Labor Relations

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University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review

Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz

A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |1

LABOR RELATIONS (b) To promote free trade unionism as an instrument for the
enhancement of democracy and the promotion of social justice
Labor Relations and development;

(c)To foster the free and voluntary organization of a strong

- The term denotes all aspects of employer-employee and united labor movement;
relationship which involve concerted action on the
part of the workers. (d) To promote the enlightenment of workers concerning
- It is usually associated with all the ramifications of their rights and obligations as union members and as employees;
unionism, collective bargaining and negotiations and
concerted activities such as strike, picket, mass leave (e) To provide an adequate administrative machinery for the
and the like. expeditious settlement of labor or industrial disputes;

(f) To ensure a stable but dynamic and just industrial peace;

Purpose of Labor Relations and

- To adjust and align the conflicting interests between (g) To ensure the participation of workers in decision and
labor and management to deter the incubation of policy-making processes affecting their rights, duties and welfare
industrial dispute which may inevitably lead to
convulsive strife or civil war. B. To encourage a truly democratic method of regulating the
relations between the employers and employees by means of
Parties in Labor Relations Case agreements freely entered into through collective bargaining, no
court or administrative agency or official shall have the power to
set or fix wages, rates of pay, hours of work or other terms and
1. Employees – active party conditions of employment, except as otherwise provided under
2. Employer/Management – active party this Code.
3. Public – passive party
4. The State – passive party Non-interference of non-parties in collective bargaining

NOTE: The Government plays an active role when it No court or administrative agency or official shall
directly intervenes in the resolution of a labor conflict that have the power to set or fix wages, rates of pay, hours of
affects an industry indispensable to national interest under work, or other terms and conditions of employment, except as
compulsory arbitration. otherwise provided under the Labor Code, the purpose of
which is to encourage a truly democratic method of regulating
- The relations between capital and labor are not the relations between the employers and employees by means
merely contractual but so impressed with public of agreements freely entered into through collective
interest that labor contracts must yield to the common bargaining.
Principle of Non-oppression
Refer to the powers and functions vested by law upon
- The New Civil Code mandates the capital and labor the following:
not to act oppressively against each other or impair
the interest or convenience of the public.1 1. National Wages and Productivity Commission
(NWPC) and Regional Tripartite Wages and
BOOK V Productivity Board (RTWPB) – as to wage fixing2
LABOR RELATIONS 2. National Conciliation and Mediation Board (NCMB)
and the National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC) – as to wage distortions3
CHAPTER I 3. Secretary of Labor and Employment and the
POLICY President of the Philippines – as to certification and
assumption powers over labor disputes 4
Art. 218. Declaration of Policy. – A. It is the policy of the State:

(a) To promote and emphasize the primacy of free collective

bargaining and negotiations, including voluntary arbitration,
mediation and conciliation, as modes of settling labor or
industrial disputes;
Arts. 99 and 122.
Art. 124.
1 4
Capili vs. NLRC, 270 SCRA 488. Art. 269(g).
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |2

CHAPTER II the disputants stand in the proximate relation of

DEFINITIONS employer and employee.

Art. 219. – Definitions. (m) "Managerial employee" is one who is vested with the
powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute
(a) "Commission" means the National Labor Relations management policies and/or to hire, transfer, suspend,
Commission or any of its divisions, as the case may be, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees.
as provided under this Code. Supervisory employees are those who, in the interest of
the employer, effectively recommend such managerial
(b) "Bureau" means the Bureau of Labor Relations and/or actions if the exercise of such authority is not merely
the Labor Relations Divisions in the regional offices routinary or clerical in nature but requires the use of
established under Presidential Decree No. 1, in the independent judgment. All employees not falling within
Department of Labor. any of the above definitions are considered rank-and-
file employees for purposes of this Book.
(c) "Board" means the National Conciliation and
Mediation Board established under Executive Order (n) "Voluntary Arbitrator" means any person accredited
No. 126. by the Board as such or any person named or
designated in the Collective Bargaining Agreement by
(d) "Council" means the Tripartite Voluntary Arbitration the parties to act as their Voluntary Arbitrator, or one
Advisory Council established under Executive Order chosen with or without the assistance of the National
No. 126, as amended. Conciliation and Mediation Board, pursuant to a
selection procedure agreed upon in the Collective
(e) "Employer" includes any person acting in the interest Bargaining Agreement, or any official that may be
of an employer, directly or indirectly. The term shall authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment
not include any labor organization or any of its officers to act as Voluntary Arbitrator upon the written request
or agents except when acting as employer. and agreement of the parties to a labor dispute.

(f) "Employee" includes any person in the employ of an (o) "Strike" means any temporary stoppage of work by the
employer. The term shall not be limited to the concerted action of employees as a result of an
employees of a particular employer, unless the Code so industrial or labor dispute.
explicitly states. It shall include any individual whose
work has ceased as a result of or in connection with any (p) "Lockout" means any temporary refusal of an
current labor dispute or because of any unfair labor employer to furnish work as a result of an industrial or
practice if he has not obtained any other substantially labor dispute.
equivalent and regular employment.
(q) "Internal union dispute" includes all disputes or
(g) "Labor organization" means any union or association grievances arising from any violation of or
of employees which exists in whole or in part for the disagreement over any provision of the constitution and
purpose of collective bargaining or of dealing with by laws of a union, including any violation of the rights
employers concerning terms and conditions of and conditions of union membership provided for in
employment. this Code.

(h) "Legitimate labor organization" means any labor (r) "Strike-breaker" means any person who obstructs,
organization duly registered with the Department of impedes, or interferes with by force, violence, coercion,
Labor and Employment, and includes any branch or threats, or intimidation any peaceful picketing affecting
local thereof. wages, hours or conditions of work or in the exercise of
the right of self-organization or collective bargaining.
(i) "Company union" means any labor organization whose
formation, function or administration has been assisted (s) "Strike area" means the establishment, warehouses,
by any act defined as unfair labor practice by this Code. depots, plants or offices, including the sites or premises
used as runaway shops, of the employer struck against,
(j) "Bargaining representative" means a legitimate labor as well as the immediate vicinity actually used by
organization whether or not employed by the employer. picketing strikers in moving to and fro before all points
of entrance to and exit from said establishment.
(k) "Unfair labor practice" means any unfair labor
practice as expressly defined by the Code. Employer

(l) "Labor dispute" includes any controversy or matter - One who hires services of another and pays him
concerning terms and conditions of employment or the compensation.
association or representation of persons in negotiating, - It includes any person acting in the interest of an
fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the terms
employer directly or indirectly.
and conditions of employment, regardless of whether
- It shall not include any labor organization or any of
its officers or agents except when acting as employer.
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |3

Employee respectively. The Chairman and the seven (7) remaining

members shall come from the public sector, with the latter to be
- Any person in the employ of an employer. chosen preferably from among the incumbent labor arbiters.
- It shall not be limited to the employees of a particular
Upon assumption into office, the members nominated
employer. by the workers and employers organizations shall divest
- It includes any individual whose work has ceased as a themselves of any affiliation with or interest in the federation or
result of or in connection with any current labor association to which they belong.
dispute or because of any unfair labor practice if he
has not obtained any other substantially equivalent The Commission may sit en banc or in eight (8)
and regular employment. divisions, each composed of three (3) members. The Commission
shall sit en banc only for purposes of promulgating rules and
a. Direct employee (ie. Janitor directly hired by the regulations governing the hearing and disposition of cases before
management) any of its divisions and regional branches, and formulating
policies affecting its administration and operations. The
b. Indirect employee (ie. Security guard employed Commission shall exercise its adjudicatory and all other powers,
through security agency) functions, and duties through its divisions. Of the eight (8)
divisions, the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth divisions
Types of Employees5 shall handle cases coming from the National Capital Region and
other parts of Luzon; and the seventh and eighth divisions, cases
1. Managerial from the Visayas and Mindanao, respectively; Provided, that the
2. Supervisory Commission sitting en banc may, on temporary or emergency
3. Rank-and-file basis, allow cases within the jurisdiction of any division to be
heard and decided by any other division whose docket allows the
additional workload and such transfer will not expose litigants to
NOTE: When the recommendatory powers are subject to unnecessary additional expense. The divisions of the Commission
evaluation, review and final action by the department shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction over cases within their
heads and other executive of the company, the same, respective territorial jurisdictions.
although present, are not effective and not an exercise of
independent judgment as required by law. 6 The concurrence of two (2) Commissioners of a division
shall be necessary for the pronouncement of judgment or
NOTE: “Paper or dummy” managers are considered as resolution. Whenever the required membership in a division is
rank-and-file employee. What is controlling is the actual not complete and the concurrence of two (2) commissioners to
exercise of functions and not the name given to the arrive at a judgment or resolution cannot be obtained, the
Chairman shall designate such number of additional
Commissioners from the other divisions as may be necessary.
NOTE: The exercise of independent judgment qualifies a The conclusions of a division on any case submitted to it
supervisory employee to become a managerial employee. for decision shall be reached in consultation before the case is
However, if his recommendation is not effective and the assigned to a member for the writing of the opinion. It shall be
same is still subject to approval of higher management mandatory for the division to meet for purposes of the
authorities or his authority is merely routinary or clerical consultation ordained herein. A certification to this effect signed
in nature, no independent judgment is involved. As such, by the Presiding Commissioner of the division shall be issued and
the supervisor remains as such or falls under the category a copy thereof attached to the record of the case and served upon
the parties.
of rank-and-file employee.
The Chairman shall be the Presiding Commissioner of
TITLE II the first division, and the seven (7) other members from the
NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION public sector shall be the Presiding Commissioners of the second,
third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth divisions,
CHAPTER I respectively. In case of the effective absence or incapacity of the
CREATION AND COMPOSITION Chairman, the Presiding Commissioner of the second division
shall be the Acting Chairman.
Art. 220. National Labor Relations Commission. – There shall be
a National Labor Relations Commission which shall be attached The Chairman, aided by the Executive Clerk of the
to the Department of Labor and Employment solely for program Commission, shall have exclusive administrative supervision over
and policy coordination, composed of a Chairman and twenty- the Commission and its regional branches and all its personnel,
three (23) members. including the Labor Arbiters.
Eight (8) members each shall be chosen from among the The Commission, when sitting en banc shall be assisted
nominees of the workers and employers organizations, by the same Executive Clerk and, when acting thru its Divisions,
by said Executive Clerks for the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth,
Art. 219(m). seventh, and eighth Divisions, respectively, in the performance of
Philacor vs. Hon. Laguesma, G.R. No. 105223 (1993).
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |4

such similar or equivalent functions and duties as are discharged The Divisions of the NLRC have exclusive appellate
by the Clerk of Court and Deputy Clerks of Court of the Court of jurisdiction over cases within their respective territorial
Appeals. jurisdiction.8
The Commission and its eighth (8) divisions shall be
assisted by the Commission Attorneys in its appellate and
Conclusions of a division
adjudicatory functions whose term shall be coterminous with the
Commissioners with whom they are assigned. The Commission They shall be reached in consultation before the case
Attorneys shall be members of the Philippine Bar with at least is assigned to a member for writing of the opinion. It shall be
one (1) year experience or exposure in the field of labor- mandatory for the division to meet for purposes of the
management relations. They shall receive annual salaries and consultation ordained therein.
shall be entitled to the same allowances and benefits as those
falling under Salary Grade twenty-six (SG 26). There shall be as PURPOSE: To preclude any belief that certain
many Commission Attorneys as may be necessary for the decisions of the NLRC are one-man decisions to
effective and efficient operation of the Commission but in no case
which other members only affix their signatures
more than three (3) assigned to the Office of the Chairman and
each Commissioner. signifying their concurrence. However, a member
may want to write a separate concurring or dissenting
No Labor Arbiter shall be assigned to perform the opinion.
functions of the Commission Attorney nor detailed to the office of
any Commissioner. Pronouncement of a judgment

Tripartite Composition of the NLRC (Tripartism in Labor The concurrence of two (2) Commissioners of a
Relations) division shall be necessary for the pronouncement of a
judgment or resolution. Whenever the required membership in a
1. Representatives of workers division is not complete and the concurrence of two (2)
2. The employers commissioners to arrive at a judgment or resolution cannot be
3. The public obtained, the Chairman shall designate such number of additional
Commissioners from the other divisions as may be necessary.
Administrative Autonomy of NLRC
The law vests upon the NLRC Chairman to effect
The NLRC has become autonomous for it is attached temporary assignments if the required concurrence is not met.
to the DOLE for program and policy coordination only. The territorial divisions do not confer exclusive jurisdiction to
each division and are merely designed for administrative
Trisectoral Composition efficiency.9

The Chairman and the 23 Commissioners shall be Art. 221. Headquarters, Branches and Provincial Extension
Units. – The Commission and its first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
chosen from the works, employers, and public sectors.
and sixth divisions shall have their main offices in Metropolitan
However, upon assumption into office, the members Manila, and the seventh and eight divisions in the Cities of Cebu
nominated by the workers and employers organizations shall and Cagayan de Oro, respectively. The Commission shall
divest themselves of any affiliation with or interest in the establish as many regional branches as there are regional offices
federation or association to which they belong. of the Department of Labor and Employment, sub-regional
branches or provincial extension units. There shall be as many
NLRC sitting en banc or in divisions Labor Arbiters as may be necessary for the effective and efficient
operation of the Commission.
The NLRC sits en banc only for purposes of
Art. 222. Appointment and Qualifications. – The Chairman and
promulgating rules and regulations governing the hearing and
other Commissioners shall be members of the Philippine Bar and
disposition of cases before any of its divisions and regional must have engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines for at
branches and formulating policies affecting its administration least fifteen (15) years, with at least five (5) years experience or
and operations. exposure in the field of labor-management relations, and shall
preferably be residents of the region where they are to hold
Adjudicatory function of NLRC exercised through its office. The Executive Labor Arbiters and Labor Arbiters shall
divisions likewise be members of the Philippine Bar and must have been
engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines for at least ten
The NLRC exercises its adjudicatory and all other (10) years, with at least three (5) years experience or exposure in
the field of labor-management relations.
powers, functions, and duties through its divisions. 7

Mina vs. NLRC (1995).
Malayang Samahan ng Manggagawa sa Greenfield vs. Ramos, 326 SCRA
Union of Filipino Employees vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 91025 (1990). 441.
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |5

Confirmation of appointment not needed

The Chairman, the other Commissioners, and the
Labor Arbiters shall hold office during good behavior until they The 1987 Constitution does not expressly provide for
reach the age of sixty-five (65) years, unless sooner removed for the confirmation of heads of bureaus and commissioners.10
cause as provided by law or become incapacitated to discharge
the duties of their office: Provided, however, That the President of
the Republic of the Philippines may extend the services of the Commissioners and Labor Arbiters have the right of
Commissioners and Labor Arbiters up to the maximum age of security of tenure
seventy (70) years upon the recommendation of the Commission
en banc. They are covered by the protective mantle of the
security of tenure clause of the Constitution. Thus, such
The Chairman, the Division Presiding Commissioners positions cannot be declared vacant.
and other Commissioners shall be appointed by the President.
Appointment to any vacancy shall come from the nominees of the Furthermore, they are civil service employees and
sector which nominated the predecessor. The Labor Arbiters
“no officer or employee in the civil service shall be removed
shall also be appointed by the President, upon recommendation
of the Commission en banc to a specific arbitration branch, or suspended except for cause provided by law.” Thus, they
preferably in the regions where they are residents, and shall be have the right to remain in service until the expiration of the
subject to the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations: Provided, terms for cause provided by law.11
That the labor arbiters who are presently holding office in the
regions where they are residents shall be deemed appointed Art. 223. Salaries, Benefits and Emoluments. – The Chairman
thereat. and members of the Commission shall have the same rank,
receive an annual salary equivalent to, and be entitled to the
The Chairman of the Commission shall appoint the same allowances, retirement and benefits as those of the
staff and employees of the Commission and its regional branches Presiding Justice and Associate Justices of the Court of Appeals,
as the needs of the service may require, subject to the Civil respectively. The Labor Arbiters shall have the same rank,
Service Law, rules and regulations, and upgrade their current receive an annual salary equivalent to, and be entitled to the
salaries, benefits and other emoluments in accordance with law. same allowances, retirement and benefits as those of the Judges
of the Regional Trial Courts. In no case, however, shall the
Qualifications of the Chairman and the Commissioners provision of this Article result in the diminution of existing
salaries, allowances and benefits of the aforementioned officials.
1. Must be member of the Philippine Bar;
2. Must have been engaged in the practice of law in the Salaries, benefits and emoluments
Philippines for at least 15 years;
3. Must have experience or exposure in handling labor 1. Chairman and other Commissioners – same as the
management relations for at least 5 years; Presiding Justice and Associate Justices of the CA,
4. Preferably a resident of the region where he is to hold respectively;
office. 2. Labor Arbiters – same as the Judges of RTC

Qualifications of Labor Arbiters CHAPTER II

1. Must be member of the Philippine Bar; Art. 224. Jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters and the Commission.
2. Must have been engaged in the practice of law in the – (a) Except as otherwise provided under this Code, the Labor
Philippines for at least 10 years; Arbiters shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and
3. Must have experience or exposure in handling labor decide, within thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of
management relations for at least 5 years. the case by the parties for decision without extension, even in the
absence of stenographic notes, the following cases involving all
Term of Office workers, whether agricultural or non-agricultural:

1) Unfair labor practice cases;

The NLRC Commissioners and the Labor Arbiters
shall hold office during good behavior until they reach the age 2) Termination disputes;
of 65 years, unless sooner removed for cause as provided by
law or become incapacitated to discharge the duties of their 3) If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those
office. However, the President of the Philippines may extend cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of
their services up to the maximum age of 70 years upon the pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of
recommendation of the Commission en banc. employment;

Sarmiento III vs. Com. Mison, 156 SCRA 459; Mayor vs. Macaraig, 194
SCRA 672; Calderon vs. Carale, G.R. No. 91636 (1992).
Mayor vs. Macaraig, G.R. No. 87211 (1991).
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |6

4) Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of EXCEPTION: Despite the absence of employer-
damages arising from the employer-employee relations; employee relationship between the seafarer and the
manning agency, the NLRC has jurisdiction because the
5) Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of this jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter is not limited to claims
Code, including questions involving the legality of
arising from employer-employee relationship.13
strikes and lockouts; and

6) Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social NOTE: The cases of unfair labor practice, bargaining
Security, Medicare and maternity benefits, all other deadlocks and termination disputes may be resolved
claims arising from employer-employee relations, through grievance machinery or voluntary arbitration
including those of persons in domestic or household procedures by agreement of the parties.14
service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand
pesos (P5,000.00) regardless of whether accompanied NOTE: The Secretary of Labor and Employment has
with a claim for reinstatement. concurrent jurisdiction over those cognizable by the
Labor Arbiter under Art. 236 (g), which is an exercise of
(b) The Commission shall have exclusive appellate
jurisdiction over all cases decided by Labor Arbiters. the assumption or the pre-emptive power.

(c) Cases arising from the interpretation or implementation Unfair Labor Practice Cases
of collective bargaining agreements and those arising from the
interpretation or enforcement of company personnel policies Unfair Labor Practice
shall be disposed of by the Labor Arbiter by referring the same
to the grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration as may be - An act of an employer or the union or their agents,
provided in said agreements. which violates the constitutional right of workers to
self-organization, which includes the following:
Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters over
the following cases:
1. Right to form a union
2. Right to take part in its formation
1. Unfair labor practice cases;
3. Right to join or assist a union of their own
2. Termination disputes;
choosing for purposes of collective bargaining
3. If accompanied with a claim for reinstatement, those
and negotiations
cases that workers may file involving wages, rates of
4. Right to engage in concerted activities for mutual
pay, hours of work and other terms and conditions of
help and protection
4. Claims for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms
The civil aspect of all cases involving unfair labor
of damages arising from the employer-employee
practices shall be under the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters.
5. Cases arising from any violation of Article 264 of
A criminal case of a unfair labor practice cannot be
this Code, including questions involving the legality
instituted until and unless the Labor Arbiter has decided on the
of strikes and lockouts; and
administrative and civil aspects of an unfair labor practice.
6. Except claims for Employees Compensation, Social
Security, Medicare and maternity benefits, all other
claims arising from employer-employee relations,
including those of persons in domestic or household
1. The President or the Secretary of Labor is not
service, involving an amount exceeding five thousand
precluded from exercising jurisdiction over an
pesos (P5,000.00) regardless of whether accompanied
unfair labor practice which may cause a strike or
with a claim for reinstatement.
lockout in a vital industry.15
2. The parties can enter into an agreement to submit
REQUIREMENT: The Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction
an unfair labor practice dispute for resolution by
over controversies involving employers and employees
the voluntary arbitrator.16
only if there is a “reasonable causal connection” between
the claim asserted and the employer-employee relations.
Absent such link, the complaint is cognizable by the
regular courts in the exercise of its civil and criminal

Santiago vs. CF Sharp Crew Mgt., Inc., G.R. No. 162419 (2007).
Arts. 266-268.
12 15
Pepsi-Cola Distributors of the Phil., Inc. vs. Hon. Gallang, G.R. No. 89621 Art. 263(g).
(1991). Art. 268.
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |7

Termination disputes P5,000.00, regardless of whether accompanied

with a claim for reinstatement.
2. Regional Director – money claims involving an
- Denotes dismissal or lay-off amount less than P5,000.00

Dismissal Jurisdiction over money claims by the Regional Director

and Exercise of visitorial and enforcement power
- Discharge of an employee, a termination of an
employee at the instance of the employer. Requisites in order for the Regional Director to try money
1. The claim is presented by an employee or person
- Takes place when the employer has the resolute employed in domestic or household service, or
intention to dispense with the services of the househelper under the law;
employee. 2. The claimant, no longer being employed, does not
Lay-off seek reinstatement;
3. The aggregate money claim of the employee or
- Termination initiated by the employer without househelper does not exceed P5,000.00.
prejudice to recall or rehiring of a worker who has
been temporarily separated from the service. Plenary Visitorial Powers of the Secretary of Labor thru the
Regional Director
1. To order the inspection of all establishments where
1. Labor Arbiter – termination or illegal dismissal cases labor is employed;
2. RTC – termination of a corporate officer (intra- 2. To look into possible violations of labor laws and
corporate dispute) regulations;
3. Voluntary Arbitrator – termination cases arising from 3. To hear and decide employee’s claim exceeding
interpretation and implementation of the CBA P5,000.00 in the exercise of such inspection power.

Gross violations of the CBA Enforcement Power of the Regional Director

- Refer to flagrant and/or malicious refusal to comply Even if the amount of the claim exceeds P5,000.00, it
with the economic provisions of the CBA, which is does not remove from the Regional Director to take
considered as an unfair labor practice cognizable by cognizance of the claim as he may still exercise the
the Labor Arbiter. enforcement power under Art. 128 (b).17

NOTE: Ordinary CBA violations are mere grievances Claims for damages
subject to grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration
procedures. Moral damages

Money claim with a claim for reinstatement - The same would be recoverable where the dismissal
of the employee was not only effected without
- This converts the cause of action from money claim authorized cause or due process for which relief is
into an illegal dismissal case. granted, but was attended by bad faith or fraud or
constituted an act oppressive to labor or was done in
Money claim exceeding P5,000.00 a manner contrary to morals, good customs or public
Exemplary Damages
1. Labor Arbiter
a. Money claim arising from employer-employee - May also be decreed where moral damages are
relationship, regardless of amount, with a claim awarded especially to an illegally dismissed
for reinstatement.
b. Money claim arising from employer-employee
relationship, involving an amount exceeding 17
Cireneo Bowling Plaza vs. Sensing, G.R. No. 146572 (2005).
Suario vs. BPI, G.R. No. 50459 (1989).
University of Santo Tomas Labor Law Review
Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) |8

employee whose dismissal was tainted with an unfair

labor practice.19 Jurisdiction over labor disputes involving church men

Violations of Article 270 Jurisdiction

Cases arising from the violation of activities related 1. Labor Arbiter – if what is involved is the relationship
to strikes, picketing, and lockouts and questions involving the of the church as an employer and the minister as an
legality of strikes and lockouts are cognizable by the Labor employee; purely secular in nature
Arbiter. 2. Not with the Labor Arbiter – ecclesiastical in nature

Claims arising from employer-employee relationship Filing of third-party claim with NLRC Sheriff re writ of
execution in a labor case
- Cognizable by the Labor Arbiter
- Within the jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiter.24
Jurisdiction on issue of deduction for tax purposes
1. Claim for a house-and-lot prize for being the top
salesman.20 - If such issue is a money claim arising from the
2. Claim for legal fees by an attorney-employee.21 employer-employee relationship, then it falls within
the jurisdiction if the Labor Arbiter and NLRC. 25
Cases involving Migrant Workers (OFWs)
Cases not cognizable by the Labor Arbiter
The Labor Arbiters shall have the original and
exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide, within 90 calendar 1. The aggregate money claim of the employee does not
days after the filing of the complaint, the claims arising out of exceed P5,000.00 and without claim for
an employer-employee relationship or by virtue of any law or reinstatement26
contract involving Filipino workers for overseas deployment 2. Claims for employees compensation, social security,
including claims for actual, moral, exemplary, and other forms Phil-health and maternity benefits27
of damages.22 3. Claim for employee for cash prize under the
Innovation Program of the company, although arising
Cases involving GOCCs without original charters out of employer-employee relationship, is one
requiring application of general civil law on contracts
Subsidiaries or Corporate Offsprings which is within the jurisdiction of the regular courts 28
4. Claim for liquidated damages for breach of “non-
- GOCCs without original charters compete” provision in a contract within 2 years from
- These were existing previously as private employees’ registration is intrinsically a civil
corporations but were absorbed by GOCCs with dispute29
original charters or they were created pursuant to the 5. Employer’s claim for a sum of money and damages
Corporation Code for cost of repair and jobs made upon employee’s
- Employees of such are governed by the Labor Code personal car30
6. Cause of action is based on quasi-delict or tort which
GOCC with original charters has no reasonable connection with any of the claims
under Art. 22431
- Employees of such are governed by the Civil Service 7. A case of replevin filed by a charterer against striking
Commission employees who were in possession of the vessel 32
8. Intra-corporate controversies which are within the
Jurisdiction over collateral matters jurisdiction of RTC33

Where the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction over the

main case, it likewise has full jurisdiction to consider and 24
Deltaventures Resources, Inc. vs. Cobato, 327 SCRA 521.
decided all matters collateral thereto, such as claims for 25
Santos vs. Servier Phils., Inc., 572 SCRA 487.
attorney’s fees.23 26
Rajah Humabon Hotel, Inc. vs. Trajano, G.R. Nos. 10022-23 (1993).
Art. 224 (a)(6).
San Miguel Corp. vs. NLRC, 161 SCRA 719.
19 29
Quadra vs. CA, G.R. No. 147593 (2006). Yusen Air vs. Villamor, G.R. No. 154060.
20 30
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. vs. Martinez, 112 SCRA 578. Molave Motor Sales vs. Laron, 129 SCRA 485.
21 31
Sentinel Insurance Co. vs. Bautista, 127 SCRA 623. Ocheda vs. CA, 214 SCRA 629.
22 32
Sec. 10, R.A. No. 8042. Basaya vs. Militante, 156 SCRA 299.
23 33
NAPOCOR vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 65802 (1988). RA No. 8799.
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9. Illegal dismissal case filed against a local water (a) To promulgate rules and regulations governing the
district which is a quasi-public corporation falls hearing and disposition of cases before it and its regional
within the Civil Service Law34 branches, as well as those pertaining to its internal functions and
10. Cases involving GOCCs with original charters such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the
purposes of this Code;
11. Cases involving unresolved grievances arising from
interpretation or implementation of a CBA (b) To administer oaths, summon the parties to a
12. Cases involving unresolved grievances arising from controversy, issue subpoenas requiring the attendance and
interpretation or enforcement of company personnel testimony of witnesses or the production of such books, papers,
policies contracts, records, statement of accounts, agreements, and others
13. Complaint arising from violation of training as may be material to a just determination of the matter under
agreement35 investigation, and to testify in any investigation or hearing
14. To review an order and/or decision of another Labor conducted in pursuance of this Code;
(c) To conduct investigation for the determination of a
15. International agencies or other entities which enjoy
question, matter or controversy within its jurisdiction, proceed to
immunity from suit (ie. SEAFDEC, IRRI, ADB) hear and determine the disputes in the absence of any party
16. Claims of security guards against the Department of thereto who has been summoned or served with notice to appear,
Agriculture arising from the Contract for Security conduct its proceedings or any part thereof in public or in
Services should be brought to the COA36 private, adjourn its hearings to any time and place, refer
17. Over a case in which the Labor Arbiter’s judgment technical matters or accounts to an expert and to accept his
has assumed the character of finality and the same report as evidence after hearing of the parties upon due notice,
may not lawfully reopen the case or modify or alter direct parties to be joined in or excluded from the proceedings,
the judgment most especially when the changes are correct, amend, or waive any error, defect or irregularity
whether in substance or in form, give all such directions as it may
material and substantial, even if the judgment is
deem necessary or expedient in the determination of the dispute
erroneous37 before it, and dismiss any matter or refrain from further hearing
18. Charges of unethical conduct of lawyers38 or from determining the dispute or part thereof, where it is
19. In money claims filed by an employer against an trivial or where further proceedings by the Commission are not
employee where the Labor Code is not involved 39 necessary or desirable; and
20. Injunctive power in labor disputes involving strikes
or lockout as the same falls within the primary (d) To hold any person in contempt directly or indirectly
jurisdiction of the NLRC and impose appropriate penalties therefor in accordance with
21. Validity of acquisition or disposal by a union of the law.
property after the termination of the case 40
A person guilty of misbehavior in the presence of or so near
the Chairman or any member of the Commission or any Labor
Exceptions to the Original and Exclusive Jurisdiction of Arbiter as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings before the
the Labor Arbiter same, including disrespect toward said officials, offensive
personalities toward others, or refusal to be sworn, or to answer
1. When the Secretary of Labor exercises his as a witness or to subscribe an affidavit or deposition when
assumption or pre-emptive power over national lawfully required to do so, may be summarily adjudged in direct
interest cases contempt by said officials and punished by fine not exceeding five
2. When the Secretary of Labor exercises its hundred pesos (P500) or imprisonment not exceeding five (5)
days, or both, if it be the Commission, or a member thereof, or by
compulsive arbitration power over national interest
a fine not exceeding one hundred pesos (P100) or imprisonment
cases certified by him not exceeding one (1) day, or both, if it be a Labor Arbiter.
3. When the parties mutually agree to submit their case
to a voluntary arbitrator or panel of voluntary The person adjudged in direct contempt by a Labor Arbiter
arbitrators, who also exercise original and exclusive may appeal to the Commission and the execution of the judgment
jurisdiction over cases submitted to them by the shall be suspended pending the resolution of the appeal upon the
parties for arbitration. filing by such person of a bond on condition that he will abide by
and perform the judgment of the Commission should the appeal
Art. 225. Powers of the Commission. – The Commission shall be decided against him. Judgment of the Commission on direct
have the power and authority: contempt is immediately executory and unappealable. Indirect
contempt shall be dealt with by the Commission or Labor Arbiter
in the manner prescribed under Rule 71 of the Revised Rules of
Court; and
Hagonoy Water District vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 81490 (1988).
Singapore Airlines vs. Pano, 122 SCRA 671.
Department of Agriculture vs NLRC, 227 SCRA 693. (e) To enjoin or restrain any actual or threatened
Cayena vs. NLRC, 194 SCRA 134. commission of any or all prohibited or unlawful acts or to require
Cadalin vs. POEA’s Administrator, G.R. N0. 104776 (1994). the performance of a particular act in any labor dispute which, if
Grotjahn vs. Usuani, 54 SCRA 289. not restrained or performed forthwith, may cause grave or
Halili vs. NLRC, 257b SCRA 174.
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irreparable damage to any party or render ineffectual any proceeding against said complainant and surety, upon a hearing
decision in favor of such party: Provided, That no temporary or to assess damages, of which hearing, complainant and surety
permanent injunction in any case involving or growing out of a shall have reasonable notice, the said complainant and surety
labor dispute as defined in this Code shall be issued except after submitting themselves to the jurisdiction of the Commission for
hearing the testimony of witnesses, with opportunity for cross- that purpose. But nothing herein contained shall deprive any
examination, in support of the allegations of a complaint made party having a claim or cause of action under or upon such
under oath, and testimony in opposition thereto, if offered, and undertaking from electing to pursue his ordinary remedy by suit
only after a finding of fact by the Commission, to the effect: at law or in equity: Provided, further, That the reception of
evidence for the application of a writ of injunction may be
1. That prohibited or unlawful acts have been threatened delegated by the Commission to any of its Labor Arbiters who
and will be committed and will be continued unless shall conduct such hearings in such places as he may determine
restrained, but no injunction or temporary restraining to be accessible to the parties and their witnesses and shall
order shall be issued on account of any threat, submit thereafter his recommendation to the Commission.
prohibited or unlawful act, except against the person or
persons, association or organization making the threat Powers of the NLRC
or committing the prohibited or unlawful act or actually
authorizing or ratifying the same after actual 1. Rule-making power (Power of Subordinate
knowledge thereof; Legislation or Quasi-Legislative Power)
2. That substantial and irreparable injury to
complainant’s property will follow; a. Governing the hearing and disposition of
the cases before it and its regional
3. That as to each item of relief to be granted, greater branches;
injury will be inflicted upon complainant by the denial b. Pertaining to its internal functions; and
of relief than will be inflicted upon defendants by the c. As may be necessary to carry out the
granting of relief; purposes of the Code.
4. That complainant has no adequate remedy at law; and 2. Power to issue compulsory processes
(Investigatory or Inquisitorial Power), which
5. That the public officers charged with the duty to protect
complainant’s property are unable or unwilling to includes the power to:
furnish adequate protection.
a. Administer oaths;
Such hearing shall be held after due and personal notice b. Summon parties; and
thereof has been served, in such manner as the Commission shall c. Issue subpoenas ad testificandum and
direct, to all known persons against whom relief is sought, and duces tecum.
also to the Chief Executive and other public officials of the
province or city within which the unlawful acts have been 3. Power to conduct investigation and hear dispute
threatened or committed, charged with the duty to protect
or controversy within its jurisdiction, which
complainant’s property: Provided, however, that if a
complainant shall also allege that, unless a temporary restraining includes the power to:
order shall be issued without notice, a substantial and
irreparable injury to complainant’s property will be unavoidable, a. Conduct investigations for the
such a temporary restraining order may be issued upon determination of a question, matter or
testimony under oath, sufficient, if sustained, to justify the controversy within its jurisdiction; and
Commission in issuing a temporary injunction upon hearing b. Proceed to hear and determine disputes.
after notice. Such a temporary restraining order shall be effective
for no longer than twenty (20) days and shall become void at the 4. Power to hold any person in contempt (Contempt
expiration of said twenty (20) days. No such temporary
restraining order or temporary injunction shall be issued except
on condition that complainant shall first file an undertaking with
adequate security in an amount to be fixed by the Commission a. Direct contempt – the person summarily
sufficient to recompense those enjoined for any loss, expense or adjudged in direct contempt by the LA
damage caused by the improvident or erroneous issuance of such may appeal to the NLRC and the
order or injunction, including all reasonable costs, together with execution of the judgment shall be
a reasonable attorney’s fee, and expense of defense against the suspended pending the resolution of the
order or against the granting of any injunctive relief sought in appeal upon the filing of such person of a
the same proceeding and subsequently denied by the bond on condition that he will abide by
and perform the judgment of the NLRC
The undertaking herein mentioned shall be understood to should the appeal be decided against
constitute an agreement entered into by the complainant and the him. NLRC judgment should be
surety upon which an order may be rendered in the same suit or immediately executor and inappealable.
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b. Indirect contempt – shall be dealt with by d. Complainant shall file an undertaking

the NLRC or LA in the manner with adequate security (a bond) in an
prescribed under Rule 71 of the Rules of amount to be fixed by the NLRC; and
Court. e. A hearing must be conducted where the
sworn testimony of the applicant should
5. Power to issue injunctions and restraining orders be received.
(Injunctive Power)
NOTE: A TRO may be issued ex parte,
Power to issue injunction when the urgency of the situation or extreme
- must be in ordinary labor disputes, that is, those necessity so demands. It shall be valid for a
not involving strikes or lockouts period not exceeding 20 days.

