 0.63 reject
Registrar 4.16 0.7
Total 4.22 0.63
Cashier 4.28 0.76
Assessment 4.35 0.65
Library 4.3 0.68 There is no
Responsive- Failed to
0.30 0.879 significant
OSA 4.31 0.7 reject
Registrar 4.3 0.69
Total 4.30 0.69
Cashier 4.17 0.71
Assessment 4.14 0.69
There is no
Library 4.22 0.61 Failed to
Tangible 0.39 0.813 significant
OSA 4.18 0.59 reject
Registrar 4.19 0.64
Total 4.18 0.64

Assurance has a computed mean of 3.86 and an F- value of 0.61 and a P-

value of 658 which is higher than 0.05 which implies that it has failed to reject the null

hypothesis. This means that no significant difference is found with the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to office.

For the dimension of Empathy, it has a computed mean of 4.26 and an F-

value of 0.48 and a P- value of 0.658 which is higher than 0.05 which implies that is

has failed to reject the null hypothesis. This means that no significant difference is

found with the level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline

offices in DNSC according to office.

Moreover, Reliability has a computed mean of 4.22 and an F- value of 1.48

and a P-value of 0.208 which is higher than 0.05 which means it failed to reject the

null hypothesis. This signifies that no significant difference is found with the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to programs.

In terms of responsiveness, it has a computed mean of 4.30 and an F- value of

4.30 and a P- value of 0.30 which is higher than 0.05 which implies that it has failed

to reject the null hypothesis. This means that no significant difference with the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to office.

Lastly, tangibility has a computed mean of 4.18 and an F- value of 0.39 and a

P- value of 0.813 which is higher than 0.05 which means it failed to reject the null

hypothesis. This signifies that no significant difference is found with the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to office.



This chapter present the discussion of results interpreted and analyzed in the

previous chapter. It discusses the level of customers’ satisfaction towards frontline

offices of Davao del Norte State College in the five dimensions such as assurance,

empathy, reliability, responsiveness, and tangibility.


Table8 (see page 26) shows the overall mean rate of five front-line offices of

Davao del Norte State College, it obtained an overall mean rate of 3.86 or “Satisfied”

which implies that this dimension needs more improvement.It found out that Registrar

Office garnered the highest mean rate 4.31 attains a “Very Satisfactory” rating.

Parasuraman et al., mentioned that assurance corresponds to the knowledge and

courtesy of employees and their ability to inspire trust and confidence (1985). These

dimensions proved that they have rendered quality services to the customers’.

Furthermore,Cashier’s Office also obtained a mean rate of 4.28 and followed

by OSS with mean rate of 4.27 or “Very Satisfied” one of the major role of this office

is to ensure administrative and academic units are informed of the guidelines,

responsibilities and procedures in the access, use, release, and security of student

records information (QSU Manual, 2015). That is why the relationships of assurance

in the OSS is significant because service delivery occurs during interactions between

customers and staff.

Davao del Norte State College conducted team-building activities annually

that would train and inform their role technically and functionally in order to build trust

and confidence serving their customers. In the same way, Assessment Office

rendered a mean rate of 4.23with qualitative description of “Very Satisfied” it is true

that interaction between service provider and service customers’ in which human

behavior is assembled (John, 1996). Customer service encounter have different

outcomes that are emphasized by service organizations, for instance, customer

satisfaction, customer loyalty, customer relationship or service quality (Koemar,


However, out of five frontline offices College Library rendered a mean rate of

4.22 still satisfied withqualitative description of 81- 100% this office needs

improvement in their services to be excellently appreciated by the customers’.

Findings reveal that customer are not well satisfied with the behavior of staffs and

should be more polite in conducting transactions of customer’s. It is important to have

connection towards customer’s particularly in times of systems errors, the staff should

be able to explain to customers’ the delays of processing, for them to understand.

