Can Gget
Can Gget
Can Gget
It’s said that before 1942 or before the arrival of Japan to Indonesia, Tari
Cangget always displayed at any ceremonies associated with cultural ceremony,
such as: when the people build houses, harvest, and dropping off people who
are going to the pilgrimage. At that time people would come together, both old
and young, men and women with no purpose other than to attend the ceremony,
in order to know each other. Tari Cangget was played by young men and
women in a village or town, and not by special dancers who did cultivate the art
of dance.
Cangget Pilangan, is a dance played by young men and women when they
realase one of family members who will get married and go outside of the
village, follow the wife or husband.
Cangget Agung is a dance performed by young men and women when there is a
ceremony of Cacak Pepadun (the lifting of the cultural head). If the cultural
head has a girl, then the girl will participate in Tari Cangget. After that, she
would be awarded by the title of “Inten”, ”Pujian”, ”Indoman” or ”Dalom
Although Tari Cangget consists of some sort, but the dance movements
bassically have the similiarities, namely: (1) worship motion (as the disclosure
of respect); (2) knui motion (as a symbol of grandeur); (3) Igel motion (as a
symbol of power); (4) ngetir motion (as a symbol of firmness and purity; (5)
felling motion (as a symbol of tenderness); (6) pincak motion (as symbol of
preparation to face the danger); and (7) knui tabang motion (as a symbol of
Tari Cangget as a typical dance from Lampung Pepadun , if it’s observed, not
only contains the value of aesthetics (beauty), as reflected by the movements of
the dancers. However, it also contains the value of harmony and gratitude.
The value of harmony is reflected in the dance which functions to gather from
the old, the young, men and women. By gathering and become acquainted
among residents in a village, it will be established friendship between the
members and ultimately will create a harmony in the village. While the value of
gratitude is also reflected in the purpose of the dance, which is as one element in
the aplication of a traditional ceremony as a manifestation of gratitude to the