NOTE: Existence of a labor dispute is 6. Power to resolve certified cases under Art. 278 (g)
jurisdictional. (Assumption/Pre-emptive Power of the
President/SOLE in an industry indispensable to
Requirements for the issuance of a valid national interest)
a. Prohibited or unlawful acts have been - When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute
threatened and will be committed unless causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an
restrained; industry indispensable to the national interest, the
b. Substantial and irreparable injury to SOLE may assume jurisdiction over the dispute and
complainant’s property will follow; decide it or certify the same to the NLRC for
c. Greater injury will be inflicted upon the compulsory arbitration.
complainant by a denial of the relief
than will be inflicted upon the - Such assumption or certification shall have the
defendant by granting the relief; effect of automatically enjoining the intended or
d. Complainant has no adequate remedy at impending strike or lockout.
e. The public officers charged with the NATURE: Plenary, full, public, and at the same time
duty to protect complainant’s property discretionary.
are unwilling to furnish adequate
protection; and - The President/SOLE may assume jurisdiction:
f. Due process of law must be observed, a. Motu proprio; or
i.e. a hearing must be conducted b. The employer may file a petition for
(jurisdictional requirement) assumption directly to the SOLE or the
union or both.
NOTE: An injunction is issued de parte.
NOTE: Under the old Labor Code, the law speaks of
Power to issue TRO a vital industry. The law enumerated cases of vital
- to compel the parties to maintain the matters in industry disputes. However, under the new Labor
controversy in status quo until the question of Code, it states “industry indispensable to the national
whether or not a temporary or preliminary interest,” and there is no enumeration of the cases
injunction ought to be issued may be determined. constituting such. Thus, the determination of
industries which are indispensable to national interest
Requirements for the issuance of a TRO are under the latitude or discretion of the
a. A complainant also alleges that, unless President/SOLE.
a TRO is issued without notice, a
substantial and irreparable injury to NOTE: Injunctive relief is not an adequate remedy to
complainant’s property will be restrain an employer from investigating an erring
unavoidable; employee for it is a management prerogative.
b. The testimony under oath of the
complainant is sufficient, if sustained, Jurisdiction of the NLRC
to justify the NLRC in issuing a
temporary injunction; 1. Original Jurisdiction
c. Such TRO shall be effective for not
longer than 20 days and shall be void at a. Cases certified to it for compulsory arbitration
the expiration of the 20 days; by the President/SOLE;
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 12

b. Cases on injunction; interest of due process. In any proceeding before the Commission
c. Cases on contempt; or any Labor Arbiter, the parties may be represented by legal
counsel but it shall be the duty of the Chairman, any Presiding
2. Appellate Jurisdiction Commissioner or Commissioner or any Labor Arbiter to exercise
complete control of the proceedings at all stages.
a. Cases decided by the Regional Offices of the Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,
DOLE in the exercise of its adjudicatory the Labor Arbiter shall exert all efforts towards the amicable
function; settlement of a labor dispute within his jurisdiction on or before
b. Cases decided by the LA pursuant to Art. the first hearing. The same rule shall apply to the Commission in
224(b) and Sec. 10 of RA No. 8042 or the the exercise of its original jurisdiction.
Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act;
c. Cases decided by the LA on wage distortion Doctrine of Speedy Labor Justice
problem in non-unionized establishment and
cases certified by the Regional Director The NLRC, tasked to administer speedy labor justice,
pursuant to Art. 128(b); and shall be free from technical rules of procedure and evidence.
d. Denial of the claim of the third party where
property was levied by the Sheriff of the LA. Technical rules of procedure and evidence, relaxed in
labor cases
Art. 226. Ocular inspection. – The Chairman, any Commissioner,
Labor Arbiter or their duly authorized representatives, may, at Rules of procedure and evidence in courts of law or
any time during working hours, conduct an ocular inspection on equity shall not control labor proceedings. The application of
any establishment, building, ship or vessel, place or premises, technical rules of procedure and evidence may be relaxed in
including any work, material, implement, machinery, appliance labor cases to serve the demands of substantial justice.
or any object therein, and ask any employee, laborer, or any
person, as the case may be, for any information or data
concerning any matter or question relative to the object of the Position paper proceeding allowed
Labor cases can be decided on the basis of position
Power to conduct ocular inspection papers and other documents submitted by the contending
parties without resorting to the technical rules of evidence
The Chairman, any Commissioner, LA, or their duly observed in the court of justice. However, it is required for the
authorized representative may, at any time during work hours: parties to attach all documentary evidence to their position
papers for there is no need of a formal trial. A trial is
1. Conduct an ocular inspection on any establishment, discretionary on the LA.
building, ship, place or premises, including any work,
material, implement, machinery, appliance, or any Immediately after submission by the parties of their
object therein; and position paper/memoranda, the LA shall motu proprio shall
2. Ask any employee, laborer, or any person, for any determine whether there is need for a formal trial or hearing.
information or data concerning any matter or At this stage, he may, at his discretion and for the purpose of
question relative to the object of investigation. making such determination, ask clarificatory questions to
further elicit facts or information.
NOTE: An ocular inspection is an auxiliary remedy that law
affords to the parties and the labor tribunal to reach an Lack of verification and failure to submit position paper
enlightened determination of the case. It does not constitute not fatal
full hearing.
The lack of verification of the position paper-
Art. 227. Technical rules not binding and prior resort to amicable affidavit is a formal rather than a substantial defect. Likewise,
settlement. – In any proceeding before the Commission or any of the failure to submit position paper on time is not one of the
the Labor Arbiters, the rules of evidence prevailing in courts of grounds for the dismissal of a complaint in labor cases.
law or equity shall not be controlling and it is the spirit and
intention of this Code that the Commission and its members and
NOTE: Principle of res judicata may not be invoked in labor
the Labor Arbiters shall use every and all reasonable means to
ascertain the facts in each case speedily and objectively and relations proceedings because such are non-litigious and
without regard to technicalities of law or procedure, all in the summary in nature.

NOTE: Due process should be observed despite disregard of

Repealed by Sec. 6, BP Blg. 130, which expressly provides that: “Section
16. Articles 220, 228, paragraph (f) of Article 251, Article 266, paragraph (b)
technical rules of procedure.
of Article 273 of the Labor Code and all provisions of said Code and other
laws, orders, decrees and rules and regulations inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act, are hereby repealed.”
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 13

Art. 228. Appearances and Fees.42 – (a) Non-lawyers may appear Union’s special assessment for incidental expenses,
before the Commission or any Labor Arbiter only: attorney’s fees and representation expenses is valid upon
concurrence of the 3 conditions:
1. If they represent themselves; or
1. Authorization by a written resolution of the majority
2. If they represent their organization or members thereof.
of all the members at the general membership
(b) No attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or similar charges of meeting which was called for the purpose;
any kind arising from any collective bargaining agreement shall 2. Minutes of the meeting duly recorded by the
be imposed on any individual member of the contracting union: secretary; and
Provided, However, that attorney’s fees may be charged against 3. Written authorization for check-off duly signed by
union funds in an amount to be agreed upon by the parties. Any each employee.
contract, agreement or arrangement of any sort to the contrary
shall be null and void. NOTE: Union officers, who are non-lawyers, are not entitled
to attorney’s fees.
Appearance of non-lawyers
Non-lawyers can appear in the following cases: APPEAL

1. If they represent themselves; Art. 229. Appeal.43 – Decisions, awards, or orders of the Labor
2. If they represent their organization or members Arbiter are final and executory unless appealed to the
thereof; and Commission by any or both parties within ten (10) calendar days
3. If he is a duly-accredited member of the legal aid from receipt of such decisions, awards, or orders. Such appeal
office duly recognized by the DOJ or IBP in cases may be entertained only on any of the following grounds:
referred thereto by the latter.
(a) If there is prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion on
the part of the Labor Arbiter;
Appearance of unions as counsel
(b) If the decision, order or award was secured through
The appearance of labor federations and local unions fraud or coercion, including graft and corruption;
as counsel in labor proceedings has been given legal sanction
under Art. 228, which allows non-lawyers to represent their (c) If made purely on questions of law; and
organization or members thereof.
(d) If serious errors in the findings of facts are raised which
Attorney’s fees for negotiating a CBA would cause grave or irreparable damage or injury to
the appellant.
The law prohibits the payment of attorney’s fees only In case of a judgment involving a monetary award, an
when it is effected through forced contributions from the appeal by the employer may be perfected only upon the posting
workers from their own funds as distinguished from the union of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company
funds. duly accredited by the Commission in the amount equivalent to
the monetary award in the judgment appealed from
The obligation to pay the attorney’s fees belongs to .
the union. In any event, the decision of the Labor Arbiter reinstating a
dismissed or separated employee, insofar as the reinstatement
aspect is concerned, shall immediately be executory, even
The 10% attorney’s fees shall be paid to him on the
pending appeal. The employee shall either be admitted back to
total benefits secured after the CBA negotiations. work under the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to his
dismissal or separation or, at the option of the employer, merely
All benefitted employees shall pay the attorney’s reinstated in the payroll. The posting of a bond by the employer
fees. shall not stay the execution for reinstatement provided herein.

Collection of special assessment prohibited To discourage frivolous or dilatory appeals, the Commission
or the Labor Arbiter shall impose reasonable penalty, including
The collection of special assessment for the payment fines or censures, upon the erring parties.
of services rendered by union officers, consultants and others,
In all cases, the appellant shall furnish a copy of the
is a form of an exaction which falls in the category of a memorandum of appeal to the other party who shall file an
“similar charge” and therefore prohibited under the law. answer not later than ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof.

42 43
As amended by PD No. 1691. See also Sec. 6, Rule III of the 2011 Rules of As amended by Sec. 12, RA No. 6715 (1989).
Procedure of the NLRC.
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 14

The Commission shall decide all cases within twenty (20) or of unjust enrichment48 and in the exercise of the
calendar days from receipt of the answer of the appellee. adjudicating body’s equity jurisdiction49
The decision of the Commission shall be final and executory BUT, the existence of such substantial justice
after ten (10) calendar days from receipt thereof by the parties.
should not be premised on:
Any law enforcement agency may be deputized by the (a) The alleged extreme poverty; and
Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Commission in the (b) The thesis that the acceptance of benefits and
enforcement of decisions, awards or orders. subsequent execution of a quitclaim did not bar
the respondents from pursuing their claims. 50
I. Appeals from LA to NLRC 3. Due to special circumstances of the case with its
attendant legal merits.
Period to file appeal 4. With due consideration of the amount and the issue
involved in the case.
Decisions or orders of the LA may appealed to the
NLRC by any or both parties within 10 calendar days from 10th day falls on a Saturday/Sunday/Holiday
receipt of such decisions or orders. Otherwise, the shall
become final and executor upon the expiration of such period The appeal many be made on the next working day.
which entitles the prevailing party, as a matter of right, to a
writ of execution and issuance thereof is a ministerial duty Frivolous or dilatory appeal
compellable by mandamus.44
The NLRC and the LA have the power to impose
Commencement of the 10-day period reasonable penalties upon a party for filing a frivolous appeal.
This implies that even when appeal is still with the LA, and
The 10-day reglementary period should be counted not yet transmitted to the NLRC, the former may already find
from the date of receipt by: it frivolous and, there and then, terminate the appeal.

1. The party, if not represented by a counsel; or Appeal seasonably filed benefits a co-party
2. The counsel of record, at his given address, when
a party is represented by a counsel 45 It is a settled rule that a reversal of a judgment
obtained by a party appealing from it also benefits a co-party
Receipt by one of several counsels is receipt by the who had not appealed, or who had appealed out of time, where
party. Failure of the counsel to notify the party on time of the the rights and liabilities of both parties under the modified
adverse judgment to enable him to appeal therefrom is decision are so interwoven and interdependent as to be
negligence, which is not excusable. Notice sent to counsel on substantively inseparable.
record is binding on the client and is not a ground to set aside
a valid judgment.46 Doctrine of Immutability of Final Judgment

Compliance with appeal period mandatory; Exceptions Once the judgment has become final and executor, it
may no longer be modified in any aspect, even if the
GR: Compliance with appeal period is not only mandatory but modification is meant to correct what is perceived to be an
is jurisdictional and failure to conform to the rules will render erroneous conclusion of fact or law, and regardless of whether
the judgment sought to be reviewed final and unappealable. the modification is attempted to be made by the arbiter
rendering it or by the highest court of the land as what remains
XPN: to be done is purely ministerial enforcement or execution of
the judgment.
1. The delay in the perfection of an appeal was only one
day which was caused by an excusable negligence. 47 Motion for reconsideration treated as an appeal
2. The higher interest of substantial justice demands the
relaxation of the rule to prevent miscarriage of justice The only remedy of the losing party from the decision
of the LA is to appeal to the NLRC, as no motion for
reconsideration or petition for relief from judgment may be
entertained by the LA.

Abbot vs. NLRC, 145 SCRA 206.
Applying the provisions on service of notices, pleadings, orders, and the
like under Sec. 2, Rule 13 of the Rules of Court. Blancaflor vs. NLRC, 218 SCRA 366.
46 49
Curaza vs. NLRC, 354 SCRA 453. Ranises vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 111914 (1996).
47 50
PAL vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 120506 (1996). American Home Insurance Co. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 111929 (1996).
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Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 15

Whenever a motion for reconsideration of the A. Memorandum of Appeal

decision of the LA is filed, it will be properly treated or
considered as an appeal. The appellant shall furnish a copy of the
memorandum of appeal to the other party who shall file an
Grounds for Appeal answer not later than 10 calendar days from receipt thereof.

1. Prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion; Failure to furnish copy of appeal memorandum to
2. Fraud or coercion, including graft and corruption in adverse party is not a fatal defect under the doctrine of speedy
securing the decision; labor justice.
3. Pure questions of law; and
4. Serious errors in findings of facts causing grave or The motion for extension of time to file a record on
irreparable damage or injury appeal may be made before the expiration of the reglementary
period for filing said record on appeal. If the order if the
Requirements for Appeal NLRC granting the motion is issued only after the expiration
of the original period, the appeal may still be perfected within
1. Memorandum of appeal under oath; with verification a period extended. Likewise, the appeal is deemed perfected
and certificate of non-forum shopping; only after the approval of the record on appeal.
2. Payment of appeal, docket, or filing fees;
3. Posting of cash or surety bond, if the judgment B. Payment of appeal, docket, or filing fees
involves monetary award
It is an essential requirement in the perfection of an
Surety bond appeal without which the decision appealed from would
a. It shall be issued by a reputable company duly become final and executory.
accredited by the NLRC and the SC; and
b. Shall be accompanied by a joint declaration Thus, if not paid, it is fatal to the appeal, as it is not a
under oath by the employer, his counsel, and the matter of procedure but a matter of jurisdiction.
bonding company, attesting that the bond posted
is genuine, and shall be in effect until final C. Posting of cash or surety bond
disposition of the case.51
1. In case of a judgment involving a monetary award,
4. Proof of service of copy to the adverse party the appeal by the employer may be perfected only
upon the posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a
In addition, the NLRC requires the following: reputable bonding company, in an amount equivalent
a. Original copy of the bond; to the monetary award, exclusive of moral and
b. Amount of the bond; exemplary damages as well as attorney’s fees.
c. Certificate of accreditation and authority from
the SC certifying that the bonding company has Thus, it is a jurisdictional requirement and
not outstanding liability; non-compliance therewith is fatal and renders the
d. Certified copy of Authority issued to the bonding award final and executory.
company by the Insurance Commission;
e. Certificate of registration from the SEC; XPN: Instances where posting of cash or surety bond
f. Certificate of authority to transact business from is relaxed:
the Office of the President;
g. A copy of the Indemnity Agreement between the a. The notice of decision, while stating the
employer-appellant and the bonding company; requirements of the appeal, did not mention
h. A copy of security depositor collateral securing that a bond must be filed;
the bond such as Certificate of Time Deposit b. The failure of the LA to state the exact
issued by the bank; and amount of backwages and separation pay,
i. Notarized Board Resolution or Secretary’s for which there was no basis to compute the
certificate. amount of the bond;
c. On account of insolvency or poverty;
NOTE: A mere notice of appeal does not constitute d. Property bond is posted where the worth of
the appeal and shall not stop the running of the period the property is substantial to cover the
for perfecting an appeal. monetary award.52

51 52
Sec. 6, Rule VI, 2011 Rules of Procedure of the NLRC. UERM Medical Center vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 110419 (1997).
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 16

NOTE: Property bond is generally not a The posting of a bond by the employer shall not stay
substitute to cash or surety bond. The only the reinstatement of the dismissed employee.
exception is the UERM case.
Reinstatement self-executory pending appeal
NOTE: A bank certification or an
irrevocable bank guarantee cannot validly Reinstatement pending appeal is immediately
substitute a cash and surety bond. executory and at the same time self-executory (immediately
self-executory).54 It is in accord with the doctrine of speedy
NOTE: It is the LAW that fixes the amount of the labor justice for an illegally dismissed employee shall be
bond, that is equivalent to the amount of monetary immediately restored to his former position sans the
award. procedural requirement of a writ of execution.

2. If the appeal by the employer raises no questions Immediately executory – it requires a motion for
other than the award of moral and/or exemplary issuance of a writ of execution.
damages and the appellant is prepared to accept and
comply with all and any other monetary award, the Immediately self-executory – it is reinstatement sans
bond is not required. writ of execution.

Motion to reduce bond NOTE:

1. Reinstatement, insofar as LA is concerned –
A motion to reduce bond can be entertained by the immediately self-executory.
NLRC only: 2. On appeal, the NLRC reinstated the employee, which
was not previously ordered by the LA – not self-
1. When filed within the reglementary period to appeal; executory.
2. On meritorious grounds; and
3. Upon posting of the full or reasonable amount in Effect of refusal of the employer to reinstate the employee
relation to the monetary award.
The employer has 2 options to comply with the order
NOTE: of reinstatement, even pending appeal:

Reasonable amount of the bond = at least 20% 1. Admit the dismissed employee back to work under
the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to his
Reasonable amount of the appeal bond + motion to dismissal or separation in a substantially equivalent
reduce bond = 10% position; or
2. If the former position is already filled up, he can
10% appeal bond APPLIES ONLY to motion to merely reinstate the employee in the payroll
reduce bond53
NOTE: Reinstatement in the payroll violates the no-
EFFECTS: work no-pay policy, but it is the mandate of the law
(dura lex sed lex).
1. If denied – the appellant is given 10-day fresh period
to pay the full amount of the bond; otherwise, the Failure to exercise any of the above options or
appeal shall be dismissed. unreasonably delay reinstatement, the employer can be
2. If filed, but no bond is posted – the LA’s decision is compelled to pay instead the salary of the employee from the
final and executor and the NLRC acquires no date the employer failed to reinstate him.
appellate jurisdiction over the motion.
Effect of finding legal dismissal in payroll reinstatement
LA’s decision immediately executory as to reinstatement
aspect A dismissed employee whose case was favorably
decided by the LA is entitled to receive wages pending appeal
The decision of the LA reinstating a dismissed or upon reinstatement which is immediately self-executory.55
separated employee, insofar as the reinstatement aspect in
concerned, shall immediately be executory, even pending

Pioneer Texturizing Corp. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 118651 (1997).
53 55
McBurnie vs. Ganzon, G.R. Nos. 178034, 178117, 186984-85 (2013). Garcia vs. PAL, G.R. No. 164856 (2009).
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Appeal to the NLRC not part of the arbitration proceeding 3. Date when the notice of the denial thereof was
When the LA rendered his decision, compulsory
arbitration is deemed terminated because by then, the hearing Failure to comply with the above requirement is a
and determination of the controversy has ended. Any appeal sufficient ground to dismiss the petition.
from the LA’s decision is already beyond the scope of
arbitration since in the appeal stage, the NLRC merely reviews NOTE: Submission of “certified Xerox copy” of the
the LA’s decision for errors of fact or law and no longer judgment, etc. in a Petition for Certiorari is substantial
duplicates the proceedings before the LA. 56 compliance, as it is no different from a “certified true
copy” of the original document.60
II. Appeals from NLRC to CA
Finality of findings of facts; Exceptions
GR: No law provides for an appeal from decisions of NLRC;
hence, there can be no review and reversal on appeal by higher GR: Findings of facts of quasi-judicial agencies which have
authority of its factual or legal conclusions. acquired expertise because their jurisdiction is confined to
specific matters are accorded not only respect but at times
XPN: When it decides a case without or in excess of even finality if such findings are supported by substantial
jurisdiction, or with grave of abuse of discretion, the aggrieved evidence.
party may file a Petition for Certiorari with the CA under
Rule 65 of the Rules of Court.57 XPN:

Motion for Reconsideration 1. Whenever the factual findings are not supported by
Functions of a motion for reconsideration 2. Where the findings are vitiated by fraud, imposition,
1. To rectify the error committed by the NLRC or collusion
2. To comply with the doctrine of exhaustion of 3. Where the procedure which led to the factual findings
administrative remedies is irregular
3. Requisite sine qua non prior to the filing of the 4. When palpable errors are committed
Petition for Certiorari before the CA under the 5. When a grave abuse of discretion, arbitrariness, or
doctrine of hierarchy of courts. capriciousness is manifest
6. When the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely
GR: Only 1 motion for reconsideration of the decision or on speculations
order of the NLRC should be seasonably filed as requisite sine 7. When the inference made is manifestly mistaken,
qua non prior to certiorari. absurd, or impossible
8. Where there is grave abuse of discretion
XPN: Such requirement does not apply: 9. When the judgment is based on a misapprehension of
1. Where the decision sought to be annulled is a facts
nullity;58 or 10. When the adjudicating agency, in making its
2. The petition is grounded on purely questions of law. 59 findings, went beyond the issues of the case and the
same are contrary to the admissions of both appellant
Petition for Certiorari filed before the CA (Rule 65) and appellee
11. When the factual findings of the NLRC and the other
It shall be filed not later than 60 days from notice of LA are at odds with each other
judgment, order or resolution. In case a motion for
reconsideration is timely filed, the 60-day period shall be Certification against non-forum shopping
counted from the notice of the denial of said motion.
Revised Circular No. 29-91 requires that a party must
3essential dates required in the Petition for Certiorari certify under oath that
1. He has not commenced any other action or
1. Date when notice of judgment or final order or proceeding involving the same issues in the SC,
resolution of NLRC was received; CA, or any other tribunal or agency;
2. Date when a motion for reconsideration is filed; 2. To the best of his knowledge, no such action or
proceeding is pending in said courts or agencies.

PAL, Inc. vs. NLRC, 180 SCRA 555.
St. Martin’s Funeral Home vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 130886 (1988).
Quiambao vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 91935 (1996).
59 60
Samson vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 113166 (1996). Quintano vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 144517 (2004).
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A violation thereof entails sanctions including 2. Pure questions of law

summary dismissal of the multiple petitions or complaints, 3. Misapprehension of facts
contempt of court and appropriate actions against the counsel 4. Changing the tenor of the decision
or party concerned. 5. Due to fraud, imposition or collusion
6. When the decisions are at
Verification of the Petition odds/contradictory/diametrically opposed with each
Lack of verification is merely a formal defect which
is neither jurisdictional nor fatal. NOTE: The aggrieved party may file a motion for
reconsideration of SC decision. If denied, the aggrieved
III. Appeals from CA to SC party can still file the same until he/she is told to stop.

Appeal by Certiorari to the SC from CA under Rule 45 Remand of a case from the SC or the CA

The appeal from a final disposition of the CA is a A case dismissed by the CA on procedural defects
Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45. The but reversed by the SC may be remanded to the CA for the
reglementary period to appeal is 15 days from notice of proper determination of the substantive issue.
judgment or denial of the motion for reconsideration. It is but
a continuation of the appellate process. However, remand of a case is not proper if it would
cause undue delay of its disposition.
GR: A Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 cannot be a
substitute for a lost appeal under Rule 45. Art. 230. Execution of decisions, orders or awards. – (a) The
Secretary of Labor and Employment or any Regional Director,
XPN: the Commission or any Labor Arbiter, or Med-Arbiter or
Voluntary Arbitrator may, motu proprio or on motion of any
interested party, issue a writ of execution on a judgment within
1. When public welfare and the advancement of public
five (5) years from the date it becomes final and executory,
policy dictates requiring a sheriff or a duly deputized officer to execute or
2. When the broader interests of justice so require enforce final decisions, orders or awards of the Secretary of
3. When the writs issued are null Labor and Employment or regional director, the Commission,
4. When the questioned order amounts to an oppressive the Labor Arbiter or Med-Arbiter, or Voluntary Arbitrator or
exercise of judicial authority panel of Voluntary Arbitrators. In any case, it shall be the duty
of the responsible officer to separately furnish immediately the
Judicial review of question of facts counsels of record and the parties with copies of said decisions,
orders or awards. Failure to comply with the duty prescribed
herein shall subject such responsible officer to appropriate
GR: Findings of fact of LA and NLRC are generally accorded
administrative sanctions.
respect and finality and are binding upon the SC.
(b) The Secretary of Labor and Employment, and the
XPN: Judicial review of findings of fact is allowed under the Chairman of the Commission may designate special sheriffs and
following instances: take any measure under existing laws to ensure compliance with
their decisions, orders or awards and those Labor Arbiters and
1. Where the factual findings of the LA and NLRC and Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators,
those of the CA are contradictory or diametrically including the imposition of administrative fines which shall not
opposed be less than P500.00 nor more than P10,000.00.
2. When the conclusions of the CA are based on
speculations, surmises and conjectures Issuance of Writ of Execution
3. Where the judgment of the CA is premised on
misapprehension of facts A writ of execution may be issued by the following
4. When the CA failed to take into account and consider officials for the final decisions, orders or awards promulgated
the facts which if properly considered would justify a by them:
different conclusion.61
1. Secretary of Labor and Employment
Grounds to file Petition for Review on Certiorari under 2. Regional Director
Rule 45 (According to Dean Poquiz) 3. NLRC
4. LA
1. Grave abuse of discretion 5. Med-Arbiter
6. Voluntary Arbitrator; or
7. Panel of Voluntary Arbitrators
Grand Boulevard Hotel vs. Dacanay, G.R. No. 153665 (2003).
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Grounds for quashal of a writ of execution

The writ of execution on judgment may be issued:
1. Where the writ has been improvidently issued;
1. Motu proprio; or 2. Where the writ has been issued not to the proper
2. On motion of any interested party within 5 years party;
from the date it becomes final and executory 3. Where the judgment debt has already been fully paid;
4. Where the writ has been issued without authority;
A writ of execution must conform strictly with every 5. Where there is change in the situation of the parties
essential particular of the judgment promulgated. Where it is that makes the execution inequitable;
in excess of and beyond the original judgment or award, the 6. Where there is irregularity in the issuance of the writ
execution is void. that makes it defective.

The prevailing party, once the judgment has become NOTE: A writ of execution issued before a judgment has
final and executor, is entitled as a matter of right to a writ of become final and executor is invalid. Hence, its execution can
execution; and issuance thereof is a ministerial duty of the LA, be restrained.
compellable by mandamus.
When and where to file motion for execution
Order of execution of final and executor judgment not
appealable; Exceptions A motion for execution should be filed within 5 years
from the date of its entry with the LA, since it was he who
GR: An order of execution of a final and executor judgment is issued the decision sought to be executed.
not appealable.
XPN: On meritorious grounds, the SC allowed the execution
XPN: by mere motion even after the lapse of 5 years, when the delay
was caused or occasioned by actions of the judgment debtor
1. Where the Order of Execution varies or goes beyond and/or incurred for his benefit or advantage. 62
the terms of the judgment it seeks to enforce;
2. Where the terms of the judgment are ambiguous and Execution pending appeal
leave a room for doubt;
3. Where the implementation of the Order was irregular Execution shall issue only upon a judgment or order
that finally disposes of an action or proceeding, except in
Supervening events that may affect execution specific instances where the law provides for execution
pending appeal.
It is the duty of the NLRC to consider the same and
inquire into the correctness of the execution, as such NOTE: A Petition for Certiorari with the CA or the SC shall
supervening events may affect such execution and to give not stay the execution of the assailed decision unless a TRO is
petitioner its day in court to present evidence on the issued by the said courts.
supervening events that would affect the award.
Execution by independent action
NOTE: The power of the NLRC to issue a writ of execution
carries with it the right to look into the correctness of the After the lapse of the 5-year period within which to
execution of the decision in the case and to consider the file a motion for execution, the judgment shall become
supervening events that may affect the execution. dormant, and may only be enforced by an independent action
before the Regional Arbitration Branch of origin and within a
Jurisdiction over motion to quash period of 10 years from the date of its finality. 63

The NLRC has jurisdiction to entertain motions to Third party claim

quash its writ of execution or set aside a sheriff’s sale on the
ground of satisfaction of judgments or by reason of the full It is the remedy of a person, not a party to the case,
payments of judgment debt because every court has the against a wrongful execution by the Sheriff, for the purpose of
inherent power for the advancement of justice, to correct asserting his title to or right to the possession of the property
errors of its ministerial officers and to control its own levied upon.

Philippine Rabbit Bus Line, Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 122078 (1999).
Sec. 2, Rule XII, 2011 Rules of Procedure of the NLRC.
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It is filed with the Sheriff’s Office and copies served The judgment of the SOLE in appealed cases of
upon the NLRC or LA who issued the writ and the prevailing contempt is immediately executor and inappelable.68
Indirect Contempt
Upon receipt of the third party claim, all proceedings
with respect to the execution of the property subject of the said It is an act committed outside of the presence of
claim shall be automatically suspended. The NLRC or LA SOLE which tends to despise, degrade, obstruct, or embarrass
who issued the writ conducts a hearing with due notice to all him in the administration of justice.
parties concerned and resolves the validity of the claim with
10 working days from receipt thereof. Indirect contempt shall be dealt with by the SOLE in
the manner prescribed under Rule 71 of the Rules of Court.
The decision on the third party claim is appealable to
the NLRC within 10 working days. Quasi-judicial agencies that have the power to cite
persons for indirect contempt can only do so by initiating it in
However, where the prevailing party puts up an the RTC.69
indemnity in a sum not less than the valued of the property TITLE III
levied, execution proceeds. In case of disagreement as to the BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS
value, the same is determined by the NLRC or LA who issued
the writ. Art. 232. Bureau of Labor Relations. – The Bureau of Labor
Relations and the Labor Relations Divisions in the regional
offices of the Department of Labor, shall have original and
In the event the third party claim is declared to be exclusive authority to act, at their own initiative or upon request
valid, the Sheriff will release the property to the third party of either or both parties, on all inter-union and intra-union
claimant or his duly authorized representative and the levy on conflicts, and all disputes, grievances or problems arising from or
execution is immediately lifted or discharged. affecting labor-management relations in all workplaces, whether
agricultural or non-agricultural, except those arising from the
If the third party claim is found to be without factual implementation or interpretation of collective bargaining
or legal basis, the Sheriff proceeds with the execution of the agreements which shall be the subject of grievance procedure
property levied upon as if no third party claim has been filed. 64 and/or voluntary arbitration.

The Bureau shall have fifteen (15) working days to act

Execution against the company under rehabilitation on labor cases before it, subject to extension by agreement of the
receivership parties.

A stay of execution is warranted if the corporation is Concurrent original and exclusive jurisdiction of the
placed under rehabilitation receivership.65 Once the Bureau of Labor Relations and Labor Relations Divisions
receivership proceedings had ceased and the receiver and of the Regional Office
liquidator had been given the imprimatur to proceed with the
corporate liquidation, there is no more legal impediment for The BLR and the LRD in the Regional Offices of the
the execution of the decision of the LA.66 DOLE shall have concurrent and original exclusive authority
to act, at their own initiative or upon request of either or both
Art. 231. Contempt powers of the Secretary of Labor. – In the parties, on the following:
exercise of his powers under this Code, the Secretary of Labor
may hold any person in direct or indirect contempt and impose
1. All inter-union conflicts;
the appropriate penalties therefor.
2. All intra-union conflicts; and
Direct Contempt 3. All disputes or problems arising from or affecting
labor-management relations in all workplaces, except
A person guilty of misbehavior in the presence of or those arising from the implementation or
so near the Secretary of Labor and Employment as to obstruct interpretation of CBAs which shall be the subject of
or interrupt the proceedings before him may be summarily grievance procedure and/or voluntary arbitration.
adjudged in direct contempt by said official and punished by a
fine or imprisonment not exceeding 5 days or both.67

Rule VI, NLRC Manual on Execution of Judgment.
Alermar’s Sibal and Sons, Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 114761 (2000).
Alermar’s Sibal and Sons, Inc. vs. Elbinias, G.R. No. 75414 (1999). Ibid.
67 69
Sec. 1, Rule XXIII, Book V, Rules to Implement the Labor Code, as LBP vs. Listana, G.R. No. 152611 (2003).
amended by DO No. 40-03, S. of 2003.
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Concurrent administrative functions of the BLR and the conditions of union membership may be filed in the
LRD Regional Office where the union is domiciled.