The customers’ have higher expectations by office simply because it aims to assess

students/ customers for holistic development such as guidance services, self-

awareness andservice- training. Based on Gao& Wei (2004) stated that, competence

belongs to the knowledge and skills of the organization in performing its service. Their

knowledge and the way they interacts with the customers inspires confidence in the

organization. Customers looking forward for better services of this offices since most

of the time students/customer’s used the College Library oftentimes for educational

and instructional programs.


Loke et al., suggested that customer service work force needs training and

performance for efficient service. Also, building connection and other form of

relational elements allowing them to realize and articulate client needs (2011). Table

9 (see pg) out of the gathered result, this dimension obtained an overall mean rate of

4.25 this will give a positive impact to the office and to the school. It has an

interpretation of 81- 100% or “Very Satisfied”. Moreover, these dimension understand

the problems of customers with individual personal attention (Parasuraman et al.).

Proper handling of the customers would give a big impact to them and it is necessary

that each of the frontline offices know preferences of their customers. It show

customer Sbehaviorstowards service provider. The quality of service that fulfills

customer loyalty (Kaura, Prasad & Sharma, 2015).

To discuss further, office have their own unique way to give empathy to their

customers. Only four (4) offices obtained the highest percentage of 81- 100% which

means customers are “Very Satisfied” to their services in terms of communication,

individual attention and willingness to understand the needs of the customers.

Assessment Office obtained the highest mean rate of 4.28 and followed by OSS also

has a mean rate of 4.26. Both Cashier Office and Registrar Office has a mean rate of

4.25. However, only College Library obtained the lowest mean rate of 4.19 with a

qualitative description of “Satisfied” ranging to 61-80%.

A study conducted by Dehghan (2006) stated that, communication means

keeping customers informed in language they can understand. It also means listening

to customers, explaining itself, explaining how much the service will cost, assuring the

customer that a problem will be handled.

There are many factors that would influence one’s services, the function of the

these officesis not just only to provide facilities, quiet environment, promote research

materials and references materials but also handling and entertaining the customer/


According to Levesque and McDougall (1996), service provider and customer

satisfaction will be based on the evaluation of several interactions between two

parties. They also added, satisfaction as a part of overall customer attitudes towards

the service provider that makes up a number of measures. Same study was

conducted, it was found out both internal and external forms of communication can

affect not only customers’ expectations of service but also customers’ perceptions of

the delivered service. Companies can neglect to inform customers of aspects efforts

to assure quality that are not visible to them and this could influence service quality

perceptions by customers (Temba, 2013).


Table8 shows, the overall mean rating of reliability it garnered a mean rate of

4.22 which means customers are “Very Satisfied” to the offices services. Many

scholars defined reliability, Walker (1990), suggested that the key determinants are

product reliability in which the quality environment and delivery system that work

together with good personal service-staff attitude, knowledge and skills.

The customer’s/students of Davao del Norte State College, particularly the

IMAGOCS Students it implies that customers are well satisfied to the services of each

offices in terms of loyalty and integrity. However, one author argue that customer

satisfaction is only one dimension in building relationship strength and the

environmental factors that would affect the longevity of the customer and employees

relationship (Storbacka et al. 1994).

Moreover, let’s proceed to each of the offices mean rate and its qualitative

description. In general, each offices has its different mean rate, however, The College

Library (see Table 9, page 24) obtained the highest mean rate of 4.31 with

quantitative description of “Very Satisfied” with percentage of 80-100% customers still

well satisfied to the service of the office in terms of this dimension.

OSS rendered a mean rate of 4.22 this offices excel in terms of giving accurate

information and keep customers records accurately with percentage of 80- 100%

which is equivalent to “Very Satisfied”.Unfortunately, the remaining three offices

obtained the lowest mean and has qualitative description of “Satisfied”, the Cashier

Office has a mean rate of 4.21 it involves consistency of performance and

dependability that the firms performs the service right the first time. It also includes:

accuracy in billing, keeping record correctly, performing the service at the designated

time (Deghn, 2006). According to Zeithaml (2000), it is considered as the most

important dimension of service quality, company are performing and completing their

promised service, quality and accuracy within the given set requirements between the

company and the customers. In addition, company also provides a service to its

customers at a time without making any errors and delivers what is promised during

the time agreed upon.

