Tommy Igoe, Groove Essential #79 Very Fast Swing Chart PDF

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JAZZ Groove 79 Track 46

Very Fast Swing

Variation A Variation B


In the original Groove Essentials w e topped out at 230 bpm for our “ fast ” jazz tunes. H ere, w e’re at—are you sitting
dow n?—350 bpm. Yes, that’s right: 350 bpm. And if you try to play it like Groove 22 from the original G E , you’ll ne ed CPR.
Groove subtraction again rules the day. Faster te mpos ne ed judicious editing to make the m s wing. So here w e’re just
laying out the basics: the quarter notes on the ride. Listen to great players play really fast te mpos and they “ dance” on
the ride. Variations A and B are both examples of basic ride “ dancing.” There are about a thousand others limited only by
your imagination. You have to experim ent with this scary te mpo to get it into your hands and mind. Also notice how the
chart starts in a m edium 4/4 and then jumps to double tim e after the first chorus. The fun never ends…


Get a FREE Limited Edition Groove Essentials Poster
in GE 1.0 and 2.0 DVD packs courtesy of Vic Firth!

Recommended for drummers of all ages and abilities, Tommy Igoe’s Groove
Essentials features a total of 100 fun, challenging and practical grooves in a
variety of time signatures, tempos and styles. Groove Essentials 1.0 and 2.0
components include DVDs and Play-Along books plus CDs.
Hudson Music Complete combines DVDs,
books and CDs with free online content to create Available at leading drumshops and music
an advanced, integrated, multi-media music education stores everywhere. Download free excerpts
system. Go online at to learn more. and exercises at www.hudsonmusic,com.
Distributed by the Hal Leonard Corp.

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