The BLR and the LRD shall have concurrent Scope and coverage of inter-union and intra-union
administrative authority on the following matters: disputes

1. Registration of labor unions; 1. Cancellation of registration of a labor organization

2. Keeping of registry of labor unions; filed by its members or by another labor
3. Keeping a file of all CBAs. organization;
2. Conduct of election of union and worker’s
Decisions appealable to the BLR association officers or nullification of election of
union and worker’s association officers;
1. Decisions of the LRD denying the registration of 3. Audit/accounts examination of union or worker’s
labor unions are appealable to by the applicant union association funds;
to the BLR within 10 days from receipt of notice 4. Deregistration of CBAs;
thereof; 5. Validity/invalidity of union affiliation or
2. Decisions of Med-Arbiters in intra-union disputes disaffiliation;
6. Validity/invalidity of acceptance/non-acceptance for
NOTE: Decisions of Med-Arbiters in inter-union union membership;
disputes are appealable to the SOLE. 7. Validity/invalidity of impeachment/expulsion of
officers or members of the union or worker’s
Inter-union or Intra-union Disputes association;
8. Validity/invalidity of voluntary recognition;
Inter-union Dispute/Representation Dispute 9. Opposition to application for union and CBA
- Refers to a case involving a petition for certification 10. Violations of or disagreements over any provision in
election filed by a duly registered labor organization the constitution and by-laws of a union or worker’s
which is seeking to be recognized as the sole and association
exclusive bargaining agent of the rank-and-file 11. Disagreements over chartering or registration of labor
employees or supervisory employees in the organizations and CBAs;
appropriate bargaining unit of a company, firm or 12. Violations of the rights and conditions of
establishment. membership in a union or worker’s association;
13. Violations of the rights of legitimate labor
- It also refers to any conflict between and among organizations, except interpretation of the CBA;
legitimate labor unions involving representation 14. Such other disputes or conflicts involving the rights
questions for purposes of collective bargaining or to to self-organization, union membership and
any other conflict or dispute between legitimate labor collective bargaining –
unions. a. Between and among legitimate labor
Intra-union Dispute/Internal Union Dispute/Organizational b. Between and among members of a union or
Dispute worker’s association.

- Refers to any conflict between and among union Venue of complaints involving independent unions, local
members, including grievances arising from any chapters or workers’ associations
violation of the rights and conditions of membership,
violation of or disagreement over any provision of 1. Regional Office that issued their certificates of
the union’s constitution and by-laws or disputes registration or certificates of creation of local
arising from chartering or affiliation of a union. chapter – complaints or petitions involving labor
unions with independent registrations, local chapters,
- It also refers to a case involving the control, workers’ associations, or their officers or members
supervision, and management of the internal affairs 2. DOLE RD (may appoint a Hearing Officer form the
of a duly registered labor union, i.e. relating to LRD) –
specific violations of the union’s constitution and by- a. petitions for cancellation of registration of labor
laws. unions with independent registration of local
chapters; and
NOTE: A complaint for any violation of the b. workers’ associations and petitions for
constitution and by-laws and the rights and deregistration of CBAs
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3. Med-Arbiter in the RO of DOLE – other inter-union 2. Representation issues (i.e. expansion of the
or intra-union disputes bargaining unit and the authority to represent it for
purposes of collective bargaining
Venue of complaints involving federations, national unions
or industry unions NOTE: BLR has no authority to order referendum to
decide suspension or expulsion of union officers.
They shall be filed either with the:
1. Regional Office 3. Intra-union conflicts including removal of erring
2. BLR union officers

But the complaint or petition shall be heard and NOTE: If the legality of expulsion is interwoven
resolve by the BLR. with illegal dismissal and violation of the CBA, it is
within the jurisdiction of the NLRC.
Effects of filing or pendency of inter-union or intra-union
and other related labor relations disputes 4. Labor-management relations including determination
of employer-employee relationship
1. The rights, relationships and obligations of the
parties-litigants against each other and other parties- NOTE: The Med-Arbiter, who is an officer of the
in-interest prior to the institution of the petition shall BLR, has authority to determine the employer-
continue to remain during the pendency of the employee relationship indispensable in the exercise
petition and until the date of finality of the decision of his jurisdiction. His findings may only be reviewed
rendered therein and reversed by the SOLE under its appellate
2. The filing or pendency of any inter-union or intra- jurisdiction.
union dispute and other related labor relations dispute
is not a prejudicial question to any petition for 5. Appellate jurisdiction over all cases originating from
certification election and shall not be a ground for the RO involving complaints for examination of
dismissal of a petition for certification election or union books of accounts.
suspension of the proceedings therein.
NOTE: Exhaustion of remedies under the constitution and by-
NOTE: The requirement of 30% union support need not be laws must be observed.
strictly observed in a complaint affecting the entire
membership for the acquisition of jurisdiction by the BLR. 70 NOTE: Position papers are not required in BLR proceedings.


It consists of: I. Decision of the BLR

1. Labor organization and CBA Registration Unit – in The BLR and the Med-Arbiter or RO shall have 20
charge of processing the applications for registration days from the date of the last hearing within which to decide
of independent unions, chartered locals, workers the complaint or petition. The decision shall be released to the
associations and CBAs; maintaining said records and parties personally on a date and time agreed upon during the
all othe reports and incidents pertaining to labor last hearing.
organizations and workers associations; and
2. Med-Arbitration Unit – conducts hearings and II. Appeal to the BLR
decides certification election or representation cases,
inter/intra-union and other labor related relations The decision of the Med-Arbiter and RD may be
disputes. appealed to the BLR within 10 days from receipt thereof, copy
furnished the opposing party.
Jurisdiction of the BLR
The decision of the Bureau Director in the exercise of
1. Authority to order certification election even if his original jurisdiction may be appealed to the Office of the
subscription requirement was not strictly complied DOLE Secretary within the same period.
with (also within the domain of RO)
III. Where to file appeal

The memorandum of appeal shall be filed in the RO

or BLR where the complaint or petition originated.
Art. 250.
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Within 24 hours from the receipt of the memorandum IX. Transmittal of records to the RO or BLR
of appeal, the BLR or RD shall cause the transmittal thereof
together with the entire records of the case to the Office of the Within 48 hours from notice of receipt of the decision
DOLE Secretary or the BLR. by the parties and finality of the decision, the entire records of
the case shall be remanded to the BLR or RO of origin for
IV. Finality of decision implementation. The implementation of the decision shall not
be stayed unless restrained by the appropriate court.
Where no appeal is filed within the 10-day period,
the BLR and RD or Med-Arbiter shall enter the finality of the NATIONAL CONCILIATION MEDIATION BOARD
decision in the records of the case and cause the immediate (NCMB)
implementation thereof.
The NCMB refers to the agency attached to the
V. Period to reply DOLE principally in-charge of the settlement of labor disputes
through conciliation, mediation and of the promotion of
A reply to appeal may be filed by any party to the voluntary approaches to labor dispute prevention and
complaint or petition within 10 days from receipt of the settlement.
memorandum of appeal. The reply shall be filed directly with
BLR or the Office of the DOLE Secretary. Conciliator-Mediator

VI. Decision of the BLR or Office of the DOLE It refers to an officer of the NCMB whose principal
Secretary function is to assist in the settlement and disposition of labor-
management disputes through conciliation and preventive
The Bureau Director or SOLE shall have 20 days mediation, including the promotion and encouragement of
from receipt of the entire records within which to decide the voluntary approaches to labor disputes prevention and
appeal. settlement.

The BLR or Office of the DOLE Secretary may call Conciliation or mediation
the parties to a clarificatory hearing in aid of its appellate
jurisdiction. It is the process whereby a third person call the
Conciliator or Mediator, intervenes in a dispute involving 2 or
VII. Finality of the decision of the BLR or Office more conflicting parties for the purpose of reconciling their
of the DOLE Secretary differences or persuading them into adjusting or settling their
The decision of the BLR or the Office of the DOLE
Secretary shall become final and executory after 10 days from Composition of the NCMB
receipt thereof by the parties, unless a motion for
reconsideration is filed within the same period. 1. Administrator
2. 2 Deputy Administrators – appointed by the President
Only 1 motion for reconsideration shall be allowed. upon recommendation of the SOLE
3. Executive Conciliators-Mediator – heads each branch
VIII. Execution of decision of the NCMB
4. Conciliators-Mediators – as many as the needs of the
The decision of the Med-Arbiter and RD shall public service may require, who shall have:
automatically be stayed pending appeal with the BLR. a. At least 3 years of experience in handling labor
relations; and
The decision of the BLR in the exercise of its b. Appointed by the SOLE.
appellate jurisdiction shall be immediately executory upon
issuance of an entry of final judgment. Functions of the NCMB

The decision of the BLR in the exercise of its 1. Formulate policies, programs, standards, procedures,
original jurisdiction shall automatically be stayed pending manuals of operations and guidelines pertaining to
appeal with the Office of the DOLE Secretary. effective mediation and conciliation of all labor
The decision of the Office of the DOLE Secretary 2. Perform preventive mediation and conciliation
rendered therein shall be immediately executory upon issuance functions;
of entry of final judgment.
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3. Coordinate and maintain linkages with other sectors Compromise Agreement

of institutions, and other government authorities
concerned with matters relative to the prevention and Any compromise settlement agreed upon by the
settlement of labor disputes; parties with the assistance of the BLR or the RO shall be final
4. Formulates policies, plans, programs, standards, and binding upon the parties. If the terms of the settlement are
procedures, manuals of operations and guidelines violated, execution is the proper remedy.
pertaining to the promotion of cooperative and non-
adversarial schemes, grievance handling, voluntary A quitclaim partakes the nature of a compromise.
arbitration and other voluntary modes of dispute Such settlement is required to be approved by the LA before
settlement; whom the case is pending.71
5. Administer the voluntary arbitration program,
maintain/update a list of voluntary arbitrators, NOTE: Quitclaims are frowned upon as they are
compile arbitration awards and decisions; usually in the form of contracts of adhesion.
6. Provide counseling and preventive mediation
assistance particularly in the administration of Effect of offer of compromise
collective agreements;
7. Monitor and exercise technical supervision over the An offer of compromise is not an admission of any
Board's programs being implemented in the regional liability, and not admissible in evidence against the offeror. 72
offices; and
8. Perform such other functions as may be provided by Right to appeal waived in judicial compromise
law or assigned by the Secretary.
The decision rendered in conformity with a
Duties of the NCMB in case of negotiation deadlock compromise agreement constitutes an implicit waiver of the
right to appeal against the decision.
Once there is deadlock, the law directs the NCMB to
intervene either: The order approving the compromise agreement
1. Motu proprio; becomes a final act and it forms part of the judgment that can
2. Upon request of management; be enforced by a writ of execution unless enjoined by a
3. Upon request of the union; or restraining order.
4. Upon the joint request of management and the union.
The NCMB shall immediately call the parties to When compromise agreement is allowed
conciliation meetings.
1. When the case is about to be filed;
Jurisdiction of NCMB 2. When the case is pending in courts/tribunals;
3. Even after the judgment has become final and
Cases arising from the implementation or executory;
interpretation of CBAs that are the subject of grievance 4. Even prior to the execution of a final judgment.
procedure and/or voluntary arbitration are cognizable by the
NCMB. Judgment rendered pursuant to the compromise
agreement immediately executory
Issuance of compulsory process (subpoena)
A judgment rendered in accordance with a
For purposes of conducting meetings, the NCMB is compromise agreement is not appealable and is immediately
empowered to issue subpoenas ad testificandum or duce tecum executory unless a motion is filed to set aside the agreement
– requiring the presentation of documents and attendance of on the ground of fraud, mistake, or duress in which case an
the parties to such meetings. appeal may be taken against the order denying the motion.

Art. 233. Compromise agreements. – Any compromise The NLRC or any court has no jurisdiction over issues
settlement, including those involving labor standard laws, involved in a compromise; Exceptions
voluntarily agreed upon by the parties with the assistance of the
Bureau or the regional office of the Department of Labor, shall GR: The NLRC or any court shall not assume jurisdiction
be final and binding upon the parties. The National Labor
over issues involved in a compromise.
Relations Commission or any court, shall not assume jurisdiction
over issues involved therein except in case of non-compliance
thereof or if there is prima facie evidence that the settlement was
obtained through fraud, misrepresentation, or coercion.
St. Gothard Disco Pub & Restaurant vs. NLRC, 218 SCRA 327.
Rule 130 of the Rules of Court.
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XPN: jurisdiction over the dispute shall entertain only endorsed or

referred cases by the duly authorized officer.
1. In case of non-compliance of the compromise
agreement; or (b) Any or both parties involved in the dispute may pre-
terminate the conciliation-mediation proceedings and request
2. If there is prima facie evidence that the settlement
referral or endorsement to the appropriate DOLE agency or
was obtained through fraud, misrepresentation or office which has jurisdiction over the dispute, or if both parties so
coercion. agree, refer the unresolved issues to voluntary arbitration.

Examples of matters of compromise agreements Art. 235. Issuance of subpoenas. – The Bureau shall have the
power to require the appearance of any person or the production
1. Compromise involving labor standards – of any paper, document or matter relevant to a labor dispute
a. Must be reduced in writing; under its jurisdiction, either at the request of any interested
b. Must be signed in the presence of the RD or party or at its own initiative.
his duly authorized representative; and
Art. 236. Appointment of bureau personnel. – The Secretary of
c. Must be approved by the complainant’s Labor and Employment may appoint, in addition to the present
individually. personnel of the Bureau and the Industrial Relations Divisions,
such number of examiners and other assistants as may be
2. Compromise by union officers – it must be necessary to carry out the purpose of the Code.
authorized by union members.
3. Compromise by a lawyer – can be effected only upon Art. 237. Registry of unions and file of collective bargaining
presentation of SPA that he can bind his clients; agreements. – The Bureau shall keep a registry of legitimate
otherwise, the judgment rendered therein shall be labor organizations.
The Bureau shall also maintain a file of all collective
- Presence of the counsel is not required in bargaining agreements and other related agreements and records
compromise agreement. of settlement of labor disputes and copies of orders and decisions
4. Backpay as a compromise in lieu of reinstatement of voluntary arbitrators or panel of voluntary arbitrators. The
5. Compromise of an unfair labor practice (ULP) – must file shall be open and accessible to interested parties under
be done in good faith. conditions prescribed by the Secretary of Labor and
Employment, provided that no specific information submitted in
Requisites of a valid compromise agreement confidence shall be disclosed unless authorized by the Secretary,
or when it is at issue in any judicial litigation, or when public
interest or national security so requires.
1. Reality of the claim; and
2. Bona fide of the compromise Within thirty (30) days from the execution of a
Collective Bargaining Agreement, the parties shall submit copies
Requisites of a valid and binding quitclaim and waiver of the same directly to the Bureau or the Regional Offices of the
Department of Labor and Employment for registration,
1. It must be shown that the person making the waiver accompanied with verified proofs of its posting in two
did so voluntarily; conspicuous places in the place of work and ratification by the
2. He has full understanding of what he was doing; majority of all the workers in the bargaining unit. The Bureau or
3. The consideration for the quitclaim is credible and Regional Offices shall act upon the application for registration of
such Collective Bargaining Agreement within five (5) calendar
reasonable; days from receipt thereof. The Regional Offices shall furnish the
4. There is no fraud or deceit on the part of any of the Bureau with a copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement
parties; and within five (5) days from its submission.
5. The contract is not contrary to law, public policy,
morals or good customs. The Bureau or Regional Office shall assess the employer
for every Collective Bargaining Agreement a registration fee of
NOTE: A quitclaim or waiver cannot bar an employee from not less than one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or in any other
demanding the full benefits to which he is legally entitled. amount as may be deemed appropriate and necessary by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment for the effective and
efficient administration of the Voluntary Arbitration Program.
NOTE: Dire necessity or economic difficulties are not
Any amount collected under this provision shall accrue to the
acceptable grounds to annul compromise agreement. Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund.
Art. 234. Mandatory Conciliation and Endorsement of Cases. – The Bureau shall also maintain a file and shall
(a) Except as provided by Title VII-A, Book V of this Code, as undertake or assist in the publication of all final decisions, orders
amended, or as may be excepted by the Secretary of Labor and and awards of the Secretary of Labor and Employment, Regional
Employment, all issues arising from labor and employment shall Directors and the Commission.
be subject to mandatory conciliation-mediation. The labor
arbiter or the appropriate DOLE agency or office that has
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Registry of unions
Requisite for contract-bar rule
The BLR shall keep a registry of legitimate labor
organizations, i.e. those registered with the DOLE which 1. The CBA has been duly executed in conformity with
include any branch or local thereof. law and duly registered;
2. It was ratified by the majority of all the workers in
Registration of CBA the bargaining unit;
3. It is adequate or complete for the terms and
The procedures for registration are the following: conditions of employment are not substandard;
4. It embraces the employees in the appropriate
1. Within 30 days from the execution of a CBA, the bargaining unit;
parties shall submit 2 duly signed copies of the same 5. It was not hastily entered into or prematurely
directly to the BLR or the ROs of the DOLE for extended;
registration of said CBA accompanied by the 6. It is for a definite period
following: a. Representation – 5 years
a. Verified proof of its posting in 2 b. Renegotiation – 3 years
conspicuous places in the place of work; and 7. Neither there was schism nor mass disaffiliation that
b. Verified proof of its ratification by the affects the bargaining agent during the lifetime of the
majority of all the workers in the bargaining CBA;
unit. 8. The contracting union is the certified bargaining unit
2. The BLR or the RO shall act upon the application for in the company premises;
registration within 5 calendar days from receipt 9. The bargaining agent is not a captive union; and
thereof. 10. The CBA can be terminated/modified only during the
3. The RO shall furnish the BLR with a copy of the 60-day freedom period.
CBA within 5 days from its submission.
4. The BLR or RO shall assess the employer for every Exceptions to the contract-bar rule
CBA, the prescribed registration fee or any amount
deemed appropriate by the SOLE. The amount 1. The CBA is unregistered
collected accrues to the Special Voluntary Arbitration
Fund. NOTE: A CBA which is an arbitral award need not be
5. Issuance of certificate of registration. certified by the BLR to constitute as a bar to certification
NOTE: CBA is valid even without certification by the BLR,
as long as it is duly entered into and signed by the parties. 2. The CBA is inadequate or incomplete (sweetheart
NOTE: The substantial validity of the CBA is not affected by 3. The CBA was hastily entered into (i.e. doctrine of
non-registration, since it is more than a contract, it being premature extension)
highly impressed with public interest. Thus, it may not be set 4. Withdrawal of affiliation form the contracting union
aside on technical grounds, consistent with the public good. brought about by schism or split, or mass
disaffiliation which can no longer foster industrial
Effect of an unregistered CBA peace or stability
5. The automatic renewal clause in the CBA will not
1. It does not bar certification election (inter-union apply where the petitioning union makes known to
affair). the employer its claim to represent the employees or
2. It does not bar referendum (intra-union affair). seasonably files a petition for certification election or
has given a timely notice prior to the operative date
Art. 238. Prohibition on certification election. – The Bureau shall of the automatic renewal clause.
not entertain any petition for certification election or any other 6. Contract where the identity of the representative is in
action which may disturb the administration of duly registered doubt
existing collective bargaining agreements affecting the parties
7. A CBA entered into between the employer and the
except under Articles 253, 253-A and 256 of this Code.
union during the pendency of a petition for
Contract-bar rule certification election
8. A CBA concluded between the employer and the
The existence of a duly registered CBA bars the union (incumbent bargaining agent) is not a bar to
holding of a certification election or any action that may certification election filed by another union and said
disturb said CBA. This is to promote stability and fairness in CBA can be renegotiated at the option of the new
CBAs. bargaining agent
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9. A CBA is registered with falsified supporting certification election but may be questioned
documents only in an independent petition for cancellation.
10. A CBA entered into with a labor union that is not the
exclusive bargaining agent in the company premises 2. Possession of the rights and privileges granted
11. The petition for certification election is filed within by law to legitimate labor organizations.
the 60-day freedom period before the expiration of
the CBA Effects of registration (rights of a labor union)

Art. 239. Privileged communication. – Information and 1. Right of representation

statements made at conciliation proceedings shall be treated as
privileged communication and shall not be used as evidence in This refers to the right of the labor union to act as
the Commission. Conciliators and similar officials shall not
representative of its individual members for the purpose of
testify in any court or body regarding any matters taken up at
conciliation proceedings conducted by them. collective bargaining, which includes the authority to
represent them for purposes of enforcing the provisions of the
TITLE IV CBA, and to file an action for their benefit and behalf without
LABOR ORGANIZATIONS joining them as separate parties.

CHAPTER I 2. Right to be certified as the exclusive bargaining

REGISTRATION AND CANCELLATION agency within the premises (Doctrine of Union
Monopoly or Exclusive Right Rule)
Art. 240. Requirements of registration. – Any applicant labor
organization, association or group of unions or workers shall
acquire legal personality and shall be entitled to the rights and It refers to the right to represent the entire employees
privileges granted by law to legitimate labor organizations upon in the bargaining unit. It gives the union the right to
issuance of the certificate of registration based on the following collectively bargain with the management to the exclusion of
requirements. other minority or competing unions.

(a) Fifty pesos (P50.00) registration fee; 3. Right to acquire and dispose of property, real or
personal, pursuant to the purpose embodied in its
(b) The names of its officers, their addresses, the principal constitution
address of the labor organization, the minutes of the
organizational meetings and the list of the workers who
participated in such meetings; GR: The authority belongs to the President with the approval
of the Board of Directors (BOD).
(c) The names of all its members comprising at least twenty
percent (20%) of all the employees in the bargaining XPN:
unit where it seeks to operate; a. If the constitution and by-laws are silent, the approval
of the majority of the members in a general
(d) If the applicant union has been in existence for one or membership meeting is necessary for the acquisition
more years, copies of its annual financial reports; and or disposition of property.
b. If the constitution and by-laws authorized the BOD to
(e) Four (4) copies of the constitution and by-laws of the
applicant union, minutes of its adoption or ratification, appoint a person to exercise the right, then a mere
and the list of the members who participated in it. Board resolution will suffice.

Registration requirement with the BLR 4. Right to sue and be sued in its own registered name

It is a valid exercise of police power because the 5. Right to engage in activities which would redound to
activities in which labor organizations, associations, and the welfare and benefit of the members of the union
unions of workers are engaged affect public interest, which
should be protected. The labor union may engage in activities such as
cooperativism, housing projects, business and others provided
It is merely a condition sine qua non for the: they are not contrary to law. This is strengthen the union in the
bargaining table.
1. Acquisition of legal personality by labor
organizations, associations or unions. 6. Right to be exempted from taxes

NOTE: Such legal personality cannot be The labor union’s incomes and property shall be
subject to collateral attack in a petition for exempted to taxes, duties and other assessments, including
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gifts or donations they receive, except earnings or benefits Acquisition of legal personality
derived for purely business activities.
The issuance of certificate of registration will vest in
7. Right to be furnished a copy of employer’s audited the labor organizations legal personality.
financial statements
However, a local chapter directly created by a
Upon written request, the union has the right to be federation or national union acquires legal personality under
furnished by the employer of annual audited financial the following instances:
statements, on the basis of the workers’ constitutional right to
have a just share in the fruits of production. 1. An unregistered local chapter acquires an incomplete
legal personality upon the issuance to it of a charter
NOTE: Refusal to furnish requested information is in itself certification by the federation or national union
an unfair labor practice and may lend support to the inference which is only designed for on purpose, that is, to file
of surface bargaining. a petition for certification election.
2. A local chapter acquires complete or full legal
Labor organizations that are required to register personality only upon submission of its charter
certificate and the documents required to the DOLE.
1. Federation
2. National union NOTE: The fact of submission, not registration to
3. Industry union the DOLE, signals the start of its complete status as a
legitimate labor organization.
These three refer to a group of legitimate labor
organizations in private establishments organized for Where to file applications for registration
collective bargaining purposes or for dealing with employers
concerning the terms and conditions of employment of its 1. Applications for registration of independent labor
member-unions or for practicing in the formulation of social unions, local chapters or workers’ associations shall
and employment policies, standards, and programs. be filed with the RO where the applicant principally
operates, and processed by the LRD.
4. Trade union center
2. Applications for registration of federations, national
It is any group of registered national unions or unions or workers’ associations operating in more
federations organized for the mutual aid and protection of its than one region shall be filed with the BLR or RO,
members, for assisting such members in collective bargaining. but shall be processed by the BLR.

5. Independent union Requirements for registration of federations

It refers to a labor organization operating at the 1. A statement indicating the name of the applicant
enterprise level which acquired legal personality though labor union, its principal address, the name of its
independent registration. officers and their respective addresses;
2. The minutes of the organizational meeting and the
NOTE: The 20% membership requirement for application for list of employees who participated in the said
registration applies only to an independent union. meeting;
3. The annual financial reports if the applicant has been
Types of an affiliate of a labor federation in existence for 1 or more years, unless it has not
collected any amount from the members, in which
1. Chartered local/local chapter/local union – does not case a statement to this effect shall be included in the
undergo the rudiments of registration; not registered application;
by force of law, but it becomes a legitimate labor 4. The applicant’s constitution and by-laws, minutes of
organization. its adoption or ratification, and the list of the
2. Independently registered union – has to undergo the members who participated in it. The list of ratifying
requirements of registration. members shall be dispensed with where the
– it shall be considered an affiliate union constitution and by-laws were ratified or adopted
after submission to the BLR of the contract of during the organizational meeting. In such case, the
affiliation within 30 days after its execution. factual circumstances of the ratification shall be
recorded in the minutes;
5. The resolution of affiliation of at least 10 legitimate
labor organizations, whether independent unions or
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chartered locals, each of which must be a duly 6. The report of creation of a chartered local shall be
certified or recognized bargaining agent in the accompanied by a charter certificate issued by the
establishment where it seeks to operate; federation or national union indicating the creation or
6. The names and addresses of the companies where the establishment of the chartered local.
affiliates operate and the list of the members in each
company involved. Requirements for notice of change of name of a labor
Requirements for registration of independent labor unions
The notice shall be filed with the BLR or RO where
1. The name of the applicant labor union, its principal the concerned labor organizations’ certificate of registration or
address, the name of its officers and their respective certificate of creation of a chartered local was issued.
addresses, approximate number of employees in the
bargaining unit where it seeks to operate, with a The notice shall be supported by the following
statement that it is not reported as a chartered local of documents:
any federation or national union;
2. The minutes of the organizational meeting and the 1. Proof of approval or ratification of change of name;
list of employees who participated in the said and
meeting; 2. The amended constitution and by-laws.
3. The name of all its members comprising at least 20%
of the employees in the bargaining unit; Requirements of affiliation of independently registered
4. The annual financial reports if the applicant has been labor organizations
in existence for 1 or more years, unless it has not
collected any amount from the members, in which 1. Resolution of the labor union’s BOD approving the
case a statement to this effect shall be included in the affiliation;
application; 2. Minutes of the general membership meeting
5. The applicant’s constitution and by-laws, minutes of approving the same;
its adoption or ratification, and the list of the 3. The total number of members comprising the labor
members who participated in it. The list of ratifying union and the names of members who approved the
members shall be dispensed with where the affiliation;
constitution and by-laws were ratified or adopted 4. The certificate of affiliation issued by the federation
during the organizational meeting. In such case, the in favor of the independently registered labor union;
factual circumstances of the ratification shall be and
recorded in the minutes. 5. Written notice to the employer concerned if the
affiliating union is the incumbent bargaining agent.
Requirements for registration of workers’ associations
Requirements of merger or consolidation of labor
1. The name of the applicant association, its principal organizations
address, the name of its officers and their respective
addresses; The merger or consolidation of independent labor
2. The minutes of the organizational meeting and the unions, chartered locals and workers’ associations shall be
list of members who participated therein; filed and recorded by the RO that issued the certificate of
3. The financial reports of the applicant association if it registration/of creation of chartered local of either the merging
has been in existence for 1 or more years, unless it or consolidating labor organization.
has not collected any amount from the members, in
which case a statement to this effect shall be included Notice of merger or consolidation of federations or
in the application; national unions shall be filed with and recorded by the BLR.
4. The applicant’s constitution and by-laws to which
must be attached the names of ratifying members, the The merger or consolidation shall be supported by
minutes of adoption or ratification of the constitution the following documents:
and by-laws, and the date when ratification was
made, unless ratification was done in the 1. The minutes of merger or consolidation convention
organizational meeting in which case such fact shall or general membership meeting of all the merging or
be reflected in the minutes of organizational meeting; consolidating labor organizations, with the list of
5. Application for registration of a workers’ association their respective members who approved the same;
operating in more than 1 region shall be accompanied and
by a resolution of membership of each member 2. The amended constitution and by-laws and minutes
association, duly approved by its BOD; of its ratification, unless ratification transpired in the
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merger or consolidation convention, which fat shall Local chapter directly created by the federation or
be indicated accordingly. national union

Registration of government employees’ organization The local chapter acquires legal personality upon
issuance of the federation or national union of a certificate
1. Government employees’ organization shall register indicating its establishment and only for the purposes of filing
with the CSC and the DOLE. a petition for certification election from the date it was issued
2. The application shall be filed with the a charter certificate.
a. BLR of DOLE which shall process the same
under the Labor Code; or NOTE: The 20% membership requirement does not apply to
b. RO of the DOLE which shall immediately chartering of a local chapter, as it is not subject to the stringent
transmit the said applications to the BLR rules for creation and registration.
within 3 days from receipt thereof.
NOTE: The copy of the charter certificate shall be submitted
Requirements for registration of government employees’ to the BLR within 30 days from the issuance thereof.
Issuance of a charter certificate
1. The payment of registration fee;
2. The names and addresses of the officers, the principal It does not clothe the local chapter with complete and
address of the organization, the minutes of the full legal personality but only for the purpose of filing a
organizational meeting and the list of employees who petition for certification election from the date it was issued a
participated in the such meeting; charter certificate. (See discussion on acquisition of legal
3. The names of all its employees comprising at least personality)
20% of all the employees in the appropriate
organizational unit where it seeks to operate; Principle of agency applies to a local chapter
4. If the applicant has been in existence for 1 or more
years, copies of its financial reports shall be 1. Federation/national union – status of an agent; it acts
submitted; in representation of the local chapter.
5. 4 copies of the constitution and by-laws, minutes of 2. Local union/local chapter – the basic unit of the
its adoption and the list of employees who association free to serve the common interest of all its
participated therein; members subject to restraints provided under the
6. The application shall be signed by at least 20% of the constitution and by-laws.
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. - It is a separate and distinct voluntary
association owing its creation to the will of the
Art. 241. Chartering and Creation of a Local Chapter. – A duly members (not to the federation).
registered federation or national union may directly create a
local chapter by issuing a charter certificate indicating the NOTE: It has the right to disaffiliate from the
establishment of the local chapter. The chapter shall acquire legal federation. Once it disaffiliates, it ceases to be
personality only for purposes of filing a petition for certification
entitled to the rights and privileges granted to a
election from the date it was issued a charter certificate.
legitimate labor organization, including the right to
The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and check-off federation dues.
privileges of a legitimate labor organization only upon the
submission of the following documents in addition to its charter NOTE: Employees voting for disaffiliation of the
certificate: local union from the federation shall not be
considered violative of the union security clause in
(a) The names of the chapter’s officers, their addresses, and the CBA.
the principal office of the chapter; and
Art. 242. Action on application. – The Bureau shall act on all
(b) The chapter’s constitution and by-laws: Provided, That
applications for registration within thirty (30) days from filing.
where the chapter’s constitution and by-laws are the
same as that of the federation or the national union, this
All requisite documents and papers shall be certified
fact shall be indicated accordingly.
under oath by the secretary or the treasurer of the organization,
as the case may be, and attested to by its president.
The additional supporting requirements shall be certified
under oath by the secretary or treasurer of the chapter and
The proper remedy against the refusal to register a
attested by its president.
labor organization which complies with all the requirements is
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Art. 243. Denial of registration; appeal. – The decision of the Structural types of labor union
Labor Relations Division in the regional office denying
registration may be appealed by the applicant union to the 1. Craft union – an organization of employees engaged
Bureau within ten (10) days from receipt of notice thereof.
in a single occupation or in a group of closely related
Denial of application for registration occupations based upon skill or specialty in
performance of one task or of a number of closely
When the documents supporting the application for related crafts.
registration/notice of change of name, affiliation, merger or 2. Labor union – a conglomerate of different groups
consolidation are incomplete or do not contain the required having in mind the solidarity of all the working class.
certification and attestation, the RO or BLR shall, within 5 3. Industrial union – organized on the basis of skills or
days from receipt of the application/notice, notify the specialties in a given industry and without regard to
applicant/labor organization concerned in writing of the craft or occupation.
necessary requirements and complete the same within 30 days
from the receipt notice. For failure to complete the Functional forms of labor union
requirements within the said period, the application shall be
denied or the notice shall be returned. 1. Conservative unionism – a business-like
unionism which accepts the economic order of
Appeal from the denial of application of registration capitalism.
– It is more on terms and conditions of
The denial may be appealed to the: work.
1. BLR – if denial is made by the RO; or – It is craft-conscious.
2. SOLE – if denial is made by the BLR
2. Welfare unionism – a form of conservative but
The appeal may be filed on the ground of grave abuse idealist unionism.
of discretion or violate of the Rules. – Its object is to promote the welfare of the
Art. 244. Additional requirements for federations or national
unions. – Subject to Article 23873, if the applicant for registration 3. Revolutionary unionism – it is the radical type.
is a federation or a national union, it shall, in addition to the – It seeks to overthrow the existing
requirements of the preceding Articles, submit the following: economic order of capitalism.

Proof of the affiliation of at least ten (10) locals or a. Socialistic – seeks to attain its goal thru
chapters, each of which must be a duly recognized collective peaceful methods such as education of
bargaining agent in the establishment or industry in which it
operates, supporting the registration of such applicant federation
or national union; and b. Quasi-anarchist or anarcho-syndicalistic –
aims to replace capitalism with a system of
The names and addresses of the companies where the self-governing, worker-owned and operated
locals or chapters operate and the list of all the members in each industries.
company involved. c. Communistic – seeks to establish a system
under “dictatorship of the proletariat.”
Right to self-organization; Reasons for unionism 4. Predatory unionism – a notorious tyoe of union
which preys upon employers and consumers
1. Equality of bargaining power through methods such as dynamiting, graft,
2. Satisfactory terms and conditions of employment extortion, etc.
3. Security of tenure
4. Participation in policy and decision-making processes Art. 245. Cancellation of registration. – The certificate of
5. Pressure group registration of any legitimate labor organization, whether
national or local, may be cancelled by the Bureau, after due
Negative freedom of association – it is the right not to join a hearing, only on the grounds specified in Article 239 hereof. 74
labor union.
Venue of action for cancellation of registration

The opening phrase “Subject to Article 238” has been rendered inoperative 1. RO having jurisdiction over the place where the
by virtue of Sec. 5, EO No. 111 (1986) which repealed the then Article 238 respondent principally operates – if the respondent to
(Conditions for Registration of Federation or National Unions) and second
paragraphs of Articles 239 and 241 relating to the restructuring of the labor
movement along one-union-
one industry policy. As amended by Sec. 3, RA No. 9481 (2007).
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the petition is a local chapter, affiliate or a workers’

association with operations limited to one region. Effect of cancellation of registration of federation on its
2. BLR – petitions filed against federations, national or locals/chapters
industry unions, trade union centers, or workers’
associations operating in more than 1 regional The cancellation of registration of federation or
jurisdiction. national union shall operate to divest its locals/chapters of
their status of legitimate labor organizations, unless the
Who may file locals/chapters are covered by a duly registered CBA which
will allow them to register as independent unions. Failing
GR: A party-in-interest which, they shall lose their legitimate status upon expiration of
XPN: In actions involving violations of Art. 247, it can be the CBA.
commenced only by the members of the respondent labor
organization or workers’ association. Legal effect of cancellation of registration

Appeal The labor organization simply loses its rights and

privileges under the Labor Code.
The decision of the RD or Bureau Director may be
appealed to the BLR or SOLE within 10 days from receipt It does not entail dissolution of the union and does
thereof by the aggrieved party on the ground of grave abuse of not affect its legal personality.
discretion or any violation of the Rules.
Art. 246. Effect of a Petition for Cancellation of Registration. – A
Finality of the decision of the BLR or Office of SOLE petition for cancellation of union registration shall not suspend
the proceedings for certification election nor shall it prevent the
filing of a petition for certification election.
It shall become final and executory after 10 days
from receipt thereof by the parties, unless a motion for In case of cancellation, nothing herein shall restrict the
reconsideration is filed. right of the union to seek just and equitable remedies in the
appropriate courts.
The filing of a petition for cancellation of union
1. Decision of the BLR in the exercise of its appellate registration does not have the effect of depriving it of its rights
jurisdiction – immediately executory upon issuance as a legitimate labor organization under the Code.
of an entry of final judgment.
2. Decision of BLR in the exercise of its original The legitimate labor organization whose registration
jurisdiction – automatically stayed pending appeal is cancelled during the pendency of a case may still continue
with Office of the SOLE. to be a party to the case without the necessity of substitution.
3. Decision of the SOLE – immediately executory upon However, whatever decision rendered therein shall only be
issuance of an entry of final judgment. binding on the members who have not signified their desire to
withdraw from the case before its trial and decision on the
Appellate jurisdiction of the BLR and SOLE merits.