Assessment Office also obtained a mean rate of 4.20 and Registrar Office has

a mean rate of 4.16 it means that customers there must be a consistency of the

system or component to perform what has been stated and promised under specified

situations and time to achieve a reliable service (Sullivan, 2007).


Shown in Table8, (see page 26) the overall mean rate of all the offices it

obtained a mean rate of 4.31 with qualitative description of “Very Satisfied” delayed of

services at a later time would create dissatisfaction to customers even though they

still receive the service. Based on the result frontline offices of Davao del Norte State

College doesn’t have problems in terms of technical quality (quality of what is

delivered) and functional quality (quality of how the service is delivered). These

frontline offices continue to offer more quality services, however, in some reasons

these offices must also take an action to the absence of failed services because it

would affect their services based on the result provided by the customers’.

As Ali Dehghan (2006) stated on his article, service quality always involve

timeliness of service that means- mailing a transaction slip immediately, calling the

customer back quickly and giving prompt service. Another study from De Jager& Du

Plooy (2007) mentioned on their study, keeping the customers informed about what

services will be performed and when, and responding quickly to their needs. This

component is all about thoughtfulness and speed when dealing with queries.

Furthermore, the result showed that all of the offices obtained an interpretation

of 80- 100% which means the level of customers satisfaction in terms of this

dimension, responsiveness reached the customer satisfaction and very satisfied to

services of the campus services. The following mean rate of the offices in ascending

order, both College Library and Registrar Office obtained a mean rate of 4.30 with

qualitative description of ”Very Satisfied”. Assessment Office rendered the highest

mean rate of 4.35 and followed by OSS with mean rate of 4.31 and Cashier Office

with mean rate of 4.28. Hernon&Nitecki (2000), discussed the definition of

responsiveness service quality dimension as willingness of the company to help its

customer in providing them with a good, quality and fast service. They also added

that responsiveness is very important dimension, because every customer feels more

valued if they get the best possible quality in the service. In so doing, if a service fails

to occur, the ability to recover quickly and professionally can generate very positive



There are differences among the mean scores of the five frontline offices, most

of the offices rendered an overall percentage of 61- 80% it obtained mean rate of

4.18 or “Satisfied”. The study revealed that the customers satisfaction with regards to

all factors in the tangibility dimension were moderately high in terms of physical

aspects, equipment and appearance of personnel’s in-chargeit will give a high

percentage impact.

IIhaamie (2010) mentioned that, services are intangible, users rate the service

by its tangible elements. Customers’ are not only particular to the services but also to

the facilities and equipment of the office. These dimensions proven that they have

been rendered good quality of services to the customers. Today, customers’ look

after to more accommodating and pleasant settings, uncomfortable waiting area is a

no for every customer and my dissatisfied their ratings. “Tangibles” intangibles of

services, customers are likely to evaluate what they could not see by what they could

see, to deal with challenges customers tend to seek heuristic signals or quality cues

of service to reduce uncertainty and use intrinsic or extrinsic cues to “tangible” the

intangibles of service (Miyazaki et al., 2005).

However, these are the offices and its mean rate based on the result in

ascending order; College Library obtained the highest mean rate of 4.22, one of the

most widely used and accepted in the modern world. Provides to promote facilities for

advanced study and research in education (Bose et al., 2010). The remaining offices

rendered a qualitative description of “61-80%” or “Satisfied”, Registrar Office

rendered a mean rate of 4.19 or “Satisfied” Second, OSS has a mean rate of 4.18

generally, this office concerned with the development of the students intellectual

capacity and achievement (Encyclopedia of Education Blogpost, 2002).