The appellate jurisdiction of the SOLE is confined Art. 247. Grounds for cancellation of union registration. – The
only to review of cancellation proceedings decided by the following may constitute grounds for cancellation of union
BLR in the exercise of its exclusive original jurisdiction. registration:

(a) Misrepresentation, false statement or fraud in

1. If the petition for cancellation of union registration is
connection with the adoption or ratification of the constitution
filed directly with the RO – its decision cancelling a and by-laws or amendments thereto, the minutes of ratification
union’s certificate of registration may be appealed to and the list of members who took part in the ratification;
the BLR whose decision is final and inappealable.
2. If the petition for cancellation of union registration is (b) Misrepresentation, false statements or fraud in
filed directly with the BLR – its decision cancelling a connection with the election of officers and the list of voters; and
union’s certificate of registration may be appealed to
the SOLE whose decision is final and inappealable. (c) Voluntary dissolution by the members.

REMEDY in BLR and SOLE’s appealed cases: 2 categories of grounds for cancellation
Certiorari under Rule 65.
1. Fraudulent acts
a. Adoption or ratification of the constitution
and by-laws or amendments thereto;
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b. Minutes of ratification; of funds, within thirty (30) calendar days after the election of
c. List of members who took part in the officers or from the occurrence of any change in the list of
ratification; officers of the labor organization;
d. Election of officers and the minutes
(d) The members shall determine by secret ballot, after
governing said election; and
due deliberation, any question of major policy affecting the entire
e. List of voters membership of the organization, unless the nature of the
organization or force majeure renders such secret ballot
2. Voluntary acts (see Art. 248) impractical, in which case, the board of directors of the
a. Cancellation of union registration by organization may make the decision in behalf of the general
voluntary dissolution; membership;
b. Approved by 2/3 votes of its general
membership in a meeting called for the (e) No labor organization shall knowingly admit as
purpose; and members or continue in membership any individual who belongs
to a subversive organization or who is engaged directly or
c. Application for cancellation is filed by the
indirectly in any subversive activity;
union board and attested to by its president.
(f) No person who has been convicted of a crime
Art. 248. Voluntary Cancellation of Registration. – The involving moral turpitude shall be eligible for election as a union
registration of a legitimate labor organization may be cancelled officer or for appointment to any position in the union;
by the organization itself: Provided, That at least two-thirds (2/3)
of its general membership votes, in a meeting duly called for that (g) No officer, agent or member of a labor organization
purpose to dissolve the organization: Provided, further, That an shall collect any fees, dues, or other contributions in its behalf or
application to cancel registration is thereafter submitted by the make any disbursement of its money or funds unless he is duly
board of the organization, attested to by the president thereof. authorized pursuant to its constitution and by-laws;
Art. 249. Equity of the incumbent. – All existing federations and (h) Every payment of fees, dues or other contributions
national unions which meet the qualifications of a legitimate by a member shall be evidenced by a receipt signed by the officer
labor organization and none of the grounds for cancellation shall or agent making the collection and entered into the record of the
continue to maintain their existing affiliates regardless of the organization to be kept and maintained for the purpose;
nature of the industry and the location of the affiliates.
(i) The funds of the organization shall not be applied for
Local union may also disaffiliate from federations or any purpose or object other than those expressly provided by its
national unions without being burdened by the “one-industry constitution and by-laws or those expressly authorized by written
one union” policy. resolution adopted by the majority of the members at a general
meeting duly called for the purpose;
RIGHTS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP (j) Every income or revenue of the organization shall be
evidenced by a record showing its source, and every expenditure
Art. 250. Rights and conditions of membership in a labor of its funds shall be evidenced by a receipt from the person to
organization. – The following are the rights and conditions of whom the payment is made, which shall state the date, place and
membership in a labor organization: purpose of such payment. Such record or receipt shall form part
of the financial records of the organization.
(a) No arbitrary or excessive initiation fees shall be
required of the members of a legitimate labor organization nor Any action involving the funds of the organization shall
shall arbitrary, excessive or oppressive fine and forfeiture be prescribe after three (3) years from the date of submission of the
imposed; annual financial report to the Department of Labor and
Employment or from the date the same should have been
(b) The members shall be entitled to full and detailed submitted as required by law, whichever comes earlier: Provided,
reports from their officers and representatives of all financial That this provision shall apply only to a legitimate labor
transactions as provided for in the constitution and by-laws of organization which has submitted the financial report
the organization; requirements under this Code: Provided, further, that failure of
any labor organization to comply with the periodic financial
(c) The members shall directly elect their officers in the reports required by law and such rules and regulations
local union, as well as their national officers in the national union promulgated thereunder six (6) months after the effectivity of
or federation to which they or their local union is affiliated, by this Act shall automatically result in the cancellation of union
secret ballot at intervals of five (5) years. No qualification registration of such labor organization;
requirements for candidacy to any position shall be imposed
other than membership in good standing in subject labor (k) The officers of any labor organization shall not be
organization. The secretary or any other responsible union paid any compensation other than the salaries and expenses due
officer shall furnish the Secretary of Labor and Employment to their positions as specifically provided for in its constitution
with a list of the newly-elected officers, together with the and by-laws, or in a written resolution duly authorized by a
appointive officers or agents who are entrusted with the handling majority of all the members at a general membership meeting
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duly called for the purpose. The minutes of the meeting and the Any violation of the above rights and conditions of
list of participants and ballots cast shall be subject to inspection membership shall be a ground for cancellation of union
by the Secretary of Labor or his duly authorized representatives. registration or expulsion of officers from office, whichever is
Any irregularities in the approval of the resolutions shall be a appropriate. At least thirty percent (30%) of the members of a
ground for impeachment or expulsion from the organization; union or any member or members specially concerned may
report such violation to the Bureau. The Bureau shall have the
(l) The treasurer of any labor organization and every power to hear and decide any reported violation to mete the
officer thereof who is responsible for the account of such appropriate penalty.
organization or for the collection, management, disbursement,
custody or control of the funds, moneys and other properties of Criminal and civil liabilities arising from violations of
the organization, shall render to the organization and to its above rights and conditions of membership shall continue to be
members a true and correct account of all moneys received and under the jurisdiction of ordinary courts.
paid by him since he assumed office or since the last day on
which he rendered such account, and of all bonds, securities and Union membership
other properties of the organization entrusted to his custody or
under his control. The rendering of such account shall be made: Any employee, whether employed for a definite
period or not, shall, beginning on his first day of service, be
(1) At least once a year within thirty (30) days
considered an employee for purposes of membership in a labor
after the close of its fiscal year;
(2) At such other times as may be required by
a resolution of the majority of the members of the Relationship between union and its members
organization; and
It is governed by:
(3) Upon vacating his office. 1. Their mutual agreement;
2. The terms and conditions set forth in the union
The account shall be duly audited and verified by constitution and by-laws and binding on the members
affidavit and a copy thereof shall be furnished the Secretary of
and organization itself.

(m) The books of accounts and other records of the Rights of union members
financial activities of any labor organization shall be open to
inspection by any officer or member thereof during office hours; 1. Right against arbitrary or excessive initiation fees,
fines and forfeitures;
(n) No special assessment or other extraordinary fees 2. Right to full and detailed reports on financial
may be levied upon the members of a labor organization unless transaction;
authorized by a written resolution of a majority of all the 3. Right to directly elect union officers, both local and
members in a general membership meeting duly called for the
national, by secret ballot;
purpose. The secretary of the organization shall record the
minutes of the meeting including the list of all members present, 4. Right to take part in determining and voting upon
the votes cast, the purpose of the special assessment or fees and major questions of policy such as declaring a strike;
the recipient of such assessment or fees. The record shall be 5. Right against admission of subversives;
attested to by the president. 6. Right against appointment or election of certain
(o) Other than for mandatory activities under the Code, 7. Right against unauthorized collection of fees or
no special assessments, attorney’s fees, negotiation fees or any disbursement of funds;
other extraordinary fees may be checked off from any amount 8. Right to demand receipt for payment of fees, dues,
due to an employee without an individual written authorization
or other contributions;
duly signed by the employee. The authorization should
specifically state the amount, purpose and beneficiary of the 9. Right against unauthorized disbursement of union
deduction; and funds;
10. Right against unauthorized compensation to union
(p) It shall be the duty of any labor organization and its officers;
officers to inform its members on the provisions of its 11. Right of inspection of books of accounts and other
constitution and by-laws, collective bargaining agreement, the financial records of the union;
prevailing labor relations system and all their rights and 12. Right against unreasonable special assessment or any
obligations under existing labor laws. other extraordinary fees;
13. Right against check-off for special assessment or any
For this purpose, registered labor organizations may
assess reasonable dues to finance labor relations seminars and other extraordinary fees;
other labor education activities. 14. Right to be informed on matters affecting constitution
and by-laws, CBA, prevailing labor relations system
and rights and obligations under existing laws;
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15. Right to run for union office; and Filing of intra-union dispute cases
16. Right to due process on matters of discipline.
Cases involving violation of the constitution and by-
laws and the rights and conditions of membership are
Union Officers cognizable by the RO where the union is domiciled.

1. Qualifications Requirements:
a. Must be an employee of the company where
the union is operating; 1. Complaints for violation of rights and conditions of
b. Must be a member of the union in good union membership
standing and a. If the violation affects the general
c. Must not have been convicted of a crime membership – should be signed by at least
involving moral turpitude, unless he had 30% of all the members of the union
been given an absolute pardon for such b. If the violation affects only a particular
offense. membership – he may alone file his
2. Disqualifications 2. The petition on its face must show that the
a. Convicted of a crime involving moral administrative remedies provided for in the
turpitude; constitution and by-laws have been exhausted or such
b. Belongs to a subversive organization; and remedies are not readily available to the complaining
c. Engaged directly or indirectly in any members through no fault of their own.
subversive activity.
XPN to requirement of exhaustion:
3. Election a. Resort to the remedy would be futile,
illusory, or vain;
The union members shall directly elect their b. Remedy applied for was not acted upon for
offices in the local union as well as their national officers an unreasonable length of time;
in the federation, by secret ballot at interval of 5 years. c. Relief sought was simply for damages;
d. Act complained of is contrary to the
4. Election protest constitution and by-laws;
e. Issue is purely question of law; and
Protests against union elections should be f. Due process was not observed.
formalized before the Med-Arbiter within 5 days from the
close of the election proceedings and must be decided by Appeals
the latter within 20 working days. If not formalized within
the prescribed period, the protest is deemed dismissed. Decisions involving intra-union disputes may be
appealed to the BLR within 10 calendar days on the following
5. Expulsion of union officers grounds:
The remedy against erring union officers is 1. Grave abuse of discretion; and
expulsion, if they were guilty of the acts imputed against 2. Gross incompetence
The decision of the RD is stayed pending appeal with
6. Grounds for impeachment or expulsion the BLR. The decision of the BLR in the exercise of appellate
a. Failure to provide mandatory adequate labor jurisdiction is immediately executory upon issuance of entry
education and research services to members of final judgment.
of a labor organization;
b. Misuse or illegal disbursement of the labor Prescriptive period on actions involving union funds
education and research fund;
c. Any irregularities in the approval of the 3 years from the:
resolutions on unauthorized compensation of 1. Date of submission of the annual financial report to
officers; the DOLE; or
d. Membership in another labor union; 2. Date of the same should have been submitted as
e. Culpable violation of the constitution and required by law
by-laws of the union.75 Whichever comes earlier.

Duyag vs. Inciong, 98 SCRA 522.
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It is a method of deducting from an employee’s pay
at prescribed period, the amounts due the union for fees, fines, Art. 251 Rights of legitimate labor organizations. – A legitimate
labor organization shall have the right:
or assessments for the purpose of raising revenues for the
union. (a) To act as the representative of its members for the
purpose of collective bargaining;
Union agreements containing check-off provisions,
may establish a general check-off for all employees, or in the (b) To be certified as the exclusive representative of all
absence of a closed shop, they may provide a check-off for the employees in an appropriate bargaining unit for purposes of
every union member without the requirement of individual collective bargaining;
(c) To be furnished by the employer, upon written
request, with its annual audited financial statements, including
Types of check-off the balance sheet and the profit and loss statement, within thirty
(30) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, after
1. Voluntary irrevocable – employer agrees to deduct the union has been duly recognized by the employer or certified
union dues and other monies from the worker’s as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of the
wages if the latter signs a form authorizing the former employees in the bargaining unit, or within sixty (60) calendar
to do so, which is irrevocable for a certain period or days before the expiration of the existing collective bargaining
beyond the termination of the contract, whichever is agreement, or during the collective bargaining negotiation;
2. Voluntary revocable – the worker is given the (d) To own property, real or personal, for the use and
benefit of the labor organization and its members;
discretion to revoke the authorization at any time he
sees fit. (e) To sue and be sued in its registered name; and
3. Involuntary irrevocable – employer agrees that to
secure and keep his job, a worker must sign a form (f) To undertake all other activities designed to benefit
authorizing the employer to deduct union dues and the organization and its members, including cooperative,
other monies from his wages. housing, welfare and other projects not contrary to law.
4. Automatic – employer agrees to deduct automatically,
dues and other monies from the worker’s wages and Notwithstanding any provision of a general or special
turn over the money to the union. law to the contrary, the income and the properties of legitimate
labor organizations, including grants, endowments, gifts,
5. Year-to-year renewal – If the worker does not revoke
donations and contributions they may receive from fraternal and
the check-off authorization at the end of the year, it similar organizations, local or foreign, which are actually,
goes into effect for another year. directly and exclusively used for their lawful purposes, shall be
free from taxes, duties and other assessments. The exemptions
NOTE: Irrevocable check-off authorization is coterminous provided herein may be withdrawn only by a special law
with union membership or affiliation. expressly repealing this provision.

NOTE: The federation is not entitled to check-off dues upon See notes on Art. 240.
disaffiliation of local union.
Art. 252. Reportorial Requirements. – The following are
documents required to be submitted to the Bureau by the
NOTE: The law requires an individual written authorization
legitimate labor organization concerned:
duly signed by every employee in order that a special
assessment may be validly checked-off. (a) Its constitution and by-laws, or amendments thereto,
the minutes of ratification, and the list of members who took part
Requirements for a valid special assessment in the ratification of the consultation and by-laws within thirty
(3) days from adoption or ratification of the constitution and by-
1. General membership meeting called for the purpose; laws or amendments thereto;
2. Written resolution;
3. The resolution was passed by the majority of all the (b) Its list of officers, minute of the election of officers,
and list of voters within thirty (3) days from election:
union members; and
4. The minutes of the meeting recorded by the union (c) Its annual financial report within thirty (30) days
secretary and attested by the union president. after the close of every fiscal year; and

(d) Its list of members at least once a year or whenever

required by the Bureau.
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Failure to comply with the above requirements shall not Principle of union autonomy (freedom from government
be aground for cancellation of union registration but shall interference)
subject the erring officers of members to suspension, expulsion
from membership, or any appropriate penalty. GR: A labor organization enjoys a certain degree of autonomy
or freedom from government interference.
See notes on Art. 240.

TITLE V XPN: When there is an inter-union or intra-union conflict,

COVERAGE labor officials should not hesitate to enforce strictly the law
and regulations even if that course of action would curtail
Art. 253. Coverage and employees’ right to self-organization. – union autonomy and freedom from government interference.
All persons employed in commercial, industrial and agricultural
enterprises and in religious, charitable, medical, or educational Employee for purposes of union membership
institutions, whether operating for profit or not, shall have the
right to self-organization and to form, join, or assist labor Any employee, whether employed for a definite
organizations of their own choosing for purposes of collective
period or not, shall, beginning on his first day of service, be
bargaining. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers, self-
employed people, rural workers and those without any definite considered an employee for purposes of membership in any
employers may form labor organizations for their mutual aid and labor union.
Supervisory employees, however, shall not be
Who may join labor organizations eligible for membership in a labor organization of the rank-
and-file employees. But, they may join, assist, pr form
1. All persons employed in: separate labor organizations of their own.
a. Commercial
b. Industrial Examples of employees who are allowed to form or join a
c. Agricultural enterprises union
d. Religious
e. Charitable 1. Security guards may now join labor organizations of
f. Medical the rank-and-file or that of supervisory unions
g. Education institutions, whether for profit or not depending on their rank;76
2. Working children can join a union. P.D. 603 or The
2. Ambulant, intermittent and itinerant workers Child and Youth Welfare Code provides that neither
3. Self-employed people the management nor any collective bargaining union
4. Rural workers shall threaten or coerce working children to join,
5. Those without any definite employers continue or withdraw as members of such union;
6. Alien employees with valid working permits issued 3. Homeworkers;
by the DOLE if they are nationals of a country which 4. Independent contractor’s employees;
grants the same or similar rights to Filipino workers, 5. The right of members of Iglesia ni Kristo sect not to
as certified by the DFA join a labor union for being contrary to their religious
7. Supervisory employees may form, join or assist beliefs does not bar the members of that sect from
separate labor unions of their own but shall not be forming their own union of for the recognition of the
eligible for membership in a labor union of the rank- tenets of the sect should not infringe on the basic
and-file employees right to self-organization granted by the Constitution
to workers regardless of religious affiliation;77
NOTE: Managerial employees shall not be eligible to form, 6. Employees of non-profit institutions.
join or assist any labor unions for purposes of collective
bargaining. Example/s of employees who are not allowed to form or
join a union
Registered legitimate labor organizations – have the 1. Employee-members of a cooperative cannot join a
right to represent their members for collective bargaining and labor union. But, they are not prohibited from
other purposes. withdrawing their membership in the cooperative in
Workers’ association – can represent their members order to join a labor union pursuant to their right to
for purposes other than collective bargaining. self-organization.78

MERALCO vs. Sec. of Labor, G.R. No. 91902 (1991).
Kapatiran vs. Ferrer-Calleja, 162 SCRA 367.
Central Negros Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. Sec. of Labor, G.R. No. 94045
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3. Personnel growth and development;

Confidential employee doctrine; Exceptions 4. Communication system;
5. Provision for protection and safety;
GR: Confidential employees are ineligible to form, assist or 6. Provision for facilities for handicapped personnel;
join a labor union because by the nature of their functions, 7. Provision for first aid medical services and supplies;
they assist and act in a confidential capacity to, or have access 8. Physical fitness program;
to confidential matters, of persons who exercise managerial 9. Provision for family planning services for married
functions in the field of labor relations, and the union might women;
not be assured of their loyalty in view of evident conflict of 10. Annual physical/medical examination;
interest.79 11. Recreational, social, athletic, and cultural activities
and facilities.
This includes confidential employees performing
managerial functions, in the same manner as managerial Matters not proper for collective negotiation
employees, applying the doctrine of necessary implication.80
1. Terms and conditions of employment that are fixed
XPN: by law;
1. If the access to confidential labor relations 2. Matters that require appropriation of funds;
information is merely incidental in the performance 3. Matters that involve exercise of management
of their functions; prerogatives
2. If he does not have access or is not allowed access to
confidential labor relations information. Government employees may not strike

Art. 254. Right of employees in the public service. – Employees of Government employees may, therefore, through their
government corporations established under the Corporation union or associations, either:
Code shall have the right to organize and to bargain collectively
with their respective employers. All other employees in the civil
1. Petition the Congress for the betterment of the terms
service shall have the right to form associations for purposes not
contrary to law. and conditions of employment which are within the
ambit of legislation; or
Right to self-organization in the public sector 2. Negotiate with the appropriate government agencies
for the improvement of those which are not fixed by
1. Employees in GOCCs with original law.
charters/Chartered corporations – governed by the
civil service laws. NOTE:
– they cannot collectively bargain but they have
the right to collective negotiation. 1. Employees of international organizations may join a
union but not for purposes of collective bargaining
2. Employees in GOCCs without original charters/ for this may trigger off an international organization
Subsidiary or corporate offspring – governed by the to be involved in a legal process which is the evil
Labor Code. sought to be prevented by the grant of immunity.
2. Alien employees without valid working permits
Not allowed to form, join or assist organizations, cannot form or join a union. Even if they possess
associations or federations permits, they still cannot enjoy the right to self-
organization if they are nationals of a country that
1. Members of the AFP; does not grant the same right to Filipino workers.
2. Police officers;
3. Policemen; Art. 255. Ineligibility of managerial employees to join any labor
organization; right of supervisory employees. – Managerial
4. Firemen;
employees are not eligible to join, assist or form any labor
5. Jail guards; organization. Supervisory employees shall not be eligible for
6. High-level employees membership in the collective bargaining unit of the rank-and-file
employees but may join, assist or form separate collective
Matters proper for collective negotiation bargaining units and/or legitimate labor organizations of their
own. The rank and file union and the supervisors’ union
1. Schedule of vacation and other leaves; operating within the same establishment may join the same
2. Work assignment of pregnant women; federation or national union.

Philips Industrial Dev., Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 88957 (1992).
NATU vs. Hon. Torres, G.R. No. 93468 (1994).
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Managerial Employee The fact that the 2 groups of workers are employed
by the same company and that the unions are affiliated with
One who is vested with powers or prerogatives to lay one and the same federation is not sufficient to justify the
down and execute management polices and/or to hire, transfer, conclusion that their organizations are actually just one.81
suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign, or discipline
employees. Art. 256. Effect of inclusion as members of employees outside the
bargaining unit. – The inclusion as union members of employees
1. Top and Middle Managers – have the authority to outside the bargaining unit shall not be a ground for the
cancellation of the registration of the union. Said employees are
devise, implement and control strategic and
automatically deemed removed from the list of membership of
operational policies. said union.
2. First-Line Managers – to ensure that such policies
are carried out by the rank-and-file employees of an Members outside of the bargaining unit, automatically
organization. deemed removed

NOTE: Designation should not be reconciled with the actual The inclusion as union members of employees
job description of the employee for it is the job description or outside of the bargaining unit are automatically deemed
the nature of functions that determines the nature of removed from the list of membership of said union; but the
employment. same shall not be aground for cancellation of union
Supervisory Employee
Art. 257. Non-abridgment of right to self-organization. – It shall
One who, in the interest of the employer, effectively be unlawful for any person to restrain, coerce, discriminate
recommends managerial actions if the exercise of such against or unduly interfere with employees and workers in their
authority is not merely routinary or clerical in nature but exercise of the right to self-organization. Such right shall include
requires the use of independent judgment. the right to form, join, or assist labor organizations for the
purpose of collective bargaining through representatives of their
own choosing and to engage in lawful concerted activities for the
Rank-and-file employee same purpose for their mutual aid and protection, subject to the
provisions of Article 26482 of this Code.
All employees not falling within the definitions of
managerial or supervisory employee. Title VI
NOTE: A labor organization composed of both rank-and-file
and supervisory employees is no labor organization at all as CHAPTER I
the supervisory employees cannot join the rank-and-file CONCEPT
employees’ union.
Art. 258. Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for
prosecution thereof. – Unfair labor practices violate the
Separation of unions doctrine; comingling prohibited (Old constitutional right of workers and employees to self-
Rule) organization, are inimical to the legitimate interests of both labor
and management, including their right to bargain collectively
This doctrine prohibits a situation where the and otherwise deal with each other in an atmosphere of freedom
supervisory union and the rank-and-file union operating within and mutual respect, disrupt industrial peace and hinder the
the same establishment are both affiliated with one and the promotion of healthy and stable labor-management relations.
same federation or national union because of the possible
conflict of interest which may arise in the areas of discipline, Consequently, unfair labor practices are not only
violations of the civil rights of both labor and management but
collective bargaining and strike.
are also criminal offenses against the State which shall be subject
to prosecution and punishment as herein provided.
It is to prevent the supervisors from comingling with
the rank-and-file employees whom they directly supervise in Subject to the exercise by the President or by the
their own bargaining unit. Secretary of Labor and Employment of the powers vested in
them by Articles 263 and 264 of this Code83, the civil aspects of all
Adamson & Adamson Ruling reinstated; comingling cases involving unfair labor practices, which may include claims
allowed (New Rule) for actual, moral, exemplary and other forms of damages,
attorney’s fees and other affirmative relief, shall be under the
The law now allows a rank-and-file union and a
supervisors’ union operating within the same bargaining unit 81
Adamson & Adamson, Inc. vs. CIR, G.R. No. L-35120 (1989).
to join the one and the same federation or national union. Art. 264 has been renumbered as Art. 279.
Renumbered as Arts. 278 and 279, respectively.
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jurisdiction of the Labor Arbiters. The Labor Arbiters shall give During the pendency of such administrative
utmost priority to the hearing and resolution of all cases proceedings, the running of the period of prescription of the
involving unfair labor practices. They shall resolve such cases criminal offense (1 year from accrual of such ULP) shall be
within thirty (30) calendar days from the time they are submitted considered interrupted.
for decision.

Recovery of civil liability in the administrative However, the final judgment in the administrative
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil Code. proceedings shall not be binding in the criminal case nor be
considered as evidence of guilt but merely as a proof of
No criminal prosecution under this Title may be compliance of the requirements therein set forth.
instituted without a final judgment finding that an unfair labor
practice was committed, having been first obtained in the Scope of ULP
preceding paragraph. During the pendency of such
administrative proceeding, the running of the period of 1. ULP can be committed only if there exists employer-
prescription of the criminal offense herein penalized shall be
employee relationship.
considered interrupted: Provided, however, That the final
judgment in the administrative proceedings shall not be binding
in the criminal case nor be considered as evidence of guilt but XPN: Instances when it can be committed
merely as proof of compliance of the requirements therein set against a non-employee (ie. Yellow-dog contract).
2. ULP can be committed only against an employee
Unfair Labor Practice who exercises or has exercised his right to self-
It is an act of an employer or union or their agents, which
violates the right of workers to self-organization, which Burden of proof in ULP
includes the right to:
It shall be upon the union to present substantial
1. Form a union; evidence to support its allegations (administrative
2. Take part in its formation; proceedings).
3. Join or assist a union of their own choosing for
purposes of; Penalties for ULP
4. Collective bargaining and negotiations; and
5. Engage in concerted activities for mutual aid and 1. Fine of not less than P1,000.00 nor more than
protection. P10,000.00; or
2. Imprisonment of not less than 3 months nor more
2 kinds of ULP: than 3 years; or
1. Employer ULP 3. Both, at the discretion of the court.
2. Union ULP
Criminal liability of officers
Civil aspects of ULP
The officers and agents of corporations, associations
These shall be under the jurisdiction of the LA, who or partnerships, OR the officers, board members,
shall resolve such cases within 30 calendar days from the time representatives or agents or members of labor organizations or
they are submitted for decision. associations, who have actually participated in, authorized or
ratified the ULP shall be held criminally liable.
NOTE: Recovery of civil liability in the administrative
proceedings shall bar recovery under the Civil Code. Prescriptive period of ULP
Criminal aspects of ULP Within 1 year from accrual of such ULP.
These shall be under the concurrent jurisdiction of CHAPTER II

No criminal prosecution for ULP may be instituted Art. 259. Unfair labor practices of employers. – It shall be
without a final judgment finding ULP was committed, having unlawful for an employer to commit any of the following unfair
been first obtained in the administrative proceedings before labor practice:
the LA.
(a) To interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in
the exercise of their right to self-organization;
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(b) To require as a condition of employment that a c. Accepting an offer by the majority of the
person or an employee shall not join a labor organization or shall employees to abandon their union in return
withdraw from one to which he belongs; for a wage increase;
d. Changing work assignments after the
(c) To contract out services or functions being
employees had organized themselves;
performed by union members when such will interfere with,
restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to self- e. The closure or shut down of the corporation
organization; shortly after the union had been organized as
well as the dismissal of the employees
(d) To initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere effected under false pretenses
with the formation or administration of any labor organization,
including the giving of financial or other support to it or its 2. Indirect interference; such as:
organizers or supporters; a. Anti-union conduct of supervisory
employees or by outsiders acting as agents
(e) To discriminate in regard to wages, hours of work
for the employer;
and other terms and conditions of employment in order to
encourage or discourage membership in any labor organization. b. Anti-union conduct or statements of the
Nothing in this Code or in any other law shall stop the parties managerial employees.
from requiring membership in a recognized collective bargaining
agent as a condition for employment, except those employees who TEST: Whether the employer has engaged in conduct that
are already members of another union at the time of the signing would reasonably tend to interfere with the free exercise of the
of the collective bargaining agreement. Employees of an employees’ right to self-organization.
appropriate bargaining unit who are not members of the
recognized collective bargaining agent may be assessed a II. Restraint and coercion
reasonable fee equivalent to the dues and other fees paid by
members of the recognized collective bargaining agent, if such
non-union members accept the benefits under the collective 1. Economic coercion – may be exerted through:
bargaining agreement: Provided, that the individual a. Wage increase, particularly prior to election;
authorization required under Article 242, paragraph (o) of this b. Granting bonuses to strikers who return to
Code84 shall not apply to the non-members of the recognized work while withholding it from those
collective bargaining agent; continuing to strike;
c. Promising permanent employment rather
(f) To dismiss, discharge or otherwise prejudice or that lay-offs, promotions and vacations with
discriminate against an employee for having given or being about pay;
to give testimony under this Code;
d. Evictions from company houses
(g) To violate the duty to bargain collectively as
prescribed by this Code; 2. Physical coercion
3. Psychological coercion
(h) To pay negotiation or attorney’s fees to the union or
its officers or agents as part of the settlement of any issue in III. Yellow-dog Contract
collective bargaining or any other dispute; or
It is an ULP committed by an employer against an
(i) To violate a collective bargaining agreement applicant to require as a condition of employment that:
1. He is not a member of a union;
The provisions of the preceding paragraph
notwithstanding, only the officers and agents of corporations, 2. If a member, he will resign;
associations or partnerships who have actually participated in, 3. He will not join a labor union.
authorized or ratified unfair labor practices shall be held
criminally liable. IV. Company or captive unionism

I. Employer’s interference; Totality of Conduct Another form of ULP committed by an employer to

Test initiate, dominate, assist or otherwise interfere with the
formation or administration of any labor organization,
1. Direct Interference, such as: including the giving of financial or other support to it or its
a. When an employer requires an employee to organizers or officers.
sign a contract not to join a union (yellow-
dog contract); Other forms of Company Domination:
b. Espionage or surveillance of union
members; 1. Initiation of the company union idea
a. Outright formation by the employer or his
Renumbered as Art. 250, par (o).
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b. Employee formation on outright demand by

employer; and NOTE: The employees could validly stage a strike in
c. Managerially motivated formation by the new location for the law provides that strike area
employees. includes run-away shop.
2. Financial support to the union
3. Employer encouragement and assistance 2. Surface bargaining – going through the motions of
4. Supervisory assistance negotiating without any legal intent to reach an
5. Passivity of the union agreement; it involves question of intent.
a. If the union makes no effort to procure a 3. Take it or leave it bargaining (Boulwareism) – a
CBA; violation of the duty to bargain collectively and in
b. If it accepts an agreement lacking the usual good faith.
substantive provisions; 4. Declining to deal with the certified bargaining union
c. Failure of the union to hold meetings, elect on the ground that the unit was not appropriate
officers, collect dues, or to adopt 5. Delaying bargaining negotiations
constitution and by-laws.
6. Employer becomes more friendly to the union VIII. Gross violation of a CBA
(captive unionism)
It means the flagrant and/or malicious refusal to
V. Contracting out services being performed by comply with the economic provisions of the CBA (the law
union members between the employer and the union; impressed with public
It is an ULP committed by employer to contract out
services or functions being performed by union members IX. Dismissal for giving testimony
when such will interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in
the exercise of their right to self-organization. It is an ULP committed by an employer to dismiss,
discharge or otherwise prejudice or discriminate against an
VI. Acts of discrimination employee for having given or being about to give his
testimony under the Labor Code.
1. Dismissal lay-off – must be committed because of
union activities. NOTE: It is the only ULP not related to the right of workers
2. Closure or shutdown – due to union activities. to self-organization and collective bargaining.
3. Rehiring (ie. Delayed reinstatement, conditional
reinstatement) Union Security Clauses
4. Transfer – when an employee is transferred from one
job to another, even though it carries the same wage The parties are not prohibited from requiring
rate, if the new job is considered by the employee to membership in a recognized collective bargaining agent as a
be less desirable and the purpose is discouragement condition for employment, EXCEPT those employees who are
of union activity. already members of another union at the time of the signing of
5. Retrenchment – due to union activities. the CBA.
6. Constructive dismissal
1. Closed-shop – All employees must be members of
VII. Refusal to bargain the union at the time of hiring and they must remain
members in good standing during the period of
It is a violation of the duty to bargain collectively. employment

Duty to bargain collectively – NOTE: This applies only to persons to be hired and
a. Mutual obligation to meet and convene to those who are not yet members; otherwise, the
b. Promptly and expeditiously same is null and void.
c. In good faith
For the purpose negotiating an agreement. NOTE: That “they must remain members in good
standing during the period of employment” must be
1. Run-away shop – transferring operation to elude the clear and unequivocal for it to be considered a
union; it usually takes place by effecting the transfer closed-shop agreement.
of ownership, the plant itself, or its equipment and
machines or by temporarily closing its business NOTE: Members of Iglesia ni Kristo cannot be
purposely to bust the union or to evade payment of its compelled to join a union under a closed-shop
legitimate obligations agreement (religious or conscientious objectors).
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of requiring them to maintain their membership as a

2. Closed-shop with a closed union – A form of closed- condition sine qua non form employment.
shop where union membership is limited and entry of
new members is restricted. 10. Percentage union shop – The employer agrees that a
certain percentage of his employees shall become
3. Closed-shop with an open union – A form of closed- union members in good standing.
shop where union membership is open and entry of
new members is unlimited. 11. Union recognition clause/ Exclusive bargaining
rights/ Doctrine of Union Monopoly – The employer
4. Union shop – Workers are not required to be union recognizes the majority union as the exclusive
members when hired; but to maintain continued bargaining agent in the premises for all employees in
employment, they must continue to pay union dues the appropriate bargaining unit.
and must become member within a specified period
of time. 12. Check-off agreement – It allows the employer to
withhold/deduct union dues from a member’s pay
5. Modified union shop – This requires all new and transmit the money directly to the union for its
employees to become union members for sometime continuous existence.
after employment but does not require present
employees to join the union. Principles of Union Security Clauses

NOTE: This cannot bind the minority union and the 1. Protection
conscientious objectors. 2. Benefits
3. Self-preservation
6. Maintenance of membership – Non-members are not
required to join the union, but those who do join must Dismissal of union members; Requisites
maintain their membership for the duration of the
union contract under penalty of discharge. Union members who joined another union may be
expelled and consequently dismissed pursuant to the union
7. Agency shop/ Anti-free rider/ Anti-hitchhiker clause/ security clause. The employer then should prove the
Maintenance of Treasury Shop – Employees who do following:
not join the union must pay agency fees as a
condition of employment to help defray the union 1. The union security clause is applicable;
expenses as a bargaining agent for the group or all 2. The union demands for the enforcement of the union
employees. security clause; and
3. There is sufficient evidence to support the union’s
BASIS: Principle against unjust enrichment decision to expel the union member.

NOTE: An agency fee may be collected from CHAPTER III

employees who are non-union members, provided: UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF LABOR
a. The agency fee is a reasonable fee; ORGANIZATIONS
b. Such non-union members accept benefits
Art. 260. Unfair labor practices of labor organizations. – It shall
under the CBA; and
be unfair labor practice for a labor organization, its officers,
c. The individual authorization requirement agents or representatives:
shall not apply to such non-union members.
(a) To restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of
NOTE: The agency-fee provision is not mandatory. their right to self-organization. However, a labor organization
shall have the right to prescribe its own rules with respect to the
8. Preferential hiring agreement – The employer is acquisition or retention of membership;
obliged to give preference to the members of the
union who are qualified. However, absent such (b) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to
discriminate against an employee, including discrimination
qualified union members will give the employer the
against an employee with respect to whom membership in such
right to choose those from outside of the contracting organization has been denied or to terminate an employee on any
union ground other than the usual terms and conditions under which
membership or continuation of membership is made available to
9. Hiring agreement – The employer is obliged to hire other members;
only those union members without further agreement
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(c) To violate the duty, or refuse to bargain collectively VIII. Blue-sky bargaining
with the employer, provided it is the representative of the
employees; It is defined as making exaggerated or unreasonable
proposals or economic demands.
(d) To cause or attempt to cause an employer to pay or
deliver or agree to pay or deliver any money or other things of
value, in the nature of an exaction, for services which are not
performed or not to be performed, including the demand for fee Title VII
(e) To ask for or accept negotiation or attorney’s fees
from employers as part of the settlement of any issue in collective Art. 261. Procedure in collective bargaining. – The following
bargaining or any other dispute; or procedures shall be observed in collective bargaining:

(f) To violate a collective bargaining agreement. (a) When a party desires to negotiate an agreement, it
shall serve a written notice upon the other party with a statement
The provisions of the preceding paragraph of its proposals. The other party shall make a reply thereto not
notwithstanding, only the officers, members of governing boards, later than ten (10) calendar days from receipt of such notice;
representatives or agents or members of labor associations or
organizations who have actually participated in, authorized or (b) Should differences arise on the basis of such notice
ratified unfair labor practices shall be held criminally liable. and reply, either party may request for a conference which shall
begin not later than ten (10) calendar days from the date of
I. Restraint or coercion of employees request.

(c) If the dispute is not settled, the Board shall intervene

It is an ULP for a union to restrain or coerce upon request of either or both parties or at its own initiative and
employees in the exercise of their right to self-organization. immediately call the parties to conciliation meetings. The Board
shall have the power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance
II. Featherbedding activities/ Make-work of the parties to such meetings. It shall be the duty of the parties
activities to participate fully and promptly in the conciliation meetings the
Board may call;
This is an extortion of money or other things of value
for services performed or unperformed by the labor union. (d) During the conciliation proceedings in the Board,
the parties are prohibited from doing any act which may disrupt
or impede the early settlement of the disputes; and
III. Discrimination against employees
(e) The Board shall exert all efforts to settle disputes
IV. Violation of duty to bargain collectively amicably and encourage the parties to submit their case to a
voluntary arbitrator.
It is an ULP for a union to violate the duty, or refuse
to bargain collectively with the employer, provided it is the Collective bargaining
representative of the employees.
It is the performance of a mutual obligation to meet
V. Sweetheart contract and confer promptly and expeditiously and in good faith for
the purpose of negotiating an agreement with respect to terms
This is an agreement negotiated between the and conditions of employment.
employer and the union granting concession to the
management or the union, whose purpose is to promote the It is a continuous process.
welfare of the union officers and not the rank-and-file
employees represented by them. Collective bargaining agreement (Law of the plant)

VI. Top-down contract It refers to a contract executed upon request of either

the employer or the exclusive bargaining representative
This is an agreement concluded between the incorporating the agreement reached after negotiations with
management and the union officers without regard to the respect to terms and conditions of employment, including
welfare of the employees they represent. mandatory provisions for grievance and arbitration
VII. Gross violation of the CBA
It is a contract in personam, thus, binding only
between the parties and not enforceable against a transferee or
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a buyer in good faith of an enterprise UNLESS expressly Posting of the CBA; mandatory
1. Single-enterprise bargaining – the newly-concluded
Characteristics of collective bargaining CBA is required to be posted in 2 conspicuous places
in the work premises for a period of at least 5 days
1. Continuing legal relationship prior to its ratification by the majority of the
2. Process of adjustment or mutual accommodation members of the bargaining unit.
3. Contract of reasonable benefits 2. Multi-employer bargaining – 2 signed copies of the
4. Contract of relative equality CBA should be posted for at least 5 days in 2
5. Agency of participatory democracy conspicuous areas in each workplace of the employer
unites concerned.
Standards followed in collective bargaining
NOTE: Non-compliance with the mandatory requirement of
1. Mutual – The union and the employer are posting the CBA will render it ineffective.
required to bargain without any intent of
deception. Ratification by the majority of the members of the
2. The parties are required to meet and confer bargaining unit
promptly and expeditiously and in good faith.
3. Good faith – obligation of either of the parties to The law requires the CBA to be ratified by the
participate actively in the deliberation so as to majority of the members of the bargaining unit which is
indicate a present intention to find a basis for represented by the collective bargaining agent in the
agreement, and a sincere effort must be made to bargaining negotiations.
reach a common ground.
4. They must execute a contract incorporating the Registration of the CBA
agreement reached by the parties.
5. They duty to bargain does not compel any party The CBA is required to be registered with BLR of the
to agree to a proposal or to make any concession. DOLE and non-compliance therewith will NOT bar
certification election.
Usual contents of a CBA
Procedures/steps in collective bargaining
1. Preamble
2. Union recognition 1. Preliminary process – serving a written notice to the
3. Management prerogatives other party of its bargaining proposals.
4. Union prerogatives
5. Hours of work and scale of wages – The other party is required to reply
6. Promotions (counter-bargaining proposals) not later than 10
7. Leaves of absence days upon receipt of such notice; otherwise, it is
8. Union security clauses indicative of its utter lack of interest/bad faith in
9. Grievance machinery and voluntary arbitration bargaining, thus, a clear evasion of the duty to
procedures (conclusive arbitration clause) bargain collectively, constituting an ULP.
10. Check-off
11. Family planning 2. Negotiation – conducted not later than 10 calendar
12. Labor education days from the date of request for conference.
13. No-strike, no-lockout clause – an agreement that the
union shall not stage a strike and the employer shall – Request for conference should differences
not declare a lockout on the ground of bargaining arise on the basis of such notice and reply.
deadlock during the lifetime of the CBA. – Dispute not settle, NCMB intervenes; and
14. Family planning, health and safety, cooperative, – NCMB exerts all efforts to settle dispute.
recreation and sports, labor education and research
15. Escalator clause – an agreement which provides that 3. Execution – signing and execution of the CBA by the
wages shall gradually increase in the event of sudden parties.
increase of consumer price or cost-of-living index. 4. Publication – posting a copy of the newly-concluded
16. Drug-free provision CBA in at least 2 conspicuous places in the company.
17. Waiver and completeness of agreement 5. Ratification – by at least a majority of the members
18. Effectivity clause of the bargaining unit.
a. Representation aspect – 5 years 6. Registration – 5 copies of the CBA should be
b. Renegotiation aspect – 3 years submitted with other documentary requirements and
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payment of registration fee to the BLR or RO of the

DOLE. NOTE: The preconditions require that the legitimate labor
7. Administration – joint administration of the CBA by organization is the certified bargaining agent in the bargaining
the employer and the bargaining agent during lifetime unit.
of such CBA.
8. Interpretation and enforcement Scope of collective bargaining

Written notice required in demand to bargain 1. Terms and conditions of employment

A demand to bargain should be in writing. When a XPN: Minimum wages as they are compulsory and
party desires to negotiate an agreement, it should be expressed non-negotiable.
though a written notice upon the other party with a statement
of its proposals. 2. Wholesome working conditions
3. Retirement plan
Penalty imposed upon an employer delaying the
bargaining process Art. 264. Duty to bargain collectively when there exists a
collective bargaining agreement. – When there is a collective
For failure to submit any counter proposal to the bargaining agreement, the duty to bargain collectively shall also
mean that neither party shall terminate nor modify such
CBA proposed by its employees’ certified bargaining agent,
agreement during its lifetime. However, either party can serve a
the employer had thereby lost its right to bargain the terms and written notice to terminate or modify the agreement at least sixty
conditions of the CBA. Thus, the CBA proposed by its (60) days prior to its expiration date. It shall be the duty of both
employees’ union – lock, stock and barrel is imposed upon parties to keep the status quo and to continue in full force and
erring employee. effect the terms and conditions of the existing agreement during
the 60-day period and/or until a new agreement is reached by the
Art. 262. Duty to bargain collectively in the absence of collective
bargaining agreements. – In the absence of an agreement or Contract-bar Rule; 60-day freedom period
other voluntary arrangement providing for a more expeditious
manner of collective bargaining, it shall be the duty of employer GR: The existence of CBA duly certified by the BLR serves
and the representatives of the employees to bargain collectively in as a bar to the filing of a petition for certification election or a
accordance with the provisions of this Code. motion for intervention.
Art. 263. Meaning of duty to bargain collectively. – The duty to
bargain collectively means the performance of a mutual XPN: Within the freedom period or 6o days prior to the expiry
obligation to meet and convene promptly and expeditiously in date of the CBA.
good faith for the purpose of negotiating an agreement with
respect to wages, hours of work and all other terms and CBA in force and effect despite the lapse of formal
conditions of employment including proposals for adjusting any effectivity (principle of CBA continuity); Contract-bar
grievances or questions arising under such agreement and rule applies
executing a contract incorporating such agreements if requested
by either party but such duty does not compel any party to agree During the lapse of the formal effectivity of the
to a proposal or to make any concession.
existing CBA, the law still considers the same as continuing in
Employer-employee relationship, a must in duty to force and effect during the 60-day freedom period or until a
bargain new CBA shall have been validly executed, and therefore, the
contract-bar rule still applies.
There must be an employer-employee relationship for
Art. 265. Terms of a collective bargaining agreement. – Any
the duty to bargain collectively to arise. Where neither party is Collective Bargaining Agreement that the parties may enter into
an “employer” nor an “employee” of the other, no such duty shall, insofar as the representation aspect is concerned, be for a
exists. term of five (5) years. No petition questioning the majority status
of the incumbent bargaining agent shall be entertained and no
Jurisdictional preconditions for collective bargaining certification election shall be conducted by the Department of
Labor and Employment outside of the sixty-day period
1. Possession of the status of majority representation of immediately before the date of expiry of such five-year term of
the employees’ representative in accordance with any the Collective Bargaining Agreement. All other provisions of the
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall be renegotiated not later
of the means of selection or designation provided for
than three (3) years after its execution. Any agreement on such
by the Labor Code; other provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement entered
2. Proof of majority representation; and into within six (6) months from the date of expiry of the term of
3. A demand to bargain such other provisions as fixed in such Collective Bargaining
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Agreement, shall retroact to the day immediately following such One-year extension of CBA valid
date. If any such agreement is entered into beyond six months,
the parties shall agree on the duration of retroactivity thereof. In Such extension is valid if approved by the union in a
case of a deadlock in the renegotiation of the Collective referendum supervised by the DOLE and accepted by the
Bargaining Agreement, the parties may exercise their rights
employer, and it did not violate any law. 85
under this Code.

Term of a CBA; Rule as to effectivity date Principle of Hold-over/CBA Continuity/Automatic

Renewal Clause/Evergreen Clause
1. Representation Aspect – 5 years
It shall be the duty of both parties to keep the status
It refers to the identity and majority status of the quo and to continue in full force and effect the terms and
union that negotiated the CBA as the exclusive bargaining conditions of the existing agreement during the 60-day
agent of the appropriate bargaining unit. freedom period and/or until a new agreement is reached by the
The representation status of the incumbent bargaining
agent is reckoned form the effectivity of the CBA which Substitutionary doctrine
means that no petition of certification election may be
entertained during the lifetime of the CBA except within the Where the collective bargaining agent is changed
60-day freedom period immediately preceding the expiration during the lifetime of agreement, the new agent takes the place
date of the 5-year term. of the old and administers the agreement which subsists and
continues to bind the employees up to its expiration date
2. Renegotiation Aspect – 3 years inspite of the change in representation.

It allows the parties to renegotiate all other CBA benefits extend to non-union members
provisions of the CBA, except representation aspect. Such
renegotiation should only pertain to the terms and conditions However, they are required to pay fees to the
of the parties’ relationship for the last remaining 2 years of the equivalent to the amount of dues paid by union members in
5-year period of the CBA. order to help defray the bargaining and grievance machinery
“All other provisions” – refers to all CBA provisions
whether they are economic or non-economic in nature, except Deadlock in CBA renegotiation
representation status.
Deadlock/Impasse/Standstill – presupposes reasonable effort
NOTE: The parties could freely stipulate one economic and at good faith bargaining but despite noble intentions does not
non-economic terms and conditions of employment beyond conclude an agreement between the parties.
the 3-year period; say, 5 years which is co-terminus with the
5-year representation status of the exclusive bargaining agent. The parties then may exercise the following:
1. Call upon the NCM to intervene for the purpose of
Retroactivity of the CBA conduction preventive mediation;
2. Refer the matter for voluntary arbitration or
1. The effectivity of the CBA shall retroact to the day compulsory arbitration; and
immediately after the date of expiration of the old 3. Declare a strike or lockout upon compliance of the
CBA in case the new CBA is concluded and entered legal requirements (remedy of last resort).
into within 6 months form the said expiration date.
2. If the new CBA is entered in to beyond the 6 months 10-year suspension of CBA negotiations legally tenable
from the expiration date of the old CBA, the parties
are given the right to negotiate the duration of the The right to free collective bargaining includes the
retroactivity. right to suspend it. Thus, the same does not contravene the
protection to labor policy of the Constitution. 86
NOTE: The retroactivity of the CBA has no application to
Art. 266. Injunction prohibited. – No temporary or permanent
arbitral awards.
injunction or restraining order in any case involving or growing
out of labor disputes shall be issued by any court or other entity,

Cruz vs. Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. 97332 (199).
Rivera vs. Espiritu, 374 SCRA 351.
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except as otherwise provided in Articles 218 and 26487 of this promulgate, to participate in policy and decision-making
Code. processes of the establishment where they are employed insofar
as said processes will directly affect their rights, benefits and
Injunction prohibited; Exception welfare. For this purpose, workers and employers may form
labor-management councils: Provided, That the representatives
GR: No temporary or permanent injunction or restraining of the workers in such labor-management councils shall be
order in any case involving or growing out of labor disputes elected by at least the majority of all employees in said
shall be issued by any court or other entity.
Exclusive bargaining agent (doctrine of union monopoly)
1. In case of an actual or threatened unlawful strike; and Once a union is chosen as the collective bargaining
2. When the labor union or the employer engages in any agent in the company premises through machineries of:
of the prohibited activities under Art. 279. 1. Voluntary recognition;
2. Consent election;
Entities or person authorized to issue injunctions or 3. Certification election;
restraining orders 4. Run-off election
1. LA It alone can collectively bargain with the
2. NLRC management to the exclusion of other competing unions.
3. BLR
4. President Appropriate bargaining unit
5. Secretary of DOLE
It is a group of employees of a given employer for
Requirements for injunction collective bargaining purposes, have substantially mutually
bargaining interests in terms and conditions of employment
1. Previous hearing; that can assure them of the exercise of their collective
2. Substantial and irreparable injury will; be caused to bargaining rights.
the property of the complainant unless injunction is
issued; It should cover only one company.
3. The injury thus averted is greater than that caused by
the injunction to the defendant; 4-way test in determining an appropriate collective
4. That the complainant has no adequate remedy at law; bargaining unit
5. The public officers charged with the duty to protect
the complainant’s property are unable or unwilling to 1. The express will or desire of the employees test
furnish adequate protection. (Globe Election Doctrine)
2. Community or mutuality of interests test
Rights that may be enjoined 3. Prior collective bargaining history test
4. Similarity of employment status test
1. Right to picket
2. Right to strike One-company one-union policy; Exception
a. By SOLE’s assumption or certification of a
labor dispute in an industry indispensable to GR: There should be one union in a company.
national interest;
b. When trade unionism and strikes are utilized XPN: Where the employer unit has to give away to the other
to violate existing laws. units like the craft unit, plant unit, or a subdivision thereof.
Art. 267. Exclusive bargaining representation and workers’
Bona fide corporate spin-off resulting in separate
participation in policy and decision-making. – The labor
organization designated or selected by the majority of the bargaining units
employees in an appropriate collective bargaining unit shall be
the exclusive representative of the employees in such unit for the The transformation of the companies is a
purpose of collective bargaining. However, an individual management prerogative and business judgment must
employee or group of employees shall have the right at any time governed by the policy of good faith.
to present grievances to their employer.
Right of a individual employee to present grievances
Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,
workers shall have the right, subject to such rules and
An individual employee or group of employees shall
regulations as the Secretary of Labor and Employment may
have the right at any time to present grievance to their
Renumbered as Arts. 225 and 279, respectively.
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employer despite the existence of collective bargaining – It is the sole concern of the workers, thus, the role
agency. of the employer is merely that of a bystander (Bystander
Principle of Share Responsibility (Co-determination or
Co-sharing) Bystander Rule – the employer is a bystander who has no legal
standing in a certification election; while iy may rightfully be
Employees shall have the right to participate in notified or informed of petitions of such nature, it cannot
policy and decision-making processes if the establishment oppose the petition or appeal the Med-Arbiter’s orders related
insofar as said processes directly affect their rights, benefits thereto.
and welfare.
Double majority rule – for there to be a valid certification
Labor-Management Councils election, the majority of the bargaining unit must have voted
and the winning union must have garnered majority of the
To effect the right of workers to participate in po9licy valid votes cast (50% +1 of the total number of eligible
and decision-making processes, workers, and employers may voters).
form LMC. The representatives of the workers shall be elected
by at least the majority of all employees in said establishment. Motion for intervention; incumbent bargaining agent, a
forced intervenor
Art. 268. Representation issue in organized establishments. – In
organized establishments, when a verified petition questioning Labor unions with substantial interest in the
the majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent is filed certification elections have a right to intervene in the
before the Department of Labor and Employment within the
certification proceedings.
sixty-day period before the expiration of the collective bargaining
agreement, the Med-Arbiter shall automatically order an election
by secret ballot when the verified petition is supported by the Motion for Intervention can be filed at any time
written consent of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of all the before the holding of a certification election.
employees in the bargaining unit to ascertain the will of the
employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. To have a valid In the holding if the certification election, the
election, at least a majority of all eligible voters in the unit must incumbent bargaining agent is automatically one of the
have cast their votes. The labor union receiving the majority of choices as forced intervenor.
the valid votes cast shall be certified as the exclusive bargaining
agent of all the workers in the unit. When an election which
provides for three or more choices results in no choice receiving a
Filing of a petition for certification election
majority of the valid votes cast, a run-off election shall be
conducted between the labor unions receiving the two highest It may be filed with the Med-Arbiter through the RO
number of votes: Provided, that the total number of votes for all which has jurisdiction over the principal office of the
contending unions is at least fifty percent (50%) of the number of employer or where the bargaining unit is principally situated.
votes cast.
Where 2 or more petitions involving the same
At the expiration of the freedom period, the employer bargaining unit are filed, the same shall be automatically
shall continue to recognize the majority status of the incumbent consolidated. The RO which first acquires jurisdiction over the
bargaining agent where no petition for certification election is
case shall exclude the others.

Any legitimate union can file a verified petition for Time for filing certification election
certification election
GR: It may be filed at any time, in the absence of duly
1. Independent union; registered CBA.
2. National union or federation which has already issued
a charter certificate to its local chapter participating XPN: No certification election may be filed within 1 year
in the certification election; or from the date of a valid certification, consent, or run-off
3. Local chapter which has been issued a charter election or from the date of voluntary recognition.
certificate by the national union or federation.
Jurisdictional 25% subscription requirement
Certification Election; Double majority rule
The petition for certification election should be
Certification election – is the process of determining through supported by the written consent of at least 25% of all the
secret ballot, the sole and exclusive bargaining agent of the employees in the appropriate bargaining unit. The 25%
employees in an appropriate bargaining unit, for purposes of requirement need not be established with absolute certainty as
collective bargaining. a prima facie showing of compliance will suffice.
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Prohibited grounds for the denial or suspension of the

Once it has been verified that the petition is petition for certification election
supported by the written consent of 25% of the employees, it
shall be mandatory upon the Med-Arbiter to order or conduct Any question pertaining to the validity of petitioning
certification election. union’s certificate of registration or agreements shall be heard
and resolved by the RD in an independent petition for
Requirements for a valid certification election; Double cancellation of its registration and not by the Med-Arbiter in
majority rule the petition for certification election, unless the petitioning
union is not found in the DOLE’s roster of legitimate labor
1. First majority rule – at least a majority of all eligible organizations or an existing CBA is unregistered with DOLE.
voters in the bargaining unit must have cast their
votes; Appeal for the order of Med-Arbiter granting/denying
2. Second majority rule – the union receiving the petition for certification election
majority of the valid votes shall be certified as the
exclusive bargaining agent; 1. Order granting the conduct of a certification election
3. When an election provides of 3 or more choices in an unorganized establishment – shall not be
results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid subject to appeal.
votes cats, a run-off election shall be conducted 2. Order granting the conduct of a certification election
between the labor unions receiving the 2 highest in an organized establishment – may be appealed to
number of votes, provided, that the total number of the Office of the SOLE within 10 days from receipt
votes for all contending unions is at least 50% of the thereof.
number of votes cast; 3. Decision dismissing/denying the petition, whether in
4. In determining the eligible voters who cast their an organized or unorganized establishment – may be
ballots under the first majority rule, the spoiled appealed to the Office of the SOLE within 10 days
ballots are included. However, under the second from receipt thereof.
majority rule, in determining the valid votes case the
spoiled ballots are excluded but the challenged votes Venue of appeal
are included.
The memorandum appeal shall be filed in the RO
Grounds for dismissal of petition for certification election where the petition originated, copy furnished the contending
unions and the employer.
1. Petition not registered – when the petitioner is not
listed in DOLE’s registry of legitimate labor unions Within 24 hours from receipt thereof, the RD shall
or that its legal personality has been revoked or cause the transmittal together with the entire records of the
cancelled with finality. case to the Office of the SOLE.
2. Petition filed outside of the freedom period – the
petition was filed before or after the freedom period Where no appeal is filed within the 10-day period,
of a duly registered CBA; provided that the 60-day the Med-Arbiter shall enter the finality of order/decision in the
period based on the original CBA shall not be records of the case and cause the transmittal of the records of
affected by any amendment, extension, or renewal of the petition to the RD.
the CBA.
3. Petition violate 1-year bar rule – the petition was Decision of the SOLE over appealed decision
filed within 1 year from entry of voluntary
recognition or a valid certification, consent or run-off The SOLE shall have 15 days from receipt of the
election and no appeal on the results of the entire records of the petition within which o decide the appeal.
certification, consent or run-off election is pending.
4. Petition violated the negotiation-bar/deadlock-bar The filing of the memorandum of appeal from the
rule – a duly certified union has commenced and order/decision of the Med-Arbiter stays the holding of any
sustained negotiations with the employer within 1- certification election.
year period or there exists a bargaining deadlock
which had been submitted to conciliation or The decision of the SOLE shall become final and
arbitration or had become the subject of a valid notice executory after 10 days from receipt thereof by the parties. No
of strike or lockout to which an incumbent or motion for reconsideration of the decision shall be entertained.
certified bargaining agent is a party.
5. Petition filed without 25% consent requirement
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Legal effects of consent election; 1-year bar rule applies 7. Appeal-bar rule – the filing of the appeal form the
order/decision of the Med-Arbiter granting the
1. Where a petition for certification election had been petition for certification elections stays the holding of
filed, and upon the intercession of the Med-Arbiter, the certification election.
the parties agree to hold a consent election, the 8. Not listed in the registry rule – when the petitioner is
results thereof shall constitute a bar to the holding of not listed in DOLE’s registry of legitimate labor
a certification election for 1 year from the holding of unions or that its legal personality has been revoked
such consent election. or cancelled with finality.

Where an appeal has been filed from the NOTE:

results of the consent election, the running of the 1-
year period shall be suspended until the decision on 1. Compliance with 25% consent requirement –
appeal has become final and executory. mandatory upon the BLR to order the holding of the
certification election.
2. Where not petition for certification election was filed 2. Petition supported by less than 25% consent
but the parties themselves agreed to hold a consent requirement – discretionary upon the BLR to order
election with the intercession of the RO, the results the holding of the certification election.
thereof shall constitute a bar to another petition for 3. 25% consent requirement not met at the time of filing
certification election. the petition but the same was thereafter met – valid.
4. Petition totally unsupported by the 25% consent
Certification election barred despite compliance with the requirement – the petition should be dismissed.
jurisdictional 25% requirement (Grounds for denial of
petition for certification election) Effect of retractions before or after the filing of petition
for certification
1. Contract-bar rule – certification election may not be
conducted during the existence of a CBA except 1. Prior to the filing of the petition – the certification
within the 60-day freedom period immediately election may not be ordered for the withdrawal is
preceding the 5th year of such CBA presumed voluntary unless there is convincing proof
2. 1-year bar rule/Certification-year bar rule – to the contrary.
certification election may not be held within 1 year 2. After the filing of the petition – certification election
from the date of issuance of a final certification result may still be ordered for the withdrawal of consent is
(there was an actual conduct of elections). presumed to be involuntary.
3. Deadlock-bar rule – certification election may not be
conducted during the existence of a bargaining Best forum rule – the best forum for determining
deadlock to which an incumbent or certified whether there were indeed retractions from some of
bargaining agent is a party and which had been the laborers is in the certification election itself
submitted to conciliation or arbitration or had become wherein the workers can freely express their choice
the subject of a valid notice of strike or lockout that in a secret ballot.
has been filed with the NCMB.
4. Charge-of-company-unionism rule – the pendency of Pre-election conference (inclusion-exclusion proceedings)
a formal charge of company unionism is a prejudicial
question that, until decided, bars proceedings for a Pre-election conference – machinery of determining the
certification election because the votes of the eligibility list of votes prior to the filing of the petition for
members of the company-dominated union would not certification election for the purpose of seeing to it that the
be free. free choice of the employees is safeguarded against payroll
5. Outside-of-the-freedom period rule – a petition for padding. The list of eligible voters is based on the lists
certification election or motion for intervention filed submitted by all parties.
before or after the freedom period shall be dismissed
outright. Inclusion/exclusion of qualified voters
6. Negotiation-bar rule – no representation issue may
be entertained, if before the filing of a petition for 1. Eligible to vote
certification election, the certified bargaining union a. All employees who are members of the
has commenced negotiations with the employer appropriate bargaining unit sought to be
within 1 year from the date of certification election, represented by the petitioner at the time of
consent election, run-off election or form the date of the issuance of the order granting the
voluntary recognition. conduct of certification election;
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b. Employees who did not work during the 4. Name of watchers or representatives and their
eligibility period due to illness, vacation, or alternates for each of the parties during election;
temporary lay-off 5. Mechanics and guidelines of the election.
c. Employees who have been improperly laid-
off Failure of any party to appear during the pre-election
d. Employees who have a present, conference despite notice shall be considered as a waiver to be
unabandoned right to expectation of present and to question or object to any of the agreements
reemployment (including strikers, whether reached in said pre-election conference.
the strike is economic or the result of the
employer’s ULP); Nothing herein, however, shall deprive the non-
e. Employees who have been dismissed from appearing party or the employer of its right to be furnished
work but have contested the legality of the notices of subsequent pre-election conferences and to attend
dismissal in a forum of appropriate the same.
jurisdiction at the time of the issuance of the
order for the conduct of certification Challenging of votes; Procedure
election, unless the dismissal was declared
valid in a final judgment. An authorized representative of any of the contending
unions and employer may challenge a vote before it is
NOTE: In case of disagreement over the voters’ list deposited in the ballot box only on any of the following
or over the eligibility of voters, all contested voters grounds:
shall be allowed to vote. But their votes shall be
segregated and sealed in individual envelopes. 1. That there is no employer-employee relationship
between the voter and the company;
2. Not eligible to vote 2. That the voter is not a member of the appropriate
a. Employees who have quit or been bargaining unit which the petitioner seeks to
discharged for cause and have not been represent.
rehired or reinstated prior to the date of the
order of certification election When a vote is properly challenged, the Election
Officer shall place the ballot in an envelope which shall be
Procedure in pre-election conference sealed in the presence of the voter and the representatives of
the contending unions and employer.
Within 24 hours from receipt of the notice of the
entry of final judgment granting the conduct of a certification The envelopes shall be opened and the question of
election, the RD shall cause the raffle of the case to an eligibility shall be passed upon only if the number of
Election Officer who shall have control of the pre-election segregated voters will materially alter the results of the
conference and election proceedings. election.

Within 24 hours from receipt of the assignment for Perfection of election protest
the conduct of a certification election, the Election Officer
shall cause the issuance of notice of pre-election conference Any part-in-interest may file a protest with the Med-
upon the contending unions and the employer, which shall be Arbiter within 5 days after the close of the election
scheduled within 10 days from receipt of assignment. proceedings, based on the conduct or mechanics of the
election. Such protests shall be recorded in the minutes of the
The pre-election conference shall set the mechanics election proceedings. Protests not so raised shall be deemed
for the election and shall determine, among others, the waived.
Conduct of election and canvassing of votes
1. Date, time and place of election, which shall not
be later than 45 days from the date of the first The votes shall be counted and tabulated by the
pre-election conference, and shall be on a regular Election Officer in the presence of the contending unions.
working day and within the employer’s
premises, unless circumstances require Upon completion of the canvass, the Election officer
otherwise; shall give each representative a copy of the minutes of the
2. List of eligible and challenged voters; election proceedings and results of the election.
3. Number and location of polling places or booths
and the number of ballots to be prepared with The ballots and the tally sheets shall be sealed in an
appropriate translations, if necessary; envelope and signed by the Election officer and the
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representatives of the contending unions and transmitted to the “No-union” – shall not be a choice in a run-off election
Med-Arbiter, together with the minutes and results of the because it is only conducted between the labor unions
election within 24 hours from the completion of the canvass. receiving the 2 highest numbers of votes.

Certification of Collective Bargaining Agent Effect of a no-union winning the election

The union which obtained a majority of the valid The right of workers to be represented by a non-
votes cast shall be certified as the sole and exclusive union should be respected for it is an integral part of their
bargaining agent of all the employees in the appropriate freedom of association, albeit in its negative aspect.
bargaining unit within 5 days from the day of the election,
provided no protest is recorded in the minutes of the election. No certification election can be conducted within 1
year from the date of issuance of a final certification election
Failure of certification election; One-year bar rule does result. Thus, there will be no collective bargaining agent
not apply within the company for a period of time.

Where the number of votes cast in a certification Modes of determining representation status
election or consent election is less than the majority of the
number of eligible voters and there are no material challenged 1. Voluntary recognition
votes, the Election officer shall declare a failure of election in 2. Certification election
the minutes of the election proceedings. 3. Consent election
4. Run-off election
A failure of election shall not bar the filing of a
motion for the immediate holding of another certification or Voluntary Recognition
consent election within 6 months from the date of declaration
of failure of election. In unorganized establishments with only one
legitimate labor organization, the employer may voluntarily
Proclamation and certification of election result recognize the representation status of such a union.

Within 24 hours from final canvass of votes, there Within 30 days from such recognition, the employer
being a valid election, the Election Officer shall transmit the and union shall submit a notice of voluntary recognition with
records of the case to the Med-Arbiter who shall, within the the RO which issued the recognized labor union’s certificate
same period from receipt of the minutes and results of of registration/creation of a chartered local.
election, issue an order proclaiming the results of the election
and certifying the union which obtained a majority of the valid Action on notice on Voluntary Recognition
votes vast as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent in the
subject bargaining unit, under any of the following conditions: 1. Where the notice is sufficient in form, number and
substance – the RO, through the Labor Relations
1. No protest was filed or, even if one was filed, the Division shall, within 10 days from receipt of the
same was not perfected within the 5-day period for notice, record the fact of voluntary recognition in its
perfection for the protest; roster of legitimate labor unions and notify the labor
2. No challenge or eligibility issue was raised or even if union concerned.
one was raised, the resolution of the same will not 2. Where the notice is not sufficient in form, number
materially change the results of the election. and substance – the RO shall, within the same period,
notify the labor union of its findings and advise it to
Run-off Election (Second Election) comply with the necessary requirements.
3. Where neither the employer nor the union failed to
When an election which provides for 3 or more complete the requirements within 30 days from
choices results in no choice receiving a majority of the valid receipt of the advisory – the RO shall return the
votes cast, and no objections or challenges have been notice together with accompanying documents
presented which, if sustained, can materially change the without prejudice to its re-submission.
results, the election officer shall motu proprio conduct a run-
off election within 10 calendar days from the close of the Legal effect of recording the fact of voluntary recognition;
election proceedings between the labor unions receiving the 2 One-year bar rule applies
highest number of votes; provided, that the total number of
votes for all contending unions is at least 50% of the number From the time of recording, the recognized labor
of votes cast. union shall enjoy the rights, privileges, and obligations of an
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existing bargaining agent of all the employees in the All certification cases shall be decided within twenty
bargaining unit. (20) working days.