Assessment Office has a mean rate of 4.14 with quantitative description of

“Satisfied” which main role is tohandles daily operations associated with assessment

and accreditation for educator preparation programs. Cashier office rendered a mean

rate of 4.17, its essential function is to processes financial transactions, provides

basic computer data entry, may assist in processing payments for clients, may

perform clerical work, and assist with reconciliation of accounts (UW Blogpost, 2005).

Based on study of Zeithaml et al. (2000), appearance of physical factors such

as equipment, facilities used by a service company as well as to the appearance of

service employees, aspects in the tangibles factor are for example has to up-to-date

equipment physical facilities are visually appealing and materials are visually


Significant difference

Shown in Table15 (see page 34), is the significance difference on the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to office. There were five categorized variables involved as respondents of

the study, these are the frontline offices; Assessment Office, Cashier Office, College

Library, OSS and Registrar Office. The result showed that Responsiveness has the

highest mean rating of 4.30 with qualitative description of “Very Satisfactory” to the

different frontline office services offered in the college. Furthermore, it can be

differentiated in the table that there is no significant difference among the five offices

in terms of Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness and Tangibility as


Generally, (see Table 15) with an F- value of 1.48 and a P-value of 0.208

which is higher than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference

on the level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in

DNSC according to office in terms of the dimension of Responsiveness respectively.

Shown in Table15 (see page 34), is the significant difference on the level of

customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in DNSC

according to programs. BPA, BSDRM, BS-ENTREP, BSWW and BSMT.Significant

difference was grouped according to customers’ level of satisfaction and found in the

five dimension in terms of Service quality. This implies that the level of customers’

satisfaction of the indicators perceived by the five programs similarly. The

stakeholders have the views with regards to the same service satisfaction of each


Generally, (see table 14) with an F- value of 3.220 and a P-value of 0.001

which is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference on

the level of customer’s satisfaction towards service quality of the frontline offices in

DNSC according to programs , and as follows in terms of the dimension of

Responsiveness respectively.


In the previous chapter the evaluative-quantitative data were analyzed. In this

final chapter research questions will be answered, general conclusions and

recommendation will be drawn.

The following were the findings of the study:

1. The overall mean of the level of customers’ satisfaction towards service quality of the

frontline offices of Davao del Norte State College is 4.16 with a qualitative description

of “Satisfied”.

2. There is a significant difference with the level of customers’ satisfaction towards

service quality of frontline offices in DNSC according to programs.

3. There is no significant difference with the level of customers’ satisfaction towards

service quality of frontline offices in DNSC according to offices.


1. In the summary of the overall means of customer satisfaction towards service

quality that was shown in Table 9 presents that it is not very satisfied with the

services given by the offices of this institution. The researchers suggested that

the rules and regulations will be followed by the staffs.

2. The practices should be continued and improved.

3. Provide suggestion box for the students and clients to be able to know their

concerns and suggestions.

4. Add additional personnel to help and enhance the delivery of service

especially during noon time.


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Communication Letters

Content Validity Form

Research Questionnaire

Republic of the Philippines
New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao del Norte, Philippines 8105
Website:; Telephone #: 63 84 6284301
Email Address:;



A. Profile of the Students

Name :
Sex :
Course :
Year Level :

For Respondent,

This survey is designed to determine the “Customers Satisfaction towards

Service Quality of front-line offices of DNSC”.

Instructions: Kindly check the appropriate box that will correspond to your rating on
the level of satisfaction of student services performed and provided by the said office.
It is classified into five (5) broad dimensions that will clearly define and deeply
understand service quality; the reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy
and tangibility of each offices.

5= Very Satisfied 4= Satisfied 3= Moderately Satisfied

2= Less Satisfied 1= Least Satisfied

B. Customers Satisfaction towards Service quality of front-line offices of DNSC

Office Services 5 4 3 2 1

1.) Cashiers Office

A. Reliability
Reliability talks about the integrity and the loyalty of a
service provider to their customers.

1 Employees are dependable to the students/clients.

2 Employees are being sympathetic and reassuring
whenever the students have problems.
3 Employees provide service at the time they promise to `
do so.
4 Employees keep their records accurately.
5 Employees provide you accurate information.