Entry of voluntary recognition shall bar the filing of a The Bureau shall conduct a certification election within
twenty (20) days in accordance with the rules and regulations
petition for certification election by any labor organization for
prescribed by the Secretary of Labor.
a period of 1 year from the date of entry of voluntary
recognition. Petition for certification election filed by an employer
Consent Election GR: A certification election is the sole concern of the workers
and the employer is regarded as nothing more than a bystander
It is the election voluntarily agreed upon by the with no right to interfere at all in the election.
parties, with our without the intervention of the DOLE, to XPN: Where the employer has to file a petition for
determine the issue of majority representation of all the certification election because it is requested to bargain
workers in the appropriate collective bargaining unit. collectively.
Art. 269. Petitions in unorganized establishments. – In any Period for filing petition for certification election
establishment where there is no certified bargaining agent, a
certification election shall automatically be conducted by the
Med-Arbiter upon the filing of a petition by a legitimate labor GR: An employer who is requested to bargain collectively
organization, including a national union or federation which has may file a petition for certification election at any time.
already issued a charter certificate to its local/chapter
participating in the certification election or a local/chapter which XPN: Upon clear showing that one of these instances exists:
has been issued a charter certificate by the national union or
federation. In cases where the petition was filed by national union 1. The petition is filed within 1 year from the date of
or federation, it shall not be required to disclose the names of the issuance of a final certification election result; or
local chapter’s officers and members 2. When a bargaining deadlock had been submitted to
conciliation or arbitration or had become the subject
Automatic certification election rule; 25% support
of a valid notice of strike or lockout.
requirement not necessary in unorganized establishment
Employer’s request for certification election proper vis-à-
In a petition filed by any legitimate labor
vis voluntary recognition
organization in an unorganized establishment, the Med-Arbiter
is required to automatically order the conduct of certification
It is the union that files a petition for a certification
election upon filing of a certification election by a legitimate
election if there is no certified bargaining agent for the
labor organization even without the 25% support of the
workers in the establishment.
employees in the bargaining unit which is not required in an
unorganized establishment.
The union’s request for voluntary recognition as the
bargaining representative of the employees was in effect a
Mandatory certification election
request to bargain collectively, or the first step in that
A certification election shall be conducted in any of
Voluntary recognition by the employer of the
the following instances:
representation status of a union in unorganized establishments
is now allowed provided that within 30 days from recognition,
1. In organized establishments, a petition for
the employer representative and union president shall submit
certification election can be filed, questioning the
to the RO of the DOLE a joint statement attesting to the fact of
majority status of the incumbent bargaining agent;
voluntary recognition.
2. In unorganized establishments, a petition for
certification election can be filed and it shall
Employer may oppose a petition for certification election
automatically be conducted by the Med-Arbiter;
3. When requested to bargain collectively, an employer
The non-submission of books of accounts certified by
may file a petition for certification election.
and attested by the appropriate officer is a valid ground which
Art. 270. When an employer may file petition. – When requested the employer can invoke to oppose a petition for certification
to bargain collectively, an employer may petition the Bureau for election filed by the local or chapter concerned.
an election. If there is no existing certified collective bargaining
agreement in the unit, the Bureau shall, after hearing, order a
certification election.
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An appeal of a Med-Arbiter’s Order to hold certification Appeal in unorganized establishment

in unorganized establishment is not applicable
The order granting the conduct of a certification
An appeal of Med-Arbiter’s Order to hold a election in an unorganized establishment is not subject to
certification election will not stay the holding thereof where appeal. Any issue arising from its conduct or from its results is
the employer company is an unorganized establishment, and proper subject of a protest. Appeal may only be made in case
where no union has yet been duly recognized or certified as of denial of the petition within 10 days from receipt of the
bargaining representative. decision of the denial.

Art. 271. Employer as Bystander. – In all cases, whether the Appeal in organized establishment
petition for certification election is filed by an employer or a
legitimate labor organization, the employer shall not be The order granting the conduct of a certification
considered a party thereto with a concomitant right to oppose a election in an organized establishment and the decision
petition for certification election. The employer’s participation is
dismissing or denying the petition may be appealed to the
such proceedings shall be limited to: (1) being notified or
informed of petitions of such nature; and (2) submitting the list of Office of the SOLE within 10 days from receipt thereof.
employees during the pre-election conference should the Med-
Arbiter act favorably on the petition. Who may appeal

Employer as bystander Any aggrieved party (not the employer) may appeal
the order of the Med-Arbiter to the SOLE on the ground that
Whether the petition for certification election is filed the rules and regulations or parts thereof established by the
by an employer or a legitimate labor organization, the SOLE for the conduct of the certification election have been
employer shall not be considered a party thereto with a violated.
concomitant right to oppose a petition for certification
election. Grounds for appeal

The participation of the employer is limited to the 1. Violations of rules on challenging votes, such as:
following: a. That there is no employer-employee
relationship between the voter and the
1. To be notified or informed of the filing of the petition company;
for certification election; and b. That the voter is not a member of the
2. To submit the list of employees of employees during appropriate bargaining unit which the
the pre-election conference, in case the Med-Arbiter petitioner seeks to represent.
acts favorably on the petition by giving due course to 2. Serious errors in finding of fact or law in the
it. resolution of the protest

As an innocent bystander, the employer may pray for Where to file appeal
the dismissal of a petition for certification election on the basis
of lack of mutuality of interests of the members of the union The Memorandum of Appeal shall be filed in the RO
as well as lack of employer-employee relationship. where the petition originated.

Art. 272. Appeal from certification election orders. – Any party Finality of the order or decision
to an election may appeal the order or results of the election as
determined by the Med-Arbiter directly to the Secretary of Where no appeal is filed within the 10-day period,
Labor and Employment on the ground that the rules and
the Med-Arbiter is required to enter the finality of the order or
regulations or parts thereof established by the Secretary of Labor
and Employment for the conduct of the election have been decision in the records of the case and cause the transmittal of
violated. Such appeal shall be decided within fifteen (15) calendar the records thereof to the RD.
Period to file a reply to the appeal
Appeal to the SOLE
A reply to the appeal may be filed by any party to the
The decision of the Med-Arbiter in a certification petition within 10 days from receipt of the memorandum of
election case or on the results thereof may be appealed directly appeal and shall be filed directly with the Office of the SOLE.
to the SOLE within 10 days from receipt by the parties of a
copy thereof.
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Decision of the SOLE, final and executory Concept of grievance machinery

The SOLE has 15 days from receipt of the entire Grievance – any dissatisfaction, complaint or
records of the petition within which to decide the appeal. The misunderstanding of an employee, arising from the
filing of the Memorandum of Appeal from the order or interpretation or implementation of the CBA and those arising
decision of the Med-Arbiter has the effect of stating the from interpretation or enforcement of personnel policies.
holding of any certification election.
Grievance machinery clause in the CBA – for the purpose of
Remedy of aggrieved party over decision of the SOLE settling labor –management disputes arising from its
interpretation or implementation or interpretation or
His remedy is to file a motion for reconsideration as a enforcement of company personnel policies.
precondition for any further or subsequent remedy, and then
file a special civil action for certiorari under Rule 65.
NOTE: Where there is no collective agreement, grievance
Title VII-A shall be subject to negotiation, conciliation or arbitration.
ARBITRATION Grievance procedure

Art. 273. Grievance Machinery and Voluntary Arbitration. – The Grievance procedure – system of grievance settlement at the
parties to a Collective Bargaining Agreement shall include plant level as provided in the CBA. It usually consists of
therein provisions that will ensure the mutual observance of its
successive steps starting at the level of complainant, and his
terms and conditions. They shall establish a machinery for the
adjustment and resolution of grievances arising from the immediate supervisor and ending, when necessary, at the level
interpretation or implementation of their Collective Bargaining of the top union and company official.
Agreement and those arising from the interpretation or
enforcement of company personnel policies. Requirements of a good grievance machinery

All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery 1. Definite subjects for settlement
which are not settled within seven (7) calendar days from the 2. Proper person or body to whom the grievance must
date of its submission shall automatically be referred to
be brought
voluntary arbitration prescribed in the Collective Bargaining
Agreement. 3. Provisions for a mode of appeal
4. Finality of settlement or adjustment
5. Provisions for statute of limitations
For this purpose, parties to a Collective Bargaining
Agreement shall name and designate in advance a Voluntary
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, or include in the Grievance machinery procedure
agreement a procedure for the selection of such Voluntary
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, preferably from 1. Complainant-worker settles dispute with his
the listing of qualified Voluntary Arbitrators duly accredited by
immediate supervisor – under this stage, the worker
the Board. In case the parties fail to select a Voluntary Arbitrator
or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, the Board shall designate the shall discuss and settle his problem with his foreman
Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, as may with or without the authorized union representative
be necessary, pursuant to the selection procedure agreed upon in being present, as the worker may elect.
the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which shall act with the 2. Written appeal – a grievance which is not settled
same force and effect as if the Arbitrator or panel of Arbitrators within 2 days as a result if the discussion must be
has been selected by the parties as described above. appealed within 3 days in writing and signed by the
worker concerned. A grievance not appealed shall be
Establishment of a grievance machinery considered withdrawn or decided to the satisfaction
of the complainant.
A grievance committee shall be created within 10 – the written appeal shall be filed with the
days from signing of the CBA. Assistant Superintendent. The latter shall discuss
the grievance with the worker and the union shop
steward. Decision must be rendered not later
The committee shall be composed of at least 2
than 3 days after decision.
representatives from each members if the bargaining unit and
3. Appeal from decision of Assistant Superintendent –
the employer, unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties.
grievance shall be taken up with the Superintendent
The representatives from among the members of the
and/or manager by the Union Grievance Board; the
bargaining unit shall be designated by the union.
duration is 1 week.
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4. Reference to voluntary arbitration – appeal can be 2. Where the CBA does not so designate, the NCMB
made or the grievance should be elevated to a shall call the parties and appoint a VA or panel of
voluntary arbitrator or panel of arbitrators, if the VA, who shall thereafter commence arbitration
machinery arbitration has been made at the appellate proceedings.
stage. 3. In case the parties fail to select a VA or panel of VA,
5. Appeal from voluntary arbitration awards or the regional branch of the Board shall designate the
decisions – such award or decision is final, VA or panel of VA, as may be necessary, which shall
inappealable and executory after 10 calendar days have the same force and effect as if the parties have
from receipt of the copy of the award or decision by selected the arbitrator.
the parties.
Conciliation or mediation
NOTE: The decision or award of the voluntary
arbitrator is appealable to the CA. 88 Conciliation or mediation – special from of industrial
diplomacy whereby a third person or outsider tries to narrow
Procedure in handling grievance the issues of dispute between the union and the management
and propose solutions acceptable to both sides.
In the absence of a specific provision in the CBA or
existing company practice prescribing for the procedures in 2 types of mediation applied in labor relation disputes:
handling grievance, the following shall apply:
1. An employee shall present this grievance or 1. Preventive mediation – the mediator may enter the
complaint orally or in writing to the shop steward. case even before the bargaining starts, working with
Upon receipt thereof, the shop steward shall verify the parties to identify causes of friction or to attempt
the facts and determine whether or not the grievance to improve attitudes, practices or other factors which
is valid. might contribute to industrial peace.
2. If the grievance is valid, the shop steward shall – Early intervention in collective bargaining.
immediately bring the complaint to the employee’s 2. Grievance mediation – mediation services give
immediate supervisor. The shop steward, the attention to grievance settlement and by aiding in the
employee and his immediate supervisor shall exert settlement of such grievances, prevent problems
efforts to settle the grievance at their level. presented by such grievances from bursting into a
3. If no settlement is reached, the grievance shall be economic warfare.
referred to the grievance committee which shall have
10 days to decide the case. Voluntary arbitration and compulsory arbitration

Where the issue involves or arises from the interpretation Voluntary arbitration Compulsory arbitration
or implementation of a provision in a CBA, or from any order, Where the parties themselves Where the parties to a dispute
memorandum, circular, or assignment issued by the agree to submit their issue/s are compelled by the
appropriate authority in the establishment, and such issue to a third person or board and government to forego their
cannot be resolved at the level of the shop steward or the accept the arbitration award right to strike and are
supervisor, the same may be referred immediately to the as final and binding. compelled to accept the
grievance machinery. resolution of their dispute
Process by which a dispute through arbitration of a third
Submission to the Voluntary Arbitrator (VA) that cannot be settled party.
voluntarily through the
Where grievance remains unresolved, either party grievance procedure is
may serve notice upon the other of its decision to submit the referred to an impartial
issue to VA. The notice shall state the issue/s to be arbitrated, person for resolution.
copy thereof furnished the board or the VA or panel of VA Government coercive
named or designated in the CBA. intervention
Purpose: A scheme to avert
If the party upon whom the notice is served fails or work stoppages in vital
refuses to respond favorably within 7 days from receipt industries upon which the
thereof: public is vitally dependent.
1. The VA or panel of VA designated in the CBA shall
commence voluntary arbitration proceedings. Designation of voluntary arbitrators

1. By the parties – parties to a CBA shall name and
Luzon Development Bank. Asso. Of Luzon Dev. Bank Employees, G.R.
No. 120319 (1995).
designate in advance, a VA or panel of VA, or
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include in the CBA, a procedure for the selection of original and exclusive jurisdiction to VA and the parties
such VA or panel of VA, preferably from the listing cannot diminish their jurisdiction by stipulation.
of qualified VA duly accredited by the NCMB.
2. By NCMB – in case the parties fail to select a VA or However, issues or matters between the employer
panel of VA, the NCMB shall designate the same, and the employees not involving the interpretation or
pursuant to the selection procedure agreed upon in implementation of the CBA or company personnel policies
the CBA. may be processed and settled through the grievance machinery
procedure or voluntary arbitration by agreement of the parties
Compliance with grievance machinery/voluntary (ie. ULP and collective bargaining deadlocks).
proceedings necessary prior to strike
Unsettled grievances referred to voluntary arbitration
For failure to comply with the grievance machinery
and voluntary proceedings in the CBA, the notice of strike All grievances submitted to the grievance machinery
should have been dismissed, for being an illegal strike. which are not settled within 7 calendar days from the date of
their submission for resolution should automatically be
CBA provisions subject of grievance machinery referred to voluntary arbitration provided in the CBA.
Non-attendance in grievance hearings; 2 schools of thought
1. Economic provisions – those that have direct and
measurable monetary cost consequence. 1. First school – requires attendance in grievance
2. Non-economic provisions – those whose monetary hearings as part of the parties’ duty to bargain
cost cannot be directly computed. collectively. Any party guilty of non-attendance may
be charged for an ULP. The other party may file a
Rights dispute – any violation of the said provisions of the request for preventive mediation or a notice of strike
CBA or any law, rules and regulations as well as customary with the NCMB, or file an ULP case with the RAB of
practices, may constitute as grievance. the NLRC but NOT simultaneously.
2. Second school – failure to attend grievance hearings
Initiation of grievance by an aggrieved employee implies that the non-attending party is convinced that
the grievance machinery will not be an effective tool
1. Grievances are brought by the aggrieved employees in adjusting or resolving the grievance; thus, he is
with the union representative called the shop steward deemed to have dispensed with the preliminary step
or grievance officer to foreman either orally or in to voluntary arbitration. The parties may then be
writing. deemed to have submitted the grievance directly to
2. If no settlement is reached at the first level, the voluntary arbitration.
aggrieved employee or the grievance officer may
bring the grievance through the successive steps in Grievance elevated directly to voluntary arbitration
the grievances procedure provided in the CBA. without passing though the grievance machinery

Grievance in non-unionized establishment A grievance may be brought directly to voluntary

arbitration without passing through grievance machinery:
Any dispute or controversy respecting the terms and
conditions of employment which an employee or group of 1. When the latter has been proven to be ineffective in
employees may present to the employer can be considered a the past; or
grievance, even without a bargaining union or CBA. 2. When the parties inadvertently failed to include a
grievance machinery in their CBA.
The original and exclusive jurisdiction of VA to
include the questions arising from the interpretation and Types of labor disputes submitted to voluntary arbitration
enforcement of company personnel policies has the effect of
widening the meaning and interpretation of a grievance to 1. Rights disputes – contemplate the existence of a
include a situation where there is no collective bargaining CBA; they include unresolved grievances arising
agent and no CBA. from
a. CBA interpretation or implementation,
Stipulation exempting certain issues from the grievance which are not gross in character; and
machinery, not allowed b. Personnel policy enforcement and
The parties to a CBA may not stipulate that certain 2. Interest disputes – disputes over formation of a CBA
issues or matters arising thereunder be exempt from the or efforts to secure the same; they cover all other
coverage of the grievance procedure because the law confers disputes including ULP and bargaining deadlocks.
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NLRC’s Jurisdiction as part of compulsory arbitration 3. Unresolved grievances arising from the interpretation
and implementation of the productivity incentive
1. NLRC’s appellate jurisdiction – cannot be programs – if remain unresolved in the Labor
considered as part of the compulsory arbitration Management Committee within 20 calendar days
process, because when a LA renders his decision, from the time of submission.
compulsory arbitration is deemed terminated. The act
of the NLRC is merely confined to the review of the NOTE: The NLRC, its regional branches and RD of the
LA decision to determine any possible error in his DOLE shall not entertain disputes, grievances or matters under
findings of fact or law. the exclusive and original jurisdiction of the VA or panel of
2. NLRC’s original jurisdiction – NLRC has the VA and shall immediately dispose and refer the same to the
authority to conduct compulsory arbitration in certain appropriate grievance machinery or voluntary arbitration.
specified cases; however, the parties may still choose
to submit their dispute to voluntary arbitration before NOTE: VA’s original and exclusive power to hear and
or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration process decided “unresolved grievances” is appellate in nature.
before the NLRC.
Initiation of arbitration
NOTE: Barangay conciliation does not apply to labor cases,
as it would only duplicate conciliation proceedings. 1. Submission agreement or stipulation;
2. A demand or notice to arbitrate invoking the
Art. 274. Jurisdiction of Voluntary Arbitrators and Panel of conclusive arbitration clause in the CBA; or
Voluntary Arbitrators. – The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of 3. An appointment or designation of a VA from the
Voluntary Arbitrators shall have original and exclusive NCMB
jurisdiction to hear and decide all unresolved grievances arising
from the interpretation or implementation of the Collective Submission agreement vs. Notice to arbitrate
Bargaining Agreement and those arising from the interpretation
or enforcement of company personnel policies referred to in the
immediately preceding article. Accordingly, violations of a
Submission agreement Notice to arbitrate
Collective Bargaining Agreement, except those which are gross in A written agreement by the A formal demand made by
character, shall no longer be treated as unfair labor practice and parties submitting their case one party to the other for the
shall be resolved as grievances under the Collective Bargaining for arbitration, containing a arbitration of a particular
Agreement. For purposes of this article, gross violations of statement of the issues, the dispute in the event of refusal
Collective Bargaining Agreement shall mean flagrant and/or name of their chosen VA and by one party in a CBA to
malicious refusal to comply with the economic provisions of such a stipulation and an submit the same to
agreement. undertaking to abide by and arbitration.
comply with the resolution
The Commission, its Regional Offices and the Regional that may be rendered therein.
Directors of the Department of Labor and Employment shall not More appropriate in interest More applicable to rights
entertain disputes, grievances or matters under the exclusive and
disputes. disputes.
original jurisdiction of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
Voluntary Arbitrators and shall immediately dispose and refer
the same to the Grievance Machinery or Voluntary Arbitration
provided in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. NOTE: The VA has wide discretion to decided relevant
collateral issues in the submission agreement.
Original and exclusive jurisdiction of VA
SOLE’s administrative intervention
1. All grievances, which remain unresolved after
exhaustion of the grievance procedure, arising from: Either or both the employer and the certified
a. Implementation and interpretation of the collective bargaining agent may voluntarily bring to the Office
CBA (EXCEPT violations of economic of SOLE, through a Request for Intervention, any potential or
provisions which are gross in character, as ongoing dispute that may lead to strike or lockout or to
they are ULP in nature, thus, under the massive labor unrest and is not the subject of any complaint or
jurisdiction of the LA); notice of strike or lockout at the time the Request is made.
b. Interpretation and enforcement of company
personnel policies Pre-requisites for SOLE’s administrative intervention
2. Wage distortion issues arising from the application of
any wage orders in organized establishments – shall 1. They voluntarily submit their potential or ongoing
be decided within 10 calendar days from the time it dispute to intervention by the Office of the SOLE;
was referred to the VA.
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2. There is no pending notice of strike or lockout or any calendar days from the date of submission of the dispute to
related complaint in relation to their potential or voluntary arbitration.
ongoing dispute;
3. They shall refrain from any strike or lockout, or any The award or decision of the Voluntary Arbitrator or
panel of Voluntary Arbitrators shall contain the facts and the law
form of work stoppage, or from filing any related
on which it is based. It shall be final and executory after ten (10)
complaint while the SOLE’s intervention is in effect; calendar days from receipt of the copy of the award or decision
and by the parties.
4. They shall abide by the agreement reached, whose
terms may be enforced through the appropriate writs Upon motion of any interested party, the Voluntary
issued by the SOLE. Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators or the Labor
Arbiter in the region where the movant resides, in case of the
DOLE Regional Directors and Assistant Regional absence or incapacity of the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of
Directors as Ex-Officio Voluntary Arbitrators (EVAs); Voluntary Arbitrators, for any reason, may issue a writ of
execution requiring either the sheriff of the Commission or
Jurisdiction regular courts or any public official whom the parties may
designate in the submission agreement to execute the final
1. All grievances, which remain unresolved after decision, order or award.
exhaustion of the grievance procedure, arising from:
a. Implementation and interpretation of the Powers of VA
CBA (EXCEPT violations of economic
provisions which are gross in character, as 1. Adjudicatory Power – power to hold hearings,
they are ULP in nature, thus, under the receive evidence and take whatever action is
jurisdiction of the LA); necessary to resolve the issues subject of the dispute.
b. Interpretation and enforcement of company 2. Compulsory Power – power to compel the attendance
personnel policies of witnesses in a hearing called for the purpose;
2. Voluntary arbitration cases, as referred by the SOLE, issuance of subpoena ad testificandum or duces
resulting from the SOLE’s intervention tecum.
3. Where a grievance remains unresolved despite 3. Power to conciliate and mediate – VA should exert
bipartite efforts, either or both parties may his best efforts to conciliate or mediate in order to aid
voluntarily bring the grievance to an EVA who has the parties in reaching a voluntary settlement of the
jurisdiction over the region where the parties operate dispute.
work, through a written request. 4. Power to encourage the parties to enter into a
stipulation of facts – in case the parties failed to reach
Art. 275. Jurisdiction over other labor disputes. – The Voluntary a voluntary settlement of the dispute, to facilitate the
Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary Arbitrators, upon agreement of speedy disposition of the case.
the parties, shall also hear and decide all other labor disputes 5. Power to issue writ of execution – to enforce its final
including unfair labor practices and bargaining deadlocks.
GR: Jurisdiction cannot be subject to agreement of the parties.
XPN: By agreement of the parties, the VA or panel of VA can Nature of proceedings before a VA
hear and decide all other disputes including ULP and
bargaining deadlocks. They are non-litigious or non-adversarial in nature.

Art. 276. Procedures. – The Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Effect of non-appearance of parties; position paper
Voluntary Arbitrators shall have the power to hold hearings, proceedings
receive evidences and take whatever action is necessary to resolve
the issue or issues subject of the dispute, including efforts to For failure of either of the parties to attend during the
effect a voluntary settlement between parties. 2 consecutive conferences despite due notice, the VA shall
terminate the conference and issue an order requiring the
All parties to the dispute shall be entitled to attend the parties to submit their respective position papers within 10
arbitration proceedings. The attendance of any third party or the
calendar days from receipt of the said order; otherwise, the
exclusion of any witness from the proceedings shall be
determined by the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary case should be deemed submitted for decision based on the
Arbitrators. Hearing may be adjourned for cause or upon available records on file.
agreement by the parties.
The position papers should cover only the issues and
Unless the parties agree otherwise, it shall be causes of action raised in the Submission Agreement, Notice
mandatory for the Voluntary Arbitrator or panel of Voluntary to Arbitrate or appointment of VA, as the case may be, and the
Arbitrators to render an award or decision within twenty (20) stipulation of facts as simplified and clarified during the initial
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Arbitration Proceedings
(a) Nature of the case;
1. Arbitration hearing and observance of due process;
2. VA shall render an arbitration decision within 20 (b) Time consumed in hearing the case;
calendar days from the date of submission of the case
for resolution, unless the parties mutually agree (c) Professional standing of the Voluntary Arbitrator;
(d) Capacity to pay of the parties; and
XPN: National interest cases should be resolved
within 30 calendar days from the date of submission (e) Fees provided for in the Revised Rules of Court.
for resolution.
3. Decision or award of the VA, which may take form IN TRADE UNION ACTIVITIES
of a dismissal of claim or grant of a specific remedy,
has the same legal effect as a judgment of the court CHAPTER I
(conclusive and all matters in the award are res STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS
Art. 278. Strikes, picketing and lockouts. – (a) It is the policy of
NOTE: The final award or decision, not subject to the State to encourage free trade unionism and free collective
reconsideration of the VA, cannot be modified or bargaining.
amended motu proprio or by motion once it has been
(b) Workers shall have the right to engage in concerted
made (EXCEPT modification of typographical errors activities for purposes of collective bargaining or for their mutual
or harmless errors that are patently obvious on their benefit and protection. The right of legitimate labor
face). organizations to strike and picket and of employers to lockout,
consistent with the national interest, shall continue to be
4. Appealable to CA under Rule 43 (Petition for recognized and respected. However, no labor union may strike
Review) within 15 days; and no employer may declare a lockout on grounds involving
inter-union and intra-union disputes.
GR: Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 is not a
(c) In case of bargaining deadlocks, the duly certified or
proper remedy.
recognized bargaining agent may file a notice of strike or the
employer may file a notice of lockout with the Ministry at least 30
XPN: It may be given due course despite the day before the intended date thereof. In cases of unfair labor
availability of the appeal: practice, the period of notice shall be 15 days and in the absence
of a duly certified or recognized bargaining agent, the notice of
a. When public welfare and public policy strike may be filed by any legitimate labor organization in behalf
dictate; of its members. However, in case of dismissal from employment
b. When broader interest of justice so require; of union officers duly elected in accordance with the union
c. When the writs issued are null and void; constitution and by-laws, which may constitute union busting,
where the existence of the union is threatened, the 15-day
d. When the questioned order amounts to an
cooling-off period shall not apply and the union may take action
oppressive exercise of judicial authority. immediately.

5. Enforcement of decision – for non-compliance with (d) The notice must be in accordance with such
the decision by either or both parties, a motion to implementing rules and regulations as the Minister of Labor and
enforce/execute the award may be filed with the: Employment may promulgate.
a. VA who may issue a writ of execution; or
b. In the absence of the VA or, in the case of (e) During the cooling-off period, it shall be the duty of
his incapacity, it shall be filed with the LA the Ministry to exert all efforts at mediation and conciliation to
effect a voluntary settlement. Should the dispute remain
in the region having jurisdiction over the
unsettled until the lapse of the requisite number of days from the
workplace. mandatory filing of the notice, the labor union may strike or the
employer may declare a lockout.
Art. 277. Cost of Voluntary Arbitration and Voluntary
Arbitrator’s fee. – The parties to a Collective Bargaining (f) A decision to declare a strike must be approved by a
Agreement shall provide therein a proportionate sharing scheme majority of the total union membership in the bargaining unit
on the cost of voluntary arbitration including the Voluntary concerned, obtained by secret ballot in meetings or referenda
Arbitrator’s fee. The fixing of fee of Voluntary Arbitrators, called for that purpose. A decision to declare a lockout must be
whether shouldered wholly by the parties or subsidized by the approved by a majority of the board of directors of the
Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund, shall take into account the corporation or association or of the partners in a partnership,
following factors: obtained by secret ballot in a meeting called for that purpose.
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The decision shall be valid for the duration of the dispute based (h) Before or at any stage of the compulsory arbitration
on substantially the same grounds considered when the strike or process, the parties may opt to submit their dispute to voluntary
lockout vote was taken. The Ministry may, at its own initiative or arbitration.
upon the request of any affected party, supervise the conduct of
the secret balloting. In every case, the union or the employer shall (i) The Secretary of Labor and Employment, the
furnish the Ministry the results of the voting at least seven days Commission or the voluntary arbitrator shall decide or resolve
before the intended strike or lockout, subject to the cooling-off the dispute, as the case may be. The decision of the President, the
period herein provided. Secretary of Labor and Employment, the Commission or the
voluntary arbitrator shall be final and executory ten (10)
(g) When, in his opinion, there exists a labor dispute calendar days after receipt thereof by the parties.
causing or likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry
indispensable to the national interest, the Secretary of Labor and Concerted Activity
Employment may assume jurisdiction over the dispute and
decide it or certify the same to the Commission for compulsory It is a joint undertaking of workers designed to secure
arbitration. Such assumption or certification shall have the effect better terms and conditions of employment through the
of automatically enjoining the intended or impending strike or
machinery of collective bargaining and negotiations for their
lockout as specified in the assumption or certification order. If
one has already taken place at the time of assumption or mutual benefit and protection.
certification, all striking or locked out employees shall
immediately return-to-work and the employer shall immediately Strike
resume operations and readmit all workers under the same terms
and conditions prevailing before the strike or lockout. The It is any temporary stoppage of work by the
Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Commission may concerted action of employees as a result of any industrial or
seek the assistance of law enforcement agencies to ensure labor dispute which include group demonstrations or any
compliance with this provision as well as with such orders as he other group or concerted action, if directed against the
may issue to enforce the same.
employer, attempts to damage, destroy or sabotage plane
In line with the national concern for and the highest equipment and facilities, and similar activities.
respect accorded to the right of patients to life and health, strikes
and lockouts in hospitals, clinics and similar medical institutions It is one of the militant, effective, and legitimate
shall, to every extent possible, be avoided, and all serious efforts, weapons in the arsenal of the employees.
not only by labor and management but government as well, be
exhausted to substantially minimize, if not prevent, their adverse Purpose of strike
effects on such life and health, through the exercise, however
legitimate, by labor of its right to strike and by management to The purpose of strike is to put economic pressure
lockout. In labor disputes adversely affecting the continued
upon the employer so that he will accede to the demands of
operation of such hospitals, clinics or medical institutions, it shall
be the duty of the striking union or locking-out employer to the union.
provide and maintain an effective skeletal workforce of medical
and other health personnel, whose movement and services shall Kinds of strikes
be unhampered and unrestricted, as are necessary to insure the
proper and adequate protection of the life and health of its 1. According to basis of initiation
patients, most especially emergency cases, for the duration of the a. Authorized – strikes called upon a union’s
strike or lockout. In such cases, therefore, the Secretary of Labor consent.
and Employment may immediately assume, within twenty four b. Unauthorized (wildcat) – strikes called
(24) hours from knowledge of the occurrence of such a strike or
without the majority approval of the union
lockout, jurisdiction over the same or certify it to the
Commission for compulsory arbitration. For this purpose, the members in the bargaining unit; they take
contending parties are strictly enjoined to comply with such the form of rebellion by the rank-and-file
orders, prohibitions and/or injunctions as are issued by the members against the union leadership or part
Secretary of Labor and Employment or the Commission, under of the membership against the total
pain of immediate disciplinary action, including dismissal or loss membership.
of employment status or payment by the locking-out employer of 2. According to basis of scope
backwages, damages and other affirmative relief, even criminal a. General (extended sympathetic strike) –
prosecution against either or both of them. most extensive type covering a wide range
of industries or a large part of the country, in
The foregoing notwithstanding, the President of the
Philippines shall not be precluded from determining the order to wrest power and change the
industries that, in his opinion, are indispensable to the national economic system; (ie. Welga ng Bayan).
interest, and from intervening at any time and assuming b. Particular – only limited in scope as it
jurisdiction over any such labor dispute in order to settle or covers only a particular plant or a single
terminate the same. occupation or trade; usually carried by a
single-union group.
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c. Quickie – characterized by an impromptu, n. Union recognition strike – designed to