B. Responsiveness 5 4 3 2 1

Responsiveness is the ability of a service provider to

provide the needs of the customers willingly and

1 Employees are willingly to help students/clients.

Employees respond to students/clients request promptly
even if they were too busy.
Employees approach and ask students/ clients on what
they need.

Employees observed working mechanism such as
assigning staffs during Noon time to cater students/
When you needed or request for something they will give
it within that day you requested or within 3 working days.

C. Assurance 5 4 3 2 1
Assurance, is the dimension of service quality that builds
trust and confidence of the customers in accepting their
services and it also focuses on the employee’s accuracy,
politeness, skills and knowledge about their job.

1 Employees have the skills required to perform service.

2 Employees are trustworthy.
3 Employees know how to answer the questions of the
students that are related to their job.
4 Employees able to explain to students the delays of
5 Employees speak with you by using appropriate forms.

D. Empathy 5 4 3 2 1
Empathy, fourth dimension of service quality that talks

about proper handling or caring of customers and it is

necessary for a service provider to know preferences of

their customers.

1 Employees’ service are convenient to customers.

2 Employees have the ability to understand and know the
needs of the students.
3 Employees are responsible and do care about the
feelings of their clients.
4 Employees give attention individually.
5 Employees have a good communication to student/

E. Tangibility 5 4 3 2 1
Tangibility, the fifth and the last dimension of service

quality which talks about the appearance of the facilities,

equipment, technology and other tangible things that

may use in providing services.

1 The facilities are appealing.

2 The communication materials, equipment and
technology are useful.
3 The materials and equipment used for processing are
4 Employees are well-dressed.
5 Employees provide you service with a smile.

Raw Data (SPSS)