brief work stoppage in the plant but compel the employer to recognize one’s
stoppage is for a period of few minutes of union as the employees’ bargaining agent to
hours. work out a CBA despite the union’s
d. Slowdown (strike on installment plan) – doubtful majority status to merit voluntary
activity by which workers, without a recognition and lack of formal certification
complete stoppage of work, retard as the exclusive representative in the
production or their performance of duties bargaining unit.
and functions to compel management to o. Lightning strike – sudden stoppage of work
grant their demands; it is an ILLEGAL by the concerted action of the workers
STRIKE. without compliance with the requirements
e. Sitdown – the workers remain in the plant for declaring a lawful strike; it is an
but refuse to work and their machines and ILLEGAL STRIKE.
tools remain idle; the stoppage period is
much longer than quickie strike. Lockout
f. Ordinary – common type of strike that
involves a withdrawal on the part of the It is one of the economic shields of the employer
workers from their place of employment; it against the employees. It takes place when the employer
is carried out to attain the objectives temporarily refuses to furnish work as a result of an industrial
intimately related to the strikers themselves. or labor dispute.
g. Sympathetic – carried on by workers in
sympathy to another group of workers who Lockout vs. Shutdown
are on strike; the workers have no direct
grievances against their employer; it is an Lockout Shutdown
ILLEGAL STRIKE. The plant continues to The employer willfully
h. Political – resembles that of general strike; operate, as the employee- ceases operations following a
to exert pressure upon government. union members locked-out complete lock-out.
i. Legal – if the purpose/s are legal and the are replaced by non-union
means used in the course of the strike are substitutes.
legal. A mere suspension of
operations resorted to by the
NOTE: Strike may be legal at the start, employer to defeat the
however, in the course of the strike, strikers demands of his employees or
may do acts of violence which may make gain some advantage over
the strike illegal. them in relation to a pending
labor dispute.
j. Illegal – takes place when there is a law
prohibiting it. Who may declare a strike or lockout
k. ULP – strike is staged as a result of the
employer’s or union’s ULP; arises out of 1. Strike – any certified or duly recognized bargaining
violation of the right of workers to self- representative
l. Economic – strike staged to force wage or NOTE: In the absence of a certified or duly
other concessions from the employer which recognized bargaining representative, any legitimate
he is not required by law to grant; one labor organization in the establishment may declare a
arising from deadlock or standstill in strike but only on the ground of ULP.
collective bargaining process.
2. Lockout – employer
NOTE: A no-strike clause prohibition in a
CBA is applicable only to economic strikes, Contents of notice of strike; Action on the notice
not ULP strikes.
The notice shall state:
m. Temporary (concise) stoppage of work – 1. Names and addresses of the employer and the union
temporary stoppage of work by the union involved;
during the working period; it is an 2. The nature of the industry to which the employer
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3. The number of union members and of the workers in NOTE: In case of union busting, the time
the bargaining unit; and requirement for the filing of the Notice of Strike shall
4. Such other relevant data as may facilitate the be dispensed with but the strike vote requirement,
settlement of the dispute. being mandatory in character, shall in every case be
complied with. The 7 days should be added to the 15-
In case of bargaining deadlocks: day or 30-day cooling-off periods.
1. The notice shall further state the unresolved issues in
the bargaining negotiations; and 4. Compliance with the 24-hour prior notice rule on
2. Accompanied by the strike voting – the union is mandated to notify the
a. Written proposals of the union; NCMB of the meeting for the conduct of strike vote,
b. Counter-proposals of the union; at least 24 hours prior to such meeting;
c. Counter-proposals of the employer; and
d. Proof for conference to settle the PURPOSES (24-hour prior notice rule):
differences. a. To inform the NCMB of the intent of the
union to conduct a strike vote;
In case of unfair labor practices, the notice shall state the: b. Give the NCMB ample time to decide
1. Acts complained of; and whether or not there is a need to supervise
2. Efforts taken to resolve the dispute amicably. the conduct of the strike vote to prevent any
acts of violence and/or irregularities
In case a notice does not conform with the attendant thereto; and
requirements, the regional branch of the NCMB shall inform c. Should the NCMB decide motu proprio or
the concerned party of such fact. upon the request of an interested party
including the employer, to supervise the
Upon receipt of the notice, the regional branch of the strike vote, to give ample time to prepare for
NCMB shall exert all efforts at mediation and conciliation to the deployment of the requisite personnel.
enable the parties to settle the dispute amicably. The regional
branch of the NCMB may, upon agreement of the parties, treat PURPOSES (Strike Vote):
a notice as a preventive mediation case. It shall also encourage b. To ensure that the decision to strike rests
the parties to submit the dispute to voluntary arbitration. with majority of the union members in
general and not with a mere minority; and
Procedural requirements for a lawful strike or lockout c. To discourage wildcat strikes, union bossism
and even corruption.
1. It must be based ONLY the following grounds:
a. Bargaining deadlocks; and 5. A strike or lockout VOTE shall be reported to the
b. Unfair labor practices NCMB-DOLE Regional Branch at least 7 days
2. Must be approved by a majority of the total before the intended strike or lockout subject to the
membership of the union obtained by secret ballot in cooling-off period (mandatory 7-day strike ban).
meeting called for the purpose;
3. Strike or lockout NOTICE shall be filed with the PURPOSE (Strike Vote Report and Mandatory 7-
NCMB at least (mandatory cooling-off periods): day strike ban):
a. 15 days from the intended date thereof – for a. To give the DOLE an opportunity to verify
ULP; whether the projected strike really carries
b. 30 days from intended thereof – for the approval of the majority union members.
bargaining deadlock
Copy furnished the adverse party; failure to serve NOTE: In strikes and lockouts in hospital, it is the duty
notice is a violation of due process. of the striking union or locking-out employer to provided
an effective skeletal workforce of medical and health
PURPOSE (Mandatory cooling-off period): personnel to insure adequate protection of the life and
a. To afford the parties the opportunity to health of the patients, particularly emergency cases during
amicably resolve the dispute with the the duration of the strike.
assistance of the NCMB.
NOTE: Should the dispute remain unsettled after the
NOTE: In the event the result of the strike/lockout lapse of the requisite number of days from the filing of
vote ballot is filed within the cooling-off period, the the notice of strike/lockout and of the results of the
7-day requirement shall be counted from the day election required, the labor union may strike or the
following the expiration of the cooling-off period. employer may lock out its workers. The regional branch
of the NCMB shall continue mediating and conciliating.
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Effect of a labor dispute subject of a notice being treated 2. When it is declared for a trivial, unjust or
as Preventive Mediation case unreasonable purpose or motive;
3. It is carried out through unlawful means;
Once the dispute has been converted into a 4. It violates a binding agreement.
preventive mediation case, the notice of strike is deemed
dropped from the dockets as if no notice of strike has been Doctrine of means and purposes – used in determining the
filed. Since there is no more notice of strike, any strike legality or illegality of a strike; strike is legal when lawful
subsequently stage by the union or locking out by the means concur with lawful purpose.
employer is deemed not to have complied with the
requirements of a valid strike. NOTE: In a legal strike, the striking employees are not liable
for damages despite the injury or damage incurred by the
No strike could be legally declared during the employer (damnum absque injuria).
pendency of preventive mediation proceedings. 89
Doctrinal rulings on legality of strikes
Effect of non-compliance with the requirements for a valid
strike or lockout 1. Strike declared in good faith – there is no such thing
as good faith strike because claim of good faith is not
Non-compliance with the requirements of a valid a valid defense to dispense with the procedural steps
strike is sufficient ground to declare the strike/lockout illegal. for a lawful strike.
2. Strike was the consequence of ULP – legal strike.
1. Illegal strike – the employer may be authorized to 3. Strike declared to seek better terms and conditions of
terminate the employment of: employment – legal strike.
a. Union officials who knowingly participated 4. Strike staged against ULP and discriminatory acts –
in the illegal strike; and/or legal strike.
b. Any worker or union officer who 5. Strike declared for failure of employer to abide by the
participated in the commission of other terms of the CBA – legal strike.
illegal acts during the strike. 6. Strike declared due to ULP – not a violation of the
2. Illegal lockout – any worker whose employment has “no-strike” clause of the CBA because the same
been terminated as a consequence thereof may be applies only to economic strikes, and not ULP
entitled to reinstatement including payment of full strikes; thus, a legal strike.
backwages and other benefits.
Doctrinal rulings on illegality of strikes
Jurisdiction over legality of strike/lockout
1. Strikes staged on non-strikeable ground
GR: The LA has the power to determine the question 2. Strike’s purpose is trivial, unjust and unreasonable
involving the legality or illegality of a strike/lockout upon the 3. Strike staged for non-compliance of the legal
filing of a proper complaint and after due hearing. requirements
4. Strike staged in violation of the no-strike clause in
XPN: the CBA (only in economic strikes)
1. Where the issue is raised in the dispute over which 5. Strike becomes illegal if violence is pervasive and
the SOLE assumed jurisdiction – the same may be widespread
resolved by the SOLE; 6. Strike staged despite issuance of an assumption or
2. Where the issue is raised in disputes certified by the certification order
SOLE to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration, the 7. Strike staged without availing of the grievance
same may be resolved NLRC; or machinery procedure and voluntary arbitration clause
3. If the issue is submitted by the parties to voluntary in the CBA
arbitration – the same may be resolved by the VA or 8. Strike staged to circumvent the CBA
panel of VAs. 9. Strike staged by a minority union
10. Strike staged in violation of preventive mediation
Legality of strike (Doctrine of Means and Purposes) order (PMO)
11. Strike staged for violation of Art. 279(e).
A strike may be declared illegal:
1. When it contravenes a specific statutory provision pr Doctrinal rulings on legal lockout
judicial decree;
1. Economic reverses or financial losses are justifiable
grounds for closure of establishment/lay-off;
SMC vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 119293 (2003).
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2. Legitimate sale of business which is management respectively, and the workers must be readmitted
prerogative is not a lockout; under the same terms and conditions prevailing
3. A permanent closure of business is not lockout but it before the strike/lockout (actual reinstatement).
must be bona fide;
4. Stoppage of business operations due to lack of raw Effect of non-compliance with return-to-work order
materials is not lockout;
5. Closure of business due to strike is not lockout. Return-to-work order – a statutory part and parcel of the
SOLE’s assumption or certification order. Noncompliance
Doctrinal rulings on illegal lockout therewith shall subject the party concerned to immediate
disciplinary action, including dismissal, payment by the
1. Lockout declared for non-compliance of the legal employer of backwages, damages, and other affirmative relief,
requirements; even criminal prosecution against either or both of them.
2. Lockout declared before the lapse of the cooling-off
and waiting periods; SOLE’s authority to resolve a labor dispute; Exception to
3. Lockout declared in violation of the no-lockout LA’s jurisdiction
clause in the CBA;
4. Lockout declared on grounds involving inter-union or The SOLE’s authority to resolve a labor dispute
intra-union disputes; within 30 days from the time of assumption of jurisdiction
5. Lockout declared in mala fide. must include and extend to all questions and controversies
arising therefrom, including cases over which the LA has
ASSUMPTION OF JURISDICTION (PRE-EMPTIVE exclusive jurisdiction such as resolving questions on the
POWER OR AUTOMATIC INJUNCTIVE POWER OF legality of strikes/lockouts.
Such decision shall be final and executory 10
It is an extraordinary authority strictly limited to calendar days after receipt thereof by the parties.
national interest cases and granted to the President or to the
SOLE, which can justifiably rest on his own consideration of Strikes and lockouts in hospitals and medical institutions
the exigency of the situation in relation to the
national interest. The SOLE may immediately assume within 24 hours
from knowledge of the occurrence of such a strike or lockout,
It is plenary, full, public, and at the same time jurisdiction over the same or certify it to the NLRC for
discretionary as to: compulsory arbitration.
1. Whether to assume jurisdiction over a given labor
dispute or certify the same to the NLRC; and Appeal in assumed cases
2. Determination of the industry indispensable to the
national interest. The SOLE’s decision on assumed cases may be
appealed to the Office of the President.
PURPOSE: For the resumption of the employer’s
operations so essential to the national interest. Peaceful picketing

NOTE: It is not necessary for the SOLE to issue return- Picketing –device used by the union to bolster their strike; it
to-work order in Assumption Order, because the mere refers to outside patrolling or marching to and fro of the
issuance of the same automatically carries with it a return- strikes at the company’s premises usually accompanied by the
to-work order although not expressly stated therein. display of placards and other signs making known the facts
involved in a labor dispute; purpose is to have an effective
NOTE: The power of assumption does not constitute strike.
undue delegation of legislative powers. However, if the 1. Chain or mass picketing; or
SOLE abuses his discretion, he can be corrected by 2. Circular picketing – carried on around the plant.
Legal aspect of picketing
Effect of Assumption of Jurisdiction
In order to be lawful, picketing must be carried on
1. Any strike/lockout, actual or intended, is peacefully and in conformity with lawful objectives.
automatically enjoined;
2. If a strike/lockout has already taken place, all striking Although picketing is generally peaceful at the
workers shall immediately return to work or the beginning, it may be declared illegal if the picketers start to
employer shall immediately resume operations,
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utter forceful, coercive statements in an attempt to prevent Government employees cannot join a strike
members of other unions from crossing the picket line.
Such is considered an insurrection against public
NOTE: Right to picket has been equated with freedom of authority. A strike against the Government by its employees is
speech.90 a civil service offense which may be punishable
NOTE: Right to strike includes the right to picket, as a form
of concerted activity for mutual aid and protection guaranteed
by the Code. Art. 279. Prohibited activities. – (a) No labor organization or
employer shall declare a strike or lockout without first having
bargained collectively in accordance with Title VII of this Book
NOTE: or without first having filed the notice required in the preceding
Article or without the necessary strike or lockout vote first
1. It is not necessary that a picketing be conducted having been obtained and reported to the Ministry.
during a strike.
2. There can be picketing without strike. No strike or lockout shall be declared after assumption
3. There can be no strike without picketing. of jurisdiction by the President or the Minister or after
certification or submission of the dispute to compulsory or
Stranger picketing voluntary arbitration or during the pendency of cases involving
the same grounds for the strike or lockout.
This is the kind of picketing by a union having no
Any worker whose employment has been terminated as
members employed in the place picketed. There exists no a consequence of any unlawful lockout shall be entitled to
employer-employee relationship between the picketers and the reinstatement with full backwages. Any union officer who
employer of the place (company) being picketed. knowingly participates in an illegal strike and any worker or
union officer who knowingly participates in the commission of
Doctrine of Innocent Bystander (An innocent bystander illegal acts during a strike may be declared to have lost his
with locus standi to enjoin a strike) employment status: Provided, That mere participation of a
worker in a lawful strike shall not constitute sufficient ground for
An innocent bystander who seeks to enjoin a labor termination of his employment, even if a replacement had been
hired by the employer during such lawful strike.
strike must satisfy the court that, aside from the grounds under
Rule 58 of Rules of Civil Procedure, the party applying for the (b) No person shall obstruct, impede, or interfere with,
writ is entirely different from, and without any connection by force, violence, coercion, threats or intimidation, any peaceful
whatsoever to, either party to the dispute and its interests are picketing by employees during any labor controversy or in the
totally foreign to the contest thereof. exercise of the right to self-organization or collective bargaining,
or shall aid or abet such obstruction or interference.
NOTE: The doctrine of piercing the corporate veil does not
apply. (c) No employer shall use or employ any strike-breaker,
nor shall any person be employed as a strike-breaker.
Boycott (d) No public official or employee, including officers
and personnel of the New Armed Forces of the Philippines or the
It is a combination, the purpose of which it to coerce Integrated National Police, or armed person, shall bring in,
the employer by the restriction and withholding of patronage introduce or escort in any manner, any individual who seeks to
so as to diminish his volume of business. replace strikers in entering or leaving the premises of a strike
area, or work in place of the strikers. The police force shall keep
Kinds of Boycott out of the picket lines unless actual violence or other criminal
acts occur therein: Provided, That nothing herein shall be
1. Primary – where the refusal to patronize is confined interpreted to prevent any public officer from taking any
measure necessary to maintain peace and order, protect life and
to the employees who have a direct interest in the
property, and/or enforce the law and legal orders.
dispute with the employer; LAWFUL.
2. Secondary – where the refusal to patronize is done by (e) No person engaged in picketing shall commit any act
persons who have no economic interest in the of violence, coercion or intimidation or obstruct the free ingress
dispute, enlisted to assist the employees in coercing to or egress from the employer’s premises for lawful purposes, or
the employer to meet the demands of the workers; obstruct public thoroughfares.

Thornhill vs. Alabama, 310 U.S. 88
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Prohibited acts and practices Rights of employees in economic and ULP strike

1. Declaring a strike/lockout on grounds involving 1. Reinstatement, provided the employer has not yet
inter-union or intra-union disputes or on issues hired permanent replacements; and
brought to voluntary or compulsory arbitration; 2. They may not be discriminated against for having
2. Declaring a strike/lockout without first having engaged in such strike.
bargained collectively or without first having filed
the required notice or without strike/lockout vote first Reinstatement of strikers may be denied
having been obtained and reported to the Regional
Branch of the NCMB; 1. Where the employee concerned was found to have
3. Implementing a strike/lockout in defiance of an order committed serious misconduct prejudicial to the
to return to work and accept the workers after employer;
assumption of jurisdiction by the President or the 2. Where the business has passed to a transferee in good
SOLE or after certification or submission of the faith;
dispute to compulsory or voluntary arbitration or 3. Where the employer has suffered serious economic
during the pendency of a case involving the reverses and the need for the services of the strikers
authorized grounds for the strike/lockout; has already ceased to exist;
4. Obstructing, impeding, or interfering with, by force, 4. Where the strikers have found substantially
violence, coercion, threats or intimidation, any equivalent and regular employment;
peaceful picketing by employees during any labor 5. Where the strikers were not actually working at the
controversy or in the exercise of their right to self- time of the strike;
organization or collective bargaining, or aiding or 6. Where reinstatement of illegally dismissed strikers
abetting such obstruction or interference; has become impossible;
5. Employing any strike-breaker or being employed as 7. Where they are officers of the union that staged an
strike-breaker; illegal strike;
6. No public official or employee, including officers 8. Where employee-striker knowingly participates in the
and personnel of the AFP or the PNP, or any armed commission of illegal acts during the strike.
person, shall:
a. Bring in, introduce or escort in any manner, Liability of Strikers
any individual who seeks to replace strikers
in entering or leaving the premises of a In illegal strike, only the leaders or employees of
strike area; or violence or those who initiated or organized the strike, not the
b. Work in place of the strikers. rank-and-file employees would receive the punishment of
7. Nothing herein shall be interpreted to prevent any dismissal.
public officer from taking any measure necessary to
maintain peace and order, and/or protect life and Strikers not entitled to backwages; Exceptions
8. Stationary picket and the use of means like placing of GR: In economic strike, strikers are not entitled to backwages,
objects to constitute permanent blockade or to since the employer should not get the equivalent day’s work
effectively close pints of entry or exit in company for what he pays his employees.
9. Any act of violence, coercion, or intimidation by any XPN: Backwages may be given in the following instances:
10. The obstruction of the free ingress to or egress from 1. Discriminatorily dismissed employees must receive
the employer’s premises for lawful purposes; backwages from the date of the act of discrimination
11. Obstruction of public thoroughfares while engaged in (from the day of their discharge);
picketing. 2. The strikers did not strike but were practically
illegally locked out;
Right to strike can be waived 3. The strikers voluntarily and unconditionally offiered
to return to work, but the employer refused to accept
GR: Right to strike cannot be waived. the offer.
XPN: It shall be deemed waived in the following instances:
1. No-strike, no-lockout clause in the CBA; Prohibition against strike-breakers
2. Assumption of jurisdiction over labor dispute by
SOLE or the President; or Strike-breaker – any person who obstructs, impedes, or
3. Issuance of a Preventive Mediation Order interferes with by force, violence, coercion, threats or
intimidation, any peaceful picketing by employees during any
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labor controversy or in the exercise of their right to self-

organization or collective bargaining. 1. National security;
2. Public peace; or
Art. 280. Improved offer balloting. – In an effort to settle a strike, 3. Commission of a crime.
the Department of Labor and Employment shall conduct a
referendum by secret ballot on the improved offer of the XPN: An arrest can be lawfully made in the following cases:
employer on or before the 30th day of the strike. When at least a
majority of the union members vote to accept the improved offer 1. Any person who obstructs the free and lawful ingress
the striking workers shall immediately return to work and the
to and egress from the employer’s premises or who
employer shall thereupon readmit them upon the signing of the
agreement. obstructs public thoroughfares may be arrested and
accordingly charged in court.
In case of a lockout, the Department of Labor and 2. Any person who shall have in his possession deadly
Employment shall also conduct a referendum by secret balloting weapons.
on the reduced offer of the union on or before the 30th day of the
lockout. When at least a majority of the board of directors or CHAPTER II
trustees or the partners holding the controlling interest in the ASSISTANCE TO LABOR ORGANIZATIONS
case of a partnership vote to accept the reduced offer, the
workers shall immediately return to work and the employer shall Art. 282. Assistance by the Department of Labor. – The
thereupon readmit them upon the signing of the agreement. Department of Labor, at the initiative of the Secretary of Labor,
shall extend special assistance to the organization, for purposes of
Improved offer balloting collective bargaining, of the most underprivileged workers who,
for reasons of occupation, organizational structure or insufficient
In case of a strike, the regional branch of the NCMB incomes, are not normally covered by major labor organizations
shall, at its own initiative or upon the request of any affected or federations.
party, conduct a referendum by secret balloting on the
Art. 283. Assistance by the Institute of Labor and Manpower
improved offer of the employer on or before the 30 th day of
Studies. – The Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies shall
strike. render technical and other forms of assistance to labor
organizations and employer organizations in the field of labor
When at least a majority of the union members vote education, especially pertaining to collective bargaining,
to accept the improved offer, the striking workers shall arbitration, labor standards and the Labor Code of the
immediately return to work and the employer shall thereupon Philippines in general.
re-admit them upon signing of the agreement.
Reduce offer balloting FOREIGN ACTIVITES
Art. 284. Prohibition against aliens; exceptions. – All aliens,
natural or juridical, as well as foreign organizations are strictly
In case of a lockout, the regional branch of the
prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly in all forms of
NCMB shall also conduct a referendum by secret balloting on trade union activities without prejudice to normal contacts
the reduced offer of the union on or before the 30 th day of between Philippine labor unions and recognized international
lockout. labor centers: Provided, however, That aliens working in the
country with valid permits issued by the Department of Labor
When at least a majority of the board of directors or and Employment, may exercise the right to self-organization and
trustees or the partners holding the controlling interest in the join or assist labor organizations of their own choosing for
case of partnership vote to accept the reduced offer, the purposes of collective bargaining: Provided, further, That said
workers shall immediately return to work and the employer aliens are nationals of a country which grants the same or similar
rights to Filipino workers.
shall thereupon re-admit them upon signing of the agreement.

Art. 281. Requirement for arrest and detention. – Except on

Prohibition against aliens
grounds of national security and public peace or in case of
commission of a crime, no union members or union organizers All aliens, natural or juridical, are strictly prohibited
may be arrested or detained for union activities without previous from engaging in all forms of trade union activities, whether
consultations with the Secretary of Labor. directly or indirectly.

Arrests, searches and seizures Philippine labor unions may, however, maintain
normal contacts with recognized international labor centers.
GR: A police officer cannot arrest or detain any union
member or organizer without previous consultation with the XPN: Aliens working in the PH may exercise self-
SOLE. Consultation can be dispensed with if the arrest is organization and join or assist labor organizations for
effected on the following grounds: collective bargaining purposes under the following conditions:
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1. The aliens are working in the country with valid PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION
permits issued by the DOLE; and
2. The aliens are nationals of a country which grants the Art. 287. Penalties. – (a) Any person violating any of the
same or similar rights to Filipino workers (Principle provisions of Article 264 of this Code shall be punished by a fine
of Reciprocity). of not less than one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) nor more than ten
thousand pesos (P10,000.00) and/or imprisonment for not less
than three months nor more than three (3) years, or both such
Art. 285. Regulation of foreign assistance. – (a) No foreign fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court. Prosecution
individual, organization or entity may give any donations, grants under this provision shall preclude prosecution for the same act
or other forms of assistance, in cash or in kind, directly or under the Revised Penal Code, and vice versa.
indirectly, to any labor organization, group of workers or any
auxiliary thereof, such as cooperatives, credit unions and
institutions engaged in research, education or communication, in (b) Upon the recommendation of the Minister of Labor
relation to trade union activities, without prior permission by the and Employment and the Minister of National Defense,
Secretary of Labor. foreigners who violate the provisions of this Title shall be subject
to immediate and summary deportation by the Commission on
Immigration and Deportation and shall be permanently barred
"Trade union activities" shall mean: from re-entering the country without the special permission of
the President of the Philippines.
(1) organization, formation and administration of labor
organization; TITLE IX
(2) negotiation and administration of collective
bargaining agreements; Art. 288. Study of Labor-Management Relations. – The Secretary
of Labor shall have the power and it shall be his duty to inquire
(3) all forms of concerted union action; into:

(4) organizing, managing, or assisting union (a) the existing relations between employers and
conventions, meetings, rallies, referenda, teach-ins, employees in the Philippines;
seminars, conferences and institutes;
(b) the growth of associations of employees and the
(5) any form of participation or involvement in effect of such associations upon employer-employee relations;
representation proceedings, representation elections,
consent elections, union elections; and (c) the extent and results of the methods of collective
bargaining in the determination of terms and conditions of
(6) other activities or actions analogous to the foregoing. employment;

(b) This prohibition shall equally apply to foreign (d) the methods which have been tried by employers
donations, grants or other forms of assistance, in cash or in kind, and associations of employees for maintaining mutually
given directly or indirectly to any employer or employer’s satisfactory relations;
organization to support any activity or activities affecting trade
unions. (e) desirable industrial practices which have been
developed through collective bargaining and other voluntary
(c) The Secretary of Labor shall promulgate rules and arrangements;
regulations to regulate and control the giving and receiving of
such donations, grants, or other forms of assistance, including the (f) the possible ways of increasing the usefulness and
mandatory reporting of the amounts of the donations or grants, efficiency of collective bargaining for settling differences;
the specific recipients thereof, the projects or activities proposed
to be supported, and their duration.
(g) the possibilities for the adoption of practical and
effective methods of labor-management cooperation;
Art. 286. Applicability to farm tenants and rural workers. – The
provisions of this Title pertaining to foreign organizations and
activities shall be deemed applicable likewise to all organizations (h) any other aspects of employer-employee relations
of farm tenants, rural workers, and the like: Provided, That in concerning the promotion of harmony and understanding
appropriate cases, the Secretary of Agrarian Reform shall between the parties; and
exercise the powers and responsibilities vested by this Title in the
Secretary of Labor. (i) the relevance of labor laws and labor relations to
national development.
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The Secretary of Labor shall also inquire into the national, regional, or industrial tripartite conference of
causes of industrial unrest and take all the necessary steps within representatives of government, workers and employers for the
his power as may be prescribed by law to alleviate the same, and consideration and adoption of voluntary codes of principles
shall from time to time recommend the enactment of such designed to promote industrial peace based on social justice or to
remedial legislation as in his judgment may be desirable for the align labor movement relations with established priorities in
maintenance and promotion of industrial peace. economic and social development. In calling such conference, the
Secretary of Labor and Employment may consult with accredited
Art. 289. Visitorial power. – The Secretary of Labor and representatives of workers and employers.
Employment or his duly authorized representative is hereby
empowered to inquire into the financial activities of legitimate (c) A National Tripartite Industrial Peace Council
labor organizations upon the filing of a complaint under oath and (NTIPC) shall be established headed by the Secretary of Labor
duly supported by the written consent of at least twenty percent and Employment, with twenty (2) representatives each from the
(20%) of the total membership of the labor organization labor and employers’ sectors to be designated by the President at
concerned and to examine their books of accounts and other regular intervals. For this purpose, sectoral nomination,
records to determine compliance or non-compliance with the law selection, and recall process shall be established by the DOLE in
and to prosecute any violations of the law and the union consultation with the sectors observing the ‘most representative’
constitution and by-laws: Provided, That such inquiry or organization criteria of ILO Convention No. 144.
examination shall not be conducted during the sixty (60)-day
freedom period nor within the thirty (30) days immediately Tripartite Industrial Peace Councils (TIPCs) at the
preceding the date of election of union officials. regional or industry level shall also be established with
representatives from government, workers and employers to
Visitorial Power serve as a continuing forum for tripartite advisement and
consultation in aid of streamlining the role of government,
The visitorial power of the SOLE can be exercised empowering workers’ and employers’ organizations, enhancing
through the Regional or Bureau Director in the following their respective rights, attaining industrial peace, and improving
cases: productivity.
1. Inquire into the financial activities of legitimate labor
organizations; The TIPCs shall have the following functions:
2. Examine their books of accounts and other records to
determine compliance or non-compliance with the (1) Monitor the full implementation and compliance of
law; concerned sectors with the provisions of all tripartite
3. Prosecute any violations of the law and the union’s instruments, including international conventions and
constitution and by-laws. declarations, codes of conduct, and social accords;

Limitations of the power (2) Participate in national, regional or industry-specific

tripartite conferences which the President or the Secretary of
The SOLE cannot exercise his visitorial power in the Labor and Employment may call from time to time;
following cases:
1. During the 60-day freedom period; and (3) Review existing labor, economic and social policies
2. During the 30-day period immediately preceding the and evaluate local and international developments affecting
date of election of union officials.

Procedural requirements (4) Formulate, for submission to the President or to

Congress, tripartite views, recommendations and proposals on
labor, economic, and social concerns, including the presentation
The requirements for a valid exercise of visitorial of tripartite positions on relevant bills pending in Congress;
power are the following:
1. There should be a complaint under oath; and
(5) Advise the Secretary of Labor and Employment in
2. Said complaint should be supported by the written the formulation or implementation of policies and legislation
consent of at least 20% of the total union affecting labor and employment;
(6) Serve as a communication channel and a mechanism
Art. 290. Tripartism,, Tripartite Conferences, and Tripartite for undertaking joint programs among government, workers,
Industrial Peace Councils. – (a) Tripartism in labor relations is employers and their organizations toward enhancing labor-
hereby declared a State policy. Towards this end, workers and management relations; and
employers shall, as far as practicable, be represented in decision
and policy-making bodies of the government.
(7) Adopt its own program of activities and rules,
consistent with development objectives.
(b) The Secretary of Labor and Employment or his duly
authorized representatives may, from time to time, call a
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The operations of all TIPCs shall be funded from the (d) No docket fee shall be assessed in labor standards
regular budget of the DOLE. disputes. In all other disputes, docket fees may be assessed
against the filing party, provided that in bargaining deadlock,
Principle of Tripartism such fees shall be shared equally by the negotiating parties.

The tripartite approach is designed to converge the 3 (e) The Minister of Labor and Employment and the
sectors: Minister of the Budget shall cause to be created or reclassified in
1. Government; accordance with law such positions as may be necessary to carry
2. Employers; and out the objectives of this Code and cause the upgrading of the
salaries of the personnel involved in the Labor Relations System
3. Employees
of the Ministry. Funds needed for this purpose shall be provided
For a dialogue and conference for the purpose of drafting out of the Special Activities Fund appropriated by Batas
major policies and simplifying resolution of major labor Pambansa Blg. 80 and from annual appropriations thereafter.
(f) A special Voluntary Arbitration Fund is hereby
Art 291. Government employees. – The terms and conditions of established in the Board to subsidize the cost of voluntary
employment of all government employees, including employees of arbitration in cases involving the interpretation and
government-owned and controlled corporations, shall be implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement,
governed by the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations. Their including the Arbitrator’s fees, and for such other related
salaries shall be standardized by the National Assembly as purposes to promote and develop voluntary arbitration. The
provided for in the New Constitution. However, there shall be no Board shall administer the Special Voluntary Arbitration Fund
reduction of existing wages, benefits and other terms and in accordance with the guidelines it may adopt upon the
conditions of employment being enjoyed by them at the time of recommendation of the Council, which guidelines shall be subject
the adoption of this Code. to the approval of the Secretary of Labor and Employment.
Continuing funds needed for this purpose in the initial yearly
Art. 292. Miscellaneous provisions. – (a) All unions are amount of fifteen million pesos (P15,000,000.00) shall be provided
authorized to collect reasonable membership fees, union dues, in the 1989 annual general appropriations acts.
assessments and fines and other contributions for labor
education and research, mutual death and hospitalization The amount of subsidy in appropriate cases shall be
benefits, welfare fund, strike fund and credit and cooperative determined by the Board in accordance with established
undertakings. guidelines issued by it upon the recommendation of the Council.

(b) Subject to the constitutional right of workers to The Fund shall also be utilized for the operation of the
security of tenure and their right to be protected against Council, the training and education of Voluntary Arbitrators,
dismissal except for a just and authorized cause and without and the Voluntary Arbitration Program.
prejudice to the requirement of notice under Article 28391 of this
Code, the employer shall furnish the worker whose employment
is sought to be terminated a written notice containing a statement (g) The Ministry shall help promote and gradually
of the causes for termination and shall afford the latter ample develop, with the agreement of labor organizations and
opportunity to be heard and to defend himself with the assistance employers, labor-management cooperation programs at
of his representative if he so desires in accordance with company appropriate levels of the enterprise based on the shared
rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to guidelines set by responsibility and mutual respect in order to ensure industrial
the Department of Labor and Employment. Any decision taken peace and improvement in productivity, working conditions and
by the employer shall be without prejudice to the right of the the quality of working life.
worker to contest the validity or legality of his dismissal by filing
a complaint with the regional branch of the National Labor (h) In establishments where no legitimate labor
Relations Commission. The burden of proving that the organization exists, labor-management committees may be
termination was for a valid or authorized cause shall rest on the formed voluntarily by workers and employers for the purpose of
employer. The Secretary of the Department of Labor and promoting industrial peace. The Department of Labor and
Employment may suspend the effects of the termination pending Employment shall endeavor to enlighten and educate the workers
resolution of the dispute in the event of a prima facie finding by and employers on their rights and responsibilities through labor
the appropriate official of the Department of Labor and education with emphasis on the policy thrusts of this Code.
Employment before whom such dispute is pending that the
termination may cause a serious labor dispute or is in (i) To ensure speedy labor justice, the periods provided
implementation of a mass lay-off. in this Code within which decisions or resolutions of labor
relations cases or matters should be rendered shall be
(c) Any employee, whether employed for a definite mandatory. For this purpose, a case or matter shall be deemed
period or not, shall, beginning on his first day of service, be submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last
considered as an employee for purposes of membership in any pleading or memorandum required by the rules of the
labor union. Commission or by the Commission itself, or the Labor Arbiter,
or the Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations or Med-Arbiter,
91 or the Regional Director.
Renumbered as Art. 298.
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Upon expiration of the corresponding period, a Extent and limits of the protection
certification stating why a decision or resolution has not been
rendered within the said period shall be issued forthwith by the The employee’s right to security of tenure does not
Chairman of the Commission, the Executive Labor Arbiter, or give him such a vested right in his position as would deprive
the Director of the Bureau of Labor Relations or Med-Arbiter, or
the company of its prerogative to change his assignment or
the Regional Director, as the case may be, and a copy thereof
served upon the parties. transfer hum when he will be most useful, and where his
transfer is not unreasonable, nor inconvenient, nor prejudicial
to him, and it does not involve demotion in rank or diminution
Despite the expiration of the applicable mandatory
period, the aforesaid officials shall, without prejudice to any of his salaries, benefits, and other privileges, the employee
liability which may have been incurred as a consequence thereof, may not complain that it amounts to a constructive dismissal.
see to it that the case or matter shall be decided or resolved
without any further delay. Reliefs and normal consequences of illegal dismissal

BOOK VI 1. Reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and

POST-EMPLOYMENT other privileges; and
2. Full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his
other benefits or their monetary equivalent computed
from the time his compensation was withheld from
Art. 293. Coverage. – The provisions of this Title shall apply to him up to the time of his actual reinstatement;
all establishments or undertakings, whether for profit or not. 3. Damages;
4. Attorney’s fees
Coverage on the law of termination
The law on termination applies to all establishments
or undertakings, whether for profit or not. Reinstatement – restoration to a state from which has been
removed or separated; a vindication against illegal dismissal.
Four-fold test (Indicia of relationship) of Employer-
employee relationship Reinstatement Re-employment
Connotes an obligation. Discretionary on the part of
1. Selection and engagement of the employee; the employer to place the
2. Payment of wages; employee affected in the
3. Power of dismissal; and position previously held.
4. Power to control the employees’ conduct.
In case reinstatement is adjudged by the LA, the
Art. 294. Security of tenure. – In cases of regular employment, award of backwages and other benefits continue, beyond the
the employer shall not terminate the services of an employee date of the LA’s decision ordering reinstatement and extends
except for a just cause or when authorized by this Title. An
employee who is unjustly dismissed from work shall be entitled to
up to the time said order of reinstatement is actually
reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other privileges implemented.
and to his full backwages, inclusive of allowances, and to his
other benefits or their monetary equivalent computed from the Reinstatement Backwages
time his compensation was withheld from him up to the time of Restoration to a state from Restores the income that was
his actual reinstatement. which one has been removed lost by reason of unlawful
or separated. dismissal.
Right to security of tenure
2 types of Reinstatement
Tenure – permanent or regular status granted a worker usually
after a probationary or trial period. 1. Actual reinstatement – employee is restored to his
former position.
Security of tenure – right of a worker to be secured or to 2. Reinstatement in the payroll – employee is restored
continue in employment until the same is terminated by virtue in the payroll without performing such services.
of a valid, just case or on grounds authorized by law.
REASONS for reinstatement in the payroll:
Coverage of the security of tenure clause a. Employer believes that the dismissal is valid;
It extends to all types of employees. b. The presence of the employee in the company
premises might demoralized other co-workers
in the process.
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entitled to all the benefits given to other employees

Reinstatement not proper in the following cases similarly situated.
5. Employee accepts retirement pay – as retirement pay
1. Non-employees; has the characteristic of a separation pay.
2. If the position previously occupied by the employee 6. When employment relation becomes so strained
no longer exists at the time of reinstatement – (doctrine of strained relationship)
a. He should be given a substantially a. When the employer can no longer trust the
equivalent position; or employee (ie. Hambooger Doctrine);
b. If no substantially equivalent position is b. There were respective imputations of bad
available, reinstatement should not be faith to each other; or
ordered (a legal impossibility). c. There was severe antagonism
7. Closure or cessation of business operation
REMEDY: Separation pay equivalent to 1 8. Transfer of business to an innocent transferee
month salary for every year of service. 9. Act of State – employer not liable to pay separation
3. If the position previously occupied by the dismissed 10. Abolition of position – employee should be given a
employee has already been filled up substantially equivalent position; otherwise, payment
of separation pay plus backwages as a form of
REMEDY: Reinstate him to a substantially compromise to reinstatement.
equivalent position. 11. Prescription – 4 years.
12. Conviction for a crime
4. An employee, at the time of dismissal, was 13. Not conducive to industrial harmony
occupying a temporary or lower position cannot be 14. Over-aged employee
ordered reinstated to a permanent or higher position. 15. Fiduciary relationship
a. Kasambahay Law
Separation pat granted in lieu of reinstatement 16. Legal proscription
a. Migrant Workers Act – an illegally
Separation pay can be granted in lieu of reinstatement dismissed OFW is entitled to the full
under the following exceptions to the general rule of reimbursement of his placement fee with
reinstatement: interest at 12% per annum, plus his salaries
for the unexpired portion of the employment
1. Reinstatement can no longer be effected in view of contract.
the long passage of time or because of realities of the b. Kasambahay Law – dismissed kasambahay
situation; shall not be entitled to separation pay.
2. That it would be inimical to the employer’s interest; 17. Supervening event
3. That reinstatement may no longer be feasible;
4. It will not serve the best interests of the parties “Without loss of seniority rights”
5. The company would be prejudiced by the workers’ Seniority – length of service of employees in a specified unit
continued employment; for the purposes of determining the order in which workers
6. It will not serve the prudent purpose as when will be laid-off, promoted, transferred, or rehired.
supervening facts have transpired which make
execution unjust or inequitable; NOTE: An employee has no inherent right to seniority.
7. There is a resultant strained relations between the
employer and the employee. Reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other
privileges – denotes that benefits due a dismissed employee
Circumstances that bar reinstatement including seniority rights and other privileges will not be
affected by his absence due to suspension of employment
1. Dismissal for cause brought about by the unlawful dismissal.
2. Abandonment of right or laches
3. Resignation of employee Backwages
4. Physical incapacity of employee – the employer may
require employees to undergo a physical or medical It is form of relief that restores the income of the
examination, but it should not be imposed as a pre- employee that was lost by reason of the unlawful dismissal.
condition for reinstatement; if they are found to be ill
or suffering from some disability, they would be
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Full Backwages Damages

It simply means as one that is not diminished or It may mean the injury or loss cause by another by
reduced by the earnings derived by the employee elsewhere violation of his legal rights or is the sum of money which the
during the period of his illegal dismissal. law awards or imposes as pecuniary compensation,
recompense, or satisfaction for an injury done or a wrong
Computation of backwages (salary base of backwages) sustained as consequence either of a breach of a contractual
obligation or a notorious act.
The award of backwages is computed on the basis of
a 30-day month. Requirements in the award of damages

Period covered by full backwages 1. Factual and legal bases for the award shall be
discussed by the LA in the text of the decision, not in
Full backwages shall be awarded to cover the period the dispositive portion; otherwise, the award of
from the date of illegal dismissal to the employee’s date of damages shall be deleted;
actual reinstatement. 2. There can be no moral damages without exemplary
If reinstatement is no longer feasible, then it is 3. There can be no moral and exemplary damages
computed from the time of illegal dismissal up to the finality without attorney’s fees.
of the decision.
Liability for moral and exemplary damages
NOTE: Before March 21, 1989, the award of backwages in
favor of the dismissed employee is limited to 3 years without Moral and exemplary damages are recoverable
deduction or qualification under the Mercury Drug Rule (Cut- ONLY when the dismissal of an employee was attended by
off period is March 21, 1989). bad faith or fraud, or constituted an act oppressive to labor, or
was done in a manner contrary to morals, good customs, or
Circumstances that bar award of full backwages public policy.