Statistical Treatment Result


N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error

Mean Reliabilty BPA 20 4.500 .5331 .1192

Assessment BSTM 70 4.346 .4386 .0524

BSSW 21 3.638 .6344 .1384

BSENTREP 56 4.329 .6155 .0822

BSDRM 33 3.915 .9328 .1624

Total 200 4.211 .6684 .0473

Mean Reliability Cashier BPA 20 4.4400 .51340 .11480

BSTM 70 4.3086 .40816 .04878

BSSW 21 3.6190 .54371 .11865

BSENTREP 56 4.3214 .64462 .08614

BSDRM 33 3.9758 .74960 .13049

Total 200 4.1980 .61309 .04335

Mean Reliability Library BPA 20 4.4300 .69061 .15443

BSTM 70 4.3771 .41639 .04977

BSSW 21 3.8095 .64335 .14039

BSENTREP 56 4.3929 .59692 .07977

BSDRM 33 4.2727 .43249 .07529

Total 200 4.3100 .55447 .03921

Mean Reliability OSS BPA 20 4.4300 .46915 .10491

BSTM 70 4.2457 .56688 .06776

BSSW 21 3.7524 .57586 .12566

BSENTREP 56 4.3821 .73981 .09886


BSDRM 33 4.0909 .50023 .08708

Total 200 4.2250 .62861 .04445

Mean Reliability Registrar BPA 20 4.1900 .66006 .14759

BSTM 70 4.2943 .59048 .07058

BSSW 21 3.8190 .57238 .12490

BSENTREP 56 4.3786 .60384 .08069

BSDRM 33 3.7212 .92052 .16024

Total 200 4.1630 .70464 .04983

95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum

Mean Reliabilty Assessment BPA 4.250 4.750 3.0 5.0

BSTM 4.241 4.450 2.2 5.0

BSSW 3.349 3.927 2.4 5.0

BSENTREP 4.164 4.493 2.4 5.0

BSDRM 3.584 4.246 1.4 5.0

Total 4.118 4.304 1.4 5.0

Mean Reliability Cashier BPA 4.1997 4.6803 3.60 5.00

BSTM 4.2112 4.4059 3.00 5.00

BSSW 3.3716 3.8665 2.20 4.60

BSENTREP 4.1488 4.4941 2.60 5.00

BSDRM 3.7100 4.2416 1.60 5.00

Total 4.1125 4.2835 1.60 5.00

Mean Reliability Library BPA 4.1068 4.7532 2.40 5.00

BSTM 4.2779 4.4764 2.80 5.00

BSSW 3.5167 4.1024 2.80 5.00

BSENTREP 4.2330 4.5527 1.80 5.00

BSDRM 4.1194 4.4261 3.00 4.80

Total 4.2327 4.3873 1.80 5.00

Mean Reliability OSS BPA 4.2104 4.6496 3.40 5.00

BSTM 4.1105 4.3809 2.40 5.00

BSSW 3.4903 4.0145 3.00 5.00

BSENTREP 4.1840 4.5803 1.80 5.00

BSDRM 3.9135 4.2683 2.80 5.00

Total 4.1373 4.3127 1.80 5.00

Mean Reliability Registrar BPA 3.8811 4.4989 2.20 5.00

BSTM 4.1535 4.4351 2.00 5.00

BSSW 3.5585 4.0796 2.60 5.00

BSENTREP 4.2169 4.5403 2.00 5.00

BSDRM 3.3948 4.0476 1.60 5.00

Total 4.0647 4.2613 1.60 5.00



Sum of Squares df Mean Square

Mean Reliabilty Assessment Between Groups 13.496 4 3.374

Within Groups 75.400 195 .387

Total 88.896 199

Mean Reliability Cashier Between Groups 11.549 4 2.887

Within Groups 63.250 195 .324

Total 74.799 199

Mean Reliability Library Between Groups 6.294 4 1.573

Within Groups 54.886 195 .281

Total 61.180 199

Mean Reliability OSS Between Groups 7.537 4 1.884

Within Groups 71.098 195 .365

Total 78.635 199

Mean Reliability Registrar Between Groups 12.749 4 3.187

Within Groups 86.058 195 .441

Total 98.806 199

F Sig.

Mean Reliabilty Assessment Between Groups 8.726 .000

Within Groups


Mean Reliability Cashier Between Groups 8.901 .000

Within Groups


Mean Reliability Library Between Groups 5.590 .000

Within Groups


Mean Reliability OSS Between Groups 5.168 .001

Within Groups


Mean Reliability Registrar Between Groups 7.222 .000

Within Groups



Curriculum Vitae

Institute of Management, Governance and Continuing Studies
Davao del Norte State College
New Visayas, Panabo City
Email Address:

Age : 22
Birthday : August 31, 1996
Height : 4’8’’
Weight : 47kls.
Blood Type : “AB”
Religion : Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Father’s Name : Janito L. Olbuda
Mother’s Name : Eufemia A. Olbuda

Tertiary : Davao del Norte State College
Bachelor of Public Administration- Undergraduate
June 2015- Present

Secondary : Bernardino B. Bosque National High School

March 2012

Elementary : Daniel M. Perez Central Elementary School

March 2009

Kenlous- Food Venture -Office Staff- June 2016
Basic Computer Literacy/ application- MSWord/Excel/Powerpoint Data Encoding

- 2016 Public Administration Congress
- 2016 2nd Regional Research Congress
- Proper Grooming and Good Conduct Seminar
- Seminar on Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and
Employee (RA 6713)
- Seminar Forum on the Voluntary Sector and Non- Government Organization
- Stakeholders Consultation on the new program of DNSC

- Dean’s Lister SY 2016-2017 2nd Semester 1.70 2nd Honors
- Dean’s Lister SY 2018- 2019 2nd Semester 1.70 2nd Honors

JELOU T. NOVICIO Manager/ Owner
Kenlous Gaming Hub Internet Café
GLENNE B. LAGURA BPA- Program Chairperson 09989523183
Davao del Norte State College
Davao del Norte State College

Bachelor of Public Administration
Davao Del Norte State College
New Visayas, Panabo City

Age : 24
Birthday : August 06, 1995
Address : Panabo, Davao Del Norte
Height : 5’
Weight : 49 kls.
Blood Type : “O”
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Father’s Name: Baman A. Petronilo
Mother’s Name: Adelfa M. Petronilo


Tertiary Davao Del Norte State College

Bachelor of Public Administration

Secondary Panabo National High School

S. Y. 2011 - 2012

Elementary New Visayas Elementary School

S. Y. 2007 - 2008

LLMQ Inc. – Davao City.

Gaisano Grand Mall – Panabo City



Indigenous Peoples Youth Federation

Vice President (2018)

Coalition of Future Public Administration

Member (2015)


Basic computer works

Good communication skills


2016 Public Administration Congress

2nd Regional Research Congress
1stPanabo City Sectoral Youth Forum
2018 World Youth Camp
Seminar on Voluntary Sector Management
Seminar on Code of Conduct and ethical Standards


Name Position Contact No.

GLENNE LAGURA Chairperson- IMaGoCS 09178934500

Davao Del Norte State College

ROY HISTA Cashier – PEPP 09669322992

Butuan City

MARK PENAS Barangay Captain 09101144585

Panabo City

BPA Student
Institute of Management, Governance and Continuing Studies
Davao del Norte State College
New Visayas, Panabo City
Email Address:


Age : 20
Birthday : February 07, 1999
Address : Purok 13 Manay, Panabo City
Height : 5’
Weight : 45kls
Blood Type : “O”
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Father’s Name: Emelio C. Permale
Mother’s Name: Teresita T. Permale


Tertiary: Davao del Norte State College – June 2015 - present

Bachelor of Public Administration

Secondary: A.OFloirendo National High School – March 2015

Elementary: Valentine N. Daquio Elementary School – March 2011


Computer Literacy/Application – MS Word/Excel/PowerPoint


“City Ordinance No. 31-17 also known as 2017 Revised Traffic Code of Panabo City
(Section 13 Vehicle Obstruction)” – Policy Critique Paper in PA Elec 6

“Increased of Vehicular Accidents in Panabo City” – Group Policy Paper in PA14

Position: Organization

Member Coalition of Future Public Administrators (COFPA)


Member IMaGoCs Student Organization (ISO)



November 2018 Seminar on Voluntary Sector Management

DNSC MPEC – Yellow Room

November 2018 Seminar on Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees

July 2018 Proper Grooming and Good Conduct Seminar


May 2018 2nd Regional Research Congress

RDR Sports & Tourism Complex, Capitol Ground, Tagum City,
Davao del Norte

February 2018 Stakeholders Consultation on the New Programs of DNSC

DNSC AVR – New Visayas, Panabo City

March 2016 2016 Public Administration Congress

RDR Gym & Cultural Center, DAVNOR Sports & Tourism
Complex, Mankilam, Tagum City
Province of Davao del Norte


Name Contact No. Position

GLENNE B. LAGURA 09989523183 Program Chairperson – DNSC

MARILOU D. JUNSAY 09182322176 IMaGoCs Dean – DNSC

CHRISTOPHER V. FAMOR 09454714614 Forester Society of Filipino Forester


Email Address:
Mobile : 09104359349
Address : CSU-5 Brgy. Quezon, Panabo City


To be able to work in a career oriented and challenging environment that

promotes personal growth, and uplifts professional developments.