1. Dismissal for cause Art. 295. Regular and casual employment. – The provisions of
2. Death, physical or mental incapacity written agreement to the contrary notwithstanding and
3. Business reverse regardless of the oral agreement of the parties, an employment
4. Act of State shall be deemed to be regular where the employee has been
engaged to perform activities which are usually necessary or
5. Detention in prison
desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer, except
where the employment has been fixed for a specific project or
Circumstances that do not bar award of full backwages undertaking the completion or termination of which has been
determined at the time of the engagement of the employee or
1. Dismissal without cause where the work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature
2. Principle of strained relationship and the employment is for the duration of the season.
3. Reasonable delay
4. Unfavorable business condition An employment shall be deemed to be casual if it is not
covered by the preceding paragraph: Provided, That any
Separation Pay employee who has rendered at least one year of service, whether
such service is continuous or broken, shall be considered a
It is the amount that an employee receives at the time regular employee with respect to the activity in which he is
employed and his employment shall continue while such activity
of his severance from the service and is designed to provide
the employee with the wherewithal during the period that he is
looking for another employment.
Art. 296. Probationary employment. – Probationary employment
shall not exceed six (6) months from the date the employee
It is payable to an employee whose services are started working, unless it is covered by an apprenticeship
validly terminated for authorized causes. agreement stipulating a longer period. The services of an
employee who has been engaged on a probationary basis may be
It may be allowed as a measure of social justice in terminated for a just cause or when he fails to qualify as a
exceptional circumstances and as an equitable concession. regular employee in accordance with reasonable standards made
known by the employer to the employee at the time of his
engagement. An employee who is allowed to work after a
probationary period shall be considered a regular employee.
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Classification of employment status seasonably employee is merely considered on LOA

with pay.
It is not the yardstick for determining the existence of
an employment relationship because it merely distinguishes NOTE: He may acquire a regular status if he is
between kinds of employees. repeatedly engaged from season to season performing
the same tasks.
Types of employees
4. Casual – where an employee is engaged to work on
1. Regular – where the employee: an activity that is not usually necessary or desirable
a. Has been engaged to perform activities in the usual business or trade of the employer.
which are usually necessary or desirable in
the usual business or trade of the employer NOTE: Employment is casual when it is irregular,
(nature of work); or unpredictable, sporadic and brief in nature, and
b. Has rendered at least 1 year of service, outside the usual business of the employer.
whether such service is continuous or
broken with respect to the activity in which NOTE: Casual employees, who have rendered at
he is employed (years of service). least 1 year of service, are considered as regular
employees. This is to put an end on casual
NOTE: Repeated renewal of contracts, or hired employment in regular jobs and pursuant to right of
without an employment contract are indications of security of tenure.
regular employment.
5. Project – where the employees are employed in
2. Fixed-term or contractual – where an employee is connection with a particular construction project or
engaged to work on a specific project or undertaking phase thereof with predetermined date of completion.
(that is usually necessary or desirable in the usual The term of employment is co-terminus with the
business or trade of the employer), the completion of completion of the project.
which has been determined at the time of the
engagement of the employee. (ie. Seafarers) NOTE: An employment ceases to be co-terminus
with specific project when the employee is
DETERMINANT: The day certain agreed upon by continuously rehired due to the demands of
the parties for the commencement and termination of employer’s business and re-engaged for many
their employment relationship. projects without interruption; he is then considered a
regular employee.
Criteria for a valid fixed-term employment:
a. The fixed period of employment was NOTE: They are not entitled to separation pay if
knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon by they are terminated as a result of the completion of
the parties, without any force, or improper the project or any phase thereof in which they are
pressure being brought to bear upin the employed. What is required of the company is report
employee and absent any other to the nearest Public Employment Office for
circumstances vitiating his consent; or statistical purposes. Once the project is completed,
b. It satisfactorily appears that the employer the employer is not required to maintain them in the
and the employee dealt with each other on payroll.
a more or less equal terms with no moral
dominance whatever being exercised by the Termination of a project employee:
former upon the latter. a. If a construction project or any phase
thereof has a duration of more than 1 year
3. Seasonal – where an employee is engaged to work and project employee is allowed to be
during a particular season on an activity that is employed for at least 1 year, such
usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or employee may not be terminated until the
trade of the employer. completion of the project or any phase
thereof without previous written clearance
NOTE: Their employment legally ends upon the firm the SOLE; otherwise, he shall be
completion of the season. entitled to reinstatement with backwages.
b. Where the employment of project
NOTE: During off-season, the relationship of employees is extended long after the
employer and employee is not severed; the supposed project had been finished, the
employees are removed from the scope of
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project employees and they shall be v. If the employee has learned the job
considered as regular employees. and performed it to the satisfaction
of the employer, he becomes a
Termination of project employment or a phase regular employee.
thereof – completion of a phase of the project is the
completion of the project for an employee employed Continuation of the 6-month probationary period
in such phase; thus, they are not entitled to separation GR: The probationary period of employment is
pay and exempt from clearance requirement. limited to 6 months.
Project employees in the work pool – if they are free a. When the parties to an employment contract
to leave anytime and offer their services to other agree otherwise;
employers, then they are project employees. b. When the same is established by company
Project or work pool employee continuously rehired c. When the same is required by the nature of
by the same employer for the same tasks and work performed by the employee; or
necessary to the usual trade or business of the d. As provided by law.
employer – considered as regular employee.
Probationary periods
6. Non-project – where the employees are employed by a. Apprentice – not less than 3 months nor
a construction company without reference to any more than 6 months
particular project. b. Learner – not more than 3 months

Non-project employees in the work pool (employees NOTE: Upon the expiration of the training
for an indefinite period) – members of a work pool period, the apprentice or learner becomes a
from which a construction company draws its project regular employee and does not undergo
employees, if considered as employees of the anymore a probationary period in the company
construction company while in the work pool. that conducted the training program, but, in
another company, he can be placed under
Members of the work pool – not entitled to probationary employment period.
uninterrupted work; they merely maintain their
employment status notwithstanding completion of the NOTE:
project or phase of the work were they are assigned. i. Pre-termination of apprenticeship
agreement – not a regular employee
Types of non-project employees ii. Pre-termination of learnership
a. Probationary agreement – regular employee, provided
b. Regular he has already been trained for 3
c. Casual months.

7. Probationary – one who, for a given period is under c. Academic personnel – 3 consecutive years
observation and evaluation to determine whether or of satisfactory service
not he is fit or qualified for regular employment.
Double or successive probation – PROHIBITED, as
Characteristics of probationary employment it will circumvent regularization of employees.
a. Employment for a trial period;
b. Temporary employment status prior to Grounds for termination of probationary employees
regular employment; a. For a just cause; or
c. It arises through a contract with the b. When he fails to qualify as a regular
following elements employee in accordance with reasonable
i. The employee must learn and work standards made known by the employer to
at a particular type of work; the employee at the time of his
ii. Such work calls for certain engagement.
qualifications, skills, experience, or
iii. The probation is fixed;
iv. The employer reserves the power to
terminate the employment during
or at the end of the trial period; and
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Art. 297. Termination by employer. –An employer may terminate 4. Decision to dismiss – it should be in writing and
an employment for any of the following causes: should clearly state the reasons therefor.

(a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the 2-fold requirements for lawful dismissal
employee of the lawful orders of his employer or representative
in connection with his work; 1. Substantive – legality or illegality of the act of
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his 2. Procedural – legality or illegality of the manner of
duties; dismissal.

(c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust Types of dismissal
reposed in him by his employer or duly authorized
representative; 1. Valid
a. Dismissal for a just cause with due process
(d) Commission of a crime or offense by the employee b. Dismissal for authorized cause with due
against the person of his employer or any immediate member of process
his family or his duly authorized representatives; and
c. Dismissal for health reasons with due
(e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing. 2. Illegal
a. Dismissal without just or authorized cause
Doctrine of Incompatibility with due process
b. Dismissal without just or authorized cause
Where the employee has done something that is without due process
contrary or incompatible with the faithful performance of his 3. Employer liable for nominal damages only
duties, his employer has a just cause for terminating his a. Dismissal for just or authorized cause
employment. without due process
4. Reinstatement is warranted
Procedural requirements of dismissal for just causes a. Dismissal for a false or non-existent cause

1. Notice (2-notice rule) – the employer is required to Circumstances affecting validity of dismissal
furnish an employee who is to be dismissed with 2
written notices before such termination: 1. Gravity of the offense
a. Pre-notice – the notice to apprise the 2. Employment position
employee of the particular acts or omissions 3. Length of service
for which dismissal is sought and is 4. Totality of infractions
considered as the proper charge; 5. Nature of the business
b. Post-notice – the notice informing the 6. First-offense rule
employee of the employer’s decision to 7. Principle of equity
dismiss him which notice must come only 8. Principle of compassion and understanding
after the employee is given a reasonable 9. Principle of commensurate penalty or proportionality
period from receipt of the first notice within rule – the penalty imposed should be commensurate
which to answer the charge, and ample to the gravity of his offense.
opportunity to be heard and defend himself.
2. Answer and Hearing – the worker may answer the
allegations against him in the notice of dismissal I. Serious misconduct
within a reasonable period from receipt of the notice
of dismissal with the ample opportunity to be heard. Misconduct to warrant dismissal must be:
1. Improper, wrongful and serious, or must be of
3. Preventive Suspension – the employer may place the such a grave and aggravated character and not
employee under preventive suspension, during the merely trivial or unimportant; and
pendency of the investigation, if his continued 2. In connection with the employee’s work.
employment poses a serious and imminent threat to
life and property of the employer or of his co-
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II. Willful disobedience to lawful orders of the V. Commission of a crime against the person of the
employer or representative in connection with his employer, his representative, or any immediate
work member of his family

Requirements for will disobedience or insubordination: Commission of a crime by the employee – refers to an offense
1. The employee’s assailed conduct must have been against the person of his employer, his duly authorized
willful or intentional; and representative, or any immediate member of his family, and
2. The orders, regulations or instructions of the thus, the conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude is not
employer or representative must be: analogous thereto.
a. Reasonable and lawful;
b. Sufficiently known to the employee; VI. Analogous cases
c. In connection with the duties which the
employee has engaged to discharge. Examples:
1. Violation of company rules and regulations;
III. Gross and habitual neglect of duty 2. Theft of company property
3. Immorality, drunkenness or fighting inside company
Gross neglect – an absence of that diligence that an ordinarily premises;
prudent man would use in his own affairs. 4. Gross inefficiency.

Habitual neglect – repeated failure to perform one’s duties for Art. 298. Closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. –
a period of time, depending upon the circumstances. The employer may also terminate the employment of any
employee due to the installation of labor-saving devices,
IV. Fraud or willful breach of trust redundancy, retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing or
cessation of operation of the establishment or undertaking unless
the closing is for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of
Fraud – any act, omission, or concealment which involves a this Title, by serving a written notice on the workers and the
breach of legal duty, trust, or confidence justly reposed and is Ministry of Labor and Employment at least one (1) month before
injurious to another. the intended date thereof. In case of termination due to the
installation of labor-saving devices or redundancy, the worker
Requisites: affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay equivalent
1. Fraud must be committed against the employer or to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay
representative; and for every year of service, whichever is higher. In case of
2. In connection with the employee’s work. retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of closures or
cessation of operations of establishment or undertaking not due
to serious business losses or financial reverses, the separation pay
Position of trust and confidence – one where a person is shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2)
entrusted with confidence on delicate matters, or with the month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher. A
custody, handling, or care and protection of the employer’s fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered one (1)
property and/or funds. whole year.

Requisites for breach of trust: Just cause dismissal Authorized cause dismissal
1. Employee holds a position of trust and confidence; Initiated by the employee Initiated by the employer
2. There is breach of trust resulting to loss of GR: No separation pay GR: There must be
confidence; XPN: There must be separation pay.
3. Act complained of must be work-related to show that separation pay for causes XPN: Closure of business
the employee is unfit to continue for the employer. other than serious due to serious economic
misconduct. reverses or losses.
Guidelines for the doctrine of loss of confidence The penalty imposed to the The penalty imposed to the
1. Loss of confidence should not be simulated; employer for non-observance employer for non-observance
2. It should not be used as a subterfuge for causes which with due process is tempered. with due process is stiffer.
are improper, illegal or unjustified; Amount of damages: P30,000 Amount of damages: P50,000
3. Loss of confidence may not be arbitrarily asserted in
the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary; AUTHORZED CAUSES FOR DISMISSAL
4. It must be genuine, not a mere afterthought to justify
the earlier action taken in bad faith; and I. Introduction of labor-saving devices (Automation)
5. It must be substantial and not arbitrary, whimsical,
capricious or concocted. Automation – management prerogative of replacing manpower
with machine power in order to effect more economy and
greater efficiency in the method of production.
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General standards of retrenchment

Requirements: 1. Losses expected are substantial not merely de
1. Written notice to the employee and to the DOLE at minimis;
least 1 month before the intended date of termination; 2. The apprehended substantial losses are reasonable
2. Separation pay of at least 1 month pay for every year imminent can be perceived objectively and in good
of service; faith by the employer;
3. Good faith in the discharge of employees; and 3. Due to far-reaching nature of retrenchment, it is
4. Reasonable criteria to be used in implementing reasonably necessary to prevent expected losses; and
automation. 4. Expected or actual losses must be proved by
sufficient evidence.
II. Redundancy
IV. Closure or cessation of business
Redundancy – where the services of an employee are in excess 1. Partial closure
of what is reasonably demanded by the actual requirement of
the enterprise. Requirements:
1. Written notice to the employee and to the DOLE
Redundant position – it is superfluous, as a result of: at least 1 month before the intended date of
1. Over-hiring; termination;
2. Decreased volume of business; 2. Separation pay equivalent to at least ½ month
3. Dropping of a particular product line or service pay for every year of service.
activity. 3. Cessation of business is bona fide in character

Requirements: 2. Total closure due to serious economic reverses or

1. Written notice to the employee and to the DOLE at losses
least 1 month before the intended date of termination;
2. Separation pay equivalent to at least 1 month pay or Requirements:
at least 1 month for every year of service, whichever 1. Written notice to the employee and to the DOLE
is higher; at least 1 month before the intended date of
3. Good faith in abolishing the redundant positions; and termination;
4. Fair and reasonable criteria to be used in determining 2. Cessation of business is due to serious economic
what positions are to be declared redundant and reverses or losses.
accordingly abolished.
Art. 299. Disease as ground for termination. – An employer may
III. Retrenchment (Downsizing) terminate the services of an employee who has been found to be
suffering from any disease and whose continued employment is
prohibited by law or is prejudicial to his health as well as to the
Retrenchment – reduction of personnel usually due to poor
health of his co-employees: Provided, That he is paid separation
financial returns as to cut down on costs of operations in terms pay equivalent to at least one (1) month salary or to one-half (1/2)
of salaries and wages to prevent bankruptcy of the company. month salary for every year of service, whichever is greater, a
fraction of at least six (6) months being considered as one (1)
Requirements: whole year.
1. Written notice to the employee and to the DOLE at
least 1 month before the intended date of termination; Termination due to disease
2. Separation pay of ½ month pay for every year of
service; Where an employee suffers from a disease and his
3. Good faith in effecting retrenchment; continued employment is prohibited by law or prejudicial to
4. Proof of the alleged financial losses suffered by the his health or the health of his co-employees, the employer
company be produced; shall terminate his services, provided that:
5. To show that the employer first instituted cost
reduction measures in other areas of production 1. There is certification by a competent public authority;
before undertaking retrenchment as a last resort; and 2. The disease cannot be cured within a period of 6
6. Fair and reasonable criteria be used in carrying out months even with proper medical treatment.
the retrenchment program, such as:
a. Less-preferred status; But if it can be cured within 6 months, the employer may
b. Efficiency rating; just ask the employee to take LOA. Upon restoration of his
c. Seniority normal health, the employer shall immediately reinstate such
employee to his former position.
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Art. 300. Termination by employee. – (a) An employee may IV. Other causes analogous to the foregoing
terminate without just cause the employee-employer relationship
by serving a written notice on the employer at least one (1) month Examples:
in advance. The employer upon whom no such notice was served
1. Undue delay in the payment of employee’s
may hold the employee liable for damages.
salaries or wages;
2. Violation of employment terms and conditions;
(b) An employee may put an end to the relationship
3. Insanitary or unhygienic working conditions.
without serving any notice on the employer for any of the
following just causes:
1. Serious insult by the employer or his representative
on the honor and person of the employee;
Abandonment – deliberate and unjustified refusal of an
employee to resume his employment; just cause for
termination of employment.
2. Inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the
employee by the employer or his representative;
1. The failure to report for work or absence without
3. Commission of a crime or offense by the employer or
valid or justifiable reason; and
his representative against the person of the employee or any of
the immediate members of his family; and 2. A clear intention to sever employer-employee
4. Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing.
2 notices required in abandonment
1. Pre-notice (Notice of formal charge) – directing the
Termination of employment relationship by employee employee why he should not be declared as having
abandoned his job;
An employee may terminate without just cause, 2. Post-notice (Notice of dismissal) – to inform of the
employment relationship by serving notice upon the employer employer’s decision to dismiss him on the ground of
at least 1 month in advance; otherwise, it will make him liable abandonment.
for damages.
NOTE: Hearing is not required in abandonment for the
The notice requirement may be dispensed with if the reason that he deliberately intended not to report for work,
employment is terminated for a just cause. without any notice or approved LOA.
Resignation – voluntary act of an employee who finds himself
I. Serious insult by the employer or his in a situation where he believes that personal reasons cannot
representatives on the honor and person of the be sacrificed in favor of the exigency of the service, then he
employee has no other choice but to dissociate himself from his
Serious insult – implies malice, or denotes ill-will or an intent
to injure or to offend, to wound the feeling of another. Requirements:
1. Resignation must be in writing to be effective
II. Inhuman and unbearable treatment accorded the
employee by the employer or his representatives XPN: Can be made verbally as long as there is
absolute intention to relinquish a position.
Any conduct which will affect the mind and body or
where continuance of it involves the life or health of the 2. Must be accepted and approved by the employer.
employee will be considered a just cause for terminating
employment by the employee. NOTE: Withdrawal of resignation – requires the
consent of the employer, once it is accepted and
III. Commission of a crime or offense by the employer approved.
or his representatives against the person of the
employee or any immediate member of his family NOTE: A resigned employee who desires to take back his
former job has to reapply as has the status of a stranger who
cannot unilaterally demand an appointment.
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Faculty of Civil Law Dean Salvador A. Poquiz
A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 82

NOTE: An employee has an obligation to reimburse training hereby declared the compulsory retirement age, who has served
costs due to premature resignation. at least five (5) years in the said establishment, may retire and
shall be entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least one-half
Constructive Dismissal (Dismissal in Disguise) (1/2) month salary for every year of service, a fraction of at least
six (6) months being considered as one whole year.
Constructive Dismissal – where an employee quits or resigns Unless the parties provide for broader inclusions, the
because continued employment has become impossible, term ‘one-half (1/2) month salary’ shall mean fifteen (15) days
unreasonable or unlikely. plus one-twelfth (1/12) of the 13th month pay and the cash
equivalent of not more than five (5) days of service incentive
Filing of certificate of candidacy by an employee of a leaves.
An underground mining employee upon reaching the
It constitutes as a lawful cause for terminating age of fifty (50) years or more, but not beyond sixty (60) years
which is hereby declared the compulsory retirement age for
employment relationship.
underground mine workers, who has served at least five (5) years
as underground mine worker, may retire and shall be entitled to
Art. 301. When employment not deemed terminated. – The bona- all the retirement benefits provided for in this Article.
fide suspension of the operation of a business or undertaking for
a period not exceeding six (6) months, or the fulfillment by the Retail, service and agricultural establishments or
employee of a military or civic duty shall not terminate operations employing not more than ten (10) employees or
employment. In all such cases, the employer shall reinstate the workers are exempted from the coverage of this provision.
employee to his former position without loss of seniority rights if
he indicates his desire to resume his work not later than one (1) Violation of this provision is hereby declared unlawful
month from the resumption of operations of his employer or and subject to the penal provisions under Article 28892 of this
from his relief from the military or civic duty. Code.

Temporary suspension of operation Nothing in this Article shall deprive any employee of
benefits to which he may be entitled under existing laws or
1. The bona fide suspension of operation of a business company policies or practices.
for a period not exceeding 6 months does not
terminate employment relationship. Retirement
2. Where the suspension extends beyond the 6-monthe
period, employment relationship is deemed It is the result of a bilateral act of the parties, a
terminated. voluntary agreement between the employer and the employees
3. If the suspension is used as a subterfuge to defeat the whereby the latter, after reaching a certain age, agrees and/or
rights of the employees, employment relationship is consents to severe his employment with the former.
not terminated although it lasted beyond 6 months.
Retirement age
Military civic or duty
1. Optional – 60 years, if he has served for at least 5
It does not terminate employment relationship even years in the establishment (in the absence of a
such duty exceeds 6 months. retirement plan or other applicable agreement for
retirement benefits)
TITLE II 2. Compulsory – 65 years, if he has served for at least 5
RETIREMENT FROM THE SERVICE years in the establishment (in the absence of a
retirement plan or other applicable agreement for
Art. 302. Retirement. – Any employee may be retired upon retirement benefits)
reaching the retirement age established in the collective
bargaining agreement or other applicable employment contract.
NOTE: An underground mining employee
In case of retirement, the employee shall be entitled to
receive such retirement benefits as he may have earned under 1. Optional – 50 years
existing laws and any collective bargaining agreement and other 2. Compulsory – 60 years
agreements: Provided, however, That an employee’s retirement
benefits under any collective bargaining and other agreements Extension of service
shall not be less than those provided therein.
Upon retirement of an employee, whether optional or
In the absence of a retirement plan or agreement compulsory, his services may be continued or extended on
providing for retirement benefits of employees in the
establishment, an employee upon reaching the age of sixty (60)
years or more, but not beyond sixty-five (65) years which is 92
Renumbered as Art. 303.
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 83

case to case basis upon agreement of the employer and the years, or both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the
employee. court.

Retirement pay In addition to such penalty, any alien found guilty shall
be summarily deported upon completion of service of sentence.
In the absence of a retirement plan or other applicable Any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding,
agreement for retirement benefits, a retired employee shall be any criminal offense punished in this Code, shall be under the
entitled to retirement pay equivalent to at least: concurrent jurisdiction of the Municipal or City Courts and the
1. ½ month salary for every year of service – 15 Courts of First Instance.
2. 1/12 of the 13th month pay; Art. 304. Who are liable when committed by other than natural
3. The cash equivalent of not more than 5 days of person. – If the offense is committed by a corporation, trust, firm,
service incentive leaves; and partnership, association or any other entity, the penalty shall be
imposed upon the guilty officer or officers of such corporation,
4. Other benefits as agreed upon by the employer
trust, firm, partnership, association or entity.
and employee.
TOTAL: 22.5 days TITLE II
Art. 305. Offenses. – Offenses penalized under this Code and the
1. Employees of national government; rules and regulations issued pursuant thereto shall prescribe in
2. Employees of retail, service, and agricultural three (3) years.
establishment or operations regularly employing not
All unfair labor practice arising from Book V shall be
more than 10 employees
filed with the appropriate agency within one (1) year from
accrual of such unfair labor practice; otherwise, they shall be
Types of retirement plans forever barred.

1. Compulsory and contributory Art. 306. Money claims – All money claims arising from
2. By agreement between the employer and employee employer-employee relations accruing during the effectivity of
3. Voluntarily given by employer this Code shall be filed within three (3) years from the time the
cause of action accrued; otherwise they shall be forever barred.
Early retirement plan pursuant to CBA – valid and binding.
All money claims accruing prior to the effectivity of this
Code shall be filed with the appropriate entities established
NOTE: The company’s retirement plan which prohibits the under this Code within one (1) year from the date of effectivity,
award of retirement benefits to an employee dismissed for a and shall be processed or determined in accordance with the
just cause is a proscription the binds the parties to it, thus, implementing rules and regulations of the Code; otherwise, they
valid.93 shall be forever barred.

Gratuity pay Workmen’s compensation claims accruing prior to the

effectivity of this Code and during the period from November 1,
It is paid to the beneficiary for the past service or 1974 up to December 31, 1974, shall be filed with the appropriate
regional offices of the Department of Labor not later than March
favor rendered purely out of the generosity of the giver or
31, 1975; otherwise, they shall forever be barred. The claims shall
grantor. It is separate and distinct from retirement benefits. be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the law and
rules at the time their causes of action accrued.
PENAL PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES Purely money claims 3 years
Incremental proceeds out of 3 years
Art. 303. Penalties. –Except as otherwise provided in this Code, tuition fee hikes
or unless the acts complained of hinge on a question of ECC 3 years
interpretation or implementation of ambiguous provisions of an Union funds/fees 3 years
existing collective bargaining agreement, any violation of the Criminal cases
provisions of this Code declared to be unlawful or penal in nature
shall be punished with a fine of not less than One Thousand Pesos
GR 3 years
(P1,000.00) nor more than Ten Thousand Pesos (P10,000.00) or XPN:
imprisonment of not less than three months nor more than three 1. ULP 1 year
2. Simple illegal 5 years
SMC vs. Lao, 384 CSRA 504. recruitment
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3. Syndicated illegal 20 years them by Act No. 3428, as amended, otherwise known as the
recruitment Workmen’s Compensation Act until March 31, 1976. Likewise,
4. Large-scale illegal 20 years the term of office of incumbent members of the Workmen’s
Compensation Commission, including its Chairman and any
commissioner deemed retired as of December 31, 1975, as well as
Illegal dismissal 4 years the present employees and officials of the Bureau of Workmen’s
Reinstatement 4 years Compensation, Workmen’s Compensation Commission and the
Workmen’s Compensation Units shall continue up to that date.
NOTE: Unreasonably delays Laches Thereafter, said offices shall be considered abolished and all
employee’s claim for officials and personnel thereof shall be transferred to and
reinstatement mandatorily absorbed by the Department of Labor, subject to
Social Security Claims 10 years Presidential Decree No. 6, Letters of Instructions Nos. 14 and 14-
A and the Civil Service Law and rules.
Non-payment of premiums 20 years
(period to collect the same by Such amount as may be necessary to cover the
operational expenses of the Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation
the government)
and the Workmen’s Compensation Units, including the salaries
GSIS claims 4 years of incumbent personnel for the period up to March 31, 1976 shall
XPN: be appropriated from the unprogrammed funds of the
1. Retirement claim Imprescriptible Department of Labor.
2. Life insurance claim Imprescriptible
Art. 312. Continuation of insurance policies and indemnity
bonds. – All workmen’s compensation insurance policies and
Art. 307. Institution of money claims. – Money claims specified in indemnity bonds for self-insured employers existing upon the
the immediately preceding Article shall be filed before the effectivity of this Code shall remain in force and effect until the
appropriate entity independently of the criminal action that may expiration dates of such policies or the lapse of the period of such
be instituted in the proper courts. bonds, as the case may be, but in no case beyond December 31,
1974. Claims may be filed against the insurance carriers and/or
Pending the final determination of the merits of money self-insured employers for causes of action which accrued during
claims filed with the appropriate entity, no civil action arising the existence of said policies or authority to self-insure.
from the same cause of action shall be filed with any court. This
provision shall not apply to employees compensation case which Art. 313. Abolition of the Court of Industrial Relations and the
shall be processed and determined strictly in accordance with the National Labor Relations Commission. – The Court of Industrial
pertinent provisions of this Code. Relations and the National Labor Relations Commission
established under Presidential Decree No. 21 are hereby
TITLE III abolished. All unexpended funds, properties, equipment and
TRANSITORY AND FINAL PROVISIONS records of the Court of Industrial Relations, and such of its
personnel as may be necessary, are hereby transferred to the
Art. 308. Application of law enacted prior to this Code. – All Commission and to its regional branches. All unexpended funds,
actions or claims accruing prior to the effectivity of this Code properties and equipment of the National Labor Relations
shall be determined in accordance with the laws in force at the Commission established under Presidential Decree No. 21 are
time of their accrual. transferred to the Bureau of Labor Relations. Personnel not
absorbed by or transferred to the Commission shall enjoy
Art. 309. Secretary of Labor to initiate integration of maternity benefits granted under existing laws.
leave benefits. – Within six (6) months after this Code takes
effect, the Secretary of Labor shall initiate such measures as may
Art. 314. Disposition of pending cases. – All cases pending before
be necessary for the integration of maternity leave benefits into
the Court of Industrial Relations and the National Labor
the Social Security System, in the case of private employment,
Relations Commission established under Presidential Decree No.
and the Government Service Insurance System, in the case of
21 on the date of effectivity of this Code shall be transferred to
public employment.
and processed by the corresponding labor relations divisions or
the National Labor Relations Commission created under this
Art. 310. Funding of the Overseas Employment Development
Code having cognizance of the same in accordance with the
Board and the National Seamen’s Board referred to in Articles
procedure laid down herein and its implementing rules and
17 and 20, respectively, of this Code shall initially be funded out
regulations. Cases on labor relations on appeal with the Secretary
of the unprogrammed fund of the Department of Labor and the
of Labor or the Office of the President of the Philippines as of the
National Manpower and Youth Council.
date of effectivity of this Code shall remain under their respective
jurisdictions and shall be decided in accordance with the rules
Art. 311. Termination of the Workmen’s Compensation and regulations in force at the time of appeal.
Program. – The Bureau of Workmen’s Compensation,
Workmen’s Compensation Commission, and Workmen’s
All workmen’s compensation cases pending before the
Compensation Units in the regional offices of the Department of
Workmen’s Compensation Units in the regional offices of the
Labor shall continue to exercise the functions and the respective
Department of Labor and those pending before the Workmen’s
jurisdictions over workmen’s compensation cases vested upon
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A.Y. 2017 – 2018, 1st Semester (4A) | 85

Compensation Commission as of March 31, 1975, shall be

processed and adjudicated in accordance with the law, rules and
procedure existing prior to the effectivity of the Employees
Compensation and State Insurance Fund.

Art. 315. Personnel whose services are terminated. – Personnel of

agencies or any of their subordinate units whose services are
terminated as a result of the implementation of this Code shall
enjoy the rights and protection provided in Sections 5 and 6 of
Republic Act numbered fifty-four hundred and thirty five and
such other pertinent laws, rules and regulations. In any case, no
lay-off shall be effected until funds to cover the gratuity and/or
retirement benefits of those laid off are duly certified as

Art. 316. Separability provisions. – If any provision or part of

this Code, or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this code, or the
application of such provision or part to other persons or
circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.

Art. 317. Repealing clause. – All labor laws not adopted as part of
this Code either directly or by reference are hereby repealed. All
provisions of existing laws, orders, decrees, rules and regulations
inconsistent herewith are likewise repealed.

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