Age : 20
Birthday : February 9, 1999
Height : 5’2’’
Weight : 52kls.
Blood Type :O
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino


Tertiary: Davao del Norte State College

Bachelor of Public Administration
SY :2015-2019

Secondary: Quezon High School PNHS Annex

SY: 2011-2015

Elementary: Cabili Elementary School



March 2016 2016 Public Administration Congress

DAVNOR Sports & Tourism Complex, Mankilam, Tagum City
May 2018 2nd Regional Research Congress
RDR Sports & Tourism Complex, Capitol Ground, Tagum City, Davao
del Norte
July 2018 Proper Grooming and Good Conduct Seminar
DNSC Audio – Visual Room
November 2018 Seminar on Voluntary Sector Management
DNSC MPEC – Yellow Room

November 2018 Parliamentary Procedures and Understanding the
Sanggunian Subjects
DNSC MPEC – San Isidro Room
November 2018 Seminar on Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for
Public Officials and Employees
DNSC Audio – Visual Room


 Computer Literacy –MS Word/Excel/Powerpoint

 Data Encoding
 Hardworking and a fast learner
 Multi-tasking
 Communication skills
 Time management
 Ability to work under pressure
 Leadership


Secretarial Staff KusogBaryuhanon( Panabo Chapter)

March 2016 – May 2016
(Campaign Period)

Sales Associate Nen’s Motor Parts

April 2017- August 2017

Payroll Assistant HugpongPagbabago( Panabo Chapter)

March 2019- May 2019
(Campaign Period)


Name Position Contact No.

ATTY. ALSTAIR J. COMIGHOD Assistant Department Head 09171454612

City Legal Office
City Government of Panabo

JEREMIAH T. GAMAO Entrepreneur 09999986781

JAMES G. GAMAO FormerCity Mayor 09197685547

City Government of Panabo

Name : Reah Mae Tura Garcia
Age : 20
Birthday : November 23, 1998
Height : 5’3”
Weight : 48 kls.
Religion : Roman Catholic
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Father’sName : Richard B. Garcia
Mother’sName : Emerita T. Garcia
Address : Purok 18 Villa Felisa, New Visayas, Panabo City
ContactNumber : 09075588475
EmailAddress :


Tertiary : Davao delNorte State College (2015 – Present)

Secondary : Panabo National Highschool (2011 – 2015)

Elementary : Rizal Elementary School (2005 – 2011)

Davao del Norte State College (2019) – Dean’s Lister - 1.58(1st Semester)
Davao del Norte State College (2019) – Dean’s Lister - 1.72 (2nd Semester)
Davao del Norte State College (2018) – Dean’s Lister - 1.542(1st Semester)
Davao del Norte State College (2016) – Dean’s Lister - 1.598 (2nd Semester)
Davao del Norte State College (2015) – Dean’s Lister - 1.74 (1st Semester)
Vocal Solo/Kundiman (Intramurals 2015) - 1st Runner up
Vocal Duet (Intramurals/ Kalibulung 2017) - Champion
Vocal Solo/Kundiman (Intramurals/Kalibulung 2018) - 2nd Runner up


Barangay New Visayas, Panabo City, Davao delNorte – Purok Data Profiling

Basic computer works

 Institute of Management and Continuing Studies (ImaGoCS) Student
Organization (2018 – Present) – Member
 Coalition of Future Public Administrators (2015 – Present) – Member
 Samahan ng Mag- aaralsa Filipino (SaMaFil) (2015 – 2016) – Member
 Diocesan Youth Apostolate (2016 – Present) – President
 Sto. Niño Parish Charismatic Group (2018 - Present) – Member
 Lector's Ministry (2018 - Present) - Member


2016 Regional Research Congress
2018 Regional Public Administration Congress
2018 Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees
2018 Proper Grooming and Good Conduct Seminar
2018 Stakeholders Consultation on the New Programs of DNSC
2018 Voluntar Sector Management Seminar
2018 Parliamentary Procedures and Understanding the Sanggunian Subjects


Name Position Contact No.

Marriette I. Mordeno Barangay Health Worker 09125818074

Barangay New Visayas

Apolonio P. Lajera Purok Chairman 09092309196

Villa Felisa, New Visayas

Glenne B. Lagura Program Chairperson 09989523183

Davao del Norte State College


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